Tomato face masks Easy Fresh Tomato Face Mask in 5 Minutes

The tomato is the source useful substances beneficial effect on the skin. Vegetable relieves wrinkles and removes acne.

Properties of a tomato mask

The tool is useful for the face due to the components.

  • Protein - has antibacterial properties, smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin.
  • Potassium - moisturizes the skin.
  • Vitamin B2 - prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  • Vitamin B3 - retains moisture in the epidermis and whitens the skin.
  • Vitamin B5 - helps fight acne.

Tomato masks are not for everyone. Find out if you have allergies by doing a test.

  1. Do not a large number of favorite mask.
  2. Apply the composition to the elbow, where the most delicate skin.
  3. Leave the mask on for the time indicated in the recipe.
  4. Wash off with water.
  5. After 12 hours, check the condition of the skin.

If the skin turns red, rashes, itching or burning appear - the mask is not suitable for you.

Tomato mask recipes

It is not recommended to use masks for sensitive and delicate skin. Tomatoes contain acids that reduce the fat layer, which leads to dryness and flaking. The recommended frequency of using masks is no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. After using the masks, apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

For acne

In addition to tomato pulp, the mask includes lemon juice, which dries the skin and fights the formation of pimples. Oatmeal helps fight acne.

You will need:

  • medium tomato - 1 piece;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • oatmeal flakes - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomato, cut the peel crosswise.
  2. Pour in boiling water and soak for a few minutes.
  3. Peel the tomato and puree with a fork.
  4. Grind oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder.
  5. Pour chopped oatmeal into tomato puree, mix everything and pour lemon juice.
  6. Stir everything until even. The mass is thick.
  7. Put a mask on your face even layer.
  8. Remove with water after 10 minutes.

From wrinkles

White clay contains mineral salts, zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium. Together with a tomato, clay will help fight against age-related changes. It will reduce fine lines and pigmentation.

You will need:

  • large tomato - 1 piece;
  • cosmetic White clay- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 50 ml.


Honey and olive oil are renowned for their beneficial properties. Honey is rich in glucose, minerals, vitamins B and C. And olive oil contains vitamins E, A and D. The mask of the components soothes inflamed skin and nourishes it with useful elements.

You will need:

  • medium-sized tomato - 1 piece;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the peeled tomato into a puree.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the puree. Stir until even.
  3. Spread the mixture over clean skin face and neck.
  4. Cover your face with the mask for 10 minutes.
  5. wash away warm water.

Against pore pollution

Fresh parsley is a storehouse of vitamins A, P, groups B, C, D, K. Milk contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and potassium. This mask will saturate the skin with essential substances, reduce inflammation and redness.

You will need:

  • large tomato - 1 piece;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sprig of parsley - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the tomato into a bowl.
  2. Add milk and chopped parsley.
  3. Apply the composition to the skin, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Against oily sheen

An auxiliary component of the mask is potatoes. Together with tomato, it dries the skin, removing excess sebum.

You will need:

  • medium-sized tomato - 1 piece;
  • medium potato - 1 piece.

Remove pigmentation and pimples, a tomato will come to your aid. Homemade tomato face masks are an excellent cosmetic product that carries all the power of nature.

IN home cosmetology This vegetable is valued primarily for quick effect effects on the skin. Already after the first procedure, you will see the result: a tightened oval and a radiant face.

There are thousands of varieties of tomatoes different sizes, shapes, colors, but their main advantage is valuable trace elements and vitamins that are useful both for the whole organism as a whole and for our skin.

What is useful tomato and how to use it in masks

Tomato is a real pantry of useful substances, it contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, pectins, lycopene and phytoncides. It contains many vitamins (B1, B2, E, C, folic acid) and macro- and microelements (calcium, potassium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, iodine, fluorine).

The redder the tomato, the more lycopene, a natural antioxidant that works great in combination with vitamins E and C. They create a barrier to the damaging effects of free radicals on cells, thereby protecting the body from cancer, rejuvenating and whitening the skin.

Phytoncides contained in the pulp of tomatoes are biologically active substances and help in cell regeneration, relieve inflammation, and also accelerate the healing of wounds, acne and blackheads.

In homemade face masks, it is better to use ripe, fleshy, rich red or orange fruits, as they contain the most of the substances listed above. In unripe tomatoes, harmful substance solanine, and when stored in the cold, many useful properties disappear.

Use tomato masks no more than once every 10 days, alternating them with other care recipes. At very sensitive skin handle this product carefully so as not to irritate the epidermis.

About the cosmetic properties of tomatoes

Tomato masks are used for all skin types. They may not be suitable for you if you are allergic to this product, so check the composition for an allergic reaction before proceeding with tomato treatments.

Tomato-based masks are used to solve a wide variety of facial problems:
– prevention early wrinkles and the fight against withering of the skin;
- cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis;
— ;
- removal of oiliness and matting of the skin;
- treatment of wounds, inflammations and acne;
— .

