Masks for aging, withering facial skin. Homemade masks for (against) wrinkles. Herbal mask for aging skin. An effective lifting mask

Masks for aging facial skin, prepared at home, with regular use, are no less effective than beauty injections. Together with proper nutrition And sports loads home care for the skin of the face will bring considerable savings and will delight you with visible results.

The first wrinkles appear after 23-25 ​​years. Active facial expressions are to blame for this, in the corners of the eyes and lips the muscles form frequent folds, which then turn into wrinkles. After 30 years are clearly visible " crow's feet» on the eyelids, longitudinal folds on the forehead, bridge of the nose. In the elderly, the corners of the mouth drop, nasolabial wrinkles deepen.

Metabolic processes slow down over the years, changes hormonal background. The subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue loses volume. Muscle tone weakens, causing cheeks to sag. The circulation in the vessels is disturbed, the complexion changes. Collagen and elastin fibers cease to be renewed, since the basal cells - the basis of the epidermis - cease to divide.

Facial skin aging types:

  1. Wrinkly. No sagging muscles and excess subcutaneous fat. The skin is thin, dry, easily irritated and reddened. Covered with a network of small wrinkles.
  2. Muscular. The contours do not change, the cheeks remain smooth. Pigmentation appears, folds on the eyelids and corners of the mouth.
  3. deformational. The vessels dilate, forming red spots on the cheeks. The eyelids swell, the muscles become fat and decrepit. A second chin appears.
  4. Tired. Nasolabial folds and corners of the mouth, eyelids fall early. The tone decreases, the skin is dry and dull. Eyes sink.
  5. Combined. With this type, there are all signs of wilting at once or several in combination.

Prevent the appearance of signs of age on the skin with the help of prevention, without waiting for obvious symptoms. Local application masks at home corrects and reduces signs of aging.

How masks work

The effect of masks on the skin differs from creams and serums in an instant visible result. This is due to the high concentration of minerals and vitamins. Biologically active raw materials that are used at home for cosmetic procedures ah, free of preservatives and other chemical additives.

Masks for aging skin increase the effect of other cosmetics. Often creams do not give any result until their action is supported by a course of masks. Moisturizing and cooling compositions will cope with irritations and redness after cleaning with scrubs, peeling.

There are recipes that help solve problems that skin care cosmetics can not cope with. For example, acne is easily defeated when, along with antibacterial lotions and drying creams, clay masks are used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

dense layer home remedy applied to the face after serum, cream, will not allow active substances to evaporate. Masks soften, moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis, facilitating cleaning, the subsequent penetration of useful elements deep into the skin. Improves the absorption of acids, retinoids, peptides. The natural mechanism of facial skin regeneration is launched.

Varieties of masks for aging skin

Homemade mask recipes are designed to solve various kinds of facial skin problems. Select the composition of substances that will cope with the task. To do this, determine the type of skin, the presence obvious signs wilting.

Facial mask options for aging skin:

Kinds Problems to be solved Result
Tonic Bad complexion, tired look, clogged pores Getting rid of dark circles under eyes, puffiness, dull shade
Whitening Strong pigmentation, freckles Evening skin tone, removing the effects of exposure to solar radiation
Rejuvenating, nourishing Wrinkled, flaccid skin Normalization of metabolism, stimulation of the production of elastin, collagen, lifting effect
Shrinking pores Oily sheen, blackheads Normalization of work sebaceous glands, cleansing and narrowing pores
Moisturizing Dry, sensitive skin, peeling, cracks Strengthening the outer layer of the skin, replenishing the water balance of cells, restoring skin respiration

Differences in composition

The important point is that basic facial skin care at home is carried out by three main actions:

  • cleansing,
  • moisturizing,
  • nutrition.

Proper alternation of masks will get rid of early aging facial skin, reduce cosmetic defects, heals the epidermis.


Herbal decoctions are added to cleansing masks for aging skin of the face and neck. Moisturizing is achieved by selecting recipes containing juices of vegetables, fruits, berries. Well copes with this task gruel from aloe leaves. Aging skin will receive nutrition from dairy products, eggs, honey and oils.

