Masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids, homemade recipes. Homemade moisturizing masks for the delicate skin around the eyes

Facial skin is constantly exposed to external factors. At the same time, it is sensitive and thin, especially the area around the eyes, and, according to its physiological structure, is most prone to drying out. Therefore, the first age-related changes appear here. And if you do not moisturize the skin around the eyes, early wrinkles cannot be avoided.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for dry skin in the eye area and they are caused by external and internal factors.

Internal causes

External causes

External signs include: dust, wind, cold, bright light, dry air, radiation, temperature changes.

If anatomical features and climate are almost impossible to resist, and it is quite difficult to eliminate diseases on your own, then a person creates a number of external causes himself. Moreover, these factors most often provoke the appearance of dry skin around the eyes:

How to prevent dry skin around the eyes, how to properly care

If dryness of the skin of the face and around the eyes is caused by hormonal changes or illness, you should contact the clinic for testing and treatment. Until the body copes with the disease, all other efforts will be in vain.

In other cases, when the reasons are not so serious, it is enough to follow simple rules:

Homemade recipes for moisturizing the skin around the eyes

To make the skin around the eyes moisturized, and, therefore, healthier and younger, are capable of compresses, masks and creams prepared on their own at home. Their recipes are simple. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary natural products and desire, since caring procedures should be carried out regularly.



Banana (without peel) thoroughly mash, add oil, mix and apply. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.


Take equal pieces of banana and fresh cucumber, grind them in a blender. If the mixture is too liquid, squeeze the juice. Lubricate the problem area and keep for about half an hour. The mass can be applied directly to closed eyelids by placing it in small gauze bags.

Stir and apply on the eyelids very carefully so that the product does not get into the eyes. Remove after 15 minutes.

Mix and apply to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.

This tool will not only moisturize the skin, but also make it brighter.

"Orange + Lemon"

Mix all ingredients and apply for 15 minutes

With lemon juice, you must act very carefully, it can cause irritation. If the skin is pale and thinned, this ingredient is best excluded.


Grind the potatoes with a fine grater, add butter and sour cream to this gruel and mix. Apply the mask to the eye area and hold for a third of an hour.


First mix the milk powder with liquid honey to avoid the formation of lumps, then add the yolk and mix everything. It is necessary to keep 20-25 minutes.

Powdered milk, if desired, can be replaced with oatmeal in the same proportions.

"Egg with butter"

Judging by the reviews, this mask is especially effective. And it's very easy to cook. It will take only one quail egg and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Separate the yolk and mix with olive, linseed, sunflower oil - which is at hand. Hold for a quarter of an hour.

"Blend of oils"

To increase the level of moisture in the skin around the eyes will help a mixture of various oils, which are available in abundance in pharmacies. For this purpose, it is better to purchase essential oils of fennel, dill, parsley, juniper. Take 3 drops of each remedy.

Or take a few drops of sandalwood or neroli essential oils and 10 ml of wheat germ oil.

Apply the oil composition for 1.5-2 hours, then blot the skin with a napkin without pressure and rubbing.

Cut off a leaf from aloe, cut it into fragments 2 cm long and each piece lengthwise into two parts. Put the resulting plates in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. After a week, the product can be used: wipe the skin around the eyes with a piece of aloe.

You can speed up the preparation of the mask. Squeeze the juice from a fresh leaf (a teaspoon) and mix it with the same amount of vegetable oil.

Masks "Mono product"

To combat dry skin of the eyelids, you can use individual products without adding other components. Raw potatoes, fresh cucumber, strawberries, apples, bananas will do just fine with this. Cut a separate fruit or vegetable into thin slices, lie down with your head in a horizontal position, and apply “tasty” pieces to your eyes for a period of 10 to 30 minutes.

You can also use freshly squeezed juice from these herbal products to rub into the skin. This option can be called an “express tool”, as it is prepared very simply, but it works surprisingly effectively.


One spoonful of chopped medicinal herbs (dried or fresh) pour 100 g of hot water and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Strain the broth and divide into two parts, one slightly warm, the other, on the contrary, cool. Soak cotton pads or napkins alternately in cold and warm liquid and apply on eyes for several minutes.

Herbs are suitable for a compress: sage, chamomile, coltsfoot.

Compresses can be done using ordinary tea bags. To do this, you must first put a few moistened (can be used for brewing) bags in the freezer. Apply warm and cold sachets alternately.

