Funny New Year's fairy tale scenes, plays, productions, performances for the New Year. School theater, KVN. Holidays, extracurricular activities at school. “Once on a New Year's Eve” - a class scene for the New Year

See also funny poems about school for children. The advantages of our funny scenes are that they do not require costumes, there is no need to memorize large texts (and the one who plays the role of a teacher can use a printout that can be put in a magazine), they need to be rehearsed for a short time. At the same time, these scenes are close to the students. They will be able to laugh at their mistakes, looking at themselves from the outside. Humor, jokes, funny scenes for children about school are well suited for KVN. See also School Humor.

1. Scene "At the lessons of the Russian language"

Teacher: Let's hear how you learned your homework. Whoever goes to answer first will get a point higher.
Disciple Ivanov (pulls out his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

Teacher: Your composition about a dog, Petrov, word for word is similar to Ivanov's composition!
Disciple Petrov: Mary Ivanna, so Ivanov and I live in the same yard, and there we have one dog for all!

Teacher: You, Sidorov, have a wonderful essay, but why is it not finished?
Student Sidorov: But because dad was urgently called to work!
Teacher: Koshkin, confess, who wrote the essay for you?
Pupil Koshkin: I don't know. I went to bed early.
Teacher: As for you, Klevtsov, let your grandfather come to me tomorrow!
Student Klevtsov: Grandpa? Maybe dad?
Teacher: No, grandfather. I want to show him what gross mistakes his son makes when he writes an essay for you.

Teacher: What kind of word is "egg", Sinichkin?
Student Sinichkin: None.
Teacher: Why?
Student Sinichkin: Because it is not known who will hatch from it: a rooster or a chicken.

Teacher: Petushkov, determine the gender of the words: “chair”, “table”, “sock”, “stocking”.
Disciple Petushkov: “Table”, “chair” and “sock” are masculine, and “stocking” is feminine.
Teacher: Why?
Disciple Petushkov: Because only women wear stockings!

Teacher: Smirnov, go to the blackboard, write down and analyze the sentence.
Student Smirnov goes to the blackboard.
The teacher dictates, and the student writes: "Dad went to the garage."
Teacher: Ready? We listen to you.
Student Smirnov: Dad - subject, left - predicate, in the garage - ... pretext.

Teacher: Who guys can come up with a sentence with homogeneous members?
Tyulkin's student holds out her hand.
Teacher: Please, Tyulkina.
Tyulkin's student: There were no trees, no bushes, no grass in the forest.

Teacher: Sobakin, come up with a sentence with the numeral "three".
Student Sobakin: My mother works at a knitwear factory.

Teacher: Rubashkin, go to the blackboard, write down the sentence.
Student Rubashkin goes to the blackboard.
The teacher dictates: The guys caught butterflies with nets.
Student Rubashkin writes: The guys caught butterflies with glasses.
Teacher: Rubashkin, why are you so inattentive?
Student Rubashkin: And what?
Teacher: Where did you see bespectacled butterflies?

Teacher: Bags, what part of speech is the word "dryish"?
Pupil Meshkov, getting up, is silent for a long time.
Teacher: Well, think, Meshkov, what question does this word answer?
Student Meshkov: What kind? Dryish!

Teacher: Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning. For example, fat - thin, cry - laugh, day - night. Petushkov, give me your example now.
Pupil Petushkov: A cat is a dog.
Teacher: And what about "cat - dog"?
Disciple Petushkov: Well, how? They are opposite and often fight among themselves.

Teacher: Sidorov, why do you eat apples in class?
Disciple Sidorov: It's a pity to waste time at a break!
Teacher: Stop it now! By the way, why weren't you at school yesterday?
Disciple Sidorov: My older brother got sick.
Teacher: What about you?
Student Sidorov: And I rode his bike!
Teacher: Sidorov! My patience has run out! Don't come to school tomorrow without your father!
Student Sidorov: And the day after tomorrow?

Teacher: Sushkina, come up with a proposal with an appeal.
Sushkin's student: Mary Ivanna, call!

2. Scene "Correct answer"

Teacher: Petrov, how much will it be: four divided by two?
Student: And what to share, Mikhail Ivanovich?
Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.
Student: And between whom?
Teacher: Well, let it be between you and Sidorov.
Student: Then three for me and one for Sidorov.
Teacher: Why is that?
Student: Because Sidorov owes me one apple.
Teacher: Doesn't he owe you a plum?
Student: No, you shouldn't plum.
Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?
Student: Four. And all to Sidorov.
Teacher: Why four?
Student: Because I don't like plums.
Teacher: Wrong again.
Student: How much is correct?
Teacher: And now I will put the correct answer in your diary!
(I. Butman)

3. Scene "Our cases"

Characters: teacher and student Petrov

Teacher: Petrov, go to the blackboard and write down a short story that I will dictate to you.
The student goes to the blackboard and prepares to write.
Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then he promised to improve.”
The student writes from dictation on the blackboard.
Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.
The student underlines the words: “dad”, “mother”, “Vova”, “behavior”, “Vova”, “promise”.
Teacher: Ready? Decide what case these nouns are in. Understood?
Student: Yes!
Teacher: Start!
Student: Mom and Dad. Who? What? Parents. So, the case is genitive.
Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So the case is nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.
Vova was silent guiltily. So, here “Vova” has an accusative case.
Well, the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!
That's all!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest to give yourself?
Student: What? Of course, five!
Teacher: So five? By the way, in what case did you call this word “five”?
Student: Prepositional!
Teacher: In a prepositional? Why?
Student: Well, I suggested it myself!
(according to L. Kaminsky)

4. Scene "At the lessons of mathematics"

Characters: teacher and students of the class

Teacher: Petrov, you can hardly count to ten. I have no idea who you can become?
Disciple Petrov: Boxing judge, Mary Ivanna!

Teacher: Trushkin is coming to the board to solve the problem.
Student Trushkin goes to the blackboard.
Teacher: Listen carefully to the condition of the problem. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many...
Disciple Trushkin goes to the door.
Teacher: Trushkin, where are you?!
Disciple Trushkin: I ran home, there are sweets!

Teacher: Petrov, bring the diary here. I'll put your yesterday's deuce in it.
Disciple Petrov: I don't have it.
Teacher: Where is he?
Disciple Petrov: And I gave it to Vitka - to scare my parents!

Teacher: Vasechkin, if you have ten rubles, and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?
Disciple Vasechkin: Ten rubles.
Teacher: You just don't know math!
Disciple Vasechkin: No, you don't know my brother!

Teacher: Sidorov, please answer, how much is three times seven?
Student Sidorov: Marya Ivanovna, I will only answer your question in the presence of my lawyer!

Teacher: Why, Ivanov, does your father always do your homework for you?
Student Ivanov: Mom doesn't have free time!

Teacher: Now solve problem number 125 on your own.
The students get to work.
Teacher: Smirnov! Why are you copying from Terentiev?
Disciple Smirnov: No, Mary Ivanna, he is copying me, and I'm just checking whether he did it right!

Teacher: Guys, who is Archimedes? Answer, Shcherbinina.
Shcherbinin's student: This is a mathematical Greek.

5. Scene "At the lessons of natural history"

Characters: teacher and students of the class

Teacher: Who can name five wild animals?
Student Petrov raises his hand.
Teacher: Answer, Petrov.
Disciple Petrov: A tiger, a tigress and... three cubs.

Teacher: What are dense forests? Answer, Kosichkina!
Kosichkin's student: These are the kind of forests in which ... it's good to take a nap.

Teacher: Simakova, please name the parts of the flower.
Simakov's student: Petals, stem, pot.
Teacher: Ivanov, please answer us, what benefits do birds and animals bring to a person?
Student Ivanov: Birds peck mosquitoes, and cats catch mice for him.

Teacher: Petrov, what book about famous travelers have you read?
Apprentice Roosters: "Frog Traveler"

Teacher: Who will answer how the sea differs from the river? Please, Mishkin.
Disciple Mishkin: The river has two banks, and the sea has one.

Student Zaitsev holds out his hand.
Teacher: What do you want, Zaitsev? Is there something you want to ask?
Disciple Zaitsev: Mary Ivanna, is it true that people descended from monkeys?
Teacher: True.
Disciple Zaitsev: That's what I see: there are so few monkeys!

Teacher: Kozyavin, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?
Student Kozyavin: Well, Mary Ivanna, it entirely depends on the cat.

Teacher: Go to the blackboard ... Meshkov and tell us about the crocodile.
Student Meshkov (going to the blackboard): The length of the crocodile from head to tail is five meters, and from tail to head - seven meters.
Teacher: Think what you are saying! Is it possible?
Student Meshkov: It happens! For example, from Monday to Wednesday - two days, and from Wednesday to Monday - five!