Such procedures allow you to soften the outer stratum corneum of the skin, so that later it is easy to remove dead particles, open and clean the pores.

Recipes for cleansing homemade masks for aging skin:

  1. From birch leaves. Raw materials are crushed into gruel. 3 art. l. masses are mixed with 1 tbsp. l. peach oil and 1 tbsp. dry milk. After 15-20 minutes, wash with warm, followed by cool water.
  2. from plantain. Fresh clean leaves knead, dilute to a liquid slurry with warm water. Add 1 tsp. honey, rub. Apply to the skin, after 15 minutes remove with a damp cotton swab.
  3. From potatoes. Helps soothe sensitive skin without irritation. Raw potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater. The gruel is thickly spread on a piece of gauze, and covered with a cloth from above. The mask is applied to the face - 15 minutes for dry skin, for oily skin, the action time is increased to 1-1.5 hours.
  4. from chamomile. Dry flowers of the plant, dill greens take 2 tsp each, pour a glass of water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. In the resulting filtered cooled liquid, add 5 drops of pharmacy liquid vitamin A. tissue paper dipped in a decoction, slightly squeezed and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, remove, wash with cool water.
  5. From herbs. Dry linden flowers, chamomile, sage leaves, mint are mixed in 1 tsp. Add the mixture to a glass of boiling water, wait 15-20 minutes. By adding starch, the consistency of thick jelly is achieved. Lubricate the skin with a thick layer, wash off after 20 minutes.


Aloe leaves are prepared in advance. Cut with a clean sharp knife, kept in the refrigerator for two weeks to activate the regenerating substances of the plant.

Recipes for moisturizing masks for aging skin:

  1. from aloe. 2 tbsp. l. gruel from chopped leaves mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cosmetic oil. Thicken the mass of 1 tbsp. l. powdered milk or oatmeal, rice flour. For a nutritional effect, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, raw egg yolk. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. from fruit. Suitable apple, plum, melon, banana, peach. 1 st. l. the pulp is ground, thoroughly mixed with egg yolk and 1 tsp. honey. For dry skin, it is useful to mix 1 tbsp. l. butter, cream. Leave on the face for 20 minutes, remove with a damp swab.
  3. with yeast. A piece is cut off from a briquette of raw yeast, which, when crushed, will fit in 1 tbsp. l. Pour 5 tbsp. l. hot milk. Leave to ferment for 20 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. l. oil, rub and apply for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Recipe for dry aging skin.
  4. From glycerin. Dry chamomile flowers insist in boiling water, 1 tsp. for half a glass. Mixed with egg yolk 3 tbsp. infusion, add glycerin, honey and butter 1 tsp The composition covers the skin of the face and neck for 15 minutes, rinse. Relieves irritation, redness.
  5. From vegetables. Rub cabbage or cucumber on a fine grater, zucchini will do. Squeeze out the juice from the gruel through gauze. Apply it on the face with a cotton swab for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a damp cloth.
  6. From citrus. Grapefruit, orange, lemon juice is mixed with kefir, 1 tsp each. The mixture is thickened with rice flour. Time - 20 minutes.


Ingredients for masks are selected fresh, natural, dairy products, preferably without preservatives.

Recipes for nourishing masks for aging skin:

  1. With horseradish. The washed root is crushed, 1 tsp is added to the gruel. cream, yolk for dry, for oily skin - protein. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  2. With sour cream. Wheat germ oil, lemon juice and fatty sour cream, 1 tsp each, are mixed and lubricated on the skin. Remove after 20 minutes with a damp cloth.
  3. With fish oil. Buy liquid at the pharmacy fish fat, mixed with honey for 1 tsp. Dilute 3 tsp. water, applied to the face and neck, pinpoint 10 minutes.
  4. With iodine. Rub 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tsp. vaseline and honey. Add 2 drops of iodine. The mass is kept on the skin for 12 minutes, washed off with warm water.

A few drops of liquid pharmacy vitamins A and E in homemade masks will increase efficiency, lemon juice will whiten the skin, potato starch and protein will narrow the pores on the face.

