Crochet fish pattern flat. Toy master class crocheting goldfish crochet description yarn. Lounger bunny knitted from solid fabric


V. P.- air loop;

V. p.p.— air lifting loop;

conn. a loop- connecting or “blind” loop;

semi-st.- half-column;

Art. without nac.- single crochet;

Art. with nak.- single crochet;

The fish models in photo 1 are connected according to the patterns below: pattern 1 - a smaller fish, connected at 10 in. P. ;

diagram 2 - a larger fish, connected to the 14th century. P.

Crochet fish based on a circle are shown in photo 2.

Photo 2. Crochet fish based on a circle, made according to pattern 3.

Photos 3 and 4 show separate images of two fish circle based : orange one-color (photo 3), and yellow fish tied with orange contrasting thread (photo 4).

Photo 3. Fish based on a circle, one-color orange, made according to scheme 3.

Photo 4. A fish based on a circle, yellow, tied with an orange thread and made according to scheme 3.

All fish models based on a circle, presented in photos 2, 3 and 4, are made according to scheme 3.

Scheme 3. Crochet fish based on a circle, shown in photos 2, 3 and 4.

Diagram 3 shows how the circle that underlies the fish in photos 2, 3 and 4 is tied.

Myself circle knits very simply according to the principle crocheting a circle in rows ( see also :

1 lap - on sliding loop dialing 12 tbsp. without nac. and close the circle with conn. loops;

2 circle - 2 in. p.p., 24 art. with nak. (2 tbsp. in each loop of the previous row), conn. a loop.

Photo 5 shows crocheted fish with fluffy tails as spirals crochet

Photo 5. Fluffy tail in the form of spirals.

These fish are so good that I want to present them separately:

photo 6 - orange fish with a fluffy tail in the shape of a spiral,

photo 7 - a multi-colored fish with a fluffy tail in the shape of a spiral.

Photo 6. Orange fish with a fluffy tail in the form of spirals.

Photo 7. Multi-colored fish with a fluffy tail in the form of spirals.

To perform any fish with a fluffy tail in the form of spirals (photos 5, 6 and 7) you need to tie the torso.

To do this, we collect a chain of 4th century P. and then we knit in single crochets, and in even rows we add 2 tbsp. without ac., (once - 2 tbsp. without nak . in one loop before. row at the beginning of the row, and the second time - 2 tbsp. without nac. in one loop before. row at the end of the row). In odd rows we knit without increasing. Having reached the required width of the body (in our case, up to 12 tbsp. without nac. ), we begin decreasing, knitting along 2 tbsp. without nak . together at the beginning and end of each even row. At the same time, we knit in odd rows without decreasing. It looks more clearly like this:

1 row - 4 tbsp. without nac.;

2nd row - 6 tbsp. without nac.;

4 row - 8 tbsp. without nac.;

6th row - 10 tbsp. without nac.;

8 row - 12 tbsp. without nac.;

10 row - 12 tbsp. without nac.;

12 row - 10 tbsp. without nac.;

14 row - 8 tbsp. without nac.;

16 row - 6 tbsp. without nac.;

18 row - 4 tbsp. without nak., remaining 4 tbsp. without nac. let's knit together.

Thus the torso crocheted fish with a fluffy tail in the form of spirals ready.

Scheme 4. Fluffy tail in the form of spirals.

Having tied the body of the fish along the contour, using pattern 4, we proceed to knitting a fluffy tail, which consists of 3, 4 or more spirals . For those who don’t know or have forgotten, let me remind you how to knit this spiral crochet :

we collect a chain of V. P. the required length and tie it with some type of columns along 3 columns in each loop. As a result, the ribbon twists into a spiral.

In my case, I typed a chain of 15-17th century P. and tied her up Art. without nac. 3 tbsp. without nac. into each loop of the chain.

Another option for using a knitting element such as spiral crochet , see the article.

It should be noted that we first attach to the body of the fish in the place where the first spiral of the tail should be located. Then we knit the intended number of spirals without tearing off the thread. Only when all the spirals are connected, we tear off the thread and hide it. All, crochet fish with fluffy tail in the form of spirals ready!

Very interesting openwork fish, shown in photo 9.

Photo 9. Openwork fish.

Let's take a closer look at how these fish mate.