Such products are effective before bedtime, it will moisturize the skin and relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes.


  • Pork fat (melted, unsalted) - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons (preferably olive oil)
  • Essential oil (apricot, peach) - a few drops

Thoroughly mix the ingredients and place the resulting mass in a jar with a tight lid, you can put it in a container that has been freed from any cream. Apply the mixture to the problem area twice a week in the evenings and do not rinse until morning.

Keep the product in the refrigerator, but not more than a month.

The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive, so when choosing a product to care for it, you need to show attention and caution. Some foods can cause irritation, such as strawberries, lemon, aloe juice, honey.

Therefore, before preparing the mask, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test in advance. Literally a drop of the juice of the component that causes concern, apply with a fingertip to the skin around the eyes. If after a while you feel a burning sensation or a slight redness appears, wipe the area thoroughly with a damp cloth. And remove the ingredient from the recipe. Even removing allergenic products from the above masks, the products will do an excellent job of moisturizing the skin.

Every woman has in her "arsenal" recipes for face masks. It is important to remember that not all of these products are suitable for the eyelids. Even if the miraculous composition has proven itself in matters of care and beauty, it can be difficult for the eyelids.

The skin under the eyes is considered to be the most delicate. Deto is that in this area the smallest number of sebaceous glands and blood vessels is concentrated. In addition, the area around the eyes often suffers from dehydration, hence all kinds of swelling and dark circles appear. To moisturize sensitive epidermis, it is important to have basic knowledge regarding care. We single out effective recipes for folk remedies that can be easily translated into reality on our own. So let's get started.

Powdered milk

Beat 1 egg yolk with a fork, start slowly pouring milk powder into it, stirring at the same time. Calculate the amount in fact, the mass should turn out to be pasty. After that, add 25 gr. liquid honey, bring the mixture until smooth.

Apply the prepared composition to the area under the eyes, place two pieces of cling film or gauze on top. Keep the mask on the skin for about half an hour, then remove the excess with a paper towel. After the procedure, do not wash your face for 1 hour.


Wash, peel, stem and bone 1 apricot. Mash the pulp with a fork or chop in a blender, mix with 30 gr. thick sour cream and 10 ml. olive oil. Make a mask on the area under the eyes, put a gauze cloth on top so that the mixture does not fall off.

Remove the composition after a quarter of an hour, then massage the dehydrated area. Wash your face, apply cream for the delicate skin around the eyes with driving movements, leave until completely absorbed.


Purchase flax seeds, soak them in cold water for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly through a colander. Place the seeds in an enamel pot, pour boiling water over it so that it completely covers the plant.

Turn on the stove at minimum power, cook until a porridge-like mass is obtained. Stir constantly so that the composition does not burn. Remove the seeds from the sides of the pan, otherwise they will become hard.

When the flax is completely cooked, cool it, strain, apply the gruel to the area under the eyes. Soak for about 25-35 minutes, remove excess with a napkin. Wash with contrast water (first cool, then warm), wipe the epidermis with ice.

natural oils

Natural oils include castor, almond, sea buckthorn, grape, olive, burdock, corn and sunflower. To moisturize the epidermis with one of the listed compounds, moisten the product with a cotton swab, apply to the dehydrated area.

The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour. After this period, it is necessary to remove the mixture with paper towels, wipe the skin with lotion and apply a hydrogel designed specifically for the skin around the eyes.

If desired, natural oils can be used as a night cream. In this case, apply a small amount of the composition to the fingertips, then spread the oil over the orbital bone and under the eyes with driving movements.


Due to its high-calorie composition, banana saturates the epidermis with moisture and oxygen, so the product is often used to combat wrinkles and moisturize the skin around the eyes.

To prepare the mixture, take 30 gr. butter, melt it until soft in the microwave, in a water bath or at room temperature. Grind a quarter of a medium-sized banana in a blender, combine the two compositions together.

Massage the skin around the eyes with your fingertips to increase blood circulation. After that, make a mask, soak it for at least 40 minutes. To prevent the mixture from running down your face, you can fix the mass with a bandage or gauze.


Due to the fact that cucumber is 80% water, it perfectly moisturizes the skin. Cut the fruit into slices about 2 mm thick, place on the problem area, lie down to rest. The exposure time is half an hour, after this period the product can be removed. Do not wash your face for 45 minutes after the procedure.

