Why is it considered that pregnancy is the most beautiful. Pregnancy - a wonderful time or a heavy burden? How did it happen

Some patients of the Meta clinic know Elena Aleksandrovna KOZLOVA (Kolobova) as a gynecologist, others as a pregnancy specialist, and still others as an ultrasound diagnostician.

Today, Elena Alexandrovna told Sibmama about the different facets of her work, about the upbringing of girls and the ideal age for giving birth to a child.

“The task of the doctor is not to scare, but to explain everything in time ...”

- Elena Alexandrovna, a traditional question: why exactly obstetrics and gynecology?

This is a very interesting profession, which involves saving lives, and not just one person, but two, three, sometimes more. And ultrasound diagnostics is my hobby. In gynecological practice, it is important to “look” with your hands, and then with your eyes at an ultrasound scan and draw the right conclusions. I have been working as an obstetrician-gynecologist for almost 15 years, of which I have been devoting more than 10 years to ultrasound diagnostics.

- What is the most interesting thing?

Difficult question. Medicine is a complex and complex science, it is impossible, for example, to say: I am only engaged in obstetrics, I do not touch anything else. My teachers said: the smartest doctors are obstetrician-gynecologists. Without false modesty, it is. All doctors read and study a lot, but we strive to know everything about the patient's body.

Gynecology involves several life stages of a woman: a girl becomes a teenager, then a girl enters reproductive age, and so on. Many want to become mothers, someone refuses this step, which, by the way, I am completely calm about. Is it possible to say: “Go give birth, you must?”. My job is to explain that there are certain age points that need to be taken into account. If you are closer to forty, having made a career, decide on motherhood, it is not a fact that everything will work out. From my personal point of view, in no case am I quoting any eminent doctors here, the best age for the first birth is 24 - 28 years. On the other hand, if a woman led a healthy lifestyle, her reproductive system, even after 30, will allow her to bear and give birth to an absolutely healthy child.

" An obstetrician-gynecologist should also be a psychologist. It happens that a woman in the process of preparing for pregnancy or infertility treatment is very nervous, even angry at the doctor.

Especially when it is necessary to examine the patient, to consult narrow specialists. Sometimes, at the stage of preparation and examination, we learn that there are such diseases from the side of somatic pathology, in which carrying a pregnancy can be associated with a high risk to health, and sometimes even a threat to a woman's life. I always honestly tell my patients: the more I learn about you now, the more likely I am to get a quality pregnancy, which is not only the birth of a healthy baby, but also the general health of the mother. My approach is this: if there is a pathology, there are problems, then we will treat them calmly. We will address issues as they come up. After all, the task of the doctor is not to scare, but to explain everything in time.

Of course, sometimes I also want to be indignant when the patient does not hear me, and say: you yourself brought yourself to this state - by smoking, by an unhealthy lifestyle, you once had a medical abortion, hoping that everything would work out later. But you need to learn to accept mistakes, and first of all your own.

“We need to tell the life that is born inside, how good it is in our world ...…”

It was once believed that a pregnant woman should take care of herself, but today we hear more and more often that pregnancy is not a disease and is not a reason to change the usual way of life. What do you think?

Pregnancy is the most beautiful state in a woman's life. As soon as she sees a positive pregnancy test result, her world should turn 180 degrees. I am a doctor and I understand how the fetus develops, but how the mind is laid, a new personality is born - this is still a mystery of nature. Of course, a pregnant woman should not become a crystal vase, freeze in one position and close herself from the world. You need to walk, sleep more, smile more often and enjoy your condition (after all, they happen only 1-2 times in life, and only a few couples decide to have a 3rd and subsequent children).

In the morning the sun is shining, it is raining, a blizzard or a blizzard is equally great, we must tell the life that is born inside, how good it is in our world. If you get it at work, do not pay attention, the main thing is the life growing inside you. But don't let yourself get hurt.

