The upper eyelid hangs over the eye makeup. Makeup for eyes with an impending eyelid - step by step photo. Proper everyday, daytime and evening makeup for eyes with overhanging eyelids

Hanging eyelids cause complexes in their owners. To solve the problem, it is enough to do the right makeup, focusing on eye enlargement and using step-by-step photo instructions for this.

Features of the structure of the eye with an impending eyelid

An overhanging eyelid is a feature of the structure of the eye, in which a skin fold forms due to the drooping of the upper eyelid. This feature can be congenital (heredity, national feature) or acquired, for example, due to age-related changes or sudden weight loss.

Regardless of the cause of the appearance of the fold, it causes inconvenience:

  • shadows roll into it;
  • an inexpressive arrow or its pattern is lost;
  • ink is imprinted on the upper eyelid.

How to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes

Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement will help emphasize the expressiveness of the look, and the step-by-step photo will become a detailed instruction for the shape correction process. The main task is to create the appearance of an open look.

For this you need:

What to Avoid

The technique of performing makeup with an impending century has its own characteristics.

To avoid mistakes for a more wide-open look, you must:

  • avoid graphics when tracing the contour of the eye;
  • avoid pearlescent shades, they create volume in the problem area and attract attention;
  • avoid sharp color borders by applying shadows;
  • makeup for problematic eyelids does not need bright coloring and busting in colors;
  • do not emphasize the lower eyelid with a thick line.

Basic makeup rules

Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement (a step-by-step photo should always be at hand) is easy to perform.

In order for it to give expressiveness to the look, it is necessary to follow a number of rules and recommendations:


Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement (a step-by-step photo will be presented later in the article) involves competent eyebrow design. They should be small and look natural.

Properly performed makeup will hide the flaws of the impending century and emphasize the unsurpassed image.

If the eyebrows are drawn straight, then the look will become heavier. It is not recommended to make pronounced arches from the eyebrows. If you make a comma from the tail, then the look will be sad and tired.

The best option for the impending century is a form with a small graceful break and a ponytail striving upwards.


Thick long eyelashes distract attention from the impending eyelid, and if they are well curled, then such a small stroke will make the eyes wider. Therefore, girls with such a problem need to have eyelash curlers. You can do extensions or use false eyelashes.

Strongly thick and curved overlays with an overhanging eyelid make the make-up invisible.

false fold

In addition to arrows and shadows, a well-designed crease of the eyelid will help to focus on the eyes. Due to national characteristics, this fold may be absent (for example, among Asians), so many girls use such a life hack as a false fold.

Draw it with a contour pencil or shadows. Such a trick can perfectly correct the shape of the eye of a European woman, if instead of a small fold, draw a spectacular arc a little higher.

light play

A competent combination of dark and light shades is an indispensable technique for creating corrective makeup.

It is necessary to remember the rules for darkening and highlighting different areas:

  1. Blackout- visually distances and reduces the zone.
  2. Highlight- on the contrary, visually brings the zone closer and makes it more voluminous.

This technique corrects the depth of the fold and gives the eye the desired shape.

With an overhanging eyelid, the order of applying shades is as follows:

Shade combination

Dark shades (for example, black, dark gray) create the illusion of sunken eyes. When lowering the eyelid, makeup in light and pastel colors is better suited. When applying cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account the color type of the skin.

When choosing shadows, you should always give preference to matte translucent shades. Black pencils and mascara are suitable exclusively for dark-haired girls with a spectacular appearance, for everyone else there is a wide palette of beige, brown, gray tones.


In a good make-up for a problem eyelid, one cannot do without high-quality shading of the borders of the lines and all the shades of shadows used. Good shading creates perfect color transitions making a gradient effect.

You can shade with an applicator, fingers, but it is better to use a special round brush. Shading begins from the inner corner of the eye towards the outer.

Common Mistakes

Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement (a step-by-step photo will tell you what to look for) is done according to certain rules.

The wrong make-up can ruin the most stunning image.

To avoid this, it is worth considering common mistakes:

Features of makeup for brown eyes

Owners of brown eyes need to highlight the natural beauty of dark eyes and emphasize their expressiveness. To draw the contour of the eyes, a bronze or dark brown pencil is suitable.

Makeup features:

It is important not to forget to make smooth transitions from shade to shade.