If desired, you can use cucumber porridge. To do this, grind a quarter of the fruit in a blender or meat grinder, then squeeze the liquid from it. The resulting mass is applied to the area under the eyes, the exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Cucumber juice can be used as a skin lotion.


Wash and peel the tuber of young potatoes, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the juice with gauze, and apply the gruel to the area under the eyes. Wait 25 minutes, then wash with cold water.

You can also use potato broth. To do this, it is enough to moisten a piece of cotton wool in it, squeeze it a little and attach it to the problem area. In this case, the exposure time will increase to 40 minutes.

Oat bran

To prepare the mask, you will need oat bran. If it is not possible to purchase them, grind the cereal in a coffee grinder or blender. Take 50 ml. heavy cream or homemade milk, heat the product on the stove or in the microwave. Add 35 gr. oatmeal, leave for 20 minutes until completely swollen.

When the cereal absorbs moisture and increases in size, mix the resulting porridge. Make a mask on the area under the eyes, fix with a piece of bandage or gauze, soak for half an hour. Remove excess with a napkin, wash with melt water.


In a pharmacy, you can find Aevit, which is often used to eliminate bags under the eyes. Due to the caring components, the drug saturates the cells with oxygen and fights dehydration. Mix 5 ml. "Aevita" with 10 ml. castor oil, add 10 ml. rosehip infusion and 10 ml. olive oil.

Moisten a cosmetic sponge in the prepared product, wring it out a little, apply it to the area under the eyes. Wait 30 minutes, pat skin dry with paper towels. If desired, you can drive the composition with your fingertips, leaving it overnight.


Bread pulp moisturizes the skin quite effectively, if possible, use a rye or black product. Heat in a water bath 100 ml. fat milk, crumble into the composition 3 slices of bread without a crust. Leave to swell (about 20 minutes), then send the mixture to a blender.

Grind into porridge, then squeeze out the liquid with a bandage / gauze, put the bread crumb on the face, capturing the area under the eyes. The product must be kept on the skin for at least 25 minutes, after which it is recommended to wash and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Black tea

A highly effective way of moisturizing is the use of tea bags or homemade compresses. In the first case, brew the bag for 10 minutes, then apply the still warm composition to the area under the eyes. The exposure time ranges from 15-20 minutes.

If you wish to use tea leaves, steep them for about 20 minutes, then soak cosmetic discs in the resulting infusion. Apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour, do not wash your face after the procedure.

Sour cream and dill

Wash and dry half a bunch of fresh dill (parsley can be replaced if desired), mix greens with 45 gr. fat thick sour cream. Add 10 gr. wheat flour, bring the mass to uniformity.

Apply the mixture locally on dehydrated areas of the skin, such as the area around the eyes, cheeks, wings of the nose, etc. Keep the mask on your face for about 45 minutes, then wash your face with ice water and lubricate the dermis with hydrogel.

medicinal plants

To prepare a herbal compress you will need: 30 gr. strings, 10 gr. chamomile, 25 gr. thyme and 25 gr. lime blossoms. Send all the plants to the pan, fill with water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, periodically topping up the liquid.

After the specified time, strain the decoction, apply the herbs to the area under the eyes, and use the infusion as a moisturizing lotion. Remove the remnants of the compress after 20 minutes, soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the delicate skin under the eyes.

Cottage cheese

Dairy products perfectly moisturize the skin, the product is especially effective in combating peeling, dark circles and general dryness of the epidermis. Mix 45 gr. cottage cheese with 20 gr. liquid honey, 10 ml. corn oil and 10 ml. whole milk. Spread the prepared mass on the skin under the eyes, if desired, make a mask for the entire face.

Keep the mixture for about 35-40 minutes. If whole milk is not available, replace it with heavy cream or sour cream. After the end of the procedure, wipe the eyelids with cosmetic ice cubes based on chamomile.

Peach oil

In the pharmacy you will find vitamin complexes that are available in ampoules. Get vitamins of groups A and E, mix them together, add 10 ml. peach or sea buckthorn oil. Use the prepared composition 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

With driving movements, distribute vitamin oil over the entire area under the eyes, leave for at least 2 hours. In cases where the product is applied before bedtime, keep it on the skin all night (by morning the oil will be completely absorbed).

The skin around the eyes needs regular moisturizing, for this reason it is not recommended to neglect basic care. Effective remedies for dehydration include black tea, natural oils, egg yolk, apricot pulp, flax seeds, potatoes, and cucumber. Also, do not forget about banana, oat bran, "Aevit", sour cream with herbs, medicinal plants.

