Sea buckthorn oil treatment of some diseases of the eyes, skin, burns, gastritis, peptic ulcer, ENT diseases. “Nothing on earth passes without a trace” or the consequences of keratitis. For oily skin

In the article we discuss sea buckthorn oil for the face. Let's talk about it healing properties, contraindications to its use. You will learn how to apply a face cleanser and prepare masks based on it.

Therapeutic properties of sea buckthorn oil for the skin

Sea buckthorn oil contains in its composition manganese, sulfur, iron, fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.

As well as carotene, which has a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect on the dermis, and flavonoids - protect the skin from harmful effects environment.


  • vitamin C - makes the skin of the face supple, gives it elasticity;
  • B vitamins - stabilize metabolic processes in skin cells, eliminate diseases of the dermis;
  • vitamin E - prevents age-related changes in the skin of the face;
  • vitamin F - helps to repair damaged tissues, accelerates healing;
  • vitamin K - eliminates swelling.

Fruit acids present in the composition relieve pigmentation and whiten the dermis. Due to the low cost of the drug, the price in the pharmacy for it is from 60 rubles, the product is available to everyone.

The use of sea buckthorn oil for the face

Sea buckthorn oil is often used in cosmetology, as it has a positive effect on the skin.

From wrinkles

The herbal preparation nourishes and moisturizes the dermis well, prevents the formation of age-related changes. The tool helps to even out the surface of the skin, increases its elasticity, eliminates “ crow's feet”, flabbiness.

To enhance the anti-wrinkle effect of sea buckthorn oil, it is recommended to use it together with castor oil or grape oil.

For acne

The substances present in the preparation prevent the occurrence of acne, eliminate inflammation, cleanse the skin of impurities caused by street dust and the active work of the sebaceous glands.

With regular use of the product in the composition of masks, there is a decrease in the number of rashes, preventing the formation of new acne.

For the skin around the eyes

Substances in the oil slow down the aging of the skin around the eyes by activating the formation of collagen. Thanks to this process, the skin around the eyes becomes toned, elastic, acquires healthy color.

Also, the product effectively whitens the skin, eliminating pigmentation and freckles.

For lips

Sea buckthorn oil is ideal for lips, especially in the cold season. It protects very well thin skin from weathering and cracking.

To do this, before going outside, lubricate your lips with a small amount of oil, do this daily.

For eyelashes

Sea buckthorn berries have a beneficial effect on eyelashes. The tool strengthens the bulbs, softens the hairs, making them strong, elastic.

With the constant use of sea buckthorn oil, there is accelerated growth eyelashes, reducing their loss. The substances contained in the oil nourish the cilia, giving them silkiness and volume.

Is it possible to smear the face with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

It is ideal for dry dermis, helps to moisturize it. Helps heal wounds and reduces redness.

When using oil to care for fading, loose skin, the tool makes it taut and elastic.

Herbal preparation eliminates inflammation, skin diseases, dark spots. It is often used for problematic skin face and to care for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Herbal preparation can be used daily, as in pure form, and adding it to a regular cream.

Recipes for face masks with sea buckthorn oil

Below are the main effective recipes masks based on sea buckthorn oil, which improve the appearance.

From wrinkles


  1. Honey - 10 g.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 5 g.

How to cook: Heat the oil, add honey to it. Mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask while warm on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Result: With regular use, there is a smoothing of shallow wrinkles, nutrition and elimination of acne on the problematic dermis.

For acne


  1. Orange juice - 5 g.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 5 g.
  3. Blue clay - 10 g.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Remove make-up from your face, wash your face and steam your face with a hot wet towel. Apply the product on your face, cover it with a paper towel, wait a quarter of an hour. After the specified time, wash your face with warm water, apply any cream.

Result: Repeat the procedure twice a week, in this case, the amount of acne will noticeably decrease.

For the skin around the eyes


  1. - 10 y.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 10 g.
  3. Vitamin E - 1 capsule.

How to cook: Heat up using a water bath without bringing it to a boil. At the moment when it becomes a little liquid, pour sea buckthorn oil into it. When the composition has cooled down a bit, add vitamin E to it. Stir. Put the product in a glass container, put in the refrigerator.

How to use: After the age of 30, it is necessary to apply this remedy on the area around the eyes no more than 3 times a week. For older ladies, apply the cream daily in the evening.

Result: Elimination of wrinkles, improvement of the skin around the eyes.

