The best, according to women, night creams for oily skin. Night face cream

The basic rules for choosing a night face cream, why you need it, how it should work and what to expect in the end. About the ingredients, as well as harmful substances in cosmetics.

At first, it may seem that choosing the right night cream is a simple task, what a choice, wow! However, when you start looking and more than once stumble upon remedies that not only do not improve, but also aggravate the condition of the skin, you understand what happiness it is to find your remedy and enjoy looking in the mirror every morning.

It happens that we choose the wrong face cream, whether it be night or day. Nevertheless, we must admit that in addition to this, there are not very effective and even low-quality cosmetics, so it is advisable to carefully study each product that we are going to use.

Basic rules for choosing a night cream for the face

Before choosing any face care product, it is important to know your skin type and what you want to get in the end.

Before getting into the details, there are a few factors to consider at all times:

  • Night cream should restore and accelerate skin regeneration;
  • A quality cream will not contain perfume or other deodorizing substances. The emphasis should be on its action, not on sensations. Manufacturers who really care about the effectiveness of their cosmetics do not add fragrance to them;
  • Nourish and moisturize the skin. Nourishing creams are the ones that contain vitamins and natural oils. If there is a right time to apply them, then it is definitely at night. Firstly, they have time to act, and secondly, a slight sheen of the skin is not terrible during sleep;
  • Contain ingredients that help restore and regenerate the epidermis, such as, for example, adenosine, ceramides, enzymes, peptides, vitamins A and E, retinol and others. Why it makes no sense to invest in a cream with collagen, read the material Face cream with collagen;

  • Packaging must be appropriate. If the cream contains unstable ingredients, such as vitamin C, for example, then the best packaging is a tube with a dispenser. In this sense, many companies commit sins - they mispackage beautifully formulated products that, after the first opening, very soon lose their effectiveness.

What is the difference between a night cream and a day cream?

Unlike day creams, night creams tend to be heavier in texture, absorb less quickly, and can leave a sheen, as they tend to have natural oils added to them. But this is by no means the rule. A night cream can also be light in texture and absorb quickly, especially if it's meant for oily skin.

The main difference between night and day cream should still be in the composition. In a night cream, the manufacturer is not afraid to add active ingredients that are unstable when exposed to sunlight, for example.

A renewing cream with a small amount of acids or retinol should definitely be used at night, as both of these ingredients increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. During the period of using such creams, you need to take care of reliable protection from the sun during the day, otherwise you can get a skin response in the form of age spots.

The second difference is the absence of UV filters. Modern cosmetic companies rarely forget that in the daytime, the epidermis needs protection from harmful UV rays, so, as a rule, a small protection factor is present in every day face cream, which cannot be said about night care products.

Choosing a night cream according to skin type

  • Normal skin and dry skin

If your skin is normal, acne does not bother you, and in winter it needs additional care, then you have a much wider choice. In summer, at night, choose a lighter cream, maybe even a regenerating serum. For you, the main thing is to keep the balance of the skin of the face, so look for creams with vitamins and antioxidants, plant and fruit extracts. In winter, a night cream containing light oils (grape, rosehip, peach) will come in handy.

  • Dry face

Natural oils are most often used to care for dry skin, however, if you want to improve its condition, and not just maintain it in the same form, you need to think about exfoliation. Creams, serums and lotions containing a small amount of lactic or glycolic acid will help the epidermis to renew and regenerate faster.

  • Night cream for oily and problematic skin

Oily skin owners should be careful with creams containing oils, as they clog pores very easily. Fortunately, oil-free night creams can be found. Proper night care for oily skin will include a cream containing hyaluronic acid, adenosine, peptides, ceramides, aloe, plant and herbal extracts.

Harmful substances in face creams

There are a lot of harmful substances in personal care products. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common:

Mineral oil- there are a lot of prejudices about mineral oil, but in general it is not as bad as it seems to many. Yes, it is obtained from oil, but with a high degree of purification, this oil becomes one of the most hypoallergenic and is very useful in many creams. It clogs pores - yes, but most natural oils have this minus. In general, mineral and other oils in cosmetics should be avoided by those with oily and acne-prone skin. Dry skin, on the contrary, this oil will protect.

Parabens. Recently, paraben-free cosmetics have become especially popular. Many began to associate parabens with cancer due to misinterpretation of the results of one study conducted in 2004. Today there is no evidence that parabens “accumulate somewhere and provoke cancer”, they are completely metabolized by the body. In fact, those parabens that are used as preservatives in cosmetics are identical to natural phytoestrogens. Parabens are an indispensable ingredient in cosmetics, as they are very effective in fighting fungi and bacteria.

Ionol (Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT))- It is used as an antioxidant and odor masking ingredient. Strong enough allergen, irritates sensitive skin and eyes.

Triethanolamine- used to mask the smell in cosmetics, a strong allergen of medium toxicity.

