Medical cosmetics for problematic facial skin in a pharmacy: composition, application, manufacturers. Cosmetic facial cleansing. Products for daily skin cleansing

1. Hydrogen peroxide

The well-known disinfectant and deodorant, absolutely harmless and can be found in every home. We clean her ears and apply to cuts to stop the bleeding, but it turns out that she can be useful for our appearance too.
If you like to pick pimples on your face, or squeeze out blackheads yourself (which is not recommended, but still many do), then before that, do not forget to thoroughly moisten your skin with hydrogen peroxide. It well loosens the stratum corneum of the skin, and they will very easily come to the surface when pressed along with the entire rod.
After removing this evil from the skin, wipe these places again - this way you will close and disinfect the pores, and the next day there will be no marks on the face.
Did you suddenly run out of deodorant? - wipe the armpits with hydrogen peroxide, this, of course, will not reduce sweating, but there will definitely not be a smell for a long time. By the way, if you want to extend the effect of your deodorant by a couple of hours, for example, if you have a long road ahead, and to make sure you stay fresh, this tip will also help. Just apply deodorant to dry skin.
And if you don’t have any cosmetics on hand, peroxide will help you out. Hydrogen peroxide can replace lotion and tonic, as it perfectly cleanses, tightens and whitens pores. Suitable for any skin, and for oily - just perfect, as it reduces sebum secretion and can be used daily.

2. Badyaga

Of all the masks with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, the badyaga mask is the most famous.
A freshwater sponge named badyaga in powder form is sold in almost every pharmacy. Many people believe that peeling with the help of badyagi is not much inferior in effect to salon procedures. In principle, this is true, but there is one minus - badyaga causes hair growth with prolonged use. If you already have facial hair, then badyaga masks are not suitable for you.
Agree, the disadvantage is insignificant. And if you have no contraindications, then badyaga can magically change your skin. The top layer of dead cells is almost completely removed after several masks. And in this layer, acne, comedones, and pimples are different. It is better to make such masks if you know that you will not go anywhere for the next 12 hours, as your face will be red like an Indian.
In short, just dilute the powder with peroxide and apply it to damp skin after a minute. To make the redness subside faster, you can then apply zinc ointment. After that, within 3-4 days, the skin may peel off, and as soon as everything is restored, you can do this peeling mask again. A course of masks is always better than one. But here you yourself, according to the condition of the skin, decide how many you need to do them.

3. Calendula tincture

Calendula tincture is absolutely essential in every first aid kit. It has been proven to be more effective than iodine preparations for treating wounds and cuts, as calendula has the unique ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and promote wound healing.
If this remedy helps to cure boils and ulcers, then it will definitely relieve acne. In general, I consider calendula tincture to be the best lotion. If alcohol scares you, then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.
Also, calendula tincture dries the scalp very well, and if you rub it periodically, the hair will become noticeably less dirty. To strengthen the hair, you can add castor oil to the calendula tincture. You need to rub it for a month, and it helps a lot with seborrhea.

4. Levomekol

Domestic ointment "Levomekol" has a fairly strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect and is active against various microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli).
If you have been hurt, burned, have a boil, you have scratched your face yourself, or feel that a pimple is starting to break through, this ointment can help you. Apply a thick layer on the sore spot until it goes away. And it goes away fairly quickly.

5. Salicylic alcohol and salicylic ointment

A component of almost all anti-acne and anti-seborrheic drugs, salicylic acid, dissolved in alcohol, is sold in every pharmacy. If you have acne, blackheads, back pimples, very oily skin, or keratolization problems, this is the product for you.
I read recently that a study was conducted in America on the topic of the most effective remedy for acne and pimples. The Americans came to the conclusion that salicylic acid is still the best known, and consider it almost a panacea for all skin problems.
One of my friends is very effective in fighting blackheads, applying salicylic ointment every evening after rubbing with hydrogen peroxide. Salicylic ointment is milder than alcohol and exfoliates dead skin cells well.
I warn you - salicylic alcohol is very drying to the skin, so apply it pointwise. By the way, salicyl dissolves only in alcohol, so it is not clear where it comes from in alcohol-free lotions. And salicylic acid prevents the appearance of corns and roughening of the skin, so after a pedicure, apply it on the heels and other problem areas.

6. Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and antiseptic effect. After cleansing the face, including self-cleansing, for acne and any inflammation, apply zinc ointment to the skin.
Again, if a pimple starts, smear this place at night and in the morning, most likely, there will be no trace of it. No wonder zinc is part of the widely advertised products for problem skin. Only they are expensive, and the ointment is a penny.
Further, so that you do not have irritation after depilation in the bikini area, apply zinc ointment for several hours. Usually one application is enough to forget about this trouble until the next procedure.
Have you had a pedicure - at home or in a salon, and want to keep the effect longer? Just periodically apply zinc ointment to the feet and heels. Checked.

