Cat's claw for allergies. Herbal preparation "Cat's claw" - what is it and why is it eaten

Cat claw- woody liana, winding through the trees at the heights of the Peruvian rainforests. The plant got its name due to the thorns that grow on its stem. The root and inner part of the bark of the cat's claw have been traditionally used as a medicine by the locals since ancient times.

or Uncaria tomentosa

Modern science learned about the miracle plant in the early 70s, after the Austrian researcher Klaus Keplinger went to Peru. There he was told about the existence of the creeper by the healers of the local tribe. He was amazed to hear overwhelming reviews about the strength of the local medicine. Cat's claw soon came to the mainland, where studies showed that the plant is in no way inferior to ginseng, echinacea and eleutherococcus. They can treat almost everything, from the common cold to cancerous tumors. It seemed like it had finally been found.

Cat's claw has become extremely popular. Soon the demand for this remedy increased so much that the Peruvian government banned the extraction of plant roots, fearing the extinction of the species. There are no less useful substances in the bark, therefore it is only allowed to collect it in reasonable quantities.


Unfortunately, positive influence on the human body of this plant by medicine has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, the drug is used mainly in the form of a dietary supplement. Cat's Claw dietary supplement cannot be used as a primary drug until all aspects have been fully tested and approved.

Although the positive effect on the human body has not been sufficiently proven, there is an opinion that the medicinal potential of this plant is much higher. From individuals using this remedy in order to combat ailments, a variety of reviews have been received. Cat's claw, according to anecdotal evidence, helps slow the growth of breast cancer tumors and cells fight leukemia in children, supports AIDS patients. Who knows what magical properties still endowed with this plant. We can only wait for the results of further research.

How to apply

Basically, as a dietary supplement or in combination with the main drugs, it is recommended to take the dietary supplement "Cat's Claw".

Instructions for use prescribes to use orally inside 1 capsule (tablet) 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of admission lasts up to 3 months, but if necessary, it can be increased, as well as the doses used.

In the form of teas, the herb is brewed in the usual way. Drink up to 4 cups of decoction per day.

Children should use the drug "Cat's Claw" only after 6 years and strictly under the supervision of a treating specialist.

Release form

Peruvian liana extract belongs to the group of herbal remedies. Most often it is sold in the form of tablets or capsules. But it can also be found in the form of tinctures, elixirs, as well as dried - for brewing tea. Sometimes included in the composition of ointments and creams for the skin.

Even if you have previously taken the drug "Cat's Claw", the instructions for it should still be studied again. Depending on the form of release and the manufacturer, supplements may differ in the content and concentration of nutrients.


Positive feedback "Cat's Claw" receives in most cases of application. Studies have shown that the substances that make up dosage forms are non-toxic to humans. But there are times when you should be careful with the supplement.

The drug may enhance the effect of certain sedatives and sleeping pills. Some patients using this dietary supplement also left questionable reviews. "Cat's claw" caused them a slight rash, lowering blood pressure, and drowsiness.

Should not be consumed this drug and people who are already taking blood-thinning medications, hormones, or insulin. The effect of certain sedatives and hypnotics may be enhanced if the patient uses the Cat's Claw supplement along with them.

The instruction warns people against taking this dietary supplement if they have low blood pressure or an autoimmune disease (lupus or multiple sclerosis).

These supplements should not be used by those who have had an organ or bone marrow transplant. Studies have also shown that Cat's Claw contains tannins, which in large amounts can cause stomach upset or even kidney damage.

Young children, pregnant and lactating women should not use this supplement.


It is quite possible to buy a drug based on Peruvian liana. These can be either pharmacies or online stores, which, if ordered, will send the Cat's Claw remedy by mail. The price starts at about 400 rubles for 100 tablets (capsules). The cost of the drug can vary dramatically and be much higher. It primarily depends on the manufacturer of dietary supplements.

Perhaps unnecessarily cheap drugs should not be trusted. There are cases when, under the guise of an extract of Peruvian liana, additives were sold, which included components of completely different plants.

Also, the level of concentration of active substances can also affect the cost of the product. Be sure to read the label and instructions before purchasing.

Summing up

Any interactions with other medications or herbs must be considered on an individual basis. Some combinations can even be hazardous to health. Always tell your doctor and pharmacist what medicines or herbs you are taking, and only after the approval of specialists, start treatment with Cat's Claw.