And finally

The face is steamed and cleansed before applying the mask. It is recommended to apply masks on the skin face light massaging movements massage lines so as not to stretch the skin. The mixture is distributed evenly with a special spatula or spatula, bypassing the lips and eyes. Home masks are not stored, they are used immediately. The frequency of procedures is two, three per week. One course is at least 10 times.

Over time, the skin begins to age, loses its elasticity and becomes covered with a network of wrinkles, which makes you think about choosing a face mask at home for aging skin. You can stop the process and keep the beauty with the help of various cosmetics. But homemade masks for aging skin are the best way out for those who want to achieve effective rejuvenation without extra spending.

To choose the right cosmetic product For loose skin, you need not only to choose the right recipe, but also to determine your own skin type. What do they look like different types skin, what they are prone to:

  1. The combined type combines both the advantages and disadvantages of dry and oily skin. Owners of this type will have to create different masks and apply them on different parts of the face.
  2. Dry type. It looks clean and smooth, but due to the fact that there is not enough moisture, the skin becomes lethargic and flabby much faster than we would like. Therefore, you will have to constantly take care of such skin, following the recommended rules for moisturizing the epidermis.
  3. Bold type is aesthetic problem for its owners. The formation of acne and all kinds of pimples spoils appearance. But there is one big plus - such skin ages much more slowly, and proper care help you look good.
  4. The normal type is smooth and looks great. But still, it also needs to be properly looked after.

Recipes for face masks for aging skin at home: pick up suitable option and learn how to make makeup yourself.

Important! Before applying any product, it is necessary to degrease and clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, only then there will be a proper positive effect.

There are several recipes for cleansing compresses for aging and sagging skin.

Recipe #1

Leaves must be taken in equal proportions medicinal chamomile and the same amount of dill, about 1.5-2 teaspoons each. Pour all this with 200 grams of water and put on fire for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir the broth over low heat. Add 5 drops of vitamin A to a slightly cooled liquid. The resulting product is applied to a dry gauze napkin, and then applied to the surface of the face for 20 minutes as a cleansing compress.

Recipe #2

A quarter cup of strawberry fresh is mixed with the same amount of fresh cucumber juice. 200-250 g of wine is also added here, for oily skin you can take 45% alcohol. The preparation of the lotion is completed by adding 0.5 g salicylic acid which can be bought at a pharmacy. This option is suitable for evening anti-aging procedures. It is necessary to wipe the surface of the face for a month before anti-aging procedures.

Recipe #3

The simplest and fast way that can be combined with cooking is a potato mask. A little puree is taken, an egg yolk and a glass of cream are added. The mixture is applied to the face when it becomes a paste, be sure to carry out the procedure when the puree is still warm. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off. Dry aging skin is the most a big problem requiring double attention and following the rules. You will have to spend more time to put your face in order.

double mask

First, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice is taken, which is mixed with egg white. It is applied for 20 minutes, followed by the second stage of moisturizing. Take the yolk, 5 drops of olive oil and 10 drops of the same lemon juice. The second tool should be used immediately after the first - a double moisturizing effect will be provided.

Nourishing mask

Normal skin during the aging process also needs to be nourished and maintained in order to stop the unpleasant process. A little oatmeal is poured into a glass of hot low-fat milk when it cools to room temperature, it is applied for 20 minutes on the face. And here is a list of masks that are quickly created and help bring the face into full order with prolonged use:

  1. Fresh cucumber is grated, a spoonful of low-fat sour cream is added, applied for 15 minutes (suitable for all skin types).
  2. Two capsules of fish oil are supplemented with two tablespoons of honey, leave it on for 20 minutes (the effect of this remedy will not keep you waiting - after two weeks the skin is rejuvenated).
  3. Dilute wheat flakes with milk, a few drops of olive oil and the product is ready. Just 15 minutes and you can wash everything off.
  4. Bread crumb pour 100 g of milk, leave on the face for 15 minutes.
  5. Glycerin is very good for rejuvenation, it can be added to any home cosmetics. The recipe for a simple cream will help support the skin in winter season. For a teaspoon of glycerin, two of the same spoons of lemon juice are taken. Then honey is mixed with lemon zest, rubbed and added to the previously prepared mixture.
  6. For combination skin or fatty type there is another cool one effective recipe. The zest is cut from two lemons, poured with one glass of water and crushed with a blender. To get the lotion, you need to insist it for 5 hours. Then everything is filtered and supplemented with a spoonful of dry cream and honey in the same amount - the cream is ready for use. It should be applied at night and not washed off.