7. Apilak (available in the form of ointment, suppositories, dietary supplement)

"Apilak" is a trade name of a drug based on royal jelly, patented by a Tallinn pharmaceutical plant. It has been produced since Soviet times and this tool has helped more than one generation of people. "Apilak" is a general tonic, an adaptogen, a biogenic stimulator of metabolic processes, and also a source of amino acids, heaps of vitamins and macronutrients.
The range of diseases for which it is prescribed is huge. Often "Apilak" is prescribed to children in the absence of appetite, people in the recovery period after surgery and stress, as an additional tool in the treatment of infertility. The ointment, in combination with dietary supplement, is included in the course of treatment of seborrhea and neurodermatitis, and after a month of use it reduces the fat content of the skin, reduces the number of inflammatory elements, and reduces itching.
For oily, problematic facial skin, it is useful to apply Apilac on the skin with a thick layer at least once a week. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, high physical or mental stress, or just want to cheer up, taking Apilac is one of the safest ways to do it. Sold in every pharmacy, it is cheap.

8. St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle, burdock oil, castor oil

All these oils are far from being in short supply, they are affordable and nourish and restore hair very well. I advise you to buy everything and alternately do hot wraps with them. Usually the oil is packaged in small glass bottles, I just put them in a glass of boiling water, and after a minute I put the already heated oil on my hair. Do this twice a week.

9. Epsom salt (in other words, magnesium sulfate or magnesia)

The drug is known to all hypertensive patients and people with liver diseases. As far as I know, in an ambulance, magnesia in ampoules is used to quickly reduce pressure. But for our goals with you - gaining grooming and health - we need powdered magnesia. It is packaged in packages of 100 grams and costs somewhere in the region of 10 - 12 rubles.
If you urgently need to lose weight literally in 1 day, then a bath with the addition of 1 kg of magnesia will help you. The effect is based on the removal of excess water from the body. The bath is also useful for people suffering from edema, it helps the kidneys to cope with the load.
For patients with psoriasis, such a bath will also make life much easier, as it cleanses the skin well. An Epsom salt bath will also be useful for people with problematic skin on the body, acne on the back and chest, and just wanting to cleanse the body. Just do not abuse it, a bath with magnesia can be used a maximum - once a month: this is a very strong remedy.

10. Cosmetic clay

About clay (white, green, blue, etc.), like, and so everyone knows. And I also think that clay masks, baths and wraps really work. Be sure to buy a couple of packs if you haven't tried it yet. White clay is better suited for dry skin and hair, green clay is better for problem skin and oily hair, blue, in principle, suits everyone.
Of course, simple cosmetic clay is not as effective as, for example, Moroccan or the one sold in Indian stores. But the price is also different.

11. Pasta "Sulsena"

Known to our parents, the hair care product - Sulsena paste - is an emulsion based on selenium disulfide. This disulfide is a seboregulator and acts against dandruff.
Paste "Sulsena" will help you if you have dandruff, dull split ends, and if they quickly get greasy, split or fall out. Sulfur, which is part of the paste, strengthens and thickens the hair from the inside, so that after application they appear thicker.
Great if you want to extend the time between washes. I can personally confirm that the hair stays fresh longer and amazingly shiny.

12. Romazulan

"Romazulan" is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug, consisting of an extract of chamomile and chamomile essential oil (live azulene). Anyone who is a fan of the chamomile scent, I think, will be delighted with this drug.
The beauty of "Romazulan" is that it can be added everywhere: in baths, in shampoo, in homemade soap, in shower gel, masks. It can be used as a lotion for oily, problematic skin and in general for any skin inflammation, gum disease, and even as a deodorant.
Just imagine that when literally one gram of azulene is added to cosmetics, it already has a healing effect, and here there is so much of it in a 100 ml package. I think that every woman who cares about her beauty should have Romazulan.

13. Weed Cubes!

Chamomile + string + jojoba oil + olive oil! And all in the freezer! And in the morning wipe your face with a cube! It becomes fresh, ruddy and soft! And in general, during the day, if the face is tired, it is worth wiping, and the fatigue of the face disappears!

14. Aevit

From wrinkles - a super remedy. Apply to the skin around the eyes. Capsules cost 34 rubles. It is vitamin "A" and "E" together, apply morning and evening under the eyes. Or you can smear only 1 time per day, keep it for 2 hours, then it is absorbed or blotted with a napkin. If at home, then you can walk all day! Good effect. Use 2 weeks, then break.

15. Blefarogel No. 1

It contains hyaluronic acid. Apply from the "bags" under the eyes. Apply a thick layer 3 times a day and be sure to be oily at night, after a few days the swelling should go away and wrinkles should disappear. You can also try castor oil. Apply in the morning for 2 hours after the gel (lifting effect). You can go even further and buy pure hyaluronic acid in ampoules (on the website or at a company where cosmetologists stock) and pour the ampoule into a bottle of blepharogel. Shake well before each application and apply.

16. Calcium chloride solution

Peeling - Hollywood cleansing: a solution of calcium chloride is applied to a clean, dry face, waiting for it to dry, then a second layer is applied, and again waiting for drying. They lather their hands with baby soap and massage the skin, rolling the coils. The mechanism here is as follows: calcium chloride interacts with soap (sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids), potassium or sodium chloride and an insoluble calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids are formed, which rolls down, simultaneously capturing part of the upper layer of keratin scales. It turns out a superficial gentle peeling.
The use of calcium chloride to cleanse the skin is possible in the absence of inflammatory elements. Very efficient. Checked!!!

