Rough skin on the knuckles. Why does the skin on the fingers peel off

Hands can say a lot about a person - about his health, profession and even character. Sometimes the work leaves marks on the palms and fingers that cannot be removed - and this is not always necessary. Women usually strive to ensure that, regardless of what kind of work they have to do, their hands always remain tender, beautiful and well-groomed. Rough skin on the fingers - how to deal with it? Now we will discuss this.

Cracks, pimples, calluses

The rough skin on the fingers is not the same. It's one thing - calluses from tools. This - defensive reaction hands It doesn't matter if you play the lute or cut with a jigsaw. Corns, of course, can be reduced - a good dermatologist will tell you how to do this. But if you keep doing what you love, they will reappear. If you have rough skin where your fingers touch the strings or engraver, and there are no other problems, you should not worry.

Another thing - rough skin on back side palms and cracks. Not only do they look ugly, they also cause a lot of trouble:

  • itchy;
  • hurt;
  • become inflamed.

In this case, you need to sound the alarm. Usually enough home remedies, but in the most severe cases, you have to contact a dermatologist.

Causes of skin roughness

Rough skin on hands different reasons. It can be:

In all these cases, rough skin is on top of the fingers. How to treat if there are no other problems in the body? You can try home remedies, and the best thing is to avoid such problems.

Prevention is the best cure

It is well known that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This also applies to hand problems. Rough skin, cracks and pimples are a disease that you can do without. Means of prevention are simple and affordable:

  • special detergents;
  • mittens and gloves;
  • warm but not hot water;
  • vitamins and quality products.

Let's talk about detergents

What do you wash your hands with? What will it take? In this case, it is hardly surprising that your fingers do not tolerate it well. Make sure that your home always has:

  • soap with moisturizing ingredients;
  • special lotion for hands.

Such soap costs not much more than ordinary soap, but it contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin of not only the hands, but also the face and everything else. These soaps usually smell very pleasant, although a fragrance-free variety can be found if needed.

As for lotions, there are a lot of them on sale. The price range is also wide, so even a girl with a very modest income can choose something suitable.

Important! Hands should be dried after washing.

Gloves are a guarantee of health

Before you remove rough skin from your fingers, remember what kind of gloves you have. For the most part, people protect their hands during the cold season. But are your gloves reliable enough? Keep your hands warm in winter. In addition, mittens and gloves should always be dry:

  • Traditional knitwear not suitable in all cases. If you only need to run from home to the subway and from the subway to work, you can safely wear any.
  • For those who spend a lot of time outdoors, it is better to pick up something more reliable - leather or bologna with fur, for example.

Almost everyone has warm gloves or mittens. And what about home - designed for work? They are often neglected, but in vain. Do not wash the toilet with your bare hands - this is both unpleasant and dangerous, especially if you have to use aggressive products. Moreover, even the banal washing of dishes argues better if you get used to gloves that protect you from a lot:

  • from caustic and aggressive substances;
  • from excessive moisture;
  • from injury.

Therefore, the first rule: work with gloves wherever possible. For cleaning - rubber, plastic or polyethylene, for working in the garden and garden - cotton.

What kind of water flows from the tap?

Many people like to wash their hands with hot water. You shouldn't do this all the time. Hot water dries out the skin. It is better to adjust the jet so that the temperature is slightly higher than room temperature.

Important! Badly affects the skin and too hard water. It is harmful not only to plumbing and washing machine but also the skin of the hands. So try to use filters.

From the arsenal of a secular lady

The skin is rough, but run to the doctor apparent reason No? Well, try to remedy the situation with the help of products that are now widely used in beauty salons. These are ways like:

  • paraffin therapy;
  • massage;
  • peeling;
  • fichicur.

We are treated with paraffin

This method has been known since ancient times. Paraffin perfectly restores the skin.

Important! Only a special cosmetic is suitable for baths - before getting on the counter, it undergoes additional cleaning. For one bath you need 200 g of paraffin. He may be with various additives, so you need to choose carefully - some fragrances can cause allergies in sensitive people.

Here's how to use it correctly:

  1. Melt the paraffin (a special heater bath is most suitable for this, but you can do everything in a regular saucepan or melt it in a water bath).
  2. Allow the composition to cool to an acceptable temperature.
  3. Dip your hands in it and hold for 10-15 minutes.

Important! Do not use candles for baths - they may contain substances that are harmful to the skin. You should also not melt paraffin in the microwave.

What other baths are there?

