Psychology of color: gray color. Physiological and health effects of grey. Orange - a holiday of childhood

Psychology of color in clothes, in life.

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to the fact that the color scheme of the world surrounding a person has a special effect on him. The ancient sages saw in a person an interweaving of various energies, each of which was painted in a separate color. Today it is scientifically confirmed.

In the world there are primary colors like red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, and a million shades of these colors that have a similar impact.

To exciting stimulating, inciting colors include: red (the color of life, power, strength), orange (warmth, comfort), yellow (contact, light).

soothing, relaxing colors - blue (calm, confidence, composure), purple (creativity).

Balance, distract from excitement - pure green (freshness, exactingness, harmony), olive (softness, calmness), yellow-green (liberation and renewal). Black color helps to focus, while white and gray perfectly relieve irritation, also soothes brown and its shades. Yellow - stimulates the "thirst" of knowledge, thinking, prudence.

If you try to listen to your inner feelings, then color cannot leave us indifferent, color is present everywhere in our life: the interior of a house or office, a restaurant, a car, and of course, clothes.

We wear it every day, and as psychologists say, our mood is mainly reflected in the choice of not only what to wear, but also what color it will be. Even in the office gray version of clothing, you can make your own bright adjustments, for example, tie a bright green scarf. Directors of large companies, when hiring employees, always pay attention to how a potential employee is dressed, and what color scheme attracted him the most for this occasion. If color affects our daily lives in such a way, then it is probably worth figuring out how to best use the knowledge about color to your advantage.

And if each shade "includes" us in the coordinate system of a certain planet. And if so, it makes sense to take a different look at your wardrobe.

Yellow. Well, of course, it's the color of the sun — improves working capacity, mood, "nourishing" the brain. It is the color of optimists, cheerful people, the color of hope, relieves negative thoughts, helps in cleansing the body. It contributes to the development of fantasy, but has a tinge of frivolity.

Dressed in yellow, you make a commitment to "shine always, shine everywhere." You have to constantly be in sight, shine with intellect, wit, give your energy to others. Do you have enough strength for this? And in general, does it fit your character? If not, leave yellow for exceptional occasions when you just need to be the center of attention.
An overabundance of gold - a clear desire to assert itself

White. He is associated with the moon, symbolizes innocence, purity and at the same time a certain detachment: a man in white seems to always and everywhere feel like an outsider. When choosing clothes of this color, remember: you will find yourself a "black sheep", which is always in sight and at the same time by itself. A person who is dressed in white and is trying to play the role of the leader of the pack will be perceived inadequately by others, but if you have no desire to pour out your soul to someone and listen to other people's confessions, choose the color of the moon.

Emphasized rejection of white is a sign of a bright personality, a stormy temperament.

Red. It is, of course, the color of Mars: aggressive, bright and very sexy. If you are shy, a scarlet dress will help to express yourself, you will be especially noticeable to the opposite sex. In clothes of red tones, you will not merge with the masses - but you will not be able to sit out in the bushes either. They expect pressure from you, a quick reaction, perhaps even a forceful solution to the problem. At the same time, a person in red cannot claim the role of a leader: this is the color of a warrior, not a ruler.

If you suddenly don't like all the red shades, keep in mind: you are tired, emotionally exhausted, dreaming of peace.

Green includes the energy of the planet of love - Venus. The color of spiritual harmony, balance, stability, love for him speaks of a developed imagination, combined with practicality and good diplomatic skills. You can safely wear green, going both to business negotiations and to a love date. But keep in mind: it is unlikely that you will be able to evoke a storm of emotions in clothes of this color: rather, they will admire you.

If you always dress in green, you may have low self-esteem, you suppress your feelings and desires.

Brown symbolizes comfort, it is he who is associated with a tree, a fireplace, a wooden house, the earth. People who like the color brown, which they prefer in clothes, are perceived as reliable, very sincere and efficient. Since ancient times, when bright colors were used exclusively for high-ranking persons, royal families, the rich, peasants dressed in brown.

Therefore, if you want to get a job, wear something in this color for an interview.