17. Heparin ointment

It is used for edema ... if there are terrible bags under the eyes in the morning.

18. Retinoic ointment

A storehouse of vitamin A. The ointment is positioned as anti-acne, but it is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, and removes redness.
I make a mask out of it, for 20-30 minutes, longer. Some leave for the night. I heard that in the USA cosmetologists prescribe its analogue (retisol) as the only proven remedy for fighting wrinkles.

It is thanks to the skin that we are saved from various injuries and damage. Since it protects us, we can not worry about various pathogenic viruses and microorganisms entering our body. Additional skin abilities:

  1. Lubricated with a special secret, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands.
  2. Keeps the thermal regime due to the ability to allocate sweat.
  3. It removes excess moisture.
  4. Thanks to her stable.

At a young age, all cells are constantly renewed, so the skin retains its blooming appearance.

With age, they gradually lose their ability to regenerate, the skin becomes dehydrated and becomes not as elastic as before. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to regularly care for the skin properly.

Skin types and how to determine your type

Normal skin. Even without decorative cosmetics. It is quite smooth and elastic, because it releases enough grease, and it is enriched with water.

The owners of such skin are very lucky - they are not bothered by enlarged pores and the skin never flakes and responds well to any care products. If you wash yourself with ordinary soap, the skin will tighten a little for several hours, but after that it returns to normal and no discomfort is felt.

It does not show pores, but it is very thin, and therefore it is very sensitive. You need to take care of her very carefully, because if you use the wrong cosmetics, she can age prematurely.


In some women, dry skin may be covered with small vessels or red spots. If you use ordinary soap or too aggressive cosmetics, you may even have an allergic reaction.

Therefore, the selection of cosmetics should be taken very carefully and buy only those products to which the skin reacts well. If, despite careful care, the skin still remains dry and begins to peel off, it makes sense to think about the state of your health.

The body may need vitamins and trace elements, or various diseases may progress. In the cold, such skin practically does not become weathered, and after washing with soap, it is necessary to lubricate the face with cream, and only after that it returns to its normal appearance.

Oily skin . Caring for her for many women can be a real torture - even a few hours after a thorough washing, a greasy sheen may appear on her face. It is almost impossible to get rid of, and if not properly cared for, they can become inflamed and acne appears on the face.

The pores are enlarged, the skin is thick and tends to shine. But there are also some benefits. Due to the abundance of fatty lubrication, the skin remains young longer, because nourishing moisture does not evaporate from it so quickly.

In older women, oily skin can be replaced by a combination type, which is also quite difficult to care for. You can determine this type by a simple sign - in the cold, the skin does not freeze for a long time, and even after washing with soap, there is no feeling of tightness.

Mixed skin. Most people have it, but not everyone knows how best to take care of it in order to have a blooming and attractive appearance. Some areas of the face in this case may be shiny with fat, and on some the skin will peel off. Therefore, it is recommended to use two types of cosmetics at once in order to take care of the skin as efficiently as possible.

With age, the skin loses its attractiveness, no matter what type it is, the recovery processes in the skin cells slow down and stop altogether. The blood supply is also greatly impaired, so the skin soon becomes flabby and wrinkles begin to appear on it. Each type needs to be properly cared for.

You can choose cosmetics yourself, but it is best to consult a beautician to make the right choice.

Additionally, you need to protect yourself from cold and strong winds in the cold season, try to visit the solarium as rarely as possible (it worsens the skin condition, burns and pigmentation may appear). Cosmetics and care products should be suitable for the type of skin and be age-oriented for the woman.

Comprehensive facial skin care

  1. Cleansing. It is better to do this with warm water, clapping on the face. So you can perform a light massage and blood circulation in the vessels will improve. It is better to use gentle lotions and never use abrasive peels, no matter what skin type you have. You need to wash your face at least twice a day and before going to bed, be sure to remove all decorative cosmetics.
  2. Toning. With a light tonic, you can wipe your face before going to bed to remove residual impurities from it. Also, thanks to this simple procedure, you can additionally disinfect the skin and prepare it for the next stage of daily care.
  3. Nutrition. Before this, you can carry out small procedures, apply a mask on your face or perform a light peeling. Then the cream will be better absorbed and the effect is much stronger.
  4. Hydration. After that, it is advisable to lightly blot your face with a paper towel to remove its excess. This is a must if you have oily skin, because it needs extra moisture like no other type.
  5. Additional protection. It is necessary in the cool season and you need to apply such a cream at least half an hour before leaving the house in a not too thick layer. In summer, the skin needs to be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation with special cosmetics containing sunscreens.

