How to reduce breast milk. Healing effect of cabbage. effective ways to reduce milk production

Lactation sometimes needs a kind of regulation - a mother may need to reduce the lactation of breast milk or, conversely, increase it. How can you control this process yourself?

The amount of milk produced directly depends on how actively the child suckles the breast or how often and completely the woman herself empties the mammary glands when pumping. The more demand, the more supply.

There are other factors that influence, for example, a decrease in lactation during menstruation often occurs. But we'll fix it.

Based on numerous observations of nursing mothers and the features of the process breastfeeding and the following recommendations are made.

What to do with a decrease in lactation, when it is not necessary

1. Feed more often. If you're feeding your baby on a schedule, switch to an on-demand breast offering. Even if it's once every half an hour. Including at night. You need to feed at least twice. Common reasons for a decrease in lactation are lactation crises, a temporary phenomenon, the introduction of supplementary feeding with a mixture of a child and complementary foods.

Things to remember:

  • a small weight gain in the first month of a baby's life is usually associated with his sluggish sucking, let the baby literally hang on his chest for days, and everything will end well soon;
  • the introduction of complementary foods should not exclude frequent breastfeeding by the child, if possible, give him the breast first after mashed potatoes or porridge, and not water from the bottle.

2. Do not suck on pacifiers and bottles of water, compote, juice or formula. This can actually reduce the lactation of a nursing mother. A child who is exclusively breastfed before the introduction of complementary foods does not need any other liquid. He won't get dehydrated. Mother's milk is both food and water for him.

3. Drink more fluids. Especially in the first months after childbirth, while the child does not receive complementary foods. Eat known way how to increase lactation while breastfeeding - drink a lot cow's milk or eat condensed milk. But this will not improve the situation. It will only contribute to the development of cow's milk protein intolerance in a child. It can provoke an allergic reaction and stool disorders. You need to drink plain non-carbonated water, fruit drinks, compotes that do not contain a lot of sugar. Coffee and tea can be in moderation, not strong.

4. Recharge good mood, rest more, listen and read the stories and advice of women who exclusively breastfeed for a long time.

Medical and folk remedies to reduce the amount of milk

There are cases when milk production needs to be reduced at the most short time, and then doctors recommend the following medications:

  • "Parlodel";
  • Bromocriptine;
  • Dostinex.

These are drugs with numerous side effects and contraindications. Must be taken in extreme cases and under medical supervision. Tablets to reduce lactation or her complete cessation accepted if a woman:

  • purulent mastitis (abscessing, severe forms);
  • need long and urgent surgical treatment, taking drugs that are not compatible with lactation (for example, with cancer);
  • tuberculosis (it is allowed to feed a child only two weeks after the end of treatment, in case of complete recovery of the mother);
  • HIV (it has long been proven that the virus is transmitted to the child with mother's milk);
  • happened late miscarriage, a dead fetus was born;
  • herpetic eruptions on the nipples.

Drugs to reduce the production of breast milk are not necessary to take in the case of:

If a woman is simply not satisfied with a large amount of milk, which often leaks, provokes the formation of lactostasis and other inconveniences, the situation is easily resolved. Apparently, the breast is overstimulated. And not as a child, but as a woman herself. Many inexperienced young mothers pump after feedings. It leads to similar troubles. You just need to stop expressing, and within the next few days lactation will be established, exactly as much milk will be produced - as much as the child needs.

If the question is how to reduce the lactation of breast milk during weaning, but without medications, then you can try the following:

  • wearing a tight bra, but not pulling the chest with a bandage, diaper or something else, as strong squeezing will provoke lactostasis;
  • cold compresses on the chest, if engorgement is felt, there are frequent flushes of milk;
  • with severe breast engorgement, slight pumping will help to reduce the pain symptom.

Many women use herbs to stop lactation. Of course, their effectiveness cannot be compared with medications, but such strong side effects and they have no contraindications.

You can try sage to reduce lactation, this herb is also called a natural source female hormones. There is more than one way to brew and use it:

  • Brew 1 teaspoon of sage with boiling water in a volume of 200 grams, leave for an hour and take a quarter cup four times a day;
  • similarly, only do not insist on sage, but boil it;
  • brew a bag of sage in 200 grams of water and drink gradually during the day with meals.