To soften the skin of the hands, you can use more simple means. In the arsenal of a secular lady there were other types of baths that would definitely help remove rough skin on the fingers:

  • vitamin;
  • saline;
  • chamomile;
  • lemon;
  • soda;
  • cabbage.


It consists of several components:

  • corn oil - 60 ml;
  • vitamin A;
  • lemon juice.

All components are mixed. Immerse your hands in the bath and hold for about a quarter of an hour.

Important! In addition to softening the skin, this procedure helps to cope with delamination of nails.


Regular table salt helps to strengthen nails and soften the skin. This procedure is very often done before a manicure:

  1. Pour a glass of warm water into a bowl.
  2. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it.
  3. Add aromatic oil if desired.
  4. Hold your hands in the bath for a quarter of an hour.


If the skin is cracked, wounds and abrasions appear, a decoction will be the most useful. chamomile. Dry grass is sold in any pharmacy, with which you need to do the following:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into a saucepan.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Boil 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers in boiling water.
  4. Let the broth cool down.
  5. Keep your hand in the bath for 7-10 minutes.


This composition has a beneficial effect on the skin, but its main task is to strengthen the nails. You need:

  • lemon;
  • olive oil.

The oil is heated, after which lemon juice is added to it. Ratio - 120 ml of oil 10 drops lemon juice.


Plain baking soda Works great on stubborn stains. In addition, it removes dead skin particles and softens the skin:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with the same amount of liquid soap.
  2. Dissolve the mixture in a liter of water, slightly warmer than room temperature.
  3. You can add 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  4. Hold hands for 20 minutes.

cabbage and kefir

This simple composition perfectly softens the skin. You need:

Mix the ingredients in equal amounts. Keep your hands in the bath for 7-10 minutes.

Massage and other salon pleasures

Massage is recommended to be done with a moisturizer. This procedure improves oxygen exchange in tissues, softens the skin and makes it smoother. In salons for hand care, peeling is also usually offered, which allows you to remove dead skin particles.

Important! IN the best salons now practiced fishikyur - keratinized skin biting fish. By the way, in some natural reservoirs there is a top fish, which perfectly copes with this task.


Masks can soften your skin - that is, compounds that are applied to the hands and then washed off. Most effective:

  • honey;
  • oatmeal;
  • linen;
  • potato.

The principle of operation is approximately the same. For example, for potato mask just put mashed potatoes on your hands and hold for ten minutes.

Other means

In cosmetic stores you can find the most different means hand care. These are softening and moisturizing creams, protective creams and gels and much more. They should be selected taking into account some factors:

  • purpose of application;
  • frequency of application;
  • skin type.

Softening and moisturizing creams should be in every woman's cosmetic bag, regardless of age and profession. protective equipment required primarily for those who constantly work with water or aggressive substances.

Very useful thing- scrub. The hard particles contained in it perfectly relieve your hands of keratinized skin fragments.

When is a doctor needed?

There are situations when a person takes care of his hands very carefully, but there is not much sense in this. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Most likely, he will put up a not very familiar diagnosis - hyperkeratosis. You should not be afraid, but such a diagnosis means that your body has not one, but several problems.

Now you should finally understand why you have rough skin on your fingers, how you can fix it. Use our advice, because, as you know, it is the hands that give out the true age, and you want to stay young as long as possible, don't you?

It is no secret that the age of a woman most of all betrays not her face or body, but her hands. well-groomed hands With soft skin and neat manicure business card any person, and women in particular. However, it is extremely difficult to keep the skin of the hands soft and velvety throughout life. Under influence homework and an aggressive external environment over the years, the skin of the palms and fingers coarsens, becomes dry, cracks and foci of hyperkeratosis often appear.

This situation does not mean that you need to give up on yourself. There are many tools and methods that can help deal with this problem. But, as with any pathology, it is much easier to prevent than to treat.

Prevention of rough skin

Prevention is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of skin roughness. To prevent the development of hyperkeratosis on the palms and fingers, it is enough to constantly adhere to the following recommendations:

Regular hand baths help prevent rough skin

  • Entry into the body of all essential vitamins and trace elements in the proper amount and in the right time. For the beauty of the skin, it is necessary not so much to influence it with external means, but to ensure the presence of building blocks for its renewal. These building blocks are proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  • Protection of the skin of the hands from external aggressive influences. There are many factors that worsen the condition of the skin. Among them, solar radiation, wind, cold in winter time And chemical substances. From them, the skin becomes rough. Wear warm gloves in winter and rubber gloves when doing housework. Hands periodically need to be lubricated with moisturizing creams with UV filters.
  • It is advisable not to wash your hands hard soaps, it is better to change them to natural or liquid with the addition of moisturizing ingredients and natural oils. After washing, the hands should be wiped dry with a towel with blotting movements; it is strictly forbidden to go out with wet hands.
  • Regularly need to do a manicure, various care procedures. It doesn't have to be done in the salon. There are many tools that allow you to take care of your hands at home and prevent coarsening. These are compresses, hand baths, masks.


