Cedar oil for the face. For whom is it suitable and what effect does it have? Methods of using cedar oil in cosmetology

Essential oils that have been used in cosmetic purposes thousands of years ago, and now have not lost their popularity. One of the unique tools is essential oil cedar, the benefits of which for skin and hair will be discussed.

Useful components of cedar oil

Cedar oil contains compounds that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face, body and hair. The main ones include:

  • terpenes;
  • cedar trees;
  • cedrol;
  • Atlantons.

True cedar phyto-essences are oils isolated from Himalayan or Atlas cedar. Of the fakes, it is worth highlighting the ethers of cypress and juniper, which manufacturers pass off as cedar.

Cedar essential oil for facial skin

As mentioned above, phytoessences have been used for more than one millennium to treat diseases and in cosmetology. Cedar essential oil is no exception, its components have the following effect on the condition of the skin of the face:

  • As part of the masks, the agent helps their components to penetrate deeper into the skin and have a more effective effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Acceleration of the process of regeneration of skin cells. Renewal at the cellular level is the main factor of youth, it is thanks to this process that small wrinkles do not appear on the skin of the face.
  • Skin oil regulation. The components of this essential oil improve metabolic processes in cells and help regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Cedar essential oil can help owners of both dry and oily skin.

Ways to use phytoessence

There are several ways to use essential oils. Firstly, this is a spot application, which perfectly helps to eliminate local imperfections of the epidermis, for example, pimples. To do this, simply apply a large number of funds for the irritated area of ​​​​the face.

Secondly, applying to the skin as part of a mask. This method is great for troubleshooting lipid metabolism ie for oily skin. To prepare the mask, take the right one for your skin type. base oil in an amount of 5 ml, for example, wheat germ pomace, mix it with 4 drops of cedar phytoessence. The mask should be applied once a day to thoroughly cleansed skin. The procedure should be done in courses of 10 days with a break of 1.5 months.

A mask for dry skin is no less good, for the preparation of which it is necessary to combine cedar oil ester (10 drops) with finely ground oatmeal (10 g) and honey (1 tsp). The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin and washed off after 15 minutes.

Thirdly, it is useful to add cedar essential oil to face masks made from clay, fruit pulp, dairy and other products. This will greatly increase the efficiency of the funds used. You can also use cedar phytoessence as a compress - for this, a slightly warm agent must be applied to cotton pad and apply to the wrinkle area.

Essential oil of cedar for hair and nails

The compounds contained in cedar phytoessence will help with such sensitive issues like baldness and dandruff. To get rid of these cosmetic troubles, you need to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of black tea and the same amount of vodka and 3 drops of cedar phytoessence to the hair roots. The mixture must be washed off after three hours of soaking with your usual shampoo or hair soap. It is useful to repeat the procedure no more than 2 times within 7 days until the dandruff disappears and increased hair loss is eliminated. The reviews that you can read about this wonderful mask are really impressive. Hair regrowth is observed after the first two weeks of applying the mixture.

Maintain healthy and beautiful manicure this essential oil will also help, as it is an excellent solution for the problem of dry cuticles. To hydrate this area, simply apply 2 drops of Cedar Phyto Essence Blend (5 drops) and almond oil(1 tablespoon) on the nail and the skin next to it. After such a mask, the cuticle will look more well-groomed, and the manicure will become more neat.

Contraindications and restrictions on use

Like any natural product, cedar oil ether should be used with extreme caution for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. To be safe, an allergy test should be done before using this product. To do this, drop a small amount of liquid on the skin of the elbow bend or on the wrist and observe if there are any negative reactions of the body within 3-6 hours.

Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from using cedar phytoessence for cosmetic and aromatherapy purposes.

Cedar essential oil should not be used by people with increased pigmentation skin. This is due to the fact that an oily liquid can enhance the appearance age spots. For the same reason, owners of freckles should be especially careful to use this remedy.

Cedar oil is a very ambiguous concept, as it is obtained from various coniferous varieties. Essential cedar oil has received quite wide popularity in the field of traditional medicine. The oil is used in the treatment of colds and flu, in perfumery, mainly in men's creams from irritation.