Imidazolidinyl urea (Imidazolidinyl urea)- in a sense, this substance is a kind of proof of what fears lead to. This is a preservative, many manufacturers now use it so as not to scare away their customers with the terrible word PARABEN. The customer is pleased because he is calm in his belief that he has done himself a huge favor by choosing “paraben-free” cosmetics, but in fact he is getting something much worse. Imidazolidinyl urea formaldehyde is a toxic substance and a strong allergen.

Overview of the most popular night face creams

  • Clarins Multi-Active Night

Quite an expensive cream, especially considering the fact that the formula and ingredients do not stand out in any way. It contains a lot of fragrances and perfumes, which is not good, especially for a night cream, which should restore the skin, and not irritate it. All you can expect after applying this cream is softening and a little moisture, but not the reduction of fine lines as the manufacturer promises.

  • Decleor Aroma Night

Already from the name it is clear that this cream is more related to aromatherapy than to professional skin care. You can not use products with such a large amount of fragrance and perfume every day. Even if it is not always noticeable on the surface, believe me, your skin suffers and this prevents it from fully recovering.

  • Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24

Unfortunately, I had a chance to try this cream on myself. It's expensive, but not worth the money. The effect is not something that is not there, the skin of the face began to look worse. Now that I've learned a little bit about ingredients in cosmetics, I understand why. The basis of this cream is paraffin, wax and petroleum jelly. There is some vitamin E, a couple of plant extracts and a lot of fragrance and perfume. With such a composition, what kind of fight against wrinkles can we talk about ?! Sorry for the money.

  • Night cream Liftactiv Nuit, Vichy

A good emollient cream for dry skin, however, this is where all the benefits of this remedy end. It is very expensive, but at the same time, you should not expect any recovery or fight against the signs of aging.

  • Yes to Blueberries Age Refresh Overnight Hydrating cream

The basis of this cream is blueberry juice and in addition contains a number of good ingredients for softening and moisturizing the skin, as well as plant extracts. Packed in a jar with a dispenser, which is good for the stability of the ingredients and also in terms of hygiene. Moisturizes without leaving a greasy sheen. The ingredients also include vitamin E, retinol, olive oil and sea buckthorn oil.

  • RoC RetinOx Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

One of the most popular night face creams. The main active ingredient in this cream is retinol. It is retinol that actively fights the signs of aging and the first wrinkles. RoC products are also great because they are fragrance-free and usually packaged accordingly.

Read more about retinol and my experience with RoC cream in the material: Face cream with retinol

  • Olay complete night

A good moisturizer is lightweight and absorbs easily. Main active ingredients: aloe vera juice, glycerin, vitamin E and salicylic acid.

  • Neutrogena AntiWrinkle cream night

Inexpensive, fragrance-free and properly packaged night cream. Contains a large amount of green tea extract, which is a powerful antioxidant, as well as vitamin E, retinol, panthenol and glycerin.

Wow, long article turned out, but I tried to make it as informative and useful as possible, as I learned a lot of selection rules from my own experience after much trial and error.

At night, during rest, the most active renewal and restoration of skin cells occurs. To help the ongoing regeneration processes, use a night cream. This cosmetic product nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Thanks to this, the face retains youth and freshness for a long time.

Why is it advisable to use a night cream only at night?

The difference between a night cream and a day cream is that it has a heavier texture, absorbs slowly and can leave a greasy sheen. But the main difference is not this, but the fact that manufacturers add effective ingredients to night creams that actively work without access to sunlight.

The composition of night face creams contains nutrients, a vitamin complex, vegetable oils, collagen and certain regenerating components. Day creams also contain these substances, but in smaller volumes. The fact is that day creams are designed to moisturize and protect against the harmful effects of external factors, and night cream is aimed at nutrition and recovery.

At night, cosmetics act with maximum efficiency. The greatest activity is achieved in the period from 2 am to 5 am, at this time the blood rushes to the skin, due to this, collagen is activated and cell nutrition improves.

How does the night cream work on the skin?

To understand how a night cream works, you need to understand what happens to the skin during rest. The main task of the night cream is to free the skin from harmful substances and restore its cells. The skin has its own biological clock, which falls just at night. At this time, regeneration is especially active. Therefore, to look good in the morning, you need to take care of your skin in the evening.

All the active ingredients contained in the night cream are absorbed into the skin, while rejuvenating, tightening and moisturizing it. You need to apply a cosmetic product only on well-cleansed skin, since a lot of harmful components accumulate on the face during the day, which can also be absorbed.

Manufacturers of cosmetics subject each of their inventions to numerous tests, during which their effect on skin cells is determined. The annotations for many night creams indicate that the active substances penetrate into the lowest layers of the epidermis and restore them.