The openwork fish in photo 9 are knitted according to pattern 5 (see below).

Photo 9. Openwork fish knitted according to pattern 5.

Scheme 5. Scheme of the openwork fish shown in photo 9.

Openwork fish , presented in photo 10, are knitted according to pattern 6 (see below).

Photo 10. Openwork fish knitted according to pattern 6.

Scheme 6. Scheme of the openwork fish shown in photo 10.

I note that I found schemes 5 and 6 on the Internet. However, everything openwork fish , made according to these schemes in this article are my (author's) works.

How to knit a toy?

Children like all kinds of knitted bears from bouclé yarn, bunnies from angora, pussies from mohair so much that they are ready to fill the whole house with them. Read our article about how to knit or crochet a soft toy.

Methods for crocheting or knitting toys differ significantly from each other. For example, all the details of toys are crocheted in the round using a single crochet. This is exactly what the article teaches -. But toys knitted with knitting needles can be made from one or several large parts using stockinette stitch, and in the finale the almost finished animals are supplemented with some finishing touches. An example is the description of the work from the article -.

Crochet goldfish

This version of a knitted toy is crocheted. To crochet such a cute toy, tail patterns will be useful, and you will also need:

  • orange and blue yarn,
  • hook number 2,
  • filler.

Knitting process:

If you want to knit a toy with knitting needles, we offer a simple version of the product.

Lounger bunny knitted from solid fabric

For work, take knitting needles No. 3, 50 grams of yarn, filler and eyes for the future bunny.

Knitting process:

The knitted soft toy is ready.

A crocheted fish can be an element of a teaching mat, a washcloth, a pillow or a toy. For such a craft it is not necessary to buy threads specially. Leftover yarn, which is always in the needlewoman’s box, is quite suitable. A washcloth fish can be knitted from bright synthetic twine.

Question “how to make a gorynych snake mask (3 heads) with your own hands and even from improvised means” - 1 answer

You will need

  • - remnants of yarn, approximately the same thickness:
  • - a hook of the appropriate size.


1. Look at the image of any fish. You will see that her body is a circle or oval. It may also have a shape close to a triangle. The fins and tail are most often triangular. This is what we should proceed from when knitting. You don't have to make a pattern. However, for a toy or pillow you will need 2 body parts, and they must be the same. Therefore, remember or write down how many stitches you add.

2. For the element of the teaching mat and for the washcloth fish, knit a flat oval. Make a chain of air loops. There is no need to close it in a circle; it will be in the middle of the oval. At the end of the chain, make 1 lifting loop and knit a series of simple stitches. Knit 3 of these stitches into the starting loop. Turn the work so that the next row is knitted on the other side of the chain.

3. Next, knit simple stitches in a spiral, adding loops evenly. Opposite the ends of the initial chain, knit 3 or 5 in one column, as you did in the first row. In between, also knit 2 stitches in 1 so that the oval remains flat. Knit it to the desired size.

4. To make a toy fish or pillow, knit 2 convex ovals. Start them in the same way with a chain. From the 3rd row in every fifth column, knit two. The body should not gather in folds, but should be convex enough to insert a piece of foam rubber or paraplene into it. Connect the halves of the body together with simple posts, leaving a small hole and without breaking the thread. Stuff the toy and seal the seam.

5. You can start knitting the fin right from the body. Mark its beginning and end on the back of the fish. Knit a row with threads of a different color. From the second row, begin to smoothly lower the loops to form a triangle. He can be anything. For example, you can evenly decrease 1 stitch along the edges in each even row. Then you will get an isosceles triangle. And if you decrease 1 loop every row in front, and 2 loops in the back, you will get a fin inclined towards the tail. Make 1 or 2 fins on the belly of the fish. These could just be stripes that also start from the body. Knit them to the desired length without adding or decreasing stitches.

6. Tie the tail. This detail allows you to show your imagination like no other. The tail can be made, for example, in the form of a fringe tied crochet along the line. You can make it in the form of several multi-colored stripes or triangles. Mounting methods can also be different. For example, knit strips. Place them together, aligning the short sides, fasten crochet and tie it to the back of the body. You can connect several triangles in the same way. If you have loose synthetic threads, make a bunch of them, attach one end to the body, and fluff the other.

