Yogurt face masks: benefits of natural homemade yogurt mask. The best natural yogurt mask recipes and how they are useful

Homemade yogurt and honey face mask is a very simple but effective skin care remedy due to the beneficial properties of honey and yogurt.

Benefits of honey yogurt mask

Both products are natural and work well together.

  1. Yogurt contains probiotics - a type of "good" bacteria, the beneficial Lactobacillus acidophilus, and lactic acid. Lactic acid dissolves old dead cells in the top layer of the skin. This acid is often used in professional peels in beauty salons. Why don't we use this property of yogurt in homemade masks and scrubs to great benefit for our face?
  2. As for honey, in our time it is no secret to anyone that it is one of the most useful products, and not only for internal use. An unfortunate regret can be an allergy to this product. Honey has a moisturizing, nourishing and antibacterial effect.

This mask can be used for all skin types, taking into account the fat content of yogurt.

For dry skin, use fat 10% yogurt for oily skin - it is better to buy fat-free, for sensitive and very dry - yogurt of normal fat content of 3-5%.

Yogurt should be unsweetened, natural without artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.

Such yogurt should be used immediately. It should not be stored longer than 2-3 days. Products of this kind are more useful, since they do not contain chemical ingredients that provide long-term storage.

Honey for this mask is better to use fresh, not candied. If the honey has already hardened, heat the hardened honey in a water bath for a few minutes.

Do not keep honey on fire for a long time and do not use a microwave oven for this purpose. High temperature kills all the beneficial substances contained in the product.

Mask recipe:

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp yogurt
  • Mix honey and yogurt until smooth.

If you have oily skin, you can add 2-3 drops of lemon juice. If you have dry skin, add 3-4 drops of olive oil.

Olive oil must be processed before use. To do this, place it in a glass dish and put it in a ladle or pot of boiling water for 15 minutes. Then cool the oil. You can use this oil for other masks in the future, just do not heat it any more and store it in a cool dark place or dark dish.

  • Apply the mask evenly over the face and neck, except for the area around the eyes. The mixture of honey and yogurt is quite liquid, so when applied to the face, you can use a special brush. After 5 minutes, you can apply another layer.

  • Leave for 15 minutes.
  • Before washing off the mask, wet your face with a damp sponge and then wash it well with warm water and then cold water to close the pores.
  • Dry your face with a paper towel.
  • Apply your favorite nourishing cream.

That's all wisdom.

Have you ever seen the most beautiful woman? Look in the mirror!

Homemade yogurt is not only used as a delicious drink, but also as a natural skin care product. A yogurt face mask will help heal the skin and give it beauty and youth. All this is due to the significant amount of active substances that make up the natural product.

Benefits of yogurt face mask for skin

As mentioned above, yogurt contains a huge amount of useful components, vitamins. Using it as a drink, you heal and normalize the digestive system. Applying it to the skin - healing and rejuvenation. What is the usefulness of a homemade product for female beauty:

  • moisturizes the skin, since the composition contains almost 50% water;
  • prevents aging and soothes the skin;
  • normalizes fat balance;
  • relieves various inflammatory processes - acne, blackheads, etc .;
  • has a strengthening effect on blood vessels;
  • promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, due to which the skin becomes elastic and toned;
  • cleans pores from various kinds of pollution;
  • removes fine wrinkles;
  • softens and nourishes.

Homemade yogurt is very good for women's skin, and this can be seen from the above benefits of the product. To achieve maximum results, you should regularly use homemade masks with yogurt.

Do not forget about your skin type, and accordingly choose the right recipe, as well as the product itself in terms of fat content:

  • for aging and dry skin, it is necessary to use yogurt, the fat content of which ranges from 6 to 9%. In this case, a face mask with yogurt will moisturize and nourish the skin of the face much better;
  • for oily or combination skin types, it is best to use yogurt with the lowest fat content or completely fat-free.

As such, the yogurt composition has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the main component or other products that make up the mask.

By the way, this product is also used for the preparation of hair care products. We have recipes for yogurt hair masks that will help moisturize your hair and restore hair follicles.

It is not difficult to prepare a face mask based on yogurt, since such products do not require much time and money. Despite this, it is important to know a few rules before you start preparing such an amazing remedy.