How to properly care for the skin of the face? Things that are strictly prohibited

When caring for the skin, you need to adhere to certain rules and the principle of "do no harm". Therefore, in order not to achieve a result opposite to the desired one, it is absolutely impossible:

  • Falling asleep without washing off your makeup is strictly prohibited, regardless of your skin type and your age. This has a very negative effect on the appearance and can cause premature aging of the skin. You can make it a rule to wash your face immediately after coming home from work and not wait until the moment when you have to go to bed.
  • Washing with ordinary soap is prohibited. Contrary to popular belief that this can dry out the skin and get rid of acne, it is better not to experiment on your appearance. Aggressive substances contained in soap can destroy the acid-base balance of the skin (even oily), subsequently the skin will try to restore it and sebum production will only increase. A “pleasant” bonus can be dehydration and peeling of irritated skin. For washing, you need to use only special, non-aggressive products.
  • All lotions and other cosmetics that contain alcohol should be thrown into the trash immediately. Wiping your face with alcohol is also not recommended, because instead of getting only disturbed skin microflora. The face will look irritated, become very sensitive, and sebum production will increase many times over. Modern cosmetics are made using a special technology and they no longer contain alcohol. Therefore, when buying, you need to carefully study not only the price tag, but also the composition of the product.
  • Many girls love. Doing this is strictly prohibited! The remaining red spot will take at least twice as long to completely disappear after such surgery. Additionally, you can only spread the infection throughout the face and after a while the number of acne will increase significantly.
  • Do not wash with hot water. You should especially heed this advice for girls with oily or dry skin. Such manipulations provoke the sebaceous glands to produce more fat, and with regular procedures, a network of veins may appear on the face. It is better to use slightly warm water for washing and then wipe your face with an ice cube to narrow the pores and refresh the skin.

Factors that can affect the appearance of the skin

The appearance is negatively affected by the abundance of bad habits: addiction to caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking, etc. Even occasional coffee drinking or smoking just one cigarette a day do their job and after a while the skin condition (and not only) will begin to deteriorate rapidly.

It is on flabby skin, covered with fine wrinkles, with an unhealthy shade, that one can calculate a person who indulges his weaknesses.

It is impossible to eliminate all these consequences with the help of cosmetics, so it is better to completely abandon addictions and lead a healthy lifestyle. In combination with comprehensive skin care, this gives good results and the freshness of the skin can be maintained for a longer time.

Constant stress and anxiety, as well as chronic lack of sleep, will also not have the best effect on appearance. You need to learn how to behave properly when you get into a stressful situation, as well as plan your day in such a way that the schedule includes at least 8 hours of sleep.

At first, a little lack of sleep generally does not affect either the condition of the skin of the face or the well-being. Only after a few months you can see bags and an extinct look in the mirror. Therefore, you need to allocate time not only for work, but also for healthy sleep and regular walks in the fresh air.

What is the best way to take care of your skin?

Without a doubt, every woman has her own ritual and some secrets that she has been using for several years now. At the same time, there are general recommendations that will only help in this difficult matter and which it is better to read carefully.

If you periodically wipe your face with an ice cube or a frozen decoction of calendula and chamomile herbs, you can keep your face young and fresh for a longer time, and wrinkles will begin to bother you much later.

Nourishing face cream should be applied only at night, it is not recommended to use it as a make-up base during the day - the effect will be zero. When buying a cream, you need to pay attention to its composition (it should contain as many natural ingredients as possible and less chemicals), its consistency and color.

A good choice would be a cream of white color and sour cream density, other shades or a too liquid consistency may indicate dubious quality.

You don’t need to buy a product from a popular manufacturer for a lot of money - often there is little use for them and they are only suitable for showing off their expensive cosmetics to your girlfriends.

For skin care, you can use natural products - yogurt, fruits and vegetables, etc. Such masks will help refresh your face, make your skin even and healthy. Before applying any mask, you need to conduct an allergy test.

On a small area of ​​the skin, the product is applied for 5-7 minutes, then washed off and the result is carefully studied. If the skin reacts well, you can use the selected product or mask in the future.


If you have been using a cream or lotion for more than a year, it makes sense to change them. You can buy cosmetics from another manufacturer, but you need to carefully listen to the reaction of the skin.

With irritation and peeling, it can signal that the selected product is completely unsuitable and it is strictly forbidden to use it, even if it is a product from a well-known brand.

All care procedures should be performed regularly, especially for aging skin. Then the result will not keep you waiting and you will always remain beautiful.

Greetings boys and girls!!! Today's topic is for you, for those who know how and want to stay forever young, despite their age.

After all, the state of "girls and boys" does not depend on age, it is a state of mind. But, even more I want the inner mood to match the outer appearance.

Agree that it is easier to maintain a young and cheerful mood when a fresh, toned, luminous face filled with health and beauty looks at you from the mirror.

I'm 27, and I look 18, all my friends and acquaintances keep telling me about it. It always amuses me when 20-year-old guys start courting me at parties.

I am young not only inside, but outside, everything is harmonious with me, so I know what I'm talking about.
Using my own experience, I am ready to tell you what facial skin care products you need to use so that it literally shines and your appearance causes exclamations of admiration.

In this episode, I will answer the following questions for you:

  • Rules for caring for different types of skin
  • The secret way of youth and beauty for the "lazy"

And so we went…. All right

The main stages of facial skin care

1. Stage one - Cleansing. The first and most important. Dirty, oily, acne-prone skin cannot look young and beautiful.

Of course, if you do not strive to look like a pimply teenager. Therefore, pay due attention to cleansing. And in adolescence, this stage is more important than ever.

