Neomid chemical peel. Video: Chemical surface cleaning. The concept of the method

Chemical peeling (an alternative name is chemical exfoliation) is gaining more and more relevance among cosmetic procedures. This method of cleansing the surface of the face is highly effective and less traumatic. In addition, such an effect on the skin allows you to solve age-related problems of the dermis.

Although the very word "chemistry" often causes distrust (if not horror) in patients, in fact, such an intervention is by no means scary. Of course, in the hands of an amateur, a container of solutions will bring nothing but problems to the skin. But a high-quality cleaning performed by a cosmetologist-dermatologist will leave a pleasant impression, give the face an updated and well-groomed look.

Chemical peel - what is it? What are the features of this procedure? For whom is it suitable, and in what cases should it be avoided?

What is a chemical peel? This procedure involves exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, consisting of dead, keratinized cells. Such manipulation is carried out with special preparations. This cleaning method allows you to smooth out or completely remove age spots or other defects, even out the surface of the face, and give it a natural shade.

Women who decide on this cleansing for the first time often ask themselves the question: chemical peeling of the face - what is it? This method is not in vain called the “derma renovator”. In addition to their cleansing functions, acid compositions perfectly rejuvenate cells by triggering the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Thus, chemical exfoliation is a universal procedure that solves several cosmetic problems at once.

Why do you need a chemical facial peel? Its primary task is to exfoliate the upper, keratinized layers of the epidermis, thereby creating a cleansing effect. This technique allows you to achieve an improvement in the condition of the dermis without surgical operations.

Also, this procedure is used to prevent the processes of withering of the integument or to correct existing age-related changes.

The skin after a chemical peel becomes soft, cleansed and renewed.

How does peeling work? Acid exfoliation is a burn of the upper layers of the epidermis. Although it sounds scary, there is nothing terrible in such a formulation, because the depth of the drug's effect is controlled by a cosmetologist. In response to a burn, the body launches recovery mechanisms, due to which it is possible to achieve rejuvenation and renewal of the integument, as well as solve multiple cosmetic problems.

Under the influence of the burn, active cell division of the dermis begins, the regeneration process accelerates and the appearance of the skin of the face improves.

There are two types of chemical peels:

  • deep peeling;
  • middle cleaning;
  • superficial exfoliation.

A cosmetologist will help determine which type of chemical peeling for the face will be best in a particular case.

For your information. In the case of available indications, it is possible to conduct non-traditional, original cleansing sessions, for example, blue peeling, etc.


Deep chemical peeling of the face involves burning the dermis down to the reticular layer. This manipulation is carried out exclusively in medical centers. Anesthesia is applied to the patient, and the procedure itself is carried out under the supervision of an anesthesiologist-rheumatologist. Deep peeling involves a long rehabilitation period (from 6 to 10 months).

For your information. If the procedure was performed without anesthesia, and the patient was allowed to go home on the same day, provided only with auxiliary means, it is time to suspect a trick. Most likely, under the guise of deep (for the corresponding price), a median cleansing of the surface of the face was carried out.

The main goals of deep exfoliation:

  • replacement of the outdated collagen-elastin scaffold.
  • Stimulation of the production of hyaluronic acid in order to provide an optimal level of hydration from the inside.
  • Renewal of cellular resources of the dermis.


The average (medium) chemical peeling of the skin acts deeper and more thoroughly than the superficial one. But he cannot afford to renew the collagen-elastin skeleton and completely renew the dermis.

For your information. Competition among master cosmetologists has provoked an unprecedented surge in the popularity of median exfoliation. Often, it begins to be used already from the age of 18. But until the age of 35-40, it is not necessary to practice such a procedure without special need.

The main goals of this skin cleansing method are:

  • Active cell renewal in the upper layers of the dermis, its smoothing and compaction.
  • “Pulling up” the level of collagen production to the previous, “young” indicator.
  • Strengthening of the vascular walls, improvement of blood microcirculation.
  • Slow down the synthesis of melanin.

What does the face look like after an acid peel? Basically, such manipulation does not cause pain or negative reactions of the dermis. But in some cases, post-peeling scars or areas of skin with hypopigmentation, which contrast sharply with the rest of the integument, may form.


Superficial chemical peeling of the face has almost no effect on the deep layers of the dermis, affecting only its upper layers. That is, such drugs do not contain the necessary active ingredients for cell renewal.

In cosmetology, there are several main goals of surface peeling:

  • Stimulation of the renewal of the upper layers of the dermis.
  • Cleansing of the sebaceous glands.
  • Exfoliation of dead cells.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Elimination of hyperkeratosis.
  • Alignment of the surface and tone of the dermis.
  • An inhibitory effect on melanocytes that control hyperpigmentation.
  • People with teenage or young skin prone to oiliness, acne, acne or post-acne.
  • Patients aged 25-35 to maintain a good appearance of the skin and solve skin problems.
  • People 35-40 years old as a preparation for deep exfoliation.

The procedure for chemical peeling of the face includes the following steps:

  1. Skin cleansing, make-up removal, degreasing of areas where the composition is planned to be applied.
  2. The beautician wets a cotton applicator in a chemical solution, wringing it out carefully. The last action is performed to avoid getting the drug into the patient's eyes.
  3. The doctor rubs the solution with an applicator into the skin of the client's face (this takes about 30 minutes). The specific time depends on the characteristics and general condition of the skin.
  4. The "route" of movements is built in this way: forehead - nose - cheeks - chin. With the utmost care, the drug is rubbed into wrinkles and creases. During operation, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation.
  5. Maintaining the composition on the face. Time is determined individually for each type of dermis.
  6. At the end of the chemical peel procedure, the preparation is removed from the skin surface.
  7. Application of protective and regenerating masks.

The procedure for chemical peeling of the face requires the use of special preparations. They are selected according to the individual characteristics of the client's dermis. The main components of these solutions are:

  • Beta hydroxy acids.
  • fruit acids.
  • Other types of acids: azelaic, retinoic, kojic, trichloroacetic, pyruvic, mandelic. Most often, a combination of these acids is used.


The so-called AHA acids or alpha hydroxy acids. These include citric, glycolic, malic, lactic and tartaric acids.

The main properties of AHA acids:

  • Stimulation of hydration of the epidermis.
  • The ability to accelerate the exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin.
  • Antioxidant effect.
  • The damaging effect on pathogens, which are the main cause of dermatological diseases.

Beta hydroxy acids

The so-called BHA acids. Unlike fruit acids, these acids are poorly soluble in water, and well - in fats.

Chemical peeling with BHA acids is used mainly for oily skin. These substances have an action similar to AHA acids, additionally affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Under the influence of such acids, sebum softens, which is the prevention of the formation of acne, ureas and comedones.

The main representative of beta-hydroxy acids is salicylic acid.

Retinoic, kojic, azelaic

Includes all properties inherent in hydroxy acids. Also, these substances reduce the activity of melanocytes by blocking the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for the production of melanin. The effect after peeling with these acids is predominantly whitening - age spots, freckles, acne and post-acne disappear. Peeling with these acids is relevant for clients suffering from rosacea.

