How to clean your face yourself and get a salon effect at the same time. Mask for the face. Video: deep facial cleansing

Is it possible to do a complete facial at home? Will it be as effective as a salon procedure? The answer is unequivocal - yes! You just need to know how to do it right, what means to use, how often to manipulate.

Many women do not risk such an aggressive way to influence the face on their own, trusting only professionals. Some do not understand the meaning of the procedure at all, considering their skin clean without any intervention. If you study the essence of the issue, you can state that both are wrong.

We will try to understand all the nuances as deeply as possible. But we note right away: facial cleansing at home (as well as in the salon) is a rather lengthy occupation. To achieve desired result You need to give yourself at least 2 hours. You are ready? Then let's get started.

Cleansing the skin of the face is, first of all, hygiene procedure. The contaminated epidermis is unable to perform its basic functions. The sebaceous glands produce a special secret that protects the face from environmental influences. Ideally, skin long time should remain healthy, soft, fit. But genetic factors, poor ecology, malnutrition, stress, hormonal disorders cause clogged pores.

As a result, external defects appear. It can be inflammatory processes local and extensive nature, blackheads, comedones, acne, excessive dryness or oily skin. But you want to have a fresh, young, Beautiful face and for as long as possible!

And here are the promised five reasons that should convince you of the need for this procedure:

  • coarsened epithelial cells are removed, which cannot completely move away on their own;
  • eliminated acne, comedones at different stages of manifestation;
  • toxins are removed harmful substances that have accumulated in the epidermis from the external environment;
  • the pH of the skin is restored, the protective function is normalized;
  • regeneration processes are stimulated, cellular respiration, blood microcirculation, oxygen exchange, and absorption of nutrients are improved.

This is how facial cleansing actually works. If you still have doubts, let's talk about external changes after the correct procedure.

In beauty salons, facial cleansing is carried out using both manual and hardware methods. The specialist will evaluate the "front of work", choose the right technique and perform the procedure. Next, he will tell you how to carry out post-treatment so that the result is maximum.

Facial cleansing at home is a similar manipulation in which you yourself choose a comfortable method for yourself. In addition, each woman will determine the ingredients that are most suitable for her according to individual indicators.

You can do face cleansing at home at any convenient time. That's what we get, so to speak, "output".

  1. The skin becomes smoother, fresher and softer. Dead cells are removed from the surface, allowing the epidermis to fully “breathe”.
  2. All products that are used for skin care will be more active. Penetration will improve nutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis.
  3. Completely removed comedones, acne. Cleansing helps prevent the rapid development of processes that provoke the appearance of skin defects.
  4. The pores that are clogged with dead epithelial cells, sebaceous secretion, and dirt from the surrounding air are cleansed. The risk of developing inflammatory processes is minimized.
  5. The face is rejuvenated, minimized dark spots, the microrelief is leveled, which is especially important during the first age-related changes.

Now is the time to pay attention to the multiplicity of procedures. To do this, determine the type of skin. Each of them has its own characteristics, on which it will depend on how often you need to clean and how aggressive substances are.

  1. Dry skin requires cleansing once a month. For manipulation, sparing components of products (purchased or homemade) that do not contain alcohol, strong acids, and coarse abrasive particles are selected.
  2. Normal and combined are treated once every two weeks. The choice of products for procedures is wider. Do not use those that cause individual intolerance.
  3. Oily and problematic skin is cleaned every 7-10 days. Means with fruit acids (similar to synthetic ones), salicylic alcohol are used.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out systematically, starting from 20-25 years. It is believed that after 25 processes slow down natural production substances responsible for the youth and health of the skin, as well as metabolic reactions. Cleaning is one of milestones face care.

How to do facial cleansing at home, like a beautician? First of all, you need to know the indications for the procedure. They are:

  • rough, flaky, rough skin surface;
  • scars, stretch marks, scars, acne marks, acne and blackheads;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • uneven tone, color, relief;
  • age-related changes;
  • wrinkles, folds.

But be sure to know the contraindications. Home cleaning of the face is in no case carried out under the following circumstances:

  • herpetic infection;
  • allergic reactions;
  • various kinds of dermatitis;
  • eczema or psoriasis;
  • sensitive skin (it is better to trust professionals);
  • large birthmarks(especially embossed, protruding above the surface);
  • tendency to form scars and keloid scars.

In the presence of hypertension bronchial asthma, dystonia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is not recommended to steam the face over steam bath th. In case of epilepsy, the procedure should be performed only under medical supervision.

Now let's move on to the question of how to properly clean your face at home. There is a whole "ritual", the implementation of which will provide the expected result.

  1. The first step is to clean the surface. It is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics, particles of dust, grease. Products must not contain alcohol. The best option is micellar water. If not, use a gel or foam cleanser. Do not use lotion, as it leaves a film behind.
  2. The second stage is the removal of dead cells. used soft scrub with small abrasive particles. Purchased will do. But such a remedy can be made independently from coffee grounds and sour cream (unsweetened yogurt, olive oil). Apply the mixture to a slightly dampened face, rub the skin in a circular motion and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse with warm water (not hot!)
  3. The third stage is steaming (vaporization). To do this, you need to boil required amount water (about 2 liters), add medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula) or essential oils (tea tree, rosemary). Cover your head with a towel and hold over the steam for a quarter of an hour. The face will become wet, but you do not need to rub it intensively with a towel, it is better to get wet with a moisture-absorbing cloth. The skin after such a procedure is very sensitive, it is easy to injure it.
  4. The fourth stage is the removal of inclusive particles. This is how mechanical cleaning of the face is done. With fingertips, gently press on pimples, black dots, trying to squeeze the contents out. If this cannot be achieved, there is no need to be too zealous. This means that the pimple or comedone has not yet matured. After removing all the fragments, you need to wash your face with clean warm water or a decoction that was used for steaming. You can wipe your faces with peroxide to avoid infection.
  5. The fifth stage is the mask. It further cleanses and nourishes the skin. The most optimal affordable recipe- Banana with honey Mash the fruit until puree, add the bee product to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to face, leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with the same decoction.