There are a fairly large number of varieties of trees that are called "cedar". But the closest in this variety are cedar and pine. But more recently, it has been proven that the cedar originates from ancient times. Every part of the planet has its own cedar. Cedar oil is obtained from wood material, young shoots, softened bark. The color range of this oil generally varies from yellow to brown. It has a viscous texture and a smoky flavor.

Cedar essential oil, properties

This type of oil has wide range healing properties for human immunity.

Cedar essential oil, properties and uses:

  • Used as an anti-inflammatory agent and analgesic
  • Stops infectious processes in the respiratory tract
  • Relieves itchy skin
  • Prevents the appearance of viruses
  • Fights bacteria
  • Removes spasm
  • Acts as an antifungal agent
  • Heals wounds quickly
  • May reduce the risk of periodontal disease

Moreover, cedar oil has adaptogenic properties that restore the energy aura, relieve tension and stress, increase the efficiency of the brain, increase the level physical activity, sleep quality. Thanks to these properties, cedar oil is recommended for those who suffer from chronic anxiety and stress.

The oil also has expectorant properties. For this reason, doctors often prescribe it for flu and colds. Assign it in the form of inhalation. It cleans from the accumulated macro Airways and light, completely relieves the symptoms of a cold.Many for prevention infectious diseases carry out aromatization of the apartment. Such an atmosphere awakens cheerfulness and freshness.

Thanks to the fungicidal effectiveness of the oil, fungus can also be cured. The oil destroys skin fungus. And insecticidal properties are often used against mosquitoes and flies. In this case, it is necessary to use special fumigators.

Essential oil in cosmetology, treatment, traditional medicine and aromatherapy

The oil is often used for the treatment and prevention skin diseases, including seborrhea and dandruff. The oil stimulates lymphatic drainage, which helps to stop the appearance of edema.

In order to strengthen the body's immunity, warn yourself against diseases of cardio-vascular system, improve the process in the circulatory system, conduct a special aromatherapy based on the use of cedar essential oil.

External use of cedar oil helps to relieve arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

The components contained in the oil help in regeneration, promote rapid healing scratches, wounds. Plus, they can neutralize Negative influence harmful substances, namely, alcohol, prevent bad breath.

In cosmetology, oil is also widespread. It is different from others cosmetics the fact that it does not contain any chemical additives, but at the same time perfectly soothes and rejuvenates the skin, stops inflammatory processes, removes acne, effectively fights acne, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, infiltrates. Perfectly copes with the prevention against keratosis of the skin.

Essential oil of cedarwood for hair

The essential oil helps full recovery keratin layer, which means it strengthens and restores hair, gives it shine and silkiness. Usually, cypress, juniper, rosemary or neroli oil is chosen to improve the quality of hair.

How and in what cases to use cedar oil?

To relieve fatigue and improve performance, as well as increase the protective function, that is, strengthen the immune system, restore the functioning of the heart, stabilize blood circulation, it is necessary to carry out an aromatherapy procedure with the help of cedar oil. To do this, you need an aroma lamp and a few drops of essential oil.

To carry out aromatization in the apartment, you need a spray bottle filled with a mixture. To prepare the mixture, filtered water and 2 ml of alcohol are needed. Add 5 drops of essential cedar oil to the mixture.

To relieve stress, tension, to relax the body, many people prefer to take a bath, adding cedar oil to it. To carry out such procedures, you need to know which ingredients go well with cedar oil. So, you can take cream or milk and add 8-10 drops of butter there. If desired, you can add honey at least 2 tablespoons. The procedure should last no more than twenty minutes. Such a rest is best done before going to bed.

The oil has a very useful property, it enhances lymphatic drainage. This property is useful in that it effectively fights cellulite. To get rid of cellulite, all you need is a regular massage. To prepare the cream, you need to take 10 ml of almond or olive oil and add a couple of drops of cedar oil.

For headache different nature cedar oil helps no less. In order to take off headache, a lotion is being made. The lotion is done like this: you need to take boiled warm water, dissolve 5 drops of oil in it, then take gauze, moisten it in the solution and put it on your forehead. When the compress cools down, the procedure must be repeated two more times.

If the joints hurt, then it is necessary to rub oil into the places of pain. Cedar oil can also be mixed with clove or rosemary oil. Before carrying out the procedure, it is best to apply a warm compress to the affected area.

