What to do facial skin does not age. How different skin types age. Fine wrinkled type of aging

Experts identify 4 types of facial skin aging - each type of aging requires its own skin care and its own cosmetic procedures.

Dry skin aging

Do you remember how in school years we envied smooth-faced beauties with porcelain skin without a single enlarged pore, without a nasty shine and without a single pimple? Most likely, they were the owners of dry skin, and the only trouble that could happen to their faces up to 23 years old was just a slight peeling (from frost or bad cream). But then, without special care, the following begins to happen with dry skin - at first it is covered with a thin, barely noticeable mesh, which becomes more pronounced after applying foundation and powder. Then mimic wrinkles are formed: first, traditional "crow's feet" around the eyes, then - nasolabial folds, longitudinal wrinkles above the upper lip and transverse ones - on the forehead. Alas, if you “miss” the moment of the onset of age-related changes, then in the future, no procedures will be able to restore the young look to the face.

What to do? If age-related changes have just begun to appear, start actively using creams: during the day - moisturizing, at night - nourishing. Your goal is to provide the deep layers of the skin with a constant supply of moisture. Do not forget that frost and sun are your biggest enemies. And if wrinkles are already very noticeable, you should think about a course of hyaluronic acid injections - a more reliable moisture accumulator in the skin has not yet been invented.

What to read . For anyone with dry skin, we additionally recommend the following materials:how to take care of dry skin - step-by-step advice on how to care for the skin throughout the day and how to keep it in good condition and prevent its premature aging, andhomemade masks for dry skin - numerous recipes that allow you to properly nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, which is prone to aging and dryness.

Skin aging is expressed in sagging

The second type of facial skin aging is called gravitational, because it is directly related to the force of gravity. In other words, some faces visually age because they sag. Often this is due to problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, when the face swells from time to time: under the eyes, around the cheekbones and in the lower part of the cheeks. This leads to the formation of fluid overloaded areas that pull the skin down in the form of pouches. Characteristic signs of facial aging for this type are pastosity, the severity of the nasolabial fold and the drooping of the corners of the mouth. Another characteristic feature: the youngest person looks in the middle of the day, but when awake and in the evening, the face looks rather rumpled.

What to do. First, try to eliminate the main problem: to cure, if possible, the internal organs, due to the disease of which edema occurs. Give up bad habits: for example, excessive use of salt, beer, just tea or coffee (especially at night). Try to drink diuretic herbal preparations from time to time. Sleep at least 7 and no more than 9 hours a day, and preferably in a cool room (hot air in the bedroom can cause swelling). Among the cosmetic procedures, you should pay attention to seaweed masks and classic facial massage, as well as hardware lymphatic drainage.

What to read . For additional information, we recommend the following materials:Home facial massage - all the secrets, as well as facial massage techniques with a step by step video.Lifting face masks - we share the most effective recipes for homemade masks that will help correct the oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles, give tone and elasticity to sagging skin. Numerous positive responses were caused by home honey massage, which is described in detail in the article.Honey face masks . Here is a collection of honey-based masks for different skin types.

Skin aging in children's faces

The most insidious age-related changes lie in wait for the owners of the so-called baby-faces - children's faces: chubby cuties with childish features. Such faces do not seem to be adults for a long time, which is why they age abruptly and suddenly. This is due to the fact that chubby faces have a rather large (anatomically justified) supply of subcutaneous fat, which at some point becomes beyond the strength of the skin to keep it taut. The collagen skeleton, which provides tension to the tissues of the face, sags under the weight of fat, and the “baby doll” first sags the cheeks, then the eyebrows and upper eyelids, and soon appearsdouble chin . The impression of "aging" appears after the "baby doll" deforms the oval of the face.

What to do. First, strictly monitor weight fluctuations - in almost 70% of cases, a sharp aging of this type of face occurs after rapid weight loss. Secondly, monitor facial expressions and be ready for botulinum toxin injections. Well, as in the previous case, beware of edema. Ultrasound-based procedures help to strengthen facial tissues well.

Skin aging in mobile faces

Mobile faces with large features grow old according to their own scenario. The fact is that they have a developed muscular frame - this, on the one hand, is good. But on the other hand, it is possible for working muscles, “dragling” the skin behind them, to stretch it much faster, which leads to the rapid formation of muscles. First, the “chewing area” stands out with steep folds (remember the cartoon about Homer Simpson? Then this area is not difficult to imagine). Then - folds on the forehead. Well, then everything else.