For dry skin


  1. Sea buckthorn oil - 5 g.
  2. Sour cream - 10 g.

How to cook: Heat the oil, add sour cream to it. Stir.

How to use: Apply product to clean skin faces for 20 minutes. Perform the procedure twice a week.

Result: Moisturizing and nourishing dry skin.

For oily skin


  1. Pink clay - 20 g.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 5 g.

How to cook: Dilute the clay in warm water to the consistency of thick cream. Add sea buckthorn oil to the composition.

How to use: Apply the product on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes. If the clay starts to dry out, moisten it with water.

Result: Elimination of oily sheen.

Sea buckthorn eye oil

Sea buckthorn oil is actively used in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Great healing effect it showed with rosaceakeratitis.

When treating sick people with trachoma positive results were already noticeable in the second month of using the product.

Positive results from use herbal preparation observed in people with eye burns.

Also, the remedy is used for injuries and defects of the cornea, radiation damage to the eyes, vitamin deficiency, conjunctivitis.

Is it possible to drip sea buckthorn oil into the eyes

Sea buckthorn oil can be dripped into the eyes.

It is especially beneficial for people with eye burns. In this case, the agent is dripped into the eyes every hour in the first days, after which they continue to instill or apply sea buckthorn ointment every 3 hours.

In the presence of a concomitant infection, sea buckthorn oil quickly eliminates it.

The use of oil in the form of eye drops helps to eliminate pain, photophobia.


The instructions for use of the herbal preparation indicate that its use is prohibited in case of an allergy to the substances that make up the product.

Take a test to check for allergies. Apply a few drops of oil on your wrist, after 15 minutes, notice if redness has appeared in this place. In case of its absence, you can use the drug.

Also, the use of the product must be abandoned if:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hepatitis, pancreatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

The unique healing properties of sea buckthorn have been known for a long time. Especially valuable is sea buckthorn oil, which today enjoys great popularity in the field of medicine and cosmetology. Sea buckthorn oil is indispensable in the care of aging and wrinkled skin, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil is actively used in the cosmetology industry, it is a common component of cosmetic formulations ( lipstick, creams, masks, shampoos, balms, etc.). Sea buckthorn oil is isolated from the juice and pulp of the medicinal berries of the sea buckthorn plant. IN ready-made oil of a pronounced bright orange color, which is explained by high level carotenoids in its composition, liquid in consistency. This unique natural product rich in beauty vitamins A, E and C, which help to keep the skin young, healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, maintaining its level of moisture, firmness and elasticity. In addition, it should be noted that sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of organic acids, tocopherols, phospholipids, phytosterols, minerals and amino acids (especially palmitic and palmitoleic), etc.

Valuable properties of sea buckthorn oil for the face.
It is the unique, perfectly matched composition of this wonderful product that determines its beneficial properties, which are great for caring for dry, wrinkled, aging and problem skin. It has softening, nourishing, rejuvenating, toning, moisturizing, healing and protective properties. It also perfectly eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin, helps to increase the tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin, which have somewhat lost these characteristics. In addition, due to the anti-aging effect, sea buckthorn oil effectively eliminates shallow wrinkles, smoothing the relief and surface of the skin, and also protecting against the harmful effects of free radicals. It is also an excellent prophylactic against early manifestation signs of aging and the formation of early wrinkles.

It is impossible not to say about the clarifying properties of sea buckthorn oil. With systematic use, it copes well with age spots and freckles. Due to its active restorative and regenerative properties, the oil is recommended as a good remedy against skin lesions and its diseases (lupus, dermatitis, acne, eczema, scaly, pyoderma versicolor, etc.).

Wonderful emollient, nourishing and protective properties sea ​​buckthorn oil can be used in the care of damaged, chapped and dry lips. In addition, it is an excellent nutrient, as well as a tool for the growth and strengthening of cilia.

Ways to use sea buckthorn oil for facial skin.
It is important to know that it is absolutely impossible to use sea buckthorn oil for the face in an undiluted state, only in exceptional cases, with severe damage, and only through spot application. By the way, sea buckthorn oil should be used for skin, extracted only by cold pressing and nothing else. All this is explained by the fact that in its composition there is such a substance as carotene, and not in small quantities, which can affect the sensitivity of the skin, thereby weakening its protective functions. In its pure form, this oil is recommended to be used to solve the problems of freckles and age spots, as well as to lubricate weathered and chapped lips, which is especially important in the autumn-winter periods.