To soften the skin on the fingers and palms, such masks, compresses and procedures help well:

  1. Masks based on natural oils, honey and lemon. Oils are best taken cold-pressed. Excellent results give oil grape seeds, almond, linen, burdock. Honey has also long been famous for its magical action on rough skin. Lemon softens, whitens and improves the permeability of the dermis. All ingredients should be mixed in equal parts, slightly warmed up and applied to hands. Soak for twenty minutes, then rinse and smear the hands with a moisturizer.
  2. Baths and compresses from decoctions and infusions of herbs. good effect possess such herbs as calendula, chamomile, mint, string. Herbs should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for about fifteen minutes, then lower the hands into the infusion and hold for the same amount of time. Then the skin should be lubricated with cream. If the skin of the hands is dry, it is worth carrying out such procedures at least two to three times a week. An excellent result will not keep you waiting long.
  3. Massage is also beneficial for the hands and skin on the fingers. When applying the cream several times a day, it is worth giving just a few minutes to a light massage. First stretch your fingers, then move on to your palms. Movement should resemble putting on gloves.

No need to treat the rough skin of the hands as a trifle, because it is with this phenomenon that many begin. pathological processes. Roughened skin is capable of cracking, peeling off, causing not only physical discomfort, but also moral suffering.

There is nothing good in a situation where a woman is ashamed of her hands, hides them in her pockets or behind long sleeves clothes. You can and should be proud of your hands. And to have such an opportunity, it will take quite a lot of time and money. Literally ten to fifteen minutes a day and the simplest components are enough to forget about such a thing forever. unpleasant problem like hyperkeratosis of the hands.

In the article "How to remove rough skin on the fingers ”we will tell you how to make the skin of your hands beautiful. Our hands are one of the most attractive and beautiful parts of the body. They are always on the move, always in sight. A woman caresses and hugs men with her hands, and nature has taken care that the woman's hands become a strong sexual stimulus.

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Photo gallery: How to remove rough skin on the fingers?

But our hands are our working tool. With our hands, we field the beds, clean the dishes, carry heavy bags of groceries, and wash things. How can we not worry about our hands remaining beautiful and well-groomed. What needs to be done to make them look beautiful longer? Taking care of your hands is not difficult, as it might seem at first glance, and we will be happy to share the secrets of caring for your hands so that the skin on your hands is not rough, but soft and velvety.

Rules for the care of hands in everyday life
In order for the skin on the hands to remain healthy and young longer, you need to learn a few rules.

1. Don't skimp on gloves. If your hands come into contact with cleaning products (tile cleaning, handwash, washing floors and dishes) and come into contact with water, you need to wear rubber gloves. Thus, you protect the skin of your hands from chemicals and from water erosion. The gloves should be a little big so they don't compress the skin. And before you put them on, you need to pour a little talcum powder inside the gloves, then they will be removed without much difficulty. In addition, before putting rubber gloves on your hands, they need to be lubricated with a protective or oily cream, because rubber on delicate skin hands have a bad effect.

2. Gloves are a useful thing for life. They work well in the garden, and if you rub a bar of soap with your nails before working on the site, the dirt will be washed off your hands in no time.

3. Do not forget about gloves when it is cold outside, and this is not only in winter. In the spring when
cold wind outside, damp weather in autumn, all this is capable of doing a disservice to the delicate skin of your hands. Those who like to walk without gloves in winter will face redness, untidy appearance, dryness, roughness of the palms and skin discomfort, and we should not forget about it.

4. Don't buy cheap soap. A good option is liquid soap with the addition of cream, antibacterial soap, soft toilet. After washing, you need to wipe your hands dry so that tap water does not remain on your hands, which tightens the skin.

5. Several times a day, you need to lubricate your hands with a moisturizer, and this should be considered the norm. If you go out to open sun you need to cover your palms sunscreen, otherwise after a while the skin on the palms will look darker than the color of your body.

6. At night, lubricate your hands with a cream with the addition of lactic acid or urea (they have the ability to retain moisture in the body). Sometimes before going to bed you can lubricate your hands with Vaseline, the next day they will delight you with soft to the touch and velvety skin.

