Cream with 10 percent urea. Moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic products with urea. Cooking cream with urea at home

Face creams are the basis of self-care for every woman. Products with urea have an excellent effect on the skin, moisturizing and healing it.

Useful properties of urea in face creams

Urea is the synthetic compound urea. IN pure form visually it can be compared with refined sugar. Substance approved the best cosmetologists and is used in the production of many famous brands care products.

Initially, urea was used as a preservative - the substance prolongs the life of the cream - but then experts noticed excellent cosmetic properties this substance.

The main properties of urea in face creams:

  • Hydration. Carbamide refers to substances that absorb water from the air and absorb it into themselves. This avoids dehydration of the epidermis.
  • Skin renewal. Urea stimulates the appearance of new skin cells, the regeneration of old ones.
  • Anesthesia. Creams get rid of severe itching, burning and pain with irritation and peeling of the skin.
  • Stimulation of local immunity.
  • Protecting the skin from negative external influences.
  • Cleansing. Urea creams help get rid of flaky skin. At the same time, sebum and dirt are “washed off” from the face.
  • Softening of the epidermis.
  • Protection of the outer layer from drying out in a stuffy room and in hot weather.

Indications for the use of urea creams

  • with skin prone to irritation and peeling;
  • with skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis);
  • with frequent itching caused by irritation;
  • with very dry skin;
  • with a constant feeling of "tightness" of the skin;
  • with frequent exposure to the negative influence of the external environment (strong wind, frost, sun).


There are strict contraindications for the use of urea cream.

Funds are prohibited in the following cases:

  • there is intolerance to any component of the cream, primarily an allergy to urea;
  • facial skin is irritated when applying any cosmetic product;
  • there is a rash on the face or a large number of acne and blackheads;
  • in the presence of infected wounds and areas with impaired tissue integrity;

It is strictly forbidden to use urea cream for children under 3 years of age.

What percentage of urea should be in the face cream

The effectiveness of its effect on the skin depends on the percentage of the active substance in the cosmetic product for the face. Using a cream with urea above 10% on healthy skin can lead to a severe allergic reaction.

When is urea used in cosmetics:

Percent Skin properties Impact effect
1% Oily skinAt oily skin funds are used from the minimum amount urea. You can only apply them before bed.
1-2% Normal skin without cosmetic flawsProphylactic. Recommended for low indoor humidity and as sun and wind protection.
Up to 5%normal skinProphylactic. Helps to avoid microtrauma of the skin surface at aggressive impact dry air, sun and frost. It is recommended to apply a few minutes before going out or immediately after returning.
5% Dry, flaky, rough skinCreams with urea of ​​this concentration should be applied several times, including before and after sleep. For dry skin, it is necessary to choose a product that, in addition to urea, contains hyaluronic acid.
5-10% Age skinAn anti-aging agent for the skin. Apply cosmetical tools recommended daily, morning and evening, as well as when going outside.
Over 10%Any kind of skinCreams and gels with a high urea content are classified as medicines. You can use them only for skin diseases with the permission of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Rules and instructions for the use of funds

Creams with a low concentration of urea (up to 5%) can be used in the same way as any other facial treatment. Before application, the skin is cleansed of dirt, accumulated fat and cosmetics. After application, you must wait a few minutes for the cream to be completely absorbed.

When using a product with a high concentration of urea, caution is necessary.

Despite the fact that most creams contain only natural auxiliary components, they can provoke severe irritation and even allergies. Before using creams with a urea concentration above 5%, an allergy test is first performed for small area skin.

The best creams with urea. Overview, prices

Almost every cosmetic company offers its own line of urea facial skin care products. Prices for products vary greatly: from hundreds of rubles to several thousand.

Lierac Hidro Crono

The tool is a representative of the French line of facial creams. Unlike many products with urea, it has a pleasant structure; when applied, it is quickly absorbed without effect. oily mask. It has a pleasant fragrance and is suitable for normal skin.

Cost - from 3000 rubles.


In addition to urea, it contains amino acids that contribute to additional skin hydration. It copes well with inflammation, applying a kind of “patch” to the damaged areas of the epidermis.

Removes the effects of an allergic reaction and damage from the aggressive sun and wind from the face. The cream is quickly absorbed, but leaves a protective film on the surface of the face. It simultaneously protects against negative external phenomena and stimulates the restoration of the epidermis.

Cost - from 1000 rubles.


Cream with urea for the face D'oliva is included in the line of cosmetics on natural basis. The composition, in addition to urea, includes olive oil, minerals and other active substances. The product is excellent for both dry and problematic skin, and for combination and oily.