Anti-aging procedures with tomato

Classic anti-aging mask

By itself, a ripe tomato is a ready-made cosmetic product that does not require any special tricks to use.
Just cut the fruit into circles and put them on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with water room temperature. What could be easier? But the result will please you: the skin will receive the nutrition and hydration it needs, it will tone up and become lighter - everything you need to prevent wilting, dryness, fine wrinkles and dark spots.

Tomatoes and grapes against wilting

To moisturize, nourish, smooth wrinkles and whiten exhausted aging skin, make a series of masks based on tomato with grape juice and honey.
Peel one tomato from the skin and seeds and chop in a blender. Add to it 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed honey. grape juice. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and neck for 10-15 minutes, and then wash your face. Do not forget to apply a moisturizer or serum after the procedure.

Tomato with Chinese yam for wrinkles

Chinese yams are also called "sweet potatoes", its tubers contain a large amount of vitamins C, B 6, potassium, magnesium and fiber. In combination with a tomato, this vegetable perfectly helps aging, depleted skin, nourishing and toning it, tightening and refreshing the color.
Prepare a puree from one ripe tomato and add 1-2 tablespoons of yam puree to it, mix and dilute with a little mineral water without gas. Apply the creamy mixture on the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, and then wash your face and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer or nourishing cream. Carry out such rejuvenation procedures no more than 2 times a month.

Salted tomatoes for dull skin

The salted tomato recipe is recommended for dull, wrinkled skin prone to flaking, inflammation, and pigmentation. After using these cosmetic masks noticeably freshens and tightens the surface of the epidermis, due to exfoliation of the dead upper layer of cells, relieving inflammation and active intake of vitamins and minerals.
You will need one fresh fruit and one salted. Remove the skin from them and grind in a blender until smooth. Add some oat flour for density. Apply the mixture on your face and neck for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Recipes for tomato masks by skin type

For normal skin

This mask is prepared on the basis of tomato and cosmetic clay. It well cleanses the epidermis of dead cells, improves metabolic processes, heals the skin, improves its color and smoothes mimic wrinkles.
Take one red fruit, remove the skin and seeds and grind it into a puree. Dilute a tablespoon of white clay with water so that a thick gruel is obtained, and then add tomato puree to it and mix. Apply the composition to the skin and leave for 15-20 minutes, preventing the mask from drying out. Rinse with water and apply moisturizer.

For dry skin

Dry flaky skin needs additional food and hydration. This tomato mask copes with the depletion of aging skin.
Mash the tomato pulp or beat with a blender, add chicken yolk and 3 drops of olive oil there. To prevent the mass from flowing, you can thicken it with rice or oatmeal. Keep this composition on your face for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water at room temperature.

For oily skin

If the skin is oily, shiny from excess fat, the pores are enlarged, there is - make a course of masks from tomato and potato starch. This will help you cope with problems and heal your face.
Peel the juicy tomato from seeds and skin and mash to a puree. Add 2 tablespoons of starch to it and mix thoroughly until thick sour cream. Apply the mask on your face and hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash thoroughly with warm water. The procedure also eliminates pigmented spots. Also suitable for combined type skin.

For combination and oily skin

The main indications for the use of this composition: acne and blackheads, oily skin in the T-zone, wilting. The skin after the procedures is rejuvenated, cleared of black dots and sebaceous plugs, comes in tone and freshens.
You will need one fresh tomato and one potato tuber. Prepare a puree from the pulp of a tomato, raw potatoes grate on a fine grater. Mix both vegetables and apply the mass on the entire face or on the T-zone for 15-20 minutes. Remove residue with a tissue and rinse with cool water.

For problem porous skin

The composition will help get rid of oily problem skin from enlarged pores and excess fat, dry pimples and cleanse black spots, heal wounds and inflammation. The face after the course of procedures will look healthy and fresh.
Mix the pulp of one tomato with a spoonful of boiled cooled milk. Apply the mixture on the face cleansed with lotion for oily skin and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and follow with tonic.

For mixed skin types

If the skin is normal or mixed, but dull and depleted, it needs additional nutrition and hydration. To do this, use applications of tomato and cucumber. They nourish your skin with moisture, vitamins and microelements, give tone and refresh.
Cut both vegetables into slices and put them in different zones faces: tomato slices - on the cheeks and neck, and cucumber slices - on the forehead, wings of the nose and chin. Leave on for 20-25 minutes, then remove and pat the skin dry with a damp cloth.

Moisturizing, cleansing, toning the skin

Tomato + avocado

These two vegetables perfectly cleanse the epidermis of dead cells and dirt, draw sebum out of the pores and narrow them, nourish and whiten. The recipe is for oily and combination skin with clogged pores. It also helps to get rid of freckles and age spots and gives the skin elasticity.
Mix together the pulp of one tomato (no seeds) and ½ an avocado. Apply the resulting mass on the epidermis for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.