7. Embroider the eyes and mouth. They can also be knitted. For the eye, cast on a chain of 5-7 chain stitches. Close it in a circle. Tie 10-15 double crochets into a ring. Tie the eye to the body.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If the fish is intended for a teaching mat, make a hole for the eye in the front of the body. In this case, the eye will be a button on which the fish is fastened.

We crochet colorful fish.

Quote from Tasha92 Read in full In your quotation book or community!

The fish are small, 3-4 cm in length, depending on how thick the thread is used. In order to knit such fish, you need minimal knitting skills: be able to knit single crochets (sc), double crochets (dc), connecting stitches (ss), increase (inc) and decrease (dec). To knit a fish, I needed the following materials and tools: Iris threads (two colors or shades), crochet hook No. 1.25, padding polyester, 2 beads for eyes, a needle for sewing on eyes and pulling thread, scissors.

Since the fish is small, it is important to count the loops (a change in the number of loops, even by one, will be noticeable in the proportions of the fish). We knit the loops of the previous row on both walls. Nose and body we knit the fish in a circle, without lifting loops. Row 1: use a light thread to cast on two air loops (or make an amigurumi loop),

then in the first loop (or in the amigurumi loop) we knit 6 single crochets.

2nd row: 6 single crochets.

3rd row: in each loop we make an increase (inc) - 6 times (12). 4th row: (1 sc, inc) - 6 times (18). Row 5: (2 sc, inc) - 6 times (24). This results in a nose like this:

6-9 row: 24 sc. For convenience, when knitting 6-9 rows, at the beginning of the sixth row I use the thread from the beginning of knitting as a marker, then you can not count the loops.

The result is a nose and body like this:

Then we make decreases. Row 10: (2 sc, dec) – 6 times (18). Row 11: (1 sc, dec) – 6 times (12).

We fill the fish with padding polyester, slightly squeezing the sides and giving the body a shape.

Row 12: 6 sc, end the row with a connecting stitch.

Tail. Row 13: Using a thread of a different color, we make 2 air loops (ch) - lifting loops. I leave a long thread, about 40 cm, with which I then knit the fins. The thread does not interfere, since it is always inside the tail. We knit 2 sc in each loop of the previous row (12). At the end of the row we knit a connecting post.
Row 14: 3 ch (lifting loops), 2 dc in each loop (24). We finish the row with a connecting column.
Row 15: tie the ponytail with arches - ch 3, then sc in the next loop,
Repeat until the end of the row. This makes 24 arches.
Fasten and trim the working thread. You can experiment with the ponytail: If you want the ponytail to be less fluffy, then in the 14th row you can alternate (1 dc and 2 dc) - 6 times (18). The ponytail can be tied in the following way: 3 (or 2) ch, connecting stitch in the next loop, repeat until the end of the row. Then the ponytail will be a little shorter. You can knit two rows of arches... In general, there are a lot of options for knitting a ponytail, it all depends on your imagination. Fins. Use a needle to thread the thread left at the beginning of knitting the tail into the upper part of the head (where the upper fin will be can be determined by the shape of the spout: the spout on one side will be more “turned up”).
Knit 7-8 double crochets along the back.
Turn the knitting and knit arches: 2 air loops, then single crochet in the next loop.
Knit to the end of the fin (7-8 arches). Then pull the thread
Thread the thread through the needle and pull it through the bottom of the fish.
Knit 6-7 single crochets along the belly of the fish.
Pull out the thread, thread it through a needle and thread it through the hole at the beginning of the tail.
Fold the tail and sew it so that the padding polyester is not visible (if desired, you can not sew the tail, then it will be more magnificent). Fasten the thread.
Sew on the eyes with black thread.
The fish is ready! The fish can be attached to a base for a keychain, a base for a brooch, to make a pendant for a phone, a magnet, hairpins, used as an element for a sling bead (tie a bead), used as a counting material, a material for learning colors by small children, etc. I use fish as pendants for pens and pencils (at work, such pencils and pens remain on my desk and do not “go” to my colleagues’ desks).

Just starting to crochet? Want to create your first toy? You need to start with something simple but beautiful. On this page we will look at the process of crocheting a simple fish. The material has been prepared specifically for beginners.