Sea buckthorn oil can be added to your daily skin care cream, including for eyelid skin care (two drops of oil are enough for a single serving). When applying a cream enriched in this way, it is recommended to do self-massage of the face at the same time. Due to the ability to easily and freely penetrate the skin to deep levels, the oil, in combination with cosmetics nourishes at the same time skin and normalizes in their cells metabolic processes. Dry skin as a result increases its level of moisture, becomes more elastic and elastic, discomfort and peeling are eliminated.

But not only dry skin benefits from the application. this oil, it is useful for oily skin with enlarged pores, as it helps to stabilize fat metabolism. One has only to wipe the skin of the face with sea buckthorn oil, as its acid reaction is immediately restored. In addition, it is important to remember the disinfecting effect of this unique product, which relieves inflammation and irritation.

Also, sea buckthorn oil can be effectively combined with various vegetable oils (four teaspoons per teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil vegetable oils) and apply this composition as a night nutrient instead of night cream.

Sea buckthorn oil has an exceptionally beneficial effect on dry and rough skin with pronounced signs wilting. It restores its firmness and elasticity, gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect, smoothing wrinkles.

And finally, sea buckthorn oil gives a stunning effect when added to homemade face masks.

Recipes for face masks with sea buckthorn oil.
For oily, porous and problematic skin, it is good to make a warm compress from the infusion of tea, after which apply a small amount of oil to the affected areas of the skin (for example, acne, blackheads, etc.). The compress is made in this way: fold the cotton fabric in half, moisten it in warm tea infusion, wring it out slightly and apply it on the face, covering it with a towel on top. The duration of the procedure is no more than fifteen minutes. It can be done every other day, preferably at night.

Perfectly moisturize excessively dry skin with a mixture of distilled water and sea buckthorn oil (5: 1). The resulting product will improve the nutrition of the skin, supplying it with the necessary substances. This procedure can be done every day, preferably in the afternoon.

To tone and moisturize dry skin with signs of fading, it is recommended to make a wonderful mask, for the preparation of which you need to beat one raw yolk chicken egg with a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. To the resulting mixture, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice from sea buckthorn berries. The last component can be replaced with apricot or peach juice, citrus fruits, grapes, melons or plums in the amount of two teaspoons. Stir the mass well and distribute over the pre-cleansed skin of the face. To withstand such a mask for no more than twenty minutes, then remove by rinsing with boiled water room temperature.

To give the skin a noticeable elasticity and restore its elasticity, the following recipe is recommended: add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the beaten egg yolk. ready mix pour into a bowl with a half tablespoon of yellow cosmetic clay in powder form. Mix everything thoroughly. You should get a mass of a homogeneous consistency. It must be applied to the face and wait ten minutes. Remove the mask first with warm and then cool water. To obtain visible results This mask is recommended to be done twice a week. It really gives a tightening effect after the first procedure. In addition, it significantly improves complexion.

For rough and dry skin with signs of fading and malnutrition, the following mask is effective: dilute a teaspoon of honey with warm milk in the amount of three tablespoons. As soon as the honey dissolves, add a tablespoon of high-fat cottage cheese (homemade, if possible) to this mass and rub it thoroughly. The mass should be homogeneous, without signs of lumps, add a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil to it. The resulting mass should be applied to the skin and left for fifteen minutes. After that, the mask must be removed with rolling movements of the fingers, as with peeling. Finally, rinse your face with warm water.

improve condition and appearance dry and wrinkled skin, such a mask recipe will help to tone and nourish it: cook ordinary, not too thick, but not liquid semolina porridge in milk. Milk in this version can be replaced with non-fat cream. As soon as the porridge becomes warm, take two tablespoons of porridge and mix with beaten egg yolk. Next, add liquid honey to the composition in the amount of one teaspoon, half a teaspoon sea ​​salt(can be normal, only small), a tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange or apple juice and sea buckthorn oil in the amount of two teaspoons. Mix the mass well and apply evenly on the face, you can also apply on the neck area. After twenty-five minutes, wash off the mask using first warm and then cool water.