The night cream has a number of advantages over other creams, they can be described as follows:

  • The cosmetic product effectively moisturizes and restores the skin of the face;
  • High-quality cream does not contain persistent aroma and dyes. The emphasis is on action, not sensation. This approach allows the use of cosmetics of this group even for people with sensitive skin;
  • The composition contains vitamins and natural vegetable oils. The cream works at night, so a little oily sheen is not at all critical;
  • The night cream contains ingredients that quickly regenerate skin cells and prevent its aging.

Night cream allows you to relieve skin fatigue, eliminate small swelling and refresh the complexion. It is enough to apply a cosmetic product at night and the result will be noticeable in the morning.

What should be in a night cream

When choosing a night cream for the face, you should carefully study the composition. A quality cosmetic must include the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin E - helps to maintain youthful skin and eliminate even serious skin diseases, such as eczema. Vitamin quickly removes puffiness and saturates the cells with oxygen;
  • Vitamin A - has a rejuvenating effect and relieves the feeling of tightness;
  • Vitamin C - protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, promotes the production of collagen;
  • Bisabolol - promotes the healing of minor injuries;
  • Elastin - restores the elasticity of the skin of the face, makes it supple and toned;
  • Aloe vera - has a good disinfectant effect, promotes the soft healing of small abrasions;
  • Oat extract - stimulates the main intracellular processes;
  • Carob extract is an effective antiseptic, promotes cell regeneration;
  • Shea butter - softens and tones dry skin;
  • Sesame oil - characterized by immunostimulating and bactericidal properties;
  • Argan oil - softens the skin of the face and eliminates fine wrinkles.


There are not so many contraindications to the use of a night cream, but they must be taken into account. It is not advisable to use a cosmetic product:

  • With extensive inflammatory processes on the skin of the face, especially when the deep layers of the epidermis are affected;
  • With individual intolerance to some components that are part of the cream;
  • With allergies in the acute stage.

Before use, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test. To do this, a little night cream is rubbed into the inside of the elbow, where the skin is especially delicate, and wait 15 minutes. If during this time redness does not appear, then the cream can be safely applied to the face.

Basic rules for applying the cream

There are several rules for applying a night cream, following which you can increase efficiency:

  • The cream is applied no later than 1.5–2 hours before bedtime and the excess is blotted with a soft cloth. No need to apply cosmetics right before going to bed - this can cause puffiness on the face, which is then attributed to the poor quality of the cream;
  • The skin of the face, before applying the night cream, is well cleaned of makeup and dust. If this is not done, then the skin may become inflamed;
  • In addition to the face, a night cream is smeared on the neck and décolleté;
  • The night cream is applied to the skin of the face with a thin layer, after which it is rubbed with light massage movements. If after a few minutes the cream is not completely absorbed, then you need to remove the excess with a napkin;
  • If the cream is stored in the refrigerator, then before use, the right amount of cosmetic product is slightly heated in the palms. Nutrients are better absorbed by the skin when the temperature of the cream is at room temperature.

Before applying the night cream, it is useful to take a relaxing bath and do facial exercises. It won't take long, but it will relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day.

Review of popular night creams

The cosmetic industry produces creams in a large assortment. When choosing, it is worth considering the type of skin and the composition of the cream. Several creams have proven themselves well, which are not so expensive.

"Care and Recovery" by Natura Siberica

The night cream is suitable for oily and combination skin. The composition contains elastin, bisabolol, plant components and polypeptides. This cream regenerates the cells of the epidermis and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles. The cosmetic is quickly absorbed and does not clog pores. The cream is applied to the skin of the face with light massaging movements.

This innovative cosmetic product restores and relaxes the skin of the face. In the morning, there is a pleasant silkiness of the skin, a healthy color and a complete absence of traces of fatigue. Night cream prevents the formation of early wrinkles, eliminates bruises and puffiness under the eyes. The cream allows you to restore youth and freshness to the skin of the face without the use of injections.

Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift Pro Deep Wrinkle Night Cream by Garnier

Effective cream for facial skin after 40 years. Eliminates age spots and wrinkles. The composition contains proxylan, which stimulates the production of collagen, and moisturizing ingredients. After application, the skin of the face becomes silky and toned. The cosmetic product is applied with gentle massage movements on the face, neck and décolleté.

The night cream contains lotus extract, which helps to moisturize the skin. Vitamins B5 and E restore the epidermis and effectively soften the skin. The cream has a light texture, absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy sheen. With regular use, the skin of the face becomes fresh, toned and healthy.

Oriflame night cream is anti-aging and well nourishes the skin of the face. The composition contains stem cells of the Plantago Lanceolata plant, vegetable oils and blackcurrant extract. The skin becomes elastic, contours are tightened, pigmentation is reduced and deep wrinkles are reduced.

Video: how to choose a night face cream

The face is the calling card of every person, so you need to try to keep the skin fresh and young for a longer time. You can start using such cosmetics from the age of 20, but at the same time they select the most natural composition, in which most of them are plant components.

