Wax bioepilation: getting ready for the summer season

Women's skin according to the latest fashion trends should be clean and smooth. Short, transparent and open things, like skimpy swimsuits, force women to get rid of excess body hair in many ways. So, during the reign of the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, both the ruler herself and the close ladies removed their hair with the help of a viscous sweet mass. Today, this procedure is called shugaring and is a type of bioepilation. Let's figure out what bioepilation is, what substances are used to carry it out, and determine the pros and cons of the procedure.

It is not difficult to understand what kind of procedure with the interesting name "bioepilation" is.

This is a gentle method of hair removal, carried out using natural ingredients - granulated sugar, wax, resin. Bioepilation sessions provide fast removal of unwanted vegetation and ideal skin smoothness.

But to get good results, the length of the hair should be 5 - 6 cm or more.

What temporary effect should be expected from bioepilation? It is impossible to answer this question precisely, since the rate of hair growth is an individual indicator of body processes. One thing is clear - it will not be possible to get rid of it forever by the method under consideration, since the integrity of the follicles is partially preserved. Sugar, tar, and wax rip hairs out by the roots, so they just don't grow back for long.

The minimum result of bioepilation sessions is 2 weeks, the maximum is 1 month. If in between procedures a person does not use other methods of dealing with excess vegetation, subsequently the hair will grow slowly, and in appearance they will be lighter and thinner.


The bioepilation procedure is multifaceted, so each of its options has its own characteristics:

  • Warm wax. The substance is packed in cassettes and jars. It is heated on a steam bath or melted in a special wax-making device. As soon as the wax reaches a temperature of 40 °, it is applied to the arms, legs, stomach or back. This is where heated wax works best.
  • Hot wax. The method is ideal for clients with densely growing hair. However, it is unacceptable to use it in the case when anomalies of the peripheral circulation are diagnosed. With the help of hot wax, bikini and underarm bioepilation is usually done.
  • Wax low temperature. The salon specialist heats the cold substance to a certain temperature, then distributes it on the scalp with paper strips. Hair sticks to the wax application and is removed as the strip falls off.
  • Cold resin. The substance is listed among environmentally friendly materials, because it does not contain a single harmful compound. The resin is used as a peeling agent for removing hair from the upper layer of the epidermis. The result of the procedure is smooth, soft, silky skin.

Sugaring is similar to bioepilation, but has a specific feature. If, when using sugar paste, the working composition is applied against hair growth, and the layer is torn off along the growth of hairs, then during waxing, the actions are performed in the opposite direction.

Execution process

It is easy and simple to make bioepilation, because the whole procedure consists of three stages:

  1. Preparation. The event involves cleansing and treating the hairy surface of the body with an antiseptic and emollient (alternately). The preparation is completed by sprinkling the treated area with talcum powder - it will dry the tissues. With a strong sensitivity to pain, clients are offered pain relief with a special spray or cream.
  2. main process. The selected product is applied to the body along the hairline. In a frozen form, it is torn off with a sharp movement in the same or opposite direction.
  3. End of work. Bioepilation is completed by moisturizing and soothing the skin with cosmetic creams and lotions. To avoid infection of open pores, the body is additionally wiped with a disinfectant (Chlorhexidine and similar agents).

The subsequent care of the skin that has survived bioepilation consists in daily cleansing and moisturizing. To prevent ingrown hairs, 2 to 3 days after the session, the skin is treated with a scrub. In the future, abrasive cosmetics are used once a week.

If bioepilation was carried out using wax and the skin reacted to the composition with an allergy, the hair is no longer removed with it. It is necessary to consult a doctor and eliminate the signs of dermatosis.

For everyone who plans to remove hair through bioepilation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to its implementation:

  • Herpes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diabetes.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Dermatological pathologies.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Deviations of a somatic nature.
  • Diseases of infectious origin.
  • The close location of the vessels in relation to the dermis.
  • Oncological neoplasms on the skin and inside the body.