The first and foremost means of cleansing will always be water. Preferably filtered, I think you can allocate a few liters of drinking water for your beloved face.

If there is no makeup on the face, and it does not require deep cleaning, water with the addition of lemon juice is suitable. It makes water soft and acts as a natural antiseptic, killing germs.

Several times a week, you need to carry out a deeper cleansing with scrubs and peels appropriate for your skin type.

The best natural scrub at home is plain baking soda mixed with soap suds, which prevents skin damage and makes scrubbing safe. This peeling is also perfect for men and teenagers.

Ladies, remember!!! Never, hear NEVER, go to bed with makeup on your face. It won't forgive you!

2. Stage two - Toning. At this stage, your best friend will be a contrast wash and ice. Make sure you always have ice in your freezer, your skin will thank you for it.

After washing your face in the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes. To improve the effect and give greater elasticity, you can make ice from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint, lemon balm, green tea, cucumber juice.

Do not forget that care should be comprehensive; for this, you will need a homemade tonic from a decoction of herbs. Even aging skin will quickly tone up with this approach.

3. Stage three - nutrition. Yes Yes!!! The skin also wants to eat. Do not forget about such things as nourishing masks.

If you want to be 100% sure that there are only useful components in the mask, make them yourself according to folk recipes.

I have a proven system for lazy people in my arsenal, but more on that later. Most often I use a mask of bananas and honey.

I am sure that your cute face will be happy with any fruit mask.

For dry skin, add a couple of drops of olive oil or a teaspoon of sour cream. A mask of oatmeal with milk and honey provides not only nutrition, but also gentle cleansing.

4. Stage Four - Protection. Last but not least. Our skin is susceptible to daily environmental influences.

It is especially affected by high and low temperatures. Therefore, when leaving the house, in the cold, take 5 minutes to apply a silicone-based protective cream.

In the summer, the bright burning sun is no less detrimental.

Believe me, as a person living in eternal summer, the skin needs to be protected from the sun and the more carefully, the better.

Otherwise, after the burning sun, your skin will become dehydrated, which will lead to dryness and early wrinkling.

Rules for caring for different skin types

It would seem that the question is elementary, to moisturize dry skin, to dry oily skin. But it is important to choose the right approach. The main rule here is to do no harm.

Traditionally, there are three types of skin: oily, dry and combination. In its pure form, all types are rare, as a rule, they change and flow from one to another. What kind of care does each of these types need?

Oily skin care.Yes, right! Such skin needs to be dried and the pores through which excess oil is released and dirt enters should be reduced. Here, ordinary white clay will be the best folk remedy.

The important thing is to keep it clean. I usually buy clay masks from supermarkets. The cost is cheap, but the effect is amazing.

Take the clay, stir it with warm water and apply it on your face. After 15 minutes, when the mask dries, wash your face with warm water and enjoy its clean and closed pores without any trace of oily sheen.

After cleansing with clay, smear your face with a light moisturizer with a minimum amount of fat. And do not forget about homemade tonic with a decoction of herbs. I think you have 2 minutes to brew herbs with coffee.

Dry skin care Quite right! This skin needs to be moisturized. But here the system is important in which it does not turn into oily and shiny.

A mask of honey and egg yolks with the addition of olive oil will give your skin proper nutrition and hydration. She will literally make her smile.

Instead of greasy creams, use natural oils, masks from which will gently moisturize your skin. To avoid turning into oily skin, remember our old friends, oatmeal mask and natural tonic. They will gently cleanse it, while maintaining the water balance.

Combination skin care. Combination skin type is the most common. As a rule, the face is oily in the area of ​​the nose, middle of the forehead and chin, while the cheeks, neck, area around the eyes and lips are dry.

For combination skin mixed care. Combine products for oily and dry skin, using them on the appropriate area of ​​the face. Areas around the eyes and lips require special care.

After all, it is in these places that it is incredibly thin and sensitive. Very well moisturizes and nourishes these areas with almond and peach oils applied at night.

Cosmetologists still distinguish problematic and sensitive skin types. But I deliberately miss them, because, firstly, each of these types is initially oily or dry, and problematicness and sensitivity are more likely a consequence.

And secondly, such skin requires professional care of cosmetologists.

How diet and lifestyle affect your face

I am what I eat - say the ancient yogis and they are absolutely right. I fully agree with this statement. Your food reflects on your face.

After all, the process of skin renewal occurs daily, and new cells are formed from nutrients that enter the body with food.

Of course, there is a long process of digestion, in which the food we receive is broken down into its constituent elements, and only then new cells are built from them. But the quality of our food is the quality of the building material.

No matter how skillfully the builders lay the brick, if its quality is poor, the house built from it will not last long, it simply cannot be durable. Also with food.

Remember, we get the highest quality, easily digestible, useful substances for our body from raw vegetables and fruits. I won't call you to a raw food diet, but please do your skin a favor and include fresh vegetables, fruits and greens in your daily diet.

Pay special attention to this moment in the spring, when the body is weakening after the winter cold.
Most of the damage to our skin, however, as well as the figure, is caused by the so-called fast carbohydrates.