Popular preparations for chemical peeling:

  • Russia. PREMIUM Professional.
  • Australia. Skin Doctors (product suitable for home use).
  • Japan. Bb Laboratories and
  • USA. Neostrata.
  • France. beautymed.

Despite the obvious benefits, chemical facial peels have contraindications and side effects. The latter do not always occur, but only in a number of cases when the recommendations for the procedure were not followed or due to individual reactions of the patient's skin.

Acid peeling can provoke the following consequences:

  • Edema.
  • Pain syndrome.
  • Scar formation.
  • Redness.
  • The introduction of infections.
  • Allergy.
  • Hypo- or hyperpigmentation.
  • Peeling of the skin, the formation of crusts.

The cosmetic procedure of acid peeling has the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Colds.
  • Chronic diseases in acute form.
  • Tendency to scarring.
  • Fresh tan.
  • Traumatic procedures performed less than 2 months ago (laser resurfacing, deep cleaning, etc.).
  • Mental illness.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Hypertrichosis.
  • Nevi, warts, papillomas on the face.
  • Skin hypersensitivity.
  • Injuries in the area of ​​application (abrasions, wounds, scratches).
  • Hypertension.
  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
  • Couperose.
  • Menstruation.
  • Patient's age (less than 18 years).

What to expect from a chemical facial peel? This indicator will also be individual, because a lot depends on the client's skin type. There are 4 main skin types. Peeling can be carried out on each of them, but with different results.

1 type. No wrinkles, the client needs a three-fold peeling using weak acids. The procedure aims to prevent aging and is carried out once a year.

2 type. The presence of facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, deep creases during the manifestation of emotions, there are local areas of hyperpigmentation. Seven peelings with fruit acids are recommended. It needs to be done twice a year.

3 type. Impaired pigmentation, wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, forehead. Regular peeling with fruit acids is recommended.

4 type. Impaired pigmentation, multiple deep creases on the surface of the skin. In these cases, fruit acids are not enough. Three cleansings with trichloroacetic acid and further peelings with glycolic acid are recommended.

The best results after chemical peeling are usually achieved by the epidermis of skin types 2 and 3. But representatives of type 4 can also count on improving the condition of the skin, subject to the correct actions of the master.

The face after chemical peeling becomes cleansed and renewed. High-quality exfoliation helps to achieve additional results:

  • Skin rejuvenation.
  • Softening, giving velvety to the covers.
  • Toning.
  • Regeneration.
  • Smoothing fine wrinkles, reducing deep ones.
  • Ripping out of the relief of the skin.
  • Elimination of age spots.


Chemical peeling for the face is a modern and effective way to cleanse the skin. This procedure is also suitable for those who strive to have a clean face, as well as for clients who want to restore youth to the covers. After the applied acid peeling, the skin regains its beauty, freshness, even tone and softness.

A chemical facial peel is an in-salon procedure designed to improve the condition and appearance of the skin. The technique involves the removal of the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. Exfoliation is not mechanical, but chemical. In this case, the integrity of the skin is not violated. Cells simply dissolve under the influence of chemicals. As a rule, an organic acid acts as an active component of peeling.

The procedure of chemical peeling of the face in the salon allows you to remove the top layer of dermis cells, starting the physiological processes of renewal and stimulating the protective function of the skin. This accelerates the production of collagen fibers, hyaluronic acid and elastin. The tone of the skin increases, its color and relief are evened out, wrinkles are smoothed out. Peeling also helps to get rid of other signs of aging, such as pigmentation. Acne marks, scars and other irregularities disappear.

Types and features of peeling

The main tasks that chemical peeling solves:

  • Exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis and subsequent renewal of the skin.
  • Elimination of skin defects.
  • Activation of the regenerating and protective properties of the skin under the action of acids.

Types of chemical peels:

1. Superficial - this is the easiest type of chemical exposure, in which only the upper layer of the epidermis is affected. It does not require a long recovery and a person may not change their lifestyle. Basically, this type is used for young skin, when it is necessary to solve a number of problems. The effect of the procedure quickly disappears and a second course is needed.

2. Median chemical peel penetrates deeper. The upper layer of the dermis is affected up to the basement membrane. The patient requires special care and longer recovery. The skin of the face begins to peel off strongly. Median peeling is done to eliminate a specific problem or age-related changes. The effect persists for a long time. A second course is usually carried out no earlier than a year later.

3. Deep involves rejection of the epidermis, and the basement membrane is also involved. This is a more complex procedure that requires professionalism from the beautician. It takes place under anesthesia so that the client does not experience pain. There is a real chemical burn, which starts the processes of skin regeneration. The session is held in a hospital. It can be used to eliminate deep wrinkles and scars. The rehabilitation period lasts about 5 months. The skin needs careful care. The effect lasts for several years.

There is another type of chemical peeling, which combines the properties of superficial and medial. It involves the use of retinoic acid. During the procedure, the skin is pigmented, which is why it is also called chemical yellow peeling. Unlike other types, it does not damage the upper layers of the epidermis, but at the same time it fights age-related changes, eliminates wrinkles and various dermatological problems.

The chemical composition of retinoic peeling, in addition to the acid of the same name, can also include phytic or ascorbic acid. They act as auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the main ingredient.

Contraindications for peeling

Indications for chemical peeling are:

  • skin defects - post-acne, acne, comedones;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • sagging;
  • photoaging;
  • age-related disorders in the skin of the face;
  • scars, ingrown hairs;
  • bad complexion;
  • increased function of the sebaceous glands;
  • thickening of the skin, unevenness.

Also, chemical peeling can be used as a basic procedure before a more serious intervention.

As for yellow peeling, it is carried out mainly for mature skin in women after 35, and only in exceptional cases at an earlier age, for example, with excessive pigmentation, acne or scars.

Contraindications for chemical peeling are:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • colds;
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • period of preparation for radiotherapy;
  • fresh tan;
  • procedures that traumatize the skin, such as mesotherapy, deep chemical cleaning of the face, laser resurfacing, carried out less than 8 weeks before;
  • mental disorders;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • taking retinoids, immunosuppressants, drugs with photosensitizing properties;
  • pronounced rosacea;
  • long healing;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • skin phototype IV–VI;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • wounds, scratches in the area of ​​application;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious, bacterial, viral or fungal skin diseases;
  • hypertonic disease.

There are also relative contraindications for chemical peeling:

  • multiple moles;
  • increased hairiness;
  • sensitive facial skin;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • menstruation.

Before deciding on the procedure, it is best to consult a doctor to take into account all contraindications. The specialist will tell you how to properly care for the skin after peeling.