Many women consider a night face cream to be an unnecessary skin care product, and prefer to use day products as evening care. However, this approach is wrong. Do these products have significant differences, starting with textures? compositions, and ending with the effect on the skin. Daytime is a kind of protection against negative environmental factors, while its nighttime counterpart helps to restore the skin during sleep.

To exclude evening skin care products from daily care means to make it, care, inferior. So, what is the advantage of a night cream, how to choose the right one and which products are effective?

Beneficial features

Night face cream is a must-have item for complex skin care, as it performs the following functions:

  • depending on the composition, intensively nourishes or moisturizes the skin at night;
  • helps fight aging: prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and fights existing ones;
  • smoothes the structure, softens;
  • improves blood circulation, metabolic processes;
  • actively saturates with vitamins, microelements;
  • neutralizes the damage caused to the skin during the day;
  • participates in the process of cell renewal.

An important function of the evening product is skin care after daytime stress and prevention of the first signs of aging.

How to choose a face cream?

The choice of evening care product must be approached responsibly, since day and night products should work in tandem, complement each other's action. So, how do you choose your own best night face cream?

First you need to select the type of product. Different skin has its own needs, therefore, they select a remedy based on the following data:

  • dry type requires increased nutrition, so creams with a rich texture will come in handy;
  • a sensitive type needs hypoallergenic products specially designed for this type, labeled "hypoallergenic";
  • the combined type will feel good with moisturizing creams with a light texture;
  • for oily skin, gels are optimal, heavy textures are contraindicated for this type.

After that, you can select the appropriate product, taking into account the following parameters:

  1. You need to choose a night cream. Many are confused by the so-called universal remedies. They are a kind of intermediate option, they are good to use on trips, on vacation. In home care, it is preferable to use day and night creams.
  2. On review sites and cosmetic portals, read reviews on various cosmetic products, choose at least 4 favorites.
  3. When choosing, it should be remembered that products of the same brand work in tandem more productively, and the risk of a skin reaction due to incompatibility of creams is minimized.
  4. Be sure to take into account your age, skin type, and you also need to decide what effect is expected from the night remedy.
  5. It will be useful to see the composition. If the product uses a lot of synthetic ingredients, almost nothing natural, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  6. You need to pay attention to the packaging. It is better if it is a tube with a pump or dispenser. The minimum amount of air and bacteria gets into such products, the product retains its nutritional, care properties longer. Products in classic packages usually contain more preservatives and stabilizers, as they have constant contact with air and pathogenic bacteria.
  7. If everything is clear with the previous points, it is time to go to the cosmetic store. However, you should not immediately buy the coveted jar. First you need to look at the cream in the tester to familiarize yourself with the texture and aroma of the product. If everything suits you, you can make a purchase.
  8. In any case, the new product must first be tested for allergies. To do this, the product is applied to the inside of the hand. If there are no negative reactions (rash, itching, peeling, redness, swelling), then the remedy can be included in your daily care.

If an expensive purchase is planned, it would be useful to find out about the availability of probes. This will allow you to test the cream for several days and make the final choice.

What should be the composition?

The composition of evening products is always richer, more nutritious than that of day creams. Cosmetic manufacturers like to use the following ingredients in night creams:

  • sea ​​buckthorn extract - moisturizes, gives radiance to the skin;
  • aloe vera is a natural antioxidant;
  • violet extract - used both solo and in combination with other plants, has an anti-aging effect;
  • snail secret - actively used in Asian cosmetics, fights free radicals, promotes regeneration;
  • shark oil - corrects skin imperfections, has a powerful regenerating, smoothing effect;
  • tea tree oil - antiseptic, used in products for oily skin types;
  • almond extract - restores the epidermis, evens out skin tone;
  • collagen - used for dry, aging skin, helps to moisturize and maintain elasticity;
  • Beeswax - a component that helps retain moisture in the epidermis, is rich in vitamins and trace elements;
  • Vitamin E - a natural antioxidant, improves cell repair processes;
  • Vitamin C - promotes collagen synthesis, improves skin elasticity and improves complexion;
  • Natural oils (shea, argan, sesame) - soften and nourish, saturate with vitamins, have a rejuvenating, tonic effect.

When studying the composition, it is important to pay attention to the amount of substances such as mineral oil, glycerin, dimethicone and paraffin. If these components predominate in the list of ingredients, then you should look for a product with a more natural composition.

What do beauticians say?

Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion that night cream should be included in daily care as early as possible. The functions of evening remedies are different, their choice depends on the result that you want to get. There are the following types:

  1. Nutritious. You can start using it from the age of 25, at a younger age use it in winter as a source of additional nutrition for the skin. This cream moisturizes and nourishes young skin, preventing the first signs of aging, and also returns the face to a fresh and rested look.
  2. Upgrading. These creams contain substances that promote skin regeneration. These are plant-type estrogens, seaweed and fruit extracts, vitamins, fatty acids.
  3. Anti-aging. When buying, it is important to look at exactly what age the product is intended for, since the compositions of "35+" and "50+" can differ significantly. The main function is a lifting effect, which is achieved due to such components in the composition as protein fibers, collagen, peptides and enzymes.