Balea Urea

The product is recommended for very dry, but healthy skin no signs skin diseases. This budget fund will accelerate the recovery and restoration of damaged skin areas due to panthenol and vitamin E in its composition. An additional advantage of Balea Urea is UV protection.

Cost - 330 rubles.


Evo creams with urea are products for foot care. But some use this cream as a good emollient and exfoliator for problem skin care. Evo cream is especially recommended for skin that suffers from temperature fluctuations and strong wind with rain or snow.

Cost - from 100 rubles.

L'Adeleide Urea 5%

Recommended for very dry, irritated skin. In addition to the main component, urea, it contains substances that heal the skin and accelerate its regeneration: panthenol, vitamin F, shea butter. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for moisturizing and giving the epidermis greater elasticity.

Cost - 130 rubles.


The Bioturm line includes skin care products with 5% urea content. They are recommended for dry and flaky skin. In addition to carbamide, the composition includes a lactocomplex. This is a special serum that does not allow cells to quickly grow old and die, but, on the contrary, stimulates their natural regeneration.

Additional elements of the cream are vitamins and amino acids. Cost - 1580 rubles.


Cream with urea for the face Bioderma can be used not only for hands, but also for other parts of the body. It's great for protecting against dryness and irritation when you're allergic to cold or heat. Bioderma is used to treat atopic rashes in adults and children.

Cost - 1300 rubles.


Cream Arabia positions itself not only as a moisturizer, but also as protective agent. It allows you to achieve elasticity and hydrated skin, and then with the help of a protective layer to keep such an effect for the face for a long time. The cream allows you to restore the regeneration processes characteristic of young skin, so it is recommended to use it when age-related changes in the epidermis.

Tool improves performance sebaceous glands and gives the face healthy color. Cost - 600 rubles.


Recommended for use by people with severe dryness and irritability of the skin of the face. Can be used for peeling, after negative impact external stimuli. The cream helps to moisturize and nourish the dermis, make it more elastic and elastic, return the face a pleasant color.

Cost: 510 rubles.


Cream Lekar refers to cosmetics with healing effect. The composition of the product is based on natural recipes ancient folk cosmetology. The substance is quickly absorbed and acts on the deep layers of the dermis. The first effect can be seen after a few hours: peeling and itching gradually disappear, the skin looks more toned.

Cost - 200 rubles.


AATherapy contains 10% urea, which classifies it as a therapeutic cream. You can use it only with a serious rash and peeling. After the skin gets rid of dryness and irritation, you should not refuse this remedy. It is an excellent prevention and protection against harmful external influences.

Cost - 270 rubles.


Keratosan from the Uriage line refers to medical cosmetics. It is a substance of cream and gel, which are mixed before application. The cream contains 30% urea. This prevents it from being used for healthy skin.

Cosmetologists allow the use of Keratosan for various diseases epidermis, including hyperkeratosis, psoriasis and follicular keratosis. Cost - 600 rubles. for a small tube (40 ml), from 800 rubles. for a large tube (75 ml).


Face cream with urea from the Belarusian company Belita has a dense, but not greasy structure. It perfectly nourishes, but does not oversaturate the epidermis. The basis for the cream is thermal water from France. The cream is recommended for dry skin., in other cases, it can create a "greasy" shine on the face.

The only exception may be frosty and windy weather. To maintain healthy facial skin, you can use the entire line of urea products, which include milk and tonic.

Cost - 136 rubles.

Eucerin Replenishing Face Cream

Cosmetologists recommend this remedy for dry skin prone to frequent irritations and atopic dermatitis. The cream contains 5% percent urea, so people with a tendency to oily skin are advised to use the cream with caution.

At regular use the agent forms a protective film on the surface of the skin. It helps to protect delicate and irritable skin from bad weather conditions.

Cost - 790 rubles.

How to make a cream based on urea with your own hands

Carbamide is used as a fertilizer, so getting urea is not difficult.

Benefits of homemade cream:

  • safety. The cream does not need to add any preservatives and additional products that can cause allergies;
  • availability and budget. Urea is an affordable and cheap component for the preparation of cosmetics. At the same time, the cost of finished cosmetics can reach several thousand rubles;
  • diversity. The cream can be prepared with those components that are necessary for of this type faces: moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating, refreshing.