Salon peeling

The sequence of actions of a cosmetologist during the procedure of chemical peeling does not depend on its type and looks like this:

  1. A cleanser is applied to the face with massage movements, which is then washed off.
  2. The skin is wiped with an alcohol-containing lotion in order to degrease.
  3. The acid composition is applied to the face, starting from the forehead and up to the chin. During a medium peel, for example, a TCA concentration of 30% or more, the client may feel a burning sensation. Local anesthesia or a ventilator is used to reduce pain.
  4. The beautician must control how deeply the product penetrates. For this purpose, special compounds are sometimes used that slow down this process, such as Blue Peel. The skin turns blue. If the penetration of the substance occurs unevenly, then the procedure is performed in violation and complications are possible.
  5. After 5 minutes, the beautician reapplies the solution. The number of layers directly depends on the type of peeling and the severity of the problem.
  6. After a couple of minutes, the acid composition is removed.
  7. The face is lubricated with a moisturizing, soothing agent.
  8. After removing the mask, a moisturizer is applied to the skin.

If everything is done correctly, there should be no negative consequences.

Reviews about the procedure

Judging by the reviews, chemical peeling almost always leads to the expected result:

“I have been wanting to try peeling for a long time. Friends advised a good salon in Moscow. After the procedure, the skin remained red for 5 days, but then recovered. The face after chemical peeling is really refreshed and looks much younger, wrinkles are not so visible. I am very satisfied with the result and I recommend the median glycol peel to everyone.”

Elena, Moscow region.

“I have combination skin, enlarged pores and acne marks. I took care of myself with various salon treatments. In the end, according to reviews, I chose a median retinoic peel for myself. During the session, I felt a burning sensation. Two days later, the skin began to peel off in layers. The effect soon became visible. The skin is refreshed, refreshed.

Lyudmila, St. Petersburg.

“I am currently doing a course of chemical peels. I chose the salon based on the reviews of my friends. The procedure was completely painless. The skin after it looks amazing. The only unpleasant moment is the recovery when it starts. It's good that this period is passing quickly.

Natalia, Nizhny Novgorod.

“Not so long ago I did a deep peel. My main goal was to remove burn marks on my face. The skin recovered for a very long time. I even had to go through a special rehabilitation course. After it, the face became smooth, the skin is elastic, the scars disappeared along with wrinkles. Friends say that I look 5 years younger.

Ekaterina, Moscow.

“I have problems with facial skin, post-acne, pigmentation. Since I had no contraindications, I tried on myself first superficial and then median peeling. After the salon, the face was very flaky, but the result was immediately noticeable. The skin glows, it is cleansed, it has become more tender, traces of acne have disappeared. I am satisfied with the effect obtained and I think to repeat the course after a while already in order to rejuvenate.

Peeling reviews are mostly positive, but the risk of complications is still present.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Judging by the before and after photos, as a result of facial peeling in the salon, you can get the following effect:

  • stimulation of regeneration processes and collagen production;
  • increased turgor and improved skin color;
  • increase in firmness and elasticity;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • getting rid of acne and pimples;
  • elimination of congestion in the skin.

The undoubted advantages of surface peeling include:

  • safety;
  • quick effect;
  • minimum consequences;
  • fast recovery.

Cons of this peeling:

  • does not help with pronounced age-related changes;
  • does not relieve serious skin problems;
  • you need to take a course, a single procedure does not give a result.

Advantages of median peeling:

  • effectively relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates scars and irregularities, pigmentation, sagging, wrinkles;
  • rejuvenates.

There are also disadvantages:

  • high probability of negative consequences;
  • long course;
  • pain during the procedure;
  • long rehabilitation.

Deep peeling has its advantages:

  • effectively fights age-related changes;
  • corrects serious defects.

Cons of deep peeling:

  • pain;
  • high probability of negative consequences;
  • the risk of toxic poisoning of the body;
  • long recovery.

Complications of chemical peels that can be corrected are:

  • severe peeling;
  • pronounced redness;
  • swelling;
  • darkening of the skin;
  • increased skin response to touch, sunlight and temperature changes.

If the procedure was violated, the consequences can be more serious:

  • dermatitis;
  • aggravation of acne;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • pustules;
  • erythema;
  • clear boundaries of treated skin areas;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • marbling of the skin;
  • scarring;
  • allergy.

Peeling is best done in autumn or winter. Suitable for early spring. This is due to the fact that solar activity at this time of the year is reduced, as is the air temperature. The frequency of peeling courses is about once every six months. The optimal time for the procedure is the evening, but no later than a couple of hours before bedtime. Then the skin will have time to rest and recover a little during the night.

Facial care after peeling

1. After superficial peeling, special care is not needed. You can't touch your face. About a day after the procedure, there is often a feeling that the skin is tightening. Outwardly, it looks like a film on the face. Now you can finally wash yourself using a product without abrasive particles.

2. If necessary, the face is treated with Panthenol spray. It effectively cools and heals the skin. Apply for a quarter of an hour several times a day. The rest is removed with a napkin.

3. On day 2-3, the top layer of the epidermis will begin to move away, but it cannot be torn off. It is necessary to continue to take care of yourself with a cleanser and Panthenol. After 7-10 days, peeling should end. If redness remains, you should not only use Panthenol, but also consult a doctor.

4. Use of cosmetics during the recovery period is allowed selectively. It is allowed to paint eyes and lips. Only after the skin is completely renewed, it will be possible to resume the previous care.

5. After medium peeling for 2-4 days, any facial treatment is excluded. The skin must not be wet. On the 5th day, a crust usually appears, as after a burn. Now you need to use Panthenol 6-8 times a day for 20 minutes. You are allowed to start washing. Panthenol is applied until peeling has passed. This happens on the 10-12th day. Skin care is continued until the redness subsides, that is, approximately 2 weeks. But sometimes recovery is delayed up to 21-28 days.

6. It is necessary to take care of the skin of the face after peeling, affecting the deep layers of the skin, especially carefully. Recovery in this case takes much longer. Do not expose your face to the sun for the first 2 days. Then you should apply a cream with a high SPF. Washing is prohibited. Food is taken through a tube.

7. The patient most often leaves the retinoic peeling procedure with a yellow mask on his face. The doctor tells you when to wash it off. The next day, the sensitivity of the skin will increase. It is allowed to wash and, if necessary, apply Panthenol. After a week, the skin will begin to roll. When this process is over, you can take care of yourself as usual.

The cost of different types of peeling

The cost of a chemical peel can vary from salon to salon. The price also depends on what type of procedure is used in a particular case.

Name Price, rubles

Superficial peeling of the face

Salicylic, with 30% solution 3 500
Glycolic, 40% 4 500
Glycolic, 70% 6 000
Almond and azelaic 2 000
Phytic 3 500
Complex phytin-glycol, with 15% solution 2 500

Medium facial peel

With trichloroacetic acid 3500-8000
Jessner 3500-7000
Glycolic 2000-4000
Salicylic 2500-4000
Yellow 5 650
Intensive retinoic peeling 6 650

Deep face peeling

Coffee 12 000
Hollywood 6 550
TCA, 15% trichloroacetic acid 4 150
TCA, 35% trichloroacetic acid 4 650

The cost of one type of peeling may vary depending on the solution with which percentage of acid the cosmetologist uses. The prices in the table are taken on average in Moscow.