Remember also that a person's health directly depends on himself. Do not neglect the classes of the variety and proper nutrition. At the slightest disturbance in the work of the body, seek the advice of specialists. Unauthorized medication, ignoring symptoms and delayed treatment can end sadly.

The cat's claw plant (Una de Gato) is a tree-like vine that reaches a length of 40 meters in its long thirty-year life. The grass got such an exotic name due to its resemblance to a cat's paw, the tenacious claws of which are located along the entire length of the vine, allowing it to hold on to the trunks and branches of trees. This miracle herb grows only in the wilds of the Amazon, in the highlands of Peru. The topic of our article today is "Cat's Claw Grass, Medicinal Properties."

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Photo gallery: Grass Cat's claw, medicinal properties

World famous miracle herb

Cat's claw received world fame at the end of the last century, despite the fact that the grass has been successfully used for many millennia. The ancient Indians successfully used the bark of the plant to strengthen the immune system, to fight poisoning and numerous diseases. The miraculous healing properties of the liana were noticed by scientists, whose numerous studies made it possible in the 70s of the XX century to firmly substantiate healing properties Cat's claw. In 1994, WHO recognized Cat's Claw medicinal plant and is included in the official collection "International Pharmacopoeia".


There are three types of tree-like Peruvian lianas, the main difference of which is in color and climatic conditions growth. The dark red bark indicates a warm and humid habitat, the white-gray variety prefers cool and dry conditions, and the yellow-brown type is not very whimsical, occupying an intermediate position. The collection period of the Cat's Claw varies and depends on the increase in activity. various properties at the time of collection.


The most valuable characteristics are the inner part of the bark and the roots of the vine. However, due to the rarity of the areola and the unique characteristics of a wild tropical plant, the roots are rarely used and are valued like elephant tusks.

Medicinal properties of active substances

Scientists have determined that high efficiency Peruvian liana bark extract in many diseases is due to pronounced antioxidant (protective), antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of its highly active alkaloids.

A unique ensemble of alkoids act at the level of cellular immunity:

1) the alkaloid isopteropodin, due to which there is an increase in the activity of neutrophils, activation of the function of macrophages (actively capture and digest bacteria, the remains of dead cells and other particles toxic to the body) and T-killers (dissolve damaged body cells);

2) the glycoside glycyrrhizin, together with the secreted acid, helps to block the reproduction of viruses;

3) proanthocyanidins, being one of the strong antioxidants, counteract the mutagenic properties of foreign agents, providing an anti-inflammatory effect;

4) the alkaloid rinkofillin can reduce the likelihood of vascular clots and plaques in the arteries, improves blood circulation and microcirculation of the heart muscle, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks.

In the mix active ingredients Cat's claw plays an important role tannins (catechins, gallic and ellagic acids), which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects.

Panacea for all diseases

This unique composition of biologically active substances has expanded the boundaries of the use of miracle liana from a means of prevention to use in complex therapy.

We especially note wide range biological activity of proanthocyanidin in the plant, namely the ability to increase the intracellular content of vitamin C, reduce capillary permeability and fragility, and the ability to bind free radicals. It is proanthocyanidins that are capable of restoring the structure of collagen, they contribute to maintaining the connective tissue matrix in excellent condition. Proanthocyanidins can increase vascular elasticity, are effective in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, help with various diseases eye, being a universal prophylactic agent for glaucoma.

Studies by well-known naturopaths Dr. R. Herbert and O. Garcia testify to the universality of the effect on the human body of the active components of Cat's Claw, which take into account individual characteristics organism. The main advantage is the absence side effects, low toxicity, high versatility medicinal herb in all types of diseases, which is explained by a synergistic interaction with vitamin C.

High antioxidant properties put Cat's Claw on a par with such well-known plants as ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, ant tree.

Increasingly, there are articles about the successful treatment with the help of extracts from the bark of the Cat's Claw of such diseases as allergies, influenza, arthritis, lichen, neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, ulcers, gastritis, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis and many others. The main achievement of Cat's Claw preparations is the ability to act on the human immunodeficiency virus, its effectiveness in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms. As you can see, the herb and the properties of this plant are unique.


The use of Cat's Claw is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as the plant has contraceptive properties. Also, liana bark extract is contraindicated in persons with transplanted donor organs.