If a woman led an active lifestyle before pregnancy, you need to continue it - taking into account the nuances, of course. I love pregnancy yoga. A ballerina will come - I can recommend her to limit physical activity, and soft stretching - please do it. Baths and saunas should be treated very carefully. You can not warm your feet and lie in the bath.

- Are flights allowed during pregnancy?

- There is no absolute ban on flights for all pregnant women, it all depends on the state of general health and the nuances of the ongoing pregnancy. Whether or not a particular patient can fly, the doctor can only say for a period of 12-14 weeks. At this time, it will be clear how the pregnancy develops, how the chorion is located, whether to expect a threat from this pregnancy or not. The most dangerous for a flight is the first trimester, due to the threat of termination of pregnancy at a short time, and the third, when there is a risk of premature birth. The location of the placenta is especially important. An absolute contraindication is presentation or low placentation, due to the high risk of bleeding. Of course, no one will be able to know what scenario this pregnancy will develop ... Well, the airline's policy plays an important role in terms of the timing of the flight.

" What can and what is undesirable to do to this patient, the doctor can say more precisely only by the end of the first trimester. By this time, the patient has already been examined as much as possible.

Unfortunately, again we have to return to the issue of age. Suppose, at the age of 25, a girl did not smoke, led a healthy lifestyle, was not somatically burdened, and did not get sick in childhood. She will pass certain tests and undergo examinations that are necessary according to the algorithm of the antenatal clinic, where the patient is observed, and, most likely, the pregnancy will be carried out in an easy risk group. At this age, a woman is an active spinning top, spinning and running, she has a lot of strength.

And by the age of 35, alas, a certain somatic pathology more often accumulates. Physiology takes over. And when the patient says: “I came to you completely healthy, but I left sick,” I answer: “It’s not true, you came to me underexamined.” Metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, pathology of the digestive tract at this age are no longer uncommon. A woman gets tired faster, the endocrine system begins to become obsolete. The task of the doctor is to foresee everything two or three steps ahead and lay the straw in time.

- What are the features of nutrition during this period?

- Food during pregnancy plays a very important role. Spicy, fatty, salty, smoked, buns, fritters, manti, kebabs, okroshka, seeds, sweets are undesirable. I know what you want, sometimes very much. But more energy needs to be given to proper nutrition, your "friends" during pregnancy become a double boiler, oven, slow cooker. I tell my patients: you can eat a small piece of the wrong food as a reward for a good, healthy meal. If you are on a vegetarian diet, you need to pay special attention to foods that contain protein. About ten years ago I didn’t understand vegetarians, but now I’m calm. The human right to determine one's life must be reckoned with.

- Swimming is not contraindicated for pregnant women?

If this is a sea-ocean, I am only “for”, and it is undesirable to swim in our Ob reservoir. When asked if it is possible to swim in the pool, I usually answer: it is possible if the pool is at your place or with a high-quality filtering system, wherever you would take your unborn child without fear. After all, a woman's body during pregnancy is more susceptible to diseases, including infectious ones.

- And how can a pregnant woman protect herself during epidemics and how to behave if you still get sick?

- In order for her to carry the baby and prevent a miscarriage, her immune system begins to protect the fetus and, accordingly, immunity is halved. At this moment, a woman needs to be protected. The most important thing is to try to prevent infections, visit less crowded places, and during the cold season, wear a mask that needs to be changed every two hours. Rinse your nose at least 2 times a day with Aqualore, Quicks, Aquamaris or the simplest mineral water. For the prevention of colds and flu, you can use gripferon, derinat, oxolinic, viferon ointment or infagel.

" If the temperature rises during pregnancy, in no case should you sit and wait for the weather by the sea! The time factor plays a very important role, and if you do not turn to a specialist in time, unfortunately, you can lose a child and damage your own health.

If the temperature rises above 37.5, call the ambulance team, be sure to inform the doctors of your pregnancy. Feel free to call the doctor at home, let him look and listen. Local therapists, of course, are afraid of pregnant women - this is such a patient to whom many drugs can be prescribed only for health reasons. There is a very small group of drugs that will cope with the disease with the least risk to the fetus and with the greatest benefit to the mother. But when the question of a woman's life arises, they will save her first. Even if, God forbid, it is not possible to maintain this pregnancy, a woman in the future will still be able to endure and give birth to a baby.