Chemical peeling is the removal of the upper layers of the dermis.

And thanks to this procedure, you can achieve a lifting effect, restore the protective properties of the skin and solve many aesthetic problems.

Chemical peels can be divided into three categories. Read on for this and more.

Every woman wants to be well-groomed and beautiful and pays special attention to the condition of her face. To cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, remove age spots, various defects and irregularities, women from ancient times used various masks, decoctions and herbal tinctures.

But all these means were ineffective. Modern cosmetology has stepped far forward and at present, chemical peeling is successfully used to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

What is it and types of cleaning

Facial peeling with the help of chemicals is an active process of exfoliating the upper layer of dead cells of the epidermis, stimulating the natural process of skin renewal. With the help of an individually selected chemical composition, various stains, defects and irregularities are removed and smoothed.

The natural protective functions of the body are activated, the active production of hyaluronic acid begins, the cells begin to produce a large amount of collagen and elastin, the surface becomes more elastic and toned.

With the help of chemical exposure, you can effectively cleanse your face of pigmentation and freckles (read about laser), remove vascular "asterisks" (find out how they do it) and small facial wrinkles. This procedure effectively fights tuberosity, which is caused by various skin diseases.

With its help, you can smooth out scars, remove excessive redness and normalize the function of the skin glands.

Depending on the method, such purification is carried out using various acids: fruit, glycolic, salicylic, trichloroacetic and phenolic. According to the strength and depth of penetration, they distinguish between medium and light superficial. Most often, such peeling is used exclusively for the face, but it can also be used on other areas, such as the neck and décolleté.


This type is the most radical in terms of its effect on the body and is carried out using phenol. It is a very aggressive substance and penetrates very deep into the lowest layers of the epidermis. Phenol is highly toxic and essentially destroys the upper skin layers, but this allows you to solve a number of serious problems that other methods cannot do.

This procedure is very painful and is performed only under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting in a cosmetology clinic.

During it, the patient is sedated with the use of painkillers. Duration from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the treated surface and the number of defects.

After the procedure, the surface is covered with a protective crust, there may be severe redness and peeling. The recovery period lasts 3-4 weeks. Bed rest is recommended for the first week, and the doctor may also prescribe a number of drugs that will speed up healing and prevent the inflammatory process.

After exposure to drugs, the surface brightens significantly, therefore it is not recommended for patients with very dark skin color.

With the help of deep exposure, you can remove strong pigmentation, remove scars and irregularities, even out deep wrinkles and remove vascular inflammation and other age-related changes.

Like any method, it has its pros and cons.

  • the method allows you to cope with deep wrinkles;
  • removes deep irregularities and strong pigmentation;
  • eliminates sagging and sagging;
  • superior in efficiency to dermabrasion;
  • one session is enough;
  • the effect persists for several years.
  • very painful procedure;
  • long recovery period;
  • possible complications in the form of redness and a hard crust;
  • not suitable for very dark skin;
  • high price.

See the results of a deep chemical peel:


For this procedure, trichloroacetic, glycolic or salicylic acid is used. This method is less aggressive and does not act as actively and deeply as cleaning with phenol. But peeling of medium impact, as well as deep peeling, is able to remove deep wrinkles and reduce small pigmented manifestations.

With it, you can refresh and rejuvenate the face, remove small spider veins and smooth out scars and irregularities. This method is softer and is carried out in 3-4 sessions. The result of the median exposure lasts about six months and, if necessary, it must be repeated.

The session is carried out on an outpatient basis and lasts from 20 to 60 minutes. The method does not require general anesthesia. To enhance the impact on the surface, special agents are preliminarily applied. They soften the skin and prepare it for the main composition.

Then chemical acids are applied that penetrate into the middle layers. During the session, the patient may experience a slight burning sensation and tingling.

After the procedure, the composition is removed with dry ice. There is slight redness and swelling, which disappears within 24 hours.

Sometimes there may be peeling and a feeling of tightness. After such a procedure, the complexion brightens a little or remains the same. The recovery period lasts 1-2 days, the face becomes smooth and radiant.

For a speedy recovery after a chemical facial peel, a beautician can choose an individual skin care kit: a moisturizing or nourishing cream, a special serum, a vitamin mask and a cleansing tonic.

You should also refrain from decorative cosmetics, the first 2-3 weeks require the application of sunscreen. Medium peeling is performed for patients of any age.

  • practically no pain;
  • allows you to remove small wrinkles and irregularities;
  • removes acne and inflammation;
  • removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • evens out tone and adds shine;
  • eliminates slight flabbiness and sagging (these problems can be solved by RF-lifting);
  • improves complexion.
  • preliminary preparation is required;
  • the result is visible after 3-4 sessions;
  • unable to remove deep wrinkles and skin defects;
  • the effect lasts less than from phenol peeling;
  • quite high price.


This is the mildest type of chemical treatment; lactic and fruit acids (enzyme peeling) and a weak solution of trichloroacetic acid are used for it. Cosmetologists recommend superficial cleansing for young patients under the age of 40, when the first age-related changes and small wrinkles appear on the skin.

This method affects only the top layer and is not able to cope with wrinkles, large age spots and irregularities.

But it copes well with acne, seborrheic manifestations, improves the surface of the skin, promotes active rejuvenation.

With the help of this procedure, you can get rid of small freckles, remove local redness and peeling. After surface exposure, blood circulation improves, cells are actively saturated with oxygen, the face looks radiant and toned.

This procedure does not require prior preparation. It can be done in the salon or at home. Using a cotton pad, the active substance is applied to the cleaned surface. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

The session is completely painless and does not require a recovery period. Superficial cleansing does not cause burning and redness, the tone of the face does not change. After such cleansing, the application of sunscreen is recommended.

  • absolutely painless method;
  • does not require prior preparation;
  • does not injure the skin and does not cause side effects;
  • does not change skin tone;
  • improves blood supply;
  • actively rejuvenates and improves the structure of the dermis;
  • effective against acne;
  • inexpensive and accessible method.
  • unable to cope with wrinkles and age spots;
  • does not remove tuberosity and deep unevenness;
  • the result is visible after 5-6 procedures;
  • the effect lasts 1-2 months, then a repeat is required.

We offer you to watch a video on how the procedure of medium and deep chemical peeling for the face is carried out:

Indications, photos before and after the procedure

Indications for carrying out are:

  • any kind of pigmentation;
  • various skin defects, the presence of scars and scars ( copes with such defects perfectly);
  • uneven skin surface as a result of various diseases;
  • wrinkles and dry skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • severe redness;
  • the presence of vascular "asterisks";
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • clogging of pores and the appearance of "black dots";
  • sagging skin.

These are the results of a median peeling of the skin of the face:


Like any cosmetic procedure, peeling has contraindications:

  • skin diseases such as dermatitis, neurodermatitis and psoriasis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • keloid scars;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • fresh wounds and cuts;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to the chemical.

How often can you do

Deep chemical peeling can be done no more than once every two to three years.

Why diamond peeling is a type of microdermabrasion, you can find out.