Features of makeup for gray eyes

Gray color is almost neutral and allows you to create makeup for all occasions for each shade. And gray has a lot of them. Gray eyes are combined with any shadows, which allows you to show imagination during the application of cosmetics and experiment.

The best shades of shadows are considered tones that are close to the original eye color. You need to choose shadows in one color palette - warm or cold.

If choosing a color is difficult - a good solution for all gray-eyed girls - a silver contour pencil and shadows to match. They will make your eyes shine.

Features of makeup for blue eyes

By placing the right accents in the makeup of blue eyes, you can emphasize their depth. When choosing shades, you should give preference to pastel colors in daytime makeup, bright thick shadows in evening makeup.

Do not forget about the natural shade of the skin and hair. In makeup for blue-eyed people, it is not recommended to use the same shade of eyeliner and shadows as the color of the eyes. This will make the look blurry and pale. It is necessary to choose the color of the eyeliner one tone darker or lighter.

Blue-eyed girls will suit:

  • all shades of gray;
  • peach;
  • light pink;
  • caramel;
  • purple tones.

Features of makeup for green eyes

Green eyes are less common than others and have many shades: from emerald green to dark green with a brown tint. It is difficult to choose the right shade of shadows for this color. When choosing cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account the color of the hair and the shape of the eyes.

Suitable for daily make-up:

  • beige, soft peach tones;
  • ivory;
  • khaki.

In evening makeup, to emphasize the depth of green eyes, soft pink is used in combination with a purple tint.

Rules for daytime makeup to increase eyes with impending eyelids

When performing daytime makeup, the most important thing is not to overload your eyes with details:

  1. The make-up should be light, almost translucent.
  2. It is necessary to brighten the inner corner of the eye, apply a light pink tint to the moving eyelid, and draw the false crease area with light gray.
  3. Make an accent with a dark tone in the outer corner of the eye.

For daytime makeup, you do not need to put a lot of mascara on your eyelashes.

Rules for evening make-up to enlarge the eyes

A distinctive feature of evening make-up is the quality of execution.

It must be perfect:

  1. Makeup artists advise not to abuse the number of dark shades, otherwise there is a risk of achieving the effect of deep-set eyes.
  2. Light shades will help emphasize the eyes, make them more expressive and open.

Makeup rules for women after 40, 50, 55 years

The problem of the impending century manifests itself or worsens with age. But well-chosen makeup will make you look young and well-groomed even after 50 years.

The main emphasis in age makeup is on naturalness.

Shades are chosen neutral and matte, closer to ivory for fair-skinned women, and beige-brown for dark-skinned women. Eyebrows are drawn of medium thickness, a little mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

By adopting the tips below, you can make a stunning image even at home:

  1. Before any make-up, it is necessary to moisturize the eyelids with cream.
  2. An eyeshadow primer will keep your eyeshadows from clumping and will last all day.
  3. Choose soft contour pencils and high-quality eyeliner. These tools allow you to visually increase the density of eyelashes.
  4. Use lengthening mascara.
  5. Choose shadows only for the color of the eyes, and not collect collections of palettes.

Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement, makeup artists are advised to do step by step photos. A set of necessary cosmetics for a make-up, which every girl should have, should be made up of high-quality and durable cosmetic products. It is better to have a few expensive cosmetics in your arsenal than a large number of cheap products that smear an hour after they are applied.

Video about make-up for the impending century

Makeup artist tips on how to do makeup for the impending eyelid:

Five basic makeup rules for impending eyelids:

The radiant gaze of wide-open eyes, skillfully emphasized with make-up, is the best decoration for a woman. But what if nature endowed it with such a feature as an impending eyelid? A small cosmetic flaw sometimes pretty spoils the mood - a fold of skin under the eyebrows visually makes the eyes smaller, gives the face a tired expression. A cream with a lifting effect is not an assistant here, it's all about a genetic predisposition. Do not rush to be upset, take a look at our step-by-step photos: make-up for an impending eyelid and eye enlargement will turn your feature from a flaw into a piquant zest.