What to do. For people of this type, the main thing is to reduce muscle tone - that is, "Botox" - this, as doctors say, is the drug of choice. The second point is the restoration of collagen reserves: this can be achieved by taking cosmeceuticals based on provitamin A and enzyme preparations that improve cellular metabolism. Among salon procedures, you should choose a course of electrophoresis with mild muscle relaxants (drugs that help muscles relax).

What to read . In addition to all the tips, the section will be an excellent helpFacial rejuvenation - this is a whole blog about the care of aging skin, where you will find expert advice and feedback from our readers, where they share their stories and useful tips on how to keep your skin in excellent condition and always be young and beautiful.

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There are a lot of women who seem to not age at all with age. And the skin is clean, and there are almost no wrinkles, except for mimic ones - in the corners of the eyes. And they smile so often, as if everything is always fine with them ... And ask them the secret of their youth! I assure you, it turns out that everyone has their own secrets! But there is also something in common. Some basic principles. Here we will try to highlight them.

First rule. Watch your digestion.

The intestines should work like clockwork. Constipation is a poisoning of the body, it is flabby dull skin. The small intestine, according to Oriental medicine, is the roots of our body. If the roots of the tree are good, strong, then, accordingly, the tree flourishes, it is beautiful. And with rotten roots, the tree withers, dries. The same is true of our intestines, if it is healthy, whole, then the body will flourish accordingly. And the person will live long. The health of our intestines, first of all, depends on food: fresh vegetables and fruits, clean water, less pastry, salads and cereals, as well as chamomile tea in the morning are very conducive to skin beauty.

Speaking of water: the condition of the skin, the harmony of the body and energy to a large extent depend on the quantity and quality of the water that we drink. Don't believe? This is easy to prove.

Let's start with the structure of the skin. In the epidermis there are protein fibers - collagens, which have a remarkable ability: when they enter the water, they increase in volume. Swollen collagens from the inside increase pressure on the skin, which, due to this, is smoothed out, wrinkles disappear or decrease.

The smoothness of the skin depends on this process. And the most affordable way to keep her youthful and solve a lot of health problems is to drink 1.5-2 liters of unboiled natural water daily. Water that will fill your body with vital energy and oxygen. And soon you will see the result on your face (in the literal sense of the word): your skin will be smooth, radiant and velvety.

Second rule. Complete sleep.

Sleep deprivation is the worst enemy of skin and hair beauty! Try to go to bed at a time that will allow you to get a good night's sleep. I have a friend who values ​​her beauty so much that she goes to bed at 9 pm. But what does she look like at 36! It's just amazing!

Sleep is a wonderful gift to man from God. I used to think that sleep was a curse that took away so much valuable time. But only recently have I realized the usefulness of sleep. Thanks to sleep, a person, in addition to bodily relaxation, is morally cleansed - after sleep, emotions and unnecessary information are erased and only a fact remains in memory.

Third rule. Fresh air is a friend of beauty!

If you sit in the office all day, walk home at least a few stops. Vents and windows should be constantly open, and in winter as often as possible. Take long walks outdoors on weekends. In order for a person to feel relatively normal, he needs about thirty cubic meters of fresh air per hour.

And one more important secret of preserving beauty and youth - BATH! Our skin is a living organism and toxins (poisonous substances) accumulate in this organism, from which we must constantly get rid of. Calculated with the accuracy of Archimedean "Pi", what a person must secrete through the pores of his skin into THREE AND A HALF TIMES MORE WASTE THAN THROUGH THE RECTUM AND KIDNEYS! This can only be achieved with a steam bath with a broom.

It is especially good when everything in the bath is made of wood. In addition, since the evening, healers make a very salty solution in a basin, soak a shaggy towel with this solution and squeeze it out a little. When your body turns red like a lobster after being rubbed with a shaggy salty towel, you can consider that your skin is a living organism. At the same time, it is advised not to use soap, but corn flour, which is not harmful in a hot space.

Fourth rule. Vitamins!!!

Where are the vitamins, not for me to explain to you! Even children know this today. Of course, not in cigarettes, not in alcohol, and not in cakes! Unless I'll tell you about the winter time. In winter, most of all you will find vitamins not in greenhouse vegetables, but in dried fruits. So lean on dried fruit compote, add dried apricots and raisins to oatmeal in the morning, and regularly drink rosehip infusion, it should taste sour, only then it has enough vitamins.