Correct application is important. You should follow a few simple rules:

  • before going to bed, first remove decorative cosmetics with a makeup remover;
  • then use a cleanser according to the type of skin: apply to a damp face, gently distribute, massage, rinse with water;
  • blot your face with a towel, apply a tonic suitable for your skin type;
  • night face cream in a small amount (the size of a pea), apply along the massage lines on the face and neck with gentle patting movements;
  • then use the product for the area around the eyes.

Important! The night cream must be used at least 30 minutes before going to bed, as the cream must have time to be absorbed. If this rule is neglected, then in the morning there is a high risk of getting a swollen face.

Rating of the best cosmetics

The top best night creams change from year to year as new products and brands enter the cosmetics market.

The easiest way to track such ratings is through portals where consumers post reviews about the cosmetics they use. Also, some glossy magazines annually compile their lists of the best and worst means of the outgoing year.

Budget resources

Natura Siberica Night

Cream with Japanese Sophora for oily and combination skin. At a low cost, it contains mainly natural ingredients that help soften the skin and prevent age-related changes. It has a pleasant texture, spreads easily over the face and absorbs quickly enough. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Contains liquid collagen, vitamins and microelements that contribute to the preservation of youthful skin. The product has a pleasant texture and unobtrusive aroma, it is quickly absorbed. The effect is visible after just a few applications. Hypoallergenic product, suitable for sensitive skin.

Stimulates metabolic processes and actively moisturizes. Contains vitamin E, grape seed oil. It is economically spent, in the morning the face is smooth and rested, there is no feeling of tightness. This is a cream for normal skin, recommended for use after 30 years.

Middle segment

Suitable for all skin types, contains beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids. During sleep, actively moisturizes, restores and smoothes the face. It has a delicate texture, absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film.

It is positioned as a non-comedogenic anti-aging treatment. Contains hyaluronic acid, jojoba oil, adenosine & lavender essential oils. The pronounced effect is visible after a month of use.

It is recommended to apply after 25 years. The product contains thermal water and herbal extracts, oils and a super-moisturizing complex. It has a pronounced effect after a month of regular use. The texture of the product is light, the cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy feeling.

Funds from the premium segment

Here are the funds, the cost of which starts from 2 thousand rubles. These products take years to develop and use innovative technologies.

It contains an optimal combination of natural extracts and synthetic ingredients, as well as an innovative component - an extract of the oriental plant mucurossi. It inhibits the production of an enzyme that causes wrinkles. The cream is highly effective and won the love of many consumers.

A great helper in the fight against the initial signs of aging. Its action is based on increasing the immunity of skin cells. Thanks to this, existing wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones are in no hurry to appear.

Contains micro-capsules of hyaluronic acid, thanks to which skin hydration is uniform throughout the night. Frankincense extract has a calming effect and prevents irritation. A huge plus of this tool is that it does not have to be used in tandem with Chanel day cream, even solo it gives a pronounced lasting effect.

Night cream is an indispensable care product. It will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin and maintain a blooming appearance for many years.

Sound sleep is the key to health. This popular phrase did not come about by chance. When we sleep, the body rests and regenerates. Growth hormone, which stimulates cell division, is known to begin active "work" in the dark. Then there is an increase in the permeability of cell membranes, and the process of detoxification begins - various toxic substances are destroyed. Special means in the form of night creams for the face can help the body. They will accelerate the regenerating effect and give the skin energy.

On the modern market there are many similar products for different ages - 30, 40, 50 years. They allow you to even out the tone of the face and fight age wrinkles. Manufacturers have developed creams that include all the necessary substances for rejuvenation and nutrition. The result will not be long in coming if you consistently use the best products of famous brands. Each of the creams on our list deserves special attention, because their unique properties can correct the flaws of any skin type.

best inexpensive night face cream

Skin care products with low cost are in no way inferior to the effectiveness of expensive creams. The competent composition of the product allows you to show various medicinal properties and contribute to the restoration of the epidermis.

4 Black Pearl Self-Rejuvenation

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 160 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Night cream "Black Pearl Self-Rejuvenation" contains liquid collagen - a useful substance designed to smooth wrinkles and improve facial contours. The delicate texture allows the cream to be quickly absorbed and pleasantly lie on the skin. Does not leave a greasy sheen and hides small redness. Another plus of the product is excellent protection against UV rays. Customer reviews say that almost immediately the cream has a visible effect - it gives the skin radiance and makes it more elastic. The tool is suitable for women after 46 years.


  • careful consumption;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • useful components;
  • low cost;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • good hydration.


  • almost imperceptible rejuvenating effect.

