Prevention and treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy: effective medications and exercise. How to avoid varicose veins during pregnancy - prevention and preparation for childbirth at home

About prevention varicose disease in pregnant women, the surgeon, phlebologist A. B. Komarov says:

What is the cause of varicose veins and hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Pregnant women suffer from varicose veins due to the fact that the pregnancy hormone progesterone leads to a decrease in vascular tone. At the same time, the volume of blood increases, so the blood in the veins stagnates, blue wreaths appear on the legs (for example, with reverse side knee), protruding nodules appear. Unpleasant sensations may be absent, but with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, a pulling or throbbing pain may appear.

Varicose veins can affect the veins in the legs, in the rectum (in which case they are called hemorrhoids), and even in the vaginal area. As the baby grows in the womb, the symptoms of this disease tend to get worse. The growing uterus increases the pressure on the pelvic vessels, abdominal cavity and legs.

Varicose veins are more likely to develop in women with overweight even before pregnancy, carrying big baby or more than one child. This disease is inherited. It usually progresses with each subsequent pregnancy.

How to prevent the development of varicose veins during pregnancy?


Some products help to cope with the manifestations of varicose veins and prevent the progression of the disease. A healthy, balanced diet that includes vascular-healthy foods will relieve the pain of varicose veins, but it will not prevent the development of this disease if you belong to the aforementioned risk groups. Food rich in fiber will help you avoid constipation and thus prevent hemorrhoids.

Studies show that berry juices, especially raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and blueberry juices, are an excellent prophylactic against varicose veins, as they contain pigments that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Fresh pineapple is also a useful product. It contains bromelain, a substance that prevents blood clots by reducing the level of fibrin in the blood. However, don't get too carried away, especially if you have had bleeding during pregnancy, as, according to some reports, a large amount of bromelain can provoke preterm labor.

Sunflower seeds and sprouted wheat should also be included in the diet. They are rich in vitamin E, a deficiency of which can lead to varicose veins. A number of studies have confirmed the benefits of garlic for maintaining blood vessels in good tone. Add whole peeled cloves to the dishes you cook. If you prefer to use garlic seasoning, make sure it contains the active ingredient allicin.

Try not to eat refined and processed foods. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Drink plenty of tea, coffee, cola and milk as little as possible, as these drinks can increase the pain of varicose veins and lead to constipation, which, in turn, exacerbates hemorrhoids.
Taking a quality multivitamin for pregnant women, combined with a healthy diet, will provide the body with the vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels, and alleviate the manifestations of varicose veins. Be sure to check with your doctor before you start taking vitamins.
If you smoke, please try to quit. bad habit. Smoking not only harms your born baby, but also, among other things, weakens blood vessels.


Of course, all women gain weight during pregnancy and nothing can be done about it. But with the help of exercises, you can avoid excess body fat, improve blood circulation and increase vascular tone. Slow walking, swimming, and pregnancy fitness can help you maintain good shape. But you should avoid those sports that involve excessive stress on the legs, such as aerobics, cycling, running.

Deep breathing improves blood circulation and can help prevent and treat varicose veins. Try to sit (or lie down) for 10 minutes a day with your legs up so that your feet are higher than your hips. Inhale deeply and slowly to fill your lungs with air.
If there is a history of hemorrhoids in your family or you suffered from them during previous pregnancy, to prevent the exacerbation of this disease, exercises for muscles will help you pelvic floor.

As your volumes increase, choose clothes that are appropriate in size. Tight clothing, especially around the groin area (eg. skinny jeans, tights or stockings) leads to stagnant processes in the pelvic area and increased varicose veins. Wear loose shoes with low heels. Do not squat for long periods and never cross your legs.

All these simple measures will help you, firstly, to prevent the development of varicose veins and, secondly, to reduce its manifestations, if it does appear.

During pregnancy female body undergoes a serious load, which can lead to the development of complications in the state of health. One of the most common problems is varicose veins during pregnancy. What to do if it appeared, how to prevent it and what measures to take, you can learn from this article.

What is varicose veins and where does it come from

Ven is not only cosmetic defect but also a great danger to the health and life of mother and baby. Visually, varicose veins can look like a vascular network, translucent through the skin, or a strong expansion of the main veins that protrude above the skin and look like "worms".

The vascular network, as a rule, has a bluish or purple hue, while swollen and protruding veins are different. in green. With progressive varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or trophic ulcers may develop, but the most dangerous is the formation of blood clots, which, having come off, carry serious threat maternal and fetal life.

For these reasons, it is important to start the treatment of varicose veins in a timely manner. Reviews of pregnant women about the course and treatment of the disease are so numerous and contradictory that it is worth considering this pathology in more detail.

The mechanism of development of varicose veins is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities. It turns out that the blood flows to the legs, but does not flow back due to the fact that the vein is pinched somewhere. Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities provokes an increase in pressure and stretching of the vascular wall.

When the venous wall is stretched, the valves located in the veins and ensuring the correct outflow of venous blood cease to function.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Varicose veins in women are an unpleasant phenomenon and can develop due to:

  • pregnancy- the most common cause, which causes a lot of unrest in expectant mothers and in certain cases poses a threat to the health and even the life of a woman and a baby;
  • rapid weight gain or extra pounds - maintenance optimal weight ensures the proper functioning of all body systems, as excessive effects on the organs of fat deposits are excluded;
  • presence before pregnancy vascular networks - absence timely treatment varicose veins before pregnancy provokes a significant deterioration in the condition of the veins of the lower extremities during the period of gestation;
  • hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • sedentary lifestyle- in the absence of mobility, swelling, numbness and swelling of the veins in the legs appear; it can be difficult to eliminate these consequences, and the lack of medical intervention is dangerous for the mother and child;
  • frequent wear uncomfortable shoes On high heels;
  • lengthy sunbathing - under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin becomes thinner, which contributes to the negative effects of radiation on the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • strong physical activity(in particular, weight lifting);
  • waxing.