Those same chocolates, sweets, cookies and pies, with which many of us love to indulge ourselves. They often lead to oiliness and cause acne.

I myself have a sweet tooth, but, alas, I have to eat strawberries, mangoes, pineapples, muesli and honey instead of cakes. It is checked up, to taste very worthy alternative.

But most importantly, it's useful. Sometimes you can allow yourself a chocolate bar, but it is better to treat yourself to fruits regularly. Trust me, your body will thank you.

And if you add physical activity to proper nutrition and eliminate bad habits, your skin will simply shine and dance with joy.

It seems banal things, but still I consider it necessary to repeat them.


Firstly, any regular physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, running, exercising, fitness swimming dancing) tone your body and your face is no exception.

Secondly! Smoking, alcohol, overeating, lack of sleep bring irreparable harm to your body, exhaust, weaken, and all this cannot but affect your face.

Therefore, if you have dirty hair and not painted nails, and the time is long after midnight, go to bed. After all, hair can be hidden in a tight bun and covered with gel, nails can be painted at lunchtime, and it is almost impossible to hide a tired face and bruises under the eyes.

Moreover, fatigue tends to accumulate and make you older by several years at once. And do not forget about a positive attitude and mental balance. Cheerful, peaceful people live long and always look good.

On that positive note, I say goodbye to you! See you soon in the next issue. Subscribe to my blog, get valuable advice, find interesting information and smile.

With a smile, any face looks younger and more attractive (To be honest, this is my #1 secret, I smile a lot)

In order for the results to exceed expectations, proper facial skin care is needed, a beautician with experience would call this a systematic ritual. After all, it is daily manipulations, using the right tools and tactics, that allow you to achieve the desired effect, and most importantly, do not harm the skin.

A lady with a well-groomed appearance is beautiful, fashionable, status. Such women feel more confident, attract the attention of others. To join this category of well-groomed beauties, you don't have to wait for Monday, you need to start right today and right now!

To achieve impressive results, there are many ways and means designed for women of different ages and configured to spend different amounts of money on their face.

However, regardless of the cheapness or high cost of manipulations, they must be suitable for a certain type of skin, which is easy to determine at home in various ways.

With a mirror and a magnifying glass

It is necessary to carefully consider all parts of the face, evaluate the color of the dermis, the presence of a characteristic oily sheen or haze, porosity.

With paper towel

Before testing, the face should be washed with a neutral agent, blotted with a napkin. Without using any cosmetics, wait 20 minutes.

After that: take a paper towel or napkin, put it on your face and, gently pressing, achieve tight contact with the skin.

Leave on the face for 10 minutes, then remove and carefully examine the prints. Traces of fat are signs of oily skin, a clean or moderately soaked tissue indicates normal or dry skin.

With a mirror surface

It is enough to briefly attach a mirror to a clean face to see traces of sebum on it. If there are different results on different parts of the skin, it is combined.

After selecting one of the tests and conducting it, you need to compare the results obtained with typical characteristics:

  • Oily skin is thick, with a characteristic oily sheen and enlarged pores. She is prone to acne breakouts and inflammation. Advantage - does not age for a long time.
  • Dry skin is thin, delicate, like paper, its pores are narrowed. In youth, an even pinkish hue, it becomes problematic with age. Through a magnifying glass, you can see areas of peeling, hyperemia, the presence of small wrinkles, even at a young age.
  • Normal skin - balanced in terms of oil and water, looks fresh and healthy. With age, it needs care, systematic nutrition and hydration.
  • Combination skin - is oily in the T-zone, and in other parts of the face it is very dry.

It is important that when we properly care for the skin of the face, choose products according to its type, it immediately responds to care with radiance and freshness.

  • Seasons (in summer - fatter, in summer - drier).
  • Changes in the hormonal background (lack or excess of hormones).
  • Diet (there should be enough polyunsaturated fatty acids in food).
  • Health conditions (some medications cause dry skin).

In addition to carers, cosmetic facial skin care can show negative aspects if special rules are not followed.

For oily skin:

  • It is strictly forbidden to dry it with alcohol tonics and lotions.
  • It is not recommended to treat with a nourishing oil-based cream.
  • Products must be tested for comedogenicity.

For dry skin:

  • Avoid the use of fat-free products.
  • For cleansing, use light, gentle products that do not have an aggressive effect.
  • In the composition of caring and decorative products should be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Be sure to moisturize in the summer, in the winter - nutrition with fatty creams.

For sensitive skin:

  • Avoid contrasting temperatures (steaming, rubbing with ice).
  • Use funds after testing on the wrist.
  • Do not use formulations with microparticles that can injure the skin.
  • Moisturize your face throughout the day.

For combination skin:

  • Use products for cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting according to the areas of the face.

For normal skin:

  • It is important to maintain her condition - do not overdry.
  • Do not expose to aggressive atmosphere - use protective equipment.
  • Use cosmetics recommended by cosmetologists for age.

Improper care can harm the dermis, aggravate its condition, and lead to undesirable consequences.

Cleansers & Exfoliators

To rid your face of grease, sweat and bacteria, it is not enough just to wash your face with water. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed by removing dead cells of the epidermis. This will help the beneficial substances of the cream to penetrate the dermis without hindrance.