Often, oil is also used for diseases such as sciatica, plexitis, myositis, as well as for lesions sciatic nerve. To prepare the cream, you need flaxseed or olive oil and cedar oil. Before rubbing the cream, warming procedures are performed on the affected areas. This course of treatment will be 15 procedures. And they should be done every day.

If hair falls out, then 3 mg of oil should be added to the shampoo. In the same way, you can get rid of oily hair. To do this, prepare a mixture of olive and cedar oil. This mixture is applied to the hair, rubbed well and left for an hour or two. And then wash your hair with regular shampoo.

In order to make nails stronger, eliminate their delamination and brittleness, restore the cuticle and the plate, it is necessary to rub a cream prepared on the basis of citrus oil and cedar oil at least once a day every day. After a week of using this cream, you will immediately notice an improvement. Nails become stronger and take on a more pleasant appearance.

Rosemary leaves, also known as sea dew, are mainly used in cooking. But its properties are most famous in folk medicine. It is in no way inferior to cedar oil. And the combination of these two oils is very effective. The resulting mixture has the property of a strong analgesic.

For fatty type skin needs a mask from one large spoon grape oil and a couple of drops of cedar. The mixture should be applied to a cleansed face. After about half an hour, the mask is wiped off with wet wipes. This mask helps to reduce the secretion sebum, which means it eliminates oily sheen.

In order to get rid of residual effects after pimples or acne, it is necessary to use a mixture of one small spoonful of cocoa and two drops of oil. This mass must be applied directly to scars and scars. Apply the mask no more three times per day. The course of treatment is two weeks. This procedure also helps with rosacea.


  • This type of oil is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
  • It is not recommended to use this type of oil if you have your own intolerance or an allergic reaction.
  • During pregnancy
  • With severe nervous disorder
  • If there are diseases related to the kidneys, acute form

You should be aware that the use of oil in large doses can lead to irritation or disruption of the skin. It is also known that cedar oil is intended only for external applications.

In the article we consider cedar oil for the face. You will learn about it useful properties oh and how to use the remedy at home. We'll take a look at a few recipes. useful masks for the face and tell you about contraindications to the use of the product. Also in our article you will find reviews of people who used this useful tool.

Cedar oil is extracted from the fruits of the cedar pine, which is found mainly in Siberia. Do not confuse cedar and cedar pine, as they are completely different plants.

For example, the seeds of cedar are not eaten, but the fruits of the Siberian pine nut are edible, and oil, valuable in its biological composition, is produced from them.

Pine nut oil is a vegetable product with a characteristic oily texture. Depending on the production method and the degree of purification, the oil may have a light or dark shade yellow color.

Produce this useful product by cold pressing. This method of production preserves the maximum of useful substances.

The value of cedar oil lies in its rich beneficial composition.

The product contains more than 15 trace elements, all the vitamins and essential amino acids necessary for skin health. Almost 60% of cedar nut oil consists of linoleic acid, which helps in the fight against various diseases skin, improves its appearance and has a high regenerating ability.

The beneficial composition of the oil contains a whole range of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nourish and strengthen it.

That is why this product is considered unique and has no analogues.

The action of cedar oil for different types skin:

  1. For dry type - the product actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores water balance, prevents moisture loss and tissue deficiency, eliminates peeling.
  2. For oily type - the oil gently cleanses the skin, relieves acne, acne and traces of post-acne, makes it even and smooth.
  3. For sensitive skin - cedar oil relieves inflammation and redness, eliminates unpleasant itching and promotes rapid healing of damaged areas of the epidermis.
  4. For aging skin - the product protects against premature aging, tones and tightens it. Wrinkles become less visible, the complexion improves and acquires radiance.

Pine nut oil is used to care for delicate children's skin due to its hypoallergenicity. Oil protects against harmful effects environment, nourishes and heals the epidermis.

The use of cedar oil for the face

The natural composition of cedar oil allows it to be widely used for cosmetic purposes. The agent is used in its pure form, and also added to various masks, lotions or creams.

In its pure form, pine nut oil is used instead of a cream or nourishing compresses are made with it.