Video: skin care around the eyes

It is no coincidence that the skin around the eyes is called the most delicate and sensitive. If we compare its thickness with the epidermis, for example, the shoulder zone, it turns out that it is ten times thinner.

There is practically no connective tissue in its structure, which is why dark circles and so-called “bags” appear only in this area simply because you drank too much liquid the day before. Another risk factor is connection with mimic muscles. Even superficial, high-quality skin care around the eyes cannot cope with the appearance of wrinkles if the mimic muscles that hold it are in a state of fatigue. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend approaching the issue of caring for this area in a comprehensive manner.

Rules for skin care around the eyes

Of course, you can not do without cosmetics. But before you use them, make sure your lifestyle is correct. It is no less important than external care.

Use cosmetic and home remedies. Moisturizing and nourishing creams for daily care, as well as masks for the skin around the eyes at home, will help you. Choosing the right formulation depends on your age and the problem to be solved.

Follow the following tactics for using cosmetics and home remedies.

  • Combine . The purpose of masks is to provide good nutrition to the skin, but they can not always cope with age-related problems. The combination of professional cosmetics with homemade ones will allow you to achieve the best result.
  • Keep track of time. Most women prefer to apply skincare before bed. This is one of the most common mistakes. The remnants of the product at night will provoke swelling, and in the morning you will wake up with swollen eyelids. Before going to bed, it should be at least an hour before you apply the mask, remove it and use a moisturizer.
  • Don't apply too much. The eyelid area is so delicate that an excess of caring composition can provide a completely unexpected effect. Apply the product in a thin layer, avoiding its overabundance and contact with the eyes.
  • Use tissue compresses, cotton pads. The main problem with all homemade formulations is their resistance to removal after use. It is not allowed to rub the skin during the removal of the mask; it is necessary to provide for the possibility of its delicate removal. To do this, the agent can be applied to a cloth or cotton pad, and then applied to the required areas.

The choice of the composition of the caring mask should be based on your age. Also keep in mind that there are components that are especially effective in moisturizing the skin, but unproductive, for example, in the fight against "bags" under the eyes.

Possible problems

Turning to care products, women seek to solve several typical problems. The approach to different tasks should be appropriate.

  • microwrinkles. Their common cause is insufficient skin moisture, so in winter, with high air dryness, they can occur even after 25 years. Masks for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles in this case should contain moisturizing ingredients. Compositions with mineral salt, aloe juice, triglycerides will help you cope with dehydration of the skin, its excessive dryness and the resulting thin and frequent wrinkles. The latter are found in ingredients such as wheat germ oil, avocado pulp.

  • Bags under the eyes
    . Often occurring, intensely pronounced swelling under the eyelids serve as an indicator of violations in the urinary system. The kidneys cannot cope with the load, as a result of which excess water in the body is distributed to the tissues. There are no elastic fibers under the eyes that keep the epidermis from stretching, so “bags” appear under them - areas of swollen skin. It is impossible to get rid of them only with cosmetic formulations; a deeper analysis of the problem with the involvement of a specialist is required. But if the problem does not occur often, and you need to get rid of the bags urgently, use products that improve blood microcirculation, which facilitate the outflow of fluid from the problem area. These include black and green tea. Lotions on the eyelids from cotton pads dipped in a strong brewed drink are effective. You can also use tea bags that were used but fresh.
  • dark circles. Often appear as signs of fatigue on the face. Usually accompanied by women after 40 years of age, with thin skin around the eyes. Under it, small vessels are clearly visible, and with the development of stagnant processes in the skin, distinct yellow or bluish semicircles are formed. A plum mask for the skin around the eyes, which has a tonic, refreshing, whitening effect, will help to cope with the problem. Also add extracts of needles, ivy, cuff, horsetail to home cosmetics. You can buy them in the pharmacy chain.
  • Inelastic, emaciated skin. The main problem that occurs in women after 50 years. Over time, the skin loses its basis of elasticity, this process is irreversible. But it can be significantly slowed down, preventing the depletion of the thin epidermis of this zone. For its high-quality nutrition, add vitamins A and E to the caring mask, it is effective in combating loss of elasticity and vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant. Strengthens blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of tea, which is used as lotions. One of the most effective masks that restore skin elasticity is from cucumber. You can attach slices to the eyelids and lie down with them for 15-20 minutes, or you can make a gruel from a cucumber and put it on fabric cuts, and then apply it on your eyelids.

