Professional SPA-care for the skin of hands and feet in beauty salons. The Classic Professional Hand Care Program Why Hand Care Is So Important

No matter how hard a woman tries to look young, without well-groomed hands it is impossible. Moreover, a situation may arise that the hands will also add several years to their owner. The reason for this metamorphosis is the complete absence of sebaceous glands and fat on the skin of the hands. These factors, as well as the fact that the skin of the hands is more dehydrated than the skin of the face, cause its main problem - dryness. You can solve the problem by understanding what caused it and regularly following the recommendations for care.

The main thing in the article

Proper dry skin care at home: useful tips

Dry hands can be caused by:

Air temperature and humidity;
household factors;
nutrition, lack of vitamins A and E;
medical reasons: various diseases, weight loss drugs, pregnancy, diets, an allergic reaction, a birth defect;

Negative action can be minimized by following simple tips:
wash your hands in warm water with mild soap, rinse with cool water, and dry your hands;
do not clean the skin of the hands with aggressive solvents;
wear gloves in bad weather;
use sunscreen for your hands;
use rubber gloves for work in everyday life, having previously applied a nourishing cream to your hands, apply the cream again after finishing work;
after hand washing, rinse your hands with water and a small amount of table vinegar;
regularly take care of your hands with masks, creams, scrubs, baths.

Hand and nail care system after 50 years: moisturizing and protecting

Problems with the skin on the hands are aggravated with age - elasticity is lost, the skin becomes thinner, veins appear, and due to disruption of the melanocytes, pigmentation appears, the nails break and become soft. During this period, nails and skin need antioxidants and vitamins. Care consists primarily in moisturizing and protecting the hands.

Regularly take preparations containing calcium and magnesium, drink vitamins to stimulate collagen production, increase elasticity, prevent dryness and flaking;
increase physical activity;
do a hand massage;
take care of your cuticles
give preference to care products containing collagen, nasturtium petal extract, apple seeds, licorice extract;

Basic rules for caring for the skin of hands and nails in winter

Sudden changes in air temperature are reflected in the hands - the skin of the hands is stressed, flaky, reddens. In addition, in winter, the body feels an acute shortage of vitamins, the consequences of which are skin aging, stratification of nails and cracking of the cuticle. That is why, the skin of the hands requires enhanced, special care in winter.

To correct the effects of cold weather, additional recommendations for care will help:

Do not go outside with wet hands;
use moisturizer after hand contact with water;
45 minutes before going out into the cold, apply a nourishing cream;
wear gloves and mittens, preferably made from natural materials;
regularly do self-massage and exercises for hands;
increase the consumption of fish dishes, dried fruits, natural honey;
Moisturize your cuticles to reduce the formation of burrs and eliminate inflammation.
Avoid hand dryers
do in the salon or at home: spa manicure, paraffin therapy, “hot” manicure;
use oil-based skin care products daily.

Do-it-yourself homemade recipes for anti-aging, moisturizing and protective hand creams

The main tool for independent and salon hand care is a cream. Which cream to choose depends on the season and the problems that need to be addressed. You can buy it ready-made, or you can make it yourself. The undeniable advantage of a homemade cream is the independent selection of the right ingredients. The components of the cream can be found in any housewife.

Deciding to make a cream at home, follow the basic rules:

Use glass or clay containers, having previously treated it with alcohol;
strictly follow the recipe;
take precautions when working with hot objects and liquids;
the finished product, unless otherwise indicated, store in the refrigerator.

REJUVENATING hand creams:

with honey:

This cream-lotion compensates for the lack of moisture, provides nourishment and smoothness to the skin of the hands.
Combine 0.5 tablespoon of honey with 5 drops of juniper oil, a quarter tablespoon of wheat germ oil and glycerin.

with lemon:

Smoothes fine wrinkles, whitens, moisturizes.

  • Dip the grated zest of 2 lemons in boiling water (50 ml)
  • Let stand 1 hour in a covered and towel-wrapped container
  • Strain, chill
  • Take 3 tbsp. l. melted beeswax, mixed with lemon tincture
  • Pour in 0.5 tablespoon of glycerin and jojoba oil

with yogurt:

  • Combine 250 g plain plain yogurt with lemon juice
  • refrigerate for 3-4 hours
  • apply on brushes for 4 minutes, rinse.

MOISTURIZING hand creams:

with barley:

  • Beat the protein, 0.5 tablespoon of glycerin, 30 g of honey
  • add barley, in quantity, to make a paste
  • put on your hands at night.