7. Hands need to use a scrub. You can use home remedies that are always at hand. It can be honey, sugar and salt added to sour cream, coffee grounds. Do not refuse to take this treatment for your hands, once or twice a week, it is best to do it while taking a hot bath. Do not forget to do this procedure for the elbow area.

For dry hands
If you have dry, rough skin on your hands, here are a few tips:
1. Do warm baths with the addition of salt or aromatic oils. They will give velvety and tenderness to the touch. Essential oils well moisturize the skin, and salt removes the upper layers of the epidermis, while revealing smooth, renewed skin. After the baths, dry your hands, apply moisturizing and nutritious cream. While applying the cream, you can give your hands a good massage.

2. During the massage, blood rushes to the skin, blood circulation is stimulated, the skin is nourished with oxygen, improves appearance. There are many points on the hands, if they are stimulated, you can positively influence the body.

3. Every day stretch your fingers, do gymnastics for them.

4. A rare beauty can go out without a manicure. Manicure is the final touch in the beauty of the hands.

How to soften and smooth the skin on your hands
Skin softening with oat flour
Oatmeal mask
- This good remedy to soften the skin. This mask has a delicate texture that it can be applied to the face. Put a little more than ¼ cup into the mixer oatmeal or oatmeal and grind into flour. You should have ¼ cup of oatmeal. If it turns out a little less, we dare a little more. Pour flour into a large bowl and add one tablespoon of aloe juice or melt water and knead.

Apply this gruel to the hands and rub it well into the skin. Oatmeal mask apply on the wrists, cuticles, knuckles. Rub the gruel for 3 or 5 minutes, then rinse warm water and dry your hands well.

Olive oil and cornmeal mask
Masks promote exfoliation dead cells skin, and where the skin is thin on the back of the hands are usually not used. But this mask is an exception, it improves blood circulation, causes tissue rejuvenation, and softens the skin.

Place a quarter cup of cornmeal, vitamin E oil solution, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, in a deep bowl and mix. We hold our hands over the plate, apply the gruel on the surface of the hands, wrists, cuticles, on each joint. We rub the mass especially well in those places where there is dark spots. After 5 minutes, wash your hands with warm water and soap, preferably liquid, and dry them well. We make this mask once a month.

Their papaya mask
Enzymes found in papaya help to smooth the skin, removing dead cells that are on the surface of the skin. If someone is very sensitive skin if someone suffers from dermatitis, burrs have formed on the cuticles, then you do not need to make a papaya mask.

Grind a small piece of papaya until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take one tablespoon of the mass and apply to the surface of the hands, while not forgetting about the cuticles. Wash your hands after 1 or 2 minutes. We make this mask twice a month.

Intensive hydration of the skin of the hands
Under the influence of wind and low temperatures, the skin becomes painful, cracked and dry. It happens that cracks on the hands bleed. Especially in winter period You need to keep your hands moisturized.

Mix 1 tablespoon of vaseline and 1 tablespoon of lanolin. Then we apply the mixture on the hands and rub it well into the skin of the hands, especially on the knuckles and on the cuticles. Leave this ointment on your hands for 20 minutes, under the influence of body temperature, this ointment will melt and be absorbed into the skin. Then we wash our hands liquid soap. In the cold winter months, this procedure is carried out daily.

Baths for hands
Two teaspoons of baking soda to one glass of water will make rough skin beautiful and smooth. If we add a little sea or table salt to the water, this will strengthen the nails and relieve the skin of redness. And if there are scratches, cuts, abrasions and cracks on the hands, we will hold our hands in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. And when excessive sweating palms will help a bath of 3 teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of water.

Plant baths
- inflamed skin soothe and well soften baths from decoctions of nettle, linden or chamomile.
- With reddening of the skin, a decoction of oak bark helps.
- A bran bath will make it silky and soften the skin
Pour a glass of boiling water into a large bowl, then add half a glass of bran. Let's wait until the bran reaches body temperature and put our hands there for 4 or 5 minutes. After the end of the procedure, wash your hands in warm water and dry well.
- If the skin of the hands turns red due to the fact that the temperature is low outside, it is useful to use potato decoctions. If you make baths with a decoction of potatoes every day, you can quickly restore skin color. The duration of the bath is 20 or 30 minutes.

To soften and nourish rough skin areas, we use starch baths. We brew a tablespoon of starch with a liter of boiling water, we use this liquid in a warm form. We do procedures every other day. The wellness course consists of 15 or 20 sessions.