“I love it when my girls shine…”

- Does our harsh climate somehow affect the course of pregnancy?

Of course, it is better to bear and give birth during periods of solar activity, and in our region it is three to four months at the most. Every pregnant woman should receive a certain dosage of vitamin D. It is now often called the vitamin of joy. And I love it when my girls shine. After 20 weeks, I usually give calcium preparations to my patients, which already include vitamin D. And multivitamin complexes for pregnant women are as balanced as possible in their composition. I explain to the patients that the future baby needs certain microelements for its proper development and growth, which simply cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities with food.

There are conditions during pregnancy that require the use of antibacterial drugs. Sometimes girls get scared, read the lists of contraindications and do not take medicine. I try to explain what complications can arise if help is not provided in time.

" The main thing is trust, mutual understanding and mutual respect between the doctor and the patient. Then complications during pregnancy can not be expected.

- In many countries there is no such thing as keeping a pregnancy early. What do you think about it?

Our approach, European and American, is very different in terms of pregnancy management tactics. My main contingent is patients with habitual miscarriage, that is, pregnant women without problems can be counted on the fingers. Usually there are two, three, five miscarriages at different times in history. Such patients need to be insured. I won’t put you in a hospital without the need, but if I said “it’s necessary”, then the word “no” does not exist. There is a medical intuition, when you clearly understand that the patient needs to “overstay” this period. And if we don’t catch it, we miss it, we get another pregnancy loss, a tragedy in the family again.

" And critical dates need to be experienced, from the point of view of psychology, by the absence of these deadlines in the head. If in a previous pregnancy a miscarriage occurred at a period of 18 weeks, then now it is 17 weeks, and then immediately 19. The 18th week is simply “no”, we “missed” it.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the moment of natural selection. An early miscarriage can occur due to genetic damage. In many countries, the first pregnancy is not actively carried out at all, they are not kept until 12 weeks: the body itself recognizes whether there is a breakdown or not. Many geneticists say that the first pregnancy is a trial.

For me, as a doctor who has a practice with "recurrent miscarriage", the first unsuccessful pregnancy in my patient makes me think: was there a hormonal disorder, a Rh conflict, problems at the level of the coagulation system, an infectious factor, was there a SARS on a period of 7-8 weeks. I begin to examine it as much as possible in order to understand at what stage the violation occurred. Of course, it is not always possible to examine for chromosomal pathology. But, at least, I will mentally put a “plus sign” if we have excluded everything else. The main thing is the maximum examination of a woman, in order to exclude a repeated tragedy.

- Have pregnant women become healthier in recent years?

Not all. Now is a politically and economically difficult time, we are constantly under pressure: sometimes it’s bad there, sometimes it’s bad. We will probably become healthier if we start to properly educate the new generation, which is now entering the reproductive age. By the way, girls who are now 16-18 years old often take their health more seriously than adults. I have young patients at the reception who come and say: teach them to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of themselves, start having sex correctly.

My daughter is 11 years old, my friends' children are entering reproductive age. They know who to ask their question and always get an answer. In the 1990s, planning centers began to appear in the country. At that time I was a student at a medical school, I really wanted to educate, tell, help people. We told girls in schools and institutes about hygiene, respect for oneself, the consequences of unprotected sex, complications from medical abortions. Now, unfortunately, this is practically non-existent.

" Many draw information from each other, from the Internet. But the Internet has no medical and legal education, you ask a question, but will you get the right answer? Going to the doctor on time, taking care of yourself are good habits.

You need to change your lifestyle immediately when planning a pregnancy. Getting rid of bad habits, balanced and wholesome nutrition, positive emotions are the first conditions for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.
More, I think, you need to work with parents, explain how to educate girls.

- And how to educate girls?