Cream with urea for the face is easy to make yourself by purchasing necessary components

The process of making cream with urea:

  1. The basis of the cream can be beeswax(health), lard or fat (protection from peeling and chapping), and butter(nutrition). The base must be melted to a liquid.
  2. Urea is dissolved in a small amount of water and mixed with the base until a homogeneous liquid is formed.
  3. To the base with urea are added additional funds: essential oils, herbal decoctions, herbal ingredients.

Can be added to urea creams lemon juice, a decoction of chamomile or calendula, bee products, oil solutions of vitamins C and F, solid vegetable oils. Urea can not only heal and improve the structure of the skin, but also negatively affect its condition.

Therefore, you need to choose a face cream with a concentration of a substance suitable for the condition of the face.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

Useful video clip about urea cream

What is the value of urea in creams:

Provides natural hydration to the skin of the feet. Many women know that some modern cosmetics contain a substance such as urea. What is this substance and how it works, not many people know.

Urea- an important substance present in skin cells in its natural form. The skin on the legs without diseases and problem areas contains up to 1% urea.

The main property of this substance is moisture. Deprived of moisture and problematic cover loses up to half the concentration of moisturizing components, among which is urea. As a result, the skin undergoes dryness, atopic dermatitis and flaking. Foot cream with urea allows you to make up for the lack of this important moisturizer in the skin.

The scientific name of urea is urea, it is used by cosmetics manufacturers in their products -. At the stage of creating a cosmetic product, the substance is used in a concentrated crystallized form. It dissolves in a liquid medium - it can be water or ethanol, as well as other water components that the manufacturer uses in his cream.


Urea has been used in medicine for several hundred years, and it has also found its wide application in cosmetology. Despite all the innovations, modern cosmetology enterprises prefer this natural ingredient to create their foot creams, excluding the addition of synthetic analogues.

What is the peculiarity of the substance and why is it effective in foot care:

  1. This natural ingredient, which is contained in any liquid medium of our body and is involved in protein metabolism;
  2. This is an excellent moisturizer, its deficiency is easily replenished by external means, that is, by applying the product to the skin of the extremities;
  3. This component is a natural solvent, which reduces the amount of preservatives and solubilizers of chemical origin. So you can prevent the clouding of the agent and the separation of its components;
  4. The light weight of the molecules of the substance contributes to their absorption into the deep layers.

Why do you need

The agent enriched with this substance performs the following functions:

  • Hydration.
  • Keratolytic properties - elimination of the keratinized layer of cells on the feet. The substance easily loosens dry cells, filling with moisture living and exfoliating dead ones.
  • Protective functions are determined by the retention of moisture in the tissues of the skin. Foot cream with urea protects the skin from washing and drying substances that we use for hygiene, as well as from external environmental influences.
  • It promotes the penetration of various active components of the cosmetic product into the deep layers of the cover.
  • Relieve tension from the legs, local analgesia pain, elimination of irritation and itching.
  • Contributes to the treatment of many skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, fungus and much more.
  • Perfectly stimulates cell regeneration, heals cracked heels.

It is important to know:

  • The properties of the substance are enhanced if applied after a shower on moistened, but towel-dried skin.
  • You need to be careful with creams with concentrated urea.
  • The substance, although natural, may cause irritation and allergic reactions. A sensitivity test will help prevent irritation.

How to cook with your own hands

Ingredients for cooking at home:

  • Urea - 3 grams;
  • Linden hydrolat - 60 grams;
  • Almond oil, shea butter - 5 grams;
  • Any emulsifier - 5 grams;
  • Glycerin moisturizer - 5 grams;
  • Wax neroli and bees - 3 grams;
  • Menthol in crystals - 2 grams;
  • preservative;
  • Stearic acid - 2 grams;
  • Fat lanolin.


  1. Dishes are placed in a warm water bath, lanolin, wax, stearic acid and the oils used are placed in it. A reverse emulsifier is added to the mixture, for example, Neo Care, which has the property of creating a water-in-oil emulsion. So the resulting mixture will be oily, but quickly absorbed.
  2. After that to oil mixture menthol is added in crystalline form.
  3. At the same time, we put on heating another water bath with linden hydrolate, in which urea dissolves. Glycerin is added to them.
  4. At the end of the complete dissolution of the substances, the aqueous mixture is poured into the fatty one. Then everything is mixed with a mixer.
  5. The final stage is the addition of a preservative, safe and gentle.
  6. We fill clean jars with a lid for storage.

This cream will moisturize the skin epithelium of the legs and keep them soft.

Advice! To make the fragrance more pleasant for you, you can add your favorite essential oil.