The properties of preparations from the Cat's Claw are diverse and cause not only a tonic, antioxidant, adaptogenic and detoxifying effect on the body, but also an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral effect. The use of miracle liana bark extract helps to stimulate the links of the entire immune system human, restores metabolism and hormonal imbalance.

immunomodulatory properties.
2. Prevent or slow down the growth of cancer cells - oncoprotective properties.
3. Normalize the functionality of the cardiovascular system, prevent thrombosis and regulate blood pressure - a cardioprotective property.
4. Cat's claw removes toxins from the intercellular space and from the intestines - a detoxifying property.
5. Anti-inflammatory properties.
6. Promotes accelerated healing ulcers - antiulcer properties.
7. Antiparasitic properties.

Functional action of the cat's claw

The most important functional effect of Cat's Claw preparations is the activation of phagocytes (immune cells), which neutralize the active action of cancer cells, stop their division and "put control" of the immune system. Cat's claw normalizes the level of immunoglobulins in the body - antibodies that neutralize the activity of foreign agents. And this means that preparations of the Cat's Claw normalize the phagocytic link of our immunity - the basis of the immune system.

Among other things, these drugs activate the production of immune mediators, which provide "communication" or information transfer between immune cells. Thus, Cat's Claw ensures the coordinated work of the immune system to protect the body. And this is a difficult job: the system "receives" a signal that a foreign element has invaded the body, it identifies it, "determines" methods for neutralizing this element, "transmits a command" to the appropriate immune cells and they do the work, after which the immune system "commands" others cells to remove the foreign agent from the body.

Cat's claw contains proanthocyanidin, which neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, which slows down the cellular aging process.

Cat's Claw preparations, thanks to the alkaloid rincofilin (part of the liana bark), help to improve the rheological properties of blood, which prevents thrombosis. Improving the rheological properties of blood "relieves" the load from the heart muscle, which makes it easier for her to work.

Triterpenes, polyphenols and plant styrenes, which are part of the Cat's Claw, slow down or completely suppress the division of cancer cells, as well as inhibit inflammation.

Glycyretinic acid and glycosidic glycyrrhizin as part of this vine stop the division of viruses in cells by destroying their genetic material.

Facts about Cat Root

In the mid-80s of the last century in Peru, for four years, studies were carried out on the effects of Cat's Claw on the human body in the complex therapy of various oncological diseases. Investigations took place 700 patients. The successful results of this work were presented at an international congress in Lima in 1988.

Scientists at Mlan University found that Cat's Claw inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus. These studies were carried out on seven volunteers. The five who took the preparations containing Cat's Claw saw noticeable improvements. Moreover, in initial stage manifestations of this pathology disappeared. These studies were carried out in 1992, and in currently the condition of these patients is stable.

Cat root indications and contraindications

Preparations from this plant are used:
- in immunodeficiency states;
- with autoimmune diseases (including lupus erythematosus);
- with immune diseases;
- in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract various etiologies(Crohn's disease, ulcer, gastritis, hemorrhoids, candidiasis, dysbacteriosis...);
- for infectious diseases (including acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections)
- with neurodermatitis;
- in diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including arterial hypertension);
- for the prevention of oncological diseases and with them;
- with chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
- with chronic fatigue syndrome;
- in depressive states;
- with herpesvirus pathologies;

Contraindications for Cat Root:
- individual intolerance to the components of drugs;
- periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Cat root instructions for use

Our preparations based on this plant have clear instructions for use, which we advise you to study before using the drug. But there are general recommendations.

During the period of taking drugs, drink water - at least 1.5-2.0 liters per day. Water carries trace elements throughout the body (acts as a "transport"), which increases the effectiveness of Cat's Claw preparations.

How to choose Cat Root preparations

We will give advice to help you make the right choice when buying a drug.

First, pay attention to the percentage of Cat's Root in tablets or capsules of the drug, since, as a rule, this plant is used with others and its content in the drug is scanty, and the price is high.

Secondly, evaluate the drug based on the duration of the course of therapy. It happens that a ten-day course is priced the same as a monthly course.

Thirdly, keep in mind that the coarse grinding of the Cat's root, which is usually present in tablets, is poorly absorbed by the body, for this reason we advise you to buy preparations with this plant in capsule form. In addition, the capsule protects the crushed bark from external influence air and drug a long period retains its properties.
We do not recommend buying Cat Root in liquid form, as it will alcohol solution or saturated with chemical preservatives.