If at 10 - 11 years old a girl was told that she was the best, a princess and a beauty, everything would be fine, she would “float” in life like that. And if you constantly tell her: it’s not like this for you and it’s not like that, the girl will develop complexes. You need to teach your child to love himself and love life. This applies to both sexes.

“My pregnant women are the most beautiful and the best, even if they are wrong ...”

While on maternity leave, I decided to get additional education in ultrasound diagnostics. Today, working at a computer, I enjoy my profession, I have the opportunity to "spy" on the baby from the moment of development of the fetal egg to the very last stages of pregnancy.

I used to love telling parents the gender of their unborn child. But there are women who rejoice, and there are those who say: well, here again, a boy or a girl. And for me, the realization of the reported news became a blow. How can you even expect a child of only a certain gender? From the first days of delay, he must be perceived as a person, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. If you tell your mother during an ultrasound the gender, and she is unhappy, the baby inside closes her face with her hands, hides: he realized that he had upset his mother. Mentally tried to calm these kids. After that, I began to ask very carefully: if you can see the sex of the fetus, do you want to know it? I try to report it gently, sometimes I say: you know, I don’t see the gender of the fetus, let’s just call it a baby. I understand perfectly well that a woman can go for an examination to another place, and everything will be told to her there. I try to get her out of the negativity as much as possible.

" For me, the children of my patients are my children. They often bring me photos of babies: sometimes these are photos for an album, and sometimes they are magnets.

I take everything home, I attach magnets to the refrigerator. The first one appeared about seven years ago. My daughter came up to the refrigerator in the morning and said: Roma, hello. Then Masha, Vika, Zakhar appeared ... Now we say: “Children, good morning and good day to everyone!”.

- How not to be afraid of childbirth?

- Are you a strict doctor?

I think yes. When patients say about me that I am too strict, I answer that it is better to be a strict doctor than to smile and not take the patient seriously. The doctor must explain, and reassure, and praise, and scold. Unfortunately, there is not always enough time for communication, and in state medical institutions there is practically no time at all. Pregnant women I try to pay attention to the maximum, they are a priority. My pregnant women are the most beautiful and the best, even if they are wrong. For example, when a woman weighs one hundred kilograms, there should be practically no weight gain: the child will take everything he needs from his mother. If the weight grows, I say: well, next time you will try not to gain too much, right? And I know that next time she will try.

I get angry if a woman stops taking care of herself. The child, while still inside, should know that his mother is the most beautiful. Of course, there are certain restrictions - gel nails, for example, cannot be built up, but no one bothers to take care of your hands. Do your hair, take care of yourself. Don't dress in those horrible denim overalls, wear nice bright clothes. Enjoy your pregnancy. Each of you is unique.

The dream of a child visits every woman sooner or later. And what joy settles in the heart at the sight of such long-awaited two strips on the test. But at the same time, a woman begins to worry and ask herself different questions. How to eat right during pregnancy? What clothes to wear? The fair sex is sometimes lost in these situations.

There is nothing to worry about! All of these questions have logical answers.

The diet of a pregnant woman

A woman in an interesting position is simply obliged to eat well. This is necessary, first of all, for the health and normal development of the fetus. The expectant mother during pregnancy should eat a lot of foods containing calcium and protein. After all, it is them in large quantities that the body of a woman in position loses. You need to eat boiled eggs (but only 1 per day, eggs in large quantities can cause allergies), fish (preferably sea), cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products and, of course, vegetables and fruits.

Fatty, salty and spicy foods should be limited to a minimum so as not to harm yourself or your small growing organism.

It is very useful to eat cereals, especially oatmeal, buckwheat, barley. They cleanse the body and saturate it with energy.

Drink up to 2 liters of water per day. Absolutely give up alcohol and smoking. Chocolate, sweets, condensed milk should be consumed in minimal quantities. You can marshmallows, but also not very much. It would seem that nothing is forbidden to pregnant women, but this is not so. There are restrictions, but they are introduced only for the health of mother and baby.

Clothes for pregnant women

In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother can dress as usual. But the baby inside grows every day and sooner or later mommy starts looking for clothes more freely.

