Manual facial cleansing: the whole truth. Face cleaning: manual, mechanical, ultrasonic

The skin of the face is daily exposed to atmospheric precipitation, sunlight, dust, as a result of which the pores become clogged, turgor decreases, metabolic and respiratory functions slow down. Even everyday hygiene procedures and proper care using cleansers and all kinds of creams will not help here. To rid the face of comedones, dead cells and sebum, you need manual facial cleansing, performed manually.

The essence of the method

Since the time of the ancient Egyptian queens, manual or manual cleaning has been very popular. Manipulation refers to one of the ways to cleanse the skin, which can be performed regularly without fear of harming the skin. In more detail, manual cleaning is the removal of black dots, wen and horny scales manually or using a special metal loop (Unna or Uno spoon). The method is used for any type of skin, but is most in demand for solving the problems of oily, porous, prone to inflammation of the skin.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Manual cleaning of the skin of the face has both its advantages and obvious disadvantages. The advantages include the effective removal of comedones and fatty plugs of the sebaceous glands, since it is almost impossible to remove them with any other cosmetic cleaning.

The obvious downsides include:

  • A fairly high degree of pain.
  • A high percentage of the likelihood of skin infection (if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed).
  • Cannot be carried out during menstruation.

When is manual cleaning performed?

It is best to conduct a cleansing session in the first half of the menstrual cycle, when the level of estrogen in the woman's body is elevated. This natural change in the hormonal background will allow you to somewhat reduce the pain that usually occurs during this manipulation. The procedure can be done for oily skin once a week or 10 days, and for dry and normal skin - once a month.

Indications for carrying out:

  • White dots (milia).
  • Black dots (comedones).
  • Acne (no signs of inflammation).
  • Dirt and excess sebum (clogged pores).
  • Furuncles.

But you must also be aware of the existence of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refuse the procedure:

  • Inflammatory skin diseases, including viral damage.
  • Severe acne lesions.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Demodicosis.
  • Couperose.
  • Chronic skin diseases.
  • period of menstruation.

Relative contraindications can be considered a low pain threshold or a high degree of sensitivity. In these cases, the patient may simply not endure the procedure to the end.

Stages of mechanical cleaning of the face

  1. To effectively cleanse the skin, it is first treated with special products (cleansing gels, foams) to remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics, grease and dust. In case of severe pollution, a cleansing mask is applied.
  2. Then the face must be steamed using a vaporizer or a warming cream. This is done to maximize the opening of the pores, from where dirt and fat plugs are to be removed. After preparation, the beautician has 15-20 minutes directly for cleansing. The fact is that after 20 minutes, the pores begin to close, after which the removal of comedones can become painful or result in infection.
  3. At the end, you can make masks (against inflammation, to soften or with a narrowing effect). If the conditions of the cosmetology clinic allow, physiotherapeutic procedures (darsonvalization, iontophoresis, infrared radiation) or massage with liquid nitrogen are used for complex care.

Carrying out manual cleaning, the beautician can use the Unna Spoon. The tool is used to prevent injuries, since on one side it has a small surface with one hole through which dirt is easily removed. There are varieties of spoons, the working surface of which is the size of an ordinary teaspoon with many small holes. You need to use a spoon only after preliminary preparation (cleansing and steaming the skin).

In the absence of the Unna Spoon, the beautician works with fingers wrapped in sterile wipes. It is impossible to leave the beauty parlor immediately after the session and go outside. The best option is to rest for 30-40 minutes, so that the skin returns to its natural state, and the pores narrow completely.


What complications can occur after manual cleaning?

Immediately after the session on the face, you can notice areas of redness and slight swelling, which disappear in a day. If the skin is dry, prone to inflammatory processes or with increased sensitivity, then traces of manipulations can be noticeable for 3 days.

A few days after the procedure, the surface layers of cells die off and begin to naturally exfoliate, and regeneration processes start in the dermis. Outwardly, it looks like a slight peeling, which quickly disappears with daily use of moisturizers and nutrients.

The biggest trouble is the infection of the treated areas and the development of the inflammatory process. This happens when the cosmetologist violates the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. If you notice signs of inflammation, see a dermatologist.