Good foot creams with urea

Cream Healer for feet with urea

Favorably affecting the condition of the skin. Due to the content of urea, the amount of moisture in the cells increases. The cover becomes more tender and elastic. The tool allows you to eliminate corns, rough areas, dryness and peeling, heal wounds and remove pain.

Approximate price: 240 rubles.

Excellent saturates nutrients, vitamins and carotenes, as well as organic substances and trace elements. The most main function- hydration, replenishment of cells with moisture.

approximate cost: 40 rub.

Clarena emollient foot cream with urea

Suitable for people with dry and problematic skin, as well as people with diabetes, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

Approximate price: 600 rubles.

Baehr - urea foot cream

Suitable for those who have dry and sensitive skin on their feet, as well as for people with diabetes. The tool allows you to provide the necessary hydration. The special composition protects and nourishes, relieves irritation and pain.
The composition contains:

  • Urea;
  • Glycerol;
  • Panthenol;
  • Macadamia nut oil.

Approximate price: 500 rubles.

The cosmetology industry uses various components of natural and synthetic origin in production. One of these is urea. This is a natural element, the end product of protein breakdown in the human body, in certain doses found in the blood. There are methods for its synthetic production, but such urea is used only for industrial purposes.

It is urea that holds the liquid in the surface cells, preventing it from evaporating. Thanks to this component, the skin maintains a state of elasticity and firmness. With a lack of enzyme, long-healing wounds, cracks, dry calluses, peeling can appear on the body.

Appearance special creams and ointments, in which there is urea, produced a considerable stir. People with skin problems began to pay more attention to the composition of the product, looking for the right ingredient. Urea has proven itself quite well in cosmetology and has been used by manufacturers for a long time, it’s just that earlier they didn’t focus so much on its content in the package. In reviews, people are often confused by the very name of the component, because they are not familiar with its effect. However, urea is also used in Food Industry(E927b).

Popular ointments and creams

The most common part of the body where the drug is used are the legs, or rather, the feet. After all, it is they who most often suffer from dryness, cracked heels, peeling, calluses. Therefore, ointments and creams for dry skin of the legs have become especially popular. Unfortunately, conventional moisturizers are not able to cope with most of these symptoms.

As noted, urea is a component of our body, and its lack can lead to various kinds of skin problems, including serious illnesses. Its level is determined by a blood test. Preparations with urea in the composition are attributed by doctors for eczema, inflammatory processes, psoriasis. For diabetics, this is an indispensable product, as their skin constantly suffers from dryness and sores.

There are more and more foot creams on the market with different price categories. Among them there are already favorites that have won the respect of consumers:

Manufacturers recommend using for very dry, cracked, rough skin. It has a healing effect, thanks to which it is good as a prevention of fungal infections. The composition includes 10% urea. This allows you to regenerate even very neglected areas. Auxiliaries: coconut oil, olive, extracts of sage, oak bark, pine needles, celandine, sorbitol, wax, glycerin and others. Such a composition actively penetrates the cells, nourishes them, makes the cover soft. It also eliminates corns, prevents moisture loss, the appearance of unpleasant odors, irritation.

2. Healer.

A good softening medicine with a healing effect, relieves fatigue from the legs. It is used in the treatment of dry calluses, cracked heels. This cream is highly rated on review sites for effectiveness, convenience, and low price. Active ingredients: urea, vitamin E, essential oil tea tree, extract of celandine and oak bark, allantoin. Also, this softening cream contains a lot of excipients. Together they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet. Cream Lekar is the leader in foot care products on the domestic market.

Actively nourishes, moisturizes, strengthens the skin barrier, maintains the hydro-lipid balance. Active substances: urea, macadamia oil, glycerin, bisabolol, hyaluronic acid, panthenol. Recommended for use by people who are sick diabetes. Good for sensitive skin. The cream is quickly absorbed and medicinal property. Baehr is one of the leaders among foreign manufacturers of foot care cosmetics.

4. Glatte from corns with urea.

One of the most strong means helping to cope with dry corns, growths. Unlike creams of this series, it does not require pre-treatment of the feet with pumice. On the contrary, in the morning, after evening application, you need to use a brush to remove all softened places on the feet. Glatte comes in the form of a foam cream. The reviews say quite quick result from application.

Most foot creams with urea have 10% urea in the active ingredient. This is quite enough to save even a very dry cover. If there are any accompanying symptoms on the legs - cracks, wounds - it is recommended to use 15% preparations, and, conversely, with mild dryness, 5% is optimal.