In no case should you wear jeans and trousers with a narrow waist. Don't even think about wearing a belt! It can put pressure on the stomach and limit the oxygen supply to the baby.

Now there are many specialized shops for pregnant women. There you can find comfortable clothes for every taste. It looks very nice. After all, a pregnant woman becomes more attractive and literally blooms.

Someone is waiting for this with the hope of a miracle, joy and anticipation of an incredible life, someone with fear, someone with horror and a sense of hopelessness. What am I talking about? Yes, about her, about pregnancy.

Very often the very interval from conception to birth falls out of the eventfulness of life. So it is not easy, the first moment is forced out. Or random and unexpected. The birth of a child is a great event. And how many changes it brings with it!

What about pregnancy? What do they say about her, except for the famous mood swings and tastes of a woman? What is this moment of life, how will we live it? Differently. Both in joy and in sorrow.

How did it happen

This is how you found out you were pregnant. Probably not a single moment can be compared with this emotional richness. The reaction can vary from the most violent and happy to panic and aggressive. Even if you expected it, it causes confusion. And if not? For some, this is a moment of very difficult choice. And it's not about whether to keep the pregnancy or not, that's a different story.

How to tell parents, young man, at work? What if it brings such confusion and deprives the usual supports that it is not clear what to do?

Take responsibility for your future child. Do not expect anything from others, except what the law prescribes. Resentment, anger will harm you first of all. Pregnancy exacerbates all sore spots both literally and figuratively. So, you'll have to deal with it.

Remember, difficulties make us stronger and children happier. Here, with hope for the best, with confidence in the choice made and love for the baby, go ahead.

black humor

If you are bypassed by toxicosis, swelling, heartburn, drowsiness, coupled with insomnia and other "charms" of pregnancy, you can skip this paragraph. You most likely enjoyed the process all the time, experienced only sublime feelings of joy and peace. Those who are lucky enough to feel the restructuring of the body with brighter consequences cannot do without black humor.

I had toxicosis, which is considered, according to the records of doctors, of moderate severity. This is when everything vomits and sometimes unexpectedly. It is useless to cry, you have to lie under a dropper, sort out the products that will climb and then remain in the stomach, and patiently wait until this wonderful time lasts 1.5-2 months (for someone more).

What is humor?

The fact is that when you vomit like that, you tense up. The first time I was afraid to strain my stomach. Then, washing herself, she looked in the mirror and was horrified by the blue face. So all the same, I stopped at the abdominal muscles. And there, as you know, there is still a bladder, which is already beginning to be compressed by a growing uterus. As a result, when vomiting comes unexpectedly, you run to the toilet and do not know which side to turn. Cursing, laughing and go to the shower. Don't forget that in our beautiful hospitals the showers are on schedule...

Whatever happens to you, remember that it is temporary and worth it in order not to succumb to discouragement.

Pleasures of the hospital

Yes, we live in Russia, and our hospitals are also Russian. Is it good or bad? Surprisingly, I notice changes for the better.

First, beds with normal bottoms began to appear. Not a mesh. True, to strengthen the frame in my bed there was a metal bar, and for some reason on top of the frame, but these are trifles, only 5-10-15 flips per night and that's it. And colorful underwear!

Secondly, the food is acceptable. For a state of toxicosis, it is almost ideal, since the dining room and kitchen are separated, there are no foreign smells, and even meat climbs. And how much joy brings bread and cheese and certain days when they cook fish with mashed potatoes!

Conversations deserve special attention. In the gynecological department, there are not only pregnant women, but also women of a rather elderly age, loudly broadcasting how much and what they were cut out. And you understand: everything is fine with you!

Third, the staff. If you treat the work of these stoic people with understanding, you can get an adequate attitude towards yourself. Young doctors and nurses appeared, attentively and worthily doing their job. The older staff supports with stories and jokes. What is missing are special people who can support in a situation where everything went wrong.