This cream for very dehydrated skin:

  • Wait until it boils and simmer, stirring for about 40 minutes, a glass of water and 2 tbsp. l. chamomile (dry flowers)
  • Strain, pour into the mixture a teaspoon of jojoba and shea butter, 4 drops of sweet orange essential oil, whisk.


Add 2 drops of lemon oil to a spoonful of baby cream, drop by drop of essential oils of geranium and almond, rub the cream with light movements.


  • Using a water bath, warm up 2 Aevita capsules, 1 tsp. beeswax, 0.5 tablespoons of glycerin and shea butter
  • Add a tablespoon of green tea leaves and lemon essential oil (4 drops)
  • Stir, apply under cosmetic gloves, do not remove all night.

PROTECTIVE hand creams:

with peroxide:

  • Whisk the protein until foamy
  • Add a spoonful of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Due to the strong brightening effect, while the composition is on your hands, do not touch your hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, clothes.

with talc:

  • Mix 0.5 tablespoon each of vegetable oil and baby powder with gelatin on the tip of a knife
  • Pour in 0.5 tablespoon of starch
  • Add two tablespoons of water and heat in a water bath
  • Stir, chill


  • About 50 g of oil (any: sesame, coconut, walnut, rice bran)
  • Vitamin E (oily solution)
  • 8-9 drops of marigold or chamomile extract
  • 50 g rose water
  • Mix well, pour into a spray bottle

Sea baths for strengthening nails with salt and iodine

Use hot, but comfortable water;
nails should be uncoated, filed;
session time 15-30 minutes;
salt baths are prohibited if there are wounds, irritations, rashes on the skin;
after application, rinse your hands with cool water and apply a nourishing cream;

with sea salt:

  • Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water
  • To strengthen, you can add - 4-5 drops of medical iodine
  • The procedure is carried out up to 2 times a week

with sea salt, iodine and juice:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 100 g of warm water
  • Take another 100 g of water, add orange juice and 3-4 drops of iodine
  • Mix everything that turned out, take 10-15 minutes

Baths for healing nails with soda

Soda helps nails become strong and recover from harmful effects, it cleans nails well from infections, but does not wash away beneficial substances and does not dry nails.

bath with soda and salt:

In 400 ml of hot water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of sea or table salt, 3 drops of iodine, a spoonful of soda, carry out the procedure for about 30 minutes;

soda, iodine and lemon:

  • Add a tablespoon of baking soda to 3 cups of warm water
  • Add 3 drops of iodine and lemon juice
  • Put your hands down for 20 minutes
  • Hold the bath over steam so that the temperature of the composition is constant at 40 * C

soda and whey:

Serum (0.5 l) heat up, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, stir. After the bath, the nails should dry themselves.

Baths for fast nail growth with oils

The main ingredient of such baths is any vegetable oil.

Bath with oil and lemon:

  • 100 g butter
  • A few drops of vitamin A
  • 5 drops lemon juice
  • Take 10 minutes

Bath with honey:

  • Stir a spoonful of honey in warm oil
  • Dip your fingers for 5 minutes
  • Wrap them in a towel for 5 minutes
  • Then massage them with the same oil

You can not rinse, but put on cloth gloves and leave overnight

Cuticle care and slowing down its growth at home

Cuticle - supranail plate, a film on the edge of the nail fold, surrounding the nail plate at the base of the nail, performing a protective role - not allowing foreign bodies and bacteria to pass to the base of the nail. The dead cells of the cuticle edge form burrs. The cuticle needs regular care - removal of dead cells, moisturizing, protection. You can remove dead cells with the help of hardware, edged and European manicure.

For self-care and slowing down the growth of the cuticle, it is recommended to use a European (unedged) manicure:

File your nails;
make a bath
cover the cuticles with a softening compound, preferably with fruit acids, wait 5 minutes;
separate the softened cuticle with an orange stick;
wipe each finger with a cotton pad, wash your hands;
rub special oil into your nails, if it is not available, use olive oil.

Beautiful hands do not happen without proper care, start caring for them as early as possible.

Care procedures are simple, do not require much time and financial costs, but they will give a fantastic result, provided that the care is regular.


Dear readers, today on the blog I propose to talk about preserving the beauty of our hands. They have always been the hallmark of every woman. Probably, everyone knows the feeling when the hands are in order - the mood immediately changes, right? And every woman so wants to always remain young and beautiful. But, unfortunately, the human body is designed in such a way that aging is inevitable. And modern medicine has not yet come up with a “magic pill” for the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Greetings, my dear readers. The topic of my today's message to you will relate to an issue that is relevant just for the fair sex. Dear women, I dare to suggest that all of you want to look young, fresh and attractive for as long as possible. Aging, alas, is a process that cannot be completely stopped, but it is quite possible to try to slow it down.