  1. It is necessary to purchase yogurt exclusively without additives and flavors. The best would be to use a homemade drink.
  2. A yogurt face mask is used for excessive dryness, acne, vitamin deficiency, small wrinkles, and peeling of the skin.
  3. The finished cosmetic must be applied exclusively to clean skin. You can do this with a simple scrub or facial wash.
  4. It is necessary to withstand the product exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. As a rule, homemade yogurt formulations are allowed to keep no more than 1 hour.
  5. Observe the technology of preparation and the rate of laying the ingredients. With proper preparation, the product is washed off easily and without difficulty.
  6. After washing off the mask from the face, it is necessary to apply a cream suitable for your skin type.
  7. You can apply yogurt products daily, as such, negative reviews of regular use have not been found.
  8. The course of masks is 15 procedures. Then it is recommended to rest a little and you can repeat again. This is required so that the skin is not accustomed to the composition of the home remedy.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: by choosing the right mask recipe, you can easily improve your appearance, get rid of age-related changes, give your skin a natural color and shine.

Yogurt face mask recipes

    For a dry type of face, the following composition is suitable:
    yolk - 1 pc;
    olive oil - 20 ml;
    homemade yogurt - 20 ml.

    Beat the yolk and add oil to it, continue beating. Then add yogurt and beat again. We apply the composition on the face and hold for a quarter of an hour. Remove with plain water.

    Wash the banana and avocado and remove the skin and pit. Put the ingredients in a container and mash with a fork. Pour the required amount of yogurt and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the composition evenly on the face and hold for 15 minutes, rinse off.

    For oily and combination skin types:
    yeast tablets - 4 pcs;
    yogurt - 40 ml.

    Yeast must be crushed and turned into a powder. We put it in a plate and pour it with yogurt. Mix well and apply the composition on the face. Keep the mixture on your face until dry. Wash off with plain water.

    The following composition will help to narrow the pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat:
    low-fat cottage cheese - 40 g;
    homemade yogurt - 40 ml.

    Mash the cottage cheese with a fork and add a fermented milk drink. Mix thoroughly and spread over the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off.

    For normal and sensitive face type:
    blackcurrant - 20 g;
    homemade yogurt - 20 ml.

    Grind currants in a blender and combine with yogurt. Mix and apply on the face. Hold for 30 minutes and wash off.

    Moisturizing mask based on yogurt:
    fermented milk drink - 2 tsp;
    from a chicken egg one yolk;
    fresh beets - 2 tsp

    Peel the beets and grate on a fine grater. Add the yolk and pour in the yogurt, it's good to move everything. Apply evenly on the skin of the face and hold for half an hour. We wash with warm water.

    Cleansing composition:
    premium flour - 1 tbsp;
    ripe plum - 1 pc;
    homemade yogurt - 1 tbsp.

    Rinse the drain under water. Cut into 2 parts, peel and remove the stone. Turn the pulp into a puree. Then add flour to it and mix thoroughly so that lumps do not form. Then add yogurt and mix again. Apply to face and hold for 30 minutes. Remove with plain water.

    Recipe for wrinkles:
    yogurt - 1.5 tbsp;
    seedless grapes - 1 tbsp.

    Wash the grapes and grind in a blender. Then add yogurt to the resulting puree and mix everything thoroughly. Evenly distribute the composition over the face and hold for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

    To get rid of excessive pigmentation:
    fresh parsley leaves - 1 tbsp;
    yogurt - 1.5 tbsp;
    olive oil - 2 tsp;
    vitamin A in ampoules - 1 tsp

    Rinse the parsley and chop. Place in a small bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix thoroughly and apply the composition on the face. Hold for a quarter of an hour and wash off with plain water.

    For problem skin (for acne and pimples):
    fermented milk product - 15 ml;
    aspirin tablets - 4 pcs;
    freshly brewed green tea.

    Grind aspirin. We put the finished powder in a small container and pour in the fermented milk product. Mix thoroughly and spread evenly over the face. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, it is necessary to carefully place soaked cotton pads with green tea. Let stand 15 minutes and remove.