Apply the mixture to your hands: grate a potato, add a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of fruit, vegetable or lemon juice. Put circles on the hands raw potatoes. We do this procedure periodically and your skin will turn white and soften.

From rough skin we make baths from whey, potato broth, sauerkraut. After such baths, we lubricate the skin with a greasy cream and put on woolen gloves on our hands. Use for baths vegetable oil, the same portion, then we wet our hands with a napkin.
We take these baths before going to bed. Then apply to the skin fat cream or vegetable oil to restore smoothness and softness to the skin.

Now we know how to remove rough skin on the fingers. Hand skin care needs to be given more time and attention, done often, and best of all daily. By following these tips, you can ensure that your hands no longer have rough skin, but become soft and pleasant. Your hands should look great, the skin should be pleasant and soft to the touch. This is a prerequisite if you want men to have a desire to kiss hands, and women to have a feeling of white envy.

It is no secret that the age of a woman most of all betrays not her face or body, but her hands. Well-groomed hands with soft skin and neat manicure are the hallmark of any person, and women in particular. However, it is extremely difficult to keep the skin of the hands soft and velvety throughout life. Under the influence of homework and an aggressive external environment, over the years, the skin of the palms and fingers coarsens, becomes dry, cracks and foci of hyperkeratosis often occur.

This situation does not mean that you need to give up on yourself. There are many tools and methods that can help deal with this problem. But, as with any pathology, it is much easier to prevent than to treat.

Prevention of rough skin

Prevention is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of skin roughness. To prevent the development of hyperkeratosis on the palms and fingers, it is enough to constantly adhere to the following recommendations:

Regular hand baths help prevent rough skin

  • Entry into the body of all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the proper amount and at the right time. For the beauty of the skin, it is necessary not so much to influence it with external means, but to ensure the presence of building blocks for its renewal. These building blocks are proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  • Protection of the skin of the hands from external aggressive influences. There are many factors that worsen the condition of the skin. Among them, solar radiation, wind, cold in winter and chemicals are especially dangerous. From them, the skin becomes rough. Wear warm gloves in winter and rubber gloves when doing housework. Hands periodically need to be lubricated with moisturizing creams with UV filters.
  • It is advisable not to wash your hands with solid soaps, it is better to change them to natural or liquid soaps with the addition of moisturizing ingredients and natural oils. After washing, the hands should be wiped dry with a towel with blotting movements; it is strictly forbidden to go out with wet hands.
  • Regularly need to do a manicure, various care procedures. It doesn't have to be done in the salon. There are many tools that allow you to take care of your hands at home and prevent coarsening. These are compresses, hand baths, masks.


To soften the skin on the fingers and palms, such masks, compresses and procedures help well:

  1. Masks based on natural oils, honey and lemon. Oils are best taken cold-pressed. Excellent results are given by grape seed oil, almond, linseed, burdock. Honey has also long been famous for its magical effect on rough skin. Lemon softens, whitens and improves the permeability of the dermis. All ingredients should be mixed in equal parts, slightly warmed up and applied to hands. Soak for twenty minutes, then rinse and smear the hands with a moisturizer.
  2. Baths and compresses from decoctions and infusions of herbs. Herbs such as calendula, chamomile, mint, string have a good effect. Herbs should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for about fifteen minutes, then lower the hands into the infusion and hold for the same amount of time. Then the skin should be lubricated with cream. If the skin of the hands is dry, it is worth carrying out such procedures at least two to three times a week. An excellent result will not keep you waiting long.
  3. Massage is also beneficial for the hands and skin on the fingers. When applying the cream several times a day, it is worth giving just a few minutes to a light massage. First stretch your fingers, then move on to your palms. Movement should resemble putting on gloves.

There is no need to treat the rough skin of the hands as a trifle, because it is with this phenomenon that many pathological processes begin. Roughened skin is capable of cracking, peeling off, causing not only physical discomfort, but also moral suffering.

There is nothing good in a situation where a woman is ashamed of her hands, hiding them in her pockets or behind long sleeves of clothes. You can and should be proud of your hands. And to have such an opportunity, it will take quite a lot of time and money. Literally ten to fifteen minutes a day and the simplest components are enough to forever forget about such an unpleasant problem as hyperkeratosis of the hands.