To crochet a fish, you will need some yarn of five colors with the same density and composition. You can use leftover threads. Cotton or viscose are perfect for knitting a fish, but you can also use thicker yarn - acrylic or wool. It will be a pleasure to give the finished toy to a child or loved one who is ready to appreciate your work. But you can keep the crocheted fish as a souvenir by decorating the interior with a handmade product.

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RLS- single crochet, SS- connecting post, VP- air loop.

Thread A- orange thread.

Thread B- red thread.

Thread C- white thread.

Thread D- black thread.

Thread E- pockmarked thread (or any other color).

You can use any other color of yarn. The symbols given above are given for easy understanding of the description and its correlation with the photograph of the finished fish.


Please note that the fish is crocheted in a spiral. This means that there are no transitions between rows (lifting loops are not knitted). To avoid getting confused in the rows, you need to mark the beginning of each circular row with a marker or contrasting thread.


Knit with color A thread.

1 row

2nd row: *2 sc in one loop

3rd row: *1 sc, 2 sc in one loop

4 row: *2 sc, 2 sc in one loop

5 row: *3 sc, 2 sc in one loop

6 row: *4 sc, 2 sc in one loop

7 row: *5 sc, 2 sc in one loop

8 row: *6 sc, 2 sc in one loop

9 row: *7 sc, 2 sc in one loop

10 row: *8 sc, 2 sc in one loop

11 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

12 row: *9 sc, 2 sc in one loop

13 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

14 row: *10 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (72 sc in total).

15 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

16 row: *11 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (78 sc in total).

17 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

Change the thread color to B.

18-22 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

23 row: *24 sc, knit 2 sc together* - knit 3 times (75 sc in total).

24-27 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

28 row: *23 RLS, 2 RLS knit together* - knit 3 times (72 sc in total).

29-32 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

33 row: *22 sc, knit 2 sc together* - knit 3 times (69 sc in total).

34-35 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

Row 36: *21 RLS, 2 RLS knit together* - knit 3 times (66 sc in total).

37-38 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

Row 39: *20 sc, knit 2 sc together* - knit 3 times (63 sc in total)

40 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

41 row: *19 RLS, 2 RLS knit together* - knit 3 times (60 sc in total).

42 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

43 row: *10 sc, knit 2 sc together, 18 sc* - knit 2 times (58 sc in total).

44 row: *7 sc, knit 2 sc together, 20 sc* - knit 2 times (56 sc in total).

45 row: *3 sc, knit 2 sc together, 23 sc* - knit 2 times (54 sc in total).

46 row: *10 sc, knit 2 sc together, 15 sc* - knit 2 times (52 sc in total).

47 row: *7 sc, knit 2 sc together, 17 sc* - knit 2 times (50 sc in total).

48 row: *3 sc, knit 2 sc together, 20 sc* - knit 2 times (48 sc in total).

49 row: *10 sc, knit 2 sc together, 12 sc* - knit 2 times (46 sc in total).

Start stuffing the part.

50 row: *7 sc, knit 2 sc together, 14 sc* - knit 2 times (44 sc in total).

51 row: *3 sc, knit 2 sc together, 17 sc* - knit 2 times (42 sc in total).

Row 52: *10 sc, knit 2 sc together, 9 sc* - knit 2 times (40 sc in total).

53 row: *7 sc, knit 2 sc together, 11 sc* - knit 2 times (38 sc in total).

Add filler.

54 row: *3 sc, knit 2 sc together, 14 sc* - knit 2 times (36 sc in total).

Row 55: *10 sc, knit 2 sc together, 6 sc* - knit 2 times (34 sc in total).

Row 56: *6 sc, knit 2 sc together* - knit 4 times, 2 sc (total 30 sc).

57 row: *5 sc, knit 2 sc together* - knit 4 times, 2 sc (total 26 sc).

Add filler.

58 row: *4 sc, knit 2 sc together* - knit 4 times, 2 sc (total 22 sc).

To finish work. Cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing on the fin.

Fin on the tail

Knit with thread B.

1 row: Knit 6 sc into an amigurumi ring.

2nd row: *2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (12 sc in total).

3rd row: *1 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (18 sc in total).

4 row: *2 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (24 sc in total).

5 row: *3 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (30 sc in total).

6 row: *4 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (36 sc in total).

7 row: *5 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (42 sc in total).