Orange is the color of Mercury. It will invigorate and liberate, but if you are shy, you are unlikely to be seduced by the role of the soul of the company, to which orange outfits are required. In orange it is good to have fun, communicate, study, play sports, but it is better to conclude contracts, get a job in clothes of other colors. By the way, orange helps to make friends, so this is a great option for a weekend dress.

Orange helps to get rid of fears, restore strength after a long year of work.

Blue carries the energy of Jupiter: planets of personal and social growth. This is the color of bosses, it suits people who are strict, domineering, even authoritarian. For those who feel “white and fluffy” in their hearts, this official tone does not suit them. But unnecessarily sociable blue clothes discipline. But even if this is your favorite color, don’t even think about going on a date with a “blue stocking”: instead of kisses, you will get a strong handshake ...

Blue, especially in combination with silver, calms the nerves, helps to overcome the effects of stress.

Business meetings will be more successful if you wear a blue suit. This color relieves neuralgic pain and overexcitation.

Violet carries the energy of Uranus. It is the color of philosophers and poets, it helps to concentrate, to know oneself, to delve into the secrets of the universe. If you are tired of the routine, by all means put on a purple dress or shirt - and it will become easier to make a non-standard decision. You should not go on dates and play sports in purple, put such outfits away if you need speed of reaction, ease of communication and pressure: this color will cast doubts in your soul, call for a reassessment of values.

Rejection of purple betrays a fear of losing personal independence and fear of force majeure.

Blue will help to gain the patronage of Neptune . In blue clothes it is easy to sail through the seas of life, adapt to circumstances, chase the blue bird. Do you want to be the master of fate, to dictate terms to others? In this case, the blue in your suits should be as little as possible. But it will bring good luck to actors, artists and other creative people.

The predominance of blue in the wardrobe indicates that a person cannot stand loneliness.

Blue color can push the space, so it seems that in a room with walls of this color, time flows more slowly.

Gray is the color of Saturn symbolizes internal limitations. If you want to impress a business person, show that vanity, frivolity and intrigue are organically alien to you - then gray clothes are necessary even in a summer wardrobe. Do not be afraid to seem like a gray mouse: on the contrary, you will be taken for a reliable, worthy partner. But, gathering in a company, it is better to refuse clothes of gray tones.

To people who are dressed in gray, it is easy to be imbued with confidence, it creates an aura of authority and wealth, an impression of reliability and honesty.
The one who always prefers dark gray suits strives to build ideal relationships both at work and in the family.

Black is the color of Pluto patron of the underworld. People in black emphasize their exclusivity and detachment, as if erecting a barrier between themselves and everyone else. Therefore, black is ideal for public performances and celebrations. It can be difficult for a contact, sociable person in black clothes, but if there is an important event where your “multi-colored” essence is inappropriate, black will help to “disguise”.

Love for black means that a person values ​​order above all else in business and in relationships.

The most dominant color is purple. In ancient Rome, only Caesars, senators and victorious generals could wear clothes of such colors. Purple represents power, wealth, luxury, independence, it is extravagant. Depending on its shade, it can evoke different emotions - passion, courtesy, goodwill and, unfortunately, depression. At the same time, it is the color of energetic, active people.

Very ambiguous pink color. It can be a symbol of optimism and stupidity at the same time. At the same time, it lowers aggressiveness, recedes anger and dulls physical strength, calms and softens emotions. It is used in prisons, correctional institutions and in colonies, schools for difficult teenagers, they paint the walls of football guest locker rooms to reduce the aggressiveness of rivals on the field. However, it is impossible to take seriously a person wearing a pink suit. For absolutely all people, pink is directly associated with love - valentines, postcards, pink paper for love letters.

As noted earlier, we perceive colors individually, giving preference to some, and avoiding some. We choose them on an intuitive level, selecting them according to our character. However, relying not only on intuition, but also taking into account the knowledge of the meaning and influence of colors, you can significantly improve your life.

The right combination of colors in clothes.

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Each color affects our psychological state. Some colors attract attention, while others repel. Therefore, the color of the clothes that we put on forms certain psychological sensations from our presence in those around us. Understanding the meanings of colors, you can manage the impression and create.

It should be borne in mind that there are various factors that affect the perception of color, such as age, social status, territorial factor, as well as individual psychological characteristics.