Wipe your face with a wet swab, then put on top tissue paper or gauze dipped in slightly warmed cedar oil. Keep this compress for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Cedar oil can be used instead of a night cream. To do this, before going to bed, apply a couple of drops to cleansed face skin. warm oil and rub it with gentle massaging movements. Rinse off is not required. If you feel that excess oil remains on the skin, blot with a dry cloth.

The use of the product provides sensitive facial skin high protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, so cedar oil is used for daily care behind the skin summer period. Before going outside, apply a couple of drops of oil on your face and let it absorb.

Due to its light consistency, the product is often used for the skin around the eyes.

Care for this area should be especially gentle, so the oil is applied exclusively with fingertips, with soft patting movements. A couple of drops of daily care for the delicate skin around the eyes will provide a visible effect in a week.

Face masks with cedar oil

To combat dry skin, to eliminate wrinkles and to get rid of acne, face masks with the addition of cedar oil will help.

Consider a few simple recipes.

Mask for dry and sensitive skin


  1. Chamomile flowers (dry mix) - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Nettle leaves - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Cedar oil - 10 ml.

How to cook: Pour nettle leaves and dried chamomile into a saucepan, pour one glass of boiling water over it, cover and let it brew for 30 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, drain the liquid through a fine sieve. Add cedar oil to the remaining herbal mixture and stir.

How to use: Gently apply the mask to clean skin spread evenly and leave for 15-20 minutes for the herbal mixture to dry. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Result: The mask intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminates peeling and relieves inflammation. Regular care behind the face with this mask protects sensitive skin from the harsh summer sun.

Mask for aging skin


  1. Quail eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Rice flour - 15 gr.
  3. Pine nut oil - 5 ml.
  4. Shea butter - 3 gr.

How to cook: Whisk the quail eggs rice flour and stir. Add shea butter and cedar butter to the egg mixture and mix again.

How to use: Wash your face with warm water, apply the resulting mask on dry skin. Leave the product on for 45 minutes, then rinse.

To remove the mask, use rosehip infusion.

Result: The mask helps to get rid of wrinkles and pigmentation. Due to its high regenerative ability, the product relieves the skin of scars and acne marks. After applying the mask, the skin is smoothed, acquires healthy look and saturated with oxygen. The tool is suitable for gentle care behind the skin of the eyelids.

Mask for problem skin


  1. Nettle decoction - 20 ml.
  2. Cedar oil - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Essential oil of cedar - 3 drops.
  4. Dry yeast - 10 gr.

How to cook: Pour the yeast with nettle broth and let them swell. Add cedar oils and stir.

How to use: Before applying the mask, steam the skin of the face, this will help more deep cleansing and penetration nutrients. Apply the mask on steamed skin for a quarter of an hour. Avoid the area around the eyes. After the procedure, wash off the mask with cool water, and treat the foci of inflammation clean oil cedar.

Result: The mask helps to get rid of pimples and acne, prevents the spread of skin infection and soothes irritated skin. The oil promotes rapid healing of damaged skin, relieves inflammation and eliminates redness.


For oral use, cedar oil is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • renal failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • easily excitable nervous system.

Caution should be used in the treatment of hypertension.

Before using the product, it is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test so as not to harm the skin. To do this, apply a couple of drops to inner surface hands. If during the day it is not observed allergic reaction and any discomfort at the site of application, then you can use the product.

Where can I buy

Pine nut oil can be purchased at a pharmacy, specialized stores or ordered online.

Natural oil has a characteristic sediment at the bottom of the bottle and a cloudy consistency.

The average cost of a 150 ml bottle is 450 rubles.

In this article, we will look at the use of cedar oil for the face. You can find out what benefits it will bring to your skin, how to use it correctly at home. Learn recipes effective masks. We will also talk about contraindications to the use of the substance.

Cedar oil has been used in cosmetology for many centuries. Even in ancient times, it was used both for treatment and for beauty.

Benefits of cedar oil for the face

This product is obtained from the kernels of cedar pine cones. Most often this tree can be found in Siberia. It is important to know that cedar pine and just cedar are two completely different types trees.

The seeds of the bowels are inedible, but the fruits of the tree are quite often eaten. This is a very tasty and healthy product. It is often used to make butter.