Customer opinion

  • Margarita, 31 years old, housewife:

    “I did a shallow peel for cleaning. The result was very good, I liked everything very much. Small wrinkles are gone, the skin has become more even.

  • Svetlana, 37 years old, director:

    “I did a facial cleansing in the salon - after giving birth, the complexion has changed a lot. I was pleased with the result, but the cost of such a cleaning was quite high, often you can’t afford this.”

  • Vera Ivanovna, 67 years old, pensioner:

    “I always try to take care of my appearance, a friend advised me to clean with fruit acids. I liked it very much! The face is refreshed and rejuvenated, even small wrinkles are gone.

  • Karina, 45 years old, seller:

    “I decided on a deep cleaning in a beauty salon. They did it under general anesthesia, I was warned about the consequences, I had to sit at home for two weeks, my face was covered with a red crust and was very swollen. But the pigment spots have almost disappeared. I won’t do it a second time, it’s too painful.”

Chemical peeling is an effective salon procedure that can be used to eliminate serious defects, make the face and body look younger and more beautiful. This method has no analogues, it can be used at any age.

A dermatocosmetologist will tell you more about chemical peeling:

Chemical peels are widely used to combat facial skin aging. The risk of complications when performing this procedure by a professional is minimal. Peeling is effective not only for improving skin texture, reducing the severity of hyperpigmentation and slight wrinkling, but also for the treatment of acne, rosacea and melasma. In 1999, peeling was so popular that it was the most frequently performed cosmetic procedure in the United States. In 2006, chemical peels were ranked as one of the top five minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed in 2006, according to ASPS Certified Professionals, with 1.1 million treatments performed. In terms of frequency of use, peeling was in second place, and botulinum toxin therapy was in first place. The emergence of laser therapy as a new method of skin rejuvenation may have influenced the frequency of peeling to some extent. Although there have been many claims in the past that the effectiveness of peeling is exaggerated, there is a lot of evidence supporting the benefits of substances used in this procedure in beauty salons and at the doctor's office.

Depending on the depth of exposure to the substance, there are several types of chemical peels:


  • deep.

Superficial peeling causes necrosis of all layers of the epidermis from the granular layer to the basal layer. Medium depth peeling causes necrosis of the epidermis and part of the papillary dermis. With deep peeling, necrosis captures the reticular layer of the dermis. Currently, most often you use superficial peeling. This is due to the fact that instead of medium and deep peels, procedures such as laser therapy based on the action of high-intensity light pulses (IPL), laser resurfacing and dermabrasion have appeared. Superficial medium peeling does not significantly reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and does not improve skin tone. However, it can improve the color and texture of the skin, making it look younger. This article will provide information regarding the types of surface and medium peels most commonly used in beauty salons. In this case, the main attention will be paid to the features of each type of peeling, the mechanism of action, side effects and results of treatment, obtained using various acids.

Types of surface peeling

The mechanism of action of these substances is that they cause desquamation, due to which the cell cycle is accelerated. These solutions cause desquamation of the superficial layer of the stratum corneum, resulting in the exposure of smoother and more evenly pigmented layers of the skin. Below, information will be provided separately for each of the substances, however, it should be noted that when peeling, combinations of substances are usually used. Many of these substances can be found at home.

α-hydroxy acids and β-hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) are natural acids that cause cell sloughing and accelerate the cell cycle. In cosmetic dermatology, these acids are used for various purposes. The effectiveness of α-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid in the fight against photoaging is ensured by reducing the severity of spotty pigmentation, fine wrinkles, skin roughness, freckles and lentigo. α-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid have also been shown to be effective in the treatment of actinic and seborrheic keratosis.

In a study conducted in 1970, it was found that topical preparations containing a-hydroxy acids have a pronounced effect on the keratinization of the epidermis. By changing the pH, α-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid affect the strength of adhesion of corneocytes to each other in deep areas of the stratum corneum. Through this mechanism, these substances are able to influence the properties of the skin. When concentrated solutions containing α-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid are applied to the skin, contacts between keratinocytes are broken and epidermolysis occurs. Applications of substances at lower concentrations cause rupture of contacts between corneocytes located above the granular layer. As a result of this, desquamation of the cells of the stratum corneum and its thinning occurs. Through this mechanism of action, these substances have two main effects: accelerate the cell cycle (slowed down in the elderly) and increase desquamation, resulting in reduced hyperpigmentation and skin roughness.

    a-hydroxy acids.

a-hydroxy acids refer to naturally occurring acids containing a hydroxy group at the a-position. This broad group of acids includes glycolic acid, found in cane sugar, lactic acid, found in fermented milk products, citric acid, found in citrus fruits, and phytic acid, found in rice. Hydroxy acids began to be used in ancient Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra, who applied fermented milk products to her face in order to preserve youth.

Tretinoin peeling

For several years, various topical preparations containing tretinoin have been successfully used in the treatment of melasma, acne, and photoaging of the skin. It is known that topical application of tretinoin increases the deposition of collagen in the skin and reduces the activity of metalloproteinases that cause collagen degradation. Tretinoin peels are not performed in the US, but are used in many other countries, such as Brazil, without approved indications for the treatment of photoaging, melasma, acne, and follicular keratosis. The peeling solution is an orange liquid stored in brown containers. When it is applied to the desired area, the skin is stained. It is recommended to wash off the solution 4-6 hours after its application. The effect of peeling usually becomes noticeable after 2 days. D.E. Kligman investigated the effectiveness of a solution containing 50% ethyl alcohol and 50% polyethylene glycol 400 in the treatment of 50 women aged 30 to 60 years with signs of photoaging, rosacea and acne. Patients applied the solution to the face 1 time in 2 days at night for 2 weeks or more. After treatment, an improvement in the skin condition was noted, manifested as a smoothing of the epidermis, a decrease in the number and depth of fine wrinkles and a decrease in the severity of hyperpigmentation. Histological examination revealed thickening of the basal layer and papillary fibroblasts, a decrease in the number of melanosomes, thinning of the stratum corneum, and improved organization of the epidermal ridges. D.E. Kligman suggested that the effect arising from the use of inactive tritinoin for 6-12 months can be achieved in 4-6 weeks when using high concentrations of tretinoin.

L.C.Cuce conducted a study in which 15 women aged 23-40 years old with Fitzpatrick skin type I-IV took part. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using a 1% solution of tretinoin when performing peeling. Efficacy was assessed using histological and clinical signs. Before starting treatment, a skin biopsy was performed. Chemical peeling lasting 6-8 hours was carried out with an interval of 2-3 days. 15 days after the last procedure, the subjects underwent a second biopsy, which revealed thickening of the epidermis and thinning of the stratum corneum. These signs correlated with improvement in the appearance of the skin. During the histological and clinical assessment of the skin condition of the patients, it was found that the effect that occurs 2.5 weeks after peeling with tretinoin can also be achieved with the help of topical application of tretinoin for 4-6 months. Another study in 10 patients with Fitzpatrick III-V skin types with moderate to severe melasma compared the effectiveness of peeling with 1% tretinoin and peeling with 70% glycolic acid. The duration of one session of tretinoin peeling was 4 hours, while the duration of a glycol peeling session was no more than 3 minutes. After 3 months after treatment, the effectiveness of both types of peeling was the same. However, during tretinoin peeling, erythema occurred less frequently and less pronounced desquamation was noted, due to which it was better tolerated by patients.