There is another favorite folk remedy - it is peppermint. True, according to doctors, mint has nothing to do with reducing the production of breast milk. But nevertheless, there will be no harm if you begin to add crushed mint leaves, dried, to any drinks during the day.

There is another herb that is advised to stop lactation. This is bearberry. A very famous diuretic and antibacterial agent. Bearberry helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Thus, less milk is produced. Laxatives will also help get rid of excess fluid.

But products that reduce lactation are by and large a myth. It can be a stretch to attribute cranberries or lingonberries to them as diuretics, but in order for them to somehow affect lactation, they need to be eaten a lot.

Folk remedies against lactation, as we said earlier, are ineffective and for physicians are now only of historical interest.

Most common problem young moms is additional increase milk production in order for the child to be full and not to have to transfer it to artificial feeding. There is also the opposite problem. Sometimes doctors forbid breastfeeding due to illness of the mother. Some women have a lot of milk left when the time has come for the baby to switch to adult nutrition. In these cases, the question arises how to reduce excessive lactation in the shortest possible time.

There are many various ways its abbreviations. These include medical methods, the use of folk remedies, reduced lactation naturally.

It happens that the baby has already been completely transferred to artificial feeding, and the mother’s milk has not disappeared.

Why might lactation reduction be necessary?

To choose correct method, doctors must take into account the reason why a woman wants to stop breastfeeding (more in the article:). If the mother simply has too much milk and the baby does not eat it in a day, it is enough to follow a certain diet to reduce the amount.

If the nursing mother was forbidden to breastfeed the baby for health reasons and it is necessary to wean the baby from the breast, you can not do without taking medications. They are not as harmless as other means, but they are necessary.

The main reasons for the need to reduce lactation:

  1. After childbirth, the health of the mother and baby may require a temporary cessation of feeding.
  2. Personal reasons, which include an urgent business trip, departure, relocation, time-consuming and stressful work. If the cause is temporary, lactation-reducing agents are used.
  3. Profuse milk production. The mother has to express her breast all the time. From insufficiently complete pumping, mastitis or lactostasis may develop.
  4. Most common cause- stop breastfeeding according to the age of the child. Mom is running out maternity leave and she can no longer breastfeed the baby, weaning the baby from the breast is required.

If you have not contacted a specialist, remember that before medical cessation of lactation, the child must completely switch to adult food. While he still occasionally sucks his mother, neither herbal preparations nor medicines can be taken.

Methods of natural reduction

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Their advantage is that the mother does not take pills or herbal preparations. Milk gradually ceases to be produced naturally. How to reduce lactation without drugs?

Reducing the number of feedings is a long way, but a sure one. Its efficiency reaches 100%. Milk production gradually decreases until it disappears completely.

First, reduce the number of feedings by one. The missing amount of food the child should receive from artificial nutrition. After 3-4 days, the baby gets used to the new regimen. After that, you can replace another breastfeeding with regular food. After a few more days, refuse the third feeding.

Do not breastfeed your baby at night. Between feedings, you need to soft chest, but leave a little milk so that it can burn out.

The replenishment of fluid in the breast of a nursing woman will gradually stop until it disappears completely - this is the most sparing technique. With her, you do not need to take any medications, and you can continue to breastfeed your child 1-2 times a day.

Breast constriction

To stop breastfeeding, a woman sometimes with her towel, diaper, scarf or elastic bandage is "grandmother's" methods. Doctors don't like this kind of stuff.

Violation of blood circulation makes this method unhealthy. Lack of pumping can lead to mastitis. However, many women believe that when pulling, the channels for fluid to enter the breast are blocked and lactation stops.

In terms of reducing lactation, the tug method can be effective, but it can cause multiple physiological disorders of the mammary glands.

Using a breast pump

For some reason, some women believe that milk production can be reduced with the help of. It is not right. The active use of the breast pump, on the contrary, helps to increase the production of fluid in the mammary glands.

All the considered methods are good because the nursing one does not need to take pills and medicinal fees. The baby may continue to receive mother's milk until its complete disappearance. If you want to reduce lactation for a while, you should try a special diet.