    Such a composition is especially suitable for teenagers suffering from acne.

Yogurt face masks: benefits of natural homemade yogurt mask

Inflamed and oily skin, as well as dry and aging skin, requires special care. A yogurt mask can improve skin condition. Yogurt is not only a food product, but also a means to restore fluid balance in skin cells. It heals, softens and cleanses the skin.

What information will you learn:

What are the benefits of yogurt for facial skin?

Beneficial substances, penetrating into the cells, heal the skin from the inside

Why does a yogurt face mask have so many benefits? The secret lies in the substances that this dairy product is rich in. Substances, getting into the skin cells, start the recovery process.

The composition of yogurt is ideal for using a mask for cosmetic purposes:

  • water is one of the main constituents of yogurt, making the mask a natural moisturizer;
  • B vitamins - substances that remove dirt from the pores, stop skin aging, and also refresh the complexion;
  • vitamin B4 stabilizes the volume of sebum secretion, is able to rejuvenate cells and eliminate skin irritation;
  • vitamin B3 activates cells that are at rest and reflects negative external influences;
  • vitamin A eliminates dryness and stops inflammation;
  • vitamin C - a strengthening agent for the walls of blood vessels, and also increases the formation of elastin and collagen in cells;
  • potassium nourishes and saturates skin cells with moisture;
  • calcium softens the skin and makes it smooth.

Beneficial substances, penetrating into the cells, heal the skin from the inside. And the more often you use yogurt masks, the more noticeable the results will be. The stock of working and active elements will increase with each use of the mask, and the effect will be several times stronger.

Yogurt can not only be eaten as a healthy dairy product, but it is also an effective cosmetic ingredient in homemade face masks.

A large number of active ingredients in masks prepared on the basis of yogurt is indispensable for soft and gentle skin care.

The use of a yogurt mask provides a complete cosmetic care, the effect of which is possible only after regular use. The frequency of using the mask is the main condition for obtaining the result.

When should you use a yogurt mask?

The maximum benefit from the mask can be obtained if the recommendations for its use have been followed exactly.

In most cases, a yogurt face mask is used for such cosmetic problems:

  1. Insufficient skin care, why it turned gray, and dark circles appeared under the eyes.
  2. Aging skin that needs restoration and rejuvenation.
  3. The lack of sufficient skin hydration, which led to dryness and cracks in the skin.
  4. Excessive formation of sebum, which must be brought back to normal.
  5. Regular skin care for normal skin type.

Since the face mask made from yogurt is a natural remedy, there are no restrictions on its use.

However, you should pay attention to the ingredients contained in the mask, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

If you have dry skin, choose yogurt with a high percentage of fat for making masks.

It is important to note that yogurt face masks are easy to prepare and do not require extra time or money.

Here are a few features of their preparation process that will be useful to anyone who decides to use them for their skin.

  1. For the preparation of masks, yogurts with artificial colors are not suitable. Choose yogurts that are naturally made with natural ingredients and no chemical additives.
  2. The main skin defects that require a yogurt mask are: dryness, peeling, acne, microdamages, wrinkles, lack of vitamins, crow's feet around the corners of the eyes.
  3. Restrictions on use: individual intolerance. Before applying the mask to the face, you need to apply the mixture on the wrist, then observe the reaction for several hours. If an allergic rash does not appear, you can safely use a face mask.
  4. If you have dry skin, choose yogurt with a high percentage of fat content for making masks and vice versa.
  5. You need to apply a mask only on clean skin, previously cleansed with steam and scrub.
  6. The duration of the procedure will depend only on the additional components, since pure yogurt can not be washed off for up to 45-50 minutes.
  7. Properly prepared mask is easily removed from the skin.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to lubricate the face with cream.
  9. The frequency of use is not limited: the mask is completely harmless.
  10. After a while, you need to stop using the mask and take a break. Since prolonged use of the mask will cause skin immunity to its components.
  11. The more often the mask is used, the better the result will be. The best effect can be obtained if strictly adhere to the recipe.

Yogurt mask recipes

Yogurt face masks can be used for all skin types. Recipes for such masks will differ in composition. Here are the best recipes for any skin.

