Autumn skin care. What effect does contour plastic have? Autumn face masks

After summer season facial skin especially needs support. Consequences of sunburn and solar ultraviolet, cold autumn winds, abrupt change temperature - all this leaves traces on the face in the form of hyperpigmentation, redness, dryness, irritation and other troubles. In the publication, we’ll talk about what facial care should be like in the fall, what procedures to give increased attention how to protect the skin from the effects of adverse weather factors.

Facial care in autumn

The facial care program always includes 4 main points:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Cosmetics will saturate the skin with moisture from the outside. However, for proper hydration, it is necessary to replenish the internal reserves of moisture in the body. Drink 1.5-2 liters daily clean water. Tea, coffee and juices are not included, but herbal teas can be included in the daily dose.

Important component autumn careproper nutrition. The body especially needs vitamins A, C, E, B. You should eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as make nourishing face masks. .png" alt="Nourishing the skin in autumn" width="450" height="196" data-srcset=" 768w, 936w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Sometimes, during the cold autumn winds, the face begins to. To avoid this problem, you need to consider the following care tips:

  • use only soft, gentle products for washing;
  • after washing, wipe your face with an alcohol-free tonic (purchased or;
  • once a week, apply a scrub to the skin, first.

In the autumn, it is advisable to use cosmetics on oily base. This is especially true for lipstick, foundation and powder. It is advisable to give up permanent lipstick and give preference to lip balm. .png" alt="Lip care in autumn" width="450" height="236" data-srcset=" 768w, 1041w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Adequate sleep is the main factor for the health of the body. In autumn, you need to sleep at least 8 hours.

For more information about the features of autumn facial skin care, see the video:

Oily, dry and normal skin care in autumn

Each skin type requires specific care. And although the basic skin care program remains the same, products and masks should be used based on the type of your skin.

The most thorough care in the autumn period requires dry type skin. You can only wash with cool water. In the morning, you should use the gel for washing, and then apply a greasy cream. A good tonic for this type of skin is a decoction of chamomile or mint leaves. Cosmetologists advise once a week to do nourishing mask for dry face. It contains citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and fat cream. The mask is applied for 40 minutes.

At normal type face skin is enough to wash in the morning and in the evening warm water and apply a non-greasy nourishing cream. For washing, you can use a decoction of chamomile. Once every 2 weeks, you should apply a mask, which includes cabbage, apple, pear, grapes. The ingredients must be crushed to a gruel and mixed with cream (you can replace natural yogurt or heavy sour cream). Keep it on your face for 40 minutes and wash off. .png" alt="Mask for normal skin in autumn" width="450" height="316" data-srcset=" 768w, 774w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

look after bold skin should be using special antibacterial agents. Wash your face only cold water and use moisturizers. For oily skin in the autumn, cosmetologists recommend making a mask based on a nourishing cream once a week. Drop 10 drops of alcohol tincture of mint into it and add grated cucumber. Keep the mixture on your face for 40 minutes.

In addition, in the fall it is advisable to remove cosmetics not with the help of cosmetics, and use oils: olive, almond or. After a couple of weeks of this application, peeling, redness of the skin will go away, strengthening the eyelashes will be a pleasant bonus.

Anti-aging care in autumn

Care aging skin slightly different from standard procedures. After 40 years, regardless of the season, wrinkles, peeling and dryness begin to appear on the face. And with the advent of cold weather, the epidermis begins to shrink especially noticeably.

The program for autumn face care after 40 years includes:

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing. In the morning and in the evening it is necessary to wash with boiled warm water or herbal decoctions.
  2. Contrasting compresses . Once a week, to strengthen the tissues, chamomile or calendula compresses should be applied to the face.
  3. Self-massage with fat cream. Every morning and evening for 5 minutes, you need to drive a nourishing cream into the skin of your face with your fingertips.
  4. Must do once a week peeling and nourishing mask.
  5. If possible, carry out hardware cosmetology course.

Nourishing anti-wrinkle cream can be done at home too. To do this, take 4 ml of apple juice, 1 lemon, 2 egg yolks, 10 ml witch hazel and apricot oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth. The cream can be used in the morning and evening. .png" alt="Homemade fall cream" width="450" height="289" data-srcset=" 768w, 846w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Of the purchased cosmetics in the fall, it is worth paying Special attention on anti-age products, age-related ones will be especially useful in autumn care.