People's opinions

“I was looking for a foot care product for a long time, but I couldn’t find the right one until I bought this foam. The skin becomes tender and soft. The texture is not greasy, light, absorbs quickly, leaving no residue. Glatte is not the cheapest drug, much more expensive than our Healer and EVO, but very effective. I bought it once for a “complete transformation”, and to maintain the result, I already take the drug cheaper. ”

Zhenya, Moscow.

“In general, I always used moisturizing creams that I take for hands, but in the summer a friend advised me to buy Baehr, it is with urea. I thought for a long time, because it was a little expensive for the price, but still I read the reviews and purchased it. I smeared my feet for about 2 weeks, it gave a good result. The skin was always moisturized, there was no feeling of roughness, even on the heels.

Olga, Samara.

“The skin on my heels and feet was very dry and I didn’t have much time. With the help of the cream Lekar with urea, I quickly put my legs in order. In the description, it is recommended to apply once a day, I did just that, I just put the cream in a dense layer, put on a bag and socks. After 20 minutes, I removed the remnants and polished the cover on the heels. Then rinsed and applied again. So a couple of days in a row. The skin on my legs has changed, I am satisfied with the action of the Doctor.

Elena, Moscow.

“I applied EVO foot cream daily before going to bed at night, put on warm socks. The result really amazed me. Moisturized skin, even after shoes in the summer there were no dry spots on the feet. For the purposes of the experiment, I bravely went without a pedicure for three weeks. The legs were well-groomed, the cuticle did not crack. One tube lasted more than a month (but I do not save). Another argument in favor is a Russian-made drug.”

Oksana, Krasnodar.


For supporters of natural on the Internet, there are several ways to prepare foot care cream with urea at home, using pharmaceutical products. It will cost less, but it will take time.

Application Tips

1. Make sure that the product does not cause allergies and irritation. To do this, apply a little ointment to the elbow bend.

2. Steam your feet and treat them with the highest quality with a pedicure spatula or pumice stone.

3. Dry your feet well with a towel.

4. Apply foot cream thin layer feet, put on cotton socks. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, just before bedtime. You can't let your feet get cold and cool. In heat, the pores open to the maximum, and it will be easier for the components of the ointment to penetrate deep into and nourish the cells.

Problems of the skin of the feet are solved thanks to modern softening creams containing urea. They possess unique properties, allowing the skin to regenerate and get rid of dryness, cracks and corns.

All women take care of the skin of the face, body and heels. For this, a variety of creams, serums, lotions are used. IN Lately urea-based products are especially popular. They well moisturize and soften the skin, as well as heal it.

"Urea" (translated from Latin urea) is a solid compound of organic substances, its structure resembling sugar crystals. It is added to cosmetics, as it regulates the water balance of cells.

Urea in cosmetology: benefits and harms

As we have already found out, in cosmetics "urea" is used to soften and moisturize the skin. This component is found in tissues human body and maintains the moisture balance of the skin.

Benefits of addingurea in cosmetics:

  • Reduces the evaporation of fluid from the skin, that is, retains moisture in the cells of the dermis, so that it does not dry out.
  • Well moisturizes.
  • Promotes Recovery protective properties epithelium.
  • Relieves pain, itching and burning.
  • Allows the skin to absorb other beneficial elements that make up the cream.
  • Exfoliates dead cells removes impurities from the surface of the skin.
  • The presence of acne.
  • Bleeding wounds and deep scratches.
  • Irritated skin.

For achievement good result The cream should be applied immediately after taking a shower. For the treatment of mycoses, the affected area is smeared with a cream. In no case should the product get into the eyes and on the skin where there are wounds. If there is a burning sensation or itching, then you should not use the ointment further.

With eczema, psoriasis, with dry skin that appears in people with diabetes, it is necessary to regularly use emollient creams. This helps prevent cracking and provides antimicrobial protection to the skin. For these purposes, ointments are well suited, in which the concentration of urea is 40%. To moisturize the skin, use products that contain from 10 to 20% urea. In the composition of antifungal ointments used to combat athlete's foot, there is about 50% "urea".

Popular face creams with urea:

  • Bioderma - copes well with dryness, soothes irritated skin. The cream can be used for any type of skin, does not cause allergies.
  • Doliva is a cream that also contains vitamins and oils that moisturize and soften the dermis. The product is quickly absorbed by the skin, does not leave a greasy film. Can be used on any skin type.
  • AA Therapy - a moisturizer for wearers sensitive skin. The cream protects the dermis from negative impact environment.
  • Bioturm - ointment which includes urea, canola, sunflower oil and a variety of herbal extracts. Well moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth, suitable for those who suffer from allergies.