The joy of turning points

They come when toxicosis subsides and you return to your usual life. When an ultrasound scan passes and you are told: everything is normal, the location is as it should be, there is no placental abruption. When you step over the cherished weeks and the child stays with you. When you get the test results and everything is fine there. When you go on maternity leave and realize that it's not for two weeks.

anxiety symptoms

Changes in the mood of a pregnant woman are often associated with hormonal changes. Although I believe that a woman's responsibility for the unborn child plays a significant role. What is possible and what is not? What medicines can harm? What if the doctor is not accurate in his diagnosis? How will my condition affect the child if I get sick?

Many fears and anxieties overcome us ...

There were girls in the hospital who had a slight dilatation of the uterus, with positive dynamics, threatening miscarriage. The doctor recommended rest and observation, since surgery is not provided for at such stages. So they thought that “it’s easier to sew everything up in figs” and calm down, and not be afraid to sneeze once again. Yes, we are ready to endure a lot, to play it safe so that the little life inside does not lose its strength.

In these situations, I see the duality of the Internet or real pregnancy communities. On the one hand, they will tell you that neither thrush, nor cord entanglement, nor 41 weeks prevented the birth of a healthy and normal baby. On the other hand, you will hear sad stories. Choose a positive attitude and a good doctor - perhaps these are the main components.

Loss of individuality

The more long-awaited the pregnancy, the more difficult it is, the more attention is paid to your “belly”. There is anxiety of others who want to do good to you in the name of caring for the baby.

Before you had time to stretch out your hand at the table, it was carefully hinted to you that you This, probably harmful, but you really want pickles or beetroot, because it ... Or they start to lead you by the handle, afraid that you will slip out of the blue. It is recommended not to go to social events to avoid infections.

You are not obliged to listen to it, and even more so to fulfill it, if you are sure of the opposite. You need both walks and mobility, you need communication and a sense of belonging to social life. One has to look for a balance between the old life and the new state, but not a complete rejection of the first in favor of the second.


Have time for everything. Get things done at work. Survive a renovation or relocation. Buy all the necessary things.

There is a lot of extra work on you, although it becomes hard to walk, sleep and just bend over. But the energy from the woman is rushing! She builds her nest, and men, unable to resist this flow, are forced to participate too.

I remember once a 7-month-old pregnant woman came to the ward with uterine tone. Recommendations: rest and no load. And after a couple of days, she runs away for a quiet hour with the words: “They brought us drywall, we need to help my husband carry it.” A curtain.

Not much has happened in these 9 months. This is a small life outside the framework of everyday events with its own laws. You need to accept your pregnancy, fit it into your usual existence, survive all the difficult moments, not lose yourself and prepare for the birth of a baby.

On this path, support, help from doctors, a positive attitude, humor and faith in the correctness of one's actions are important. The result will be a birth, and after it - new anxieties, worries, first smiles, steps and words ... Kindergartens, schools, first loves and work experiences ... And again pregnancy, already in the families of your children ...

Appreciate this period, remember it and live again. Preferably only in joy!

Pregnancy planning, pregnancy- what a wonderful time it is! It's an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. You need to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest, and I will tell you about the undoubted advantages of your position.

Fall in love with yourself again

Do you know when it ends? When the test showed two stripes. From that moment on, the whole world turns upside down. Yes, yes, it is turning over, sensations, habits, attitude towards yourself and the world are changing, because now you are not alone! At first, it will be your secret. When I found out about my pregnancy, of course, I could not resist and immediately told my husband, although the test showed such a barely visible second strip that I stood by the window all day, peering into it. And although my husband was wary of my news, he didn’t want to be upset later, my world had already turned upside down. Every day the second strip became brighter, somewhere on the 5th test I stopped and realized that I was pregnant, that's for sure. Long live new life! It was our secret, unusual tenderness appeared in the relationship. The husband kissed, hugged and talked to the “tummy” all the time. When we came to visit, everyone saw that we were glowing with happiness, but no one guessed what our secret was.