Interesting! Any cream can be used not only for the face, but also for the hands. The product is quickly absorbed, the rejuvenation procedure is carried out before going to bed, nothing needs to be washed off.

How to instantly bring aging skin in order?

In life there are different situations when you want to look classy. To bring aging skin in order in an emergency format. First of all, you need to degrease your face, for this you should wash or take a shower. In order to eliminate puffiness and bruising under the eyes, you need to make a weak tea leaves, soak cotton pads in it, and then put them on your eyelids. So you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes.

A face mask for aging skin can help many women regain their youth and beauty. There are currently many for sale. finished components. But, despite this, masks from natural products, fruits, vegetables, herbs. Almost all foods that are consumed by humans can be applied to the skin of the face as nourishing ingredients. These masks do not contain any chemical substances, do not require special financial expenses and are available for self-use at home.

Facial skin, regardless of its type, tends to change with age. Gradually, it fades, loses its flexibility, elasticity, irregularities and wrinkles form on it. When the aging process begins depends on many factors. If a person wants to suspend it, you need to follow the daily routine, diet, often go to fresh air, lead a mobile lifestyle, do physical gymnastics.

Night sleep should be at least 7-8 hours a day. Should be avoided bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, addiction to too spicy, peppery or salty foods. Very important role Skin rejuvenation is played by skin care. Currently, many anti-aging masks are being successfully used.

The use of yeast is of great benefit for aging skin.

Medicinal yeast is very effective in preventing the aging process. Therefore, many face masks for aging skin include them in their composition.

Rejuvenating face masks for all skin types

Green tea mask:

  1. You need to take 250 g of boiling water.
  2. Put in it 1 tbsp. l. green tea.
  3. Infuse for 1 hour, then cool.
  4. It is necessary to take gauze, soak in this infusion.
  5. Apply the soaked cloth on the face for 20 minutes.
  6. In order for a rejuvenating effect to occur, 10-15 procedures are required.

Flour mask with green tea:

  1. In 250 g of boiling water, stir 1 tbsp. l. green tea.
  2. Then the solution is cooled, filtered.
  3. After that, take 1 tbsp. l. flour, dilute it in this infusion to the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Put 1 egg yolk into the solution.
  5. Apply the suspension on the face for 15 minutes.
  6. The frequency of repetitions is 2 rubles / week.

Cottage cheese toning mask:

  1. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, add a pinch of salt, mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with running water.

Skin softening herbal mask:

  1. It is necessary to mix crushed chamomile, nettle, peony.
  2. After that, 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture pour 250 g of water.
  3. Boil the solution on the stove for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. Cool the resulting thick mass and apply on the face for 20 minutes.
  5. Then rinse with running water.

This mixture can be used every day. It prevents wilting, smoothes wrinkles, gives firmness and elasticity.

Anti-Wrinkle Mask:

  1. You need to take 1 egg yolk, 5 teaspoons of bran.
  2. The egg yolk is ground, mixed with bran and water is poured until a semi-liquid slurry is formed.
  3. The mixture is applied where there are wrinkles.
  4. After that, you need to lie down and leave the mask for 1 hour.
  5. Then everything is washed off with running water.

This procedure can be performed once a week.

Rejuvenating mustard mask (improves skin elasticity and smoothness and gives it a healthy tone):

  1. We must take 1 tsp. mustard, 2 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. water.
  2. The mixture is applied to the face and wait 5 minutes.
  3. Wash off the mask with running water.

Milk mask with honey:

  1. Stir 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. milk.
  2. Apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes.
  3. Then everything is washed off with water.