  • Mimic wrinkles
    . It is impossible to get rid of them only with cosmetic means. The cause of mimic wrinkles is changes in the muscle frame that holds the epidermis. However, by increasing the elasticity of the skin, fully moisturizing and nourishing them, you can make mimic deep wrinkles less pronounced or extend the period of their development for a long time. We recommend nourishing masks based on natural moisturizers (natural oils), royal jelly, juice, oatmeal.

Reviews of cosmetologists testify that regularly using masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years, you can strengthen the structure of the thin epidermis, saturate it with nutrients, and reduce the severity of visual changes. Prevention of wrinkles at this age is the main principle of fighting them today and in ten, twenty years.

Mask Recipes

Using simple ingredients, you can provide complete care for the skin around the eyes. If you have problems (exhausted skin, mimic wrinkles), use the caring composition regularly, at least three times a week.

Moisturizing with cucumber

Cucumber is effective in its pure form. It tones the skin and saturates it with moisture, mineral salts. Milk can increase the moisturizing effect for depleted, tired skin.


  1. Peel the skin from one vegetable, mash it with a fork into gruel or chop it in a blender.
  2. Add two tablespoons of full fat milk, stir.
  3. Apply to cotton pads or cloth strips.
  4. Put the mask on your eyes, hold for 15 minutes.

You can remove the composition with warm water or milk, gently blotting it with cotton pads. To prepare the remedy, use an overripe cucumber. It is distinguished by a yellowed peel.

Tonic with dill (parsley)

The composition of the greens used for food (dill, parsley) contains a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts. Dill is rich in natural antioxidant - ascorbic acid, its shoots include a small amount of organic acids that stimulate skin renewal, beta-carotene and tocopherol - the main components of skin youth.

Parsley is a product no less valuable in cosmetology. It contains four times more ascorbic acid than lemon, and a unique set of essential oils has a tonic and rejuvenating effect.


  1. Chop up a bunch of greens.
  2. Pour in 100 ml boiling water.
  3. Simmer in a water bath for twenty minutes, cool.
  4. Plentifully moisten cotton pads with infusion, keep on eyelids for 10 minutes. Moisten the discs again, apply for another 10 minutes.
  5. Wash your face after the procedure.

Tired, exhausted skin looks rested. Lotions with dill and parsley help in the fight against fine wrinkles caused by insufficient hydration of the epidermis.

Nutritious with oatmeal

This mask contains several moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. They increase the tone of blood vessels, saturate the epidermis with valuable substances, moisture. The mask is suitable for combating existing wrinkles, helps to prolong the youthfulness of mature skin.


  1. Pour a spoonful of oatmeal into the container.
  2. Pour in well-warmed milk with a volume of 50 ml.
  3. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, vitamins A and E (the contents of two gelatin capsules) to the swollen mass.
  5. Put the composition on a tissue napkin, place on the eyes.
  6. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After removing the product, apply a daily moisturizer to the eyelids. Use the tool effectively for a two-week course.

From bags under the eyes with potatoes

The complex of ingredients improves tissue trophism in the edematous zone, so that the "bags" go away faster. Potato has a whitening effect, brightens the skin. Parsley saturates with essential oils, vitamins, which improves the condition of the epidermis, gives it a tone.


  1. Grind a bunch of parsley, pour 100 ml of boiling water over it.
  2. Simmer in a water bath.
  3. Grate raw potatoes finely.
  4. Mix two tablespoons of chilled infusion and a tablespoon of potato gruel.
  5. Add a spoonful of flaxseed oil or wheat germ.
  6. Apply the mixture to cotton pads or gauze cuts, place on the eyelids and under the eyes.
  7. Leave the product for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

The active components of the product can serve as a quality prevention of the early appearance of wrinkles, as well as saturate tired skin with valuable elements.

From dark circles with plum

A plum mask will help reduce the severity of dark circles. The complex of fruit acids in its composition demonstrates a whitening effect, stimulates blood circulation in the vessels, which improves tissue nutrition.

  1. Use two large sweet and sour plums. Separate the bones, rub the pulp.
  2. Add a tablespoon of sour milk.
  3. Mix, apply to fabric trimmings.
  4. Put the mask on the eyelids and under the eyes, hold for 20 minutes.