Cedar oil has an oily texture. It may be light yellow, or it may be darker. It depends on how it was produced and how well it is cleaned. To preserve all the useful properties that this product has, it is obtained by cold pressing. To do this, squeeze the kernels of cedar cones. At correct application products based on this miraculous product give excellent results.

Why is this oil so useful for our body? It's all about richness. In terms of its usefulness, this product cannot be replaced, since there are no analogues to it in nature.


As part of this substance, there are many trace elements we need, there are valuable amino acids. It also contains just all those vitamins that help maintain the health and youth of the integument. This product seems to be designed for this. Linoleic acid, of which the substance consists of more than half, helps the body fight many skin diseases. In addition, with its help, the skin becomes younger, and its cells are updated much faster.

A set of vitamins in this unique vegetable oil nourish the skin of the face, contribute to its strengthening, increase elasticity. If we compare cedar with other representatives of plant origin, then it contains much more vitamins F and E. Interestingly, in terms of vitamin F content, cedar oil is superior to fish oil. It is thanks to this chemical composition that this indispensable product will bring amazing benefits. There is no product more beneficial for the skin than this oil. Except cosmetic problems It will help fight eczema and dermatitis.

Oil composition:

  1. Vitamin E. For the beauty of the skin, it plays a decisive role. There is much more of this vitamin in this product than in olive oil.
  2. Vitamin F. There is more of it in cedar oil than even in fish oil. This component is responsible for the regeneration of the skin.
  3. B vitamins. These components activate all metabolic processes in tissues.
  4. Vitamins A and D will give the skin elasticity.
  5. Other necessary for the body substances - iodine, magnesium, phosphorus and many others.

  1. Cedar oil nourishes dry skin of the face and promotes natural hydration, enriches essential vitamins. Due to the restoration of water balance, peeling is eliminated.
  2. If you are the owner oily skin face, this product will clean it. It will help get rid of problems with acne and blackheads, even out the surface.
  3. With sensitive - eliminate irritation, inflammation. You will get rid of itching, wounds will heal faster.
  4. If the face began to fade prematurely, this tool is also great for solving the problem. The skin is tightened, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The complexion will become bright and radiant.

Due to the fact that the substance does not cause allergies, it is often used to care for the skin of a child. It protects well from adverse factors, and also promotes healing.


Cosmetologists very often recommend this product for various procedures. He has rich natural composition which makes it very effective in dealing with skin problems. It can be used as the main ingredient in cosmetics, as well as an additive to creams, masks and other products.

  1. In its pure form, oil compresses are made or applied to the face simply as a cream. To make a compress, you first need to cleanse your face. Wetting the flap natural fabric in slightly warmed oil, put it on your face. The action of the compress is 30 minutes, after which the product must be washed off well.
  2. If you want to replace night cream cedar oil, then heat a few drops and rub into the skin face light massage movements. You don't need to rinse it off.
  3. In summer, on a sunny day, before a walk, rub a few drops of oil, it is well absorbed. This habit will protect skin from dangerous ultraviolet radiation.
  4. The consistency of the substance is quite light. Therefore, it is allowed to use it even for such a delicate area as the skin around the eyes. Lightly pat with fingertips to apply to the area. If you do this procedure daily, you will see a positive result in a few days.
  5. This product can be enriched with cosmetics bought in the store. At the same time, for a greater effect, in addition to vegetable, it is advised to add the essential oil of this tree. In cosmetology, this product is used not only for the face, but also to improve the condition of the hair. Cosmetologists recommend adding it to both face creams and shampoos and balms.

In addition to the face and hair, it is also used to care for eyelashes, as well as nail plates, delicate skin of the lips, rough areas of the elbows, knees, heels.

Masks with this miraculous substance help with dry skin peeling, acne, and premature wrinkles.