“A few spoons of oatmeal, a tomato, an orange, a cup of tea and yogurt, a portion of all other products daily - and you can forget about old age and fatigue. Unless, of course, you do not forget about playing sports,” Pratt said. Among the "miracle foods", the specialist singled out: beans and blueberries, broccoli and oatmeal, oranges, yellow pumpkin, soy, salmon, spinach, black and green tea, tomatoes, turkey, nuts and yogurt. In order for the diet to bring results, all of the listed products must be eaten at least 4 times a week.

Fifth rule. Inner mood and state of mind!

The secret to staying young is to avoid ugly emotions. This is no less important than all of the above! If you have not forgotten how to joke and laugh, as in your youth, if you are friendly and do not envy anyone, if you have a favorite pastime, then your old age will have a beautiful young face, and you will not need plastic surgery!

And finally - the "elixir of youth". It is believed that this composition really powerfully rejuvenates cells, it is recommended to drink it from the age of 30. 200 grams of chamomile, 100 - immortelle, 100 - St. John's wort and 100 grams of birch buds mix, chop. 1 tbsp mixture insist in 0.5 liters of hot water (in a thermos), strain. Drink in the evening before going to bed one glass of infusion with a spoonful of honey and in the morning half an hour before meals.
Drink for a month. Repeated course - in five years.

The sixth rule (small but important). The age of a woman is given out by her neck and hands.

We often forget about hands. We get used to their appearance and cannot always catch the moment when wrinkles are already too obvious and the bones on the hands protrude. Yes, and the skin on the hands suffers from temperature changes and insecurity is much stronger than the cheeks covered with protective and tonal creams. With the same hands, you have to wash, wash the dishes, hide them in your pockets because of the gloves forgotten at home.

It was not for nothing that our great-grandmothers wore thin gloves in spring and autumn - they protected the skin of their hands, prolonging its youth. Ideally, the glove season should be opened as soon as the temperature outside drops to +4 degrees. So buying thin elegant spring gloves is not pampering, but a banal means of protection.

Modern science is developing rapidly, but it is not yet able to completely stop aging. But with proper skin care, this process can be slowed down a bit. The skin at a young age is elastic, smooth and dense. Over time, due to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin, it gradually begins to age. Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots appear on the skin. Time leaves its marks on the skin anyway, but there are certain steps you can take to look younger than your years.

1. Crow's feet

This is commonly referred to as a few thin, horizontal lines on the outer corners of the eyes. They tend to be one of the earliest indicators of the skin aging process. Such “paws” can be slightly outlined after 20-25 years. More visible with age. Collagen production is reduced and the delicate skin around the eyes is the most affected. Crow's feet can also appear from prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent squinting and smoking. To prevent them, you need to apply vitamin E in liquid form to the eye area with massaging movements. In addition to it, aloe vera pulp juice helps a lot. It is best to apply it before bed.

2. Dark circles under the eyes

Delicate, sensitive and thin skin around the eyes is highly vulnerable to various external stimuli: sun, wind, cold, etc. Due to the loss of collagen, it becomes transparent, and blood vessels are more visible.

Dark skin under the eyes makes a person look older than his age. The appearance of dark circles is often provoked by the sun's rays, sleep disturbance and unfavorable environmental conditions. In order to avoid this trouble, it is important to get enough sleep, not look at the screens of various gadgets for a long time, and regularly use nourishing creams and almond oil to soften and nourish the skin.

These are thin or deep folds and lines on the skin that appear with age. They often accompany the natural aging of the body. Wrinkles, as a rule, appear after 25-30 years. They are most commonly found on the neck, face, hands, and forearms. The main reason for this is a decrease in collagen production. In addition, wrinkles become more frequent after prolonged exposure to bright sun, smoking, severe stress, sudden weight loss, and with a genetic predisposition.

To preserve moisture in the skin and the process of cell regeneration, it is useful to massage your face daily with warm olive or coconut oil. A fruit mask helps well: the pulp of a banana, papaya (you can skip it), avocado is mixed in equal amounts and applied to the face for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

4. Dry skin

If well-moisturized skin suddenly quickly becomes dry and rough, then this may also indicate the beginning of its withering. Over time, it produces less oils, which are necessary for its elasticity. This is what causes dryness of the skin. In addition, the rate of skin cell renewal decreases with age. In addition to aging, dryness is caused by dehydration, excessive sun exposure, the use of unsuitable soaps, smoking, stress and dry air.