A lot of people talk about beauty these days. But let me, dear ones, one well-known writer and philosopher called beauty the subject of actions, not reasoning. And this is the real common truth. You have to work hard to stay young. And this applies not only to the face and figure. A woman's hands are a kind of litmus test, in my opinion. No matter how much makeup you use to ennoble your face, your hands will still give away your true age. Unless, of course, you do not provide proper care for the skin of the hands.


Have you ever wondered how much work your hands do? They do the laundry, do the dishes, clean up, cook meals for the whole family, carry heavy bags (not all husbands are perfect), sew, and so on. No wonder that the skin of the hands is subject to aging 10 times more intense than in the case of the face.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, detergents, frost, dry, hot air, dirt, aggressive substances, your hands gradually lose their visual appeal. And I have a clear confidence that if all women paid more attention to their fingers and palms, there would be much less ladies with wrinkled, dry and unattractive hands.

Answer me a question. Do you have rubber gloves at home? No? There were no doubts. There are a number of banal at first glance, but really effective rules. This set can be safely considered the first way to care for the skin of the hands. And for someone they will surely sound like something new.


If you want to know the effective ways to protect and preserve the youth of your hands, I will tell you the most important ones.

So, home care.


  • Finally, buy gloves. The skin of the hands suffers as much as possible due to contact with household chemicals. Wear gloves while washing floors, dishes, cleaning - this commonplace rule will help keep your hands intact.
  • I would recommend washing your hands with warm water only. . If you prefer cold or hot, then remember that contact with it disrupts the lipid balance of the skin. And restoring it is a difficult task. There are practically no sebaceous glands and subcutaneous fat in this area, so the lipid layer cannot be fully restored.
  • Winter is the most dangerous time . The skin of the hands must be protected with gloves made from natural materials. Synthetics are the enemy, in it the skin sweats, loses moisture. And if you are not a supporter of gloves, be prepared for the fact that your hands will freeze all the time. As a result, skin roughness cannot be avoided.
  • Plentiful drink useful not only during a cold. Pure, non-carbonated water replenishes the loss of fluid in the body. This is very beneficial for the skin.
  • Vitamin beauty complexes also bring benefits . The substances included in them are strong antioxidants. They stop the destruction of collagen fibers, the occurrence of age spots.
  • The salvation of the aging is the work of the aging themselves . This is how I paraphrased the famous expression. If you can't afford to pay salon professionals, home therapy can be just as good. There are many ways and relatively new healthy recipes that can provide excellent hand skin care.


So, I recommend not only to adhere to all the above rules, but also not to forget about the need to strictly follow the sequence of hand care procedures at home. Start with cleansing. You can use your usual soap, but do you want to put in the effort to dry your skin? The best option is effective and useful baths. They are designed to deeply cleanse the skin, as well as disinfect it.

Here is a simple recipe: for a liter of warm water, use a teaspoon of ordinary liquid soap, the same amount of soda and two less ammonia. Immerse your hands in such a bath for 10 minutes, and after wiping them dry, do not forget the oily cream. I advise you to actively use pharmaceutical herbs when preparing baths. It can be mint, chamomile, parsley, lime blossom, St. John's wort and many others.

And here is another new, little-known way: do a hot oil manicure. We heat any oil (corn, olive, sunflower) on the stove to 46-47 degrees. Then we apply a cuticle softener with vitamin A and E (pharmacy to help you). After processing each finger, place your hands in heated oil for 7 minutes. Now you can start manicure, but first I advise you to degrease the skin (nail polish remover without acetone is suitable). Your hands and nails after taking such a bath will be amazing.


Cleansing is followed by exfoliation. Someone considers such procedures a waste of time, limited to the use of creams. But exfoliating dead skin cells is a great help to your skin. And it’s not at all necessary to buy industrial scrubs to get the maximum effect. In home hand skin therapy, it is even better to use the products that you have prepared yourself.

Effective Recipes. Peeling for hands at home.

  • An elementary option - you simply add any natural abrasive (sugar, semolina, coffee) to liquid soap.
  • And here is another recipe from me: prepare lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, in a ratio of 1:1:2. Mixing all this, you get a great scrub.
  • Here is another useful recipe for home care and peeling. We mix bee honey (2 tbsp), wheat bran (1 tbsp) and lemon juice (from half). We heat all this in a water bath, wait until it cools down, and apply it on hands previously moistened with water. You need to rub the composition until the movement becomes difficult. Now wait a couple of minutes and wash off the product. Your hands are smooth and beautiful again.