8 row: *6 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (48 sc in total).

9 row: *7 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (54 sc in total).

10 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

11 row: *8 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (60 sc in total).

12 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

13 row: *9 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (66 sc in total).

14 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

15 row: *10 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (72 sc in total)

16 row: Knit sc for the entire row.

17 row: *1 RLS, 6 VP* - knit 36 ​​times, 1 SS in the last sc.

Sew the fin to the body of the fish (first part).

Fins on the sides

Score 11 VP.

1 row: tie a chain of VP in a circle on both sides, starting from the second loop (10 sc on each side).

2nd row: Knit sc for the entire row.

Change the thread color to E. Start tying the fin, to do this, fold it in half and knit both sides together.

3rd row: *1 RLS, 6 VP* - knit 10 times, 1 SS in the last sc.

Based on the photo, sew the fins to the sides.


Knit with thread D.

1 row: Knit 6 sc into an amigurumi ring.

2nd row: Double each stitch (12 sc in total).

To finish work. Cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing the pupil to the white part of the eye.

White part of the eye

Knit with thread C.

1 row: Knit 6 sc into an amigurumi ring.

2nd row: *2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (12 sc in total).

3rd row: *1 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (18 sc in total).

4 row: *2 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - knit 6 times (24 sc in total).

To finish work. Cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing the white part of the eye to the body of the fish.

A simple crochet fish is ready! We are sure that for some this is the first serious crochet work. Continue to master the amigurumi technique, and very soon you will be able to knit more complex toys, including those for sale.

I completed Marina’s largest order - a goldfish. Judging by the size, I'm a fisherman :)))
Surprisingly, it turned out to be easy to knit and, in principle, I am satisfied with the result. Well, the client himself is delighted, he has already managed to take the fish to the kindergarten, and today I was inundated with enthusiasm and praise there :)))

Well, now the diagrams and photographs.
Source, but there are inaccuracies in the descriptions that I found already during my work, so here I will write already edited diagrams.
The largest - in fact, the main - part of the toy is the head with the body. They knit together.
1p) 6 sc in the ring - 6 loops
2p) increase in each loop -12
3p) 1 sc, increase - 18
4p) 2 sc, increase - 24
5p) 3 sc, increase - 30
6p) 4 sc, increase - 36
7p) 36 sc in a circle
8p) 5sc, increase - 42
9p) 42 sc in a circle
10r) 6sc, increase - 48
11p) 48 sc in a circle
12p) 7sc, increase - 54
13p) 54 sc in a circle
14r) 8sc, increase - 60
15r) 60 sc in a circle
16r) 9sc, increase - 66
17p) 66 sc in a circle
18p) 10 sc, increase - 72
19p) 72 sc in a circle
20r) 11sc, increase - 78

Change the thread to a different color.
21p) 78 sc in a circle
22r) 12 sc, increase - 84
23-25r) 84 sc in a circle

Now the knitting of the “back” part begins; here the knitting does not go in a circle.

26p) 8 half-columns, 67 sc, half-column. We leave the last 7 sc unknitted. Turn the knitting.

27p) half-column in the first single crochet, 65 sc, 1 half-column in the last sc, leave the remaining loops unknitted, turn the knitting.

28p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 63 sc, half-column, leaving the remaining loops unknitted, turning the knitting.

29p) half-column in the first sbn of the row, 28sbn, decrease, sbn, decrease, 28sbn, 1 half-column. Leave the remaining loops unknitted and turn the knitting.

30p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 57 sc, 1 half-column. Leave the remaining loops unknitted and turn the knitting.

31p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 6 sc, decrease, 39 sc, decrease, 6 sc, 1 half-column, turn the knitting.

32p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 25 sc, decrease, 24 sc, 1 half-column, turn the knitting.

33p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 48 sc, 1 half-column, turn the knitting.

34p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 10 sc, decrease, 22 sc, decrease, 10 sc, 1 half-column, turn knitting.

35p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 20 sc, decrease, 20 sc, half-column, turn the knitting.

36p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 39 sc, half-column, turn the knitting.

37p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 5 sc, decrease, 23 sc, decrease, 5 sc, 1 half-column, turn the knitting.

38p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 33 sc, half-column, turn the knitting.