Reducing lactation with diet

The amount and quality of milk produced by her depends on what and how much a young mother eats. If the diet is aimed at increasing its quantity, the use of other methods will not give desired result. What should you eat to reduce lactation?

Products that were previously forbidden to a woman during breastfeeding will help to achieve what she wants: spices and hot seasonings, smoked foods, canned food, diuretic drinks. You can use mint or lingonberry decoctions, just without adding milk to them (for more details, see the article:). From fermented milk products it is better to refuse or eat them very little, reduce fluid intake - drink no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

mint decoction will help reduce the amount of breast milk due to the content of some phytohormones in its composition

Make 2 lists - foods that promote milk production, and foods that help fight it. Include only the latest in the menu.

Prohibitions with a milk-reducing diet:

  • you can not drink tea with milk;
  • it is necessary to exclude walnuts, seeds, hazelnuts from the menu;
  • do not drink carrot juice;
  • do not drink beer;
  • do not eat too hot food.

With the above actions, you will reduce lactation, but you will not stop it completely. To stop it is necessary to apply other methods - compresses, medicines, herbal infusions.

When breastfeeding is stopped, the mother may experience pain and discomfort in the chest from abundant filling with fluid, inflammation begins. A similar danger threatens when the baby himself refuses the breast, preferring a bottle with a nipple, as the most easy way nutrition. To avoid discomfort, you need to follow a few rules:

  • until the complete cessation of milk production, it is necessary to wear pitted cotton bras;
  • do not overtighten the chest to avoid inflammation;
  • the most painless way to reduce lactation is natural, with constant expression of milk in small portions;
  • reduce your intake of liquids and the above prohibited foods.

The natural way to stop lactation is considered optimal, but only it requires periodic pumping of milk until its production stops.

The use of folk remedies

Folk remedies are used at home - they involve the use of diuretic herbs that remove excess fluid from the body, reduce milk production. Home methods that effectively reduce lactation are very popular. What means to accept?

One of the proven ways is to take bearberry. It is not difficult to find bearberry - it grows in clearings and is inexpensive in a pharmacy. If you pour 30 g of herbs with boiling water and take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, the excess liquid will go away, milk production will significantly decrease - it is harmless, fast, reliable way.

Sage has been tested by many mothers who want to reduce lactation. It really reduces milk production

Mom will help the usual parsley growing in every garden. It does not need to be bought or searched in the fields. The use of this herb is attractive because it is used in fresh. Mom struggles with excess milk and at the same time continues to breastfeed. Compresses are made from parsley: it must be boiled, chopped, poured with hot boiling water and hot lotions are made on the mammary glands.

Mint (more in the article:) also often grows in the garden. Peppermint tea not only reduces lactation, but has a calming effect on mother and baby. The baby can continue to suck on the mother while she is being treated with mint.

Healing effect of cabbage

The milk-burning properties of cabbage have long been known. In addition, if you make a compress on the chest, the mammary glands will become soft. To reduce lactation, there is such a recipe for a compress: cabbage leaves must be cooled, mashed with your hands or rolled out with a rolling pin so that the juice comes out. Then the leaves are applied to the chest and tied with cloth. Polyethylene should be placed under the fabric on top of the cabbage. Such a compress can be done 1 time per day and kept for an hour. The course of treatment is 1 week.

All these recipes are best used after consulting a doctor. Perhaps he will recommend a certain plant, based on your state of health, the condition of the baby and a certain situation. If there is a need to wean the baby from the breast, because he stopped sucking it, this is one treatment, and when breastfeeding continues, the doctor will prescribe other means.

In the case when herbal treatment does not bring the desired result, the specialist will suggest taking medication.

Medical methods

There are many ointments, gels, oils,. They can be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician. Some drugs harm the baby if the mother continues to breastfeed, others can harm the woman's body. Only the doctor decides which medicine you should take.

For application medical methods there are certain rules:

  • Tablets or capsules are prescribed to a woman if other methods to reduce milk production do not work. Prescribed by a gynecologist or pediatrician.
  • During the treatment period, it is imperative to express yourself so that mastitis or lactostasis does not begin (we recommend reading:). For the same reason, it is impossible to do breast dressing at the same time.
  • If the mother decides to return to breastfeeding, it is necessary to wait until the medicine is completely out of the body. The period of its removal can be found in the instructions for the drug. After that, milk should be expressed from both breasts and poured out, only then feed the baby.