For normal skin type, a mask with yogurt and protein is suitable.


  • 25 ml of yogurt without additives;
  • one egg white;
  • one apricot.

Peel one apricot, then grind the pulp and mix with yogurt and whipped protein. Next, the prepared mixture should be applied to the surface of the skin of the face, after 20-25 minutes the mask is removed with a cotton swab. Then you need to wash your face with slightly cold water.

Moisturizing mask with yogurt and beets


  • 10 ml of yogurt;
  • one yolk;
  • 10 g grated beets.

Mix the listed ingredients. The mask is applied evenly on the skin. After 30 minutes, the mask is gently removed with warm water without using soap. Moisturizing mask refreshes the skin of the face and makes it healthier.

Yogurt mask for oily skin


  • 25 g chopped cucumber;
  • 25 ml of yogurt;
  • one egg white.

Prepare the mask by mixing all the ingredients. After that, evenly apply it on the neck and face, and cover the skin with a little damp gauze on top. After 15-25 minutes wash with cold water. The protein and cucumber in the mask tighten the pores, and also smooth and brighten the skin.

Cleansing mask with flour and plum pulp


  • one soft plum;
  • 10 ml of yogurt;
  • 10 g wheat flour.

First of all, you need to peel the plum, remove the stone, mash the pulp. Then add the rest of the mask ingredients and mix. After that, spread over the skin and wait half an hour. The mask is removed with water without the use of soap. This mask removes excess sebum and nourishes the skin.

Nourishing mask with yogurt and apple for dry skin types


  • a small piece of apple;
  • 10 ml of yogurt;
  • one yolk.

Make a pulp from the pulp of an apple, add yogurt and yolk, stir. The prepared mask is distributed in a layer over the skin of the face and neck. Then, after 15 minutes, the cosmetic mass is washed off with water. This type of mask softens the skin, nourishes with vitamins and moisturizes it.

Mask with yogurt and salad to soften the skin


  • 1 lettuce leaf;
  • some yogurt.

Cut lettuce leaf, add yogurt. Apply to the skin and leave for 25 minutes. After that, wash your face with warm water. When the skin is cleansed, wash again, but with cold water. Lettuce and yogurt have a softening effect, making the skin smooth and nourished.

Purifying mask with yogurt and peach


  • ripe peach;
  • 10 ml of yogurt.

Grind peach, add yogurt. Mix into a homogeneous mass and apply to the skin. Leave for half an hour. Yogurt and peach soften and cleanse dry skin of rough particles.

Yogurt masks for aging skin

Despite the fact that aging skin requires a special, gentle and careful attitude in the selection of cosmetic care products, you can also use yogurt masks for it.

anti wrinkle yogurt mask


  • 20 g of crushed grapes;
  • 25 ml of yogurt.

Grind grapes, mix with yogurt. Apply the resulting mask for 15 minutes on the face and neck.

Yogurt face mask for aging skin


  • 20 g finely chopped parsley;
  • 25 ml of yogurt;
  • 10 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 drops of vitamin A.

Mix the ingredients, apply the finished mask to the face and neck. Wait 15 minutes and remove the mass with warm water.

Video: Refreshing Yogurt Mask in 60 Seconds

Regardless of the type of yogurt mask, the basic rule should be observed: yogurt must be natural and without any additives.

The best choice for making masks (and also as a food) is homemade yogurt.

Facial care


14.08.14 12:46

Yogurt - natural, plain yogurt without any additives and preservatives - is not only a tasty and healthy treat or dietary product. It is also an excellent cosmetic product. Try to make your own at home yogurt face masks, and see how effectively they moisturize and tighten the skin.

Of course, finding suitable yogurt in stores is almost impossible. And if it succeeds, then the price for it will be much higher than the average. The solution can be to make yogurt at home from milk and sourdough or ready-made yogurt. Usually, it is recommended to buy a yogurt maker for this, but in fact, you can make yogurt without it. The most difficult thing is to maintain a constant temperature for a long time. If you can do this, then everything else will work out without difficulty.