39p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 10 sc, decrease, 6 sc, decrease, 10 sc, half-column, turn knitting.

40p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 27 sc, half-column, turn the knitting.

41r) continue knitting without turning knitting 18 sc, decrease, 8 sc, decrease, 43 sc.

42) 70sc in a circle and break the thread.

Here is the total of 42 rows:

View from below, from the "belly"

This is where the knitting of the “neck” begins, although one would like to call it the scruff :) Here the knitting is also not circular, but with turns (thanks to them, the transition of the head to the body occurs). And from here I started filling my head with filler.

43r) Count 4 loops from the center of the “belly”, attach a thread there and knit: 3 half-columns, 62 sc, 1 half-column, leaving the remaining loops unknitted. Turn the knitting.

44p) half-column in the first sbn of the row, 10 sbn, decrease, 36 sbn, decrease, 10 sbn, half-column. Turn the knitting.

45p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 56 sc, 1 half-column. Turn the knitting.

46p) half-column in the first sbn of the row, 25 sbn, decrease, 1 sbn, decrease, 24 sbn, half-column. Turn the knitting.

47p) half-column in the first sbn of the row, 13 sbn, decrease, 20 sbn, decrease, 13 sbn. Turn the knitting.

48p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 22 sc, decrease, 22 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

49p) half-column in the first sc of the row, (10 sc, decrease) * 3 times, 7 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

50r) half-column in the first sc of the row, (5 sc, decrease) * 5 times, 3 sc, half-column Rotate the knitting.

51p) half-column in the first sc of the row, (4 sc, decrease) * 6 times, 1 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

52p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 24 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

53p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 22 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

54p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 20 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

55r) half-column in the first sc of the row, 8 sc, decrease, 8 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

56p) half-column in the first sc of the row, 15 sc, half-column. Turn the knitting.

57r) half-column and knit in circles, 48 ​​sc

58r) 48 sc in a circle

59r) 28 sc, decrease, 18 sc

60r) 47 sc.

61r) Starting from this row, we make decreases and increases, decreases only on the belly of the fish, increases only on the back. 9 sbn, increase, 21 sbn, decrease, 15 sbn
62r) 5 sbn, increase, 5 sbn, increase, 18 sbn, decrease, 2 sbn, decrease, 11 sbn.
63r) 9 sbn, increase, 23 sbn, decrease, 13 sbn.
64r) 5 sbn, increase, 5 sbn, increase, 20 sbn, decrease, 1 sbn, decrease, 10 sbn.
65r) 12 sbn, increase, 20 sbn, decrease, 1 sbn, decrease, 10 sbn.
66r) 35 sbn, decrease, 10 sbn.
67r) 34 sbn, decrease, 10 sbn.
68r) 35 sc, decrease, 8 sc.
69r) 34 sbn, decrease, 8 sbn.
70r) 34 sc, decrease, 7 sc.
71r) 34 sbn, decrease, 6 sbn.
72r) 33 sbn, decrease, 6 sbn.
73r) 33 sc, decrease, 5 sc.
74r) 33 sbn, decrease, 4 sbn.
75r) 32 sc, decrease, 4 sc.
76r) 32 sc, decrease, 3 sc.
77r) 31 sbn, decrease, 3 sbn.
78r) 31 sbn, decrease, 2 sbn.
79r) 30 sc, decrease, 2 sc.
80r) 29 sc, decrease, 2 sc.
81r) 28 sbn, decrease, 2 sbn.
82r) 28 sc, decrease, 1 sc.
83r) 28 sc, decrease.
84r) decrease, 27 sc.
85r) 16 sc, decrease, 7 sc, decrease.
86r) 24 sc in a circle, decrease, break the thread.

This is the phenome-shaped creation that came out:

I stuffed it with filler as I knitted it, so as not to interfere with knitting.

87r) change the thread to a different color. Increments in the circle in all 24 loops - 48.
88r) 48 sc in a circle.
89r) 2 sc, increase - 64.
90-92r) 64 sc.
The author writes: “Do you want a longer tail? Knit another 10 rows, 64 sc.”
I didn't knit.