Now you know about all the ways to stop lactation - natural, folk and medical. The doctor will help you choose the best one. He will take into account the well-being of the child, allergic reactions baby on various herbs, social situation, mother's health status, then make the right decision.

First of all, it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body. Help in this will be diuretic herbs, for example, horsetail, elecampane, basil, parsley and others. A decoction made from these medicinal plants, you need to drink throughout the week.

Peppermint infusion - a "drug" for suppressing lactation

Grind a few tablespoons of dried leaves peppermint and pour two cups of boiling water over them. Leave the product to infuse for an hour. After strain the infusion. Take three times a day for half a glass (better to drink before eating).
Made with this recipe medicine use only fresh.

Sage will help suppress lactation

Take 2 tbsp. dry sage leaves, lightly chop them and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the "drug" for 1-1.5 hours, then strain it. Drink infusion of ½ cup three times a day.

No less effective is a means to suppress lactation, which contains sage leaves, leaves walnut, as well as hops. These components must be taken in a ratio of 1:1:2, pour 1 tbsp. this medicinal mixture 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 55-65 minutes. After the remedy must be filtered. Ready "product" must be three times a day for ¼ cup (this tool is recommended to use before meals).

In addition to sage infusions, make cold compresses or apply ice. This contributes to the "burnout" of milk.

In addition, a compress with sage contributes to the cessation of milk production. To prepare this healing remedy, take 2 drops of sage oil, 3 drops of peppermint aromatic oil, 2 drops of cypress oil and 20-25 ml of vegetable oil base. Mix these ingredients. Soak in the prepared composition tissue paper and put it on your chest for an hour. This procedure is recommended twice a day for 5-7 days. This compress reduces and also helps to avoid seals in the mammary glands. It also prevents the development inflammatory process, A

Breast milk is the best food for a baby in its first year of life. That's why everything is now more women They try to breastfeed their babies for as long as possible. But sooner or later the baby has to be weaned. And here mothers face a problem - how to stop lactation correctly.

How to reduce the amount of milk

Weaning a baby from the breast is a lot of stress for both the baby and the mother. This should be done gradually so as not to harm the psyche of the baby.
In order to painlessly complete lactation, it is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of milk produced. And to solve this problem, there are many ways based on the knowledge of physiology.

Reasons for reducing lactation

The main reasons for reducing the amount of breast milk produced are hyperlactia and the cessation of breastfeeding.

Hyperlactia is a phenomenon in which the amount of milk produced by a woman's body is much more than the baby needs. As a result, milk that is not eaten by the child begins to stagnate in the mammary glands and can lead to breast diseases such as mastitis and lactostasis. Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that is characterized by high rise temperature, painful sensations in the glands, redness of the chest. Lactostasis is the stagnation of milk in the milk ducts. It is characterized by discomfort and soreness in the part of the gland in which it was formed. Lactostasis can develop into mastitis.

Too much breast milk can cause inflammation in the mammary glands Oh

Temporary reduction in lactation

It may be necessary to temporarily reduce the amount of breast milk when the mother's milk is produced in excess or it is necessary to temporarily suspend feeding during the mother's illness, departure. It is important to choose methods that do not completely stop milk production in order to continue breastfeeding.

Decrease in lactation upon cessation of feeding

Cessation of lactation may be due to the desire of the mother to stop breastfeeding, as well as for medical reasons.

You can not breastfeed a child if the mother is sick:

  • tuberculosis;
  • breast cancer.

It is also necessary to stop lactation if:

  • the fetus was born dead;
  • had a miscarriage later dates pregnancy;
  • mother used drugs or alcohol during pregnancy;
  • the woman has a rash on her chest;
  • The child has galactosemia.

In this case, the woman is prescribed drugs that suppress lactation.

At self-will moms stop feeding ways to stop milk production are much more.

Methods for reducing lactation

Methods for reducing lactation are based on: the principles of suppressing the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk, removing excess fluid from the body, as well as a direct effect on the mammary gland. There are several methods that reduce the production of breast milk. You can divide them into 2 groups: when you need to reduce the amount of breast milk during hyperlactation, and if necessary, completely stop milk production.