Result: photo from forums

Modern women lead an active and busy lifestyle, and this, as a rule, affects their appearance. Stress, sleepless nights, nutrition that is not regulated - these are the most common problems of every person of our time. All of the above points greatly affect the state of health, especially on the skin of the face. That is why you should properly and regularly care for your skin.

If you follow standard hygiene procedures (washing, removing makeup), this will still not be enough for the best effect. Consequently, many women turn to a more radical method - manual facial cleansing. The procedure is not only simple, but also very effective.

general information

Mechanical (manual) cleaning is a great way to get rid of skin defects (blackheads and acne). Such a procedure is carried out both at home and in cosmetology clinics. Although cleaning can be done at home, it is better to consult a specialist, as it should be done carefully and very carefully. During cleaning, there may be painful and not very pleasant sensations, but the result will amaze anyone.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the first half of the menstrual cycle, since during this period the level of estrogen is the highest. This moment allows you to reduce the threshold of pain that occurs when performing mechanical cleaning. If the girl's skin is oily, then once every 7-10 days such a cleansing should be carried out. With dry skin type and normal - 1 time in 25-30 days.

Manual cleaning at home

Facial cleansing at home will make the skin cleaner more gently, but it is almost impossible to clean the pores as effectively as with a specialist.

The procedure should be carried out in stages:

  1. Makeup removal. Makeup is removed with a micellar solution or cleansing gel.
  2. Peeling. Pre-apply a warm compress, then use a scrub.
  3. Protection, hydration, nutrition. If the skin of the face needs one of the listed items, then it will be enough to make the right mask and apply it for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Removing the mask. Cleansing the face from the remnants of the mask should be done with cotton swabs and then wipe with a tonic.

Applying face cream.

Manual cleaning by a specialist

ATTENTION! It is very important to take the choice of a cosmetologist very seriously. First of all, you need to pay attention to the qualifications of the doctor, since accuracy is needed here, on which the whole result will depend. Thanks to the experienced hands of a cosmetologist, the procedure will pass without negative consequences. The likelihood of scarring will decrease to zero.

Manual cleaning is quite painful, but the recovery period can also cause discomfort.

Before cleaning, all devices are disinfected by the doctor. The procedure is carried out manually using the following devices:

  • an object that has a rough, elongated handle with a spoon at the end is called a UNA spoon. Squeeze out black dots and comedones with its help;
  • remove impurities by piercing hard-to-remove acne formations with a Vidal needle (a flat, elongated handle and a needle at the end);
  • wipes are sterile.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Cleansers, such as foams or gels, are initially treated on the skin. This eliminates cosmetics, dust and grease. If the skin is heavily soiled, then a suitable cleansing mask is applied.
  2. Using a warming cream or vaporizer, steam the skin on the face so that the pores open to the maximum. After this procedure, fat and mud plugs are easily removed. When the skin is ready for the main procedure, the beautician must clean all pores within 15-20 minutes. After 20 minutes, they close, and the risk of increased pain when cleaning comedones increases, sometimes even infection is likely.
  3. When cleaning is over, masks are applied to soften, eliminate inflammation and narrow pores. In some salons, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out: infrared radiation, iontophoresis, darsonvalization, liquid nitrogen massage.

Indications and contraindications for manual cleaning

When the patient has the following problems, mechanical cleaning of the face should be performed:

  • comedones - black dots on the face;
  • milia - white dots;
  • clogging of pores with fatty plugs or dirt;
  • acne, not inflamed;
  • boils.

There are also moments during which it is better not to use manual cleaning:

  • if there are diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the skin of a chronic nature;
  • the presence of arterial hypertension;
  • period of menstruation;
  • skin diseases of viral origin, including herpes;
  • demodicosis;
  • acute dermatitis and eczema;
  • severe degree of acne;
  • furunculosis, impetigo;
  • rosacea.

Refusal to clean can serve as an increased degree of sensitivity or a low pain threshold.