Teacher: Khomyakov, answer me, why do people need a nervous system?
Disciple Khomyakov: To be nervous.

Teacher: Why do you, Sinichkin, look at your watch every minute?
Student Sinichkin: Because I'm terribly worried that the bell will interrupt the amazingly interesting lesson.

Teacher: Guys, who will answer where the bird flies with a straw in its beak?
Student Belkov raises his hand above all.
Teacher: Try, Belkov.
Pupil Belkov: To the cocktail bar, Mary Ivanna.

Teacher: Teplyakova, what teeth appear last in a person?
Teplyakov's student: Plug-in, Mary Ivanna.

Teacher: Now I will ask you a very difficult question, for the correct answer I will immediately put a five with a plus. And the question is: “Why is European time ahead of American time?”
Student Klyushkin raises his hand.
Teacher: Answer, Klyushkin.
Disciple Klyushkin: Because America was discovered later!

6. Scene "Folder under the arm"

Vovka: Listen, I'll tell you a funny story. Yesterday I took a folder by mouse and went to Uncle Yura, my mother ordered.
Andrew: Ha-ha-ha! Indeed, it's funny.
Vovka (surprised): What's so funny? I haven't started talking yet.
Andrey (laughing): Folder... under the arm! Well thought out. Yes, your folder under the arm and will not fit, he's not a cat!
Vovka: Why "my folder"? Folder - daddy. You forgot how to speak correctly from laughter, or what?
Andrei: (winking and pounding his forehead): Ah, I guessed! Grandfather - under the arm! He speaks incorrectly, but he also teaches. Now it’s clear: dad’s folder is your grandfather Kolya! In general, it’s great you came up with it - funny and with a riddle!
Vova (offended): What does my grandfather Kolya have to do with it? I wanted to tell you something completely different. You didn’t listen to the end, but you laugh, you interfere with speaking. Yes, even dragged my grandfather, put him under his arm, what a storyteller was found! I'd rather go home than talk to you.
Andrei (to himself, left alone): And why was he offended? Why tell funny stories if you can't even laugh?
(I. Semerenko)

7. Scene "3=7 and 2=5"

Teacher: Well, Petrov? What am I to do with you?
Petrov: And what?
Teacher: All year you did nothing, did not study anything. I don't know exactly what to put in the statement.
Petrov (looking sullenly at the floor): I, Ivan Ivanovich, was engaged in scientific work.
Teacher: What are you? What?
Petrov: I decided that all of our mathematics is wrong and ... I proved it!
Teacher: Well, how, Comrade Great Petrov, did you achieve this?
Petrov: Ah, what can I say, Ivan Ivanovich! It's not my fault that Pythagoras was mistaken and this ... Archimedes!
Teacher: Archimedes?
Petrov: And he, too, After all, they said that three is only three.
Teacher: What else?
Petrov (solemnly): That's not true! I proved that three equals seven!
Teacher: How is it?
Petrov: Look, 15 -15 = 0. Right?
Teacher: Right.
Petrov: 35 - 35 = 0 - also true. So 15-15 = 35-35. Right?
Teacher: Right.
Petrov: We take out the common factors: 3(5-5) = 7(5-5). Right?
Teacher: Exactly.
Petrov: Hehe! (5-5) = (5-5). This is also true!
Teacher: Yes.
Petrov: Then everything is upside down: 3 = 7!
Teacher: Yep! So, Petrov, survived.
Petrov: I didn't want to, Ivan Ivanovich. But against science ... you can't sin!
Teacher: Understood. Look: 20-20 = 0. Right?
Petrov: Exactly!
Teacher: 8-8 = 0 - also true. Then 20-20 = 8-8. It is truth too?
Petrov: Exactly, Ivan Ivanovich, exactly.
Teacher: We take out the common factors: 5 (4-4) \u003d 2 (4-4). Right?
Petrov: Right!
Teacher: That's it, Petrov, I give you a "2"!
Petrov: For what, Ivan Ivanovich?
Teacher: Don't be upset, Petrov, because if we divide both parts of the equality by (4-4), then 2=5. So did you do it?
Petrov: Well, let's say.
Teacher: So I put "2", it doesn't matter. A?
Petrov: No, it's not all the same, Ivan Ivanovich, "5" is better.
Teacher: Perhaps better, Petrov, but until you prove it, you will have a deuce in a year, equal, in your opinion, to a five!
Guys, help Petrov.
(Newspaper "Primary School", "Mathematics", No. 24, 2002)

8. Scene "Schoolboy and seller"

Characters: a schoolboy and a shop assistant

Sales assistant: What do you suggest?
Schoolchild: The years of the reign of Nicholas II?
Sales assistant: I don't know.
Schoolchild: Okay ... Pythagorean theorem?
Sales Assistant: … (shrugs)
Schoolboy: Photosynthesis?
Sales Assistant: (sighing) I don't know...
Schoolboy: Well, what are you climbing then with your “What can I tell you?”!!!
(KVN team from Ryazan)

9. Scene "Schoolchildren at the stadium"

Characters: schoolchildren and stadium informant

A group of young fans led by a leader loudly chant:
Suddenly, the voice of the stadium informant turns on:
Informant's voice: Attention young fans! (young fans stop chanting)
Your history teacher is at the match!
Young fans start chanting:
(KVN team from Ryazan)

10. Scene "Unnecessary words, or Cool Dnieper in cool weather"

Characters: a cultured adult and a modern schoolboy Vanya Sidorov

Hello Vanya.
- Hello.
- Well, tell me, Vanya, how are you?
- Wu, the deeds of might.
- I'm sorry, what?
- Cool, I say, one wick blew such a thing. Rides to the sket. Give, he says, great to drive. Sat down and scratched. And here is the teacher. And he let's show off. Broke the mitten. Yes, how shaky. Himself with a black eye. The teacher almost went off the rails, but the bike hooted. In rzhachka. Cool, right?
- And what, there was a horse?
- What horse?
- Well, who was neighing. Or I didn't understand anything.
- Nu, nothing you not understood?
- Come on, let's start over.
- Well, let's. So one wick...
- Without a candle?
- Without.
- And what is this wick?
- Well, one guy, long, rolled up to the box ...
- What did he ride, on a bicycle?
- No, the child had a bicycle.
- Which sket?
- Well, shibzdik one. Yes, you know him, he walks around here with such a schnobel.
- With whom, with whom?
- Yes, not with whom, but with what, his nose is in the form of a schnobel. Well, let's go, he says, it's great to drive. Sat down and scratched.
- Did he itch something?
- No, he drank.
- Well, how did you cut it?
- What did you cut?
- Well, is it big?
- How?
- Well, this same, schnobel?
- No, the little girl had a schnobel. And the wick had a black eye, a bzig struck him in the head, and he began to roam. He opened his mitten, so he twitched.
- And why the mitten, did he twitch in the winter?
- Yes, there was no winter there, there was a teacher.
- Teacher, you mean.
- Well, yes, with a black eye, that is, with a great one, no, with coils. But the very rolling, that great whooped.
- How did you goof off?
- Well, covered up. into small pieces. Now understand?
- Understood. I realized that you do not know Russian at all.
- I don't know how!
- Can you imagine if everyone spoke the way you do, what would happen?
- What?
Do you remember Gogol's? “Wonderful is the Dnieper in calm weather, when it rushes freely and smoothly through its forests and mountains full of its waters, it neither rustles nor thunders.
- I remember.
- Now listen to how it sounds in your bzik language: "Cool Dnieper in cool weather, when, roaming and showing off, it saws its cool waves through forests and mountains. you don't know if he saws or doesn't saw. A rare bird with a schnobel combs up to the middle of the Dnieper. Do you like?
- I like it, - he said and ran, shouting: "Cool Dnieper in cool weather."
(Lion Izmailov)

11. A young man in a nightclub

Characters: girl, young man, mother

A girl is sitting at the bar. A young man approaches her.

Young man: Hey babe! Are you bored?
GIRL: Yes, there are some.
YOUNG MAN: Can you come with me? I will arrange an unforgettable evening for you!
GIRL: Sounds. But my mother is waiting for me at 23-00 at home.
YOUNG MAN: Is mom waiting? Drop it! What are you, 10 years old? Do you go on dates with your mom? Ha!

Suddenly, a young man's hand confidently takes by the ear. Everyone sees that this is the hand of an aged woman.