Natural ways: reducing the number of feedings, tightening the breast

TO natural ways reduction in breast milk volumes can be attributed to a decrease in the number of feedings and breast tightening.

Reducing the number of feedings

This The best way reduce lactation. It is good in cases where it became necessary to completely stop feeding. It is important that this method is quite lengthy. And the baby gradually adapts to the changes.
It is important to carry out the weaning process correctly. To do this, you must follow the rules.

  1. At first, it is worth excluding only one feeding. When a child receives other foods in addition to breast milk, this is not difficult at all.
  2. After the child gets used to the absence of one of the feedings, another one should be removed. And so gradually reduce breastfeeding to two times: in the morning and before bedtime.
  3. Between the remaining feedings, express milk, while leaving some in the chest. So it will slowly but painlessly “burn out”. It is important not to overfill the breast with milk, as this can lead to problems with the mammary glands.
  4. It is especially important to stop feeding at night, since the highest production of prolactin occurs between 3 and 6 in the morning.

By gradually reducing the number of feedings, you can smoothly stop lactation.

chest pull

The breast tug is a method in which the mammary glands of a breastfeeding woman are tightly wrapped with a cloth or elastic bandage. It is believed that squeezed breasts will not allow you to produce a lot of milk. But in fact, this can do more harm to health than good. The fact is that constricted breasts often lead to lactostasis and mastitis.. Therefore, this method is not recommended to avoid milk stagnation.

Breast tightening to reduce the amount of breast milk can lead to diseases such as mastitis and lactostasis

The breast pull method is often used when there is a need to reduce the amount of milk.

To reduce the volume of breast milk during hyperlactation, the mother is also recommended to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Give only one breast at one feeding. This method allows the other breast to be full longer. And in the filled mammary gland, the process of milk production is suspended. Thus, the amount of milk will gradually become smaller. If this method does not help within a few days, you can increase the time intervals between breastfeeding changes. That is, to give one breast for two, and even three feedings. It is important in this case, in case of a feeling of great discomfort in the chest area, either briefly apply the baby to the breast, or express milk until a feeling of relief.
  2. Give your baby a pacifier between feedings. The more often and more active baby breastfeeds, the more milk is produced. Women with hyperlactation cannot allow this, therefore, it is necessary to ensure the satisfaction of the baby's desires in sucking with the help of a pacifier.
  3. Drink less liquids. With a lack of water in the body, the production of breast milk is reduced.

Pills that stop lactation

This method should be used only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to quickly stop the production of breast milk. A woman is assigned medical preparations, which actively affect lactation and allow you to stop it as soon as possible. It is important to understand at the same time that after taking these drugs, it will be impossible to restore lactation.

You can take drugs to stop lactation only after consulting a doctor!

The fact is that all drugs of this kind are based on hormones. And their impact, if administered incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm health. And also a large number of these tablets have many contraindications and side effects.

Side effects often include depression, headache, dizziness, decreased pressure, nausea.

The most commonly prescribed drugs that stop lactation are:

  • Parlodel;
  • Bromocreptin;
  • Microfollin;
  • Acetomepregenol;
  • Turinal;
  • Norkolut;
  • Orgametril;
  • Duphaston;
  • Sinestrol;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Cabergoline;
  • Dostinex;
  • Bromocamphor.

These drugs are divided into groups:

  • sedative non-hormonal drugs;
  • estrogens;
  • gestagens;
  • prolactin inhibitors.

Sedative non-hormonal drugs

These include a drug such as bromcamphor. Bromine contained in it has a calming effect on nervous system mother, and also contributes to the cessation of lactation.


The most popular drug of this type is Microfollin. The analogue of the hormone estradiol ethinylestradiol contained in it has a depressing effect on the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk in a woman's body. Sinestrol also belongs to the drugs of this type.


Gestagens are produced in the woman's body in the second phase menstrual cycle. The more of these hormones in the body, the less prolactin is produced. The most common drug is Norcalut. Also, drugs of this type include Utrozhestan, Orgametril, Duphaston, Acetomepregenol.