Side effects of all types of superficial peels

While all superficial peels are safe when performed correctly, they can cause erythema, itching, flaking, skin sensitivity, and even epidermolysis. Cases of allergic contact dermatitis have been reported with the use of resorcinol, salicylic acid, kojic acid, lactic acid, and hydroquinone. Irritant contact dermatitis has been reported with glycolic acid. Any substance used in peeling, when used in high concentrations, when peeling frequently, or when combined with highly active preparations that include acetone or other degreasing agents, can cause irritant dermatitis. In some cases, during the peeling, deeper layers of the skin may be exposed to the action of the active substance than expected. This occurs if the patient has recent damage to the stratum corneum caused by treinoin use, shaving of the face, use of exfoliating scrubs and Buff-Puffs, or long-term kissing of a man with a thick beard. Thus, before peeling, it is necessary to make a thorough assessment of the patient's skin condition and collect a detailed anamnesis.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a rare complication of superficial chemical peels, which are performed starting with substances with low activity, gradually increasing their concentration. P.E. Grimes monitored the condition of 25 patients with Fitzpatrick type V and VI skin, who were prescribed peeling preparations containing 20% ​​and 30% salicylic acid as treatment. These patients were pre-treated with 4% hydroquinone for 2 weeks prior to peeling. Only 3 patients developed transient post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Several studies have found that superficial peels are also safe when used in Asians. However, most dermatologists believe that these patients should be pre-treated with depigmenting agents and tretinoin. In addition, they should be recommended effective sunscreens that protect against UV-A and UV-B rays.

Medium depth peeling

    10-40% trichloroacetic acid.

Trichloroacetic acid became widely used in the 1960s through the work of S. III. Ayres. Weakly concentrated trichloroacetic acid (10-15%) is used to eliminate fine wrinkles and dyschromia, as well as to improve the condition of the skin, giving it a smooth and healthy look. At this concentration, trichloroacetic acid does not affect deep wrinkles or scars41-42. Trichloroacetic acid at higher concentrations (35-40%) causes necrosis of the epidermis and dermis, with no serious systemic toxic effects noted. However, it should be used with extreme caution at this concentration, as hyperpigmentation or scarring may occur. Physicians should carefully select patients for treatment: patients with dark skin types should not be treated with trichloroacetic acid, as they have an increased risk of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

A 40% trichloroacetic acid solution is most commonly used for medium depth peels on the face and hands. The strength of peeling with trichloroacetic acid is determined by the ratio of mass to volume. Unfortunately, not all authors use these units of measurement, therefore, when reading the literature on peeling, it is necessary to pay attention to the method of calculating the strength of the peeling effect. This will avoid an incorrect, underestimated impact force. This precaution helps reduce the risk of scarring after the procedure. For example, a 25% trichloroacetic acid solution cannot be made by diluting a 50% trichloroacetic acid solution with an equal volume of water. This is because, in this case, volume is diluted by volume, resulting in a solution with a trichloroacetic acid concentration greater than 25% when measured in mass-volume units. As recommended in the literature, the clinician should calculate the percentage of trichloroacetic acid using a mass/volume measurement system. This will avoid mistakes. Solutions of trichloroacetic acid of the required concentration, obtained taking into account the mass / volume measurement system, are commercially available.

After the application of trichloroacetic acid, denaturation of proteins occurs, as a result of which frost forms on the skin. Frost is a sign of the end of peeling. The time elapsed from the application of the acid to the appearance of frost depends on the concentration of the acid. When applying a 40% solution of trichloroacetic acid, the procedure lasts 5-7 seconds. However, when using weaker solutions, this time can increase up to 15-20 minutes. Doctor 3 sells several chemical peel products manufactured by various companies. When comparing the activity and effectiveness of preparations containing a-hydroxy acids, it is necessary to know the pH value and the concentration of free acids. To prevent the development of hyperpigmentation, the physician must be extremely careful when choosing a chemical peel for patients with dark skin color. In this case, treatment should begin with drugs containing free acids in the lowest concentrations, and then gradually increase the content of free acids.

At the first appointment, the patient's skin should be examined using UV rays or a Wood's lamp. This will identify pigmentation disorders, assess the degree of their spread, and also convince the patient of the need to use sunscreen. If possible, regular skin photographs should be taken, and the use of a UV camera is recommended. It is also necessary to determine the patient's skin type according to the Baumann system. Skin care practices, the need for sun protection, and the importance of topical retinoids should then be discussed with the patient. The doctor should recommend the drug to the patient, taking into account the patient's skin type. In addition, in this situation, it is necessary to advise patients not to use topical preparations containing a-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid, as well as other irritating agents, such as vitamin C, at home. This will avoid excessive skin irritation. The clinician should also ensure that the patient is not using other means to enhance desquamation, such as facial scrubs or Buff-Puffs. At the first appointment, the doctor should use a peeling drug with minimal activity during treatment, or a substance with a minimal duration of action when peeling the face (even if the patient has type I skin).

This will determine the degree of sensitivity of the patient. It is necessary to explain to patients that after the first procedure they will not notice any difference in the condition of their skin, since for the first time a low-active solution is used in order to assess the tolerability of peeling. During each visit, but especially during the first visit, it is necessary to inquire about the social aspects, in connection with which, the appearance of erythema or noticeable skin peeling would be undesirable for the patient. Hypersensitivity reactions are rare (most often after peeling with Jessner's solution). According to Murphy's law, they most often occur in those patients who have an important appointment or lecture scheduled. 10-14 days after the first procedure, patients should come to the doctor's office to assess the condition of the skin and conduct a second peeling session.

In the event that the patient had minimal or no skin peeling after the first peeling session, the doctor can use a more active peeling preparation at the second appointment. Most patients use topical retinoids before their first visit to the doctor, so care should be taken to avoid skin flaking, which is retinoid dermatitis. In this case, the doctor should not perform a chemical peel until the retinoid dermatitis has disappeared. At the appointment, it is also necessary to assess the psychological state of the patient associated with the appearance of side effects during peeling. If the patient complains of skin peeling or erythema, the concentration of the active substance should be increased slowly. If the patient believes that severe erythema and/or scaling are criteria for an adequate peel, more active agents can be started earlier than usual.

Third and subsequent visits. Manufacturers of most superficial peeling preparations recommend repeating the procedure every 10-14 days. The patient can continue peeling until the primary symptoms disappear, and then, to maintain the effect, prescribe the procedure once every 4 weeks. The doctor should know if the patient is using retinoids and sunscreen. Thanks to this, compliance can be achieved. After the third peel session, in the absence of skin irritation, patients should be advised to use retinoids continuously. If there is no irritation, it's time to prescribe to patients for home use drugs containing a-hydroxy acids and salicylic acid. There are many drugs produced by various companies. All of them are described in the text, and this should help in choosing a remedy.