YOUNG MAN: Mom? What are you doing here?
MOM: What are you doing here?
YOUNG MAN: Well, Mom! I…
MOM: I don't want to hear! March home!
YOUNG MAN: (to girl) Baby, I'll call you back!
MOM: Home!
(KVN team from Ryazan)

12. Radiologist's office

Characters: grandmother, boy, radiologist

Radiologist's office: X-ray machine, table, chair. The doctor is sitting at the table.
A little boy and a grandmother enter the office.

GRANDMA (pointing to the boy). I've looked all over, there are no points anywhere. I think he swallowed them. All in his grandfather!
RADIOLOGIST (referring to the boy). Have you swallowed granny's glasses?
The boy does not answer.
GRANDMOTHER. Partisan! All in his grandfather!
RADIOLOGIST. Are you silent? But now we will enlighten you through and through and find out everything.
GRANDMA (happily). Yep, got it! Would love to have something like this at home.
RADIOLOGIST (examines the picture). Well, well, well ... You know ... he has here not only glasses, but also a wallet with money. I can’t say for sure, but somewhere around three hundred rubles.
GRANDMOTHER. It's not ours, we don't need someone else's. The main thing for me is to get glasses, I can’t watch TV without them.
RADIOLOGIST. We'll get it now.
The radiologist comes up to the boy, picks him up by his legs and shakes him. Glasses and wallet fall to the floor.
GRANDMA (grabbing glasses). Thank you very much, doctor. I don't even know how to thank you. Let me kiss you!
RADIOLOGIST (turns the wallet in his hands). No need. But the wallet, if possible, I will leave myself as a keepsake.
GRANDMOTHER. It's not ours, not ours, we don't need someone else's.
Grandmother and grandson leave the office.
RADIOLOGIST (loudly). Next!
(A. Givargizov)

Father: Serpent Gorynych
Head teacher: Baba Yaga
Math teacher: Leshy
Geography teacher: Kikimora
Botany Teacher: Witch
Class teacher: Water

ZMEY GORYNYCH (flies into the teacher's room):
... Yes, I told him a hundred times! ..
So what did he do again?

Multiply a minus with a sine -
Got a minus one!

Confused albinos
With albatrosses...

Threw apricots...

Blowing soap bubbles!

On a bet
Swallowed the call!

Yawned the whole lesson
And infected everyone with a yawn!

But yesterday
dragged to class

With this nasty boy
There is no sweetness!

BABA YAGA (unctuous):
Maybe give him poison?
Or throw it to the wolves?
AM -
And there is no bad student!

Don't get excited, dear Yaga.
In our age
Such measures are outdated.

A hundred years ago
We would have it
But now
We have
Not many students
In reserve...

Let's not run
To extreme measures.

Let's try to get him
Good example.

ZMEY GORYNYCH (confused):
Mmmm... Less, more...
That is, more or less!
And yet...

WITCH (interrupts):
Your example doesn't work...
But boy
Doesn't want to study at all!

Oh, how much trouble with children! ..

Lock him in the closet - let him learn lessons!
And if he doesn't stop yawning...

We will turn it
In chewing gum
And we will
(E. Lipatova)

14. Daily routine


Schoolboy Vova
Schoolboy Petya

- And you, Vova, do you know what a regime is?

- Certainly! Regime… Regime is where I want, I jump there.

- Wrong! Routine is the order of the day. Are you doing it?

- I even overfulfill it.

- Like this?

- According to the schedule, I need to walk twice a day, and I walk four!

- No, you are not overfulfilling it, but breaking it! Do you know what the daily routine should be?

- I know! Climb. Charger. Washing. Bed cleaning. Breakfast. School. Dinner. Walk. Prep. Walk.

- Fine.

- And it can be even better.

- How is it?

- Like this! Climb. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch. Walk. Dinner. Walk. Tea. Walk. Dinner. Walk. Dream.

- Oh no. In this mode, you will turn out to be a lazy and ignoramus.

- Will not work.

- Why?

- Because with my grandmother we carry out the whole regimen.

- How is it with your grandmother?

- And so. Half of it is done by me, and half by my grandmother. And together it turns out the whole regime.

- I don't understand!

- Very simple. I do the lifting. Charging is performed by the grandmother. Washing is a grandmother. Bed cleaning - grandmother. Breakfast is me. Walk - me. Cooking lessons - my grandmother and I. Walk - me. Lunch is me.

- Aren't you ashamed?! Now I understand why you are so undisciplined.


15. About Pushkin

Two duelists stand opposite each other. One of them is Pushkin.

Second: Come on!

Pushkin and his opponent raise their pistols. Approach barriers. Pushkin's opponent makes a shot. Pushkin is wounded. The enemy approaches the wounded Pushkin.

Pushkin: For what?

Pushkin's opponent: Bastard! Because of you, they left me for the second year in literature !!!

16. School riddles

Characters: Schoolboy, his friend - Vovka Sidorov

SCHOOLCHILD (addressing confidentially to the audience, pointing to a friend standing nearby):
And Vovka Sidorov from our class is slow-witted! Here I came across interesting riddles about school affairs, and riddles should be in rhyme. Of course, I guessed everything right away, and then I decided to test Vovka for quick wits.

SCHOOLBOY (to Vovka Sidorov):
Here, guess the riddle in rhyme: “Between two calls, the term is called ...”

VOVKA SIDOROV (instantly):

Well, that's right, "change" is suitable, but there should be a guess in rhyme!

VOVKA SIDOROV (offended):
Yeah, he himself said that it was right, and then you start ...

Okay, let me give you another riddle, just think before you say the answer. “The athlete told us: Everyone go to the sports ...”


Which store? For what? Where did you see him?

What do you mean why? I need to buy new sneakers, otherwise the sole of mine is already lagging behind on my left foot. And the Sporting Goods store is right in front of the school. You, too, have seen him a hundred times.

SCHOOLBOY (to the side of the hall):
Well, what can you prove to him here!

SCHOOLBOY (to Vovka Sidorov):
Can you solve this riddle in rhyme? “Schools are not simple buildings, schools get…”

Over the head! Yesterday, I almost didn’t touch the bow at Lenka Petrova’s, and she bang-bang me with a book on the head.

Listen to another riddle: “And today I got another mark…”

Three, three I again received in mathematics.

STUDENT (addressing the audience in the hall):
Well Vovka and slow-witted! Well dumbass! Although ... I look, his face is cunning, tricky. Maybe he played me? Today is April 1st!!!
(Leonid Medvedev)

17. About parents

A man in a clothing store dials a number on his cell phone.

Man: Hello, honey! … Did our Mishka do his homework? … Yes? How about in his diary? Good, yes?! So, did he leave the room? Crap! Did you eat soup? Nothing ... I just went to the store, and then the sale of belts!

An obligatory part of New Year's concerts at school are short funny numbers performed by students. Most often, cool scenes for the New Year 2019 for the school are prepared by high school students. It can be either funny congratulations for children and teachers, or mini-performances on topical topics, reminiscent of comic numbers from KVN. But even younger students, just like middle school students, can participate in funny scenes. For example, put on a number about Baba Yaga, who is trying to ruin the New Year or a comic dance of Russian attendants from 3 people. The theme of such children's numbers can be very different, ranging from musical parodies to reworked fairy tales in a modern way. Next, we offer you some interesting ideas that you can use for fun scenes for the New Year 2019 at school.

The funniest New Year's skits for schoolchildren - short numbers, ideas and examples

To cheer everyone up at a New Year's concert for schoolchildren, it is not at all necessary to put on long numbers - short funny scenes are also perfect. Usually they are dialogues between several participants on topics related to the holiday. Also relevant options for the New Year's concert can be different school situations that are easy and fun to beat. For example, you can put on a short scene about Vovochka and a teacher who scolds him for bad grades and reproaches that his father will soon have gray hair. To which Vovochka cheerfully declares that this will be a great New Year's gift for his dad, because he is completely bald.

Examples of short and funny New Year's scenes for schoolchildren, the best ideas

Another great story for a funny New Year's scene to school is writing a letter to Santa Claus. Here you can beat, for example, a huge amount of writing (a common notebook for 48 sheets), errors in each word, due to which Grandfather Frost does not understand the content of the appeal to him. You will find some more interesting ideas for New Year's short skits to school below.

Universal scenes for the New Year for children on modern topics - funny examples, video

Special attention should be paid to universal scenes for the New Year for children on funny topics that are relevant in the modern world. First of all, numbers of a certain format fall into this group. For example, musical medleys are funny numbers using cuts of audio tracks from songs and phrases from movies. Also, the always relevant format of the skits is a comic dance number, in which funny-dressed participants perform - well-known characters.

Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on topical modern topics

Another example of a universal format for funny scenes for the New Year for children is remade fairy tales in a modern way. For example, you can put a number about how the characters from a fairy tale about 12 months would look today. Of course, the dialogues and images of the characters in this case will be very different from the classic plot. You will find several interesting options for universal and very funny scenes for a concert in honor of the New Year at a school for children in the following videos.

Very funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students - modern ideas

If we talk about options for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students, it is important to remember that such numbers should be short. It is very easy for young children to become confused when performing on stage and forget a long line. Therefore, it is better to choose short scenes in the form of dialogues between 2-3 people. It is also good to use musical and dance numbers, which are much easier for elementary school students to remember. For example, a win-win option for the New Year is a funny dance of Russian grandmothers who are trying to portray a lower break dance.

Modern ideas for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students

As for the theme of the rooms, scenes on the New Year theme are especially relevant in elementary school. These can be options using traditional characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, etc. You can also play a scene about New Year's wishes and the main traditions of this wonderful holiday. You will find some examples of funny scenes for the New Year for primary school students in the following videos.

Cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of the school - the funniest options

For ideas of cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019, students in grades 5-7 of high school can also use funny options from the previous selection. But unlike elementary school students, middle school children can put on longer and more complex numbers. For example, they can prepare not just an excerpt from a children's fairy tale, but completely remake this work on a New Year's theme. Suitable in the form of a cool scene and a comic parody. An example is a situation where show business stars could congratulate Santa Claus. For such a number, you need to choose the most recognizable and popular performers, and rewrite their hits in a festive way. Of course, in such a performance, the artistry of the students performing is very important, who are able to convey the image of a star through a parody.

Funny options for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of high school

Also, as funny and cool scenes for the New Year for students in grades 5-7, numbers on everyday topics are suitable. For example, a rather fun performance can be played around the traditional preparation of the average family for the New Year. You can also use popular scenes from KVN, beating them with a New Year's bias. Vivid examples of funny numbers for the New Year 2019 can be found in the selection of videos below.

Funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 to school - options for high school students on modern topics

If we talk about funny and funny scenes for the New Year to school, then for high school students, numbers on current modern topics are best suited. For example, school graduates can stage a comic rap battle between students and teachers. Perfect for a New Year's concert and cool dance performances for modern hits using interesting costumes. In addition, high school students can use popular challenges from the network as the basis for a fun number.

Funny options for funny scenes on modern topics for high school students on the New Goal 2019 to school

A funny number for a New Year's concert performed by high school students can also be done in a stand-up format. This type of humorous performance has recently been gaining more and more popularity and will be relevant as part of a school event for the New Year. As a theme for stand-up performed by high school students, you can use situations familiar to everyone from school life. Another fun format for comic scenes is suspense/reality productions. Moreover, such a scene can be played, or it can be made interactive, for example, using large-format pictures or small video clips on the screen. You will find some examples of funny scenes for a New Year's concert for high school students in the following videos.

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for the school must be funny, funny and cool. Of course, the level of humor of such numbers largely depends on the performers - students in grades 1-4 of elementary school, grades 5-7 of high school or schoolchildren from grades 8-11. It is clear that the older the children, the more modern and complex numbers can be staged with their participation. But even short children's skits can cheer up everyone present with a properly composed comic scenario of the holiday. For example, it can be funny congratulations for teachers or popular numbers from the New Year's editions of KVN. Do not forget about mini-performances of 3-4 people, which can ignite the audience, for example, with a cheerful dance of Baba Yaga or restless Russian grandmothers. We really hope that the ideas and videos from today's article will help you plan an unforgettable New Year's concert at school!

We offer a version of the children's New Year's holiday with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, the program includes riddles, active contests, songs and dance entertainment.

Scenario New Year's holiday for children of different ages- universal, exciting and very cheerful, it is easy to organize and conduct in any team, especially since the musical accompaniment is attached (thanks to the author!)

Scenario of the New Year's holiday

Under the soundtrack, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, examines the beautiful Christmas tree, the bright hall and draws attention to the children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy Holidays my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am

Children (in chorus): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: That's right, Snow Maiden!

And since I came to the kids,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

Everyone celebrates the New Year

They lead a round dance,

Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles.

Well, that's how it will be today!

Children's New Year's noise maker "So as not to freeze ..."

Now let's dive into the New Year's fairy tale,

But first, let's make some noise and warm up!

So that we do not freeze in the evil frost -

Let's hold on to our noses! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that there is no trouble with the doctors -

Rubbing your frozen cheeks like this! (shows)

So that the hands do not freeze - clap! (claps hands)

And now let's warm our feet and stomp (shows)

And we'll tickle the neighbor a little (The Snow Maiden affectionately tickles several guys)

And, of course, let's laugh together! (ha ha ha)

And now, since you are warm, I have a question:

Who will add fun to everyone?

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, we really need Santa Claus,

Let's call him all together, together: "Santa Claus!"

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!

(to download - click the file)

Under the song "Well, of course, Santa Claus," Santa Claus himself comes out. He greets everyone, inspects the Christmas tree, throws snowballs, throws serpentine, slams the firecracker, etc. (Then the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus lead the program together)

Father Frost: I am glad to see my grandchildren again,

After all, we are not celebrating the New Year for the first time,

And when they meet, what do they say to a friend?

Nice, simple word "hello"!

Guys, where is my fidget Snow Maiden? Here she was, come on!?

(Snow Maiden hides behind Santa Claus and says now from the left, now from the right: "I am here").

Father Frost: Oh, the Snow Maiden is a mischievous girl, fooled around? Enough!

All the guys in the hall are waiting for gifts, congratulations!

Although, probably, the girls and boys here

The same as you, pranksters and rascals?

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, is this how the holiday begins? The guys haven’t seen you for a whole year, they were waiting for a meeting, and you declare to them right away that they, most likely, somehow behave in a wrong way ..

Father Frost: Yes, I kindly scolded only a little, well, well, I'll ask them themselves. The children are beautiful, you must be terrible little rascals?

(to download - click the file)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, everyone knows that you are a kind wizard.

Father Frost: Yes. And I'll tell you honestly: doing good miracles and making all sorts of transformations is so interesting.

Snow Maiden: But is it so complicated - magic?

Father Frost: Nothing like this. Let's try to turn into an animal or a bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how are you, grandpa?

Father Frost: Very simple. The kids just need to be more careful. I will pronounce the magic words, i.e. sing a song, and you guys, following the Snow Maiden and me, will repeat the magical movements. And so you turn into an animal or a bird. It's clear?

Active game "Transformation No. 1 - Zoo"

(the smallest children are selected. They walk in a circle one after another and repeat the movements of D.M. and Snegurka to the tune of the song “about the grasshopper”)

(to download - click the file)

Here in the snowy winter, thicket of the forest Thicket of the forest, gray creeps ...wolf

Imagine, imagine a forest thicket

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf stalking

In Australia, far away, on a low hill. On a low hill, so galloping ... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on a low hill

Imagine, imagine - this is how a kangaroo jumps

Under the gray foam, under the blue water Under the blue water, so it swims ... dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under the blue water

Imagine, imagine - this is how a dolphin swims

From the balcony to the gazebo, and from the lantern to the branch And from the lantern to the branch flies ...sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and from the lantern to the branch

Imagine, imagine - a sparrow flies

Dancing at the lair and not sparing his feet And not sparing his feet so stomping ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and not sparing your feet

Imagine, imagine - this is how the bear stomps

Father Frost: And now we can do some magic more difficult.

(other participants are selected from the kids)

Active game "Transformation No. 2 - Orchestra"

(a song is sung, and the children, together with D.M. and Snegurka, depict playing musical instruments - a trumpet, a violin and a drum).

(to download - click the file)

Father Frost: Also, in order for a wizard to perform all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imaginative.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, will they still start teasing - “I imagined my tail was tucked in”?

Father Frost: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, ie. imagine anything. Listen to my story and imagine. Only first we need to choose assistants - 7 people. and an additional 4-6 people. for the role of snowflakes.

(preferably, adult spectators are selected for the roles: Bees, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf and the hare, Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, Cat Leopold and snowflakes. All characters wear mask hats and each comes out to his own soundtrack, instead of a barrel of honey, a balloon ).