The effectiveness of the procedure and its disadvantages

If you do not postpone the elimination of oily skin problems and start eliminating them in a timely manner, then the appearance will be improved for a long time. After manual cleaning, the skin becomes smooth and clear, as soon as the recovery phase passes:

  • acne and blackheads appear to a lesser extent;
  • pores become cleaner and narrower;
  • relief and skin color becomes more even.

After each procedure, the rashes become smaller and smaller, and the skin of the face acquires a healthy look, natural shine and even structure.

However, there are disadvantages to this procedure, despite its simplicity and effectiveness:

  • during menstruation, the procedure is contraindicated;
  • increased pain of the procedure;
  • high percentage of skin infections.

  1. After the cleansing procedure is completed, it is recommended to stay under the sun for the first 2-3 days, swim and sunbathe. During the day after cleansing, the skin needs to recover and calm down, so you should not wet your face during this period (i.e. do not wash your face).
  2. If on the morning after cleansing the face is devoid of swelling and redness, then the procedure was successful. An aloe vera gel or an after-sun product is applied to the skin, which will restore the skin. It is logical that any remedy is applied only with clean hands, having previously applied an antiseptic to them.
  3. For washing, special products or clay are used, especially after being outside. For washing, take 20g of green, white, black or red cosmetic clay and dilute it with warm water, after which they wash with this solution. At night, the face is wiped with a lotion without alcohol and a night cream is applied.
  4. Such thorough care after the procedure is performed during the first three days. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the fat content of the skin of the face, also to prevent excessive drying of the skin and make sure that new comedones do not reappear.
  5. To dry the skin, use a clay mask no more than once every two days. Take clay and mineral water in equal proportions, mixing them to a mushy state, and apply on the face for 20 minutes. The main point - the mask should not dry out. The clay is washed off with warm water, after which a cream is applied. It should be noted that for the preparation of the mask it is better to take dishes made of porcelain, glass, wood or ceramics, but in no case from metal.

Possible complications

As soon as the procedure for mechanical cleaning of the face is done, redness and swelling appear. Such effects should pass within a day. It is likely that the problems will last for three days if the skin is dry or has a tendency to inflammatory processes.

1-2 days after the manual cleaning session, the layers of cells on the surface die off and peel off in a natural way. In the dermis itself, the process of regeneration is actively taking place. In appearance, it can be said that slight peeling occurs on the skin, which is easily eliminated with the help of nutrients. Daily use of moisturizers will also help.

The most dangerous complication after the session is the infection of the treated areas, after which the inflammatory process is activated. Such situations are likely after the cosmetologist violates the rules of antisepsis and asepsis. In this case, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

Mechanical cleaning is one of the most famous and well-studied cosmetic procedures. With its shortcomings - trauma and multiple possible complications - it has established itself as the most effective method of cleansing pores. Manual or manual facial cleansing is a rather painful and lengthy procedure, but the effect of it will not be long in coming.

Manual or mechanical cleaning of the face - what is it and what are the indications for it?

Clean pores are a rare phenomenon. Most often, the holes through which he breathes are clogged. The mechanism of pollution is as follows: sebum, which is produced by the sebaceous gland located inside the pore, mixes with dead keratinocytes and hardens. After that, his exit to the outside becomes impossible or extremely difficult. Gradually, pollution accumulates, disrupting the normal functioning of cells and becoming the basis for the development of infection. If cleansing is not done on time, clogged pores will cause acne in inflammatory form, and in the future will provoke its consequences in the form of erythema, dyschromia and scars.

Mechanical skin cleansing is a cosmetic procedure in which the beautician manually removes impurities from each pore. Manipulations are carried out exclusively with fingertips, and not with nails, so as not to damage the integrity of the skin and not cause capillary expansion.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist uses tools in the form of:

  • a stationary or compact magnifying glass for a detailed study of the impact site;
  • UNO blades. This device is a metal rod with small spoons at the ends. In one of them there are several holes (strainer), in the other - one in the middle. Other design options are acceptable;
  • metal loop with a thin edge;
  • Vidal needles (thin surgical steel needle).