Of all the causes, pregnancy is the most common. This applies especially to last trimester when weight increases rapidly, circulating blood volume also increases markedly. In case of non-compliance proper nutrition and other doctor's recommendations, the venous walls lose their elasticity and swell, protruding above the skin surface.

In addition, the growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the main vascular highways, causing varicose veins. Treatment and prevention of the disease in the presence of a genetic predisposition must begin with young age. This is, first of all, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, cold and hot shower and wearing comfortable shoes and clothing.

Symptoms of the disease

It is practically asymptomatic, so you need to pay attention to abrupt appearance swelling, pain and fatigue in the legs, as well as cramps. With the further development of the disease, deformation of the veins occurs.

The increasing volume of blood during pregnancy and the ever-increasing weight exert strong pressure on the vessels of the lower extremities, as a result of which the venous wall weakens and stretches, and the vein begins to protrude strongly above the surface of the skin. This is how varicose veins are formed on the legs during pregnancy. What to do with a progressive disease is difficult to say without complete examination pregnant.

With hormonal changes in the body, some women may experience severe pain in the legs without visible changes in blood vessels, while others may have no pain even in the advanced stage of varicose veins, with severe vascular deformities. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves very individually.

Varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy: what to do?

Having found the first symptoms of the disease or already noticeable nets and swollen veins, you need to tell your doctor about them. He, in turn, must conduct an examination and refer the woman to a phlebologist - a doctor who specializes in solving problems with the vessels of the body.

After a full examination, one can draw a conclusion about the condition of the veins and the degree of development of varicose veins. During the first pregnancy, varicose veins develop in about a quarter of pregnant women. With subsequent pregnancies, the risk of developing varicose veins increases greatly, and if the disease was detected earlier, it is aggravated. That is why, with age, a woman needs to more carefully monitor her lifestyle.

All women sooner or later begin to worry about varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy. What to do to prevent this disease can be found in the specialized literature, experienced mothers Better yet, just consult with your doctor.

Prevention of varicose veins

Preventive measures should apply to all pregnant women without exception. The simplest and enough in an efficient way is wearing special stockings. During pregnancy, it is preferable to use pantyhose from varicose veins. Only a doctor should prescribe such clothes, since it is difficult to choose them on your own, especially considering your position, so as not to harm yourself or your unborn baby.

It is necessary to monitor weight gain, since an excessive and rapid increase in it has a very negative effect on the health of the mother and on general condition baby, and also provokes the development of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

If you still have to for a long time carry out on your feet, periodically you need to rise on your toes to disperse stagnant blood. It is useful to use a special gel for varicose veins, which will relieve fatigue from the legs and improve the condition of the vessels, making the venous wall more elastic.

Shoes should also be comfortable and not cause leg fatigue. You should not go to extremes, going through the entire pregnancy in stilettos, or, on the contrary, in ballet shoes on flat sole. For the physiologically correct location of the foot and the distribution of the load on it, shoes should have a small heel - 3-5 cm.

Treatment of varicose veins

Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal treatment and diet for a pregnant woman with varicose veins. In no case should you buy and use any advertised remedies for local or internal varicose veins on your own, you can also choose pantyhose for varicose veins on your own, all this can harm a developing baby.

During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated, so preference is given to ointments, gels or folk remedies for local exposure. Preparations for internal use are prescribed only in the presence of complications of varicose veins, or when the disease is in an advanced stage.

The doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and heredity, will select the appropriate drugs that provide the greatest effectiveness in a particular case. During pregnancy, folk medicines are very popular, for example, chestnut tincture for varicose veins. When especially running forms varicose veins are allowed to undergo surgery. However, it is justified only in case of a real threat to life. It is possible to carry out the operation for pregnant women only up to 6 months. It is also effective to carry out vein sclerotation with the help of special solutions.

Folk methods for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins

At all times people trusted more folk ways treatment. For the prevention of varicose veins, it is effective to make lotions and compresses based on medicinal herbs. However, before using any external prescription, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby.

Kalanchoe tincture will help get rid of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. It is enough to take the crushed plant and vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, insist and rub the lower limbs with tincture daily.

It is the most effective folk remedy. To prepare the tincture, you need to prepare half a liter of vodka and 50 g of crushed chestnut shells. The ingredients are placed in a suitable glass container. After three weeks, the tincture is ready for use.

Note! The container with tincture should be shaken periodically.

For compresses, you can use white cabbage. Cabbage leaves are smeared with soap and placed on damaged areas, which must first be sprinkled with soda. Such a compress should be left overnight, secured with a warm cloth.

Method of delivery for varicose veins

Depending on the condition of the pregnant woman and the degree of varicose veins, the doctor may advise natural childbirth or caesarean section. In most cases, preference is given independent childbirth, this process is much better for both mother and child.

During natural childbirth, a pregnant woman needs to rewind her legs with an elastic bandage. This will prevent the back flow of blood during attempts. After childbirth, doctors recommend setting aside time for daily therapeutic gymnastics, it will be necessary to visit a phlebologist.