Homemade yogurt is the perfect base for a yogurt face mask. In this case, you get a truly natural, high-quality product without preservatives and emulsifiers. It will really be useful to the skin and will not cause harm. Sometimes women try to kill two birds with one stone, and make face masks out of yogurt, using yogurt with additives as a base. They believe that ready-made yogurt with fruit will be even healthier. However, in this case, you get canned fruits, the benefits of which are highly controversial.

But the benefits of yogurt for the face are undeniable. In order to understand this, it is enough to carefully study its composition. Most of it, surprisingly, is ordinary water. But she, contrary to the beliefs of many, is not at all useless. No matter how much you use substances that promote hydration, without water they are all powerless.

However, yogurt also contains moisturizing substances. It is, of course, potassium. As well as vitamin A. Thanks to this combination, yogurt face masks perfectly moisturize your skin. But this is not the only property of yogurt.

Because it contains lactic acids. They gently act on the skin, exfoliating dead cells, cleansing and smoothing the skin. Thus, yoghurt masks provide non-aggressive and gentle peeling.

In addition, yogurt relieves skin fatigue, gives it tone, nourishes it and even protects it from ultraviolet radiation. Yogurt makes the skin velvety and tender, restores its natural color. The high content of vitamins in natural yogurt makes yogurt face masks really useful. For example, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which improves the supply of oxygen to the skin, which means that the skin becomes healthier. In addition, it stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which provide youthfulness and elasticity to the skin. B vitamins help cleanse the pores of the skin, and choline narrows them and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

It turns out that yogurt face masks are shown to owners of dry skin, fading, and also oily. They are suitable for the care of combination skin, and of course, for normal. Depending on the accompanying ingredients, you will get that effect. which you need at this moment. Yogurt is a truly versatile product.

Yogurt masks: recipes

It is not difficult to understand how relevant yogurt masks are for dry skin, because dry skin needs so much hydration, as well as nutrition and protection. Yogurt can give all this to the skin. And to enhance the effect, other, no less effective ingredients are added to it. Remember that for dry skin it is better to take a fatter yogurt.

The best combination for hydration and nutrition is yogurt and various oils. Take 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt, add a teaspoon of olive oil, and 3 drops each of verbena and chamomile oil. To obtain the desired effect, the mask is enough for 10 minutes. If you do not have essential oils, you can add decoctions of chamomile and verbena to yogurt.

Yogurt goes well with other sour-milk products. So, 2 tablespoons of yogurt mixed with a spoonful of pureed cottage cheese is a simple and very effective mask for moisturizing dry skin. A teaspoon of the pulp of sweet fruits or berries, such as banana, peach or strawberry, will only enhance the positive effect of the mask.

Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with the white of one egg. This is already very powerful in itself, and if you add olive oil to it or, if you need to nourish the skin more, heavy cream, then the effect will be even stronger.

Yogurt masks for oily skin are effective due to deep cleansing of the skin, as well as a positive effect on the functioning of the skin glands. Therefore, the recipes for such masks are very diverse and always in demand. First of all, remember that for oily skin, you should use low-fat yogurt.

In the care of oily skin, yogurt-fruit or berry masks are also used. However, in this case, preference is given to sour berries and fruits. For example, cherries, cranberries, mountain ash, as well as citrus fruits and pineapples. For 2 tablespoons of yogurt, add a spoonful of juice or pulp of the selected fruit. To dry oily skin, you can use not only fruits, but also vegetables. In this regard, a tomato can be a great helper. The proportions remain the same as in fruit masks.

No less effective component is brewer's yeast. Take a few brewer's yeast tablets and crush them to a powder. You will need about a tablespoon of powder. It is introduced into 2 tablespoons of yogurt and stirred as thoroughly as possible. Now you need to add lemon juice, about a teaspoon, and the same amount of carrot juice. It will take you about 15 minutes to achieve a positive effect.

Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of wheat flour. Try to break up all the dry lumps. In a thick creamy mass, add a spoonful of plum pulp. Pear can be used instead of plum.

Since yogurt is a universal product, yogurt masks for combination skin are a real find. As for oily skin, for combination it is better to take a fat-free product.

For the first mask in this category, you will need the zest of any citrus, be it a lemon, grapefruit, tangerine or orange. The zest must be ground, for example, in a coffee grinder. The result should be real citrus flour. Three spoons of yogurt will require one spoon of such flour and a teaspoon of liquid honey. It is necessary to wash off the mask from the zest after 15 minutes.