Here are some easy recipes:

  1. If the skin of the face is very sensitive, prone to dryness and flaking, take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, the same amount of nettle leaves. Oil for this serving will need 10 ml. Herbs are poured into a container, pouring boiling water in an amount of 250 ml. Cover and let steep for half an hour. After that, the liquid must be well filtered. Only then cedar oil is added and the ingredients are mixed well. Apply this mask on well-cleansed skin. even layer. The exposure time is about 20 minutes. During this time, the product should dry out a little. Then it is washed off with warm water. As a result of this procedure, you will receive maximum nutrition. The skin will be moisturized and stop peeling, redness will disappear. If you use such a tool often, it will reduce the effect on the face. aggressive impact sun rays.
  2. Mask for aging skin. take two quail eggs, 15 gr. rice flour, 5 ml each of shea butter and pine nuts. Eggs are beaten, after which rice flour is added to them. Then oils are added, the ingredients are mixed. Cleanse and dry skin before application. On the face, such a mask should remain for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off. It is advisable to wash off such a remedy with rosehip infusion. At regular use you will get rid of age spots, fine wrinkles. The components of the mask increase the skin's ability to recover, so even small scars and marks after acne will disappear with prolonged use. Due to the enrichment with oxygen, the skin will acquire more healthy color. Also, such a mask can be applied to the skin of the eyelids.
  3. At problematic skin. Pour a small pack of dry yeast with nettle decoction in an amount of 25 ml, after swelling, add a few drops of cedar ether and 5 ml of this tree oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. If you steam your face well before applying, then the effect of the product will be more effective, since the beneficial substances will penetrate more deeply. Action time - 15 minutes. Do not apply the mask to the area under the eyes. After washing off, oil without additives can be applied to problem areas. Such a tool will help with acne, soothe the skin, eliminate the infection, redness will pass, wounds and other injuries will heal faster.
  4. For frostbite, soak a cloth in oil and apply to the affected skin. This will greatly help to restore it faster due to the regenerating effect.


The product should not be taken orally with the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • kidney disease;
  • increased tendency to nervous excitability.
If you are suffering from high blood pressure, use the oil carefully, after consulting with your doctor first.

Do an allergy test by applying a drop to the crook of your elbow. Please wait 24 hours. And if you do not experience any reaction on the epidermis or any discomfort, means that you can not be afraid of unwanted reactions.

Where can I buy

This product is freely available in pharmacies and stores specializing in this type of product. It can also be ordered through the online store. Distinguish natural product can be cloudy color and sediment at the bottom of the bottle. One bottle can cost up to 500 rubles.


  1. Special chemical composition cedar oil makes it unique. That is, it cannot be replaced by any other.
  2. If you regularly use this face care product, then the skin color will always be fresh. In addition, it protects the face from many negative factors.
  3. Masks, which include such a component, will help not only get rid of many problems, but will also promote healing.

Video: cedar oil for the beauty of skin, nails, hair

Cedar is a tree that grows in the territories of Siberia, as well as in taiga reserves. His healing properties were known to the people since ancient times. Many centuries ago, bark, nuts and needles were used to treat colds, scurvy and many other diseases. They learned how to make cedar oil relatively recently: about three centuries ago. During this time, it has managed to establish itself in the field of cosmetology, and today it is added to various creams, masks and gommages. It contains many useful properties, thanks to which the skin of the face will remain fresh, young and healthy for many years.

Useful properties of cedar oil

Pine nut oil is produced from nuts: it is squeezed out by hot pressing. color y finished product straw, and the aroma is gently coniferous, fresh and pleasant. You can buy oil at any cosmetic store or pharmacy. The cost of a bottle of 100 ml is about 500 rubles. Quite expensive, but very effective for skin care. The oil is not essential, it is even eaten.

Cedar oil is very beneficial for facial skin.

It has won a place in cosmetology due to a whole list of useful properties:

  • skin nutrition. Thanks to vitamins of groups B, A and D, the layers of the dermis are saturated necessary elements, the skin acquires fresh look and velvety;
  • regulation of water balance. The oil protects the skin from dryness, controls the flow and loss of moisture in the tissues. It copes well with peeling and keratinization, helps to get rid of them;
  • rejuvenating effect. Due to the amino acids and antioxidants included in the composition, the oil smoothes both mimic and age wrinkles and also prevents premature aging;
  • healing action. Wounds, cuts and small cracks - cedar oil stimulates regeneration processes and allows you to get rid of these negative aspects in a short time;
  • calming effect. The property will be useful for people with sensitive type skin, as well as for those who regularly wear makeup. After all, the face gets tired of cosmetics and begins to protest in the form of pimples and inflammation. The oil helps to avoid this and give the skin relaxation and peace;
  • solution to acne problem. Oil dries them and removes inflammation. After a while, the skin becomes completely clear.