Skin protection in autumn

If autumn has just begun, and there are still enough sunny days, use a special sunscreen cosmetics. The level of protection of your cream should be at least SPF 10-15.

When autumn begins to bring discomfort to the skin with severe frosts and prickly winds, make a choice in favor of protective and nourishing creams . Remember that the cream should not be moisturizing, only nourishing, preferably oily. It is necessary to apply the product no later than 30 minutes before going outside so that the cream is completely absorbed and can provide the skin with reliable protection..png" alt="Skin protection in autumn" width="450" height="335" data-srcset=" 768w, 901w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}


We tried to reveal the features of home skin care in the autumn. In addition to the above procedures for the skin, do not forget to carry out healthy lifestyle life: give up bad habits, adjust your sleep patterns, balance your diet and include sports and outdoor activities in your daily routine. And you will be beautiful at any time of the year!

With the onset of autumn, not only dampness and cold come, but also new challenges for the skin. Natural factors have a negative impact on her condition. That is why skin care in autumn is fundamentally different from summer.

Major skin problems

The main type of problem during the cold period is dryness, which can lead to flaking of the skin. This is facilitated by temperature changes, frost and heating in the premises, which dries out the air. To get rid of this problem, experts recommend periodically nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The choice of special cosmetics is rich in its diversity, ranging from water (oil) solutions to creams containing vitamins.

Also, many face the problem of oily skin. The main provocateur is the wrong cleansing. With frequent use of cosmetics, secretion increases sebaceous glands. This is what leads to oily sheen. Care oily skin and in the fall should be careful not to aggravate her condition.

Why do you need care in the autumn and winter?

In the cool period, it's time to start restoring the skin, since in summer the skin was dried out by salt water and sunlight, and this, in turn, contributed to the removal of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Due to loss nutrients and important vitamins, there is a decrease in elasticity, the skin becomes pale, loses its freshness.

With the advent of cold weather, the skin becomes more sensitive to negative factors, which can cause dryness and irritation. Features of skin care in the fall are nutrition, hydration and increased blood circulation.

Cleansing and toning

The amount of sebum that is released in the heat is significantly reduced in cool weather. That is why skin care in autumn and winter does not imply such a thorough cleansing as in summer. It is necessary to review and choose the right peeling products. Beauticians recommend during this period to use soft scrubs on oil based. They contribute to the removal of dead cells without causing damage. But for sensitive skin liquid cosmetics are used in the form of foam or mousse.

An important role is played by skin toning. This tonic does a great job. It removes not only the remnants of cosmetics, fat and impurities, but also narrows the pores, helps to enrich the skin with useful components.

It is important to remember: in order not to overdry the skin in the autumn period, it is necessary to avoid products containing alcohol or glycerin.

Nutrition and hydration of the skin

Nutrition and hydration are also included in skin care in the fall. What cream is suitable for this? Let's consider in more detail.

To restore the structure and restore freshness to the skin, it is necessary to enrich it with vitamins (A, C and E). For this, creams are suitable, in which they are included. It is important to remember that the structure should be denser than that of summer creams.

Also perfect solution for care - this is a serum. It not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also nourishes, and much deeper than a cream.

Don't forget about cosmetic masks with fruits or vitamins. It is recommended to do them three times a week before going to bed.

Protection of the epidermis

Consider a few simple tips on how to protect the epidermis in the cool season. First of all, on cold days it is necessary to protect the skin from dehydration. Creams and serums will help with this (description in this article).

Important to know: Frequent use oily creams can lead to clogged pores. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe the face with decoctions of herbs.

  1. Skin care in the fall includes the rule of a sufficient amount of fluid in the body. When the heat subsides, water consumption decreases, and this negatively affects the skin. You can replenish the fluid supply with warm herbal teas.
  2. During the heated period, if possible, you need to get rid of dry air in the room. Helps regular airing and wet cleaning.
  3. In windy weather, 15 minutes before going outside, apply protective cream. This method will help protect the skin from chapping, and in the future from peeling.

Proper skin care

In order for the skin to always look great, you need to remember only four simple advice from beauticians.