To care for the delicate skin around the eyes, you can cook homemade cream with sea buckthorn oil: take a tablespoon of cocoa butter, put in a water bath, as soon as it melts, add an incomplete teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. Remove the mixture from the bath, cool slightly, but not until it hardens, and add vitamin E oil (one capsule). Transfer the composition to an empty and clean cream jar, and use daily to nourish the skin around the eyes. Ladies after thirty, this cream can be used two or three times a week at night, and women with flaccid and wrinkled skin - daily. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

And here is another homemade cream recipe for dry skin with signs of aging. To prepare it, you must first make herbal infusion, for which mix a tablespoon of blackcurrant leaves, parsley, hawthorn and linden flowers, celery greens. Brew this herbal mass with 400 ml of boiling water and leave for about two hours, then strain the infusion. Then take a teaspoon beeswax and melt with a water bath. As soon as the wax melts, add a tablespoon of butter and two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil to it. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, add two tablespoons of the resulting herbal infusion to it. Mix everything well, remove from heat and start stirring vigorously. When the mixture becomes less hot, beat it with a mixer on medium mode until it cools completely. Ready cream transfer to a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Such a cream will not only make the skin soft and supple, but will also have some brightening effect.

Sea buckthorn oil at home.
Sea buckthorn oil can even be prepared by yourself, there is nothing complicated or supernatural about it, especially if you have fresh berries of this wonderful plant. They should be sorted out, washed well and dried. Using a press, squeeze the juice out of them, pour it into a jar and hold it in a dark and cool place for fourteen days. During this period of time, a thin oily layer will appear on the surface of the jar, which must be carefully collected with a regular spoon or pipette, and then pasteurized. Store prepared butter in the refrigerator.

admin 27.01.2016

Hello everyone! Sea buckthorn berries for a healthy person are a tasty and healthy delicacy. But people who do not have any health problems are perhaps difficult to find today. Especially if the person lives in big city where air pollution is high.

And many people have in their arsenal not one disease, but a whole bunch. How sea buckthorn can help in the treatment various diseases. It is about the treatment of sea buckthorn that will be discussed in this article, as well as the use of sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of various diseases.

Before touching specifically on the treatment of any disease, I want to note general recommendations in the treatment of sea buckthorn, which must be strictly observed so that your body can only benefit from the treatment. And I warn you, use all the recipes of traditional medicine below only after consulting a doctor.

  • The daily norm of sea buckthorn juice is 75 ml and no more (at the same time, use it diluted, pour it into a glass and bring the volume to 200 ml)
  • Daily Value of Sea Buckthorn Oil – 3 teaspoons
  • daily allowance of sea buckthorn berries - 3 tablespoons
  • if you treat eyes or ears, then we instill drops based on sea buckthorn or its oil, 2 drops no more than 3 times a day
  • in the treatment of burns from one drop or more, it all depends on the area of ​​​​the lesion (the oil should not ooze, the skin should be moistened with oil)
  • when treating sea buckthorn and sea buckthorn oil, always remember the contraindications that I described in the article "Sea ​​buckthorn. Beneficial features. Contraindications».I definitely recommend to get acquainted with it.

Sea buckthorn with a cold

Sea buckthorn berries are an antioxidant that nature itself has given us. The phytoncides that sea buckthorn contains make it possible to use it as an antiviral agent.

Sea buckthorn oil inhalations

Use any of their herbs for inhalation: coltsfoot, St. John's wort, or lingonberry leaves. It will take 1 tablespoon and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. How to prepare an infusion for inhalation. Pour boiling water over one of the listed herbs and add a few drops olive oil. Immediately carry out the inhalation procedure, otherwise the sea buckthorn oil from the infusion will simply disappear.

Sea buckthorn oil for colds

Prepare a healing infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile and sea buckthorn oil.

1 teaspoon chamomile

1 dessert spoon of St. John's wort

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs, cover with a lid and let it brew until the drink is warm. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth. Add 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to it.

During the day, drink the same infusion instead of tea, but without oil. And at night, drink half a glass of infusion with 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil.

Tea with sea buckthorn juice for colds and flu

As you know, drinking plenty of fluids helps with colds and flu. Add sea buckthorn juice to your usual tea, if there is no juice, then you can add jam, jam or frozen sea buckthorn to tea. Tea should not be scalding, but hot.

Kills pathogenic bacteria in the mouth rinse with sea buckthorn juice. Dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, that is, 1 part juice and three parts water. Soak your throat with this solution. Do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes after the procedure.

Tea with sea buckthorn and ginger

  • sea ​​buckthorn juice - 1 tablespoon
  • grated fresh ginger root - 1 tablespoon
  • honey - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 1 glass

Ginger root, along with sea buckthorn, has proven itself in the fight against colds and also perfectly strengthens the whole body. Peel the ginger root, try to remove the peel gently in a thin layer. Grate the peeled ginger root on a coarse grater. You can simply cut into thin slices. Boil water in a saucepan and add ginger, set the fire to a minimum and cook for 5 minutes.