Prolactin inhibitors

Inhibitors are substances that suppress or delay any processes in the body. IN this case- production of prolactin. The drugs in this group include Dostinex, Parlodel, Bromokreptin.

When taking all these medicines, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The main rule - do not prescribe any drugs yourself! Only a doctor can prescribe this or that remedy and its dosage.
  2. Do not take drugs to stop lactation unless absolutely necessary.
  3. In no case do not exceed the amount of the drug determined by the doctor.
  4. To prevent stagnation of milk, you should periodically express it, leaving a small amount of it in the chest.
  5. If you feel unwell, be sure to consult your doctor. Perhaps the dosage is incorrect or this medicine is not right for you.
  6. Never feed your baby your own milk while taking medication.
  7. Try not to tighten the mammary glands to prevent lactostasis and mastitis.

Reducing lactation folk remedies

For centuries, women have lived without medication. And a sufficient amount of folk remedies has accumulated to resolve the issue of reducing or stopping the production of breast milk. These tools are good because they do not affect hormonal background women. And also the fact that most of these methods can be combined with breastfeeding (which is very important in cases where you only need to reduce the amount of milk during hyperlactation).

Various herbal infusions and compresses help to reduce lactation quite effectively and painlessly.

Herbal infusions

Nature has created many various herbs that solve various health problems. Of course, she has in store for us plants that can help in reducing lactation. These herbs include:

  • peppermint;
  • sage;
  • cowberry;
  • basil;
  • parsley;
  • belladonna;
  • field horsetail;
  • jasmine;
  • bloodroot;
  • elecampane.

The effect of these herbs on the suppression of lactation is based on the diuretic action. They allow you to remove fluid from the body, thereby preventing the production of a large number milk.

To make an infusion, you need to put the chopped herb in an enameled or glassware and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Boil in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then cool at room temperature and strain.


It is one of the most effective herbs for stopping milk production. Sage contains phytoestrogens, which have a suppressive effect on the hormone prolactin. But, unlike human estrogen, it does not affect the hormonal background. However, it is not harmful in the composition of breast milk for a child.

To prepare a decoction of sage, 1 tsp. dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 1-1.5 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Contraindications in the use of sage include: allergies, pregnancy, kidney disease during an exacerbation, epilepsy.

Sage contains phytoestrogens that inhibit prolactin production


It is also quite an effective plant in the issue of cessation of lactation. The menthol contained in it affects the mammary gland, thereby suppressing the production of breast milk.

With the wrong dosage, there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect: instead of suppressing lactation, on the contrary, a lot of milk can come.

Menthol, as part of breast milk, is very dangerous for the baby. Therefore, when using peppermint, you should never breastfeed your baby.

To prepare an infusion of peppermint, you need 2 tbsp. l. pour dry herbs into 2 cups warm water. Insist 1-1.5 hours. Then strain. Drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day before meals.

Contraindications for the use of peppermint: low arterial pressure, allergy, hyperacidity stomach.


Beyond drinking herbal infusions, you can also make compresses that affect the production of milk.

Camphor oil compress

It is necessary to lubricate the chest with camphor oil every 4 hours for 3 days. In this case, the nipples do not need to be lubricated. After applying it, the chest must be insulated with something warming (for example, a scarf). Can be discomfort from this procedure. In this case, you should take paracetamol.

cabbage compress

2 large leaves of cabbage should be cooled, mashed until the juice appears, applied to the chest and bandaged loosely. You don't need to keep them on your chest. less than an hour until they wilt. It is enough to do this compress 1 time per day until relief occurs.

Cabbage leaf relieves inflammation and reduces soreness of the mammary glands when lactation is stopped

Video: cessation of lactation

Reducing lactation is not always a simple and painless process. Various drugs and folk remedies help to make it safer for health. Which way to choose to decide a woman. But first of all, you need to think about your health and the health of the baby.

In the life of every young mother, there comes a time when she follows gradually. The reason for this may be the age of the baby, as well as the need to stop lactation for medical reasons.

It is important for the mother that this process proceeds safely and smoothly, without the risk of side effects. You can carefully stop lactation at home, but only with prior consultation with your doctor.