In conclusion, you need to moisturize the skin well. You can use your favorite moisturizer for this. As an alternative, wipe the surface with an aloe leaf. The plant well moisturizes, cleanses, nourishes, promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

It is especially good to use aloe juice for dry facial skin after cleansing at home. Also remember that with this type of epidermis, in no case should you use products with alcohol in the composition. This aggressive substance irritates, dries, injures sensitive skin.

There are many types of procedures. Some are held exclusively in salons. But there are recipes that make it possible to manipulate on their own. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

To do right choice, what and how to do facial cleansing at home, you need to understand the nuances of each of them.

mechanical cleaning

We have already considered in detail the stages of preparing a person for the procedure. The first three are required for any method. Now let's take a closer look at what is mechanical cleaning faces at home.

  • clean your face from makeup, dust, grease;
  • after steaming, lightly blot the surface, removing excess moisture;
  • when applying the scrub, pay attention to the size of the abrasive particles. For oily skin, they may be somewhat larger and rougher than for dry and sensitive;
  • wipe hands with alcohol, face with hydrogen peroxide. Both liquids will disinfect surfaces well, minimizing the risk of infection;
  • fingers (pads) squeeze out black dots, acne. Strong pressure is not necessary, since the fragment may not yet be ripe. After each extraction of the contents, wipe the place with peroxide. Do not use alcohol, as it provokes narrowing of pores, rapid drying of the skin, active production of fat by the sebaceous glands;
  • final processing can be done with the same peroxide. With too oily skin - alcohol-containing products. They clean the face once a month (for problematic epidermis, prone to acne, comedones - twice a month).

Note! Owners of sensitive, dry skin do not need to clean their face manually. You can use special purchased products or prepare the composition yourself. The best option is honey and very fine salt. Gently massage your face with the mixture for a few minutes. massage lines.

Cleansing with chamomile

Chamomile is considered the best remedy for facial cleansing at home. This is the most delicate procedure, which makes it possible not only to clean, but also to prevent inflammation. Useful material, which are part of the plant, have a beneficial effect on the epidermis: tone, soothe, even out tone, eliminate different kind rashes.

Purification is carried outdecoction of dried flowers. This is the most acceptable way to sensitive skin. It eliminates the aggressive effect on the thin epidermis.

Chamomile decoction is prepared in the following way:

  • a tablespoon of dried flowers pour a glass of hot water;
  • place the container on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour;
  • cool the liquid to body temperature, strain, squeeze the cake.

It is applied to the skin, previously cleansed of impurities, using a cotton pad. The movements should be smooth, along the massage lines.

If you need a tougher facial cleansing, you can use scrub compositions based on a medicinal decoction. A good option, which has no contraindications - with oatmeal.

To prepare, mix:

  • two tablespoons of oatmeal crushed in a blender or coffee grinder;
  • chamomile decoction. There should be enough liquid to make a thick porridge;
  • a teaspoon of cosmetic (almond, rose, olive) base oil.

Apply the composition to the face. Lightly rub in a circular motion, rolling up the keratinized particles of the epithelium. Leave the mixture for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water or the same chamomile decoction. Pat dry with a cotton towel, apply moisturizer.

Manual face cleaning at homeIt will be more effective if vaporization is carried out with chamomile decoction.

Clay cleaning

Pharmacies sell many types of cosmetic clay. Each has a number of useful qualities. For cleaning the skin of the face at home, the black substance is considered the most suitable. It is she who has the ability to draw out all the "dirt" from the pores.

Attention! Using clay for facial cleansing at home can cause inflamed areas, rashes. This is a normal process, which is explained by deep cleansing of the skin.

How to carry out the procedure correctly? Here are some clay recipes that guarantee deep cleansing for different types epidermis.

Facial cleansing from black dots for oily skin:

  • dilute the required amount of clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • add 4-5 drops of oil tea tree. Stir well until smooth;
  • apply the composition evenly on the prepared face, let it dry a little;
  • then, with wet fingers, massage the skin in the direction from the forehead to the temples and chin. At the same time, try to keep the clay rolling. Together with it, dead cells, particles of dirt, comedones will depart.

After completing the manipulation, wash off the remnants with warm water or decoction. medicinal herbs(string, chamomile, calendula, celandine). Apply a light moisturizer.

For normal skin, you need to dilute the clay with warm water without adding oils. Further, everything is exactly the same as in the previous recipe.

With sensitive, dry epidermis, a mixture of clay and water is applied to the prepared face and left to dry. You don't need to massage. After a quarter of an hour, simply wash off with warm water or a decoction of herbs.

An effective method of facial cleansing both in the salon and at home. Fortunately, the modern beauty industry offers a wide range of portable devices that you can use on your own.

Warning! This procedure can only be carried out with total absence contraindications, namely, damage (even minor) to the integrity skin, inflamed areas, open acne. With skin prone to inflammation, it is better to entrust such a procedure to professionals.

Vacuum facial cleansing at home is carried out according to all the canons:

  • cleansing;
  • scrub use;
  • vaporization;
  • the skin is cleaned by the device;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • application of a soothing gel to tighten pores.

The gel can be replaced with an ice cube from a decoction of soothing herbs.

Knowing how to do a deep facial cleansing is not enough to get the desired result. Post-care and rules of conduct after the procedure are important:

  • manipulate better evening(preferably on weekends), so that the skin calms down overnight, the pores close, redness disappears;
  • if possible, do not go out for about a day. If necessary, apply protective cream with UV filter;
  • 2-3 days to minimize exposure to the sun;
  • not to sunbathe for at least a week and not to visit the solarium, swimming pool, bath or sauna;
  • regularly use day and night moisturizing, nourishing creams according to skin type, age;
  • once a week, make masks from suitable ingredients.

Cleaning your face at home once is just a waste of time. The procedure must be performed regularly, and do not neglect the seven rules of skin care. This is the only way to achieve visible results, delay the aging process, eliminate skin defects.