Experienced makeup artists know that with the help of cosmetics, almost any appearance flaws, including the impending eyelid, can be corrected, but for this you need to know a few secrets:

  • First of all, you need pay attention to the eyebrows- They have to look natural, be of sufficient thickness and regular shape. The corner of the eyebrow should be made soft so as not to emphasize the problem, and its tip should be slightly raised - this technique visually hides the skin fold;
  • Fan of thick long eyelashes divert attention from the impending century, and their sharp bend will open the eyes - therefore curling tweezers should always be in a makeup bag. When time permits, you can use false eyelashes, but it’s even better to go to a beauty salon and get extensions;
  • Owners of the impending century are recommended well blend all color transitions and clear lines in makeup and avoid blacks and dark grays whenever possible. Preference should be given to a calm color scheme, focusing on your color type.

To make makeup for the impending century as natural as possible, it is not enough to take into account the recommendations given.

You also need to remember the whole list categorical taboo. It is not too long, but it will help to avoid blunders in creating a spectacular make-up:

  • Do not darken the corners of the eyes emphasizing the overhanging eyelid. It is better to use the reception of oriental girls and draw a false fold with dark shadows where it is hidden by the "hood" of the skin. A little trick will visually correct the shape of the eyes, increase them;
  • Clear thin arrows, especially long - not an option for the impending century, with them the face will take on a tired expression, eyes will appear narrow. It is not necessary to completely abandon the arrows, but they must be thick;
  • WITH eyeliner need to be more careful avoid harsh lines and not close it along the entire contour, visually turning the eyes into narrow slits;
  • glitter shadows with the impending century, they look very pretentious, unnatural and make color correction difficult.

After reviewing these simple tips, revise your cosmetic bag, put liquid eyeliner out of it, shadows with reflective particles. Replace them soft pencil, palette with matte shadows calm tones, good lengthening mascara- such a set is quite enough to make a discreet everyday make-up for the impending century, and we will tell you how to create an interesting evening look a little later.

Makeup artist's advice on the correction of the impending century (video)

Everyday makeup

Day make-up shouldn't be flashy This rule applies to everyone. Therefore, going to work or a morning walk around the city, give preference to restrained colors. The construction of makeup for the impending century varies a little depending on the severity of the problem.

Slightly drooping eyelid

If the skin under the eyebrow does not overhang much and does not close the mobile eyelid, the correct application of cosmetics will not require special skill and will take very little time.

Repeat step by step the steps shown in the photo:

  • Apply on the moving eyelid matte shadows, close in shade to the color of your skin - for whites it is pinkish tones, for swarthy brownish;
  • The next step is drawing false fold, it is performed gray shadows along the lower border of the impending century. Use the same color to highlight the outer corner of the eyes. All lines should not be too bright, even and thick enough;
  • Thin line your eyes with a soft pencil close to the growth line of the upper eyelashes;
  • Thoroughly blend the lines eyeliners and all color transitions;
  • Apply Mascara, while slightly twisting them with a brush.

Strongly drooping eyelid

The situation when the mobile eyelid is covered with overhanging skin requires a more complex make-up. Our step-by-step instructions will help to mask the problem - look at the photo, repeat:

  • At first draw a false fold, make-up will be built around it. This should be done on an open eye, applying medium dark(brown, beige) shade of shadows right over the skin, and then passing pencil thin line directly on top of the fold itself, covered by the impending eyelid;
  • Pencil line blend towards the brow using a dense short-haired brush;
  • We turn to the correction of the moving eyelid - if it is not visible at all, we leave everything as it is, and visible open areas can be visually expanded with light shadows;
  • Look carefully in the mirror, assessing the correctness of applying makeup, blend color transitions;
  • Highlight the look lengthening ink black or chocolate.

Anti-aging makeup

It is so inherent in nature that over the years the elasticity of the skin is lost, which is why the impending eyelid so often worries mature ladies. The structure of the “hood” itself in this case is somewhat different from the genetically determined one and is corrected in a different way:

  • Spread over the moving eyelid pinkish light shadows;
  • Outer corner of the eye draw with a dark gray pencil, well shaded line;
  • inner corner underline with the same pencil, but with minimal shading. This technique helps to visually enlarge the eyes and distracts attention from the impending century;
  • Complete your makeup applying black ink.