You can return to almost traditional masks. For combination skin, fruits and berries such as watermelon, cranberries, kiwi, currants, grapes or peach are recommended. The proportions and time of use are the same: 2 to 1, and 15 minutes.

Cosmetic clay provides an excellent effect. For combination skin, red or pink cosmetic clays are ideal. Take half a spoonful of powder, and dilute with two tablespoons of yogurt. The resulting reddish mass is carefully distributed over the face, and left to dry. Usually 12 minutes is enough for this, after which the mask must be washed off.

Another wonderful composition for combination skin looks like this: 2 tablespoons of natural homemade yogurt, a spoonful of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. In 15 minutes, using this mask, you will achieve a fresh appearance, tone, remove oily sheen from the T-zone without drying dry areas.

Yogurt masks for normal skin are an excellent nourishing and tonic remedy that will relieve fatigue and the effects of stress, give freshness, even out complexion, and make the skin velvety and smooth.

Not only yogurt will help you with this, but also vegetables. For example, cucumber pulp provides an excellent result. By the way, cucumber will help not only moisturize and nourish the skin, but also lighten it slightly. Cabbage, bell pepper, radish, beets, eggplant or zucchini, grated carrots and so on will also help in the care of normal skin. The proportions in which any of these vegetables are mixed with yogurt are already known to you from other sections of the article: all the same 2 tablespoons of yogurt per 2 tablespoons of vegetable or fruit pulp.

Beetroot mask with yogurt is an excellent nutrient for normal skin. Take one yolk, add a teaspoon of yogurt to it, and the same amount of beets grated on a fine grater. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Then take a brush and apply this mass on the skin.

A separate place is occupied by universal yogurt masks for all skin types, as well as masks that solve various problems that are not associated with a particular skin type. For example, for this. to whiten dark skin, as well as lighten annoying freckles, a yogurt mask with greens is the best fit.

Take some dill and parsley, finely chop the greens, and mix well. You will need a tablespoon of this mixture, as well as 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt. It is important to mix the mixture very well, and let it brew a little so that the greens give the juice to the yogurt. After that, a greenish mass is applied to the skin, and they wait no more than 15 minutes.

A truly versatile mask with crushed oatmeal. A tablespoon of such flakes is added to three tablespoons of yogurt, then a teaspoon of honey is mixed in there. This mask perfectly refreshes, cleanses the skin, tones it. In addition, it removes signs of fatigue, restores a pleasant color and texture to the skin, evens out the contour.

If you take half a spoonful of white or green clay, and dilute the powder with yogurt, you get another versatile and very effective mask. However, if you would like to get rid of acne, it makes sense to prefer blue clay. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, dries up acne, and also helps wounds from them heal without scarring.

You can be amazed at the variety of yogurt masks as much as you like and read positive reviews about them with delight. However, it is best to choose the one that suits you best and experience its miraculous power for yourself.

Yogurt is not only delicious, but also extremely healthy. And if everyone knows about the benefits of its use, then not everyone knows that the use of yogurt in cosmetology helps to achieve remarkable results in skin care.

Yogurt masks cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin. Thanks to amino acids - the skin is perfectly moisturized; lactic acid gently exfoliates horny particles; a huge amount of vitamins energize the skin of the face. An important plus - yogurt for the face can be used by everyone. The only difference is the ingredients we will be adding to the yogurt, depending on your skin type.

Indications for the use of yogurt masks

The dairy product has a whole range of positive effects on the skin of the face. Yogurt is included in many cosmetic creams, serums, gels, shampoos. But still, you can bring more benefit to your skin if the face mask is made independently from natural and certainly fresh yogurt. It is recommended to use yogurt as part of masks to eliminate a wide variety of cosmetic defects, in particular for:

Moisturizing the skin with increased dryness and eliminating areas of peeling;

Fight against increased flabbiness;

Increase the elasticity of the skin of the face;

Reducing oiliness.