Mix sea buckthorn juice with honey in a cup and add hot ginger tea.

If it is not possible to purchase fresh ginger, you can use ginger powder, experts say that dry ginger is even healthier than fresh. The powder does not need to be boiled, just pour boiling water and let stand for 5-7 minutes, then also add chalk with sea buckthorn juice. Dry ginger will need 1 teaspoon.

If you drink such tea regularly throughout the winter, and preferably starting in the fall, then you will not be afraid of any colds and illnesses.

Sea buckthorn cures scurvy

Of course, now in our civilized world you rarely see this disease, since it is associated with a lack of vitamin C in the body. Thank God, now you can buy ascorbic acid at any pharmacy. But before, people, especially residents of Siberia and the Far East, were saved by sea buckthorn as an anti-scurvy remedy. But no artificial vitamin C can replace natural, therefore, to replenish vitamin C in your body, use sea buckthorn berries, holding them in your mouth for at least 1-2 minutes.

Sea buckthorn liver treatment

Herbal infusion with sea buckthorn against jaundice

What you need:

sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 tablespoon

immortelle grass - 3 tablespoons

St. John's wort - 2 tablespoons

Mix all components. Take 4 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 1 liter cold water. Let it brew for 12 hours. Then pour into a saucepan and simmer for 7 minutes over low heat. Take half a cup after meals. The course is two weeks. Be sure to consult your doctor before using this prescription.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies. Sea buckthorn against herpes

Herpes means "to crawl" in Greek. Which especially accurately conveys the nature of this insidious disease. Almost every organism on earth is infected with this virus. I noticed on myself that if a rash appeared on my lips, then after one or two days I get sick, the virus greatly reduces our immunity.

Vitamins are needed to suppress the virus. All of them are in sea buckthorn. During the period of exacerbation of the herpes virus, the body most of all needs vitamin B9. And this vitamin is well absorbed if it is consumed with fermented milk products.

Kefir with sea buckthorn against herpes


  • kefir from natural milk - 1 cup
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 tablespoon
  • cheese - 30 g

Mix kefir with sea buckthorn and drink the mixture. Eat the cheese right away.

Sea buckthorn oil. Application for treatment

Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids and other proctological diseases are well treated with sea buckthorn oil. Tampons soaked in this oil work well. For hemorrhoids, use not only external treatment in the form of tampons or suppositories with sea buckthorn, but also use sea buckthorn oil inside. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day after meals.

Sea buckthorn oil for otitis media

In order to get rid of inflammatory processes in the ear, drip a little warm sea buckthorn oil 1 drop from a pipette. Apply a few drops of olive oil to a warm compress.

Sea buckthorn oil for eye treatment

As part of complex therapy use in the treatment of injuries and burns of the eyes, instilling 1 drop 3-4 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil does an excellent job with eye disease such as conjunctivitis, instill a drop of oil 2 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of female diseases

Long tested in folk medicine a remedy for many female ailments, these are tampons moistened with sea buckthorn oil, only 12-15 procedures and a cure occurs, and in most cases without relapse.

For colpitis and erosive lesions of the cervix, use tampons with sea buckthorn oil for treatment.

Sea buckthorn oil for burns

Sea buckthorn oil well treats bedsores, burns of the 1st and 2nd degrees, hard-to-heal wounds, frostbite. In all cases, the procedure is approximately the same. First, as far as possible, we clean the damaged area, apply sea buckthorn oil and put a gauze bandage on top, changing it every other day. And to strengthen the body, take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil twice a day or 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn berries.

Sea buckthorn oil treatment for gums and teeth

Chinese alternative medicine claims that if a person has bad teeth, then the circulation of energy in the body is disturbed, which leads to the development of other more serious diseases. If you have a disorder in oral cavity, then the body suffers from toxins that are produced by diseased teeth and gums, which in turn has a depressing effect on immune system. I propose a simple folk way prevention of dental diseases, as well as this method makes your gums healthy.

Every morning, rinse your mouth with sucking movements for 10-15 minutes, with any unrefined vegetable oil. After that, spit out the oil, in no case swallowing it. Now rinse your mouth with warm water. Then put a few drops of propolis tincture into a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth until all the liquid in the glass runs out.

Now you need to brush your teeth in the usual way with toothpaste. After that, put a drop of sea buckthorn oil on your finger and lightly massage the gums.