Now we will find out what advantages bioepilation has and why many women in their reviews call it the best cosmetic procedure.

The main "pluses" of bioepilation:

  1. Versatility. The substances used for hair removal do an excellent job on any part of the body, including the intimate area. Hair of any structure, type and color disappears.
  2. Long lasting result. The effect of smoothness lasts for 2-4 weeks.
  3. High effect. During bioepilation, the follicles are damaged and pulled out along with the hair. Weakened bulbs immediately atrophy.
  4. Possibility of carrying out at home and on vast areas of the dermis.
  5. The ability to get rid of excess hair forever. The goal is achieved through regular visits to the salon.


Bioepilation procedures have one significant drawback - pain. The process becomes especially uncomfortable for women with thick thick hair. However, the pain syndrome is intense only at first. In the future, the body gets used to a little discomfort and does not respond to it with pain. With each subsequent session, hair removal is given more and more easily, since the compositions used make them thinner.

We also draw the attention of readers to the fact that when using too hot wax, there is a risk of skin burns. If the temperature of the substance is insufficient, the removal of vegetation will occur unevenly. To avoid negative consequences, we recommend doing bioepilation by professional masters.

The fashion for smooth skin, aesthetic considerations or hygiene issues force women to remove excess vegetation on the body. Of course, you want to get rid of unwanted hairs without discomfort, economically and for a long time. And the desire to get closer to nature, to avoid interaction with harmful chemical compounds makes the method of bioepilation popular.

Now in the price lists of beauty salons you can see the prices for the bioepilation service. The question naturally arises, what kind of method is this, is it new. In fact, bioepilation hides a set of hair removal methods using natural compounds:

  • waxing;
  • hair removal with phyto-resin;
  • sugaring.

In some salons, bioepilation is understood only as a wax type of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. Therefore, before going to the procedure, be sure to find out what and how hair will be removed.

The most common and familiar method of bioepilation is waxing or, as it is also called, waxing.

Pros and cons of waxing

Wax hair removal has become popular because:

  • The effect of waxing lasts about 2-3 weeks.
  • With regular epilation, hair is easier to remove, becomes thinner, less noticeable, and grows more slowly.
  • Wax is a natural remedy, which, as a rule, does not cause allergic reactions.
  • There is a wide range of products for removing hair of different types.
  • The method is convenient when treating large areas of skin.
  • The cost of the service is not very high.
  • The waxing technique is simple, and the tools are available - this procedure is easy to carry out at home.

However, waxing also has a number of disadvantages, because of which many are looking for alternative methods of hair removal:

  • pain of the procedure. Wax sticks not only to the hair, but also to the skin.
  • Wax removes only hairs 4-8 mm long, which means that for the procedure you will have to grow a "hedgehog" on the legs, in the armpits and other areas.
  • After epilation, hair of a shorter length may remain - they will have to be pulled out with tweezers.
  • When working with hot wax, there is a risk of burning the skin.
  • Waxing will have to be done every month.
  • The procedure can have such unpleasant consequences as ingrown hairs, folliculitis.
  • With the desired smoothness, skin irritation, bruises, mechanical damage, and swelling may also appear.
  • Wax remaining on the skin is poorly washed off with water, this requires special tools.


The disadvantages of wax removal are also contraindications to the procedure:

  • Mechanical damage to the skin.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Moles, warts and other formations on the treated area.
  • Varicose veins at the epilation site.
  • Diabetes. Damage to the skin after waxing with this disease will be long and difficult to heal.
  • Epilepsy. Pain from hair removal can trigger an attack.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, jumps in blood pressure. Pain from epilation can make the condition worse.
  • Bikini epilation is prohibited for fungal and infectious diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Individual intolerance to waxing products.