Caesarean section is prescribed only in extreme cases, basically varicose veins are only additional contraindication, which is based on other prohibitions. For example, when malpresentation fetus when the baby is too big, or when carrying twins.

If during the diagnostic process (usually an ultrasound of the lower extremities) deep vein thrombosis is detected, the patient needs to undergo surgery. Otherwise, the thrombus, breaking away, carries a serious threat to life.

Features of the course of varicose veins during pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a phlebologist and undergo regular examinations. A responsible attitude to your health will prevent or detect the development of thrombosis in time. Massage for varicose veins has a positive effect on the condition of the vessels, preventing stagnation of blood in the legs.

Massage should start from the thigh, capturing the area of ​​the buttocks, then move on to the legs, and only then massage the feet. The technology of massage consists in continuous shaking and rubbing of the muscles. The patient lies on his back with his knees slightly bent. This approach will not only eliminate numbness and heaviness in the legs, but also remove cramps and itching.

You need to carefully monitor your diet, weight gain, activity and comfort in terms of shoes and clothing. It is very useful during pregnancy to visit the pool. Swimming helps not only relieve muscle tension and nervous system, but also improves blood circulation, helping to strengthen the vascular walls and saturate the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen. All this will contribute proper development fetus and well-being of the pregnant woman.

Physical activity for varicose veins

Moderate physical activity is the key to health and wellness. Sports are not contraindicated, and given that a woman is carrying a baby, moderate loads must be present.

The main thing is to choose the right sport so that it brings pleasure to mom and fills the body with new forces. The best option can be called walking, swimming, after childbirth it will not be superfluous to add jogging.

Note! Before starting any exercise, you should consult with your doctor. This will avoid unforeseen complications and a heavy burden on a weakened and vulnerable female body.

Pregnant women are advised to rest a lot, avoid heavy loads, consume a lot of vitamins and lead an active lifestyle. It will not be superfluous to attend courses for pregnant women or yoga classes. This will not only improve health, but also provide easier labor activity.

Most effective recipe from varicose veins healthy lifestyle life. A woman who adheres to proper nutrition and leads an active life is not afraid of varicose veins.

Dear friends!
Carrying and giving birth to a child is a great joy and a lot of work. How the pregnancy will go and what the birth will be, no one can predict in advance. But every couple expecting a baby has the opportunity to make the next nine months of pregnancy the most memorable, most exciting in life! You just need to make some efforts and survive possible (but optional!) Difficulties with minimal losses.
This will be the subject of a series of articles by our permanent author Olga Nikolaeva. We bring to your attention the first material.

Varicose veins (lat. "varicis" - swelling in the veins) is a disease characterized by uneven enlargement of the veins and thinning of the venous walls. It occurs predominantly in women and often begins during pregnancy.

Why? Because it is at this moment of life due to the increase in the uterus, the growth of the baby in it, the volume of blood circulating through the veins increases (by the end of pregnancy - twice) and, accordingly, blood pressure increases in the veins (primarily in the vein of the abdominal cavity, pelvic vein and leg veins). In addition, an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone can lead to weakening of the walls of blood vessels.

Moreover, the legs are not the only place where varicose veins can “pop out”: it may appear on the neck and, more unpleasantly, in the vagina. By the way, such a phenomenon as hemorrhoids (also sometimes accompanying pregnancy), in fact, is a varicose vein in the rectum.

From the background (very personal)

In the first two pregnancies, the problem of varicose veins passed me by. Like many others. Although I know firsthand a lot of unpleasant and not very common details about her. So, in one of my close relatives, the so-called internal varicose veins (vagina) were “missed”, a woman at the age of 30 gave birth to her first child and experienced, to put it mildly, many unpleasant minutes during childbirth ... The pain shock ended nervous breakdown on such a scale that it required the intervention of psychiatrists. That's a kindred history of my knowledge of varicose veins and was limited.

In this, the third in a row, pregnancy, I inherited from a friend special tights for pregnant women - compression (70 den), very comfortable, pleasantly supporting the lower limbs. And, as it turned out, they came to me for a reason (such strange things happen!). Because after a while, a slightly protruding blue ribbon of a vein was discovered on inner surface left thigh (excuse the terminology).

At first I was very scared. And almost twenty times a day she examined herself - what if she pops up somewhere else? Then she rummaged through the mountain of literature and consulted in person and in absentia with numerous experts. I would like to tell about the results of my searches.

Incidentally, I noticed that Lately the terms "varicose veins", "varicose veins" are increasingly being replaced by the abbreviation "CVI" - chronic venous insufficiency.

About the prevention of varicose veins (very important)

If you do not have a hereditary predisposition, overweight and varicose veins in pregnant state, it is not so difficult to avoid it during pregnancy. But with each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of varicose veins increases - this should not be forgotten either.

  • Carefully choose comfortable, low-heeled shoes - the load on the legs and their veins will be minimal.
  • During pregnancy, get rid of stockings and stockings with tight elastic bands. For preventive purposes, it is good to wear compression tights, the "most" preventive (not yet curative) are tights and stockings in 70 den.
  • Favorable effects on the vessels of the limbs have a contrast shower and swimming.
  • Accustom yourself to sleep only on your left side (the famous "crocodile pose"): it is this rest that will ease the pressure of the uterus on the vein located on the right, and reduce venous pressure in the lower extremities. It is very convenient to put a small pillow under the tummy.
  • During the day, try to evenly distribute the position of your body in standing-lying-sitting positions. No need to stand still for a long time, walk to the point of exhaustion, or lie on the couch for ten hours in a row. Find the happy medium in a combination of active walking, sitting in a comfortable chair and resting in a horizontal position.
  • Master another great habit - learn to sit so that the lower part of the thigh does not rest on the edge of the chair, that is, on the very edge of the chair. When the tummy grows significantly, this position will be the most comfortable (even if there is no varicose veins!).
  • Never sit cross-legged, especially on a low seat.
  • Avoid constipation! Drink 1.5-2 liters of healthy liquid per day green tea, fruit juices, mineral water, vegetarian vegetable soups.