Proper facial care involves the use of the following products, which any experienced cosmetologist will approve:

  • Cosmetic milk. Suitable for superficial cleansing, does not penetrate deeper layers.
  • Alkaline-free foam. It is applied to a fabric glove, which is gently wiped over the face.
  • Peeling creams based on fruit acids dissolve dirt from the surface and have a bactericidal effect.
  • Scrubs, which include crushed fruit pits, seeds of exotic fruits and other natural abrasives.
  • Clay mask.

Without these actions, even a super-effective remedy will not affect the dermis and will not bring results.

Do you need a tonic?

After cleansing, the skin, regardless of type, drastically loses moisture. To normalize the water balance, restore turgor within a short time, it is necessary to apply a tonic to the dermis. Moreover, it is most effective to apply it not with a cotton pad, but spray it as a spray.

The delicate dermis of the face can be injured, so all actions should be light and gentle - patting, fluttering, tapping. Which way is the best - care tips are not singled out, and provide an opportunity for each lady to choose a more comfortable one for herself.

The cream is applied to the face with both hands in certain directions:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples.
  • From the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes on the upper eyelid, and in the opposite direction - under the eyes.
  • From nose to cheeks to temples.
  • Around the lips - above and below the center in both directions.
  • From the middle of the neck in both directions up.

Important! Nourishing creams and serums should be applied to a moisturized face, and products with an ultraviolet barrier should be applied to a dry one.

The stages of facial skin care are the same for all types, only cosmetic products for these procedures, selected on the advice of cosmetologists, are individual. Basic steps:

  • Cleansing. With the help of lotions, foams, scrubs and peels.
  • Hydration. Saturation with moisture will provide elasticity, freshness to the skin, give it a healthy look.
  • Toning. The PH-environment of the epidermis is restored, the skin becomes more receptive to the active components of creams.
  • Nutrition. Skin nutrition is the main task for mature ladies, it is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics according to age recommendations.
  • Protection. Protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of the atmosphere, adverse external factors.
  • Regeneration. It activates the production of collagen, improves metabolism, makes the skin holistic and uniform due to its renewal.

Regularity and thoroughness are simple tips from a beautician for facial care that will give an effective and stable result.

Do you want your skin to glow?

For women after 40, it is especially important to update the set of cosmetics to maintain youth. How to do it right, learn the link:

  • It is harmful to wash your face with tap water, it is better to replace it with mineral, boiled or enriched with decoctions of herbs.
  • Apply the cream on the face in the morning - 40 minutes before going out, in the evening - at least an hour before bedtime. Be sure to remove the remnants with a napkin, otherwise swelling on the face is provided in the morning.
  • Apply any cream on absolutely clean skin.
  • The action of the cream does not depend on the thickness of its layer on the face. Do not weigh down and overload the dermis.
  • All means begin to work when the body is in a relaxed state.

Cosmetologists advise the stronger sex to also use cosmetics. Learn more about what is advised to include in men's facial care and buy the right cosmetics!

The beauty industry does not stand still and gives women the opportunity to choose the most comfortable procedures for themselves. The advice of cosmetologists about the use of salon methods makes you want to experience their miraculous power for yourself. Now popular:

  • ultrasonic cleaning. Water is pumped in waves deep into the skin and sucked out already together with toxins.
  • Galivation. Therapeutic cleansing of the deep layers of the skin at the cell level, tightens pores, eliminates wrinkles.

They have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in the upper and deep layers, improve its condition.

Find out how to choose the right cosmetic facial treatment:

Cosmetic facial cleansing

Cosmetic care begins with facial cleansing, which restores the respiratory function of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes.

Cleaning is done manually or with the help of such special tools and apparatus as:

  • Brushing.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Vacuum.

This procedure is in demand among visitors to beauty salons and gives a good result.


Cosmetologists reveal the secrets of the excellent skin condition of many stars - they all do regular peels.

There are three types of peeling to choose from:

  • Soft superficial, without the use of aggressive agents and manipulations.
  • Median. Exfoliates the deeper layer of the skin, eliminates wrinkles, evens out the tone.
  • Deep. It is carried out with the use of acids of significant concentration. It is able to smooth out not only wrinkles, but also scars and scars.

Peelings are mechanical, hardware and chemical.

Face massage

Cosmetology welcomes facial massage as an excellent cosmetic procedure that allows you to achieve an effect comparable to surgery. Massage:

  • Corrects the contour of the face.
  • Improves microcirculation, which affects the appearance.
  • Smoothes wrinkles.

After the massage, the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.


This is a method of intensive action on the deep layers of the dermis with drugs designed to restore youth, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The main active drug is hyaluronic acid, which the body needs with age. This substance is injected under the skin:

  • By injection.
  • laser.
  • ultrasound.
  • low frequency current.

After all the manipulations, the face looks renewed, radiant and moisturized. Read more about biorevitalization.

  • Care rules
  • The principle of seasonality: summer and winter care
  • Rating funds

“Sensitivity is a skin condition that is characterized by an overreaction to external and internal factors,” says Alexander Prokofiev, La Roche-Posay brand expert.