Anti-aging masks for oily skin types

To rejuvenate oily skin, it is good to use yeast masks.

  1. 1/3 pack of dry yeast should be diluted with yogurt.
  2. Then rinse off with running water.
  1. One teaspoon of dry yeast is mixed with three tablespoons of homemade kvass.
  2. The mixture is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with running water.
  1. Mix one tbsp. l. dry yeast, 3 tbsp. l. apple juice, one tsp. flour.
  2. The resulting suspension is applied to the face for 15 minutes.
  3. Then the mask is washed off with water.

Rejuvenating masks for dry skin

Dry skin is more prone to aging than other types. You need to take care of her very carefully and carefully. For this, they are effectively used.

  1. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast, 2 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tsp. honey.
  2. The components are mixed with each other and the resulting mixture is applied to the face: first, the first layer, after it dries, the second, and then, following a similar procedure, the final third.
  3. The mask is kept for 15 minutes.
  4. To remove it, use running water.
  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. yeast, 1 tsp. flour and 1 tsp. olive oil.
  2. The resulting mixture is slightly heated and the solution is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the mask is washed off with running warm water.
  1. It is necessary to mix 1 tsp. St. John's wort oil and 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Gauze, folded in several layers, is impregnated with the resulting mixture and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. After removing the mask, the remaining traces of it are washed off with water.

All of the above face mask recipes are for aging skin. They give it elasticity and healthy appearance, have an intense rejuvenating effect.

Easy-to-prepare homemade masks will help preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Learn how to prepare and use these miraculous compounds.

Causes of skin aging

A variety of factors influence the condition and beauty of the skin, and the most important is genes. The fact is that it is in the genes that the information is laid down what kind of skin will have in 5 or 10 years. That is why, if dry skin is inherited, there is a tendency to fade and appear early wrinkles, you need to start fighting these problems in your youth.

Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on the condition of the skin. Scientists conducted a number of studies, during which they were able to establish that as a result of the action of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, the amount of elastin and collagen in it is significantly reduced. However, this is no reason to permanently abandon sunbathing, because to eliminate this problem, it is enough to constantly take care of the skin, wear hats that will cover the face on vacation and during walks, and of course, it is important to constantly use special creams with UV filters.

Rapid aging of the skin can begin after a sharp weight loss. Due to the fact that a sharp decrease in body weight has begun, the body quickly loses subcutaneous fatty tissue. Therefore, the skin becomes very dry, begins to peel off strongly, fades.

To combat these unpleasant surprises you can use special moisturizing procedures. In the case when there is a tendency for the skin to peel and dry, after a bath or shower, you should not wipe it dry. It will be enough to lightly blot with a soft towel, and then apply any moisturizer.

The condition of the skin is directly affected by dietary errors, bad habits, frequent stress, including lack of sleep. In order for the skin to have not only a beautiful appearance, but also to be healthy, it is necessary to adhere to correct mode sleep, do not forget about the benefits of walking in the fresh air, and of course, try to completely abandon all bad habits. It is important to drink the required amount of fluid throughout the day.

Withering of the skin does not mean that its aging has begun. First of all, this state is the result of improper care behind skin. Therefore, you can quickly return to her vitality and restore tone.

What are the benefits of masks for aging skin?

To improve aging skin, it is imperative to add components to the composition of the masks used that will saturate the epidermis with useful trace elements and vitamins. These substances contribute to the activation of skin cells, as a result of which they more actively produce substances responsible for skin elasticity (collagen and elastin).

The skin tends to get tired from constant stress and dryness. In the event that you use easy-to-prepare masks correctly and regularly, you can achieve amazing results in a relatively short period of time:

  • a healthy glow appears;
  • the skin returns smoothness and light shade;
  • as a result of exposure to moisturizing substances, the problem of peeling and dryness is eliminated;
  • there is an improvement in blood circulation, as recovery and activation begin metabolic processes occurring in skin cells.