Many susceptible patients assume that this technique is the same routine procedure as regular daily skin care. However, the difference between the usual squeezing of blackheads in front of a mirror and the mechanical cleaning of the facial skin by a cosmetologist is that in the second case, the session takes place under conditions of complete sterility and with a guarantee of maximum cleansing, which reduces the risk of complications.

Indications for carrying out the following:

  • acne in non-inflammatory form (open and closed);
  • polluted and enlarged pores without signs of acne;
  • boils (abscesses are not squeezed out, but only opened for the free flow of purulent masses).

The main stages of the procedure

If the patient has normal or oily skin, there is no need for pre-procedural preparation. If the skin is dry type, it must be moisturized for 2-3 days before the session with the help of special masks. Otherwise, the exit of the contents of the pores will be difficult.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Make-up removal and cleansing lotion.
  2. Vaporization.
  3. Removal of excess sebum and superficial corneocytes with a scrub or peeling.
  4. Cleansing. It starts with the least affected areas. To remove multiple comedones on the wings of the nose or chin, a strainer is used; for single rashes, a spoon or loop is used. The comedone remover is positioned so that the head of the blackhead is in the middle of the hole. With subsequent pressure, its contents are inside the spoon. The needle is used to open boils and rashes that are deep under the skin. The cosmetologist can operate with one of the mechanical facial cleansing instruments or use a combination of them. At this stage, the specialist is given no more than 20 minutes, after which the pores will begin to close.
  5. Applying a soothing mask.
  6. At the end of the session, the beautician may suggest applying a cream. You need to make sure that it is water-based, or replace the product with an antiseptic powder. Otherwise, the pores will clog faster. Immediately after the session, you can not touch your face with your hands or act on it in any other way. Half an hour after graduation procedures are recommended to be carried out in a cosmetology room to bring the skin back to its natural state.

Video: "Technique for manual facial cleansing"

The duration of the session directly depends on the number of rashes and averages 60 minutes. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to carry out a course of procedures: for oily and combination skin - 5-6 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks, for dry and normal skin - 3-4 sessions with a break of 1 month.

Immediately after mechanical cleaning of the face, peeling, erythema and edema begin on the skin, which persist for 3-4 days. At this time, it is strongly not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics, visit a solarium, swimming pool, sauna, steam room and take a hot bath - this will contribute to increased sebum secretion and early pollution. The skin must be wiped with alcohol-containing lotions. The emphasis in care should be on moisturizing during the day and cleansing before bed. The crusts that appear should fall off on their own.

Regularly carrying out the procedure helps to tighten pores, eliminate the manifestations of acne and help the healing of boils. As a result, the skin looks fresher and cleaner, blood circulation and metabolism in the pores improves, and cellular respiration normalizes.

The results of mechanical facial cleansing: before and after photos

Possible complications and contraindications

One of the main contraindications to mechanical cleaning is the presence of foci of inflammation on the face. Other contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe form of acne;
  • hypertension;
  • fungal and viral skin diseases;
  • period of menstruation.

The most common complication is infection during the procedure. This happens if the beautician neglects the correct technique - does not observe sterility, does not remove impurities to the end, cleans the skin with inflamed areas. In addition, in some cases, with regular help in cleaning, the body develops an addiction effect, and the pores cease to clean themselves. It is also possible to increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantages of the method are trauma and pain. Therefore, patients with a low pain threshold and / or sensitive skin, when choosing between manual facial cleansing or ultrasound, should opt for the latter.

The advantage of the procedure is that the contents of the pores are removed to a greater extent than with other types of cleansing. This moment is one of the defining

In addition, manual cleaning is combined with other types of cleaning:

  • ultrasonic(cleansing with an acoustic wave, which creates vibrations in the walls of the pores and thereby brings sebum to the surface);
  • galvanic(during the session, with the help of electrodes, the ph of the skin changes and its deep cleansing with an electrolyte solution becomes possible);
  • vacuum (treatment with a device that creates negative pressure on the surface of the skin; the nozzle of the device grinds the top layer and draws sebum from the surface of the skin).

Approximate prices for mechanical cleaning of the face

It is difficult to answer unequivocally how much mechanical cleaning of the face costs. The price of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the treated area and the number of rashes. On average, the cost of removing comedones in the T-zone and on the cheeks is about 30 USD.