Bioepilation and pregnancy

Is it possible to carry out epilation during pregnancy - a question that worries many expectant mothers, because they want to remain as beautiful and well-groomed and at the same time not harm the baby.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may well continue to epilate her legs, arms, armpits, if the procedure for her is not accompanied by severe pain. Since severe pain in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, and in the last - to premature birth, you should not epilate the delicate and sensitive bikini area at this time.

But before deciding to go for waxing, you should consult with your doctor to minimize the risk, or start shaving again during this period.

Waxing technique

Waxing in the salon and at home requires a certain set of tools and tools:

  • Wax. It happens in the form of cassettes, bars, strips.
  • Voskoplav. Can be replaced with a microwave.
  • Putty knife. Needed for waxing. There can be wooden and metal ones, there are also spatulas with a temperature sensor, which helps to determine the temperature of the heating of the wax and avoid burns.
  • Epilation strips.
  • Antiseptic. It is usually used chlorhexidine or miramistin to degrease and disinfect the skin.
  • Pain-relieving gels or sprays with lidocaine.
  • Talc. Lifts hairs and reduces wax sticking to skin.
  • Lotion to remove wax residue from the skin.
  • Soothing cream after epilation.
  • Disposable gloves. Mandatory when epilating in the salon.

Waxing is convenient because it is easy to choose suitable materials and techniques for a specific type of hair to be removed. So, you can get rid of unwanted vegetation using:

  • Warm wax. It is sold in the form of roller cassettes that are slightly heated and then the wax is applied to the area to be treated. Warm wax does a good job with hair on the legs, arms, body.
  • Hot wax. For such hair removal, a dense wax in bars or granules is chosen, which is heated to a high temperature and applied to the skin. Hot wax fights stubborn hair in the bikini area and underarms.
  • Cold wax. Sold in the form of ready-made epilation strips with a wax layer applied. Used in salons to remove facial hair.

Cold wax epilation is considered the most painful and ineffective: unheated wax does not capture hairs well and it is impossible to get rid of them the first time. However, at home, it is convenient. The best option for home hair removal is warm wax - it captures the hairs well, and the risk of burning is minimal. And finally, hot wax bioepilation is best left to professionals so as not to harm the delicate skin of the bikini and armpits. It is worth noting that the procedure with hot wax is the least painful.

Preparation for the procedure

It is worth starting to prepare for wax hair removal in advance. 2-3 days before the procedure, peel the skin, immediately before epilation, go to the shower. Find out in advance the type of wax that the master will work with, and what pain relief the salon can offer. As a rule, gels and sprays with lidocaine are used to relieve pain.

Do not cool the skin before epilation to numb the pain. This method will narrow the pores and make hair removal more difficult.

The master will apply anesthesia, wait for its effect, degrease the skin and sprinkle with talc to lift the hairs and protect the skin from sprains and injuries. Heated the wax to the optimum temperature.

Leave the caring and softening creams for later. For hair removal to be successful, also discard ointment forms of painkillers.

Wax hair removal process

Cold wax epilation is the easiest to perform, so it is often carried out on its own, despite the pain and inefficiency. All that is required is to rub the wax strip between the palms, tear off the paper layer, stick the strip to the treated area, smooth it, wait 30 seconds and rip it off with a sharp movement against hair growth.

The method of hair removal with warm wax is similar to wax strips, only the product is applied separately, and the paper or fabric tape is glued later. With warm wax, the skin is lubricated according to hair growth, a bandage is applied, pressed, smoothed. After 30 seconds, the wax strip is torn off against hair growth.

In salons, hot bioepilation is often carried out. This method can be mastered at home, but working with hot wax and in hard-to-reach areas on your own is not easy. The wax must be of a sufficiently high temperature, which can lead to skin burns if inexperienced. Hot wax is applied to the skin with a spatula in the direction of hair growth. Waiting for it to cool and solidify. Then, with a sharp movement, the wax film is torn off against hair growth.

Hot bioepilation is considered the least painful, as the melted wax steams the skin, which facilitates hair removal, and soothes with warmth.