Features of the preparation and use of masks

  • When choosing ingredients for masks, you need to choose only natural and fresh ingredients.
  • In order to avoid an allergy to the composition of the mask, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test before using it.
  • When applying the mask to the skin, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the decollete area, as well as the neck, needs special care.
  • During the preparation of the mask, it is imperative to observe not only the recipe, but also the exposure time of the composition.
  • For aging skin, you should not use masks that have a lifting effect, which are designed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin.
  • Masks for aging skin perfectly nourish and saturate the cells useful substances.
  • An immediate effect from the use of such formulations will not be noticeable, therefore, it is necessary to take full-fledged courses, the duration of which is about 1.5–2 months.

Mask recipes for aging skin

Today there is a large number of various recipes for the preparation of masks for the care of aging skin. Such compositions are easy to make and use at home.

Nourishing mask with yeast

  1. To prepare this mask, you will need to take compressed yeast (1 tbsp), milk (1 tbsp), vegetable oil (1 tsp), liquid honey (1 tsp).
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  3. Then the mixture is placed for 20-30 minutes in a deep bowl filled with warm water.
  4. A foam should appear on the surface of the mixture - this is a sign that the yeast is starting to work.
  5. After the specified time, the mass is mixed again and the mask is ready for use.
  6. The composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face and left for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
Positive changes will be noticeable after about 1 month, but subject to regular use of this mask.

Banana and honey mask

  1. It is necessary to take the pulp of a banana and grind until mashed.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. banana puree and mixed with egg yolk.
  3. Honey (1 tsp) and vegetable oil (1 tsp) are added to the mixture.
  4. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use almond, castor or olive oil.
  5. To make the composition more convenient to apply to the skin, it is recommended to add oatmeal (1 tsp).
  6. All components mix well.
  7. The finished mask is applied to pre-cleansed skin, washed off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Fruit Nourishing Mask

  1. Softened butter (1 tablespoon) is taken and mixed with beaten egg yolk, then honey (1 teaspoon) is added.
  2. The apple is crushed on a grater and 2 tsp. received fruit puree included in the mask.
  3. The resulting mass is applied to the skin, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
Instead of an apple, you can add strawberries or peach to the mask.

Carrot mask

  • Carrots are peeled and chopped on a blender or grater.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. carrot mass and mixed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  • The composition is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
It is recommended to add fresh vegetables or fruits to the composition of masks for aging skin, so that they become much more useful. After such cosmetic procedures, the skin looks well-groomed and healthy. If it is not possible to use fresh products, frozen berries or fruits are also suitable, which must first be thawed and heated.

Oatmeal mask

  1. For this mask, it is best to make oatmeal yourself - take cereals(2 tablespoons) and grind with a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. The resulting flour is poured with milk (warm), as a result, a mass resembling thick village sour cream should be obtained.
  3. The composition is applied to pre-cleansed skin and left for 16-18 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the remnants of the mask are washed off with cool water.
Regular use of this mask helps to care for dry aging skin, provides necessary food and returns the skin a matte even tone.

Potato mask

  1. Raw peeled potatoes are chopped on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting mass is lightly squeezed to remove excess juice.
  3. The potatoes are transferred to gauze, folded in several layers, then the compress is applied to the face.
  4. The mask is left for 15 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water.
A mask with potatoes is ideal for caring for a fading sensitive skin, especially if there is a tendency to edema and dryness.

Chocolate mask

  • To prepare this mask, you will need to take dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% (about 25 g), honey (1 tablespoon), heavy cream (1 tablespoon).
  • The chocolate is broken into pieces and placed in a water bath, left for a while until it becomes completely liquid.
  • Then cream with honey is added to the chocolate - all components are well mixed.
  • The resulting composition is warmly applied to the skin and left for a while until it dries completely.
  • The mask is washed off with warm water.
Thanks to regular use Such a mask, the skin is saturated with useful substances, returns smoothness, firmness and elasticity.

Moisturizing mask

  1. Take fish oil (1 tsp), warm water (1 tsp), natural honey (1 tsp).
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed until the composition becomes a homogeneous consistency.
  3. The mass is applied to the skin with a special cosmetic brush, as the mask is quite liquid.
  4. After 10 minutes, the remnants of the product are removed cotton pad pre-moistened with warm water.