Blue/blue color

Blue color inspires confidence and creates an impression of seriousness, thoughtfulness and reliability. This is the color of authority, it is no coincidence that the business dress code for men for business formal events prescribes the wearing of a dark blue suit. The blue color calms, but at the same time keeps in good shape. Represents conservatism. Blue is conducive to communication. Choose blue clothes when you want to fight anxiety and excitement. This color is attractive to people of a phlegmatic temperament. The combination of blue and white is considered ideal for careerists, this combination develops flexibility and the ability to adapt. This color is necessary if you need to restore balance in life. The most popular corporate color. The color of wisdom. Causes processes in the body that promote relaxation. Blue clothing symbolizes trust and loyalty.


Combines the positive properties of both blue and green. It has the ability to strengthen all body systems, gives rise to self-confidence. Wear turquoise to give yourself confidence and strength.

Green color

This is the most comfortable color for visual perception. Green color relieves fatigue and improves tone. The perfect color to build strength. This is the color of stability and prosperity, it is often chosen by bankers. A dark green suit for men is a sign of conservative views, but at the same time, a slight accent of this color in a tie gives the impression of a stubborn person. Light green, on the contrary, personifies youth, lightness and frivolity. In Islam, green is associated with paradise. A symbol of will and self-affirmation. Represents growth and development. Green helps suppress feelings such as jealousy, envy and greed. If you are an image stylist, then be sure to take the course "Psychology for a stylist".

Red color

It's dynamic and passionate. A woman in a red dress is always noticeable. Red should be worn when you want to draw attention to yourself, to be in the center of events. But at the same time, if you want to establish contact and win over interlocutors, it is better to choose softer shades of red, because rich red can not only attract attention, but also psychologically suppress, this is a very authoritarian color. Red color is loved by choleric people. In most Asian countries, it symbolizes marriage, happiness and prosperity. People in red clothes seem more respectable. At work, too much red can lead to nervousness. A small element of red in clothes will help emphasize courage and energy. Add this color to your life if you lack enthusiasm and interest in life.

Pink color

The color of tenderness and love. When a girl puts on pink clothes, men awaken the desire to protect and protect her. Causes tender feelings. Among men, pink is chosen only by the most self-confident. The color is categorically not suitable for the business sphere, because it can be associated with naivety and frivolity.


In ancient times, purple dyes were extremely expensive, as they are rare in nature, so only members of the royal family could afford purple clothes. Since then, the color has been associated with royal grandeur and respectability. Purple expands the imagination of creative people.

Orange color

Orange is the color of joy and optimism. Scientists say that prolonged contemplation of the color orange compensates for the daily dose of vitamin C. Orange creates a feeling of well-being and positive, it gives energy and uplifts the mood. This color is not recommended for use in a business environment, unless your business is related to creativity and creativity. Symbolizes creativity, inspiration, uniqueness and activity. Awakens the appetite. Orange rooms are conducive to conversation. This color is clearly distinguishable, so it is present in the clothes of road workers. Choose orange clothes if you need to cheer up.


Like orange, it is uplifting because it is associated with sunshine and joy. Yellow, being a very bright color, always attracts attention. By choosing yellow clothes on a cloudy day, you will ensure a good mood for yourself and those around you. Yellow, like orange, is attractive to sanguine people. Luminous color. Symbolizes intelligence. Yellow in combination with black is considered a sign of danger; most poisonous insects are painted in this color combination. In Japan, it is associated with courage. Yellow carries the semantics of change, detente and dynamic trend. It personifies humor, not without reason the emoticons are colored yellow. Accelerates metabolism. Physiologically, it is the first color recognized by human vision. The visual sensations are brighter and more voluminous than white. An unbalanced person, an excess of yellow can push him into extravagant actions. Yellow is suitable for those who are insecure and those who need to attract attention. In small quantities, it can give vigor and increase concentration. Improves memory. Yellow with purple is considered a mystical combination.

Brown color

Brown color has to itself, associatively it is warm and soft. This color promotes frank conversations. Well suited for a first business meeting or job interview, in brown you will give the impression of a solid, practical, stable and prepossessing person. This color helps in trade and financial affairs. Brown gives wisdom and the ability to maintain an even relationship.