Reasons for self-interruption of lactation

For a nursing mother, the problem is not only a shortage of breast milk, but also its excess. Especially if the baby has grown up, and it's time for him to switch to adult food. A weighty reason for stopping breastfeeding are diseases that caused the use of drugs that are incompatible with lactation.

  • when an open form of tuberculosis is detected in a nursing mother;
  • with malignant neoplasms;
  • with the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the mammary glands (mastitis).

In other cases, if the age of the child allows, it is recommended that the mother temporarily transfer the baby to artificial mixtures. If the completion of lactation is inevitable, then the nursing mother should choose a gentle way to implement this task.

How to solve this problem at home

The physiological method of stopping breastfeeding is the most optimal for female body. This technique allows you to gently end lactation, avoiding discomfort for the mother and stress for the baby. feature this method is that it requires a lot of time.

The essence of the method is to consistently reduce the frequency of breastfeeding. In addition, night and morning breastfeeding should be completely excluded. Feed the baby in daytime days recommended vegetable and fruit puree, as well as cereals. In order for the baby to realize the sucking reflex, it is recommended for him to give children's teas, juices and fruit drinks through a bottle with a nipple.

Breastfeeding mothers should limit their daily fluid intake. It is strictly forbidden to consume hot first courses and hot drinks. For a while, dairy and sour-milk products, as well as everything that provokes a feeling of thirst, should be excluded.

If a woman feels discomfort and fullness in the mammary glands, then she is recommended until the discomfort disappears completely. The only drawback of this technique is its duration.

Medical therapy

A woman can complete lactation at home with the help of medications, the intake of which is recommended to be agreed with the attending physician. Most of these drugs have a hormonal basis, so the mother is advised to be careful in taking them.

For the early termination of lactation, the following drugs are used:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Dostinex;
  • cabergotine;
  • Parlodel;
  • Duphaston.

Every one mentioned medicinal product has a pronounced hormonal activity, due to which lactation can stop 2 days after the start of the medication. It is important to understand that self-medication in this case is inappropriate, as it leads to serious consequences in the form of hormonal imbalance in the female body.

You can gradually stop lactation at home with the help of sedative drugs. For this purpose, tincture of valerian and motherwort is used. These drops will help not only slow down the synthesis of milk in the mammary glands, but also calm the nervous system of a nursing mother, normalize sleep.

If the mother needs to interrupt lactation in a short time, then the attending physician will be able to choose the optimal drug for her. the main task women - observe the indicated regimen and dosage of the drug.

Traditional medicine methods

Important! It is strictly forbidden for a nursing mother to bandage the mammary glands in order to stop lactation. Clamping of the mammary glands leads to a deterioration in blood supply and the development of serious consequences, including malignant neoplasms.

If a nursing mother decides to complete lactation, then she is recommended to start taking an infusion of sage herb. Useful material contained in this plant can affect the mammary glands. Sage is recommended to be brewed in pure form or in combination with herbs such as chamomile, cinquefoil, mint and belladonna.

To prepare herbal tea, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs and pour 350 ml of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a ceramic dish or a thermos for 20 minutes. The infused tea is filtered and consumed 100 ml 3 times a day. This tea is best not drunk warm.

To reduce the flow of milk, you should use a decoction of lingonberry leaves, horsetail or parsley. To prepare a decoction, it is recommended to take 1.5 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiled water. Boil the prepared mixture over low heat for 2-3 minutes, then strain and drink warm instead of regular tea.

To stop lactation, agents for external use are used. For this purpose, it is recommended to use camphor oil, which should be rubbed with gentle movements into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. This procedure should be performed in the morning and evening before going to bed. Camphor oil is used not only for rubbing, but also as a compress. To do this, you need to take a gauze napkin, soak it camphor oil and apply to the area of ​​​​the mammary glands.

The compress is applied on top cling film and woolen fabric. Camphor oil has a pungent odor, so all clothing soaked with camphor must be disposed of.

Young mothers are advised to wear compression underwear holding the mammary glands in one position. Such bras can not only speed up the end of lactation, but also prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

In order to complete lactation, it is not necessary to be in a hospital, but this process must be monitored by a gynecologist. A woman can carry out all medical prescriptions at home, but one should not forget about regular consultations with a medical specialist.