Many women mistakenly believe that professional cleaning faces at home is not possible. Let's not dissemble - in some cases, it is in beauty salons that they can provide an effective service without harm to health. There are times when it is impossible to solve the problem on your own.

But the vast majority of us are simply afraid or do not want to look for a way out on our own. After all, not every day and not every one of us has defects on the face that require serious help.

Therefore, facial cleansing at home is no worse than in the salon - a reality. You just need to know your features, choose the procedure itself and set aside time for yourself, your beloved.

We tried to tell you how to properly clean your face at home according to different recipes. This is far from a complete list. available funds. But the main thing is regularity, consistency and the desire to look like a “beauty queen”.

The face is the most open area our body, on which any defects become noticeable, be it pimples, black dots or increased fat content skin. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the face. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon, but it is quite possible to do it at home.

How to clean your face at home

The very first and simplest way to care for the skin of the face, but at the same time the most important, is daily cleansing with the help of washing. We should wash our faces twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

As a rule, in the morning we wash ourselves with ordinary tap water at room temperature. For some, this is normal and does not cause any side effects. But in fact, washing with plain tap water does not reflect very well on our skin, and for most it causes overdrying, tightening, sometimes even severe peeling. In this regard, it is ideally recommended to wash your face with boiled, mineral water or decoctions of herbs.

Firstly, it is not very convenient, and secondly, not everyone can afford to wash themselves with mineral water or mess around with decoctions every morning.

Therefore, there is another proven method - these are frozen cubes from a decoction of chamomile or green tea. Its advantage is that such cubes can be prepared in advance and for several days, thus saving time. They perfectly tone the skin, do not cause peeling, give it a healthy color.

Evening wash. Most women put on makeup every day, but even those who don't use makeup need an evening cleansing of the dust and dirt that accumulates in their pores during the day. To do this, there are many different means, when choosing which it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, carefully study the composition of the product, and also be prepared for the risk, since it is not always possible to choose the right one the first time. perfect option"washing", and often our skin becomes a "testing ground" for a while. This is not very good, but often unavoidable.

The most common facial cleansers include: cream and milk - cleanse the face of dirt and makeup, while also moisturizing it. If you have dry skin, then this is what you need; foams and gels - gently cleanse the pores without overdrying the skin. If the skin is normal or dry, then foam should be preferred, if oily or combination, then gels are your option; tonics and lotions - their counterpart at home are decoctions of herbs or lemon juice. If you have oily skin, then it is better to use these products for alcohol, and if you have dry skin, then you need to choose a lotion or tonic without alcohol. After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

steam baths

Steam baths are beneficial for all skin types. They cleanse the skin well, stimulate blood circulation and open clogged pores. For dry skin, take a steam bath once a week. For very oily skin, they can be done daily. To create steam, there are special electrical devices, such a process (facial steaming) is called a facial sauna.

Heat water in a large bowl and, bending over it and covering your head with a towel, like an awning, sit over a dish of hot water.

The steam opens the pores and makes it easier to remove blackheads. Avoid leaning too close to the boiling water as the very hot steam can rupture small blood vessels and cause burns. To strengthen healing action procedure, you can add a tablespoon of dried plants. Long-known remedies for this are elderberry and chamomile flowers, you can add lavender, thyme and rosemary to enhance the cleansing effect. steam bath. These herbs flavor the steam.

Keep your face over the steam for 10-20 minutes. Steaming makes it easier to remove blackheads. With purulent acne, steam baths are not recommended, since heat and steam contribute to the spread of infection. After removing blackheads, make a mask containing cottage cheese, kaolin, cucumbers or comfrey. With dilated blood vessels of the skin of the face, steam baths are contraindicated.

Massage method for cleaning the face at home

The massage method is facial cleansing with a scrub or exfoliation. One of the easiest, fastest and most popular ways to remove dead skin particles. In addition, in addition to cleansing, you additionally do self-massage of the face. Pre-moisten the skin, and then apply the scrub along the massage lines with massaging movements. If you have an oily skin type, take Special attention the so-called T-zone. If the skin is prone to dryness, do the procedure in a more gentle way, using stroking instead of massaging. After the scrub is washed off with cold water.

Pros: perhaps the most gentle way to cleanse your face at home.

Cons: not able to deeply cleanse the skin and remove comedones.

Cosmetic cleansing masks

Homemade masks can wonderfully cleanse your face and do many other things. useful procedures. The composition of the mask determines its usefulness for your skin.

clay mask

One of the most effective cleansing facial masks are masks based on cosmetic clay.

For oily and problematic skin Fine suitable white, blue and green clay.

Pink clay, which combines a mixture of red and white clay, is perfect for cleansing combination (mixed) and normal skin.

Black clay also has a good cleansing property, masks from which can be suitable for both oily and drier types of facial skin.

The simplest recipe for a cleansing clay mask is to dilute its powder with a small amount of clean, cool water so that when stirred, a homogeneous mass of medium density is obtained, without lumps.

It is necessary to keep such a mask on the face for 10-12 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, and then lubricate the skin with a moisturizer that you use daily.

Cleansing Ingredient - Chicken Raw Egg

Recall that the yolk was suitable for dry skin, and the protein for oily. And then we will consider how you can cleanse the skin of the face even with the help of eggshells.

Grind the shell of one boiled egg to the state of flour in a mortar. Mix the ground shells with an incomplete tablespoon rice flour, add one teaspoon of honey, two teaspoons of lemon juice. Stir and if the mass is too thick, add a little water. This mask is suitable for oily or oily people. combination skin. Apply it on the skin for 15 minutes and wash off with not very cold water.

Care after cleaning

If after cleaning you find small wounds on the skin, treat them with iodine so that pimples do not appear in their place the next day.

The first days after cleansing, the skin will restore its defense mechanisms, therefore, do not expose it to sudden changes in temperature and do not expose your face to direct sunlight.

For washing the first time, use mineral water or wipe your face with a tonic without alcohol.