Cat root price and how to buy

We offer you to buy preparations of this plant in our store in three ways:
- call our manager and order the drug;
- place an order "through the basket";
- self-delivery.
Delivery in the regions of Russia and abroad without delay in as soon as possible, form of payment - at your choice.

Cat root reviews

Fedor Mironovich Ch., 74 years old, St. Petersburg
"I don't know the best drug to maintain health than NSP's Cat's Root. My granddaughter "introduced" me to this drug, she is my doctor. Four years brings me jars every three months and I drink them. From the age of 70, my health improves, the years go by, and I feel better than 4 years ago ... "

Egor Alexandrovich N., 57 years old, Novosibirsk
"I took two courses of chemotherapy (lung cancer), during this period I used Cat's Claw with the probiotic Unibacter. The doctors were surprised that after these courses my immunity remained in working condition and my recovery is going at a good pace ..."

The study of the cat's claw plant began in the 1970s, and its practical application-in 1980s, but the plant has become especially popular only in our days. Studies have shown that taking this remedy can dramatically stimulate the immune system, which is especially important for cancer patients.

Composition and form of release


  • Pills
  • Capsules
  • Soft gel / tincture
  • Dried herb / tea


Medicinal properties of cat's claw

In the jungles of the Amazon Basin, trees are entwined with a lignified tropical liana, the leaves of which are equipped with two curved spikes at the base, resembling cat claws. herbal preparation, obtained from the inner bark of the roots of this plant, is known as "cat's claw", or "una de gato" (its Spanish name). Although dozens of related species are known, only two species, Uncaria tomentosa and U. guianensis, are collected from the wild (primarily in Peru and Brazil) for use in medical purposes. Large pieces of the bark of these plants are a common commodity in South American markets; local Indians have long made tea from this bark and used it to heal wounds, gastric diseases, arthritis, cancer and other diseases.

The mechanism of action of the plant

Modern research has found several active ingredients in it that can increase the activity of the immune system and suppress inflammation. Their presence may explain why this plant has traditionally been used to fight cancer, arthritis, dysentery, ulcers, and other infections and inflammations.

Prevention of diseases when using Cat's Claw

Traditionally, this plant has been used to combat pain. Due to its anti-inflammatory action, it can relieve joint pain in arthritis or gout. However, more research is needed to determine true role played by the claw in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Some preliminary evidence suggests that cat's claw, when combined with conventional AIDS drugs, may help HIV-infected people by simulating an immune response. Further research is needed in this direction.

Some experts warn against taking this plant when chronic diseases affecting the immune system, including tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. They believe that the plant can overstimulate the immune system and worsen symptoms. Other doctors recommend taking the drug for autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Further research is required.

Impact on the human body

In Germany and Austria, doctors prescribe a drug to stimulate immune responses in cancer patients, many of whom are weakened by chemotherapy, radiation, and others. conventional methods cancer treatment. Several compounds present in cat's claw may account for the anti-cancer and immune-boosting effects of this plant. In the 1970s, researchers reported that the inner bark and roots contained compounds called procyanidol oligomers that inhibited the development of tumors in animals. In the 1980s, German researchers identified other compounds in cat's claw that increase the activity of the immune system, in part by stimulating the phagocytic cells responsible for it. These cells ingest and digest viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

Then in 1993 in Italy it was discovered new class compounds-glycosides of quinovic acid, which have many useful properties. These glycosides can act as an antioxidant, protecting the body from cell-damaging free radicals. In addition to its antitumor effect, it can help with long-term infections, such as sinusitis.

Indications for use of Cat's Claw

  • To strengthen the immune system, which makes the plant useful for sinusitis and other infections
  • How aid in cancer treatment
  • To relieve joint pain in osteoarthritis
  • To relieve pain and inflammation in gout and arthritis


If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding, have an autoimmune disease, or use certain medications, including blood thinners (warfarin or aspirin), arrhythmia medications, blood pressure medications, immunosuppressants, or herbal medications or supplements that work the same way, you should not take cat's claw. The drug may increase the risk of bleeding and should be discontinued 2 weeks before surgical intervention including dental. If you are sick, check with your doctor before taking these supplements.