Moisturizing and nourishing are important steps in skin care. And here creams and masks will help you. Let's figure it out. The ideal cream is one that retains moisture for a long time, has healing properties, while absorbing remarkably and does not leave marks on clothes. Try to conjure at home and make your own cream. Are you sure you've never done this?

Homemade hand cream.

  1. Pour boiling water over any herb (1 tbsp), insist under the lid for up to 9 hours. It can be a string, and chamomile, and plantain. Now you can filter it all. Butter (50 g) is rubbed with honey (tsp), herbal infusion (1 tsp) is also sent there. As a result, we got a great hand cream.
  2. Another new recipe for you: beat sour cream (half a glass) in a mixer with yolks (2 pcs.). Slowly, pour in the same vodka (2 tbsp), lemon juice (from half) and alcohol (1 tbsp). An effective cream is ready.

Hand care masks.

The mask is easy to prepare in native land. There are hundreds of recipes, here are a few of them:

  1. Mix one yolk with a teaspoon of honey, 7 drops of olive oil; all this is applied to the hands, then special cotton gloves are put on, and after 15 minutes the mask can be washed off;
  2. Cottage cheese will help out dry skin of the hands, mix two tablespoons of this product with yolk and a tablespoon of milk; the mask is washed off after 20 minutes.
  3. This mask will help strengthen nails and accelerate their growth: ground red pepper (0.5 tsp), oily hand cream (1 tsp) and boiled water (10 drops) should be mixed and heated in a water bath. It remains to cool the mixture and apply on the nails for 20 minutes. Caution, more than once a month, I do not recommend using this mask.

21 day hand care program

I quote the text verbatim, without editing. Every word is worth its weight in gold. If someone decides to start the course, it is better in a couple of days to keep up with the continuation. I will "catch" and post further recommendations as they come in. So:

For many years I have been carefully collecting hand care recipes, testing them on myself, and inventing new ones. There is an effect, maybe immodest, but still I will say that my hands look very good, well, I think so. I even wanted to add a photo, but there is not enough time for this, maybe I will add it later.

I really like salon spa treatments, any, arms, legs, the whole body, it's just something!!! But their prices! I don't like the prices at all! Therefore, I don’t often get to pamper myself with these very spas, but I have long ago found a way out. I do the spa myself, the effect is not worse, and the costs are minimal.

Why is the program designed for 21 days? The fact is that a well-groomed appearance is not taken from the ceiling, everything is simple - grooming is achieved by regular care. Regularity is achieved through habit, you just need to make such a most useful habit from all sides, and it takes exactly 21 days to develop one.

For me, this is a common thing, but I didn’t live at home for half a month, visiting my son’s family, and to be honest, I started my hands a little. And at the end of this month I have a birthday, well, spring in general, I want beauty and renewal, so we will be prettier together.

In advanced cases, and we will assume that we have just such a case (I certainly have))) daily special care is required for a week, and then every other day, well, or at least 2-3 once a week. Then, as needed, but at least 2 times a week, a full complex, and daily reduced. Something like that.

Now for what we need. Well, first of all, of course, time.))) Spa care for hands in salons takes an hour and a half, we need forty minutes or an hour. Girls, do not save on yourself, time, effort, money, remember - we deserve it! Moreover, time can be found by combining business with pleasure. It is quite possible to hang out on our favorite site, especially for those who type with two fingers or just read. I also like to watch some interesting film, feature or documentary during such manipulations.

What else do we need. Honestly, nothing special, everything you need, as a rule, is in every house. Well, unless you need to prepare in advance, these are small plastic bags, I buy those for breakfast, 10 rubles per pack. You will also need the so-called baking paper.

You will also need cotton gloves, or special ones for hand care, which are sold in cosmetic stores, you can sew them yourself. Even if you don't have a sewing machine, just take a cut from an old soft T-shirt or T-shirt and manually sew around the edges with a needle and thread. Well, it's not required, but highly recommended.

Warm mittens or mittens will not interfere yet, well, I think everyone has them. What else? Oh yes, you need to cut out two such rectangles or something, from an old soft natural rag, a flannel diaper, a terry towel, a soft T-shirt, or even take an old (or new) gauze and fold it several times. The size is about 8 by 12 cm, this is if the hands are not small, but like mine.)) This is if for the hands, for the neck it can be twice as long, well, that is, you need to measure the length and girth of the neck.

You will also need nourishing or even better super-nourishing hand creams. For such cases, I prefer face creams from the Svoboda factory, namely: Lux, Evening, Gerontol, Yantar. Still very good for this purpose is the Spermaceti cream from the Nevskaya Kosmetika factory. An ordinary baby cream produced at the same "Freedom" and improved on its own is quite suitable. You can use any nourishing cream enriched with your own hands. How to do it, I told.