Completion of waxing and aftercare

After bioepilation, wax residues are removed from the skin with a special lotion, the treated area is lubricated with an antiseptic, and a soothing agent is applied after epilation.

If unwanted hairs remain after epilation, carefully remove them with tweezers; by no means a razor.

It is important to follow a few rules for the care of epilated skin:

  • In the first two days, give up the solarium, going to the beach, otherwise burns and age spots cannot be avoided.
  • Minimize physical activity until the skin calms down, refuse peeling - do not provoke irritation.
  • Use caring creams and products that slow down hair growth.
  • One and a half weeks after epilation, scrub the treated area to avoid ingrown hairs.

Video: warm wax hair removal

In order for the female body to look attractive and sexy, it is necessary that the skin be smooth and clean. Such conditions are dictated by modern fashion, presenting girls with transparent outfits, short mini-skirts and skimpy swimsuits. That is why more and more often they resort to removing ugly hair on the legs, body, chest, back, armpits and even sometimes on the face.

Unfortunately, no creams, extracts and tinctures are able to rid us of this "vegetation" once and for all. To solve the problem of its appearance, women usually resort to bioepilation - the procedure for removing the upper part of the hairs without destroying their roots and follicles.

Bioepilation procedure - what is it?

Bioepilation, or waxing, is far from a new cosmetic procedure. Subjects of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti were also engaged in hair removal with the help of special viscous masses located on the body. They applied sticky substances to the skin and jerked off unsightly hairs.

Now modern cosmetologists have improved this method of removing excess hair a little, made it less painful and adopted it. If such a procedure is performed regularly, then the hair on the body weakens, becomes thinner and, as a result, stops growing. But since it does not completely destroy the hair follicles, its regular repetition is necessary.

Types of bioepilation

Today, hot, cold or low-temperature wax is used as a sticky composition. For the procedure at home, you can use cold wax, and in beauty salons they use mostly hot and warm wax. Salon bioepilation requires skill and certain skills.

Hot wax is a mixture of pine resin, lemon or other vegetable oil and special rubber additives. Typically, hot wax is used to remove thick body hair or hair in particularly delicate areas, such as the bikini area, armpits or face. Wax is heated to a temperature of 37-42 degrees in special devices and applied to clean and completely dry skin. Under the action of heat, the pores expand, and due to the presence of rubber additives, the wax perfectly repeats the relief surface of the skin. With such bioepilation, hair is completely removed, and the skin becomes smooth and even.

Warm wax is pine resin with softeners. It is produced in special containers that are heated to 35–37 degrees. Low temperature waxes can usually be used to remove fine hair, mainly on the face.

Cold wax is usually used at home. It is a water-soluble wax that does not irritate the skin at all. It is applied to the skin, and then removed with a special strip of paper. True, such bioepilation with wax is the most sensitive and painful.

Bioepilation technique

Before carrying out the hair removal procedure, the skin on the treated areas is thoroughly wiped with a special lotion. In order for bioepilation to be carried out easily and not so painful, it is recommended to do peeling in advance. This will remove old cells and slightly lift the hairs on the skin.

Wax heated to the required temperature is applied in a thin layer on the surface of the body with a spatula in the direction of hair growth. Under the influence of temperature, the skin warms up slightly, and its pores expand. This, in turn, relieves pain a little and contributes to the best hair removal.

After the wax used has hardened on the surface of the skin, it is removed with a sharp movement using special strips along with the hairs, the residues are removed with cosmetic oil, and the skin is treated with a disinfectant. It can be a lotion or cream with chamomile, which not only has an antiseptic effect, but also soothes, softens and moisturizes the skin.

After hair removal, an agent is applied to the skin that relieves irritation and inhibits their growth. A good fixing effect can be given by creams or lotions containing lauryl isoquinolin bromide, which have the ability to destroy hair follicle cells and inhibit hair growth.

Depending on the size of the treated area, the procedure can take from half an hour to an hour and a half. Reviews of women indicate that bioepilation with wax can save the result from two weeks to one and a half months.