Side effects

According to the instructions for use, among the possible side effects include stomach discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, slow or irregular heartbeat, kidney disease, low estrogen or progesterone levels, and increased risk bleeding.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

  • Take 250 mg of standardized extract as a pill 2 times daily, or approximately 30 drops of liquid extract in a glass of water 3 times daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional
  • The root or inner bark of the root in unconcentrated form is often available as 500 mg or 1000 mg capsules. Reception - 2 times a day (up to 2000 mg per day).
  • Tea: 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb per cup is very hot water(according to package directions). You can drink up to 3 cups a day

How to take Cat's Claw

  • You can combine or alternate this drug with other immune-boosting herbs such as echinacea, golden seal, astragalus or pau d'arco, as well as reishi and maitake mushrooms.
  • Cat's claw should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. In Peru, this plant for a long time considered a contraceptive; in animal experiments, it stimulates uterine contractions. This effect suggests that it may cause miscarriages.

Facts and Tips for Taking Cat's Claw

  • If possible, choose standardized extracts to ensure you get the correct dose of application. Look for formulations containing 3% alkaloids and 15% polyphenols
  • Buy supplements made from Uncaria tomentosa or U. guianensis. Many products do not actually contain these plants, but ones similar to them or bearing the same name. These include preparations from a completely different plant, Gregg's Acacia (Acacia greggii) from the southwestern parts of the United States. This plant is also called in English cat's claw (cat's claw). The cost of a monthly dose of a real claw is approximately $20 - $30.
  • Even though the roots may contain a higher percentage of active ingredients than the inner bark, the bark appears to be preferable for environmental reasons. When the inner bark is harvested, the vine can remain alive while harvesting the roots kills the plant. If you buy a standardized inner bark extract, you are guaranteed a certain amount of active ingredients.
  • In Germany and Austria, cat's claw extract is considered a potent drug and is sold only by prescription.

Cat's Claw, Uncaria tomentosa is a world class plant that has the ability to stop and reverse the development of deep rooted pathologies leading to quick return health. The world is full of wonders! But only we do not always know about them or, having been taught by pragmatic times, we are in no hurry to believe in them. For example, a plant such as a cat's claw grows on the ground. There are many legends about him. An ancient Peruvian legend says that jaguars, the strongest and fastest representatives of the cat family, feed on the juice of this plant. The alkaloids rhynchophyllin, iso- and mitraphyllin, pteropodin and isopteropodin are responsible for the medicinal properties of the Cat's Claw. Isopteropodin (isomer A) activates the functions of T-lymphocytes, macrophages, normalizes the level of immunoglobulins. Rinkofelin - an alkaloid that improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis in the vascular bed, preventing platelet aggregation. Polyphenols, terpenes, and plant sterols determine the anti-inflammatory and cytostatic properties of the drug. Sligozidny glycyrrhizin and glycyretinic acid are able to restrain the reproduction of viruses in cells. Proanthocyanidin, which is also part of the plant bark, blocks free radical processes in the body. Working at the level of cellular immunity, this plant has the strongest immunomodulatory properties, and also has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal effects.

In terms of medicinal properties, Cat's Claw has surpassed well-known plants that have long been used in medicine - such as ginseng, echinacea, ant tree, astragalus, as well as famous mushrooms (reishi, shiitake and maitake).

The leaves of the plant are glossy, yellowish-green above, covered with a delicate fluff below, oval, oblong-elongated, up to 10-11 cm long and 6-9 cm wide. The flowers at the cat's claw are white or yellowish, grow in pairs on opposite sides of the stem, and are easily pollinated. Short curly shoots on the surface of the vine gradually harden and turn into hooks. Sharp, curved claws protect the vine from enemies.

But sometimes people get hooked on these claws through negligence or ignorance. Peruvians say that the spectacle in this case is frightening - horror films have a rest.

The members of the expedition heard a lot of interesting, simply incredible things about this plant from local residents. Peruvian Indians from time immemorial used decoctions, infusions, medicinal ointments and powders from the leaves, roots and bark of the cat's claw to get rid of serious illnesses, fight poisoning and various infections, for making tea that strengthens health and gives strength. Leaves are applied to the head for headaches. In addition, the leaves and bark of the cat's claw are used by some tribes as snuff or for smoking, the bark itself is chewed.