Every time you go outside, lubricate your skin with sunscreen. It is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation even in cloudy weather.

To make the pores less polluted, you need to regularly apply a mask that narrows the pores. Lotions and masks for narrowing pores can be bought at a cosmetic store. Homemade masks are very effective.

A face mask that narrows the pores can be made from clay. Dilute the clay with tonic or aloe juice, apply to face until dry. Then wash off the clay mask with cool water.

Also, a cucumber mask helps a lot. Take a medium-sized cucumber, finely chop and apply the resulting slurry on your face. Wash off the mask with cool water after 15 minutes.

If your skin is flaky after cleansing, allow yourself a little more moisturizer than usual. Do not touch your face with your hands unnecessarily. Use less powder foundation to keep the effect longer after cleaning.

The effect of facial cleansing at home is slightly weaker than that of salon procedures. But the main advantages of facial cleansing at home are the availability and ease of use, as well as the ability to perform procedures at any time convenient for you. And if you clean it regularly, then the action will be compared with professional methods.

Facial cleansing is a procedure that is difficult to do without if you want your skin to please with a healthy look and beauty. And simple morning washing or before going to bed is by no means enough. There are several methods for effective cleansing, and almost all of them are suitable for doing at home. However, in this case, much depends on the type, as well as the condition of the skin. The procedure must be carried out at least once a month, and even better twice.

make-up removal

How to clean the skin of the face at home, every self-respecting girl who wants to look young should know old age. The procedure takes place in several stages, as in the conditions professional salon. First you need to perform make-up removal. Even decorative cosmetics on the face, then the skin must be cleaned of impurities formed during the day in the form of dust, dirt and sebaceous fat. For these purposes, gels, foams for washing or special liquid and milk.

The first two options are preferable for those whose skin belongs to fat type. And for dry and sensitive, the best choice is cosmetic milk, sometimes a cleansing tonic or lotion does a good job. When the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to cleaning the pores of the face at home.


All methods can be conditionally divided into several groups depending on the mechanism of action on the skin. The most common way to cleanse the skin of the face is peeling. Exists:

  • mechanical;
  • acid;
  • enzymatic.

Description of the first method

The first type is affordable and very safe to carry out at home. Its action is due to the mechanical removal of keratinized particles of the upper layer of the skin. How to effectively clean your face at home and what is needed for this? Many of the foods that we are accustomed to eating will do. To begin with, it should be understood that those ingredients that perfectly cleanse oily skin can damage sensitive and dry skin. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define your type. For oily skin, fine sea salt is an excellent remedy for removing sebum from the pores. However, its use is not recommended if there are any injuries, abrasions or inflammation.


A cleansing scrub is made with just two ingredients - a teaspoon of fine sea salt and a tablespoon of honey. They must be mixed and applied to the face, carefully treating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose, forehead and chin. Gently massaging for two minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The surface of the skin will become smooth and clean. Sea salt contains a record amount of trace elements that help increase turgor and elasticity, and honey is an excellent nutritious and emollient.

Scrub with coffee

The second way, which is suitable for both normal skin and dry skin, is scrubbing with ground coffee. This product is rich in essential oils and beneficial trace elements. It is enough to mix one teaspoon with a cleansing gel and apply to the skin of the face with massaging movements. After careful study of problem areas, the mixture must be washed off in several stages. In this case, it is also necessary to perform massaging. When all particles are removed, the face should be rinsed with cool water. This will soothe the skin and ensure blood flow. After this procedure, the pores will be clean, keratinized and dry particles will be removed, and the face will acquire a healthy and radiant appearance.

Manual cleaning

TO mechanical mind the well-known manual cleaning also applies. You can clean your face from acne at home using this method. Before the procedure, you should purchase a solution called "Chatterbox" at the pharmacy in advance. It contains antiseptics that will help disinfect the skin to prevent inflammation. The face is pre-treated with lotion or milk, and the hands with alcohol. Then it is desirable to steam the skin over a water bath. It is also recommended to add herbs with cleansing and antiseptic properties to it. For example, calendula, pharmacy chamomile, mint. They will not only help cleanse the skin, but also perfectly soothe it.

How to clean your face at home using this method? In half a liter of boiling water, add a tablespoon of pharmaceutical herbs. When the broth is a little infused, you need to hold your face over the steam for several minutes. Care must be taken not to get burned. When the face is steamed, the pores will open and you can proceed to the procedure. A cotton swab or disc should be soaked with a pharmacy talker and treated with problem areas. Black dots will be cleared without difficulty, but abscesses will have to be fought mechanically. After their removal, the skin must be treated with a solution of salicylic acid. At the end of the procedure, it is useful to lubricate the face with a decoction of herbs, which by this time has already cooled down.

acid cleansing

How to clean your face at home using acid exposure? Easily! Berries will come to the rescue. This method suitable for oily and combination skin. A teaspoon of cranberry, red currant or strawberry puree should be mixed with the same amount of calendula decoction. Apply to the skin, wait about 10 minutes, then remove the bulk. Take a small piece of gauze, fold it several times and use the resulting piece to walk over the skin, removing dead skin particles. Then wash your face well with cool water. Professional peels based on fruit acids are intended only for use in a beauty parlor.

Enzyme scrub

Almost every woman knows how to clean her face at home with an enzyme scrub. In fact, this name hides the usual lactic acid bacteria contained in kefir or sour cream. And their women very often use in home cosmetics. This cleansing method is suitable for normal, dry and sensitive skin. For the procedure, you will need any fermented milk product. The preferred oil content depends on the type of skin. For dry, sour cream is suitable, and for normal - kefir or yogurt. Well, if this product is slightly fermented, then the effect will increase.

How to clean the skin of the face at home? The fermented milk product should be applied to the face with a piece of gauze, making massaging movements. After treating the entire skin, you need to wait about 5 minutes, and then wash your face. Sometimes after this procedure remains bad smell on the skin. To avoid this, baking soda must be added to kefir. It neutralizes odor and does the job perfectly.