Cosmetologists especially advise using cedar oil during the cold season, when the skin becomes more sensitive and dry. The product will take good care of her.

Important! Do not confuse cedar essential oil with ordinary. The first is concentrated and requires a different approach in application. It is made from wood and needles. The article presents recipes with ordinary cedar oil.

The use of cedar oil in cosmetology

There are many ways to use cedar oil for the face. Let's consider some of them.

Pure anti-wrinkle oil

Unfortunately, the aging process is inevitable and sooner or later will overtake everyone. Hence the need for special care for already elderly skin arises. Cedar oil has a very effective action against signs of aging. In order to smooth out wrinkles, as well as prevent their appearance, cosmetologists recommend using it in its pure form. For this you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • small capacity;
  • 1 tsp cedar oils.

Mode of application:

  1. The skin must be cleansed before the procedure. To do this, you can make a scrub or just wash yourself with special tool which you usually use. So the pores will be cleansed, and there will be no barrier for nutrients from secretions sebaceous glands.
  2. On a cotton pad, apply the indicated amount of oil, and then squeeze it over the container to remove excess.
  3. With a cotton pad soaked in cedar oil, massage the product over the entire skin of the face and neck with massage movements. Do it slowly, don't rush. If the cotton pad is frayed, take another one, soak it in the remnants that you previously decant into a container, and continue the procedure. This massage should be done for 5 minutes.
  4. Then take a paper towel and pat it over your face and neck. This way you will get rid of the residue that has not been absorbed and will not stain your clothes or bed linen.

With regular use of cedar oil, you will look younger

Important! Unlike many anti-aging creams, which have an age limit, such a procedure can be done at 40 and at 18 years old - there will be no harm. This way you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Effective acne remedy

Acne is a fairly common problem that worries girls and women of all ages. To get rid of them, there are a lot of cosmetics that do not always help due to the lack of therapeutic components. There are very a good option, allowing not only to save quite large amounts of money, which are usually left in pursuit of the desired product, but also suitable for almost everyone. This is cedar oil. In combination with aspirin, it is a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

In order to prepare a mixture for acne, we need the ingredients:

  • 8 drops of cedar oil;
  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • small capacity;
  • 3 drops of warm water.

Mode of application:

  1. Chop up the aspirin. To do this, place the tablet in a container and drip as much warm water on top as indicated in the recipe. Aspirin will begin to soften, you can help it turn into gruel with a teaspoon.
  2. After you achieve a homogeneous consistency, add cedar oil, and then mix thoroughly. Powerful tool ready for acne.
  3. You need to apply it pointwise, you can do this with cotton swab. Cover problem areas with the mixture for 10 minutes. After this time, you need to wash with warm water.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure every evening for a week: this is how long one course lasts. If necessary, repeat it with a break of 14 days, after which they do the same. Acne spots gradually disappear, and redness decreases after the first application.

Aspirin has an anti-inflammatory effect

How to deal with edema of the eyelids

Edema of the eyelids is a common occurrence. For some, this is a hereditary predisposition, for others it is the result of a disturbed water-salt balance. In any case, hanging eyelids look unaesthetic. They give the look fatigue, it is quite difficult to apply makeup on them. How to deal with this phenomenon? Compresses with cedar oil will help well. In order to make them, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp green tea;
  • 10 drops of cedar oil;
  • 50 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 cotton pads.

Mode of application:

  1. Tea must be brewed with the amount of boiling water indicated in the recipe. Cover with a lid and let stand until completely cooled.
  2. Each of cotton pads soak in liquid and wring out to remove excess moisture.
  3. Apply 5 drops of cedar oil to one and the other.
  4. To apply the compress, it is necessary to take a horizontal position. The eyes must be closed, and prepared cotton pads should be applied to the eyelids.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, after which the remnants of the product are wiped off with a paper or regular towel. Experts recommend doing such compresses during the week in the morning and evening. After the course, edema appears less frequently.