A yogurt mask is also useful for normal skin types, the nutrients of the product prevent all aging processes and make the face fresh and rested. We should not forget that yogurt, like any other dairy product, has a slight whitening effect and therefore will be beneficial in the presence of pigmentation spots and muffle the color intensity of freckles.

Natural yogurt used as an external agent does not cause intolerance. However, the mask must be checked for allergies, as the rest of the ingredients are not always safe for the skin.

Yogurt face mask recipes

A purifying, pore-tightening mask for oily skin

Take 2 tablespoons of yogurt, lubricate the face and leave for 20 minutes. Roll up the mask with wet fingertips. Rinse your face with cool water.

You can also mix yogurt with egg white in this recipe. For 2 tablespoons of yogurt, take one protein. For density, you can add a little flour. The mask is used for combination and oily skin.

Yogurt and cucumber mask for oily skin

Grate half a fresh cucumber on a fine grater and add 1 tbsp to the resulting cucumber mass. natural yogurt and 1 beaten egg white. Mix everything thoroughly and apply, in a thick, even layer, on clean face skin. Next, cover your face with a clean gauze pad. The napkin should be damp. Relax for 15 minutes and then wash off the mask with cool boiled water.

This mask perfectly tightens pores, has a smoothing and light whitening effect. The mask is especially effective when caring for wrinkled oily skin.

Potato mask

One tablespoon of grated potatoes

Two tablespoons of yogurt

Grate one tablespoon of potatoes, mix with yogurt product. You can use tomato pulp instead of potatoes.

Cleanses and dries oily skin well.

Toning home face mask

1 tablespoon of yogurt

1 teaspoon honey

- ½ teaspoon of fine table or sea salt,

1 teaspoon olive oil or grape seed oil,

3-5 drops of mint or lemon balm essential oil.

Mix grapeseed oil with mint, then add salt, honey and yogurt. If the mask is too liquid for you, thicken it with cosmetic clay, flour or bran.

Apply to clean, slightly damp skin for 15-20 minutes, then wash your face and use a moisturizer.

Yogurt and orange mask

This face mask has a refreshing, stimulating and at the same time soothing effect. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of yogurt, add the juice of a quarter of an orange and, after stirring well, apply on your face. Leave the mask on the skin for about 5 minutes. Soak a swab in boiled water and rinse off the product with it.

This mask can be modified by adding cherry or grape juice, as well as kiwi pieces, instead of orange to yogurt.

Nourishing yogurt mask

Grate a small piece of peeled apple, combine with a spoonful of yogurt, pour in one beaten egg yolk. Apply the mixture in an even layer on the skin of the face and neck for 15 minutes. The used mask is removed with a cotton pad, the skin is rinsed with warm water. The mask effectively moisturizes dry skin.

Pomegranate mask

A cosmetic mask made from yogurt with pomegranate juice will help balance oily skin. Mix 2 tablespoons unsweetened yogurt with 1 tablespoon pomegranate juice and 1 teaspoon wheat flour. Apply to face and hold for 15-20 minutes. This mask also has a whitening effect.

Yogurt mask with vegetables

For normal and combination skin types:

If 2 tbsp. spoons of yogurt mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of grated cucumber mass, you get a mask with a slight whitening effect.

If we take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped white cabbage, bell (sweet) pepper or carrots chopped on a fine grater, we get a mask that improves complexion.

For nourishing masks, the pulp of zucchini, eggplant, radish, beet is also suitable.

Vegetable masks are applied for 15 minutes.

Anti wrinkle yogurt mask for all skin types

You will need: 25 ml of natural yogurt, 4-5 pieces of grapes (preferably seedless, for example, the Kishmish variety). If the grapes are seeded, simply remove them and peel them. Grind the fruits and mix with yogurt of natural origin. The resulting consistency is applied to the skin of the face and neck. After 15-18 minutes, wash with warm water.

Any mask, which includes yogurt, is made from an unsweetened product, without flavoring and fruit additives. The mixture should be prepared from fresh products. Be especially careful to ensure that the ingredients of the mask do not cause an allergic reaction.

The result of applying a useful mixture does not appear immediately. It is necessary to carry out a series of procedures, about a couple of times a week for one month.

After the result is achieved, you can maintain the effect by making masks a couple of times a month.