  1. Being in a heated room all day, you must have thermal water. To moisturize the skin, it is sprinkled a little on the face and hands. This water for makeup does not cause any harm.
  2. A cream is applied half an hour before going outside. For better protection it should not be completely absorbed into the skin.
  3. In the cool period, it is best to use not powder, but Foundation. For dry skin - with moisturizing ingredients, for oily - nourishing.
  4. After washing before going to bed, apply a nourishing night cream containing vitamins.

The skin of the hands is the most tested. Not only natural factors, but also various detergents that are used daily. To protect your hands, consider some tips from experts.

  1. Hand skin care in the fall primarily includes cleansers (soaps, lotions, gels). It is recommended to clean regularly, but with one condition, the products must contain organic components.
  2. In cold weather, it is not recommended to go outside with wet hands.
  3. You can protect your hands from chapping in a simple way- Always wear gloves.
  4. Detergents must be chosen gentle, and when using them, wear protective clothing (rubber gloves).
  5. Use nourishing creams with vitamin content.

Salon procedures

Nowadays there are a lot of salon procedures. For skin care in the fall, two main ones are distinguished, such as peeling and masks.

Peeling is deep cleaning skin. Even a light procedure cleanses the skin better than scrubs that are used at home. Thanks to the manipulations, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, and the skin is renewed.

Types of peeling:

  • deep and median;
  • mechanical, made with rotating brushes of different diameters;
  • diamond, is a cleaning with diamond grit;
  • acidic, burning the top layer of the skin with fruit acids;
  • physical, this procedure uses a laser;
  • chemical, cleaning is carried out with special acids or phenolic solutions.

Masks in beauty centers are enriched essential vitamins and amino acids. Modern salon procedures are rich in a variety of masks for skin restoration.

Let's look at some types.

  • Wax based (paraffin).
  • Vegetable.
  • Plasticizing, designed to model the contour of the face. The composition includes gels and special powders. Alginate, based on seaweed.
  • Biomatrix (gel). Represents solid canvas, for the procedure cut off a piece of the desired size.

Skin care in autumn: home treatments

  1. Washing. It is not recommended to perform this procedure in hot water temperature should be around 30 degrees.
  2. Cleansing. It is necessary to select special products according to the type of skin.
  3. Nutrition and hydration. Mandatory use of day and night cream.
  4. Masks (restoring, soothing and moisturizing). The procedure must be done twice a week.
  5. When caring for the face, you need to remember about the neck and décolleté, which also need care.

Recipes for masks at home

We consider in our article skin care in the fall and which cream to choose is better. Many are interested in how to properly take care of the epidermis at home? If you carefully approach the choice of means, you can achieve good result. Let's take a closer look effective recipes homemade masks to help your skin look great.

1) Soothing masks

  • Based on parsley. It is necessary to mix chopped parsley and low-fat cream (one tablespoon each). Apply evenly on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. This tool Helps relieve fatigue and minimize flaking.
  • Cucumber based. For cooking you will need: chopped fresh cucumber, two sts. and milk, literally two drops apple cider vinegar, optional ice. Mix everything thoroughly and apply for 10 minutes.

2) Moisturizing

  • Banana based. Add 4 tbsp to chopped banana. l. low-fat kefir and a teaspoon of vitamin E. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Oat flakes. Grind a teaspoon of cereal and add two tbsp. l. warm milk. When the mixture is swollen, carefully pour in 0.5 tbsp. l. castor oil. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Based carrot juice. 3 art. l. freshly squeezed juice is mixed with two yolks and 2 tbsp. l. low fat sour cream. Apply for 10 min.

3) Tonic

  • White clay. Mixed with honey and lemon juice (one tbsp each). Apply to the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Lemon peel. Mix in equal proportions with sour cream, carefully pour in the yolk. Before applying, slightly steam the skin of the face. The mask is kept for about 20 minutes.
  • Coffee. Mix one tbsp. l. finely ground coffee with olive oil and lemon balm (0.5 tbsp each). Apply for 3 minutes, remove such a scrub with warm tincture of calendula.
  • Soda. For 2 st. l. baking soda take one st. l. lemon zest. Steam the skin and apply in a circular motion for 5 min.
  • Honey. For 2 st. l. liquid honey take one tbsp. l. St. John's wort oil. It is necessary to do this manipulation before going to bed. Apply in a circular motion on the skin and incubate for 5 minutes. Cream is applied after the procedure.