General health and mood during pregnancy, as always, play an important role. It seems to me that a calm attitude to varicose veins as one of possible features this pregnancy is optimal. Moreover, according to statistics, after some time (usually 3-5 months) after childbirth, in the vast majority of cases, everything returns to normal.

Charging for veins

Choose exercises for yourself, based on well-being and the duration of pregnancy.

  1. Sitting on a chair, bend your knees, lower your hands down. Inhale - stand up, exhale - sit down.
  2. Standing, feet hip-width apart. Without lifting your socks off the floor, alternately bend your knees - then the right, then the left. Breathe calmly and rhythmically.
  3. Standing, arms down, feet hip-width apart. Inhale - raise your hands up, exhale - lower your hands, putting your left leg forward. Then put your right foot on it. Do the same with your right leg first.
  4. Sitting on a chair and keeping your heels on the floor, make circular movements with your feet.
  5. Stand on tiptoe, stay in this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself.
  6. Stand on tiptoe and walk around the room, walk to the bathroom or kitchen. Variations: Alternate walking on tiptoe with walking on heels, walking on the inside and outside Feet. Remember your kindergarten years?
  7. Sitting on a chair, legs together. Place them on your heels, then press your entire foot to the floor. Don't move your heels! Repeat several times.
  8. AND reverse exercise: sitting, feet fully on the floor. Lift your heels off the floor, lift them as high as you can, and then press your entire foot into the floor.
  9. Standing, while inhaling, stand on your toes and raise your hands up. As you exhale, lower your arms down and lower yourself onto your entire foot, bending your knees slightly.
  10. A good tonic effect on the vessels and veins of the legs is exerted by the lungs. dance moves. At least once or twice a day, move (shift from foot to foot) to rhythmic music.
  11. Standing on the right leg (pull the left leg forward), rotate in a circle first with the foot, then with the lower leg, then with the whole leg. Change legs. Do the same by stretching the "working" leg to the side. Option for the first months of pregnancy: do the exercise lying on your back with your legs slightly raised.

All exercises should be repeated 5-10 times, preferably several times a day.

If varicose veins are already with you (very special)

If you have suffered from varicose veins before, then while waiting for the baby, the likelihood of an exacerbation of the disease is quite high. Varicose veins can give you a very tangible inconvenience, and not only cosmetic. To minimize its consequences, you need to follow one rule - avoid increasing pressure in the legs.

  • Carefully monitor the weight during pregnancy: try not to get better "jumps", unevenly.
  • Take care of your veins: don't lift heavy things, don't take hot baths.
  • If possible, then every 2-3 hours, rest lying down with your feet on 2-3 small pads. For a good night's sleep, raise the foot end of the bed by 10-15 cm.

  • With the help of your doctor, choose special compression stockings (with a supportive effect) - 100, 140, 280 den. Always put them on in the morning before getting out of bed, wear them all day. Therapeutic stockings and tights give good effect by reducing the venous "capacity" of the legs: the diameter of the vein decreases, as a result of which the speed of blood flow increases, pressure in the tissues increases, which reduces the risk of edema and blood clots.
  • Some experts, as an alternative to compression stockings, advise bandaging your legs with an elastic bandage, removing it only at night. The choice is best made under the guidance of a doctor. During childbirth with varicose veins progressing during pregnancy, the presence of elastic bandages on the legs is also desirable, if not mandatory! Notify your obstetrician about your condition.
  • Pregnant women with a diagnosis of "varicose veins" are better observed in specialized centers. Take a referral to a phlebologist from your obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing you. It is the phlebologist who will tell you which method conservative treatment during pregnancy will ease your condition. It can be:
    • phlebotonics, tablets with a venotonic, vein-strengthening effect (for example, Detralex, Aescusan, Ginkor-fort, etc.);
    • compression therapy, that is, the use of special medical medical stockings or elastic bandages, which have already been mentioned above;
    • local treatment in the form of special ointments and gels (for example, heparin-containing gel "Lioton-1000", troxevasin ointment, etc.).
    • anticoagulants(blood thinners that prevent blood from clotting and forming a blood clot) are not used during pregnancy: their use can lead to birth and postpartum hemorrhage and placental abruption
      If redness is strongly noticeable in the area varicose vein, felt strong pain, fever, palpitations or shortness of breath - call immediately ambulance!
  • After childbirth, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the veins and, if necessary, carry out appropriate treatment using conservative or even surgical methods.

Some inconsistencies (very controversial)

With a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins, experts advise not to get too carried away with physical exercises, as this can lead to an overload of the venous system: active and sudden movements are contraindicated. But how often does it happen? The doctor will say that excessive physical activity is undesirable, and we stop doing anything at all - just in case. In the case of varicose veins, this is completely unjustified: correctly selected exercise stress, the alternation of rest and walking significantly improves the condition. Walk daily, swim if possible, pick up a complex physiotherapy exercises for pregnant women with varicose veins.