How to clean your face at home with baking soda? You can add it to an enzyme peel or use it on its own. On wet skin, apply a small amount of powder and gently massage problem areas. After treatment, you need to wash with cool water.


Knowing how to clean your face at home, you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin and give it a healthy and radiant look, as well as get rid of imperfections. After all, beauty begins with purity.

Without regular brushing face, it is almost impossible to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin, because it needs a constant supply of oxygen, and clogged pores completely lose their ability to pass air. How to do your own facial cleansing at home and not harm your skin?

How to choose the type of procedure

Human skin is permeated with a huge number of sebaceous ducts, but not all of them function actively, and therefore need mechanical action to eliminate pollution. Girls with thin and dry skin almost never have to deal with the problem of acne or comedones, they are unfamiliar oily sheen and a sense of "impurity". How to do facial cleansing in this case? Scrubbing dry thin epidermis is not difficult and is carried out through cosmetic masks, not the last goal of which is sufficient hydration.

Normal skin may react to seasonal changes and rarely has absolutely stable characteristics, so in some periods of the year it will require serious cleaning manipulations, and in others - gentle peeling. For deep facial cleansing, it is advisable to use a vacuum device or ultrasound, for superficial - soda masks and oat scrubs.

Oily skin requires the most tiring and permanent care. Due to the increased pore size, the dirt penetrates the epidermis more easily and forms localized foci of inflammation around the follicles - acne. Irregular or careless removal procedures sebum and disinfection lead to blockage of the sweat ducts - comedones. How to clean the face from black dots and acne with oily skin? Any procedures that affect the deep layers of the epidermis are suitable, these are vacuum, mechanical, ultrasonic procedures.

When Not to Deep Clean

When and how to do facial cleansing at home also determines the condition of the woman. It is undesirable to visit beauty salon or commit mechanical procedure at home during a period when a woman feels unwell - has a cold or is experiencing seasonal allergies. Taking antibiotics also puts complex cleaning under the ban. It will be possible to take serious actions to eliminate contaminants from the pores only a week after the end of the therapeutic course.

Many cosmetologists do not recommend visiting treatment rooms during menstruation - the pain threshold at this time in women is greatly reduced, and the scars after squeezing take longer. You will have to postpone cleaning until the origin of acne filled with a large amount of pus, in the presence of boils, scratches or a rash of unknown origin, is clarified.

So, how to do mechanical cleaning of the face at home and in what order to arrange the stages of the procedure?

Skin cleansing

How to do facial cleansing at home without violating the basic rules of the procedure? Washing your face with a gel or cosmetic foam before you start steaming the skin is only suitable for owners of oily or oily epidermis. For non-problem skin with small pores, it is preferable to use the novelty of our time - micellar water or special milk.

After the remains of cosmetics and dust have been removed from the surface of the face (including the chin and neck), it is time to clean the middle layers of the skin with peeling containing abrasive particles. You can use one of the following recipes:

  • Grind in the palms of a little dried thick coffee with a couple of spoons of nourishing milk or natural unsweetened cream. Massage the skin intensively for at least two minutes.
  • Take equal amounts of sea salt and baking soda and mix them with a small amount of shaving foam squeezed into the palm of your hand. The mixture should be applied with massaging movements, increasing pressure on areas where there are most comedones or acne.
  • Prepare a homogeneous mixture of 15 g of ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of buckwheat flour, 5-7 drops of hazel oil. The mixture should be held for a while at room temperature, then, gradually scooping up small portions of the scrub, intensively massage the entire face, neck, and décolleté for 3-6 minutes. Then the mass can be left on the skin for 10 minutes, and then washed off well.
  • Add a few drops of herbal decoction to a container with 5 aspirin tablets. When the tablets swell, add 10 drops of oil to them. grape seed and half a spoonful of linden honey. Mix everything well and spread over the skin of the face with strong massaging movements.
  • 15 g cane sugar mix with 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder and a couple of drops of nut butter. The mass is distributed carefully, avoiding the sharp composition in the eyes. You need to massage your face for 2 minutes, then rinse off the scrub with running water.

Before doing a deep cleansing of the face at home, it is necessary to expand the pores as much as possible and soften their contents. The traditional steam bath.

Steam bath all the way

Classic variant for the face - this is a chamomile decoction, but few people know that other necessary and useful herbs can be used for these purposes with no less efficiency:

  • Oily, porous skin prone to acne: horsetail, calendula, celandine, arnica.
  • Dry, thin skin: yarrow, verbena, lime blossom.
  • Normal skin - lovage, plantain, St. John's wort.

Preparing the broth will not take much time: you need to boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan, pour a handful of the selected herb into it and hold the broth for a couple more minutes on fire under the lid. If desired, you can drop an essential oil with your favorite aroma into the water, but this addition will not have a therapeutic effect.

For the procedure, they take a thick terry towel, which is thrown over the head, tilted over a container of liquid. Care must be taken that the steam does not have an exit from under the towel and rises strictly up to the face. The duration of the entire procedure is regulated by the characteristics of the woman's skin: dry - up to five minutes, normal - 4-7 minutes, oily - 8-12 minutes.

mechanical cleaning procedure

How to do facial cleansing at home? First of all, it is necessary to prevent injury to the softened skin and infection in the microdamages that invariably form during the extrusion process. Hands are thoroughly washed and treated with alcohol, and index fingers wrapped with a triple layer of sterile bandage.

Only after taking these measures, you can start mechanical cleaning of the face. It is not difficult to make it and after a good steaming it is almost painless. The blockage or purulent pimple is gently squeezed from both sides, and after the pore is released from the mud plug, the painful area is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

With heavily contaminated facial skin, several stages of cleaning will be required with an exact repetition of the entire algorithm of actions. The frequency of procedures between stages is once every three days.

Narrowing of pores

How to do facial cleansing? At home, it is preferable to use tonics and masks on a natural basis. The easiest tonic recipe is to squeeze the juice from a whole lime or a small lemon into a half-liter bottle of mineral water without gas and wipe your face and neck with acidified water. Another quick option is to apply a slurry of one grated cucumber or a few fresh strawberries to your face.