Transparent juice from fresh shoots of the plant, reminiscent of the taste of ordinary water with a sharp bitterness, is drunk to satisfy hunger and thirst. This drink also tones.

Scientists drew attention to the fact that the natives of Peru practically do not suffer from cancer. This fact was of great interest to a number of US laboratories and medical centers Western Europe - the University of Innsbruck (Austria), the University of Munich (Germany), the Hintinton Research Center, the University of Milan (Italy), the University of Naples (Italy). In the 70s, studies were carried out that surprised and delighted scientists. It turned out that the cat root really has the strongest antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect, removes decay products and heavy metals from the body, significantly improves immunity, improves the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Cat's claw has been recognized by independent studies as one of the most powerful immune-modulating herbs in the world. In 1989-90, the Australian scientist Dr. Keplinger received a patent for the groups of oxyindole alkaloids he discovered and isolated, which formed the active principle of preparations from this plant.

Preparations from the cat's claw help to deal with everyday troubles such as scratches, wounds, sexual weakness, bad mood. The use of preparations from the cat's claw is effective as an antitumor agent that has the ability to stop the growth of malignant neoplasm cells. So, in 1988 in the city of Lima (Peru) at the international congress on traditional Peruvian medicine, a message was announced about efficient use cat's claw in the treatment of 700 patients between 1984 and 1988 with various types of cancer.

Cat's claw is also used for inflammatory changes in the organs of the reproductive system, for the treatment of prostate adenoma, candidiasis and joint diseases, with increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, dysbacteriosis and liver diseases.

Cat's claw has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, therefore it defeats the flu, colds, treats ear inflammation, conjunctivitis, is used in the treatment of fistulas and the healing of old wounds.

Herbal tea increases physical and mental performance, helps fight fatigue. After playing sports and during large sports loads tea from a cat's claw contributes to the rapid recovery of forces.

A decoction of the herb is used in cosmetology. A simple rubbing with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of a cat's claw promotes the healing of small wounds, eliminates acne, pimples, various skin roughness, and effectively fights cellular aging of the skin.

In magic, the cat's claw is used as a bewitching agent. To do this, two claws are tied together with a red silk thread, wrapped in a cloth, then sewn into a blue satin or silk piece of fabric and hidden under the mattress of the matrimonial bed.

Pharmacological properties of Cat's claw (Cat's Clow):
- antioxidant action;
- anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
- immunomodulatory action;
- oncoprotective action;
- general detoxification;
- antiallergic action;
- vasodilating effect.

Clinical Applications of Cat's Claw:

Immunodeficiency conditions, including AIDS
prevention and treatment of influenza and other viral diseases
Inflammatory diseases
Viral infection
Different kinds intoxications
Crohn's disease
Cirrhosis of the liver
peptic ulcer stomach
Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, rheumatism)
thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins
Benign tumors (fibroadenomas, cysts, fibroids, etc.)
Malignancies, including leukemia
Syndrome chronic fatigue
Premenstrual syndrome, violations menstrual cycle
Radiation or chemotherapy
Cardiovascular diseases including hypertension.
acute and chronic infections
autoimmune diseases(including lupus erythematosus)
arthrosis-arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism
gastrointestinal diseases of various etiologies (gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis and candidiasis)

Application of Cat's Claw:
It is recommended to take Cat's Claw by brewing strong tea from it. Can be mixed with green tea, add lemon or Hibiscus (Rosella - Hibiscus sabdariffa). Daily rate- 3-4 cups of tea.
You can also prepare an alcohol tincture from a cat's claw. Half a liter of vodka requires 20 grams of Cat's Claw.
Precautions when using Cat's Claw:
Decoctions have a contraceptive effect, so it is not recommended to drink for pregnant women.
Also, as a result of a very strong effect on human immunity, it is not recommended to use such decoctions for people with transplanted organs.
Only from us you can buy a natural live stalk Cat's claw, and not a dietary supplement or food supplement. The effects exceed all expectations!

Availability: yes
Price: 300 rubles.

Uncaria pubescent (Uncaria tomentosa), (Cat's Claw - cat's claw) is a tree-like liana of the Rubiaceae family, growing in the tropical forests of South and Central America, along the banks and in the foothills of the Amazon in Peru.

The plant got its name for the sharp curved spikes that help it curl around trees and resemble a clawed cat's paw in appearance.