Beautiful skin on the hands - every year this phenomenon becomes more and more rare, because every year the list of negative factors that affect us becomes longer and longer. And it's not only high and low temperatures, but also hard water, numerous environmental negative factors, household chemicals, and , fungal diseases and the changes that occur in our body as we age. All this is imprinted on our hands, first of all, in the form of, among other things, cracks on the skin, on the folds or fingertips.

Causes of cracks in the hands and fingers

But cracks in the fingers can signal more serious problems, especially if these are not just cracks, but non-healing wounds that bleed, do not heal for a long time. Such skin lesions are very painful, they are constantly injured, grow to the size of a wound, which is constantly wet and rotting. Such cracks can occur for many reasons, and it depends on the cause how exactly this phenomenon should be dealt with.

The causes of cracks in the hands can be different factors: usually these are either external features of the organism, or external influences. Allergy can provoke the appearance of the disease from the inside, fungal infection, different kind endocrine disorders, hormonal disbalance in the body, beriberi or eczema. Wounds in this case occur mainly on the fingertips, between the fingers, on the palms.

It is a non-infectious disease, dermatosis, which has an autoimmune nature. With such a disease, dry, raised spots above the skin are formed, red and flaky, which are called psoriatic plaques, which also cause cracks in the skin and on the fingers. Their nature is chronic inflammatory, and the treatment is consonant with the treatment of the underlying autoimmune disease.

Eczema is a chronic or acute inflammatory skin disease of an allergic nature. This disease is characterized by a rash different kind as well as burning and itching. Eczema is prone to recurrence, often characterized by the appearance of painful cracks on the hands, fingers, and folds.

Damage can also occur under the influence external factors: influenced sun rays, with prolonged constant contact with water, as a result of exposure to chemical reagents, as well as due to sharp drop temperature and humidity. As a result of such adverse effects, the skin of the hands and feet begins to crack and dry, especially in the cold season.

Photo: wounds and lesions on the surface of the skin, on the tips, pads or folds of the fingers


Treatment of cracks in the fingers depends on the reasons for which they appeared. If we are talking about the impact of external factors, then you just need to limit contact with the source of irritation. For this purpose, wear gloves during cleaning and washing, and clean the skin mild soap- for children, for example. Moisten your hands regularly after each contact with water or detergents- it will speed up the healing.

There is also a number folk methods treatment of cracks in the hands. Potato decoction is effective in such cases, which can be prepared by boiling and draining potatoes, adding starch and vegetable oil to the decoction.

Many cope with this problem with a mixture of milk, water, starch and glycerin. The solution is thoroughly stirred, and then brushes are kept in it for ten minutes. Even very deep wounds can be healed in this way.

You can lubricate your hands cedar oil, and it is even better to wrap them tissue paper dipped in oil. It is desirable that the napkin was linen. Cucumber masks and oatmeal baths have a beneficial effect on the skin.

If cracks in the fingers and folds are associated with a certain disease, then it is not recommended to be treated on your own - it is better to consult a doctor. Cracks of a fungal nature are treated with special ointments and preparations, and cracks of an allergic nature are treated with antihistamines.

If cracks occur due to beriberi, then it is necessary to enrich your diet with foods containing vitamins A and E, that is olive oil, nuts, herbs, orange fruits and vegetables.

The causes of cracks in the hands can also be psoriasis, in which case the treatment should be fully agreed with the doctor and aimed at curing the underlying disease.

Widely used for the treatment of sores of various nature healing herbs. You can prepare a special mixture from the collection of chamomile, calendula, plantain and succession, pour boiling water and insist for eight hours. Then grind butter with honey, add infusion there and lubricate the sore spots with this mixture. A pleasant and useful home remedy is rose petal cream. It is necessary to grind the rose petals into gruel, mix with a spoonful of lard, let the ointment brew, and then lubricate the affected areas with it.


The appearance of cracks in the hands can be prevented by following elementary rules prevention. First, it's important to wash your hands. soft water and mild soap. The skin should be wiped dry, it is especially important not to leave moisture between the fingers, because it is there that the skin is most often prone to such lesions. After washing, be sure to lubricate skin moisturizing cream.

Do not use household chemicals without gloves, as their composition is aggressive towards skin health, and very often it is household chemicals that cause ulcers on the hands.

The skin of the hands very often deteriorates from hypothermia, because low temperatures due to the fact that the vessels narrow under the influence of cold, thus provoke insufficient nutrition of the skin, so keep your hands warm.

Those people whose skin is dry, prone to peeling, need to regularly do nourishing moisturizing baths weekly. Wheat germ oil, olive, almond or apricot oil is added to the baths, which enrich the skin with vitamin E.