Effectively shrinks pores and heals small pimples a mixture of whipped egg white with 10 ml of lime juice. If the mask spreads heavily, it can be stabilized with a pinch of starch or oatmeal - the positive effect of the composition will only increase. It is not recommended to apply home remedies with lemon juice or sour berries (as well as protein ones) for girls with thin, dry skin. For owners of delicate epidermis, it is better to try one of the following masks that soothe the skin after mechanical action:

  • Steam a third of a glass of wholemeal oatmeal with boiling water, and after 10 minutes add half the yolk to the swollen porridge. Stir, apply on face for 20 minutes.
  • Mix liquid honey heated to 30 ° C with a few drops of apricot or almond cosmetic oil and spread over the surface of the face with a brush. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Dry skin needs special nourishment. After a deep cleansing of the face is done at home, you need to wait 15 minutes and be sure to prepare a restorative mask.

Nutrition and hydration

How, after doing a facial cleansing at home, will the skin return to a healthy look as soon as possible? Many women perceive a mask that narrows pores and soothes inflammation as the final phase of a multi-level procedure, but this is not correct, since the skin still needs nutrition and hydration to accelerate regeneration.

There are many options for restoring masks, so choosing the right one is not difficult:

  • Mash the boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes, add a little whey. The mask is applied warm and kept on the face for 15 minutes.
  • Crush a small piece of fresh yeast and dilute it with slightly warmed heavy cream (unsweetened). The liquid mass is applied with a brush and held until a crust forms.
  • Combine in one non-metallic container: 1 teaspoon of nut butter, a large pinch of finely crushed oatmeal flakes, chamomile decoction and a third of a banana, pounded with 2 drops of citrus essential oil. The whole mass can be crushed in a blender or rubbed through a sieve. The mask is distributed with moistened hands and left for a quarter of an hour.
  • Mix 25 g of fatty cottage cheese with 10 drops of a mixture of cosmetic oils and 0.5 tablespoons of sour milk. Rub the mixture so that there are no lumps, and spread a thick layer over the face.

Pickle from under sauerkraut- one of the best nourishing toners for all skin types. They can wipe the face at the end of any cleansing procedures, as well as daily care before bedtime. If you add honey and mashed berries (strawberries, raspberries, cranberries) to the brine, you will get a full-fledged mask that returns a beautiful complexion and evens out the skin relief.

Surface cleaning with masks

How to do facial cleansing at home if the skin has a tendency to form colloidal scars or the owner of a problematic epidermis has a prejudice against aggressive impact to the foci of inflammation? For these purposes, there are peelings with abrasive granules or masks that “pull” pollution from the depths of the pores.

  • Dilute 1 tablet of hydroperite with water and add the concentrate to a mixture of 15 ml of heavy cream and 2 drops of ammonia. Apply the mass for 25 minutes, avoiding contact with the eyebrows and thin skin around eyes.
  • Steam a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal and add, constantly stirring the mixture, half a spoonful of sea salt, wheat germ oil, linden honey. The mixture is completely applied to the face and washed off after half an hour.
  • 1 st. dilute a spoonful of bodyaga with peroxide until a semi-liquid mass is obtained and quickly distribute the pungent-smelling mixture over the face. On the arisen discomfort- itching and burning - no need to pay attention, as it is necessary by-effect the use of bodyagi. Girls with normal skin can keep the mask for no more than 8 minutes, with oily skin - 15 minutes.

Clay masks are a constant trend at the peak of demand among cosmetic procedures. How to do a deep cleansing of the face at home using bags of multi-colored powder? First, determine the clay suitable for your skin type:

  • pink clay - for dry skin;
  • White clay- for normal;
  • blue - for oily;
  • black - for combined;
  • green - for skin with clear signs wilting.

It is simple to use a cosmetic product - dilute the powder with warm water or herbal infusion to a creamy state and spread over the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour. If desired, you can add cosmetic oils, fruit or vegetable purees, honey, spoiled milk.

Gelatin cleansing masks

After doing a facial cleansing at home, how to restore healthy skin turgor in as soon as possible? Inexpensive edible gelatin has been used in cosmetology for decades as one of the most effective cleansing and regenerating agents. Formulations in which gelatin is introduced have no contraindications, do not injure or stretch the skin, in addition, they are a unique and natural source of collagen.

Below are the most popular gelatin masks using just a few ingredients:

  • 5 tablets activated carbon crushed into powder, which is mixed with 10 g of gelatin. A tablespoon of water is added to the mixture and the mass is heated in a water bath until the gelatin crystals disappear. The mixture is applied hot, quickly distributing it with a brush. When the mask hardens like latex, it is carefully removed from the bottom up.
  • In 1 st. pour a spoonful of gelatin into 2 tablespoons of fresh milk. Heat the mixture in a water bath until the crystals disappear completely, when the mass cools down a little, add half of the egg white whipped to a steep foam into it. Spread the mixture on the face with a brush and, after setting it into a film, carefully remove it entirely.
  • Soak 15 g of gelatin in 30 ml of cool water, then add a teaspoon of glycerin and half of the whipped protein to the jelly. The mass is well mixed and applied with a brush with driving movements, and after 20 minutes the film is completely removed.
  • A quarter cup of already prepared gelatin jelly (swollen crystals) is diluted with a spoonful of honey and the same amount of lime juice. Spread the mixture over the face until it hardens, then remove.

If on the skin after removing the mask remain small areas films, they can be easily removed with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Home vacuum cleaning

How to make at home vacuum cleaning faces? First of all, you will have to buy a special device that runs on conventional AA batteries and has a thrust power of 50 kPa. The standard device is equipped with a double-sided removable nozzle - a large one for treating well-accessible areas of the face and a small one for detailed cleaning of especially delicate areas near the lips and nose.