Children's New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "Imagined"

There lived a Snow Maiden. And she went to celebrate the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes swirled in the air. And then the Snow Maiden hears a buzzing. - This is probably someone fly - thought the Snow Maiden. Indeed, this is a bee named Maya flying and holding a barrel of honey in its paws. A bee flies up to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: “Treat, Snow Maiden, your friends.” And she flew away. As soon as she flew away, the Snow Maiden hears someone waddling stomping and groaning: “Wow, wow, wow.” And this is Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh came up to the Snow Maiden and said: "Treat me with a honeycomb, Snow Maiden." As soon as he said this, suddenly a hare runs, followed by a hooligan wolf and shouts: “Well, hare, wait a minute!” A hare with a wolf ran up, they also want honey. And then the sound of wheels - tu-tu. A blue wagon rolls, and on it ... Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile, and they say: "Leave us some honey too." Then there was a noise and uproar, everyone was shouting: "Me, me, me." The Snow Maiden was at a loss that she almost dropped a barrel of honey from her hands. It’s good that at that time a kind cat in slippers and a bow around his neck came up and said: “Guys, let's live together!” And then divide the honey equally among all. The animals ate sweet honey and clapped their hands for joy. Like this!

Dance under the sash

Father Frost: Yes, you are notable imaginations, I want to see what kind of dancers you are.

(Guys exit) A dance is announced under my sash. You need to go back and forth under the sash to the music, dancing. The sash will gradually fall lower and lower, but you cannot touch it.

(Participants are selected for the dance competition or everyone, as well as assistants from among the adults who will hold the sash. The originality of the dance is assessed).

Father Frost: And what a beautiful Christmas tree you have. It is immediately clear that they were preparing for the New Year's Eve. Did you decorate the tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up? I'll check now. I will offer different decorations, and you turn on your imagination, but be careful, tell me in response, if they decorate the Christmas tree with this, then “yes”, and if they do not decorate, then “no”

How do we decorate a Christmas tree, we all know for sure

And what is possible and what is not - we will immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and dryers? (No)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skates, skis and play? (No)

A colorful garland? (Yes)

And the snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Grandfather Frost will sing a song about a Christmas tree, only I need your help. You need to sing the following words in the chorus: “Like, like the Christmas tree is beautiful!” Let's rehearse.

(everyone sings at the same tempo)

The song "Christmas tree - beauty"

(recorded version with Father Frost's vocals and playing for the chorus with the children)


In the center of the hall, a beauty grew up miraculously

Well, tell me, guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

Like, like Christmas tree - beauty - 2 times

There are so many colorful tinsel on its shaggy branches

Bell carved, colorful balls - 2 times

Chorus .

In a warm room, the snow does not melt, this is what happens on New Year's Eve

And the guys are leading a round dance in the hall near the Christmas tree - 2 times

Father Frost : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - a team of D.M. and the Snow Maiden team of 10 people. in each and two adults in each team for safety net.

Sounds background music "Carnival".

Presenter1: Everyone run here
Gather in this room
If you want to see
New Year's carnival!

Presenter 2: crackers, sweets,
Icicles, balls of golden color,
Gifts, flickering colored lights,
Stars, snowflakes, garlands of flags,
Dances and songs, and laughter incessantly!
What will it be, in your opinion?
Together: Christmas tree!

Presenter 3: Get in the circle,
Hold hands together
Let's sing, dance,
Meet the New Year.

Presenter 1: With songs and laughter

Everyone ran into the hall

And everyone saw a forest guest

Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

It glows with different lights.

Ved.2: Let's all together say to each other:

"Happy New Year!" Three four!

Presenter 1: Well done! And now let's say hello to each other: Let's say "Hello !!"

Presenter 2: Now let's determine who has more boys or girls?

Vedas. 1: Girls yell at the "A" sound and boys yell at the "U" sound. Prepared three four: Girls! .. Boys! ..

The children are screaming.

Vedas. 2: And now we all together say "Hello, our Christmas tree!"

Three four!

The children speak in unison.

Ved.1: How wonderful you all are. I see that you love this holiday very much. Really guys?

Children: Yes!....

Ved.2: Let's start the show

There will be games, there will be laughter.

There will be fairy tales, there will be dances -

A holiday that is joyful for everyone.

Ved.3: We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Haven't seen each other for a whole year

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance.

Dance performance "It's good that every year."

Ved.1: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
We hasten to congratulate everyone
Let under our miracle tree,
Loud laughter doesn't stop.

Ved.2: We are all very well

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

Ved.3: New Year is coming

The Year of the Goat is coming!

And she came to us for the holiday

Congratulations goat! Meetings.

The music is _____________. Goat enters the stage.

Notices children.

Goat. Hello guys! How beautiful it is here!

Ved.2: Hello Goat. We are glad to see you at our holiday. Why did you come to us?

Goat: Of course with songs, dances and riddles. You know how my kids love to play pranks.

Ved.3: Of course we know, because all the children in the world are big mischievous people,

Ved.1: Tell me, please, where are your kids, maybe they were eaten by a gray wolf.

Goat: Yeah, he'll eat, you say. Choke. My goat kids love to ride it.

Ved.1: Miracles, and nothing more.

Goat: What, you don’t believe it?, but by the way, they are.

Music sounds: A wolf appears, tied to a chair, and goats dance around him.

Wolf– Help! Help! Save me from the goats!

Look how they jump, play pranks, and break everything in a row!

Untie me - I've become kind, friends!

Goat: Well, let's untie the wolf, guys?

Children: Yes…

Goat: What if he gets angry and rushes at the guys and scares them.

Wolf: No, I will not offend children, I will play with them.

Goat: Okay, grey, I believe you. Little goats, untie him.

The goats unleash the wolf.

Wolf: Oh. How glad I am that you guys untied the ropes, I'm tired of playing noisy games.

Goat: Listen to gray, and let's play with the guys in our favorite game "Is it really kids?"

Wolf: Oh, play, play like that. The main thing will not be beaten. Well, guys, let's play? .... then all answer in unison: "Yes" or "No." Get ready to start.

Music sounds _____________

Goat: Santa Claus loves fun

And he will come to us for the holiday.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together...("Yes!")

Wolf: Santa Claus comes in May

He plays the drum

Give me an answer soon

It's true kids...("No!")

Goat: He brings us gifts

And he sings about the Christmas tree.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together… ("Yes!")

Wolf: Grandfather that cunning, like a fox,

And it always bites.

Give me an answer soon

It's true, kids... ("No!")

Goat: Grandpa has a best friend

Snowman is his name.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together… ("Yes!")

Wolf: Santa Claus lives in a hollow

Everyone is scared in the dark.

Give me an answer soon

It's true kids...("No!")

Goat: Grandpa loves to play

And dance at the Christmas tree.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... ("Yes!")

Goat: Well done guys, they answered in unison, we continue the holiday. My goats. And now it's your turn to entertain the guys and celebrate the new year.

Stop music.

Ved.2: At goatlings - New Year.
There will be dancing, round dance.
On the porch at the door
They are waiting for guests.

Performing the dance "Hello guys."

Wolf: Oh how I love New Years. What else do they do for New Years?

Ved.3: Like giving gifts.

Wolf:. Present? Oh, I love gifts! I want to be presented with a delicious goat meat.

Goat: What??? What you said?

Wolf: I am silent, I am silent ... delicious cabbage. Don't you like tasty cabbage?

Goat: I ... like delicious cabbage, and even very much.

Ved.2: Do not quarrel dear guests. Santa Claus will come and bring different gifts for everyone.

Wolf: Father Frost? Is this the kind of grandfather who freezes everyone?

Vedas: no, he is kind, he loves to play with children and always brings gifts.

Wolf: Hooray, I want to meet him. And how to find it?

Children put forward versions.

Ved.2: Yes, very simple. He must be called.

Wolf: Just? So simple? So let's call!

Goat: Guys, let's shout faster: Grandfather Frost !!!, Three-four. ….(1 time)

Cinderella runs right in. Magical music sounds (transformation).

Presenter 1: What's happened? What's happened? Yes, it's Cinderella!

Cinderella: Hello guys.

Presenter 2: Hello Cinderella. How did you get here?
Cinderella: Trouble, guys, trouble. Baba Yaga kidnapped the Snow Maiden. We urgently need to save her.

Wolf: How the Snow Maiden kidnapped. So there won't be a new year?

Cinderella: The Good Fairy gave me a magic wand to help you save her.

Goat: Of course we are all ready, right guys?

Cinderella: magic wand,
Touch the tree.
Christmas tree fluffy,
Show me the way to the Snow Maiden!

Ved.2: Guys! Only dance will help us find the way to the Snow Maiden. Let's dance with Cinderella!

Dance "Stand up, children, stand in a circle." Children run in a circle, polka.

Ved.3: Guys, look at the dark forest around, a terrible rumble is heard, where did we get to.

Baba Yaga and little Yaga run in, running to the song “And I'm a little abomination”. They run around the tree.

Presenter: What else is this?