Grey colour

Neutral color, it does not evoke strong emotions, therefore it is suitable for a business environment, as it does not distract from focusing on important matters. Gray is the color of balance. Also, if you want to show your willingness to obey the rules, this may be relevant in a new workplace, wear gray. Gray symbolizes calmness, measuredness, security and maturity. But, at the same time, frequent wearing of gray clothes may not have the best effect on your image, you run the risk of appearing as a faceless, withdrawn and lack of initiative person. This color is indispensable in situations where you need to take the position of an outside observer, staying on the sidelines. Native Americans associate this color with honor and friendship, in Asia it is a symbol of responsiveness. Gray color is especially pleasant for melancholic people.

White color

A symbol of purity and lightness. Psychologically "extinguishes" irritation. White clothes are solemn and elegant, because white is a very easily soiled color, unlike other colors, it does not appear so often in everyday wardrobe, so white always attracts special attention. All over the world, the white flag is a symbol of reconciliation. A very bright white color can cause anxiety and discomfort for some. At the same time, this color promotes clarity and freshness of thought.

Black color

The black color is elegant, but it does not catch the eye and does not stand out from the crowd. Positive associations: sophistication, grace, dignity and mystery. In China, strangely enough it is a color for young children, in Asia it symbolizes career and knowledge. In Japan, it is a rebellious color. Black color strengthens the will and helps to concentrate. Black builds distance, helps to step back, it is chosen by people who communicate a lot, so in many stores consultants are dressed in black. Color therapy refers to black as a color that stimulates self-confidence.

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P Psychology of color in clothes, color perception. Color is present everywhere in our life: the interior of a house or office, a restaurant, a car, and, of course, clothes. We wear it every day, and as psychologists say, our mood is mainly reflected in the choice of not only what to wear, but also what color it will be. Even in the office gray version of clothing, you can make your own bright adjustments, for example, tie a bright green scarf. Directors of large companies, when hiring employees, always pay attention to how a potential employee is dressed, and what color scheme attracted him the most for this occasion. If color affects our daily lives in such a way, then it is probably worth figuring out how to best use the knowledge about color to your advantage. In our life, in addition to color psychology, there are many color stereotypes, for the most part imposed on us by society. For example, boys are dressed in blue and girls in pink. Or you need to wear gray and dark to the office, and bright and shiny to the disco. The teacher should be dressed in a classic suit, and not stand in front of the student in a miniskirt. A lot of people follow these rules. The significance of various colors in psychology is as great as we want to penetrate into the still unknown secrets of human existence, the “colors of human thought” in human life.

So, let's take a closer look at what your wardrobe says, what secrets of mood can it give out? And how to make your life easier with the help of color. And - what do colors mean in the psychology of clothes?

Each color has two sides: one characterizes the internal state of a person, and the second is focused on the external impression that needs to be created. Psychologists believe that those who are in a bad mood will most likely wear dark clothes in the morning.

According to the color concept developed by Goethe, the dark color calms, therefore, perhaps, an agitated person subconsciously seeks peace in this color scheme.

At the same time, gray is classified as impassive, formal and full of dignity. To people who are dressed in gray, it is easy to be imbued with confidence, it creates an aura of authority and wealth, an impression of reliability and honesty. That is why office workers have gray in their clothes. And trade workers prefer to pack goods in boxes or gray paper, thereby trying to hint that there is an expensive and high-quality thing inside.

White color identifies purity and innocence, kindness and truth. Only a person with pure thoughts can afford to wear clothes in such a range. For example, the white dress of the bride symbolizes her purity. At the same time, he imposes the opinion that one who is dressed in white occupies a high position in society - he does not have to do dirty work; white medical gowns speak of the purity or sterility of the health worker.

Black is associated with dark forces, death or mystery, and creates an unsettling feeling and overwhelming power. This is the most authoritarian spectrum of the entire color scheme. Therefore, government cars are often black in order to show that a significant person for the state is riding in the cab. In the overalls of many structures, security, bodyguard, special forces, this color prevails, because these are people who establish their power with the help of force.

Brown symbolizes comfort, it is he who is associated with a tree, a fireplace, a wooden house, the earth. People who like the color brown, which they prefer in clothes, are perceived as reliable, very sincere and efficient. Since ancient times, when bright colors were used exclusively for high-ranking persons, royal families, the rich, peasants dressed in brown. Therefore, if you want to get a job, wear something in this color for an interview.