5) Hand masks

  • Based on boiled potatoes. Helps relieve flaking and redness. Grind until smooth and mix with warm milk. The resulting product is applied for 20 minutes.
  • Draw a grid with iodine three times a week. Wash off after half an hour and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Olive oil. The easiest way, just lubricate your hands.

These simple tips every woman should know specialists. They will help you understand the stages of home care.

  1. Mandatory make-up removal.
  2. It is better to choose care products according to skin type and age.
  3. Creams must be applied massage lines(from the center of the face to the hairline).
  4. The face towel should be separate and clean.
  5. Serums based on hyaluronic acid are suitable for all skin types.
  6. It is not recommended to go out into the cold after masks or cleansing with scrubs, so it is better to do such procedures before going to bed.
  7. In cool weather, do not use creams containing glycerin.
  8. You can moisturize the skin after the street with cosmetic oils.

If you allocate a little time every day to care for the epidermis, then the result will not be long in coming. Always fresh and radiant skin will be the best reward.

Autumn is my thing favorite time of the year. Bright rustling leaves, cool Fresh air, warm blankets, pumpkin muffins and coffee. ❤ And also autumn - beautiful time for intensive care and many cosmetic procedures and products that are not suitable for us in other seasons for one reason or another.

How to care for your face in the fall, what you need to have in your cosmetic bag, and what procedures to sign up for with a beautician, read in this post.

The basic steps of care - cleansing ⇒ toning ⇒ cream - do not change. But autumn face care has important features.

Stage 1. cleansing

For make-up removal in autumn, gentle velvety milk or cream is best. For example, Cleansing milk for sensitive skin.

Certainly, washing should always be as soft as possible. Soap and sulfate free. At the same time, autumn is a great time to change delicate summer foams for more intensive care with therapeutic components. For example - gels for washing with acids.

Stage 2. Toning

If you have normal skin, and you love , keep using them.

If you want to correct something (first of all it concerns problematic skin) - replace tonics with healing lotions. For example - with acids, they are best used in the fall.

Stage 3. Face cream in autumn

How to choose a face cream for autumn?

Thick protective cream is too early to use, set it aside until winter frosts. But from summer light cream-gels and fluids, it's time to move on to more saturated textures.

Don't forget the SPF. autumn sun protection no less (if not more!) important than in summer. Often in the fall we “relax” and put SPF creams aside. Is it dangerous. The sun's rays penetrate through the clouds on a cloudy November day, and through the glass. At the same time, due to active autumn care (peels, acids), the skin can become thinner and more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Autumn cream necessarily contains:

  • lipids (oils, ceramides) - support the epidermal barrier;
  • competent moisturizing ingredients - prevent dehydration from temperature changes, turning on heating, wind and intensive cosmetic procedures (for example, care with acids, retinol or peels);
  • Antioxidants are always needed, and in autumn - especially - to restore the skin after excessive exposure to the sun in the summer months.

If you separate creams into day and night, remember the "golden rule".

    When the temperature outside is above +7 degrees, we apply a moisturizer in the morning, and a nourishing cream in the evening.

    When the temperature outside is below +7 - on the contrary - food in the morning, moisturizing in the evening.

Autumn is time active components and intensive treatments. The favorites of autumn face care, of course, are chemical peels, cosmetics with acids and retinol.

acids and retinol

If you've always wanted to try acid or retinol skincare, fall is the perfect time to make it happen. ☺ The sun is no longer so active, the risk of irritation and pigmentation is minimal. And the weather is still comfortable for the skin - not as frosty and windy as in winter.

Start with mild acids, less active retinol derivatives and minimal concentrations. Use a mask, lotion or cream several times a week (depending on the product), gradually increasing the frequency until you find the optimal application scheme.

The main thing - do not rush, add new products gradually and carefully monitor the reaction of the skin. If you feel increased sensitivity, redness, irritation or dryness, take a break for a few days (times).

Important! Be sure to use SPF-protection from 30 when using cosmetics with acids and retinol.

Chemical peels

Nourishing and moisturizing serums

Must-have autumn skin care - nourishing and moisturizing serum. But not on your own. Apply them under a cream or, for example,.

Serums in autumn are comfortable to combine with cream even with oily skin. The main thing is to choose the right products.

In autumn, the skin suffers from temperature changes, heating, wind, cold. It dries, winds, cracks, redness and peeling appear.