To prevent such a problem, it is useful to apply a little natural olive oil to the face and body half an hour before taking a shower with light massaging movements. Then in the shower you need to wash everything off and, after drying the skin with a towel, apply a moisturizer. Oil in this procedure can be replaced by honey and milk cream. It is desirable to hold them on the face for about five minutes.

5. Swelling around the eyes

Hangover syndrome, prolonged crying, lack of sleep, allergies can provoke swelling under the eyes. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, then, most likely, the skin began to gradually age. Under the eyes, the skin is thinner and weakens quickly, which leads to puffiness. To reduce swelling of the skin, you can use tea bags or cucumber slices that need to be laid on the eyelids. Do not vigorously rub the skin of the eyelids with your hands. It is advisable to reduce the intake of salt and alcohol: they only aggravate swelling.

Facial pores become more visible with age. It also happens due to decreased collagen production and loss of skin elasticity. In addition to aging, stress, genetic predisposition, prolonged exposure to the sun, poor ecology, and improper skin care affect the increase in pores. You can visually reduce the pores using pieces of ice. They should periodically massage the skin (morning and evening). Useful for solving this problem and apple cider vinegar. It is mixed in equal parts with water and washed on the face before going to bed.

7. Loose skin

With age, the skin loses its moisturizing components, which makes them loose and sagging. In the skin, the number of elastin and collagen decreases, due to which the tissues become weak and damaged more quickly. Sagging skin is exacerbated by overexposure to sunlight, smoking, drinking alcohol, sudden weight fluctuations, and poor diet. In this case, a mask of one egg white and natural yogurt (a tablespoon) will help. The components are mixed and kept on the face for 20 minutes. In addition, it is important to do regular facial massage with warm olive oil.

8. Pigmentation

It occurs for many reasons, including aging. Excess production of melanin makes some areas of the body darker than usual. In addition to aging, pigmentation begins due to hormonal changes, various skin injuries, burns, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, constant stress, and improper skin care. Age spots are most common on the face, arms, and back. You can lighten them a little by regularly rubbing lemon juice into them, after which, after 15 minutes, the remaining juice is washed off. No less effective is aloe vera gel, which is desirable to leave on the skin all night.

The skin on the neck is very thin, and therefore, with age, it quickly loses its elasticity. Deep wrinkles appear on it, and the skin itself sags. This can also happen due to sudden weight fluctuations, intense sun exposure, and genetic predisposition. In order to prevent sagging neck, it is useful to use a moisturizing cream for the décolleté areas daily. Before going out in the sun, it is recommended to treat the neck with sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher).

10. Sagging eyelids

Over time, the edge of the upper eyelid drops slightly due to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity. It can also happen due to thyroid dysfunction, fluid retention, sun exposure, and other factors. To avoid sagging eyelids due to skin aging, it is necessary to periodically massage gently around the eyelids to improve blood circulation. This area should be carefully protected from the sun's rays with dark glasses and sunscreen.

After 25 years, the years fly by faster and faster. You won’t have time to look back already 30, 40, and there you look and fifty dollars has wound up. How you don't want to get old. How not to grow old after 30, 40, 50, what to do in order not to grow old for a long time? How to keep longer youth?
How not to age with your face - this problem has already been solved by cosmetology: dysport, fillers, mesothreads, facial plastic ... But what should be done so that the body does not age for a long time?
In order not to age and look in good shape at 40, 50, 60, it is necessary that the body does not age. This is already more difficult work, but you can try to stop old age a little.

The body is subject to aging for several reasons, according to modern scientists. Free radicals contribute to intense skin changes that are associated with age-related changes. To reduce the negative impact of these unstable radical molecules, antioxidants are needed. The latter are found more in foods of plant origin. The production of insulin above the norm also affects the aging process, so only a balanced diet can delay the onset of old age.

Cosmetic procedures that are performed for the purpose of rejuvenation give a short-term result. To stay young and healthy for as long as possible, you need to add the following antioxidant foods to your daily diet.

Greens and leafy green vegetables

Fresh vegetables will help protect the human body from the negative effects of toxins and free radicals: various types of cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), spinach, lettuce. It has been proven that eating spinach for several weeks rejuvenates the skin by almost 40 percent.

A variety of greens also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The use of basil, parsley, mint, cloves and other spices not only improves the taste of various dishes, but also protects your body from the effects of negative environmental factors (stressful situations, ultraviolet radiation). Greens are able to free the body from toxic heavy metals, which significantly reduce the strength of the body's immune system.