Rinse gently, avoiding contact with eyes. Use a contrast "shower": first wash your eyelids with hot water, then cold. Repeat several times. After such a mask, dark circles will be significantly reduced, and the skin will become fresher and toned.

The delicate area around the eyes requires delicate care. She is the first to suffer from negative external factors and “acquires” wrinkles. Her condition should be monitored after 25 years, since on the depleted epidermis a fine network of wrinkles can appear sharply, suddenly. To prevent this, masks for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles allow. Also, with home remedies, you can effectively deal with swelling of the eyelids, dark circles, the effects of dry skin and facial wrinkles.
  • Proper skin care

Why Eyelid Skin Needs Hydration

Eye cream is just as important as, for example, hand cream. This is not a random analogy. See for yourself. The smallest number of sebaceous glands is on the skin of the hands, so it is most often dry. And if it is not moisturized and protected properly, early aging is guaranteed.

With the skin around the eyes the same story. It is thin, vulnerable, due to a lack of sebaceous glands it quickly becomes dry, wrinkles appear here first of all. There are several other factors that primarily affect this area.

Proper skin care

The key word here is regularity. The skin in the eye area requires care twice a day.

In the morning

After washing and toning, apply on the skin of the eyelids a cream that meets its needs: moisturizing, refreshing (against puffiness and dark circles), . The application scheme is simple: with the pad of the ring finger, with light driving movements along the orbital bone.

In the evening

From the eyes with a special tool (most often they are two-phase), wash your face, treat your face with tonic, and then apply eye cream. Do not be afraid that the cream applied to the skin of the eyelids at night will provoke swelling.

Now the textures have become lighter, the composition is more thoughtful, and the rules of competent care prescribe using eye cream an hour and a half before going to bed. So there will be no swelling.

Moisturizers for the skin of the eyelids

Let's start with the main thing - the composition of cosmetics for skin care around the eyes. In the formulas of the most effective means, as a rule, there are such ingredients:

    hyaluronic acid;


  • oils of natural origin;



    plant extracts.

To moisturize the skin of the eyelids, different categories of products are used.

Vitamins, oils, plant extracts included in the composition help moisturize and nourish the skin of the eyelids © iStock


The vitamins, oils, plant extracts included in its composition help to moisturize and nourish the skin of the eyelids. Usually the cream is used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, applying it with soft driving movements.

You can apply eye cream not only with your fingers, but also with a brush made of natural bristles. It is not only atraumatic, but also pleasant.


Usually used to remove eye make-up, especially waterproof. The oil delicately affects delicate skin, preventing it from stretching, and at the same time nourishes and moisturizes.


Everyone loves eyelid patches: both advanced beautyholics and those who are not particularly versed in cosmetics. Drop-shaped "patches" made of tissue and hydrogel perfectly refresh the skin, relieve swelling, reduce the visibility of wrinkles.

Eye masks are suitable as an SOS or weekly treatment.


The balm differs from the cream in a denser texture and rich composition with natural oils. Such products are well suited for aging or tired skin that requires intensive care.

Eye masks are suitable as an SOS treatment or as part of a weekly routine. © iStock

Overview of cosmetics for moisturizing the skin around the eyes

Hydraphase Intense Yeux Intensely Moisturizing Eye Cream-Gel, La Roche Posay

Thermal water, hyaluronic acid and caffeine in the composition moisturize the skin of the eyelids, make it more elastic, and prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes.


Kharitonova Irina:“A wonderful tool. I am writing a review after using it for a week (2 times a week). The overall impression is very good. The first two days there was a feeling of a greasy, non-tightening film under the eyes. Reducing the dosage and, possibly, the addiction of the skin, these sensations were removed. On the third day I already saw the result - the pouches decreased, dark circles too. The gel does not weigh down, I personally even noticed lightness under the eyes, which was not the case with other means. Morning pouches also decreased. In general, extremely satisfied. I will continue to use it."

Diana: “Great product! I have been using the cream for three years now. Everything suits me. Perfectly moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, prone to dryness. Absorbs quickly."

Hydra Zen Yeux Moisturizing Eye Cream, Lancome

Replenishes moisture reserves in the skin, soothes, enhances protective functions in the fight against stress. After use, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes become less pronounced.

Delicate, thin and wrinkles form on it so quickly - this is the skin around the eyes.

Care at home should be of high quality, complete, to meet her needs.