In addition, the device must have two operating modes by default - for wet processing, causing a stronger suction of the nozzle to the face and recommended for oily, tight skin, and dry - for a gentle effect on thin, sensitive skin.

Given the choice of which facial cleansing to do, many girls lean to the side. vacuum procedure, and that's why:

  • After processing the epidermis with a vacuum, such long period restoration, as after mechanical cleaning. The woman can return to habitual way life and even apply makeup within 4-5 hours after manipulation with the device.
  • Having done a mechanical cleaning of the face at home, you can find complications in the form of bruises and scars, which will never happen with pneumatic exposure.
  • The nozzle of the vacuum device has a larger grip on the treated surface and draws out all the impurities in one session, which is impossible to do when squeezing blackheads manually.

The great advantage of hardware cleaning is that it combines two cosmetic procedures at once - removal of pollution and tonic massage. The skin after treatment receives a healthy color and elasticity.

Before starting the hardware procedure, the face must be prepared - steam it in a steam bath with medicinal herbs. Then you can turn on the device and start cleaning, watching the process in the mirror so as not to miss a centimeter. It is necessary to constantly take care that the device slides freely over the skin, without lingering in one place, otherwise red spots or bruises may appear.

After all the manipulations, the skin is soothed with any non-alcoholic tonic or lotion and lubricated nourishing cream.

The optimal frequency of procedures is once every 5-7 days for problematic epidermis, three times a month for normal skin and twice a month for dry or sensitive skin.


Dear readers, spring always tells us that it's time to take care of ourselves. Of course, you always want to look at 100%, but especially now. Therefore, I propose today on the blog to talk about beauty. Of course, this topic is very extensive and multifaceted. But, undoubtedly, important, because to be beautiful is the desire of each of us. Someone in pursuit of perfect appearance devotes all his strength to this and considers, if not the first, then one of the most important goals in his life. For me, for example, a more moderate approach to the matter of beauty is closer. It is not possible to devote hours to self-care every day, and even more so, to trips to beauty salons. Therefore, I prefer to keep everything just under control.

And my salvation is an arsenal of small female tricks- recipes, secrets and recommendations that completely replace expensive cosmetic procedures. I love to use everything at home. Firstly, I certainly trust myself, and secondly, I like to choose various recipes and compositions for myself. And it seems to me that the success of today's woman is in her informativeness. After all, the more we know, the more we can apply.

However, back to the topic of today's article. What is the key to our beauty? First and foremost, cleanliness! Both external and internal. Today we will talk about external cleanliness. Let's talk about cleaning your face at home. Make up, nourishing masks, hair coloring fade into the background when something goes wrong with our "base" - the skin of the face. Therefore, it is so important to always monitor its condition and regularly carry out cleaning procedures. And you can do it yourself.

You know, I immediately remember my first device for cleaning the face at home "Chamomile". I don't know if you caught him, I remember very well. Steam treatment, these herbs that could be put in the bath, steaming the face itself and then some of our women's secrets gave such a feeling of happiness and joy. Of course, now, perhaps, not so everything. And a lot of new things have appeared. But no one canceled home procedures. Simple, accessible, effective.

Facial cleaning at home

Before deciding on any procedures with your skin, you need to answer for yourself main question: Why is this needed? You can learn about what skin renewal gives us from this video. There is also an example of facial cleansing at home and tips on how to put everything into practice. Let's watch the video footage.

Home peeling. Video

We have already talked about how to cleanse the skin of the face at home on my blog. It was an article where, as part of a blog competition, one of the contestants shared a recipe for a very effective cleaning faces. And in the same competition there was a very interesting miracle mask-film for the face. I highly recommend not to pass by and treat yourself.

Today we will analyze a few more ways and get acquainted with the rules by which this same cleaning should be carried out. Let's start with the rules.

Facial cleaning at home. Basic Rules

In order to approach the issue competently, you need to remember a few rules:

1. Facial cleaning at home should be done only if the skin does not have dermatitis, rashes of any nature, acne, blackheads with signs of inflammation, eczema, etc.
2. It is not advisable to clean the face during critical days, and pregnant women are also not advised to get involved in such a procedure.
3. To achieve the right effect, you need to act in stages.

Home cleaning of the face. Stages

1. Preparation. First of all, we will wash off the remnants of makeup from the face, clean it with any cosmetic product.

2. Next, you need to prepare the skin so that cleansing was easier, and the skin was not affected. To do this, we need to soften the skin of the face and open the pores. Usually used for this warm compresses . You can use any decoction - string, chamomile, sage or just boiled water. Moisten a terry towel in hot liquid and apply alternately to different parts of the face - cheeks, forehead, chin.

Another way is to soak gauze in decoction or water and put it all over your face for a few minutes. Naturally, the applied compress should be at a comfortable temperature, you should not burn yourself. Our task is to “warm up” and steam out the epidermis (the top layer of the skin). You can understand that the skin has already prepared by the rosy cheeks. If you do not suffer from bronchial asthma, heart or vascular diseases, then instead of a compress, you can use a steam bath as a steam bath.

We will need the same broth, but in a hotter state, boiled. Above it you need to hold your face, covered with a towel on top. The duration of the steam bath for owners of dry skin is about 5 minutes, for those who have more problematic skin, which means that they will need to work on it longer and more intensively, you need to hold your face over the steam for 10-12 minutes.

3. Next comes direct cleaning using a special scrub . We will talk about scrub recipes a little later. Sometimes at home, mechanical cleaning of the face is also carried out - simply speaking, squeezing out blackheads by hand. However, cosmetologists do not recommend doing it yourself, as this is fraught not only with infection, but also with skin injury. If you take on such responsibility, then be sure to wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide.

This must be done periodically throughout the process. Sterility is the main condition of this procedure. Moreover, it is better not to use alcohol for this purpose - it dries and tightens the skin too much, causing excessive irritation, and subsequently even peeling. Let me remind you that hands should also be perfectly washed and treated with an antiseptic, nails are shortened. Moreover, it is better to wrap your fingers with a bandage or gauze to reduce the risk of skin damage.