Green - associated with the concept of life, growth, the ability to refresh and heal, relax and soothe. All shades of green can be used in home décor, resort furnishing to create sophistication and cleanliness. At the same time, it is the color of power. Remember that the entire uniform of the military is in this color. At the same time, when you meet a person dressed in green on the street, there is a feeling of energy, spring, fresh strength to deal with the difficulties that arise.

Blue - trust, calmness, loyalty, respect. It is associated with the sky, the sea, and these things are directly related to relaxation. If you wear a blue dress to a party, then most of the news will come to you - people will trust you. That is why psychologists recommend that politicians wear blue suits during the election campaign. Blue color can push the space, so it seems that in a room with walls of this color, time flows more slowly. In many cultures, this color is identified with wealth, in the countries of the Middle East, people believe that a door painted blue will protect the house from evil spirits.

The most dominant color is purple. In ancient Rome, only Caesars, senators and victorious generals could wear clothes of such colors. Purple represents power, wealth, luxury, independence, it is extravagant. Depending on its shade, it can evoke different emotions - passion, courtesy, goodwill and, unfortunately, depression. At the same time, it is the color of energetic, active people.

Very ambiguous pink color. It can be a symbol of optimism and stupidity at the same time. At the same time, it lowers aggressiveness, recedes anger and dulls physical strength, calms and softens emotions. It is used in prisons, correctional institutions and in colonies, schools for difficult teenagers, they paint the walls of football guest locker rooms to reduce the aggressiveness of rivals on the field. However, it is impossible to take seriously a person dressed in a pink suit. For absolutely all people, pink is directly associated with love - valentines, postcards, pink paper for love letters ... Psychologists recommend that nervous people look at pink more often in order to calm down as soon as possible.

Despite such a variety of meanings in color, there are several truths that should not be forgotten. Remember that the brighter the color of the clothes, the more it indicates the low social level of the wearer. Gray symbolizes aristocracy. And if you are tired of perceiving a certain color, just look at its opposite tone, for example, first at black, and then at white.

Tatiana Kulinich

Gray is one of the most underrated hues on the color spectrum. For most, it is considered a symbol of boredom and mediocrity. But few are aware that until the beginning of the 19th century, the nobility preferred to wear gray or dark blue clothes, and more catchy colors were considered vulgar. This color is formed by mixing three bright shades: blue, red and green. Depending on which of them dominates, there are different types of gray, differing from each other in saturation.

shades of gray

Dark grays include stony, charcoal and monsoon, a variety of gray with a slight blue undertone. There is a shade named after the English artist Gainsborough. It is a light gray, reminiscent of gray hair. It was this color that was considered a symbol of noble origin in the Middle Ages. The so-called French gray is a color reminiscent of the monsoon, but in a lighter color scheme. The color silver is named after the metal of the same name. It looks a bit like a variety of gray, which is called zircon. It's bleached silver.

The symbolic meaning of gray

In esotericism, gray is associated with Saturn, the god of time, maturity and aging. It is not for nothing that in Germany there is the so-called Gray Party, which is engaged in defending the interests of pensioners. Astrologers perceive Saturn as a fair judge, who, through difficult trials, cleanses us of spiritual dirt and excess burden. Therefore, one of the main meanings of gray is restraint, justice and striving for the spiritual. In many religious traditions, monks wear gray robes.

Gray also means power. There is even a special expression meaning a person with great hidden power - a gray cardinal. During the reign of one of the French kings, the greatest power in the court belonged to Cardinal Richelieu. However, only a select few knew that Richelieu was a puppet in the hands of a more powerful figure, the monk Joseph. Because of his gray cassock, he was nicknamed the gray cardinal. Just as mentioned above, gray clothes in the Middle Ages were mainly worn by noble people with great power.

Among the negative values ​​​​of gray can be called dullness, unwillingness to stand out from the crowd, boredom. People who prefer to merge with others instead of revealing their unique self are called gray mice. Gray also sometimes means primitive, low origin. For example, in the Russian Empire there was an expression "gray peasant", which meant a commoner.