It would be nice to buy oil solutions of vitamins A and E and castor oil in pharmacies. Essential oils will not interfere yet, but this is not necessary, if desired. But oils such as unrefined extra virgin olive oil will definitely be needed. It is also good to have some good oils, such as sesame, grape seed, almond, jojoba, sea buckthorn, linseed, etc. But you can get by with olive oil to begin with, and even unrefined sunflower.

Sea salt is desirable, cosmetic clay, or purchased clay masks. There is a very good ready-made clay-based mask specifically for hands, produced by Green Mama. But you don't have to buy it, you can do it. Even if you have factory face masks lying around, but only for dry or normal skin, by no means for oily, you can apply them.

Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow I have guests, so I'll write a sequel the day after tomorrow, or maybe tomorrow evening. I wanted to somehow beautifully name this hand care program, but so far nothing has come up with anything. Another tip, take a picture of your hands, you can just take a picture on your phone in daylight, just to have a before and after photo. I think in three weeks the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The first day

Royal hands. Spa treatment "Milk and honey"

So let's start. Today is the first day of the program, besides, it is a day off, so there will be a lot of hand care manipulations.

Stage 1, cleansing:

Making hand cleanser.
Today I will talk about another simple and affordable, but at the same time effective, gentle cleanser. We take 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar and mix with 1 tablespoon of semolina, then add some fermented milk product, preferably fatter, preferably sour cream. If you don’t have sour cream, it’s okay, you can take kefir, natural yogurt (without additives), fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with milk. The main thing is that it was a fermented milk product.

There are two important points here, the first is actually scrubbing, in this case with semolina and sugar, that is, mechanical cleansing of the skin of the hands, and the second is a kind of chemical peeling using a fermented milk product.

We apply our mixture on our hands and massage lightly and gently for 2-3 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Stage 2. Softening and moisturizing compress:

We take 1 tablespoon of warm milk and dilute a teaspoon of honey in it. It would also be nice to add there at the tip of a teaspoon of turmeric powder, ginger powder and half a teaspoon of an oil or alcohol solution of propolis. But this is not necessary, if you do not have propolis and turmeric yet, you can do without them. Add 1-2 tablespoons of starch to the honey-milk mixture, and then another tablespoon of unrefined oil. This time I took flaxseed, in my opinion, it softens and nourishes the skin best, but you can take any other oil: olive, sesame, sunflower, or any cosmetic oil bought at a pharmacy: almond, jojoba, peach, etc. .

Then heat this mixture in a water bath, it is more effective when warm. Soak pre-prepared soft rags with a warm mixture (cut to the size of the hand, from the wrist to the middle of the fingers, pieces from an old T-shirt or flannel diaper, or just gauze folded in several layers).

Apply these warm rags on the back of the hands, plastic bags on top, and something warm - a towel or mittens, keep the compresses for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and dry your hands with a soft towel with blotting movements. Apply a pre-prepared cream mask.

You can absolutely do the same for the neck, but if you decide to do such a spa treatment for your legs, you can simply add a little more starch to thicken it, apply it on your legs in the form of a mask and pull plastic bags over it. However, you can do the same with your hands, if you don’t want to bother with compresses, do it in the form of a mask.

Stage 3. No Rinse Nourishing Cream Mask:

We apply a rich nourishing cream on our hands, something like the Svoboda Lux cream or our own improved baby cream. You can apply some good nourishing face cream, or you can add oil from those that I listed in paragraph No. 3 and a few drops of an oil solution of vitamin E or A to a regular nourishing hand or face cream. Apply a little cream as usual first all hands, then thicker on the back of the hands, and you can do anything, for example, I’m sitting and typing this article, the mask doesn’t interfere at all, I just wiped my fingertips so as not to make the keyboard greasy.)))

After 40 minutes or more, for someone like it, the mask is practically absorbed. If you need to go somewhere, and the mask is not completely absorbed, you can gently blot it with a tissue. If you do this spa treatment in the evening before bed, and this is the most convenient way, then it would be a good idea to wear cloth gloves at night.

If you are young and your hands are not in a neglected state, then after washing off the compress, you can simply apply a good nourishing hand cream and that's it. After a honey-milk-starch-oil compress, your hands will be so moisturized and soft that you won’t even want to apply the cream. But I put it on, I don’t have to “shashnatsat” anymore, so there’s no way without a cream. I have a miraculous recipe for homemade honey hand cream, but more on that some other time.