What is a deep bikini?

Deep bikini - this is the name of the procedure for the complete removal of hair in intimate places: on the pubis, buttocks, labia or around the anus. With the onset of the beach season, a deep bikini becomes especially in demand among women.

Bikini bioepilation is performed with hot wax and is recommended when the length of the hairs in intimate places is no more than 4–5 mm. Cosmetic hair removal lasts approximately 20 minutes and removes all hair from the pubic area and other treated areas.

The effect of this procedure is achieved instantly, and the skin surface immediately becomes smooth and perfect. True, for the first time a deep bikini can cause some discomfort on the skin, but, as women say, with each subsequent procedure, the severity and soreness of these sensations decreases. After wax bioepilation, hair growth noticeably slows down, and ideal skin smoothness lasts for about three weeks.

Girls who decide on a deep bikini should definitely consult a specialist about the need for this procedure. In addition, you should also make sure that there are no inflammatory diseases, wounds or damage on the skin surface. Bikini bioepilation is contraindicated in gynecological diseases, various neoplasms, as well as during menstruation.

Benefits of bioepilation with wax

Bioepilation as a cosmetic procedure has several advantages:

  • the result achieved is stored for a long time;
  • it can be carried out on large areas of the skin;
  • suitable for all types of hair, different colors and textures;
  • with regular long-term holding, you can permanently get rid of unnecessary vegetation;
  • can be done at home.

Disadvantages of wax bioepilation

  1. Given the pain of the procedure, it is not recommended to wax hair for pregnant women.
  2. If the temperature of the compositions used for hair removal is too high, you can get a slight burn of the skin, and if they are not heated enough, increased pain and uneven hair removal.
  3. After the procedure, it is necessary to limit visits to the sauna, bath or solarium.

Contraindications for carrying out

Despite the fact that bioepilation is a fairly simple procedure, there are a number of limitations to its implementation:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins or their close location to the surface of the skin in places of hair removal;
  • various skin diseases;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the skin;
  • infectious diseases, including herpes.

In all other cases, bioepilation is a completely safe and effective cosmetic procedure that will help a woman always look perfect.

This method of hair removal was invented by the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. She applied a special viscous mass to the body, which solidified, and then fell off along with the hair.
Currently, wax is used as a viscous mass, which explains another name for bioepilation - waxing (from the English wax - wax), or wax depilation.

How do we do bioepilation

We use in our offices, which is the leader in the production of products for depilation. The whole range of products for deep bioepilation with wax is of high quality, easy to use and does not cause allergic reactions.
We use two types of wax: hard (hot) wax and soft (warm).
hard wax it is used on the basis of pine resin or petroleum products so that the mass does not splash and does not stick too much; vegetable or lemon oil is included in its composition. The hot composition is applied to the body at a temperature of 38-42 C in the direction of hair growth. The skin warms up during the procedure, the pores open, and the hair along with the wax is removed quite easily. Thanks to rubber additives, the wax completely repeats the skin relief, so such “difficult” areas as the armpits and the bikini area are available to it.

The basis soft wax - a mixture of pine resin and softeners. Warm waxes are available in roller cassettes or cans. The wax is heated in special heaters and applied along the hair growth, and then removed with a special paper strip against the hair growth. After the procedure, the remnants of warm wax must be removed with a special oil, which at the same time soothes the skin.
After bioepilation, our specialists will offer you procedures that slow down hair growth:
1. Ultrasound - hair removal . The surface of the skin is treated with special compounds, the molecules and ions of which are delivered to the deep dermal layers with the help of ultrasound. Here they inhibit (slow down) the process of germ cell division and even partially disrupt the hair follicle due to the alkaline pH.
2. Lotion with chamomile extract , delaying hair growth. The lotion slows down the process of hair growth due to the substance laurylisokinoline bromide contained in it, which acts selectively on the hair follicle, destroying its cells, thereby increasing the intervals between processes. Enriched with chamomile extract and a moisturizing complex, the lotion also has an antiseptic, softening and moisturizing effect, soothing the skin after depilation.