Physiological and health effects of gray

Gray color has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system and physiological processes in the body. He, like a sponge, absorbs excess excitement of any kind. Therefore, gray is good for meditation during high temperatures, various inflammatory processes, and serious stress. This shade helps to cope with infections. It is also known for its hypotonic effect, that is, the ability to lower blood pressure.

Gray helps you focus on important tasks. However, it is worth remembering that in order for this shade to be useful, it must be applied in small quantities. An excess of gray can provoke depression. Its calming effect turns into oppression.

The psychological impact of gray

Gray color helps to cope with too strong emotions of any kind. After all, it happens that unexpected, excessive joy knocks out of the working rut in the same way as grief. Calming the senses, it enhances the intellect. Gray color makes a person more pragmatic and balanced. It helps not to be led by your own emotions, but to look at the problem with a clear head. Therefore, it is good to use it during serious mental stress, such as during exams.

Gray enhances self-confidence. A person in gray clothes feels protected from the negative effects of the environment, from other people's manipulations and demands. This shade, like a shield, reflects all psychological attacks. This color allows you to blend into the crowd when needed.

In large quantities, gray can cause melancholy, hypochondria, regrets about the past. It is not recommended for people prone to depression. But it can be useful for those who do not feel mature enough, who constantly need outside support. Gray color stimulates independence, helps to get rid of harmful addictions.

Gray color in clothes, image

Gray is considered one of the universal colors along with black and white, so it can be combined with your favorite other colors. Indispensable gray for business style. It does not “age” as much as black and is suitable for the warm half of the year. Gray is the perfect background for any bright accessories: artificial flowers, bows, large decorations. Even the most daring thing in combination with gray will never look vulgar.

The color gray is often avoided because of the unpleasant associations with the expression "grey mouse". However, with skillful use, this color can emphasize your individuality. Instead of the classic dark gray that is often used in business attire, you can use a light gray with a slight sheen, such as Gainsborough or zircon. Women with pale skin and blond hair will suit the monsoon shade. Graphite colors are recommended for swarthy brown-haired women or brunettes.

Gray is also used in cosmetics in the form of shadows, eyeliner, mascara. This is a great alternative to black for fair-skinned blondes. Stylists advise them to use dark gray eyeliner and mascara, as black can look vulgar on them. Gray shadows can be combined with almost any other shade of eyeshadow for a smoky eye look.

This color creates an image of a strictly, serious and somewhat reserved person. At the same time, he inspires respect. The man in gray appears more mature than he really is.

Gray color in the interior

Due to its versatility, this color is more often used for decorating business premises. Since gray stimulates the work of the intellect well, this color scheme is most often found in companies associated with information technology or other mental work. Due to its ability to quickly calm various emotions, it can also be often found in hospitals.

Gray color can also be used in home interiors. Basically, it is used in the so-called high-tech style. Shades of gray with a cold metallic sheen (silver, zircon) are the most popular here. If you like this style, you can decorate the kitchen, living room or your own office in gray colors. For the latter option, gray is the most suitable, especially if you are engaged in intellectual work. In rooms such as a bedroom or a nursery, it is better not to make this color the main one, but to use it as an addition to other shades. Gray is also often used in a style called minimalism. As a rule, the main color in it is white, and different shades of gray are used to decorate the details.

gray in advertising

This color is most often used in advertising of various information products or technologies. Silver is associated with advanced technology and scientific progress. Perhaps that is why the world famous Apple Corporation chose this color for its logo. Gray also emphasizes the elitism of the product, the absence of the need to somehow specifically promote it, when its name speaks for itself. He talks about the quality of the product and the reliability of the company that created it. Many logos of major automotive companies are made in this color.

Color and character: love for gray or its rejection

A person who loves gray has a calm, reserved character. It can be compared with the gray cardinal, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article. It may seem plain and weak at first glance, but it is just a protective mask. In fact, such a person has great power, he is simply devoid of ambition, he does not need to prove anything to anyone. Gray lovers are loners by nature. They have a rich inner world, which completely replaces their communication with loved ones. Their main weakness is incredulity. Such people are looking for a catch in everything, it is difficult for them to imagine that sincere love and kindness exist in the world. Despite the fact that they have great potential, they are strong and hardy, gray lovers do not want to realize themselves in real life. They often get depressed.