Makeup artists advise you to follow the principles of restraint when creating daytime makeup, not only in relation to the eyes - hide bright lipstick, blush, false eyelashes in your purse until the evening, preferring a light mother-of-pearl shine and BB cream.

smokey ice

The smoky make-up, beloved by many, has not gone out of fashion for a long time, but not everyone knows how to build it correctly, especially given the impending century. Step-by-step photos will help you avoid mistakes:

  • Prepare eyelid skin for makeup application by spreading light matte shadows or special base. From below, a narrow strip along the eyelashes is highlighted, from above, the entire area up to the eyebrow;
  • Shadows of the dark brown or gray highlight the imaginary crease: it will be slightly higher than the real one. To make makeup for the impending eyelid look organic, use a rounded soft brush;
  • Now it's time shade drawn shadow, which is done with a flat beveled brush towards the eyebrow. The shading should be wide, occupy approximately 70% of the fixed upper eyelid;
  • Darken the outer corner, drawing a thin tail of a small arrow and shading its base;
  • Slightly highlight the outline of the learned drawing with shadows, and darken the false fold and the outer corner again with a pencil;
  • All transitions are neat blend, keep the outer contours more clear;
  • On the inside and middle part rolling century apply light shadows without shine;
  • Draw with a pencil a thin arrow close to the eyelashes;
  • At the final stage, cover the eyelashes two coats of mascara or use false artificial cilia.

It is important to remember that smokey ice makeup will visually make the eyes sunken, so it is the overhanging eyelid that needs to be darkened, otherwise, instead of the feline grace of the image, you will get a sullen look from under your brows.

Colored evening makeup

The life of a modern woman is full of moments when you want to look special, to impress: a corporate party, a party with friends, going to a club or a romantic date. The owners of the impending century it is important to correctly emphasize the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes- unsuccessful makeup can negate all the efforts spent on creating an evening look. A colorful bright make-up is performed according to the same principle as the everyday one:

  • Apply to upper eyelid the lightest shade from the selected palette with shadows;
  • Draw a false crease with a dark color along the lower border of the impending eyelid, highlight the outer corner of the eye;
  • Optional line your eyes on top along the lash line, draw a small arrow;
  • Blend brush makeup;
  • Apply lengthening mascara, having especially densely made up the hairs located closer to the outer edge of the eye.

When choosing a make-up color scheme for the impending century, be sure to consider your color type and the shades of the clothes you plan to wear. Deciding to complement the makeup spectacular arrow, remember the step-by-step rules for drawing it:

  • The tip of the arrow should continue the line lower eyelid. Attach a pencil to its outer edge: a point from the tip will remain on the upper eyelid - focus on it to get the desired angle of the arrow;
  • Spend a straight line from the outer corner of the eye to the intended point, as in the photo;
  • Draw an arrow from the middle of the mobile eyelid to the tip the first line, getting an elongated triangle. Color it in with the same pencil;
  • thin line continue the arrow to the inner corner.

Do not lift the tip of the arrow with a sharp bend, its shape should have straight lines to hide the overhanging eyelid. Do not use a black pencil, it is better to take a chocolate or gray one.

Correction of the impending century: a simple make-up (video)

The main goal of any make-up is to hide flaws and emphasize dignity.. A woman after 45 is already losing her natural beauty, and her appearance is saved by the miraculous powers of cosmetics or the magical hands of makeup artists. At this age, problems with skin elasticity come to the fore, the most common is the eyelid hanging over the eye. This problem can be solved with the help of plastic surgery (blepharoplasty), however, many women do not dare to take such a desperate step, pinning their hopes on age-related makeup.


Not all women, even those over 50, are faced with such a thing as a "hanging eyelid", but diagnosing this problem is quite easy. Such an eyelid is distinguished by low elasticity of the skin and the appearance of a "hood" formed by the skin under the brow ridges. Most often, such a flaw is associated with a genetic predisposition and is especially common in Asian eyes. In some cases, a change in the century is associated with psychological problems. With prolonged exertion, stress, chronic fatigue, tension arises in the region of the bridge of the nose, which leads to an extra crease above the eyes. Of course, plastic surgery today easily copes with such a flaw, but many women still prefer to correct the problem with makeup.