The power of beans

Legumes not only have a large amount of protein, but also hyaluronic acid. With age, its amount changes, therefore, after 35 years, a decrease in skin elasticity and firmness is noticeable.

Beans and beans are an indispensable food for those who are young in body and soul. These products are able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients, as a result of which the aging process slows down significantly, and the skin remains smooth and wrinkle-free.

Goji berries

The famous goji berries today occupy a place of honor in dietology, as the fame of their rejuvenating effect spreads at lightning speed among the interested category of society. One gram of these berries contains more than 500 times more vitamin C than an orange.

The use of goji berries contributes to the intensive production of collagen - the material for skin elasticity. Linoleic acid smooths fine wrinkles well and prevents the appearance of new ones. At the same time, the skin is saturated with moisture and does not suffer from dryness.


This dried fruit in its composition has a sufficient amount of antioxidants that prevent the destruction of tissues, thereby preventing the skin from aging. In order for the skin to shine with health, it is necessary to eat 5-7 pieces of prunes daily. It's healthy and delicious. Prunes compote will also come in handy.


This overseas canned product is able to cope with age-related fine wrinkles no worse than an expensive anti-aging cream. Thanks to oleic acid, which helps to smooth wrinkles and lines, olives are especially popular among antioxidants.

Black chocolate

For those with a sweet tooth, dark chocolate is offered. It turns out that cocoa is extremely beneficial for the skin. A sufficient amount of antioxidants neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Regular consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits will not only give health to your body, but will also noticeably affect the condition of the skin. Anti-aging products will rid the body of toxins and toxins, prolonging your youth.

You may be interested in the review "Effective diets".

Why does a person get old? Because it is so determined by nature, some will answer. But there is also premature aging. Many will say that its cause is in genes, heredity. In fact, every woman decides for herself: to grow old or not to grow old. Mere mortals may look like models. How to make a beautiful face and young? Expert advice will help. You just need to follow elementary tips to keep it fresh.

How to make a beautiful face and young after 30 years? Particular attention should be paid to the eyes and gaze. It is the eyes - that's what gives out age and what others pay attention to in the first place. It's not just about proper care. Do not ignore decorative cosmetics: false eyelashes, black liner, shimmering shadows, well-defined eyebrows. After washing your face in the morning, massage your lower eyelids with your fingertips. This will help to quickly remove night puffiness.

No anti-aging creams will help if the skin is not properly moisturized. It's a misconception that oily or combination skin doesn't need constant hydration. How to make a beautiful face- not to treat wrinkles and folds, but to prevent them. Otherwise, the face will look like a worn out bag. Moisturizers make skin tighter.

Hair is another way how to make a beautiful face and young. Every stylist will say that bangs make the face look fresh and playful. No wonder bangs are associated with children. It is worth spending money on a hairstyle, look for the best stylist.

Never emphasize the line of the lips or eyes too brightly. Too much makeup ages the face. Under the layers of foundation and powder, you still can’t hide “crow’s feet”, a tired look and dark circles under the eyes.

An eyelash curler can do wonders for the eyes, making the look more expressive. The main thing is to choose a quality product and not to curl too often, otherwise sparse cilia will remain from fluffy eyelashes.

The neglect of even young girls makes them unattractive. Pamper yourself with manicures and pedicures. Don't forget the foot massage: they deserve it. Once a week, you can afford to go to the professionals.

You don't have to be too hard on your appearance. Beauty will not fade if maintained. It's just that the face can become a little older. A wonderful antidote to old age is a smile, laughter, fun. No need to be sad looking at yourself in the mirror. Always keep with you what makes you happy. It can be a piece of chocolate, a secret scent, a favorite tune that will instantly erase the sour expression from your face.

Do not run to a plastic surgeon. Today there are many that allow you to prolong youth. Try invasive techniques.

Wear high heels for a feminine, elegant look.

This is the easiest way to prolong youth. If a woman does not get enough sleep, her skin loses its pink tint, circles appear under the eyes, and the skin becomes pale.

Proper nutrition, sports - of course, but after 30 years the body absorbs nutrients from foods worse. Therefore, do not ignore dietary supplements and vitamins. Vitamins K and A are useful for the skin around the eyes. The result will be noticeable faster if they are taken together.

Home face lifting, which can supplement or replace (at first) salon rejuvenation procedures - fitness. Fitness is back on the wave of glory. Just tense and relax your facial muscles. After a week of regular exercise (10-20 minutes a day), you will be able to see the result. Due to exercise, the skin will better absorb all the nutrients. The face will be lifted.