People who don't like gray can't stand routine. They need a constant influx of new emotions to feel in good shape. They are easy-going, quickly make new acquaintances. They cannot be called punctual. Following a clear schedule for them is like hard labor. They prefer spontaneity. Often such people choose creative professions for themselves. The exact sciences and technology repel them.

Although at first glance, gray seems to be an ordinary color, it is fraught with many riches. In this color there is some elusive nobility that attracts to itself. Gray reminds us of the wisdom of old people, the hardness of rocks, the majestic power of thunderclouds. This shade has many interesting associations, you just have to take a closer look at it.

Tatyana Kulinich for https: // site

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Imagine how boring it would be to live if every person at birth was ordered to dress in only one specific color: you go only in yellow, and you go only in black. Fortunately, wise nature ordered that any of us should go not only with one specific color, but with several plus the most diverse combinations of them. And by what color a person prefers, you can tell a lot about his character, mood and worldview.

Today the Stylish Trick site wants to tell you about what does gray mean in clothes, and at the same time - what combinations of gray with other colors will be the most successful.

Gray color in clothes from the point of view of psychology

Gray is a compromise between black and white. Golden mean, so to speak. That is why it is so often preferred by people who are balanced, not prone to eccentric acts, carefully weighing their decisions.

Psychologists believe that a person who prefers gray subconsciously strives for inner harmony and stability. Very often this color betrays inner fatigue.

Gray lovers are stingy with emotional manifestations, believing that there is little constructive in them. Although this does not mean at all that they do not experience emotions - they simply do not consider it necessary to demonstrate them.

Since gray itself is neutral, often for the people who choose it, it is something like psychological relief. With the help of gray, a person seeks to go beyond the surrounding reality, to free himself from the situation in which he is involved.

Of course, these conclusions are highly arbitrary. There are many shades of gray, in addition, as a rule, we all use a combination of several colors. However, this does not prevent us from extracting some truth from the conclusions of psychologists.

Gray +: combinations of various colors

At all, gray color is very comfortable. It suits almost everyone, regardless of age, figure and type of appearance. Moreover, it goes well with most other colors. It looks great with accessories and jewelry. It can be used for business wear, and for evening wear, and in everyday life. Gray is a great backdrop. And what you put on it depends on your whole appearance.

Some girls do not respect the gray color, because it makes them sad, associated with plainness, monotony. No wonder there is an expression "gray mass". A "gray mouse" is called an uninteresting woman, devoid of a sense of style and her own individuality. However our site is sure: if you are so strongly opposed to gray, most likely you just "do not know how to cook it."

- Gray + yellow: one of the most winning combinations. These colors are mutually balanced: sunny, cheerful yellow is slightly muted by calm gray.

It is better when the gray color dominates. For example, a gray dress combined with yellow shoes and accessories.

-Gray + pink: classic combination. Pink brings its share of levity to this tandem.

Moreover, with gray, all shades of pink look equally successful: from pale - “rose ash” - to rich fuchsia.

- Gray + blue: or blue, to your taste. This combination is moderately restrained. It is suitable for a business atmosphere.

If you want to look brighter when going to a party, for example, then choose blue as your base and combine it with silver jewelry and silver accessories.

These three combinations are considered the most advantageous. However, the possibilities do not end there.

- Combination gray with brown tints- very refined and noble. Moreover, both walnut and delicate beige will look equally good with gray.

— Combining gray with red, you are positioned as a bold, passionate and at the same time integral nature.

Gray and lilac- this combination is very gentle and refined.

– Alliance gray and green very organic. It has a calming effect on the psyche and pleases the eye.

Combinations gray with white or black too boring.

Such combinations are suitable for brunettes with dark skin and raven-colored hair - this appearance itself is quite bright, so it does not fade from such modest colors.

In other cases, such ensembles should be diluted with contrasting bright strokes.

How the gray color will look also depends on the type of fabric from which the clothes are made. For example, light gray looks good in lace or silk. Saturated, dark gray - in suede. The smoky shade plays best in woolen products.

As you see, - A great replacement for the black base color, but a softer alternative. This color is elegant, refined, intellectual. The likelihood that it will go out of fashion in the near future is extremely small. So feel free to combine it with other colors and look for your favorite combination.

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