Tea - effective remedy to combat swelling of the eyelids

Moisturizing mask for all skin types

All skin types require hydration, especially those with winter time when frost dries out the layers of the epidermis. enjoy oily creams not always safe, because they clog pores and do not allow enough air to pass through, create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, which causes acne.

To prepare a mask that will help saturate the skin with moisture, you need simple ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp cedar oil;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 50 ml of boiling water.
  1. First you need to brew cereals. It is better to buy those that are intended for fast food. So they soften much faster. So, pour the cereal into a container, pour the specified amount of boiling water, cover with a lid and wait 20 minutes. After this time, they will swell and cool a little.
  2. Using a blender, grind the oatmeal to a puree state, set the container aside.
  3. The protein must be separated from the yolk, in no case mixing them together.
  4. In a high-sided bowl, whisk the egg white until stiff peaks form.
  5. Mix the protein with mashed oatmeal.
  6. We warm up a little cedar oil and pour it into a container with a future mask.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly.
  8. The skin needs to be well prepared: make a scrub that cleans the pores. Then, with a brush, apply the mask to the entire surface of the face and neck, avoiding the areas around the eyes, nose and lips.

Keep the mixture for 20 minutes, after this time, rinse with warm water. The skin after such a procedure becomes soft and velvety. With regular use, minor inflammation disappears.

Egg white nourishes the skin and saturates it with useful amino acids.

Purifying mask for oily skin

Permanent fatty film on the forehead and cheeks, black dots - these unpleasant phenomena bother so many girls and women. The need for cleansing occurs in everyone, but it is especially great for those with oily skin. You have to carry matting wipes with you, regularly adjust your makeup. There is a way to make life easier. A cleansing face mask with cedar oil will help to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as get rid of blackheads. Activated charcoal, which is part of it, will draw out impurities from the pores.


  • 1 tsp gelatin;
  • 2 tablets activated carbon;
  • 10 drops of cedar oil;
  • 50 ml of warm water.

Mode of application:

  1. First you need to grind activated charcoal. To do this, it is placed in a small container, even on a saucer, and then soaked by adding 2-3 drops of warm water to the tablet. Using a teaspoon, knead the coal, getting the consistency of gruel.
  2. Next step: preparing the gelatin. It is poured into warm water and start stirring. If the crystals do not dissolve, hold the container in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil. It is important that the utensils are metal and not plastic, so think about this beforehand. The result should be a homogeneous liquid slightly thicker than ordinary water.
  3. Activated charcoal slurry and the amount of cedar oil indicated in the recipe are added to it, after which it is mixed well.
  4. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face and neck with a brush, avoiding the lips, eyes and nose. Keep the mask on until complete drying, approximately 25 minutes.
  5. Remove the mask without water: a thin film is carefully removed by hand.

At the end of the procedure, you can apply a moisturizer that you usually use. In just a few applications, you will get rid of blackheads, the pores will be completely cleansed, and the oiliness of the skin will decrease. It is recommended to use the product 2 times a week for a month.

Activated carbon has an adsorbing property, so it easily draws out impurities from the pores.

Nourishing mask

Skin nutrition useful substances- pledge of her beauty appearance. There are many products on the shelves of stores, the purpose of which is to saturate the layers of the epidermis with vitamins and minerals, but many complain that most of them are allergic. Whether there is a natural remedy that will help resolve this issue? Yes, this is a nourishing mask with cedar oil, which is very easy to prepare at home. For this you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 10 drops of cedar oil;
  • half a banana.
  1. First you need to chop the banana. You can do this with a fork or a blender: it all depends on what is more convenient for you.
  2. IN banana puree add the amount of sour cream and cedar oil indicated in the recipe. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Nourishing mask ready.
  3. It is necessary to clean the face with a scrub, after which you can start applying the product.
  4. Spread the mask evenly over the skin with special brush, leaving intact the areas of the lips, eyes and nose.
  5. After 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

Immediately after the procedure, you can notice that the skin has become softer and more pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to make a mask once a week for 2 months. Then withstand a break of 14 days and, if necessary, repeat all over again.

This mask will replace various store funds containing preservatives and unwanted chemicals.

Banana masks have a moisturizing effect, and also perfectly nourish and tone the skin of the face, even out the color and help get rid of acne.