I also want to dwell on one simple but important exercise for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and preparing the perineum for childbirth - squatting, with legs wide apart. So it turns out that with varicose veins this exercise is undesirable. It seems to me that if the situation is not critical, you should not deprive yourself of such an important training. The main thing is to observe the measure. The same can be said about massage: an overly energetic foot massage is not needed, but pleasant, comfortable strokes will only benefit.

And perhaps the most controversial point concerns visiting the sauna. The very posing of such a question to many during pregnancy may seem strange - what kind of bath, what are you talking about? No, no and NO! And with varicose veins it’s generally contraindicated, any doctor will say this ... Although in books about sauna baths, often written by doctors, the first thing they say is that a sauna is an excellent training of blood vessels, the contrast of temperatures and humidity has a positive effect on the condition vascular system organism. Please note that a contrast shower for varicose veins is strongly encouraged and promoted. And the sauna is forbidden ... How to solve this dilemma? As always, based on common sense and well-being at the moment.

Article provided by the magazine "Our baby"


And I didn’t know that during pregnancy you can take pills for varicose veins. We are all told to wear underwear or bandage, but somehow it’s not enough ... Especially when varicose veins were already BEFORE, now it’s very hard.

An interesting and useful article for those who are going to get pregnant or have already become pregnant! I had the first symptoms of varicose veins after childbirth. At first there was heaviness in my legs, but I thought it was because I was very tired, but when my legs began to swell and I couldn’t fit into my shoes, I realized that it was time to do prophylaxis against varicose veins so that it would not go to the next stage and I didn't get bulging veins in my legs like my grandma did. I drank Detralex for 2 months, after the end of the course I felt light in my legs and they completely stopped swelling.

I have a predisposition to varicose veins, I wear compression tights, I was picked up by a small compression when I will be a mother. I like it, it's easy to walk, there's nothing on the legs yet.

My varicose veins started during pregnancy, a month before giving birth. She was saved only by a contrast shower, but he only relieved the pain, and after a while the pain appeared again. Many acquaintances said that the face and veins will hide. She gave birth to a daughter, but she never got rid of varicose veins.

My veins popped out during pregnancy, although I wore prophylactic tights. Now it's the fifth month after giving birth, but there is no improvement. Yes, and it is not surprising - after all, you have to carry a child, or even with a stroller. What to do?

08.11.2002 22:11:10, Anita

Comment on the article "Pregnancy: what to do with varicose veins?"

Girls, hello everyone! I have the third pregnancy - the very beginning. I was on an ultrasound yesterday and it was discovered that I had a specific varicose vein of the small pelvis. The veins are dilated up to 10 mm. This, if you believe the internet, is the second stage of varicose veins.


I had a planned caesarean, and during the operation, the doctor suddenly discovered this very varicose vein, and quite strong. Why she did not pay attention to him when she did the ultrasound is a mystery to me. But nothing, they just sewed everything up there longer. And I suffered a lot of fear, of course, on the operating table))) I was discharged on time, everything healed normally.

I'm completely off topic! Well, wow))) why is the third pregnancy, did not understand?
I can’t come to my senses with the third one, but here it is))) I’m dying of curiosity who wound up there)))))

Varicose veins and ER. Medical questions. Pregnancy and childbirth. Varicose veins and ER. Is there anyone who has already given birth himself with varicose veins of the uterus? If you have suffered from varicose veins before, then while waiting for the baby ...


I had varicose veins long term strong pressure in the perineum and groped in the pubic region of the vein. She gave birth herself. The doctor didn't care about my varicose veins. He just said that stockings are required for childbirth, in fact, she gave birth in them.
But with the first child there was an ECS and they discovered severe uterine varicose veins. There was blood loss during the CS litre. But there was an operation there .. I think with EP there should not be such a problem. Varicose veins normal phenomenon for pregnant.

I gave birth. Second child.
The veins even came out, in clusters, around 30 weeks.
The child at that time already weighed 3200, was born 4650.
After giving birth in the maternity hospital, they did an ultrasound scan - they said varicose veins are very strong.

Now the child is 1.5 years old. Did or made recently US, GV has finished in 1g3mes. No claims in terms of the state of the vessels of the small pelvis. The uzistka said that, unlike varicose veins of the extremities, uterine varicose veins are caused by hormones, and it resolves.

She gave birth herself, I still have -5, my age was 37.5 years.
I agreed with the doctor, but more because of my general fears.
The varicose veins did not bother the doctor at all.

Prevention of varicose veins. In the absence of varicose veins before pregnancy and with the correct behavior during pregnancy and after childbirth, Caesarean with uterine varicose veins.

The therapist advised to use for the treatment of varicose veins (mild) lyoton or venoruton + bandage the legs. During childbirth with varicose veins progressing during pregnancy, the presence of elastic bandages on the legs is also desirable, if not ...


I also have veins - it’s impossible to treat now, but you can protect yourself from deterioration by using several methods:
- after a shower, pour cold water over your legs from the knee;
- wear anti-varicose tights or stockings (socks are not recommended, because veins can come out above the knee);
- use prophylactic foot creams specifically for pregnant women (I bought Mama Comfort).

No, during pregnancy, we do not treat varicose veins with medicines.
1. harmful to the child
2. completely useless.
all preventive procedures - special tights (sorry, stone age, wrap your legs with bandages. today there are special stockings and tights for problems with veins). contrast shower at night special occasions creams and gels for veins. constantly try to raise your legs above the level of the heart (sit with your legs thrown on the table). often move, change the position of the legs. this is all welcome.
but the treatment of such things before childbirth and until the end of feeding is not carried out with us.
This is my problem even before my first pregnancy. I will be treated only after the end of feeding, not before.