The right choice of cosmetics

Age makeup is a separate serious science that makeup artists study in detail and practice a lot. A woman at home is also able to perform the right anti-aging makeup, it is enough to practice and correctly choose cosmetics, including:

  • Cream based powder and blush. This texture lays down much more delicately than crumbly and provides masking of wrinkles and other imperfections.
  • Thick foundation. The time of light fluids ends with the advent of deep wrinkles. To mask them, you need a denser foundation.
  • Instead of lipstick, use a contour pencil. Pencil pigment lays down denser and ensures color fastness.
  • Don't forget to use moisturizers for lips. For example, it can be a hygienic lipstick with peppermint essential oil in the composition.
  • Eyeliner, which tends to roll and imprint on the upper eyelid, we replace it with shadows. They lie much more delicately on the skin, do not clog into wrinkles and do not imprint on the impending eyelid.

Application principles

Age makeup has its own characteristics, which must be considered when applying cosmetics.

  • Eyeliner should be excluded from makeup, since the overhanging skin of the eyelids will not allow it to lie in a straight line.
  • Never choose the tone of the pencil and shadows with red pigment, this shade will make the eyes look even more tired.
  • Refuse the shades of blue, purple and lilac flowers, they increase bruising under the eyes.
  • Sharp black tones mascara and pencil should be replaced with more muted, for example, dark brown.
  • Makeup lines should strive upwards, not downwards, otherwise, instead of masking imperfections, sagging skin will be emphasized.

Color solution

Of course, it is not enough to know the principles of applying cosmetics, you need to be able to select it according to texture, durability, and most importantly, color.

And if you can count on durability and high-quality texture from trusted brands, for example, MAC or NYX, then you will have to choose the shade yourself.

It is important to remember that dark shades visually reduce, while light ones increase and bring closer. The game of chiaroscuro is very important in the art of age-related makeup. By highlighting and darkening the desired areas of the eyelid, you can edit the size and shape of the fold, and sometimes mask it completely. Usually, with an impending eyelid, light shades of shadows are applied to the inner corner of the eye, and dark shades are applied to the crease area and a little along the outer edge.

The fashion trend for "smoky eyes" can play a cruel joke on a woman over 45 years old.

As an evening make-up, a bright and deep black color of the shadows can still be used, but still very carefully. However, with the problem of the impending century, it should still be excluded from your palette.

A much more advantageous option is to use a calm color scheme, such as browns and grays. In addition, the selected tone should be in harmony with the shade of the face and the color of the eyebrows.

Features of working with eyebrows

Eyebrows are the frame of our eyes. Well-groomed and bright enough, they can distract people from the impending eyelid and the eye itself, which is why it is so important to have a beautiful eyebrow shape. She is chosen in beauty salons under the guidance of an experienced master, and then she is supported on an ongoing basis, pulling out excess hairs. In addition, do not forget to tint your eyebrows. To do this, you can use a gel, a special pencil and a brush-comb. Always gently blend the strokes, but do not go beyond the shape of the eyebrows.

A hanging or “heavy” eyelid cannot be considered a disadvantage if it is not a consequence of age-related changes. Rather, it is a feature that is easy to turn into a "highlight" of appearance. Of course, you can use expensive salon procedures, but the right make-up for the impending century will be an effective and simple tool that does not require special knowledge and high material costs. It is enough to look at photos of your favorite actresses with a similar eye shape, which does not spoil the stellar appearance at all.


To get rid of the illusion of “sad” eyes, and often it is the hanging eyelid that gives the look such an expression, you need to learn how to competently make up. Many world-famous beauties have such a feature that only adds charisma to their appearance: Oscar-winning beauty Jennifer Lawrence, charming Emma Stone, Catherine Zeta-Jones, sexy Chloe Kardashian and others. The “heavy” eyelid (another popular name) is corrected by professional makeup artists for actresses, but every girl and woman can do such a skill.


In make-up for the impending century, great attention should be paid to eyebrows. If there is any doubt that the correction on your own will be successful, then it is better to contact a professional.

You can not leave the eyebrows too thick, as this "weights" the look. And a beautiful raised curve is the best way to achieve "ideal" in the face. A slightly angular break in the eyebrow goes well with the impending eyelid. A similar shape can be seen in Asian beauties, which are characterized not only by a narrow section of the eyes, but also by swelling from above. Many make a bend just above the outer corner of the eye. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of appearance: a clear bend is suitable for someone, and for someone it will only aggravate the situation.

Advice: A preliminary "sketch" with a colored cosmetic pencil will tell you the desired shape.