Baba Yaga: Is this our tree?

Mal. Yaga: Yes Yes! Ours, ours!

Baba Yaga: We spotted her that year for the Serpent Gorynych. And this tree was brought here! Here we are! .. We will enchant everyone!

Mal. Yaga: Yes Yes! Let's bewitch, let's bewitch!

Baba Yaga: Look, everyone's gathered here. What do you all want here?

Presenter: Dear Yagulets! Shame on you! We are celebrating the New Year here.

Mal. Yaga: Chevos, Chevos, meet?

Host: New Year!

Baba Yaga: Well, that's enough, that's enough! We don't want to listen to anyone. Either this tree is ours, or we will enchant it, and it will go out forever. Here!

Mal. Yaga: Yes, yes, go out, go out!

Baba Yaga: And Santa Claus will never come here. And we will all get gifts.

Mal. Yaga: That's great!

Presenter: Guys, what to do? Give away the tree?

Children shout: "No!" Little Yaga pulls Baba Yaga

Mal. Yaga: What shall we do?

Baba Yaga: Forgotten why we are here!? We must do evil. Well, build up! March behind me! Sing the magic song!

Song "Witch"

"We, Ezhki, Ezhki, Ezhki,

We are going to the tree.

We don't like fun

We are not friends with the guys

And we only do evil!"

They conjure: "Chuhara-muhara!


One two Three!


The light turned off! "

(The light is flashing, the tree goes out)

Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga:(together) Well, that's it!

Presenter 1: Can't be! Christmas tree, light up! Guys, let's all get together.

(Children speak, but the tree does not light up.)

Baba Yaga: Don't try, it won't work!

Mal. Yaga: It won't work, it won't work!

Baba Yaga: Well! it would be necessary to congratulate the Serpent Gorynych on the holiday. Why is he not a man, what, he also needs a holiday.

Mal. Yaga: Of course you need it!

Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga:(shouting) Hey, Serpent Gorynych! Hey, Serpent Gorynych!

(Snake Gorynych flies in, flies around the Christmas tree)

Dragon: Called?

Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga:(frightened) Called! Called!
Dragon: For what?
Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga:(together) Happy New Year wanted to congratulate.
Dragon: Why are these here?

(Hedgehogs squat in fright)

Dragon: I ask you, deaf, or what?
Host: Don't scare, don't scare! We are not afraid of you Zmeya Gorynych!
Dragon: Yes, I will turn you all into logs with eyes. And although ... no! I love to play. Now, if you win back, I won’t bewitch. Well, no, you will all be trees.
Presenter: Well, well, Serpent Gorynych! All our guys are brave, fast, dexterous. They will definitely beat you.

Z.G.: Well, let's see, I want to dance with the guys. If they dance well, maybe the Christmas tree will light up.

B.Ya: Listen, kitty. What are we going to dance?

Z.G. Your favorite dance.

Baba Yaga: Yeah. my favorite dance... I forgot what it's called. Well, here's how ... (grabs the lower back). Help guys. Well, a bird dance, chicken, no, goose, but, I remembered - duck.

M.Ya.: Yes, not a duck, but a dance of little ducklings.

Dance of little ducks"

Ved.: Well, I liked the way our guys danced.

Baba Yaga: I liked it, but the Christmas tree will not light up.

Serpent: We just decided that there would be a holiday, but only for our evil spirits. Hey Egi women. Call Koshchei the Immortal.

B.Ya.: Now iris, now green.

M.Ya.: Well, now I’ll whistle, I’ll stomp my foot, and Koschey will be here.

B.A.: (pulls out phone) Kostya! Koooostik! Kostya - Immortal! A-o-o-o-o-o where are you? Dub, Dub! I am Birch! Reception…

Presenter: What, grandma, did you hit yourself when you landed? What happened to you?

Baba Yaga: Shut up! Chief on the line. ( Continues in an ominous whisper.) Koshcheyushka, I didn’t find the Snow Maiden. Chief, we're on some kind of holiday. There are a lot of children, they are all nasty. What? Yes, keep it up! That is, eat sit and wait! End of connection. (Puts the phone away.) That's it! Now my Koshcheyushka will arrive by himself. And here he is!

Music sounds. Enter Koschei.______________

Koschei ( stretching my arms and legs): Oh, I stretched my bones. On the road, everything is numb! Yes, school!

Well, well, everything is ready for the holiday,

The palace is ready to receive guests.

I lived for two centuries in the world,

My dream will finally come true.

(Notices Baba Yaga.) Yagusya! Long time no see! (They embrace.)

B.Ya.: Well hello, honey, come on in.
Tired from the road?

To the music they greet each other ________________

1. Koschey: It's been done so from time immemorial that on New Year's Eve

Koshcheyushka with children laughs, dances and sings!

Baba Yaga: Come out, Koschey, in a circle!

You were a dance expert!

Remember, you and I, my friend, danced just like that!

Koschey: Guys, let's dance Lambada, a hot dance until you drop.

4. M.Ya.: There will be many dances in our fleeting life,

But, always ready to dance this endless dance!

It sounds like Lambada. The movements of this dance.

Koschey: So, it means that we are in school ... Did you get to the New Year?

Baba Yaga: Yes, yes, dove! What will be the instructions?

Koschey: Birch, Birch, I'm Oak! Listen to my order: disperse the children, catch the Snow Maiden girl and deliver to me!

Baba Yaga: But why do you need it, this icicle? Better to catch Santa Claus. He has gifts, let's crack!

Koschey: Set aside! Are you old, out of your mind? I need to get married, it's time already. How many princesses did not steal - Ivan Tsareviches came for all. All the eggs were broken and all the needles were broken, cursed. And Frost is old, maybe he won’t catch up. The Snow Maiden is nothing, beauty. Oh, and we will live with her!

B.Ya.: Did Santa Claus call you?

Koschey: Called.

M, I.: And what did he say?

Koschey: That my death is coming

B.Ya.: It said the truth. He will be cooler than good fellows.

Koschey: I'm not afraid of anyone or anything.

It's time to get out of fairy tales.
It's time to show up live.
So that no one can interfere
Not in our fairy tales, not in our forest.
When the clock strikes 12.

B.Ya.: Hooray. Now there will be only one disobedience. And the kids are out of control. Really guys?

Children: No.

B.Ya.: No?...

Koschey: Then all this will be my kingdom. And you, little fellow, will obey me.

Goat: And even goats will obey you?

Koschey: Everything, I said - everything ...!

B.Ya.: Music, in honor of his immortality and reign.

Music "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds. The evil spirits begin to dance.

Vedas. 2:(breaks music). Stop, stop music. Guys, get faster in a circle, let's sing a song about winter. They will freeze and run away.

Performance of the song “At the edge of the forest.

Vedas. 1:(breaks the music): Oh, you're not cold yet, you're alive.

Ved.2: Well, that's it, the end of your sorcery. I hear Santa Claus rushing here.
Dragon: And I so wanted to celebrate the New Year by the Christmas tree.
Mal. Yaga: And all of you, Baba Yaga! We'll take it away, we'll bewitch it, we'll run while we're safe!
Baba Yaga: Ehehe! I miscalculated, now the children are not the same ... But the Christmas tree will not burn.
Dragon: What will happen now?

Koschey: Well, kids, while you have won, but you will not see the Snow Maiden as your ears.

They run away.

Ved.2: Guys, so that Santa Claus does not go astray, let's shout: "Grandfather, Frost!" (three four)

Shout 3 times.

Ved.3: What to do, why is it still not there? We must call.

Goat: (calls on the phone): Grandpa, where are you? Already entered the school? Already at the gym? Are you already at the door?

The music is Disco Crash. The Snow Maiden runs into the hall and performs a dance.

Ved.1:(against music) With wind, blizzard and snow

Santa Claus rushes gray-haired.

Waving long arms

Throws stars over the earth.

In the words "Santa Claus!" - Exit D.M. Sounds like his way out.

Father Frost: I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!

Good afternoon, and here I am! Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children, congratulations to all the guests!

Near the Christmas tree in a round dance we will dance more cheerfully!

Let no one sit at home today,

Come out, honest people, let's have fun!

Walks around the tree.

Hello children!... Hello parents!... Hello teachers!...
A glorious holiday will be here
I see that the guys are waiting!
And what do you have on your Christmas tree
Are the lights not on?
Vedas. 1: Yes, Baba Yozhki with the Serpent Gorynych and Koshchey bewitched her.
Father Frost: Look, a lot of unclean forces have gathered.
Nothing, I'll deal with them now.
But in order to defeat them
I need my magic staff!
Ved.2: Santa Claus, what needs to be done for this?