Popular urea body creams:

  • Dermica. The product contains 10% urea and milk lipids. Thanks to this composition, the skin receives necessary elements and becomes soft.
  • Topicrem - used to moisturize dry and rough skin. After several days of use, the water balance in the dermis is restored, and the skin becomes soft.
  • Seni Care is a cream used to moisturize sensitive skin. The tool protects the dermis from exposure to the sun, frost, wind.

Popular urea hand creams:

  • Dulgon UREA from a German company is used for skin care during cold weather. Urea and panthenol perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, promote rapid healing small wounds.
  • Doctor. The company's creams have a light, pleasant texture, moisturize well, have a neutral smell, and are inexpensive.
  • Foretal - used for skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis. Smear 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Popular foot products with urea:

  • DiaDerm "Intensive" from the company Avanta - remedy intended for patients with diabetes. Well softens and nourishes the skin.
  • Evo is a product of Avanta. The tool is used for cracks in the legs. In addition, it copes with corns and calluses, fights against mycosis.
  • Healer - has a good softening effect, relieves fatigue, is used to treat dry corns.
  • Baehr. This remedy provides nutrition, hydration, restores the hydro-lipid balance of cells. Suitable for patients with diabetes and people with delicate sensitive dermis.
  • Glatte by Greppmayr is the most effective ointment well coping with growths, dry calluses. Before application, the skin does not need to be treated with a pumice stone. After applying the ointment to the feet, you need to put on socks, and after 8 hours, the softened skin is removed with a special brush or pumice stone. If there are cracks on the legs, then you should use a cream with a 15% concentration, and if the skin is a little dry, then a 5% concentration is enough.

Symptoms, diseases and conditions that an effective drug for feet with urea treats:

  • Calluses, corns and cracks on the feet;
  • Dry skin on the legs, peeling, tightness;
  • Roughness and wear of the feet;
  • Dehydration and depletion of the skin of the legs;
  • Fatigue, swelling of the feet;
  • Injuries, wounds, abrasions and scratches on the legs;
  • Pain, itching of the soles;
  • Bruises, dislocations;
  • Burns, ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • Dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema;
  • Insect bites;
  • Weathering of the epidermis;
  • Inflammation and long non-healing wounds.

The current situation is such that most people spend their working day on their feet, while the main load falls on the feet and spine. If the skin of your feet is rough, flaky, cracked, looks unhealthy, hardening and corns appear on it, Corvette Pharma urea foot cream will help restore its beauty and health.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buy foot cream with urea and consult on its application. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this cream, how much it costs. A large assortment And great prices our online store will pleasantly surprise you.


Active ingredient: urea (urea).

Disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating, nourishing, emollient, stimulating, analgesic, moisturizing, antibacterial, cleansing effect of the cream based on carbamide due to its components: vegetable extracts and oils, treated with urea, purified water, monoglycerides, high molecular weight alcohols C16- C18, wax, carotene, oak extract, vitamins, triethanolamine, trace elements, euxyl K100, organic acids, methylparaben, propylparaben, chlorophyllin.

How to prepare and use foot cream with urea:

The benefits of urea for skin discovered and proven folk medicine. Recommend for complex treatment foot cream with urea to buy in our online herbal store "Russian Roots", on our website you will find information about how much the cream healer with urea costs, the instruction will tell you how to use foot cream with urea, what is its composition and recommendations for application.

Apply a moisturizer with urea as follows: apply a small amount of the drug to sore spot and smooth evenly over the surface of the skin.

Reviews indicate that the results of such treatment give excellent results. It is necessary to tune in to the treatment until the result is obtained and try not to interrupt the procedure. If you do not know where to buy foot cream with urea in your region, please contact our Russian Roots online store.

Contraindications for the use of foot cream with urea:

When using a moisturizing cream with urea, it is necessary to avoid its penetration into the eyes, rinse with plenty of water when the product comes into contact with mucous membranes. The limitation for the use of cream with urea is individual intolerance to the composition of the drug.

If there are no contraindications for treatment with urea foot cream, and you do not know where to buy it, we invite you to visit the Russian Roots online herbal store. Here you can order by mail fresh and properly prepared fees. medicinal herbs, high-quality creams for body and hair care, which is more profitable than buying these products at a pharmacy.

You can buy foot cream with urea in our Russian Roots online store, as well as order it by mail.

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