They say that pregnancy is beautiful, and this is undoubtedly true. Now you can really pamper yourself. After all, you should enjoy everything beautiful as much as possible. Pleasant music, beautiful paintings, delicious food, as well as fragrant candlelit baths, meetings with good friends, interesting trips - all this will bring you and your baby a lot of pleasant moments. Love your body again, you will tenderly care for it and enjoy it, because you are not only caring for yourself.

New opportunities

Well, let's start with the fact that you have the opportunity to update your wardrobe. Moreover, now there are a lot of stores that sell clothes for pregnant women. You will also be happy to go shopping for newborns, and look after the dowry for your baby.

You can also expand the circle of your friends: in consultations, at the maternity hospital, in classes for expectant mothers. And you will always have something to talk about and discuss.

Relations with mother and mother-in-law will also move to a new level. Now they will do their best to become your faithful friends and advisers, unless, of course, before that your relationship was not like that.

Your chest will become very attractive, which you can emphasize with pleasure with blouses with a beautiful neckline. You are awesome!

During pregnancy hidden talents often wake up: knitting, embroidery, drawing, culinary talents and even design ones, because you have to decorate a room for your crumbs. You will feel the power to move mountains.

Perhaps for the first time you can afford to eat as much as you want and then when you want, even if it's 3 am, you can safely go to the refrigerator and eat such a delicious sandwich. When I got pregnant, the first trimester I ate all the time. I had the impression that my mouth did not close, 20 minutes after eating, I again experienced wild hunger, and I had to eat again. At night, sometimes I also wanted to eat, but my natural laziness won over the desire to leave the warm bed.

Also, for the next year, you will forget what PMS is, no pads, tampons - how great it is. Well, oh, if there are no contraindications from the doctor, there is a desire, then you are free to do whatever your heart desires, without worrying about the consequences. Condoms and other attributes of contraception are useless to you.

You can get yourself a personal pregnancy calendar and then you will know what your baby looks like every week of pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth is a very short period in a woman's life, but undoubtedly the most memorable!

There are such “surprises” during pregnancy as toxicosis, and during this period it is not at all joyful, but soon everything will pass, and you will be able to fully enjoy the time of your pregnancy . It will pass so quickly in just 9 months. Let your pregnancy will bring you many happy and wonderful moments!

Almost every woman from a young age dreams of becoming a mother in the future. For some, this desire is then given easily, practically without effort, while others are forced to be treated for a long time and give up many things in order to become pregnant and give birth to a baby. Be that as it may, the first pregnancy is always a special event, one that is remembered for a lifetime. In any case, the very first pregnancy is a surprise, even if it was planned for a long time, since the woman still does not know how to behave, and what is possible and what is not - such a state is new to her. It often happens that a woman cannot control herself, she is nervous, unnecessary and unreasonable fears associated with pregnancy appear. Such a period is very important both for the pregnant woman herself and for her loved one, the father of the child. Therefore, support is the first thing a future mother needs.

In order to always feel good and enjoy every day of your first pregnancy, you need to follow a few simple tips. First of all, it is worth saying that the optimal and most suitable age for pregnancy is the age of twenty - from twenty-one to twenty-five. A young woman is not yet fully formed, both physically and psychologically. This can result in certain problems during pregnancy, and even during childbirth.

The second moment, the first pregnancy is a time for complete peace of mind, for the warmest relationships in the family, for sincere smiles and happiness. No stress at work, no sadness, no worries - this is the key to a healthy pregnancy and a constantly good mood for a young and beautiful expectant mother. You need to hide psychologically heavy books and horror films away - even if they were your favorite before. You should not focus only on yourself and your condition - this is also an important period for the husband, so you need to pay attention to him no less than before, try, on the contrary, to spend even more time together and, moreover, involve him in caring for the unborn baby. Pregnancy makes a woman even more beautiful.

This should be emphasized with new comfortable clothes, attractive shoes, a beautiful smile and a positive mood. You just need to constantly pamper yourself - relax, read what you like, please yourself with delicious and healthy dishes, make natural face and hair masks - in a word, fully enjoy life.