D.M.: My staff needs to be disenchanted by all of us. You pass it in a circle very quickly, if the music has stopped, then whoever has the staff needs to spin twice in place and pass the sword to another. Everyone understands the task. Then, one, two, three - began!

Joyful music with stops sounds.

D.M.: Well done. Guys. Oh, yes, you famously disenchanted the magic staff. Now you can light the lights on the Christmas tree.

Vedas. 2: And we guys will help

repeat the last words.

Children repeat the words for D.M.

D.M.: Come on, tree, wake up! (start) with clapping

Well, tree, smile! (smile)

Well, tree, one, two, three! (one two Three!)

Burn with the light of joy! (burn!).

One, two three - Christmas tree - burn! (3 times)

Everyone is screaming. The tree caught fire. Music ___________

Presenter 1: We have not tried in vain with you,
The tree burst into flames!

Father Frost: Ah, what a tree!
All sparkle with needles.
Come on, sing for me
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost: I don't understand something? Why am I so sad, and the children are not funny?

Presenter: So after all, Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden were kidnapped by Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga.

D.M.: Oh what rascals they are. Where can you find them?

Ved.2: Wait. I can probably guess who can help us.

Ved.1: Guys, Who froze Kai's heart?

Children: The Snow Queen?

Ved.1: Right. She flies all over the earth and probably knows all the roads to Koshcheevo's kingdom.

Ved.2: Let's quietly, very quietly say: "The Snow Queen."

Ved.1: Even quieter, she does not like when they laugh and shout loudly. Even quieter.

Suddenly they hear the howl of the wind, a blizzard. The Snow Queen comes out.

The Snow Queen: In the kingdom of the far, in the kingdom of white
Among the snow, among the ice.
I live like a queen
Cold is my only companion!
Snow, sparkle, snow sparkle,
Making me happy with beauty.
It will never melt
Even in summer and spring.
Ice blocks decorate the castle,
How the crystals ring.
And transparent icicles,
It's so nice to freeze!
It's cold everywhere in my house,
I own the realm of ice.
And snowflakes are circling everywhere,
Spin, spin and fly!

Presenter: Hey Snowflakes, come out
Circle around the tree.

The waltz song "Snowflakes descend from the sky" is performed. Everyone sings, snowflakes dance around the Christmas tree.

The Snow Queen: Well, thank you, Snowflakes! Guys, So why bother me? answer quickly, otherwise I will freeze you so that you will never be able to thaw.

/waves an icicle in front of the host's nose/

Presenter 1: Wait, wait! Calm down please! And don't wave this stick, that is, your wonderful icicle, in front of my nose. How cold it is around you. How would I really not turn into an icicle.

The Snow Queen: Scared!? Well, well, I was joking. My heart is really icy, cold, but in my soul I am a kind Queen.

Father Frost: Your Majesty! Have you met my granddaughter Snegurochka by any chance?
The Snow Queen: Yes, I saw the Snow Maiden. Koschei stole her. And you can get there only if the goblin helps you. And it's time for me to go. Goodbye.

Father Frost: Where is my Snow Maiden?
I am very sad.

Presenter: Don't be sad, grandpa.
Here we have friends everywhere,
They won't leave us in trouble.

Goat: Santa Claus. Do you hear? Who is crying under the tree? Come out to us!

(Goblin enters in chains.)

Goblin: Why are you wandering around here, or are you tired of living?

Presenter: Hello Leshy! Why are you so angry? Our children are kind, they want to help your trouble. Why are you crying?
Goblin: How can I not cry? I met the Snow Maiden in the forest, she got lost. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't. Koschey the Deathless took her away and put me in chains. And I love to dance so much that I don’t have the strength.
Presenter: Guys, let's dance for Leshy?

Ved.2: Goblin, what is your favorite dance?

Goblin: Macarena. It reminds me of pasta, but I'm hungry, so I'll be happy.

Dance of the Macarena.

the guys are dancing, Leshy, feels a surge of strength, breaks the chains.)

Goblin: Thanks for the help.
But what do I hear!

(lays down, listens)

I hear the Snow Maiden crying in the Koshcheev Kingdom.
Presenter: Can you tell me how we can rescue the Snow Maiden?
Goblin: Listen. The clock is ticking. Go to the sound of them, the louder the beat of the clock, the closer you are to the target. You will pass along the path and find a chest, cabbage in the chest, and a needle in the cabbage, and Koshcheev's death in the needle.
Father Frost: Thank you Leshy.
Goblin: Well, happy! Goodbye.

Presenter: So guys, are you ready to hit the road? Then go ahead! Hear the clock tick. Let's sing the song "Tick-tock".

Goat: Come on, kids, stand up!
Everyone turn around for me
Cinderella: We will pass through the dense forest
And we will find the Snow Maiden.

Performance of the song "Tick-tock".

Presenter: Here we come.
Gray Wolf, look under the tree for a chest.

(The wolf takes out the chest)

Father Frost: Yes, here it is, the treasured chest!
So, open / open /
Here is the cabbage

This is for you, Goat.

So! Ah, here is the treasured needle /takes out a needle/
Heroes: Hooray, Koshchei's death.

Father Frost: Well, guys, I found the death of Koshchei. Now we need to rescue the Snow Maiden!

(Koschei enters from behind a screen and pulls the Snow Maiden. She resists.)

Koschey: Come here, my snowy beauty! Take my hand and heart! You will not regret.

Snow Maiden: Look how scary you are, why do you need a wife? And the guys are waiting for me for the holiday!

Koschey: Holiday! Heh! We have a holiday too! We have a wedding! You will wear silk, swim in gold and silver!

Father Frost: There you are, my granddaughter! You keep my granddaughter locked up.

Koschey: Come on?! Come on?! I'm good with her! I offered her gold! And she?.

Snow Maiden: We don't need your gold!

Father Frost: Well, Koschey, will you give the Snow Maiden back?

Koschey: No! She is mine, mine!

Father Frost: Did you see this? (Pulls needle out of egg.) Well, watch out! Your death has come!

Koschei(stepping back): Stop, have mercy! Oh, don't break it, Frost, don't break it!

(Santa Claus breaks the needle, Koschey falls, crawls away.)

Father Frost: That's it, no more Koshchei!

Snow Maiden:

See the magic is gone

And the Christmas miracle happened!

Once again, friendship triumphed over evil!

(music sounds, explosion)

Music transformation. The Snow Maiden runs. Throws herself into an embrace.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! You saved me from inevitable death.
Father Frost: Thank you guys, not me.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Low bow to you for your kind hearts and courageous deeds! Happy new year friends! Happy New Year!
Presenter: It's time to return to our Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden: Come on friends let's sing together

Let's dance around!

Let people on earth every day

Joyfully glowing faces!

Come on, guys, hold hands!
Everyone join the round dance!

Dancing "Bell Ringing"

Performing the dance "Bell ringing".

Snow Maiden: Guys. I have prepared riddles for you, come on, answer all together!

1. Near the Christmas tree in every house, children dance. What is the name of this holiday? Guess... (New Year.)
2. Moves his ears, jumps under the bushes. Gray coward. Call him ... (Bunny.)
3. Walks in a golden fur coat. The tail of the gossip is fluffy. Very sly eyes. And her name is ... (Fox.)
4. Clubfoot, clumsy. Likes honey, does not like cold. Until spring, I got used to snoring. What kind of animal is this? .. (Bear.)

1. In the sky it sparkles,

Decorates our Christmas tree.

Will never fade

On New Year's Day ... (star).

2. Santa Claus for the New Year

Bring the Christmas tree to the children.

And it's like a fire

Red blazes ... (ball).

3. The cat scratched, bit,

if the dispute was not equal -

escaped from his enemies,

climbing on ... (fence).

4. Christmas tree on New Year's holiday

Calling adults and children.

Invite all people

On New Year's ... (round dance).

D.M.: You have pleased me, the old one, well done! It’s like I lost 300 years, I looked younger right away! Well, on a holiday we can not be bored.
Gotta play again.

Presenter: Girls and boys,
My fingers are cold
Ears get cold, nose gets cold.
Apparently it was very cold.
Let's run around the tree
Let's run away from frost.

We are divided into two teams: the Snow Maiden team and the Santa Claus team. We dance the dance "Enka - Enka".

Dance performance "Enka-Enka

Father Frost: Well, kids, well done!
Have fun from the heart!
Snow.: Well done boys! We continue the disco

We invite everyone to the round dance.

Horoskok still dance

That is, to jump in chorus.

It's also easy to jump in chorus

And we'll end it all with a bang.