Varicose veins - how to prevent and what to do. Girls, in this pregnancy, varicose veins manifest themselves strongly. During childbirth with varicose veins progressing during pregnancy, the presence of elastic bandages on the legs is also desirable, if I don’t see ...


Compression hosiery helps a lot, besides, the legs get tired MUCH less in it. I bought myself Relaxsan tights, though they are still ordinary, not for pregnant women, but with lethal compression - 22-28 mm Hg (280 den). The legs practically do not get tired and do not swell, just putting them on is an extremely tiring task :)))
Nothing, the belly will grow - I will buy pregnant women, 140 den, which I advise you.

03/18/2003 10:21:38 PM, Larissa(16th)

Already? Have you started performing? Well, you still don’t have such a long time: (I was so hoping that this trouble would befall in the last months ... I have a complete hereditary predisposition, as they say. I read here that girls advise special tights, and our mother’s gel for legs. Eh. .

I have with veins still with adolescence problems and during pregnancy, of course, they increase. Varicose veins - how to prevent and what to do. It is worth worrying if the so-called. spider veins...


I have had problems with veins since adolescence and during pregnancy, of course, they intensify. But I try to do something already when I feel that I can’t do without it (I’m afraid to “spoil” the veins), although most doctors believe that it is necessary to act preemptively. Here it is up to you to choose - you can talk with your doctor. This Sunday I went to VDNKh. There in the pavilion Medicine is very big choice anti-varicose tights, incl. especially for pregnant women. I bought for 450 rubles. firm RelaX, it seems. Good luck!

We were told to use Venol or Venital creams during the courses (these are creams for varicose veins). You need to do a massage with them from the bottom up. You can make lotions and wraps with curd whey or apply cabbage leaves. I myself have not tried any of this, because. There are no problems yet (pah-pah-pah!!!) But for prevention I'm going to buy myself special tights 70 den tomorrow in a pharmacy for 315 rebles. But 70den is only for prevention. If there are ALREADY problems, then 100-140den is needed. True, walking in them is akin to a feat. But what to do?

Prevention of varicose veins. In the absence of varicose veins before pregnancy and with the right behavior during the first two pregnancies, the problem of varicose veins passed me by. one simple but important exercise for...

It is always much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Varicose veins are a fairly common disease, and pregnancy is one of the provoking factors for the disorder. Everyone should know about the methods of preventing this disorder, even if there is no genetic predisposition to the disease. During the gestation period, the load on the woman's body increases several times. The placenta forms extra circle blood circulation, and the whole system undergoes changes.

Even if relatives and the woman herself did not encounter problems of this kind, and her lifestyle and type of activity did not cause vein expansion, this does not mean that pathology will not appear during pregnancy.

If at least one of the factors that can cause vein disease is present, preventive measures should be taken with special care.

It is also important to note that each next pregnancy increases the chances of pathology of the veins several times.

If the first symptoms appear during the gestation period: heaviness in the legs, nodules, vascular networks, you should immediately consult a doctor. He needs to be observed throughout the entire period, as well as for some time after delivery.

One of the most important preventive methods for preventing varicose veins in pregnant women is diet. The menu should be complete, but at the same time balanced. It is important to exclude foods that can cause swelling of soft tissues and contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the body, as well as those that lead to weight gain faster than allowed during the gestation period.

Each organism is individual, and pregnancy affects a woman in different ways. It is best if, after consultation and examination, a specialist will draw up the menu.

A woman will need to adhere to a number of rules. These include:

  • inclusion in the diet of more vegetables and fruits;
  • steam cooking;
  • conducting unloading day once a week;
  • consumption of the optimal amount of liquid;
  • exclusion of pickles, marinades and sweets from the menu.

Pregnant women often experience constipation, it is important to monitor this. ABOUT correct work intestines must not be forgotten. To prevent gastrointestinal motility disorders, the menu includes foods rich in fiber, as well as bran, whole grain bread.

In order for food to be better absorbed, receptions must be distributed throughout the day. Their optimal number is 5-6 times a day with the same interval, while you need to eat in small portions.

For any person, and especially for a woman in position, it is important to remember the need for a full breakfast. It should include easily digestible foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Do not eat too hot or cold food. To eliminate the risk of expansion of the veins in the walls of the stomach and irritation of the mucous membrane, you need to give up too sour food.

Prevention of excessive weight gain

For a future mother, weight gain is a natural process, because the uterus and fetus grow, as well as the amount of circulating blood and amniotic fluid. A growing child requires good nutrition, but the expectant mother should not forget that excessive weight gain leads to problems with delivery and is fraught with complications during the gestation period. It is important to monitor this and not exceed the norms.

Physical activity

Pregnancy is not a disease, but is considered a natural physiological state. Sport is simply necessary for the normal course of the gestation period.

It is important to choose a complex in accordance with the gestational age and individual characteristics organism. To prevent stagnation in the veins and their expansion, there are a number of simple and permitted exercises for a pregnant woman:

  • sitting on a chair, legs should be bent at the knees, and hands should be lowered, while inhaling, rise, while exhaling, return to the starting position;
  • in a sitting position, without lifting the feet, make rotational and circular movements with the limbs;
  • bend your knees in a standing position, but without lifting your feet from the floor.