3 Nivea Anti Wrinkles

The most pleasant texture
Country: Germany
Average price: 270 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

German quality combined with an affordable price - what could be better? Night cream from Nivea has a good effect on the skin, making it supple and radiant. Nourishes and maintains the moisturizing effect throughout the night. Another advantage is the stimulation of natural recovery. Among the ingredients are grape seed oil and vitamin E, which fill the skin with essential nutrients. One jar is enough for a long time due to the rather economical consumption of the cream. Judging by the reviews, even in the morning the face remains moisturized and there is no feeling of tightness on it. Perfect for girls over 30.


  • pleasant airy texture;
  • intense hydration;
  • good price;
  • no effect of tightness in the morning;
  • slow consumption.


  • may cause allergies in some people;
  • Contains non-natural ingredients.

2 GREEN MAMA chamomile and wheat germ

Has healing and restorative properties
Country Russia
Average price: 260 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

An excellent anti-aging cream that promotes morning freshness and beauty of the face. During rest, it will intensively feed on useful microelements and improve external qualities - it will become elastic and elastic. GREEN MAMA perfectly moisturizes without leaving an undesirable film on the skin. The simple design of the tube is familiar to use by almost everyone: the lid is easily opened with one movement of the finger and closes tightly without much effort, without letting air in.

The consistency of the product has a medium density and is perfectly absorbed upon application. Due to the competent composition, the cream does not clog pores and has nourishing and moisturizing functions. Chamomile in combination with wheat germ oil and vitamin E exhibit healing and restorative properties. This allows you to even out skin tone and rejuvenate it. Buyers note that Russian manufacturers can be proud of, thanks to the numerous benefits of the cream and its budgetary cost. Some women highlight one minus - not a very pleasant smell.

1 Natura Siberica

Best Cast
Country Russia
Average price: 360 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The popularity of the Russian brand Natura Siberica is constantly growing. It produces unique products in terms of composition, quality and effectiveness. This night cream is no exception. The main component here is Rhodiola rosea, a plant that protects the skin from negative effects, softens it and prevents age-related changes. The consistency of the cream is thick, but it is easily and evenly distributed over the face. The composition includes only natural ingredients, which greatly increases the effectiveness of the product.


  • after the first applications, the face looks much more beautiful;
  • natural composition;
  • low price;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • unique components.


  • not detected.

The best mass market night face cream

Best-selling face care products at night. They are famous for proven manufacturers and the best qualities. No wonder millions of women in our vast country are familiar with this category of funds.

4 L'Oreal "Hydration Expert"

Special for sensitive skin
Country: France
Average price: 291 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The most common night cream among the fair sex. Experts have developed it specifically for the sensitive skin of women from 30 to 50 years old. It performs moisturizing and nourishing functions. With the use of "Moisturizing Expert" from L'Oreal, gentle care for the epidermis will be guaranteed. It will noticeably rejuvenate the epidermis and give it elasticity. The face in the morning will shine with health and beauty. The product is suitable for both oily and dry skin. It leaves no residue after application, as it is quickly absorbed.

The composition of the product allows you to improve the condition of the skin with each application, rejuvenating it. Substances in a complex effect contribute to a better result. Vitamin B5 helps to gradually get rid of unsightly pigmentation. The night cream is non-greasy and easy to apply. Its consistency is white and has a pleasant smell. The product does not clog pores and allows the skin to “breathe”. User reviews of this product are mostly positive. Some buyers note only minor flaws - L'Oreal's "Moisturizing Expert" has a rather oily consistency.

3 OLAY Complete "Touch of the Sun"

Light tan effect
Country: Poland
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

A fresh look when you wake up is guaranteed with the Complete Touch of the Sun night cream. It gives the skin a tan of an even shade within 4-5 days, and exhibits nutritional properties. Already when falling asleep, the product begins to intensively saturate the epidermis with the necessary elements and moisture. The product is suitable for oily and sensitive skin. The light texture is absorbed almost instantly and leaves no residue behind.

The unique properties of the product allow it to be used as a make-up base. Women 30, 40 and 50 years old actively use this tool and are satisfied with the result. The face will look radiant and beautiful. Buyers note the most excellent effect of Complete "Touch of the Sun", because with it it is possible to get a tan even at night. In addition, the cream has an anti-aging effect and the face is visibly rejuvenated. The disadvantages include inefficiency in application.

2 Garnier "Magic night cream-sleep"

Accelerates cellular renewal
Country: Germany
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Moisturizing and nourishing cream that stands out among the rest with the best transforming and anti-aging properties. When you get up in the morning, your face will always look rested. "Magic night cream-sleep" is suitable for women from 30 to 40 years old. With it, the skin will become radiant and smooth. The ingredients will speed up cellular renewal, which will promote rejuvenation, eliminating unwanted wrinkles.