On the net, you can often find information that in makeup for the impending century, you need to use shiny and pearlescent shadows. Mother-of-pearl as the main color is categorically contraindicated in this eye shape (the exception is the line under the eyebrow and the middle of the moving eyelid). Matte shadows solve the problem with success.

As a rule, two shades of different saturation are used in make-up: the upper, overhanging eyelid is highlighted with a lighter shade, and a darker tone will emphasize the crease between the upper and moving parts. The same color can shade the outer corner of the eye.

Advice: It is necessary to lay dark shadows not in the crease, but a little higher (closer to the protruding bone under the eyebrow).


Without lush eyelashes that attract attention, makeup for the impending century is impossible. Eyelashes can be painted thickly, focusing on areas that are closer to the outer corners of the eyes. The main thing is to do it carefully, avoiding the effect of "gravity". You can use an eyelash curler to lift the tips. For an evening make-up, false eyelashes are suitable. Here, as they say, all methods are good!

Since mascara imprinting on the skin is a common problem, it is preferable to use moisture-resistant mascara in makeup.


For the make-up of the "heavy" century, only dark tones of the eyeliner are suitable. The arrow is drawn from the middle, gradually expanding on the rise (the direction is always up and towards the temple). You should not make it very thin, so as not to create the illusion of another fold.

The eyeliner line should not be very sharp, so a soft cosmetic pencil is better for such makeup than a liquid eyeliner or liner. It is very important that the arrow does not "break". To do this, you can make it shorter, but the "tip" is always thicker than the beginning.

Video: Arrows for the impending century


This tool will help good makeup for the impending century, because the condition of the skin under the eyes should be perfect (bruises or swelling will emphasize the existing feature, which will add “fatigue” to the look). Concealer will help remove unwanted manifestations, but will not cancel good sleep. Yes, girls with this eye shape need to get enough sleep so as not to add swelling.

"Pantry of secrets" from professionals

Makeup tricks for the impending century are shared by professional makeup artists:

  1. Foundation or primer for eyelids. Unfortunately, shadows can clog into the crease or smudge. This is a feature of such a structure of the eyelids. The primer will ensure the durability of eye makeup throughout the day.
  2. Cut Crease. An original and fashionable make-up technique that focuses on the crease: it and the part of the fixed eyelid above it are darkened, which helps to “hide” the problem.
  3. smokey eyes. Makeup artists suggest using a popular technique in reverse, so that makeup with an impending eyelid is gorgeous. "Haze" is made lower: the upper eyelid - shadows of medium tones, and the lower - dark shades.
  4. Highlighter. Despite the fact that the undesirable use of mother-of-pearl was discussed above, just a little shimmery highlighter in the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow is a wonderful “distraction” from heavy eyelids.
  5. Lips. Masters say that shifting attention from the top of the face to the bottom is a great trick for girls who have little time for makeup. Just a little mascara on the eyelashes is enough, but the lips should be made up expressively (bright or dark lipstick will do).

Step-by-step master class: makeup for the impending century

The specificity of the shape of the eyes requires special attention during makeup and constant monitoring. Therefore, the whole process must be learned to do with open eyes:

  1. Prepare the skin of the eyelids by applying the foundation for makeup (work out the areas under the eyes with a concealer or corrector).
  2. Adjust the line of the eyebrows.
  3. Apply the average shade of shadows to the surface of the moving eyelid (its color can be any: pastels are suitable for daily make-up, and for the evening version, you can choose something to match the tone of the eyes).
  4. Now, with a color darker than the base one, draw a new “fold” by several tones. It will be taller than the real one, and its edge forms a corner with the outer edge of the eye. Blend the line gently.
  5. Underline the lower eyelid with a base shade or a slightly darker color. For a solemn exit, eyes with soft colored eyeliner and a kayal inside will look very beautiful.
  6. Mascara is applied, moving obliquely to the outer corner of the eye. The lower lashes do not need to be painted with mascara.

Do not make a thick or too clear line on the lower eyelid, use black shadows as the main ones.

Properly executed makeup for impending eyelids will dispel any doubts that such eyes cannot be large.