With such diseases as periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, applications with sea buckthorn oil help well. To do this, a cotton flagellum is made, lubricated with sea buckthorn oil and applied to the sore spot for 15 minutes.

Treatment of atherosclerosis folk remedy

Sea buckthorn, honey and garlic tincture

This tincture well helps to prevent atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the heart, normalizes blood pressure, heals the whole body as a whole.

Would need:

  • 1 kg - sea buckthorn berries
  • 4 heads of garlic
  • 1 kg honey

Squeeze juice from sea buckthorn. Peel and chop the garlic, mix with honey. Add sea buckthorn juice to the mixture, let stand in a dark place for 10 days. Take 4 teaspoons of tincture at one time once a day after meals. Take this tincture until it runs out.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil successfully treats gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis, as well as gastritis with hyperacidity. Sea buckthorn oil is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after or during meals.

Sea buckthorn in diabetes

Sea buckthorn berries are very useful for patients diabetes, because in its composition, sea buckthorn contains substances involved in the normalization of blood sugar levels, participate in the synthesis of insulin, normalize blood cholesterol, and most importantly, suppress cravings for sweets.

This is not the whole list of diseases that sea buckthorn and sea buckthorn oil help to treat. Truly a berry from all diseases. Take a closer look at sea buckthorn and start using it in your diet, noticeable results will not be long in coming. Be healthy and happy!

Sea buckthorn grows on shrubs or trees in Europe and Asia. It is unpretentious, the fruits have a pleasant taste and medicinal properties. This allows the use of sea buckthorn in cooking and medicine. In cosmetology, sea buckthorn oil is used for wrinkles around the eyes, as a firming agent for the skin. In medicine - as an anti-inflammatory drug, for the treatment skin diseases, as well as to accelerate the healing of wounds from burns. This article will discuss the use of sea buckthorn in the fight against wrinkles.

Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles

Sea buckthorn fruit oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating effects. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothes it, restores elasticity, stimulating the production of its own collagen.

It is an excellent moisturizer: it retains moisture for a long time in any conditions, therefore it is ideal for aging skin. Increases tone, which is why sea buckthorn oil is in great demand among women aged 40+.

The tool perfectly softens the skin, it is often used not only to get rid of wrinkles, but also to care for dry skin of the lips, and the healing effect helps to cope with microcracks.

Sea buckthorn oil is in demand among ladies aged 40+.

Where to buy and composition

Sea buckthorn oil is sold in pharmacies. The packaging is varied, from small bottles to large complexes of a mixture of sea buckthorn with other oils. The cost of the drug in its pure form starts from 50 rubles, which makes the drug affordable for a wide range of the population.

The composition of the oil includes:

  • Phospholipids- natural components of the membranes of living cells containing fatty acids.
  • Amino acids- natural components of all proteins in a living organism.
  • Flavonoidsnatural dyes with antibacterial and antimicrobial activity.
  • triterpene molecules- are able to restore the collagen structure and inhibit elastase, enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Tannins- have a softening effect, rejuvenate the skin, slow down the decay processes.
  • natural fats, such as Omega 3, 6 and 9, known for their ability to tone the skin, restore structure small vessels. They also have the ability to increase natural immunity, have an antioxidant effect.
  • Phytosterols- connecting with the membranes of human cells, reduce cholesterol.
  • Huge amount of vitamins groups B, C, E, K, P - participate in metabolism, nourish cells, protect them.
  • Minerals- sea buckthorn oil contains about 28 minerals that the human body needs for metabolic processes.
  • organic acids- normalize carbohydrate metabolism, have a restorative effect on neuromuscular fibers.

The use of sea buckthorn oil for the face

Sea buckthorn fruit oil is a unique face product with therapeutic and cosmetic effects.

As a medical remedy, sea buckthorn extract is used:

  • for the treatment of boils, acne, acne, abscesses;
  • to accelerate healing after sun and chemical burns;
  • in the complex therapy of skin diseases, such as eczema, skin manifestations allergic reactions, psoriasis.

Used in cosmetology:

  • as a means of combating fine wrinkles, especially around the eyes;
  • as a means of caring for aging skin;
  • as a means of protection from the sun and environmental influences;
  • as a nourishing, restoring and regenerating additive to creams and masks.

Recipes for facial skin

In its pure form, sea buckthorn oil is used only in medical purposes and, most often, inside. In cosmetology, it is not recommended to apply the product in its pure form, since it contains a lot of coloring substances that can change pigmentation. This is especially true for dry and aging skin.