Mask with parsley and fish oil

  1. Cottage cheese (1 tbsp), green chopped parsley (1 tsp) and fish oil (1 tsp) are mixed.
  2. If there is no allergy to citrus fruits, chopped lemon zest (1 tsp) can be added to the composition.
  3. The composition is applied to the skin and left for about 15 minutes, but no longer.
It's efficient nourishing mask, ideal for the care of aging skin, as it helps to quickly smooth out wrinkles and whiten the face. Thanks to the regular use of this composition, you can remove swelling and peeling of the skin, significantly brighten dark spots.

Mask with cottage cheese and carrot juice

  • To prepare this mask, cottage cheese (1 tablespoon), fresh carrot juice (1 tablespoon), olive oil (1 teaspoon) is taken.
  • All components are mixed.
  • The resulting composition is applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes.
  • Do not keep the mask on for too long, as the skin may turn yellow as a result.

Mask with cream or sour cream

  • Homemade cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) is mixed with heavy cream or sour cream (1 tablespoon).
  • The composition is evenly distributed over the skin of the face and left for 15-18 minutes.
  • The mask is washed off with warm water.
Already after the first use of such a mask, the skin becomes silky and soft. This recipe can be used to care for aging skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

In order for the skin of the face to have an attractive appearance and shine with health, it must be properly and regularly looked after using products and masks that are right for you.

How to make a mask for dry and aging skin at home, see the video:

Everyone wants to keep youth as long as possible, and especially women, regardless of the features of appearance, profession and lifestyle, however, not all of us can afford beauty salons. Nevertheless, it is worth visiting salons and using the services of specialists: after all, health and beauty are the most valuable, and incomes can be planned in such a way that these services are not considered too expensive. But while we earn money to maintain our beauty, it will be very useful to remember folk and home skin care products - they are inexpensive, but require a little time and effort, but with regular care help keep the skin so young and fresh that even cosmetologists are surprised.

IN adulthood when the skin begins to fade, you need to help it - homemade masks are great for this.

Cleansing of aging skin

First of all, aging skin needs to be cleansed - you can do this with the help of herbs that women have used for a long time.

To prepare a compress mask, you need to take 2 tsp. dry chamomile flowers and the same amount of dill, put the mixture in an enamel saucepan, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cool, strain, and add an oil solution of vitamin A - 5 drops (it is sold in a pharmacy). In the resulting solution, moisten a gauze pad, squeeze lightly and apply to the face. Hold for 20 minutes, then wash your face with cool water. This mask has a cleansing and softening effect.

In the evening, you can cleanse fading skin with St. cologne.

Wrinkled skin of the face is well toned by lotion with strawberry juice. Strawberry juice - ¼ cup (you can add the same amount of cucumber juice), salicylic acid powder - 0.5 g, and 45% alcohol - 1 cup. The face is wiped for 20-30 days, in the evening; if the skin is dry, then wine is taken instead of alcohol.

Dry aging skin can always be revived with potato masks. Prepare mashed potatoes cooked in their skins, cool it slightly, add cream (milk) - 1 tablespoon, and raw egg yolk. Mix everything well, and in a warm form, apply the mask on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Wash off after 20 minutes warm water.

Smoothes and nourishes dry skin mask of honey with oatmeal. Honey (2 tablespoons) is heated in a water bath, oatmeal is added and mixed until sour cream thickens. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Homemade masks for aging dry skin

If you try to give yourself a little more time, then for dry aging skin you can make a double mask - this may take about an hour, but you will like the effect. The first mask - from whipped protein with lemon juice, is applied for 20 minutes - it is better to use a wide soft brush for application. Then this mask is washed off, and the second is immediately applied - the egg yolk is mixed with 1 tsp. olive oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Keep the same amount - 20 minutes, and wash off with warm water.