Well, that's all for today. It may seem to you that this is too long and laborious procedure, but, firstly, a full-fledged spa treatment in salons usually takes so much time, and secondly, this is the first day of our hand care program system, in the future there will be easier and faster, so don't be afraid.

And most importantly, girls, find time for yourself, your favorite time, spare no effort, it's worth it! Such things help to feel self-love, increase self-esteem, well, and distract from food, in the end.))) "

Are you looking for a way to become a sought-after master and grow your client base so that you can later work productively for yourself?

An effective "chip" that will help attract customers and convince them to use your services on an ongoing basis will be the offer of comprehensive SPA care programs, namely SPA manicure and SPA pedicure using cold paraffin therapy.

Benefits of cold paraffin therapy in a comprehensive SPA care program

Nail masters include cold paraffin therapy in a comprehensive program when performing a SPA manicure and SPA pedicure for several good reasons.

  • Cold paraffin therapy has practically no contraindications, unlike the "hot" variation, and at the same time it is no less effective.
  • There is no need to warm up the paraffin mass - this leads to a reduction in the time of the overall SPA procedure and the absence of expenses for the purchase of a heater, bath, etc.
  • The procedure is more hygienic - an individual portion of paraffin cream is used for each client.
  • Due to the denser structure and the high content of useful components, the effect of cold paraffin is longer and more productive.
  • Products for SPA-manicure, SPA-pedicure, paraffin therapy have a professional volume and are economical; so, one jar of cream-paraffin is enough for an average of 100 sessions.
  • SPA manicure and SPA pedicure, which include cold paraffin therapy, will not take more than half an hour, and the result of the procedure will last for the whole day or more.
  • Cream-paraffin does not leave the effect of stickiness and oiliness on the skin when carefully removed with paper towels.
  • The cost of a complex SPA procedure is minimal, and the profit is maximum.

SPA manicure and SPA pedicure program by ARAVIA Professional

Consider the stages of a comprehensive SPA manicure and SPA pedicure program using cold paraffin therapy and a decorative coating.

I stage (general)- cleansing the skin from surface contaminants with.

II stage for SPA-manicure- application or milk-almond bath using. Next, the nails are processed, starting with the little finger of the left hand. The softened cuticle is quickly and easily removed or pushed back with an orange stick.

II stage for SPA-pedicure- applying a gel to remove the cuticle or a milk-almond bath using milk. Next, the nails are processed. A softening gel is applied to the problem areas of the feet with a non-woven napkin, while the treated skin is covered with a film, which is left for 3-5 minutes. After that, the keratinized layer is easily peeled off with a coarse-grained file, and the skin is polished.

Stage III - cold paraffin therapy for SPA-manicure

1 step: scrubbing the skin with a soft scrub with peach oil.

2 step: applying a nourishing cream depending on the condition of the skin of the client's hands.

The needs of very dry and aging skin can be met by creams from the OIL series, containing a large amount of oils, and cream with collagen. For young skin is perfect or.

3 step: application of cold cream-paraffin.

First, a small amount of paraffin cream must be warmed up in the hands, then applied in a dense layer on the skin of the hands, covered with plastic wrap and thermal material (thermal mittens) for 15-20 minutes. After that, the skin is wiped dry with paper towels.

Stage III - cold paraffin therapy for SPA-pedicure

1 step: skin scrubbing with .

2 step: application . It will help restore softness and elasticity to the skin of the feet, intensively moisturizes. It softens even problematic skin, severely suffering from dryness, promotes regeneration and restoration.

3 step: application of paraffin cream.

First, a small amount of paraffin cream must be warmed up in the hands, then applied in a dense layer on the skin of the feet, covered with plastic wrap and thermal material (thermal socks) for 15-20 minutes. After that, the skin should be wiped dry with paper towels.

Stage IV (general)- degreasing the nail plate for subsequent application of a decorative coating. This must be done very carefully so as not to step over the edge of the nail plate and maintain the effect of paraffin therapy.

Stage V (general)- Lacquering and drying nails.

Stage VI (general)- final care. At this stage, it is applied to the skin around the nails and the nail plates themselves.

Cuticle oil is a vitamin complex that perfectly moisturizes the skin around the nail plates, protects it from cracking and dryness, and nails from brittleness.

Comprehensive SPA-care programs are profitable!

The cost of paraffin therapy is on average 13 rubles (the price in the salon is from 300 rubles). Add to it the cost of a SPA manicure - 29 rubles (price in the salon - from 700 rubles) or a SPA pedicure - 49 rubles (price in the salon - from 1800 rubles), and you can appreciate your benefit!