Manual pore cleansing is the most traumatic method of skin treatment. Sometimes such an impact leads to complications more pronounced than the defects with which the patient turned to a specialist. However, in some cases this method is the most effective or the only one possible. Therefore, if manual cleaning cannot be avoided, special attention should be paid to the qualifications of the beautician who will carry it out. Its reputation should not be in doubt, and the existing reviews can be extremely positive.

In modern cosmetology, there are official canons of how healthy facial skin should look. Among the mandatory requirements is the absence of inflammation, black dots, blackheads and other formations. Manual facial cleansing will help to overcome these problems - a procedure that involves manual exposure to the skin in order to eliminate superficial and deep impurities.

Indications for carrying out

Manual cleansing of the facial skin is usually indicated in cases where other types of peeling cannot solve the indicated dermatological problems. Manual exposure allows you to eliminate:

  • blackheads clogging pores;
  • whiteheads (or milia);
  • not inflamed acne formations;
  • clogged pores, excessive secretion of sebaceous secretion, increased oiliness of the skin;
  • boils.

Procedure execution algorithm

Manual facial cleansing usually takes no more than 40-50 minutes. During this time, the beautician manages to perform the following actions:

  1. Cleansing the skin of decorative cosmetics and surface dust, a mask for pulling impurities from the pores.
  2. Degreasing the skin, removing excess sebum.
  3. Steaming the skin with creams, masks or special devices. At this stage, it is necessary to open the pores, in this state they are no more than 15-20 minutes, which means that the beautician will not have much time to remove dirt and plugs from the sebaceous secretion.
  4. Directly processing itself with the help of fingertips or special tools.
  5. Application of therapeutic masks at the final stage. Products can have an anti-inflammatory effect, help narrow pores or soften the skin.

With oily skin, it is permissible to clean every 7-10 days, with normal skin - no more than once a month.

Video: manual facial cleansing

Applied devices

In most cases, manual facial cleansing is done by hand. Removal of contaminants is carried out with fingertips wrapped in sterile wipes. It is strictly forbidden to perform manipulations with the help of nails, this leads to injury to the skin and the formation of complications.

If necessary, simple cosmetic tools can be used. So, most often used:

  • Spoon Unna or Uno. It is a metal device with two working areas at the ends. On the one hand, there is a spatula with many holes (it is also called a sieve), it is designed to remove excess sebaceous secretion, on the other hand, a spatula with one hole, it is used to remove acne..
  • Vidal needle. It is a metal device with two working areas at the ends. On the one hand - a needle for opening formations, on the other - a spatula with one hole for squeezing them out.

Unna Spoon Facial Cleansing
Face and pore cleansing tool Loop and Vidal needle

Before use, all tools must be carefully sterilized, they can be used both in the salon and at home.

Side effects and complications

The natural reaction of the skin to mechanical action is a change in its color (redness), soreness, slight local swelling. Similar side effects appear in the vast majority of patients and disappear within 2-3 without specific treatment.

Unfortunately, during manual cleaning there are risks of more serious complications, such as infection of soft tissues, inflammation and scarring.

Possible risks can be reduced by observing contraindications to the procedure and recommendations for conducting the rehabilitation period. In addition, it is extremely important to choose a specialist who has experience and observes the technique of the procedure, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin.

Skin care after cleansing

Skin recovery after manual cleaning without complications lasts from 1 to 5 days. The first 12 hours are considered the most difficult, it is recommended to spend this time at home without washing your face and without going outside. In the future, within 2-3 days, it will be necessary to abandon the use of decorative cosmetics, avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and not visit solariums and the beach.

This is what my skin looks like the day after cleansing

The main care after the procedure is the use of compounds that soothe the skin, relieve inflammation, and accelerate cell regeneration. Such formulations are used in the morning and in the daytime, at night, if necessary, non-alcohol-based lotions are used to regulate the secretion of sebaceous secretions. If necessary, inflammation can be treated with gentle antiseptics, as well as using masks based on therapeutic clay, they dry the skin and minimize the activity of bacteria.