From here the knitting of the caudal fin begins, each of the two parts is knitted separately. The tail is divided in half, and the thread is attached exactly in the middle.
1p) knit 32 sc and close the row into a ring. It turns out that we are dividing the tail in half. This is the first fin.
2-7r) 32 sc.
8p) 4 sc, decrease * 5 times, 2 sc.
9p) 3 sc, decrease * 5 times, 2 sc.
10r) 2 sc, decrease * 5 times, 2 sc.
11p) 1sc, decrease * 5 times, decrease.
12p) 5 decreases, 1 stb.
13p) 3 decreases, close the hole after filling with filler.

We knit the second tail fin in the same way. If a hole has formed at the base between them, sew it up.

We tie the bottom of the tail fins with single crochets, as shown in the photo, and then with lace.

I knitted the lace right away, and that is what takes the most time, although it is easy to knit.

The author modified the pattern, throwing out the penultimate row, because she believes that the lace is too lush; I didn’t do this and knitted according to the pattern, not paying attention to the corrections. The only important change is that in the first row of single crochets, you need to knit 3 double crochets in each sc, and then continue to knit according to the pattern from the second row.

Ponytail with lace:

Lace close up

Then I tied the dorsal fin:

Side fins
1p) We collect a chain of 12 ch. We knit 2 sc into the second loop from the hook, then 9 sc, 2 sc into the last loop, turn the knitting and knit 9 sc on the other side of the chain. It turns out 22 sc.
2-9r) Next we knit in a circle 8 rows of 22 sc. You get these rectangular “pockets”.

Next, the author suggests tying the fins with lace in a circle in the place where the knitting began, that is, row 1. I knitted on the sides too. Like this:

We stuff and sew the fins.

Then small details were knitted: crown, lips and eyes.
We collect a chain of 20 ch and close it in a circle.
1-5r) 29 sc.
6p) 2 sc, then 2 chain loops, pass under them 2 sc from the previous row, 2 sc - and so on in a circle.
7p) We knit 3 double crochets into the resulting arches, 3 double crochets, 3 double crochets into each arch.

Upper lip.
1p) 6 sc in the ring.

3p) 1 sbn, increase - 18 sbn.
4p) 2 sbn, increase - 24 sbn.
5p) Fold the piece in half and tie 5 sc, 2 half-columns, 5 sc. Knit so that half columns are located in the middle of the part.

1p) 6 sc in the ring.
2p) increases - 12 sc.
3p) 1 sbn, increase - 18 sbn.
4p) Fold the piece and tie a sc.
We sew both parts together and sew them on.

1p) 5 air loops
2p) starting from the second loop from the hook, knit 2 sc in each loop * 4 - 8 sc.
3p) we knit a double crochet in each sc of the previous row, between the double crochets we knit an air loop.

I knitted my eyes differently too. I will write both options here.
We tie the buttons on the legs.
White thread
1p) 6 sc in the ring.
2p) increases - 12 sc.
3p) 1 sbn, increase - 18 sbn.
4p) 2 sbn, increase - 24 sbn.
5p) 24 sc.
6p) 2 sc, decrease.
7p) 1 sc, decrease.
Knitting blue details 2 pcs.
1p) 6 sc in the ring.
2p) increases - 12 sc.
3p) 1 sc, increase - 18 sc.
Sew them to the tied button.
Knitting black details 2 pcs.
1p) 8 sc in the ring. Sew them onto the blue details. We embroider white highlights on each eye.

The eye is knitted from the pupil, so knitting begins with black thread.
1p) 6 loops in a ring
2p) increase in each loop - 12 sc.
The thread changes to the color of the iris, mine is blue.
3p) 1 sbn, increase - 18 sbn.
4p) 2 sbn, increase - 24 sbn.
The thread changes to white
5p) 24 sc in a circle
6p) 2 sc, decrease.
7p) 1 sc, decrease.
8p) decrease until the end. The eyes are slightly filled with filler. A highlight is embroidered on the pupil

I then sewed the eyelashes to the eyes, the crown and lips to the fish, and lastly I sewed on the eyes. The expression of the fish’s “face” greatly depends on their location.
And here's a beauty :)))

View from the back

Side view

Well, what can I say?.. The fish came out beautiful. It was interesting to knit. And despite the fact that the description of knitting the head and body looks threatening, in fact everything is not complicated. I just had to print out the description and keep it in front of my eyes all the time, crossing out the already connected rows with a pencil.