By including complex care programs, SPA manicure and SPA pedicure with cold paraffin therapy in your price list, your clients are guaranteed to be satisfied. And this can subsequently become a decisive factor in choosing you as a "personal master".

· The first thing to observe if you want to have beautiful and well-groomed hands is to keep them clean and dry. Wash your hands with warm water and toilet soap, which contains fats and alcohols, which weaken the action of the alkali in the water.

Prolonged external irritation leads to a weakening of local immunity and the occurrence of viral lesions of the skin of the hands, including warts, papillomas, keratomas.

Daily remove dirt from under the nails, for this, use a special stick or brush. Wrap the end of the stick with cotton wool and carefully remove the dirt that has accumulated under the nail.

· Do not use sharp and metal objects for cleaning - they can damage the inner sensitive part of the nail.

· If your hands are heavily soiled after doing some work, wash them with a soft brush that does not scratch the skin.

· After washing, dry your hands with a terry towel and rub them with a nourishing cream or oil. While rubbing the cream, massage your hands from the fingertips towards the hand, which improves blood circulation and is very beneficial for the skin.

· To nourish and soften the skin of the hands, use creams specially designed for this. They soften and moisturize the skin of the hands, make it velvety, smooth and elastic. Most hand creams contain substances necessary for the skin: fats, vitamins, enzymes and extracts of medicinal plants. Applying the cream to the cuticle area with active massaging movements perfectly activates the blood circulation of the nail bed and smooths out all the bumps and small burrs.

In addition to the growth of the cuticle, careless attitude to the nails for a long time leads to another trouble - the growth of barbs. If the skin on the hands is cracked, has become rough, you need to use a cream that has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

· Massage of the cuticle area is performed with a very soft brush, pre-soaped with glycerine or baby soap. In this case, light peeling occurs, freeing the cuticle from dead skin flakes and, most importantly, preventing the formation of unaesthetic cracks, where dirt can subsequently clog.

· If the hands are running, it is better to use a special cuticle oil.

Improper nail care leads to the formation of burrs that spoil the appearance of the hands and interfere. Burrs are an indicator of the condition of the skin. They can not be pulled out, it is better to carefully file and grind.

In addition, it is necessary to make baths and, of course, simply hands must be protected. For this, gloves, protective creams and pastes are used. Not everyone can work with gloves. But it is worth getting used to doing the dirty work in them. A week of training is enough, as the work will begin to argue in your hands, and the skin will not crack and peel off, giving you discomfort, the nails will begin to break and exfoliate less.

· The size of the gloves must match the size of the hands. Gloves that are too small compress hands and tear easily. Very large gloves create inconvenience during work.

· Before putting on rubber gloves, hands are thoroughly washed, dried well and sprinkled with talcum powder. After finishing work, the hands are washed with gloves, then the gloves are removed, rinsed inside, dried and sprinkled with talc or starch on both sides. Gloves are stored in a dry place away from heating devices, fire. Keeping your hands in gloves for a long time is not recommended, as the sweat released under them irritates the skin of the hands.

· After removing the gloves, the hands are washed in warm water, dried, and a greasy cream for dry skin, or a special hand cream, is rubbed into the skin.

The structure of nails

Nails are derivatives of skin cells. Nail growth begins in the nail bed, where the matrix is ​​located. The cells of the nail are formed in the matrix. The visible part of the matrix is ​​the nail hole. The condition of the nails is directly related to metabolism and overall health. General metabolic disorders or diseases of the cardiovascular system affect the process of nail formation. Therefore, thickened or deformed nails are often an indicator of serious diseases.

The edges of the nail plate are covered with a cuticle - a layer of epidermal cells that has a protective function. But the excessive growth of the cuticle leads to the formation of burrs, dirt accumulates under the exfoliated edge of the cuticle. Hands look messy, but in addition, contamination can become a source of infection. The skin rollers on the sides of the nail have the same purpose as the cuticle, and in the same way, they can, by overgrowing and drying out, become the cause of pollution and the formation of burrs.

The nail plate itself consists of keratin, a protein that is synthesized in the body from amino acids. This protein is the main element of not only nails, but also skin and hair. The keratin contained in the nails is denser, due to the presence of more sulfur in the keratin molecule, or rather, the amino acid cysteine. The qualitative composition of keratin is specific for each person and is largely determined by genetic factors. That is why some nails are hard and hard, others are thin, etc. Keratin is located in the thickness of the nail in layers, between which there are lipid-like substances and water. These layers give the nail plate elasticity and shine.