The multicomponent composition attracts buyers for a reason. Jojoba oil exhibits a nutritional function and saturates the epidermis with useful microelements. Propanediol from wheat grains has a mild antibacterial effect and cleanses the skin. Thanks to adenosine, which is part of the night cream, wrinkles are smoothed out, and due to caprylyl glycol, moisture loss of the epidermis is prevented. The face becomes soft to the touch. Reviews about the product are extremely positive, buyers do not find significant shortcomings.

1 Librederm Night "3D Hyaluronic Filler"

The best food
Country Russia
Average price: 785 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

One of the best manufacturers on the market today. The cream shows nourishing and anti-aging properties at the highest level. No matter how old the user is - 30, 40 or 50, wrinkles on the face will become less, and the aging process will slow down. The cream promotes the production of collagen, thanks to which the skin is rejuvenated in a short but regular period of use of the product. Despite the relative high cost, thanks to a convenient dispenser, the product is “spent” economically.

Pretty packaging and a bottle of Librederm night "3D Hyaluronic Filler" make you pay close attention to the cream, and reading its composition and manufacturer's promises, you will definitely buy it. It is worth noting that most users are satisfied with the acquisition. After several weeks of use, they notice a noticeable smoothing of the skin relief and a moisturizing effect. In addition, the face becomes toned and radiant. Librederm night "3D Hyaluronic Filler" is not suitable for all skin types - this is one of the most noticeable disadvantages of the product.

Best premium night face cream

Products in this category are of the highest quality. Their composition is safe and effective. For such cosmetic products, it is worth allocating money for the best result. Reviews of such creams are always positive and have almost no negative comments.

4 Christina Elastin Collagen

Ideal formula for oily skin
Country: Israel
Average price: 1,000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Christina Elastin Collagen Night Cream, unique in its action, blocks the loss of moisture and at the same time protects against environmental influences. It does not leave an unpleasant film on application and provides nourishment throughout the night. It has a medium consistency. The composition includes collagen, glycerin, clove and watercress extract, as well as a vitamin complex. The combination of components allows the cream to have a beneficial effect on oily skin without clogging pores and without causing inflammation. Designed for combination and oily skin.


  • ideal for oily skin;
  • does not leave a film;
  • optimal consistency;
  • does not cause inflammation, allergies, etc.
  • easy to apply;
  • good feedback;
  • light fragrance.


  • not detected.

3 Vichy Neovadiol

Fights mimic wrinkles
Country: France
Average price: 2,400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Creams from VICHY are especially valued among cosmetics all over the world. Night face cream Neovadiol has a gel-like texture, it is easily distributed over the skin, evenly moisturizing it. Pleasant floral aroma and stylish packaging add to the positive experience of using this product. Designed for anti-aging care for women over 45. It has a cumulative effect in the fight against mimic wrinkles. The tool gradually fills them, eventually making them invisible. After application, the face looks fresh, soft and pleasant to the touch.


  • noticeable result;
  • stylish appearance;
  • intense hydration of the skin at night;
  • economical packaging;
  • suitable for saggy skin.


  • high price.

2 Declare Detox Night Cream

Quick result
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 5 842 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A unique innovative cream that helps to neutralize various skin imperfections of the face - wrinkles, acne, pigmentation and others. Declare Detox Night Cream contains an antioxidant formula that allows you to activate the detoxification process. With the use of the tool, you can forget about the dullness and tired look of the face. Every next morning, the skin will be soft to the touch and radiant in appearance. The cream will eliminate the consequences of the negative impact of the environment and restore the shortcomings of the epidermis from the inside.

The composition of Declare Detox Night Cream is well-designed. Therefore, the use of the product brings a noticeable result within a week after daily application. Apple tree stem cells fight wrinkles, thanks to the complex of oils, the skin becomes smooth and silky. Hyaluronic acid exhibits restorative properties. And this is only part of the useful substances that help to acquire a healthy appearance of the face. Women's reviews reflect admiration for the effect, and they find only one minus - the high cost of the cream.

1 Lancome Genifique Repair SC

The best anti-aging effect
Country: France
Average price: 6 293 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

One of the best manufacturers today. With its products, a night's rest will turn into a real healing process. Due to the activation of youth genes, with regular use, the remedy will show an anti-aging effect. In the morning, the skin looks renewed and fresh. Genifique Repair SC gives the face a rested and well-rested look, even if sleep was not enough for the body. After its application, the surface of the skin will not be greasy, as the product is quickly absorbed.

The composition is developed by manufacturers specifically for any type of skin, the product does not dry or clog pores. Due to the delicate texture and pleasant smell, applying the cream is a pleasure, judging by customer reviews. They noted noticeable changes in the state of the epidermis for a short period of use (as early as a week after the first application). Most of the users like Genifique Repair SC Lancome - they all advise to purchase the product and be content with a healthy and beautiful face every day.