You can also do a warm-up to the music, after one session, fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities will pass.

During pregnancy, positional therapy is very popular among the methods of preventing varicose veins. It consists in alternating the position of the body. As the fetus grows, by the third trimester a woman will be able to sit, only touching the seat with her buttocks. You can begin to get used to this position immediately, then the back and legs will not experience an unusual load.

It is recommended to sleep on the left side, putting a soft or special pillow under the belly This position reduces the pressure of the uterus on the vessels, thereby preventing the development of impaired blood flow. In addition, the position is comfortable for a woman.

Elimination of provoking factors

In order to prevent varicose veins in pregnant women, it is important to avoid and avoid moments that provoke a violation of blood flow and lead to varicose veins.

Shoes and clothes

To reduce the load on the veins in the lower extremities, it is important to select comfortable shoes with a low heel or stable block. It is also recommended to use an insole that is anatomically suitable for the foot. It is impossible to completely abandon the heel: ballet flats, on the contrary, increase the load on the heels, and hated and dangerous stars appear under the knees. Clothing should be chosen from natural fabrics, it should be as free as possible and not allow skin areas to be pulled. To make the pregnant woman feel comfortable, a uniform fit is allowed, which does not affect movement, but supports the stomach. To stop the development of varicose veins will help special corrective stockings or tights.

Contrast showers and baths

The alternation of cool and warmer water helps prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, bring the vessels into the desired tone and prevent blood stagnation. Of course, you should not go to extremes: a tangible contrast causes unwanted uterine contractions. Foot baths will help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs. sea ​​salt and soothing herbal teas.

Massage movements

Massage can improve blood flow and prevent varicose veins. It is carried out with gentle strokes from the bottom up. To achieve a positive effect, when the first symptoms appear, you can use anti-varicose ointments and creams.


During pregnancy, it also includes physiotherapy procedures. To ensure normal blood flow in the lower extremities, resort to hydrotherapy. These are contrast douches that help prevent varicose veins in the legs and vascular pathologies in the pelvic organs.

Contrasting dousing with warm and cool water on the shins, feet and parts of the legs above the knee is carried out for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to restore tone to the vessels. In the perineal area, an ascending contrast shower is used, but it is allowed to use it only after consulting a doctor.

Electrical muscle stimulation also helps to stimulate venous outflow. It has a number of contraindications, but brings results after 2-3 procedures.

If you take all measures to prevent varicose veins in a timely manner, then the risk of unpleasant symptoms decreases in postpartum period.

Varicose veins - a disease of the veins, expressed in the expansion, lengthening, tortuosity of the veins, followed by impaired blood flow, due to pathological changes venous walls and valves. Various forms varicose disease are observed in 38% of women, and in 90% the appearance of varicose veins is associated with pregnancy. This pathology is diagnosed in 40% of pregnant women.

The first signs of varicose veins are observed already in first trimester of pregnancy.

Women complain of heaviness in the legs, fatigue when walking, the appearance of vascular networks. The dilatation of the veins that occurred at the beginning of pregnancy is constantly progressing.

The disease is aggravated by an increase in the volume of circulating blood, a growing uterus, an increase in body weight- all these factors lead to a slowdown in blood flow, an increase in pressure in the veins.

If in patients outside of pregnancy the first signs of varicose veins develop several years after the onset of the disease, then in pregnant women this process is significantly accelerated.

Clinical disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Restless Leg Syndrome: feeling of heaviness in the limbs, aggravated by prolonged stay in vertical position, and decreasing when resting in a prone position with legs raised up.
  2. Cramps in the muscles of the leg, which occur at night in the legs covered with a warm blanket.
  3. feeling hot and stagnation in the legs with a long stay in a sitting position.
  4. Edema in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg.
  5. A venous pattern often appears on the skin of the legs, or tortuous elastic trunks of veins appear.
  6. In evening time arises severe itching in the lower leg, mainly on the front side. The skin in these places is dry, prone to peeling.

Often varicose veins during pregnancy gets complicated, phlebothrombosis, bleeding, eczema, varicose ulcer. Itching of the skin of the legs, as a rule, precedes the formation of eczema, which, with constant scratching, leads to the appearance of a trophic ulcer.


The appearance of varicose veins in pregnant women associated with a deficiency of the hormone estrogen and an increase in progesterone. The hormonal imbalance has a relaxing effect on the vascular wall.

In addition, high concentrations of progesterone suppress hormones synthesized by the pituitary gland, which tone smooth muscle fibers.

Unfavorable factors affecting the development of varicose veins during pregnancy are an increase in the volume of circulating blood, compression of the retroperitoneal veins by the growing uterus.

Progressive weight gain with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, it affects the increase in pressure in the veins and slows down the speed of blood flow.

Photo of varicose veins


A preliminary diagnosis of varicose veins is made on the basis of an external examination of a pregnant woman and her complaints. With the help of methods instrumental diagnostics the nature of the disease is determined.

The following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. - a method that combines Dopplerography and ultrasound two-dimensional scanning of the veins. The procedure is performed by a special sensor in the supine position. This method allows you to obtain information about the state of the saphenous and deep veins.
  2. Phlebography- X-ray contrast diagnostics based on the study of the condition of the veins using X-ray control and the introduction of a contrast agent. Allows you to identify defects and gaps in the vein, the presence of blood clots.

The main method for diagnosing varicose veins is ultrasonic angioscanning, radiopaque phlebography is used in rare cases.