Trichloroacetic acid can be used alone or after Jessner's solution or glycolic acid for deeper peeling. When using only trichloroacetic acid, procedures are usually carried out 1 time in 5-7 days, and when prescribing trichloroacetic acid in combination with Jessner's solution or glycolic acid - 1 time in 7-10 days.

    pyruvic acid.

Pyruvic acid is an a-keto acid that can be converted into lactic acid in the body. Thus, it can be used as a peeling agent when carrying out skin hydration. Pyruvic acid is able to penetrate into the papillary layer of the dermis, enhancing the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It should be noted that pyruvic acid should not be used in high or very high concentrations, as this may lead to scarring. Pyruvic acid has been successfully used in the treatment of moderate acne, photoaging and melasma. Given that pyruvic acid decomposes into CO 2 and acetaldehyde, the accumulation of CO 2 in a vial that has not been used for some time can lead to an explosion.

When performing a chemical facial peel, pyruvic acid is usually used at a concentration of 40-60%, while prior to the procedure, the skin is treated with topical retinoids. These concentrations are believed to provide medium depth peels, so care must be taken when treating dark skinned or sensitive and irritated patients. After 2 minutes after the start of the procedure or within 5 minutes (and also with a distinct formation of frost), the face is thoroughly washed with water. This is done mainly to make the patient feel comfortable and not to neutralize the acid. Some authors recommend neutralizing pyruvic acid used for peeling with 10% sodium bicarbonate and water. Substances used in chemical peels can evaporate actively and cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract, so it is recommended to perform the procedure in a well-ventilated area with an electric fan. Re-epithelialization is observed 1-2 weeks after peeling, while erythema may persist for 2 months. Pyruvic acid in combination with 5-fluorouracil has also been successfully used to treat actinic keratosis and warts.

Side effects and warnings

Patients should be warned that they will not look good for at least 10 days after a medium depth peel. During the first 2 days after the procedure, the skin acquires a barely noticeable pink color. On the 3rd and 4th day, the skin darkens. By the 5th day, layer-by-layer desquamation of the skin begins. Exfoliation of the skin is usually completed by day 10, but erythema may persist until day 14. It is recommended that patients be shown illustrations showing how they will look after peeling. This will stabilize the psychological state of patients (changes in appearance will not be unexpected). Many authors recommend avoiding the use of trichloroacetic acid at concentrations greater than 50%. Contraindications for medium depth peeling are dark skin types and recent treatment with isotretinoin or local radiation therapy. Since re-epithelialization begins with the adnexal structures of the skin, some authors suggest that in patients who have recently undergone laser hair removal, after a medium-depth peel or a deep peel, there may be problems with the healing of the skin where the procedure was performed. However, there have been no reports of this complication. Additional precautions should also be taken when performing medium-depth peels on the lower jaw, neck, and chest, as these areas are more likely to cause scarring.

Patients should be warned that after a chemical peel, skin lesions such as solar lentigo may first disappear and then reappear. This phenomenon is noted due to the fact that melanocytes responsible for skin pigmentation are located deeper than those layers that are affected by substances during chemical peeling. If patients use retinoids, sunscreens, hydroquinone, or other bleaching agents, better results can be achieved.

After a medium depth peel, as well as after a superficial peel, it is important that patients use sunscreen and avoid sun exposure to the skin. Patients with dark skin types should use hydroquinone after peeling, as this will reduce the incidence of hyperpigmentation. The doctor should prescribe antiviral drugs to patients who have previously had an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Also, the physician should not overuse trichloroacetic acid, which can lead to scarring. Patients recently treated with isotretinoin are also at increased risk of scarring after medium-depth peels.

Combination of superficial peeling and medium depth peeling

Many physicians perform superficial peeling in order to reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum or even remove the stratum corneum. To this end, they prescribe applications of trichloroacetic acid. Various combinations of drugs are used in peeling, including the use of glycolic acid after application of trichloroacetic acid ("Coleman peel") or Jessner's solution after application of trichloroacetic acid ("Monheit peel"). The use of Jessner's solution first leads to a decrease in adhesion between the cells of the epidermis, due to which the 35% trichloroacetic acid solution then penetrates deeper into the skin. This combination of drugs is effective in the treatment of mild to moderate photoaging, including lentigines, skin pigmentation and wrinkles. In some cases, it is necessary to prescribe mild sedatives and anti-inflammatory drugs before the procedure. Dr. Harold Brody advocated the use of solid CO 2 (dry ice) before using a 35% trichloroacetic acid solution. The application of solid CO 2 also leads to breaks in the structures of the epidermis and deep penetration of trichloroacetic acid. There are publications that describe in detail the combination of different types of peeling.

Deep peeling

Laser surgery and dermabrasion, with the help of which it is possible to achieve good results with a rare occurrence of complications, have replaced deep peeling. Modified phenol peels, such as the Stone Venner-Kellson peel (which uses a formulation that includes phenol, croton oil, water, olive oil, and septisol solution), are currently available, but are rarely used by US physicians. The Stone Venner-Kellson peeling drug can be ordered by the doctor from Delasco, and he must clarify the composition of the drug.

Any woman who cares about her skin sooner or later resorts to such a procedure as peeling. It is necessary both as an independent and as a preparatory stage for more complex cosmetic procedures. Salons have recently offered a variety of types that differ in cost, method and strength of impact. How to understand such a large assortment and choose what is suitable for a particular case?

Peeling: what is it

Peeling is one in which old, dead cells are removed that interfere with the regeneration of new ones. This procedure will rejuvenate the face, give the skin a healthy look. Also, such cleansing will help get rid of scars and scars, age spots and other imperfections.

The only condition is that all types of face peeling in salons should be carried out only by qualified specialists with appropriate certificates and preferably a medical education.

Pros and cons

So, when should you think about the facial cleansing procedure. If, looking in the mirror, you observe dull, tired skin, it is worth visiting a beautician who will offer the best types of peeling for the face. In addition, the procedure can correct such aesthetic problems:

  • scars
  • dark spots;
  • wrinkles.

Periodically, it is necessary to get rid of dead cells for those who have excessively oily or, conversely, dry skin. The first provokes the appearance of blackheads and acne, and the second is not sufficiently hydrated. The procedure will help get rid of the first signs of aging and slow down this process.

Despite the excellent cosmetic effect, peeling can be harmful in some cases. Here are a number of conditions in which the procedure is contraindicated:

  1. Wounds, abrasions and lesions
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Herpes in the acute stage.
  4. Individual intolerance to drugs (detected before the procedure on a small area of ​​skin).
  5. Recently epilated.

For cleaning to be most effective, trust only professionals. Consultation with a cosmetologist before it is required.

Peeling classification

Depending on the result you want to achieve, there are various facial peels. Types differ in two aspects: the method of exposure and its depth.