Text: Natalia Udaltsova

Unfortunately, few manage to spend the New Year holidays with health benefits. We must admit that we are not among them. The program includes guests, festivities, a sea of ​​champagne and treats. That's just the skin on such a revelry can react dryly and irritably. We decided to calm her down and put her in order with the help of night creams: let them work while we rest.

while we sleep

Scientifically proven: the body is restored at night. While we sleep, cells are actively working and are much more willing to absorb nutrients. That is why the concentration of active ingredients in night creams is noticeably higher than in day creams. However, the cream does not just need to be applied to the skin and go to bed. With this approach, the result can not be expected. To understand how to maximize the power of these tools, we decided to delve into biology.

recovery mode

So, the active phase of the work of cells occurs from evening to four in the morning. At this time, the maximum amount of melatonin is produced in the skin - an active fighter against stress and free radicals. However, the body goes into recovery mode only when we sleep. Therefore, cosmetologists, doctors and stars recommend going to bed earlier in order to fall asleep before midnight.

Effective cream rules

Now about the main thing, it does not make sense to apply the cream while lying in bed. This should be done an hour and a half before bedtime. During this time, the cream will be thoroughly absorbed and prepared for work. We will have time to relax and, if necessary, remove excess funds and protect the skin from swelling.

Which cream to choose

As for the choice of remedy, a moisturizer is universal. Skin needs moisture in any case, and even if the main goal is to fight wrinkles, it will help restore skin elasticity. Among moisturizing night products, regenerating creams Decleor, Yes To, Zepter, The Body Shop have proven themselves well. Of the more affordable products, we liked the night cream from Garnier for its ability to retain moisture.

Modern nourishing creams do not necessarily have a dense texture, sometimes they are only slightly denser than moisturizers. But their action is much stronger. At a young age, such creams are suitable only for emergency skin restoration. Only after 35 years are recommended for daily care. Nourishing creams do an excellent job with dryness, fatigue and wrinkles. Among them, we have chosen Vichy, Rodial, Shiseido, Clarins and Pharmaskincare.

How to apply night cream

It is better to apply the cream with massage movements. In general, it is advisable to accompany any facial care procedure with a massage: the skin and body should not be lazy. Massage improves blood circulation, and hence the penetration of nutrients. Cells open, removing accumulated toxins - yes, garbage accumulates not only in the body, but also in each cell separately. The result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks: the skin will become smoother, firmer and cleaner.

The effect of night creams can be enhanced if:

  • take a warming bath with sea salt or seaweed extracts before going to bed - it will help to remove toxins accumulated during the day;
  • in the evening, instead of ordinary tea, drink a soothing one, for example, with mint or verbena. Tea will help you relax and fall asleep quickly. The main thing is not to drink liquids before bed. We will not even talk about the fact that it is not worth eating after 20.00;
  • put a sachet with lavender scent under the pillow. The main thing is that these are natural flowers, only then a healthy and restful sleep is guaranteed.


  • 1 Night Care Cream - Regenerating from the Aroma Night line, Decleor, contains essential oils and turns the application ritual into an aromatherapy session. While sleep lasts, the skin becomes denser and more elastic. Pleasantly pleased with her morning freshness.
  • 2 Age Refresh Night Cream, Yes To, contains blueberries among other ingredients. It fights free radicals and makes up for the lack of vitamins C and A. I was pleased with the convenient dispenser, it gives out exactly as much cream as needed.
  • 3 The Body Shop Moisturizing Cream with Vitamin E, the most powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. Well, the first feeling after awakening is the amazing smoothness of the skin.
  • 4 Swisso Logical Night Cream, Zepter soothes dry and sensitive skin with echinacea extract. It also strengthens the natural defense mechanisms. By the way, the cream is quickly absorbed, leaving no trace on the skin, only a feeling of comfort.
  • 5 Night cream Liftactiv Nuit, Vichy, like all products of the brand, is serious about the result. The Rhamnose component with a patented anti-aging action actively resists deep wrinkles and fights against loss of elasticity. Also, the cream smells delicious.
  • 6 PH Protee Nuit Antioxidant Protein System, Pharmaskincare night cream is full of natural active ingredients such as soy proteins, grape seed oil, herbal and algae extracts. This cream helps not only look but also feel younger.
  • 7 The main component of the night cream Glamtox Night, Rodial - retinol, it effectively fights wrinkles. However, the cream simultaneously solves a number of important tasks: it eliminates pigmentation, reduces the size of pores and stimulates the production of its own collagen.
  • 8 At the heart of the cream Wrinkleresist 24, Shiseido, is an extract of exotic plants: mucurossi (soap tree fruits) and the Asian orchid chosei-ran. Together, they relax the skin and restore it, eliminating wrinkles. The dense and at the same time light texture pleasantly soothes the skin.
  • 9 Garnier Basic Care Night Cream has a very pleasant natural fragrance. No less pleasant action. The cream, as stated, really retains moisture in the skin.
  • 10 Multi-Regenerante Nuit Night Cream, Clarins, improves tone, eliminates wrinkles and makes the skin smooth. An important point: it is recommended for use only after 40 years.