The nail is hygroscopic, that is, it has the ability to absorb water, while it increases in thickness and becomes less hard. In addition to sulfur, the nail contains other trace elements: calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Most often, there are enough named elements in the body, however, as a result of a violation of their absorption by the nails, disturbances in the structure of the nail may occur.

The growth rate of nails is approximately 3 mm per month. A complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about six months. As you know, the rate of nail growth varies from person to person.

During the period of growth of the whole organism, as well as during periods of increased production of hormones (transitional age, pregnancy), nails grow faster. Reflexively accelerates the growth of nails and with their regular grinding or mechanical irritation. It can be regular massage, work, fingers, as well as the habit of biting nails.

After reaching puberty, the nails grow more slowly. Their growth also slows down with a lack of blood circulation, as well as in cases of metabolic disorders.

Home care program

· Morning care. Hands are washed with warm water or room temperature water and soap. Ideally, soap should not contain alkali, now there is a large selection of liquid soaps on the market that do not injure the skin of the hands. Washing hands in very cold in hot water also degreases the skin and makes it rough.

Be sure to dry your hands after washing. If moisture remains on them, then on the street the skin of the hands becomes weathered, coarsens, often even cracks appear on it.

Before going outside, hands should be lubricated with hand cream. In winter, do not forget about warm mittens.

· Day care. Hands are washed before eating and, as they become dirty, with warm water and soap or rubbed with lotion. Cleansing wipes can be used to care for the skin of the hands and cleanse it, but this does not apply to washing hands before dinner. In summer, if your hands sweat, wipe them more often. To nourish the skin, rub the cream into it several times during the day.

· Evening care. Hand skin care in the evening is more complete and thorough. Hands are washed with warm water and neutral soap. For better cleansing of the skin, baths are made: warm with a solution of acetic acid or lemon juice, saline. After washing and bathing, dry your hands with a towel.

To preserve the beauty of the hands, massages and creams are required. The cream is rubbed with movements similar to those when putting on gloves, that is, from the end of the fingers to their base and then with the whole palm, then with one hand, then with the other. After rubbing the cream, the skin is massaged with similar movements. During the massage, stroking, rubbing, kneading and patting the skin are sequentially performed. In the evening, more oily creams are used to lubricate the skin of the hands. At the same time, during rubbing, it is recommended to do some simple gymnastic exercises for the hands.

Gymnastics for hands:

1. Squeezing and unclenching the brushes.

2. Sit down at a table and imitate playing the piano, making sure that all fingers move separately. Raise your fingers as high as possible.

3. Rotate the brush first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat this exercise several times on each side.

4. Stretch your arms forward. Rotate the brushes 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.

5. Put your palms together and push them hard towards each other.

6. Rotate your arms above your head.

7. Raise your arms up and down sharply, waving them like a bird's wings before taking off. Repeat 10 times.

8. Hold your hands palms down, interlace your fingers, slowly, in a circular motion, turn your hands palms up, at the same time opening your fingers. Repeat the action in reverse order.

9. Put your hands down and shake them vigorously? at first only with brushes, then to the elbow and, finally, with the whole arm.

Good finger exercises are typing, playing the piano, and sewing. Hand exercises are best done when the hands are warm. Exercises must be done very carefully, never let the joints stiffen and become too tense. To strengthen your fingers, try clenching your fists with spools of thread in them. After exercising, rinse your hands with cold water.

Hand massage

Massage of the hands has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on general well-being, improving tone and calming the nerves, since a large number of nerve endings are concentrated here.

Before starting the massage, lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream or vegetable (preferably olive) oil. When performing a massage, it is important to strictly follow the sequence: first you must massage the first and fifth fingers, then the second and fourth, and finally the third and first. Start massaging with your left hand.

1. In a spiral motion, massage your fingers in the direction from the nail to the base, continuing to move along the back of the hand to the wrist.

2. Slowly knead each finger from tip to base. Then successively rotate your fingers, while holding them by the tips, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3. Put the massaged hand on your elbow, lift your fingers up. Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your left hand, and the first finger on her palm. Go down to the middle of the palm, fixing lightly with the first finger. Move down to the wrist. Now go to the side of the palm and move up to the elbow.

4. Intensely tug 3-4 times, as if vibrating, fingers, holding each by its tip.

5. Put your hand on the table, and with the palm of the other, smoothly slide over it from the fingertips to the base of the hand, as if stroking it.

6. Turn the hand over with the palm and phalanges of half-bent fingers of the other hand, perform 3-4 rubbing rotational movements.

Finish the massage with stroking.

After massaging the left hand, move to the right hand and do the same with it. Remove the rest of the cream with a damp cloth.