The fight against pigmentation

In September, the sun is still quite active. Therefore, it is impossible to start seriously fighting age spots in early autumn. This will only exacerbate the problem. It is best to take active measures against pigmentation in late autumn (from November) and continue in winter.

Complement your autumn face care with cosmetics with acids. Especially - milk and lemon. They gently exfoliate and brighten well.

Use serums, creams and masks with vitamin C, arbutin, kojic acid. They brighten up effectively. dark spots and even out complexion.

It is better to develop a “serious” program to combat age spots with a competent dermatologist-cosmetologist. And be sure to find out the reasons.

And don't forget that sunscreen with high SPF (from 50) - your absolute must-have all year round.


Replace in autumn light powder for a good moisturizer.

Foundation in the fall is not only an even tone and correction of imperfections, but also additional protection for the skin. If you don’t like “layering”, try a 2 in 1 product. Such products work simultaneously as a day cream - they nourish and protect, and as a tonal cream - they mask imperfections and give radiance to the skin.


    The basic elements of care do not change. It is always - cleansing, toning, cream.

    For make-up remover, choose milk, for washing sulfate-free gels and foams, change the cream to a more saturated one with lipids, competent “moisturizers” and antioxidants.

    Autumn is the time of intensive care, when you can add many therapeutic components, products and procedures - lotions, acids, retinol, peels.

    End of autumn (since November) - best time fight pigmentation.

    Must-have autumn skin care - nourishing and moisturizing serum, especially with lipids in the composition.

How do you take care of your skin in autumn? Share in the comments.

Stay with us and be beautiful despite the season.

See you on the air of LaraBarBlog. ♫

Depending on the season, in order to be indescribably attractive and surprisingly healthy, you need to change not only outfits, but also hair and skin care products, adjust the basic set decorative cosmetics, add to the plans one or another, more relevant beauty procedures. .

The fun summer holidays are over. You returned home refreshed and full of energy. The trees are pleasing to the eye with a golden crimson - autumn is coming. But what is it? From the look of the skin in the mirror, a panicked feeling arises ... The skin of the face would have become dry, flaky in an instant, pigment spots or redness did not leave her attention. How so? After all, in the summer you ate exclusively vitamin food, sunbathed and swam in salt water. It's good for the body, you say. For the body, it may be useful, but not so much for the skin. So all the forgetfulness towards her in summer days will manifest itself, if not immediately, then certainly in the first weeks of the golden season. Even was in compliance with the basic rules for protection, cleansing and moisturizing, then autumn with its winds, fluctuations in humidity and a sharp reduction in sunny days that feed us with vitamin D can quickly bring an unpleasant surprise.

Wind, sun and salt water do not have a positive effect on the skin. Their impact can be reduced, but if in the summer it is quite enough to simply apply a light moisturizer, and use an herbal tonic for cleansing, then in the fall you should very carefully approach the issue of facial skin care. Important comment from NameWoman:saying goodbye to warm days, do not immediately refuse protective cosmetics with spf filters. Level 10-15 in day cream for the face - a highly desirable criterion , since the negative effect on the skin of ultraviolet radiation occurs in autumn, and in spring, and in winter.

A sharp change in temperature in autumn, the wind dehydrates the skin that is not ready for such conditions. After all, she is used to replenishing the vitamin and amino acid balance in the summer, thanks to the active intake of vitamins in the body. And since mid-autumn, this cannot be done so simply. The influence of heating is also added, which dries up the air in the rooms, and, accordingly, the skin again receives less moisture, and for it this is now even more noticeable than on hot summer days ..

Fall Skin Care: Keeping the Focus on Moisturizing

The main rule of autumn skin care is moisturizing and regeneration. Light cream It's time to change the texture to a more nutritious one. Let's not forget about night cream, it perfectly restores the hydro-lipid film, namely, it is responsible for protecting the skin during low temperatures. Night creams are designed to nourish the deep layers of the epidermis to compensate for the loss of moisture.

With three tasks at once (cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing), when caring for the skin of the face in the fall, a slightly warmed vegetable oil, which is applied to cotton pad. The oil helps reduce flaking. To enhance the effect of the Name Woman recommends 10-minute oil masks with the addition of oil grape seeds. Rinse off with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water, and last step we use a weak infusion of linden flowers - it refreshes, tones and soothes the skin.