4. After the procedure, you need to “close” the released pores . To do this, wipe the skin with ice cubes or a frozen decoction of your favorite herbs - sage, coltsfoot, mint. You can also rub the skin with lemon juice. After waiting for the surface of the face to dry completely, lubricate it with any moisturizing or nourishing cream. However, do not overdo it - be sure to blot the excess cream with a paper towel.

Facial cleaning at home. Options

And now a few examples of scrubs that can be used for home cleaning faces

1. Salt and soda.

These two ingredients are most commonly used to make homemade facial scrubs. Moreover, you can use them both as a “duet”, and each of them is “solo”. Actually the procedure is quite simple. Using a cotton pad dipped in either your favorite vegetable (for dry skin type) or hydrogen peroxide solution (for oily), salt or soda is applied to an already prepared face. Or both, combined in equal proportions. For a rougher peeling, you need to take coarse salt, for a gentle one, “fine-caliber” salt is suitable. For two to three minutes, gently wipe the problem areas of the skin with a cotton pad in a circular motion.

It should be noted that salt is a rather strong “drug”, therefore it is recommended to use a soda scrub on a foam or washing gel already applied to the face. You can leave the soda-salt composition for another three minutes, during which time you will most likely feel a slight tingling sensation. Do not be afraid - it should be so, but if the tingling develops into a burning sensation, you do not need to endure it.

2. Clay.

Cosmetic clay has a wonderful effect for cleansing the face. You can buy it at a pharmacy or in a cosmetics store. To remove blackheads, black clay is usually used, however, ordinary white clay is also suitable. I must say right away that clay has a pulling effect, that is, it raises the impurities and toxins present in the lower layers of the skin to the upper layers of the epidermis. You may notice the appearance of acne, however, after the third application of clay, they will pass.

So, we dilute the mineral powder with water or herbal decoction to the consistency of thick sour cream, after which we apply it on the face. Keep for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For a greater effect, as soon as the mask dries, massage your face a little with your fingers dipped in water. The clay will begin to roll off little by little, and the skin will begin to clear. Wash off the rest of the product.

If your skin is too delicate, prepare the following composition: 3 tablespoons of clay, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin, if necessary, dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency. It is important to know that you can not mix the composition with a metal object. It is better to take a plastic spoon. This mask can be applied to cling film, in which pre-cut slits for the eyes and mouth. Put it all on your face and lie down to rest for half an hour. After the procedure, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

I talked in detail about how clay can be used for health and beauty in the article. If you have not tried to make masks for hair and faces with clay, and also use it for your health, I strongly advise you to read the material. My daughters and I love clay. What kind of clay they didn’t buy, what they didn’t do with it.

3. Bodyaga.

Another effective tool for deep cleansing. However, it is also quite strong, so it is better not to use it for owners of too sensitive skin. To obtain a mask, mix bodyagi powder with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of gruel. We apply the composition on the face, be sure to avoid the area around the eyes. We hold for 15 minutes, among the effects we also note burning and tingling, wash off.

After applying such a mask, you will see that the face turns red - this is a logical result, because the bodyaga expands the blood vessels, but also the pores. So all the accumulated dirt comes out of them. A couple of hours after applying such a mask, peeling of the skin of the face may be noted. That's right, dead cells and impurities accumulated on the skin leave you.

My advice: Try to make text on the hands first. If bodyaga suits you, feel free to use it on your face.

4. Oatmeal, coffee grounds.

Among the means by which you can clean your face at home, familiar to us cereals. If the skin is dry, you can mix them with sour cream. Apply en face for 20-25 minutes, before washing off such a scrub - gently rub the skin with your fingertips in a circular motion, paying special attention problem areas on the face - the wings of the nose, forehead, chin, the so-called T-zone.

Instead of cereal, you can take already used coffee grounds. Indeed, why disappear natural product? Apply thick on the face and, enjoying the aroma, drink a cup of coffee already prepared.

Let me remind you once again that after any scrub and peeling, you need to nourish and moisturize the skin with your favorite face cream.

I also note that it is necessary to carry out the procedure for cleaning the skin of the face no more than twice a week. Although it all depends on the type of your skin and its features. Nevertheless, the regular use of the described procedures will not only save you from unpleasant formations on the face in the form of acne, but also give the skin a matte finish, make it smooth and radiant.

Home ultrasonic facial cleansing

When we decide to do facial cleansing at home, we are most often guided by considerations of economy. After all, visiting a beauty salon regularly is not cheap. Although hardware facial cleansing can only be done by a specialist and only with the use of special equipment, which beauty salons and beauty parlors have at their disposal. Therefore, we choose a more affordable method from those described above.

But progress does not stand still, and today you can buy a home facial cleanser and use it for its intended purpose within the walls of your own home. To be honest, I have no experience of using such a miracle tool. However, its growing popularity, backed by proven effectiveness, means that it will soon become as common as a hair dryer or epilator. I heard and saw such devices at my friends. She herself has not yet decided or has not yet been imbued with his charms to the end. I somehow like more conservative methods.

And now from me to you for the soul. Irina Bogushevskaya Keys in your hands . In the video we see footage from the movie "Fan-Fan Aroma of Love". Music and performance of the song by Irina Bogushevskaya.

I wish everyone to become the owner of such a key. Joy, beauty, harmony and just sunshine around. We have such amazing sunny days now. Just a miracle!

Strengthening the body with Eleutherococcus is suitable for both young children and adults. The high efficiency of Eleutherococcus for immunity is due to its distinctive adaptogenic properties.

The popularity and frequent use of yarrow in gynecology is associated with analgesic properties, hemostatic ability. For this, tea or decoction is prepared from yarrow.

The use of parsley every day allows you to replenish vitamins and trace elements important for the body. Their rich content in the herb determines the health benefits of parsley.

see also




    26 Sep 2016 at 12:34


    16 Sep 2016 at 1:34






    20 Mar 2014 at 10:13


    18 Mar 2014 at 21:49