Depending on how the procedure is carried out, it can be chemical, mechanical, hardware or natural. We will analyze these types of facial peels in detail later, but now we will focus on which layers of the skin such cleaning can involve.

  • Superficial peeling. It acts on the outer layers of the skin, does not affect the stratum corneum. However, this is quite enough to smooth wrinkles and even remove age spots. It is performed on a face cleansed of makeup.
  • Medium peeling. Involves the deeper layers of the skin, reaches the upper dermis. The effect is more persistent than that of the previous species.
  • Deep peeling. Works in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, has the most persistent and pronounced effect. The procedure is very painful.

Mechanical peeling

Types of facial peels in cosmetology are headed by its mechanical version. Special compositions with mild abrasive substances act on the surface layers of the skin, thereby removing dead cells. The most popular are microcrystalline, gommage and brossage.

Microcrystalline facial cleansing occurs as follows: under pressure, the smallest particles of aluminum are sprayed onto the face. They have a special effect on the skin, removing irregularities, smoothing it, improving the appearance. Microdermabrasion will help get rid of freckles, tighten the face, make its contour more distinct.

Gommage is carried out with the help of fruit or lactic acids. They act on dead cells, unhooking them from healthy ones. The cosmetologist, using a brush, after a while easily removes unnecessary skin particles.

When throwing, no additional means and compositions are used, except for special soft abrasive brushes. They act on the very surface of the skin, polishing it and making it smooth.

The last two methods are possible for independent use at home.

Hardware peeling

The name speaks for itself: the procedure is carried out with the help of special devices. The most common are the following: ultrasonic, laser, vacuum and brushing.

The most comfortable peeling for the patient is with the help of ultrasound. Its waves affect the keratinized layer of the skin. The only condition is moisture, so the face is treated with special solutions or thermal water.

The advantage of the laser skin cleaning procedure is that this method acts on certain areas (wrinkles, pigments). Healthy skin remains unchanged. Due to this, the effect of the laser is very delicate.

Vacuum peeling works by creating negative pressure inside a specialized nozzle. Thus, in the process, not only dead cells are sucked in, but also acne, wrinkles are smoothed out. The recovery process starts. It is noteworthy that the variability of nozzles depends on the type of skin and the desired result.

Brushing is the same brossage, only carried out not by hand, but by a special cosmetic device.

Superficial chemical peel

Recently, facials have gained popularity. Their types depend on how deep the skin they act. The acids that make up the solutions react with the skin, and then are neutralized with the help of special alkalis. The time of exposure and the aggressiveness of the composition depends on the intended results and the required depth of exposure.

All chemical facial peels require dry, makeup-free skin. As for the procedure intended for the surface layers, it is the most facilitated. Natural acids are used: fruit or lactic, azelaic, kojic or glycolic acids are also used. However, even weak preparations will help get rid of acne, enlarged pores, age spots. This method is also recommended in the fight against aging as a preventive measure. If we consider all possible chemical types of facial peels, the reviews position this type as the most convenient: the effect is better than that of the mechanical and hardware options, at the same time there are no painful sensations and a rehabilitation period.

Medium chemical peel

If you are seriously thinking about skin rejuvenation, then the first thing to do is a median chemical peel. Due to the stronger acids in the composition of the preparations, it affects the deeper structures of the skin, prompting it to regenerate and, accordingly, smooth out. The procedure is performed on patients over 30 years of age. The fact is that it is from this age that the skin begins to lose elasticity, the processes of producing hyaluronic acid and collagen slow down.

You will be denied if one of the following conditions is observed:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the solutions.

It should be taken into account that such an aggressive procedure requires a certain period of recovery and post-peel procedures. Everything is decided individually by the cosmetologist performing the operation.

Customer reviews note that this type of cleaning has a more persistent and pronounced effect.

Deep chemical peel

In the most extreme cases, the patient is assigned to clean the deepest layers of the skin. Indications may be severe scars or scars, pronounced wrinkles. A high concentration of acid in the solution causes a severe burn of the skin, as a result of which a long recovery period is required, lasting from one month. The crusts from the burn will begin to move away only after two weeks.

Deep cleaning is a very serious manipulation, performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose not only a doctor, but also an office. The maximum sterility of the procedure is important.

Clients note that the effect of a properly performed deep peeling is comparable to a surgical intervention to remove wrinkles.

Soft chemical peel

There are also chemical peels for the face. Dairy is one of those. It is carried out with the help of vegetable acid - lactic acid. This component is absolutely safe, because it is produced in the body during carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, this cleansing is recommended to everyone without limitation, even to patients with sensitive and problematic skin prone to inflammation.

Such cleansing will moisturize the skin well, tighten it due to the activation of collagen, and also accelerate the process of cell renewal.

If you prefer natural chemical peels for the face, almond is the most gentle of them. Thanks to phenyl glycolic acid, you will get a lasting effect even on sensitive skin. The molecules of the substance are very large, so they do not irritate the skin.

Mandelic acid has a lot of useful properties:

  1. It is a powerful antioxidant, therefore it prevents aging.
  2. Very gently exfoliates dead skin cells. Acts like a scrub, but the effect is more pronounced.
  3. Perfectly cleanses the pores, reduces the production of excess fatty secretion in them.
  4. Whitens the skin, eliminates pigmentation, even pronounced.
  5. Tightens the skin, makes its surface even.
  6. Fights bacteria living on the surface of the epidermis.

All chemical peels for the face, the types of which we have considered, require careful care during the recovery period. Avoid aggressive exposure to cold, solarium. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF before going outside.

Enzymatic and natural peels

Facial cleansing with the help of enzymes affects the intracellular composition of the epidermis. This allows you to restore the metabolism of skin cells. Enzymes of vegetable origin are used.

Close to natural. The preparations with which it is carried out do not contain any substances of non-natural origin. According to clients of cosmetology parlors, the best effect can be achieved by its two varieties: biophytopilling and coral cleaning. The first method is a whole complex of measures to cleanse and correct the surface of the skin. Along with extracts of medicinal plants, the compositions are enriched with vitamin complexes. Cleaning with coral chips is also in high demand.

During the procedure, the epidermis is enriched with healing sea minerals. Also included are rare herbs that grow in Brazil.

The choice of peeling depending on age

Consider the recommended types of peeling for the face, depending on age. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at any age, because the skin is constantly updated and there are always dead cells on it. However, the method of exposure depends on the processes occurring in the epidermis.

Skin up to 25 years is elastic and toned, dryness is not ruled out. Sometimes there is pigmentation and acne. Therefore, it is enough to apply light types of cleaning: fruit acids, hardware (brushing), gommage and all kinds of scrubs. Procedures are also carried out to prevent the aging of the epidermis.

The age of 25-35 years is the time when the first wrinkles appear, the first aging processes begin in the skin. Here, superficial chemical, laser peels or dermabrasion are used.

Types of peeling for the face after 40 years are designed to fight already noticeable wrinkles, pronounced pigmentation, enlarged pores and capillaries. Median peeling, vacuum and laser resurfacing are carried out.