It is also very useful to carry out scrubbing and various gommages, among other things, in skin care in the fall, these procedures will help to avoid gray color face when sunburn fades and fades. Preferred time for deep cleansing and use - this is the evening, or an hour before leaving the house. Otherwise updated soft skin will receive enormous stress from contact with the cold autumn air and suffer even more.

Salon procedures for facial skin in the autumn

All cosmetologists unanimously advise giving preference to hardware care for the skin of the face in the autumn. Phonophoresis, iontophoresis, microcurrent therapy and ultrasonic cleaning face - all these procedures will help the skin recover and prepare it for the upcoming cold weather.

You can also renew skin areas with dead cells in a beauty salon with the help of gentle peeling. Beautician special massage restores vitality to the skin of the face. And if you also make a mask from a series of professional cosmetics that has the effect of a sauna, then after removing toxins and saturating it with useful microelements, the skin will definitely appear fresh and rejuvenated in the mirror.

An autumn visit to a beautician can be extremely useful even as a consultation. Choose a beauty salon with a good reputation, a beautician with extensive experience and a lot of positive feedback. The specialist will help assess the condition of your skin and give recommendations on both salon procedures and the use of folk beauty products. It is also important that good salons beauty products work only with proven and highly effective professional cosmetics. Beautician can introduce you to different series special means, offer samplers for the test, after which you can buy professional cosmetics that are ideal for your skin.

Wealth of nature: homemade skin care in autumn

The gifts of nature and homemade beauty secrets are useful at any time of the year. Vegetable and berry,

It's no secret that even short stay in the sun stimulates the production of those hormones of happiness - endorphins, which we lack so much in Everyday life. Summer, pleasant weather in the vast majority of people contributes to the formation of exclusively positive emotions. And if you manage to get out of the surrounding life and spend a few days on the sea or at least on the banks of the river, then you can stock up on optimism for the rest of the year.

But we should not forget that prolonged bathing, especially in salt water, dry air and the inevitable exposure to ultraviolet summer radiation is a stress for any skin, especially sensitive, requiring prompt measures to restore it. Also, one should not forget that any tan, in fact, is a burn, and its degree depends on your diligence in an effort to acquire a long-awaited bronze tan in a few days.

Features of skin care in autumn

How to competently and effectively care for the skin at a time when the summer sun was replaced by autumn clouds, and most importantly - what skin care products should be used in the fall, what experts advise. Let's try to break everything in order.

First of all, you should start with cleansing of excess, upper particles of the skin, for example, by means of peeling. Depending on age and wealth, you should choose your procedures. So, for example, if it is enough for a young girl to use cream peeling at home, then it is preferable for older ladies to resort to the services of salons - to chemical peeling. After all, the most the best food skin will be only after its preparation. At home, coffee, tea, sugar and other gentle peels are suitable.

This is followed by nourishing the skin with useful microelements.

At the beginning of the heating season, when the indoor air becomes very dry, we focus on moisturizing the skin. seasonal clothes, all or almost all summer skin care products, such as sunscreens and lotions, tonics, especially on alcohol based going on a long vacation. And the soloist place, especially when the temperature drops on the thermometer, is occupied by more saturated, nourishing creams. And auspicious time application of funds also changes, it is best to nourish and moisturize in the evening in order to increase the time for absorption useful substances. Pay particular attention, as always, to different types skin fit their own products, and the use of universal cosmetic products can lead to unexpected and sometimes undesirable results. It will be easier to restore damaged skin if you select cosmetics containing D-panthenol, argan oil, Shea butter, jojoba oil.

In the daytime, if possible, it is desirable to apply moisturizing masks.

Here is the time to remember grandmother's recipes and on generous autumn days to take advantage of the fruits bestowed on us by mother nature herself. Indeed, in vegetables and fruits in the summer-autumn period, the highest content of vitamins and microelements, so necessary for our skin. And infusions from freshly picked herbs will be much more useful than from herbs that have lain for several months. In addition, they will help save your budget, pretty shabby summer vacation.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that the above tips should be applied not only to the skin of the face and hands, but to everything. skin. Autumn time associated with the withering of nature and its preparation for a long winter hibernation, but in the case of skin care, this is the time active recovery, moisturizing toning and nutrition. It's time to prepare for the cold and frost.

After all, a woman, unlike nature, should always remain sunny and blooming, should please with freshness and beauty, right?