Bioepilation with wax: contraindications

Acute and chronic skin diseases
- decompensated stages of diabetes mellitus
- varicose veins (at the site of the procedure)
- severe forms of hypertension and coronary heart disease
- acute forms of herpes
- infectious diseases
- benign skin neoplasms (papillomas, warts, moles).

The price of bioepilation

Depilation zone




Full legs
Arms up to the elbow
hands completely

In the modern world, getting rid of unwanted hair is no longer a luxury or a curiosity. Today, many women and even men prefer smooth, well-groomed skin to lush vegetation. Yes, and there are already quite a few methods of struggle. One of the most popular and affordable is considered to be bioepilation with wax in the salon.

Features of the procedure

This method is hair removal using natural ingredients such as wax or sugar. It is absolutely safe, suitable for all skin types and almost never causes an allergic reaction.

A similar service can be obtained in the bioepilation salon. This guarantees a professional performance technique without side effects in the form of bruises and bruises, which can be obtained when carrying out such manipulations at home.

Wax bioepilation in Moscow has gained immense popularity. And this is logical. Perhaps everyone will appreciate the effect of silky and smooth skin within 3-5 weeks after daily torment with a razor. This procedure has a number of features:

  • before the first visit to a specialist, it is necessary to grow hair for 10-14 days, the length should be at least 0.5 cm;
  • previously, the skin is degreased with a special solution;
  • melted wax is applied in the direction of hair growth;
  • breaks off with a sharp movement with the help of fabric strips in the direction against growth;
  • at the final stage, the skin is wiped with a special oil solution to remove the remnants of sticky particles and moistened with cosmetic milk or other means.

Deep bioepilation with wax in the salon takes a minimum of time and is suitable for busy people. After such procedures, the hairs become thinner and grow much more slowly. This is due to the fact that the hair is removed from the root.


Deep bioepilation in the salon has a lot of advantages, for which you can forget about the razor forever:

  • promptly;
  • qualitatively;
  • long-term effect;
  • lack of irritation.

Some users of this service in the early stages may encounter the problem of ingrown hairs. This is due to their thinning. Special tools and regular scrubbing of problem areas will help to solve this issue.

After deep wax bioepilation in the salon during the day, it is recommended to avoid a hot shower or bath, going to the sauna or solarium.


Bioepilation in Moscow is classified according to the type of material used:

  • hard wax. It is used hot to eliminate thick hair. The least painful type, but there is a risk of getting burned with unskilled execution;
  • warm wax is used on fine hairs. Not recommended for sensitive areas;
  • soft (cold) wax is applicable for any type of hair and skin, but the method is very painful.

A professional master of wax bioepilation in the salon will help you choose the right composition of the material and the execution technique.

An important aspect of the client's comfort is the selection of a convenient time for the procedures. To date, it is possible to sign up for a pedicure online.

Prices for bioepilation

Name Price
Women's Hall
1. Above the lip 200 rub.
2. Chin 250 rub.
3. Arms to elbows 500 rub.
4. Full arms 700 rub.
5. Epilation of brushes 550 rub.
6. Legs to the knee 700 rub.
7. Full legs 1 400 rub.
8. Back (collar area) 400 rub.
9. Belly 400 rub.
10. Chest 400 rub.
11. Armpits 550 rub.
12. Bikini area (Women) 1 000 rub.
13. Deep bikini area (women) 1 600 rub.
Men's room
1. Arms to elbows 600 rub.
2. Full arms 800 rub.
3. Legs to the knee 800 rub.
4. Full legs 1 600 rub.
5. Back (collar area) 550 rub.
6. Full back 1 200 rub.
7. Bikini area 2 000 rub.
8. Deep bikini area 2 600 rub.