We begin our chorus dance

I remind you, friends

What is the chorus music - not to the right, not to the left

We go straight to the Christmas tree and at the same time we sing everything:

“One, two. Three, one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!

Performance of the song-dance "Khoroskok".

Father Frost: It's good when the tree is on fire!
It's good when the song sounds!
And the merry people are dancing.
It means: New Year is coming!

Rock and roll dance. The clock strikes. The New Year's song sounds. The heroes of the story come out.

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus, guys. Forgive us! We didn't do it on purpose!

Koschey: It’s just that we are never invited to a party and don’t give us gifts!

Santa Claus: Well, excuse me?


D.M.: Well, become in our circle, Stay on our holiday.

Snow Maiden.: The clock strikes, which means

That the old year is gone forever,

And the New Year, replacing it,

Starts its countdown.

Goat: New Year's is knocking on the door

Happiness leads new.

Joy, fairy tales and fun

Lucky on big sledges.

The song "New Year" is performed.

Father Frost: Carnival sparkles bright, children have fun, it's time to receive New Year's gifts.

Snow Maiden: Guys, everyone stood together in a circle and now you will receive gifts from Santa Claus, and real gifts are waiting for you in the classroom.

The characters are handing out candy.

Father Frost: It's time, friends!
Need to forgive.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.

2. May health be strong,
The earth is filled with happiness
May you be surrounded everywhere
Only true friends!

3. Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, friends,
Bright life - a hundred years
And health - a hundred pounds!

4. Congratulations to all my girlfriends,
Congratulations to all friends!
And with all my heart I wish
I have the brightest days for you!

5. Smiles, happiness, joy,
Kindness and warmth.
May the New Year fulfill everything
Cherished dreams!

Happy New Year, new happiness!
I wish everyone to be healthy!
Have fun and frolic
Mind to learn.

So that your laughter always rings -
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful ringing laughter!
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs around with you!

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.
Now it's time to say goodbye
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until we meet again!"

Anna Polovinkina
Scenario of the holiday "New Year at school"

Music sounds. Against the background of music sound words:


The last leaf is torn off

The calendar has been removed from the wall.

Waiting for a long time congratulations

January behind the door.

The old year is leaving

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst cannot happen again.

Let it be generous New Year,

Let him not skimp on happiness

Let the stars light up on time

So that all wishes come true.

1st reader:

Let the frost play more fun

Let it freeze your cheeks.

WITH new congratulations on the year

With a year of joy, happiness, love!

2nd reader:

Hours go by, days go by

Such is the law of nature.

And we want you today

Congratulate on New Year!

3rd reader:

We wish you New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

Both you and your children.

4th reader:

Let New Year that you meet

A happy year will enter your life.

And all the good things you dream of

Let it come true and it will definitely come.

(Robbers run out. Whistling, noise, screams.)


And why are you so dressy? What is going on here with you?

Leading: Who are you?

Rogues: And we ... (song "in the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians" knife and ax workers)

So there will be no New Year for you! We're taking your kids! (they take several people by the hands and are going to take them out of the hall. The presenter stops the robbers)

Leading: And what do we need to do so that you let our children go?

Rogues: Let your children amuse us. For example, they will dance some kind of dance!

The children are dancing.


Well, well done! They amused us!

Well, okay, we'll let your kids go-

But holiday we won't let you do it anyway.

Leading: Robbers, let's make a deal So: I'll ask you a few riddles, and if you can't solve them, then you won't bother us. Agreed?

Rogues: Fine. There has never been a mystery that we have not solved. Let's guess.

The facilitator makes riddles:

1. Cossacks are standing,

They have white caps.

(Stumps under the SNOW)

2. Carved, lace

Spinning in the air.

And how it sits on the palm,

So immediately - water.


3. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose, like a knitting needle,

Flies - screams, Sits - is silent.

Who will kill him

Shed his blood.


4. Without arms, without legs,

And he draws patterns on the windows.


The robbers could not guess a single riddle correctly.


How much we don't know!

Have to go to mind school recruited!

Guys, forgive us!

Can we stay on your holiday?

We will be good and obedient!

The robbers remain.

Leading: Dear guys, dear guests, I suggest you play the game "If you like it, then do it".

Dance game.

Sounds like a cartoon song. On snowflakes appear on the stage

Snowflake: Dear friends! We have come to congratulate you on New Year!

Snowflake 2:

New the year comes to us like moonlight

And the flickering of bright candles.

New Year! Let him be good

For you and for our friends!

Snowflake: Guys, we have a surprise for you. We will now hold a New Year's lottery.

Win-win lottery.

The host reads the wishes to the numbers tickets:

No. 1 - Georgian tea accidentally fell out on your ticket.


No. 2 - So that your face and your hands are clean, a piece of fragrant soap fell out on your ticket.


No. 3 - Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid.


No. 4 - To keep your teeth from hurting,

Clean them at least once a week.


No. 5 - They wanted to win a flashlight, but they just got a ball.


No. 6 - Must be happy in abundance. From the lottery you Now: You got a wonderful postcard as a souvenir from us.


No. 7 - You will receive a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars.


No. 8 - A rather rare surprise for you - Two paper napkins.


#9 - Get it - Hurry:

You - a notebook: write poetry.


No. 10 - Don't get sick, be strong, we're giving you pills.


No. 11 - Look you Wonderful: And clothes, and hairstyle - And as a reward, your winnings did not fall in vain - a comb.


No. 12 - In order to distinguish the days well, you need to know the Calendar well.


No. 13 - About all the news in the world Read in the newspaper.


No. 14 - You obey advice: Fruit is the best diet.

No. 15 - You got the candy,

Come visit us.

No. 16 - To be able to find out income: A notepad will come in handy.

№ 17 - "Hooray!"- shout to the whole world, You have a souvenir car.


No. 18 - So that your hairstyle is beautiful - Get a comb as a gift.


No. 19 - No typewriter - We offer this item.


No. 20 - In life, you have to hope for the best,

Glue you take, if something is not glued.


No. 21 - To write beautifully to you,

Hurry up to get a pen.


No. 22 - This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called a rubber band.


No. 23 - This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the line everyone needs.


No. 24 - Always sharpen the pencil

And get a sharpener.


No. 25 - I got into the car, drove off,

IN school quickly you came.


No. 26 - Japanese camera.


No. 27 - Preparation for the development of the jaws.


No. 28 - The measuring device of the highest accuracy.


No. 29 - Music Center.


No. 30 - This item will come in handy "five" study.


Leading: Guys, it's coming soon. New Year. And who do we need to meet this holiday?

Children: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Leading A: That's right, guys. Let's call them.

They are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Del Moroz: Hello, dear guys!

Snow Maiden: Hello, dear adults!

Father Frost: WITH Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: We wish you happiness with all our heart!

Father Frost: To live this year for you

Snow Maiden: Without sorrow and worries,

Father Frost: So that you work with success,

Snow Maiden: A on holiday had fun,

Father Frost: And good luck with your business

Snow Maiden: And smiles on the lips!

Father Frost: For love to bloom like a rose,

Snow Maiden: And not lethargic from the cold.

Father Frost: And the kids - the house is full.

Snow Maiden: Be happy in everything!

Leading: Thank you, Grandfather Frost, thank you, Snow Maiden! Something holiday we don't quite succeed.

Father Frost: Why?

Leading: Yes, the Christmas tree does not burn.

Father Frost: Yes, it's a mess. But in order for it to catch fire, three conditions must be met.

Leading: Which?

Father Frost: Sing a song about Santa Claus.

Children sing a song.

Father Frost: Thank you, made the old man happy. Here is the second condition: I love snow very much, but here it is not visible at all. Snow Maiden, call your girlfriends-snowflakes, let them circle, zavyuzhat.

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Father Frost: Well, thank you folks. Now I'm warm. Are you ready to fulfill my third condition?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: Well, then repeat the magic spell after me.

Frost crackles,

A blizzard is blowing

And here is a big fir tree.

You, Christmas tree, burn!

You are on us shine a holiday!

You, Christmas tree, burn!

You are on us shine a holiday!

The lights on the tree are on.


Lantern lights

They sparkle brightly.

Dancing near the Christmas tree

We are all invited.

Children lead a round dance and sing:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost: Oh, grandchildren, I'm tired, tired.

Leading: And you sit down, grandfather, on a chair. Our children will tell poems about the earth.

Children recite poetry.

Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost: Oh well done you guys. Made the old man happy. But it's time for us to say goodbye, we are with the Snow Maiden in another school children are waiting.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, guys! Before new meet next year!

Children in chorus: Goodbye!

Sounds like a Christmas song