Typical manifestations of such a reaction:

  1. 1

    feeling of dryness and tightness, especially after washing;

  2. 2

    itching and peeling;

  3. 3

    redness and irritation;

  4. 5

    sensations of burning and tingling;

  5. 6


Even if you have found the main signs of sensitive skin in yourself, you should not rush to conclusions. It is best to consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Sensitive skin - thin, delicate, prone to irritation © iStock

Sometimes sensitivity turns out to be one of the signs of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema or rosacea, which require serious systemic treatment.

Sensitive is not only dry and thin, but also problematic skin. For example, if you use too "hard" aggressive products to eliminate acne or blackheads, the epidermis often reacts with irritation.

The nature of sensitivity can be hereditary or acquired. Especially if you live in a metropolis. Constant stress, unbalanced diet, dry air-conditioned office, temperature fluctuations in winter, improper care - all these circumstances contribute to increased skin irritability.

Dry and oily sensitive skin

Generally, there are two types of sensitive skin.

  1. 1

    Thinned, prone to redness, rosacea and fine wrinkles.

  2. 2

    Usually, owners of oily skin are actively struggling with excess shine and acne, sometimes being too zealous in this fight. Regular damage to the hydro-lipid layer exacerbates the problems of oily skin, adding to them dehydration, redness and flaking. At the same time, sebum begins to be produced in an enhanced mode.

What cosmetics do sensitive skin need?

When choosing the right beauty products, follow our advice.

Experiment Less

The first thing to remember is that if you have sensitive skin, experimenting is not for you. Don't blindly trust new products for dry skin or acne that your sister or friend has come up with.

Before you start using the face cleanser, apply it on the crook of your elbow and wait a day. If the skin does not react with redness or rashes, you can take it into service.

Study the composition of funds

Read the information on the labels of creams, serums, masks, tonics. In addition, when getting acquainted with new tools, it is recommended to study reviews on the Internet.

List of the most effective and safe ingredients in cosmetics for sensitive skin care.

    Hyaluronic acid- Moisturizes, accelerates healing, rejuvenates the skin.

    natural oils- soften, soothe, relieve irritation.

    Allantoin- neutralizes irritation, restores damaged cells.

    Vitamin E- antioxidant, protects and rejuvenates.

If vitamin C, retinol, or benzoyl peroxide is in the top 5 list of ingredients, do a pre-tolerance test. Such a tool with a high degree of probability can provoke irritation, redness, peeling.

Fragrance-free and dye-free formulas for sensitive skin © iStock

Look for fragrance-free cosmetics

There are up to 200 chemicals in fragrances that your skin can conflict with. Look for products labeled "fragrance-free" or "fragrance-free".

Try cosmetics with preservatives with caution. Ingredients such as parabens or methylisothiazoline can trigger allergies or aggravate existing skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or contact dermatitis.

Be critical of eco-cosmetics

Just because a cream jar says "natural" or "organic" doesn't mean you've found the perfect product. Citrus extract or menthol can do a lot of harm to thin skin that needs constant protection.

If you are prone to allergies, there is no guarantee that pomegranate seed oil or pineapple extract will not cause an adverse skin reaction.

Exfoliate your skin gently

It is believed that scrubs are contraindicated for owners of sensitive skin, but this is not so. It is not forbidden to use them - it is necessary to help the skin get rid of dead cells and activate the production of new ones. The main thing is to find the most delicate exfoliant with the appropriate mark. Most likely, scrubs with natural abrasives like crushed apricot or raspberry pits will not work for you.

Exfoliating particles should be as smooth as possible, atraumatic for the skin. As a rule, these are granules of synthetic origin.

Choose exfoliants with delicate fruit acids. Use them no more than once every 7-10 days, otherwise you risk breaking the hydrolipidic layer of the skin and causing new redness.

Sensitive skin needs to be treated differently in summer and winter © iStock

Care rules

“Care for sensitive skin should be gentle. You should not combine products of different brands,” warns Alexander Prokofiev.

Cleansing and moisturizing

First of all, the skin needs to be cleansed. In case of hypersensitivity, dermatologists recommend washing with moderately warm water. Ideally, not tap water, but mineral or boiled (this will reduce hardness).

For cleansing, use a mild gel, milk, foam or micellar water, but not soap - it dries out the skin. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel, just blot.

Apply moisturizer (cream or fluid depending on skin type). The day cream will protect the skin, and the night cream will soothe., with centella asiatica and aloe vera.

Essence Life Plankton Essence Biotherm, with thermal plankton extract.

Soothing exfoliating cream Exfoliance Confort, Lancome, with honey, almond and yeast extracts.

    A soothing & hydrating mask Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque, Kiehl's, with calendula and aloe.

    Calming cream Hydra Zen, SPF 15, Lancôme, with hyaluronic acid, ceramides, rose, peony and moringa extracts.

    Moisturizing toner for face, neck & décolleté Equalizing Toner, SkinCeuticals, with extracts of witch hazel, thyme, cucumber, aloe and chamomile.

    Soft gel cream Absolute tenderness, l'Oréal Paris, with extracts of Gallic rose and lotus.