Asthenia cat's claw grows in the only place on earth - in South America, in dense, humid Peruvian forests along the Amazon River and is a woody vine with sharp "claws" with which it clings to neighboring plants. Creepers can grow up to 40 meters and live up to 30 years. The inhabitants of that area widely used decoctions from the bark, roots and leaves, ointments and other medicines to strengthen the body (i.e., to strengthen immunity), for poisoning (and therefore to cleanse the body) and inflammatory processes(in other words, in the fight against disease).

Uncaria Tomentosa was first described in the 18th century, and the first studies were carried out in 1952 in France. No important discoveries were made, but in 1974 the cat's claw plant was rediscovered by an Austrian scientist (Klaus Kleppinger) while researching the life of the Peruvian Indians. He was struck by powerful medicinal properties creepers, the oncoprotective effect of the cat's claw was especially important then (it was noted that the Indians did not get sick cancer). Soon, in various European laboratories in Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Italy, research on the plant continued and real scientific discoveries. After the discovery of quinine (a natural cure for yellow fever and malaria) in the 17th century, the discovery of the cat's claw was the second significant event in phytotherapy.

It turned out that the cat's claw plant is superior in its properties to the well-known echinacea, ginseng, mushrooms (shiitake, maitake and reishi), astragalus, ant tree and can be used for neurodermatitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers, allergies, inflammation of the joints, genital herpes, shingles and other diseases. And in 1988, at the international congress, a report was read on the successful use of the cat's claw plant in the treatment of oncology in 700 patients for 4 years.

The scientific world was also amazed by the fact that due to its strong antioxidant properties, this plant can act on the immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, especially when used on early stages diseases. The famous Dr. Brent W. Davis praised the properties of the cat's claw plant: "Uncaria Tomentosa is a world-class plant that has the ability to stop and reverse the development of deep-rooted pathologies, leading to a rapid return to health."

It has been established that the preparations of this amazing vine are able to activate the cells of our immune system responsible for the destruction of tumor cells (malignant and benign), improve the condition of the blood (including reducing the risk of thrombosis) and even block the reproduction of viruses in our cells and stop the chain reaction of formation free radicals without causing addiction or side effects.

The healing properties of the cat's claw plant can be grouped into several main actions:

Summing up: the cat's claw plant helps the body in many problems, reflects aggression in several directions at once, so it is indispensable not only in the treatment of already formed diseases, but also for competent prevention.

Cat's claw, which is the basis of this Coral Club product, is a plant that actively affects the human immune system. It contains a huge amount of biologically active and anti-inflammatory substances, as well as antioxidants. Being a plant immunomodulator, cat's claw prevents the formation of blood clots and the reproduction of viruses in cells.

Perennial Peruvian climbing liana - Uncaria tomentosa - also called "Cat's claw", in wild nature clings to tree trunks with special spikes resembling cat claws. The homeland and the only place where this plant grows is the Amazonian forests of the Peruvian Highlands. It lives no more than 30 years, and during this period of time it can grow up to 40 meters in length.

The Indians have long used Cat's Claw to make an invigorating tea, as well as an antidote and a remedy for a wide variety of infections. Some believe that due to the centuries-old use of this plant, the natives of Peru are practically unfamiliar with such a terrible disease as cancer.

In addition, Uncaria tomentosa is part of many drugs, including the Coral Club product, which help with:

Violations of metabolic processes;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Problems with the genitourinary system;

chronic fatigue syndrome;


The medical qualities of Cat's Claw are based on the substances of oxyindole alkaloids, namely pteropodin and isopteropodin. It is they that stimulate the activity of the human immune system, allowing the plant to be one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators.

With the use of substances contained in the Peruvian liana, preparations are made that normalize the level of immunoglobulins in the blood and prevent thrombosis.

Cat's Claw contains polyphenols, triterpenes and plant styrenes, which have a cytostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the plant has a large number of glycosides, as well as glycyrrhizin and glycerietic acid, which do not allow viruses to multiply in the cells of the human body.

Tannins - kahetins, gallic and ellagic acids contained in Uncaria tomentosa, have an antiseptic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. And the flavonoid proanthocyanidin, also present in this vine, gives a diuretic, hypothetical and choleretic effect.

Due to its composition, Cat's Claw has not only antiseptic, immunomodulatory and detoxifying properties, but also general strengthening and adaptogenic properties.