Masks for normal aging skin

For normal aging skin, one of the most simple masks- oatmeal and milk. 2 tbsp flakes are poured with hot milk and left for a few minutes, then stirred and applied warmly to the skin of the face. Hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

A mixture of grated carrots and apples with cottage cheese (1 tbsp each) is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Another mask for normal aging skin is with an infusion of herbs. Lime blossom, sage grass, mint leaves, chamomile flowers (1 tsp each) are mixed, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Then so much starch is added so that the mixture becomes like jelly, and applied to the face in a thick layer. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Masks for aging skin of any type

Masks for aging skin of any type are good those that have ingredients with a regenerating effect - for example, horseradish, which has excellent tonic properties.

mask for dry or normal skin cooked with grated horseradish (1 tsp), cream (1 tsp) and egg yolk, applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. If the skin is oily, horseradish is mixed with egg white, and the same amount is kept - you can wash it off with cool water. If you make such a mask 20 times (2-3 times a week), then the skin can be whitened and pigmentation reduced.

With flaky fading skin, the following mask helps: raw yolk is mixed with buckwheat honey (½ tsp), lemon juice (10 drops) and vegetable oil(4-5 drops). The mixture is whipped into foam, then 1 tsp is added. oat flour and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

For weakened, thinned and dehydrated aging skin, a mask with lemon juice, wheat germ oil (1 tsp each) and heavy cream (2 tbsp) - it is better to do it at night. The ingredients are mixed and applied to a cleansed face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm boiled water, gently blot with a napkin and apply a night cream.

With sensitive wrinkled skin, swelling and irritation of the face, masks are made from raw potatoes. It is rubbed on a fine grater and this gruel is applied to a layer of gauze, covered with a second layer on top, and placed on the face. Hold for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water. The mask tones, moisturizes, softens and smoothes the skin; if the skin is oily and there is acne, then you need to keep it for about 1.5-2 hours.

Sluggish, flabby and wrinkled skin is revitalized by a mask with cabbage juice, it also brightens freckles and eliminates age spots - you can do this mask 2-3 times a week. Soak a layer of cotton wool in fresh cabbage juice and apply on the face for 15 minutes. wash up cold water or wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in it.

A mask with grapefruit juice is suitable for any type of skin - it smoothes existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Rice flour is mixed with curdled milk (1 tablespoon each) and grapefruit juice (2 tablespoons), and the mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

With pale and withered skin, make a mask with honey and salt. Salt is rubbed with honey (1 tsp each) in white foam and apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes. The skin is cleansed and smoothed, the complexion improves. It is necessary to make 9 or 10 such masks - 3 times a week. With rosacea, this mask cannot be done.

Homemade masks for aging oily skin

fading oily skin tightens, the tone returns to it and healthy color, if you make a mask with honey (1 tsp), egg white, olive oil and lemon juice (a few drops each). The mixture is applied to the cleansed skin of the face several times, as the layers dry, hold for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Oily wrinkled skin is nourished and refreshed by grape juice. First you need to lubricate the face fresh juice, and then apply a mixture of grape pulp (2 tsp) with egg white. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

The mask with brewer's yeast (2 tbsp) and hydrogen peroxide cleanses and tones up oily aging skin. Peroxide is added to yeast and stirred until a gruel of sour cream density is obtained; This slurry is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The mask is done up to 3 times a week.

Care for aging skin of the face and neck

Fading skin of the face and neck is good to wipe every morning cosmetic ice from frozen watermelon juice, and 10 minutes after wiping, wash with cool water. In the evening, before going to bed, you can also wipe your face with ice - use frozen decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs; ice cubes can be gently massaged into the face.

In general, when caring for fading facial skin, one should not forget about massage - this procedure is mandatory, so you should learn how to do it, and you can also visit a specialist: massage is still not the most expensive procedure, although it depends on its type and individual features your skin. Cosmetologists recommend at least 2 massage courses per year, 10-15 procedures each - this will improve blood circulation, reduce the number of wrinkles and relieve swelling.

Do not go outside without applying to the skin of the face nourishing cream- apply it in the morning half an hour before going out, and then remove the excess with a napkin; at night, also use a nourishing or regenerating cream - an hour before bedtime.

In order to prolong the youthfulness of the skin as much as possible, it must be carefully looked after - with regular and caring care, fading skin can again become young and smooth, and the aging process can move back for many years.