Masks, compresses and tonics based on sea buckthorn are very useful and completely safe. Here are some of them.

Wash for dry skin

Mix 5 parts distilled water with 1 part sea buckthorn oil. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, decollete. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night, after cleansing from cosmetics.

Wash for all skin types

Buy any mineral water rich in salts and acids. Leave it open for at least a day to get rid of gases. Add two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil to the bottle, stir. Wash your face, neck, shoulders, hands every day.

Compress for oily skin

Brew green tea, cool down. Add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Soak a clean cotton napkin with the resulting solution and place it on your face. Such a compress will restore tired skin, give it elasticity, narrow pores, and normalize fat metabolism.

Banana mask for all skin types

Take half a banana, mash it in a bowl. Add one teaspoon of sour cream and sea buckthorn oil. Apply the mask on your face for 10-20 minutes. The product perfectly smoothes and nourishes the skin, soothes it.

Mask for very dry skin

Mix warm milk (three tablespoons) with a teaspoon of honey, add a tablespoon of high-fat cottage cheese, mix. Then pour a teaspoon of oil into the gruel, mix again. Apply a mask on your face for 15 minutes every day, and the skin will shine with health, dryness will disappear. As part of this mask, you can use sea buckthorn or.

Anti wrinkle semolina mask

Cook semolina porridge for a very fat milk, cool to 40 degrees. Add egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, two pinches of sea salt, not coarse, a little lemon or grape juice, and one and a half teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil.

The mask can be applied to the face or soaked in a cotton cloth, which is then applied to the face. To remove wrinkles, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for 25-30 minutes.

Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles under the eyes

The area around the eyes is very sensitive, so it should be chosen with great care. Adding a product to a daily anti-wrinkle cream will enhance the effect of the cream, increase collagen production, and start cell recovery mechanisms.

You can also make homemade masks and creams with sea buckthorn oil.

Egg yolk mask

Whip one egg yolk, add a teaspoon of cream and sea buckthorn oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes, leave for about 15 minutes. To increase the effect from above, cover the mask cling film. You can remove the mask with warm water or cleanser from mineral water and sea buckthorn fruit oils.

Homemade cocoa cream

Sea buckthorn oil from wrinkles around the eyes is convenient to use by cooking a homemade cream. To do this, purchase cocoa butter, heat it in a water bath in the amount of one tablespoon. Don't boil! As soon as the cocoa begins to lose its density, pour the same amount of sea buckthorn oil into it. Cool to a temperature of about 45 degrees, then add the liquid from one capsule of vitamin E. By the way, all vitamins from wrinkles around the eyes.

This cream can be stored long time but definitely in the fridge. Apply it every day to the area around the eyes, as well as on mimic wrinkles around the nose, at the corners of the lips.

herbal cream

Take a tablespoon of dry herbs: parsley, linden, hawthorn. It is good to add also dry celery and leaves black currant. Pour boiling water over everything (two glasses), leave to infuse for at least 2 hours.

Melt a teaspoon of beeswax in a water bath, add a little melted butter and a couple of teaspoons of sea buckthorn, mix. Then pour two tablespoons of herbal infusion into the mixture. Cool to room temperature, beat well with a mixer. Store tightly closed in the refrigerator.

Herbal cream will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also:

  • brighten the skin
  • removes bruises under the eyes.

Emergency remedy for bruises under the eyes

Mix in equal proportions lemon juice with sea buckthorn oil. Using a sponge, gently apply to the area of ​​bruises, try not to get into the eye. Rinse thoroughly after 10-15 minutes. The effect will be noticeable the very next day! Not recommended for very frequent use.

Side effects

Sea buckthorn oil contains dyes. Carotenes can not only color the skin, but also disrupt the protective properties of the skin (especially aging skin). For these reasons, it is not used in its pure form on the skin.

When mixing the product with creams, as well as in the manufacture of homemade masks and creams, consider the allergic predisposition of your body. So, for example, if at least once in your life there was an allergy to honey, then masks with it are strictly prohibited.

Sea buckthorn itself can also cause allergies, so test your skin first. To do this, add sea buckthorn oil to any usual cream and apply on the skin in an inconspicuous place (on the shoulder or wrist). If after a few minutes no reaction follows, then the skin tolerates sea buckthorn well and the product can be used.

  • Sea buckthorn oil - unique natural remedy containing a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and having a wide range actions.
  • It is widely used in cosmetology as a component of face masks and creams, including wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Suitable for all skin types, but most of all - for fading, dry, chapped.
  • The product is sold in pharmacies, at a very affordable price.
  • It has no contraindications except for individual intolerance.