Varicose veins during pregnancy on the legs: what to do?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the treatment of varicose veins includes only elastic compression and vitamin therapy. Medications on early dates contraindicated, drug therapy start from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Compression underwear

With the help of compression treatment, venous outflow in varicose veins is normalized, pathological venous emissions (reverse blood flow) are eliminated, and microcirculation improves.

Elastic compression in pregnant women with varicose veins should be applied continuously, As a result, only high quality knitwear, with the help of which optimal pressure is created in the veins of the lower extremities.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to properly distribute pressure over the vein with elastic bandages, so their use is indicated only for short-term treatment, for example, after sclerotherapy.

During pregnancy special medical knitwear is used- tights, stockings from varicose veins of the 2nd degree of compression, and with severe course diseases - 3 degrees of compression. At the initial stage of varicose veins, when the disease is expressed by heaviness in the legs and passing swelling, it is enough to use stockings and stockings of the 1st degree of compression. More you can familiarize yourself with the choice of compression underwear.

Medical therapy

In the treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy on the legs, medications prescribed only from the second trimester of pregnancy, since many of them have contraindications for use in early gestational periods.

Use preparations of the group of phleboprotectors in tablets for oral administration and ointments for topical use.

These medicines increase the tone of the venous wall, improve microcirculation, reduce capillary permeability, prevent the development of inflammation.

Effective pills for varicose veins:

  1. "" - a drug with the active substance rutin. It is necessary to apply a course of 1 month, 2 capsules per day.
  2. "" - a drug of synthetic origin based on diosmin. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent complications. It is used orally 1 tablet, a course of 1 - 1.5 months.
  3. "Venarus", "" - absolute analogues based on diosmin and hesperidin. Take courses 1 - 1.5 months, 2 tablets per day.
  4. "" - a solution of plant origin containing bioflavonoids and horse chestnuts. Apply inside 15 drops three times a day.
  5. « » — herbal preparation containing rutin and extracts of other plants. Apply 1 capsule twice a day.

Other drugs with anticoagulant and antiplatelet action during pregnancy are not prescribed. Their use is advisable during childbirth to prevent bleeding and thrombosis.

Creams and ointments

Tonic preparations - gels, ointments and creams for external use have a fast local decongestant and analgesic effect for the most part due to auxiliary components that have a cooling and distracting effect.

The active ingredients in most ointments are heparin and rutoside, which penetrate into the layers of the skin and have an anti-inflammatory and venoprotective effect.

These are creams and ointments:

  • "Hepatrombin";
  • "Venolife";

Medicines should be applied thin layer on the affected veins, moving from the bottom up, then use compression stockings.

Surgical interventions

Surgery carried out with a complicated course of varicose veins- acute thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

In this case, a crossectomy is performed (ligation of the veins at the confluence of the great saphenous vein into the deep one) under local anesthesia.

With a high probability of developing thromboembolism due to the patient installing a cava filter according to the indications, an operation is performed aimed at plicating the inferior vena cava. In this case, the question of emergency termination of pregnancy is usually raised.

Read more about the methods and types of operations.

Folk methods

Gymnastic exercises

To stimulate venous outflow, it is necessary to perform the Mikulin exercise daily:

  • in a vertical position, rise on toes, tearing off the heels from the floor by 1-2 cm and drop sharply. Run 30 times, rest, repeat 3 times;

Another modification of the exercise:

  • perform in compression underwear: standing up, alternately raise the heels from the floor at an angle of no more than 45o, as if imitating walking on the spot, the socks do not come off the floor. Start with 10 minutes, gradually extending the exercise time to half an hour.

In the evening, after labor day, lie on your back, lift your leg up, shake your foot slightly, perform circular motions with your foot, then do the same with the other leg. Repeat 10 times for each leg. More read about doing gymnastics.


How to avoid varicose veins? Since the cause of varicose veins during pregnancy mainly associated with violations hormonal background even before pregnancy. It is important to eliminate hormonal imbalance at the planning stage.

Typically, hormonal disorders in women are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • mastopathy (pain in the mammary glands);
  • seborrhea;
  • acne;
  • pain syndrome on the first day of menstruation;
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

If these signs are present, you should visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist before pregnancy to correct the level of hormones.

Factors that contribute to the appearance of varicose veins should also be avoided.- a long stay in an upright or sitting position, a strong weight gain (normally, weight gain during pregnancy should be no more than 15 kg), vitamin C and B3 deficiency, a large amount of animal proteins in the diet.

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  1. Spend at least 1 hour a day for walking at a moderate pace.
  2. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as juices (sources of vitamin C).
  3. Rest with your legs up.
  4. At sedentary work every hour - one and a half to perform Mikulin's exercise for 5 minutes.
  5. Limit consumption simple carbohydrates to avoid constipation.

The most effective prevention of varicose veins is movement, since the calf muscles physiologically work as "pumps" when walking, normalizing lymph and blood flow. You should walk 1 to 3 km daily to avoid varicose veins.


Subject to preventive measures Varicose veins during pregnancy usually do not give complications, however, the likelihood of their development is not excluded. Most of the complications occur during childbirth and the postpartum period, especially if, during the expulsion of the fetus, the woman received injuries (ruptures) of the birth canal.

When bleeding, the body starts defense mechanism blood clotting, as a result of which a blood clot forms in varicose veins with slow blood flow, and as a result, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis develop.

If pathological conditions occur in the postpartum period, women are prescribed antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory infusion therapy. The issue of surgical intervention is decided individually.