The main rule of competent care

The goal is to maintain elasticity, turgor of the skin of the lower and upper eyelids. The tasks are moisturizing, good nutrition and protection of delicate delicate areas.

Not suitable for taking care of her:

  • Regular creams
  • Facial gels
  • Nourishing Serums

The main reason why it is necessary to use targeted cosmetics is that the skin in this area is thinner, wrinkles form on it early, therefore, the concentration of active ingredients should be higher.

How to achieve a radiant look?

"Crow's feet" will definitely not be able to spoil your young and beautiful face if you follow some outstanding rules:

  • Go to bed on time, get enough sleep. Before a night's rest, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off cosmetics using caring products. They must be designed specifically for this area of ​​the face. Among the ingredients should not be alcohols and soaps.
  • Every day and evening you need to perform a special massage: try to pat your fingertips near the eyes. Such manipulations are necessary to ensure blood flow.

Advice! Apply the product in a small amount with patting movements. You can't stretch the skin.

  • Decorative cosmetics must be safe. Don't buy from dubious manufacturers.
  • In the summer, wear sunglasses that protect against ultraviolet rays.
  • Use masks exclusively from natural ingredients that nourish and refresh delicate areas

Competent cleansing

It is important to always clean the eye area from makeup. This operation is necessary for skin care after 20 years. For these purposes, you need to use delicate milk with a high content of natural ingredients and extracts of medicinal plants.

Innovations in this area imply two-phase liquids, which, mixing with each other, form an oily agent. These products contain extra-light oils, plant extracts. Such products remove makeup quickly, without stretching the skin and without irritating it. You can also use fat-free lotions for the purpose of make-up removal.

Do not remove makeup from the eyes with preparations intended for another area - they can provoke irritation. To dissolve waterproof cosmetics, it is recommended to use a greasy cream, which contains oils, special soothing ingredients.

  • It is recommended to remove mascara with a cotton pad for eyelash growth
  • Next, clean the eyelids, the skin around the eyes
  • Do not use hot water to remove make-up residue


Tonics solve imperfections such as dark circles, make the look and skin fresher, it is strengthened, irritation is eliminated. Of course, such drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy, but tea bags are especially popular. They must be brewed, and then cooled, put on the eyelids. Such a mask will eliminate traces of lack of sleep, as well as cope with traces of fatigue.

Ice cubes work well too. But you need to freeze a decoction or tea. Especially popular are parsley, lime blossom, chamomile. After washing, the cube should be drawn along the massage lines, but refrain from freezing, because this will narrow the blood vessels and also impede microcirculation.

Complex hydration

Creams and miracle gels should penetrate into the deepest layers, but at the same time not provoke irritation of the eyelid area. Cream is the best way to care for the eyelid area, especially if it is dry or dehydrated. It will help to cope with wrinkles, give the surface smoothness, elasticity.

Do not use a cream containing lanolin, which will cause inflammation or irritation. If you have sensitive and allergic skin, then you need to use gels. When choosing a cream, you must take into account age, as well as composition. Look for chamomile, aloe, shea butter on the tube. And more expensive analogues contain collagen, hyaluronic acid, black caviar.

Advice!Do not save on such a tool, because it is the look that gives out the age of a woman.

It is important that the cosmetic contains concentrated ingredients that renew elastin and collagen. So you can restore skin elasticity and firmness. Until the age of 30, the skin needs plant extracts, juicy fruits, and vegetable oils. That is why you should choose those products that will prevent the occurrence of mimic wrinkles. In addition, the tool will help you get rid of swelling, bruising and signs of fatigue.

Take a little of the product, and then with light patting movements begin to rub the texture. So you will improve local blood circulation, and the cream will be absorbed better. Start from the outer corner, gradually moving towards the inner.

Effective gels designed for comprehensive care

Such cosmetics are designed to eliminate dark circles, swelling, and edema. The tool provides radiance to the skin. The gel is the perfect preparation to give a look of freshness, to make it rested. In addition, the tool:

  • Increases microcirculation
  • Slows down aging
  • Tones up

It is very easy to use: it must be applied both on the eyelids and under the eyes. Some manufacturers produce such a cosmetic along with a roller.

Advice! Use this tool every morning to relieve swelling and the effect of a radiant look.

Massagers for the care of the eye area

They are necessary for the purpose of better penetration of gels or creams into the broken skin. The device is able to smooth out wrinkles, as well as overcome dark circles, swelling. It is a roller that combines the following functions: massage, iontophoresis, and microcurrents.