The recipe for a miracle mask for wrinkles under the eyes on video

We offer to see visual instruction preparation of a mask-cream based on cocoa butter, sea buckthorn and vitamin E:

In the fight against age-related changes facial skin is naive to rely only on folk recipes. It may sound trite, but you need to try to avoid stress, eat right, have positive attitude. Be young and cheerful!

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

Have you heard about such a plant as sea buckthorn? It is widely known and used in folk medicine, cosmetology in the form of tinctures, extracts, etc. This material from our site under the will give you comprehensive information about whether sea buckthorn oil is good for the eyes, or rather, for the skin around them.

Composition and properties of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is "extracted" from the berries of the plant and from the seeds. It has a characteristic bright orange color, which is due to the high content of pigment components in it - flavonoids and carotenoids (as, for example, in carrots). The oil is liquid in consistency. It contains such substances that can positively affect the skin of the entire face and the epidermis around the eyes:

  • Bioactive compounds: phospholipids, flavonoids, organic polyunsaturated acids, amino acids;
  • Vitamins, most of all - C, A, E, B6. Sea buckthorn berries and oil from its seeds in particular - the record holder in terms of content ascorbic acid(vit.C), there is more of it than in citrus fruits;
  • Minerals, although there are not so many of them. Most iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Sea buckthorn oil for the skin around the eyes: how does it work?

Let's see why this product can be so beneficial for the skin of the eyelids. Bioactive substances and amino acids contained in sea buckthorn oil can slow down skin aging by stimulating the production of its own collagen (locally). That is why you can often find sea buckthorn oil in creams for wrinkles around the eyes. Thanks to them, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a healthy color. The network of wrinkles and the hated "crow's feet" can also be treated with this product. It is impossible not to mention the ability of sea buckthorn oil to whiten the skin: with its regular use, age spots disappear, even "senile", freckles disappear. Among other things, sea buckthorn oil has a positive effect on eyelashes: they become stronger, thicker and longer.

About vitamins. In sea buckthorn oil, they are all successfully “selected” just to rejuvenate your skin near the eyes (and the whole face), make it more radiant and beautiful. After all, their entire composition has antioxidant properties, they actually destroy free radicals that negatively affect the epidermis and cause it to age. In addition, vitamins A and E are able to retain moisture in the skin, which is good news.

As for minerals, they are unlikely to be absorbed into the body through the skin, but they can positive influence and on the skin, including if sea buckthorn oil is taken orally. By the way, about the methods of using sea buckthorn oil from bruises under the eyes and not only read further in the material of our website.


Homemade eye cream

To prepare the product, you need to take one tbsp. cocoa butter, bring it to a liquid consistency, heating it in a water bath (do not boil!), And as soon as it starts to lose its density, add the same amount of sea buckthorn oil. Let the mixture cool slightly (until it has solidified) and add one vitamin E capsule (in liquid form). Store the cream in the refrigerator in a closed container. This cream suitable for both ladies after 30 (use 2-3 times a week), and for older women (use daily). It is better to apply it in the afternoon.

By the way, this cream can be used as an anti-wrinkle mask!

Sea buckthorn oil under the eyes: a mask for aging skin

Take a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and heavy cream, as well as one yolk (whipped). Mix the components thoroughly, apply the composition under the eyes and all over the face. To useful material more actively absorbed into the skin, you can additionally cover your face with a film, having previously cut holes in it for the nostrils.

Sea buckthorn oil around the eyes: down with bruises!

In order to quickly "notify" from dark circles under the eyes, you can apply a mixture of lemon juice and sea buckthorn oil (this amount of vitamin C will definitely not leave bruises and a trace!). Combine these two components in equal proportions and apply to the bottom and upper eyelid, you can use a simple thin brush or cotton pad. Be careful! If lemon juice gets into your eyes, it will sting! The procedure should last no longer than 15 minutes, and it is recommended to use the product no more than 2 times a week.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil

There are really a lot of biologically active substances in sea buckthorn. Therefore, firstly, it is not recommended to use it in its pure form, and especially for the skin around the eyes. Secondly, people with a weakened immune system or with the possibility of developing allergic reactions should also be wary of this product. And, of course, do not forget about your personal oil intolerance, if any. If you decide to try new mask or cream with sea buckthorn oil, first test it by applying a small amount of product to back side palms.