Video: Make-up for a flat / impending century. Visual enlargement of the eyes

Age makeup for impending eyelids

In adulthood, the problem of a "heavy" eyelid is quite common. But she does not become an obstacle to a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. The appearance of wrinkles not only changes the contours of the face, but also habits. If in youth the “doll” eyes looked amazing, then in adulthood it at least looks ridiculous. And swollen or drooping eyelids require special care in working with the face:

  1. Makeup should be natural.
  2. Eyebrow thickness is medium.
  3. Matte shades of soothing shades: shades of ivory and tea rose are suitable for light-skinned women, and a beige-brown palette for dark-skinned women.
  4. Shadows darker by a couple of tones are applied above the crease.
  5. The upper eyelid can be slightly emphasized with a soft pencil and shade it.
  6. Quite a bit of light shadows in the inner corner of the eye.
  7. The final touch is mascara on the upper lashes.

If we talk about some specific feature in makeup for impending eyelids, then this is a complete lack of "graphics". All lines should be soft and "blurred".

Video: An example of age makeup

Marina Ignatieva is an editor of the Beauty section of COLADY magazine, a hair and make-up artist.


Not every girl has perfect facial features and the right proportions, but makeup can even solve this problem. Properly selected make-up can change the shape of the face, correct the shape of the eyes and even change the facial expression. So, how to do makeup for the impending century?

General makeup rules for impending eyelids

Makeup for the impending century can work wonders and hide even the biggest flaws, but you should know that makeup will only help for a while. To get rid of this deficiency forever is possible only through a surgical operation.

There are basic makeup rules for impending eyelids:

  • Brows

Makeup always begins with the eyebrows, so they should be monitored especially carefully. Eyebrows should not be too thick or dark - this will make the look even heavier, and all makeup will look sloppy.

  • Light

It is best to apply makeup in daylight to avoid too bright colors in makeup or uneven distribution of color.

  • shading

Carefully shade the shadows, otherwise too sharp color transitions can make the look rough and sloppy.

  • open eyes

Try to do make-up with your eyes open, because when your eyes are closed, the makeup looks different, and when you open your eyes, you run the risk of seeing something completely different from what you expected.

  • Shadow selection

When choosing shadows, give preference to dry shadows without sparkles: liquid shadows can roll up in the crease of the eyelid. Creamy pencils and all glitter should also be discarded.

  • Arrows

Avoid long arrows too. However, small and neat arrows will make the look more open and expressive.

Day makeup for the impending century

Day makeup is suitable for shopping or for work. It does not stand out, but allows you to make the look more open. In this make-up, only light shades are used, and the emphasis is on openness and lightness of the look.

So, how to do makeup for the impending century in stages? Remember!

  • Apply an eye shadow base all over the eyelid so that the shadows do not roll in the crease of the eyelid by the evening.
  • Apply base shadows to the entire surface of the eyelid. It can be shades of light beige or cream color, there is only one condition - they must be matte.
  • Next, lighten the inner corner of your eye with a lighter tone, and bring the water line with a light pencil.
  • Apply a dark shade of shadow on the outer eyelid and blend thoroughly. A dark shade is applied just above the moving eyelid (this will help mask the overhanging eyelid).
  • Line the upper eyelid with a pencil (recommendation - do not use eyeliner, clear lines will make the look heavier) and blend it silently.
  • The lower eyelid should also be lined with a dark color, and later connect this line to the outer corner of the eyelid so that the transition is smooth.
  • When staining eyelashes, it is better to use lengthening mascara and eyelash curlers - this will help to make the look more open. The lower lashes should not be tinted to avoid a heavy look.

Evening makeup technique for impending eyelids

For evening makeup, you will need shades of three shades (1 - ivory, 2nd - an intermediate darker color and 3rd, the darkest contrast). All shades should match your eye color.

So, how to do evening makeup for the impending century? We instruct!

  • Apply an eyeshadow base all over the eyelid and carefully blend the edges so that the transition is not visible.
  • Next, apply light shadows evenly over the entire eyelid and blend them under the eyebrow.
  • Apply darker shadows only on the moving eyelid and blend.
  • Next, take the darkest color and apply it to the moving eyelid (we draw the brush from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye). Shadows should be applied a little higher to hide the overhanging eyelid.
  • Paint over the lower eyelid in the same tone, but try not to overdo it to avoid the effect of "sleepless night".
  • Line your upper lash line with a pencil or liner.
  • Paint the upper lashes with 2-3 coats of mascara and curl with tweezers. This will make the look more expressive and bright.