Iontophoresis is designed to ensure that cosmetics penetrate the skin better, improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Cell rejuvenation also occurs. Massage gives the skin firmness, elasticity, increases elasticity. Microcurrents renew the skin, and also generate energy - it is responsible for maintaining vitality.

Home effective masks for rejuvenating the eye area

They are able to give:

  • Required nutrition
  • Tighten the skin
  • Saturate with important elements
  • vitamins
  • Minimize the appearance of wrinkles

Advice!Perform them a couple of times in 7 days to ensure proper nutrition, hydration and lifting effect. With the help of them, you will eliminate swelling, and you can prepare excellent compositions using improvised means.

Hydrating Cucumber Mask

Fresh cucumber, pre-sliced, must be applied to the eye area. Such a mask can not only brighten, but also tone. Powdered milk can add nutrition - it should be mixed with grated cucumber.

Mask with the addition of avocado (nourishing)

Avocado is considered a healthy fruit that contains various vitamins. It also contains natural valuable acids that play the role of antioxidants. Their role is the synthesis of collagen, useful for the skin.

To prepare a healthy and healing mixture, it is recommended to cut the fruit into a couple of parts, and then knead to get a slurry. The mix is ​​effective for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It is important to apply the composition in a thin layer. Leave on for 19 minutes and then rinse the area with water.

Alternative to Botox: gelatin mask

This is a quality and proven method of skin toning. At the same time, even the deepest wrinkles begin to smooth out.

To prepare the product, it is recommended to dilute the gelatin, and then heat it in a water bath, stirring. At this time, add an important ingredient - fruit pulp, oil or vitamin. Now the composition is recommended to be applied to the eyelids for about 17 minutes.

Mask made from banana (lifting effect)

To get rid of unpleasant wrinkles, it is necessary to prepare a mask from this fruit, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating wrinkles, crow's feet.

To prepare an effective mix, you need to mash a banana to make a slurry. Add the yolk and a little thin sour cream. The components should be mixed with each other, and then distributed over the upper and lower eyelids. It is important to withstand up to 21 minutes, and then remove with mineral water.

Laminaria against sagging skin

The secret of the popularity of the product lies in the high content of important enzymes responsible for the synthesis of collagen. This protein cannot be fully digested, but substances that increase the process of collagen synthesis are an effective technique for effectively combating wrinkles.

Mask with parsley and dill

In a decoction of herbs, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad, and then put on the eyelids. The mask is able to get rid of dark circles, strengthen the skin, significantly refresh it.

Mask using grapes

You should knead the grapes in the amount of 3 pieces and put on the eyelids.

Potato mask

For these purposes, grate the vegetable, and then apply to the area near the eyes. The juice contains starch - it nourishes, moisturizes, saturates with important elements, vitamins.

Performing a massage

It is essential for this delicate area. Such a simple procedure helps to eliminate many troubles: dark circles that appear as a result of microcirculation disorders. Along with this, massage will help eliminate swelling, relax the skin of the eyelids, and eliminate wrinkles.

Advice! If you carry out manipulations regularly, you can significantly rejuvenate the skin, give it beauty and youth.

Prevention of age-related changes

The skin in this area deserves special attention. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, swelling and other troubles, it is necessary to take care of the skin constantly and carefully. Due to the fact that in this area the skin is devoid of fat, and the muscles are actively contracting, the area is prone to aging. For preventive purposes, the skin must be actively moisturized and nourished.

For these purposes, cosmetic oils are considered ideal: peach, apricot, wheat germ, evening primrose. They are distinguished by the presence of peptides, vitamins, amino acids, and can boast a pronounced antioxidant effect. In the vial, you can add Aevit capsules, a little retinol. But you do not need to add essential oils to the compositions - they will provoke an allergy.

A good pronounced effect will give hyaluronic acid in the form of a solution. It ensures that the skin is filled with the necessary moisture, providing cellular nutrition. Turgor also rises. The solution should be applied immediately before going to bed - this will make it possible to cope with the first wrinkles, and also prevent new ones from arising.

Nourishing masks will protect from early wilting. For these purposes, it is recommended to use the following ingredients:

  • Olive oil
  • Fresh egg yolks
  • Heavy cream

Wash off the masks with warm running or mineral water. At the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing enriched cream for a suitable face type. Use thermal water throughout the day to increase moisture levels.