Tomato + lemon + hercules

These three ingredients will help to effectively cleanse problematic skin from pollution and sebum, get rid of oily sheen, soften and brighten its surface.
Fresh peeled tomato, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a tablespoon of hercules, beat in a blender until the products are homogeneous. Apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes. Remove the residue with a tissue or rinse your face with water.

Tomato + yolk + starch

This recipe is best suited for dry, aging and depleted skin, in which slowed down metabolic processes. After several masks, the face will noticeably freshen up and become toned due to increased metabolism, hydration and nutrition.
Prepare the tomato pulp and add raw yolk to it, mix. Gradually add the potato or corn starch, stirring gradually until you get a creamy mass. Apply it on your skin for 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face with water at room temperature and apply a moisturizing serum or cream.

The composition is multicomponent

Try the toning mask recipe for aging skin when it looks dull and lethargic, flaky, covered with fine lines and blackheads. This composition will give such skin necessary food, will help the flow of metabolic processes in cells, cleanse the epidermis and heal it.
Boil thick semolina porridge in milk, about ½ cup. Add to it the juice of one tomato, two raw chicken yolks, a tablespoon of honey, ½ teaspoon of salt and 5-6 drops of any vegetable or cosmetic oil. Mix all the ingredients well until a thick mass is obtained and then apply on the face and neck for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Tomato + sour cream + yolk

Soften the skin, cleanse the epidermis and restore normal functioning sebaceous glands you can prepare this recipe. Recommended for aging, oily and combination skin.
Mix the pulp of one tomato, fresh yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then wash off.

Tomato + bran

For problematic acne-prone skin, it is very important to cleanse the pores and epidermis. This composition helps to soften hardened areas and remove dead cells and sebaceous plugs.
Squeeze the juice of one fruit and dilute fine bran or oatmeal in it. Apply composition to skin light massage movements and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream with a soothing effect.

Want to look 10 years younger? Use for face with tomato from this video:

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Nature provides a great opportunity for man to enjoy the benefits natural products. IN warm time years can be prepared useful masks from an abundance of various fruits and herbs. Tomatoes have valuable qualities for healing the body from the inside and out.

Who can use tomato masks

  1. In fact, tomato-based masks are suitable for any skin type. Main Feature remains the correct use of raw materials. Active ingredients should act purposefully to eliminate problems.
  2. In order not to run into trouble, you need to follow simple recommendations. To create masks, use homemade ripe tomatoes. Keep the fruit is not worth more than 4-5 days. Otherwise, tomatoes lose some of the nutrients.
  3. Before using the product, without fail make sure that there are no allergies and irritations on the skin. Conduct a test using the same technology as with any cosmetic composition. Apply a small amount on the wrist and wait for the result.
  4. If you know that you are sensitive and receptive skin covering, it is better to replace the tomatoes with sparing ones cosmetics. The acids in the composition can cause itching, irritation and redness.
  5. Masks are recommended to be kept on the face from 20 minutes to half an hour. If you do not follow this rule, you can provoke a negative effect. During the first procedures, the composition should be kept for no more than 10-15 minutes.
  6. Do not use exclusively masks based on tomatoes. Be sure to replace components. Break between various means should be from 10 days to two weeks. In this interval, use sparing products.
  7. Always cleanse your face before applying any mask. Otherwise, the pores will absorb not only useful particles, but also all the dirt. Before the procedure, it is best to steam your face a little. Such a move will expand the pores.

Cosmetic clay and tomato

  1. The mask is aimed at cleansing the skin of the face with a matting effect. Mix 40 gr. white clay, 1 tomato, 55 ml. clean water. Tomatoes need to be cleaned from the shell and seeds.
  2. Keep in mind that tomatoes are not recommended to be poured with boiling water. Otherwise, some of the beneficial enzymes will be destroyed. Grind the fruit through a fine sieve.
  3. Dilute cosmetic clay with water, achieve uniformity. Stir the tomato pulp into the composition. Spread the product evenly over the face. Hold for a quarter of an hour, rinse with water.
  4. The mask is designed for normal, combination and oily skin types. The product resists skin shine, acne formation and the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Olive oil and egg

  1. The product is recommended to be used to nourish and moisturize dry skin types. Puree the pulp of 1 tomato, combine with 8 ml. olive oil and egg yolk. Whisk everything with a whisk.
  2. Spread the product over the face, adhering to classical technology. Wait half an hour and wash with warm water. The tool will bring invaluable benefits to mature skin.
  3. The mask has shown itself to be excellent in moisturizing and nourishing dry skin. The composition heals microcracks, tones the dermis and eliminates dead skin particles.

Cucumber with tomato

  1. The natural composition can be used for mixed type skin. Finely chop fresh vegetables. Take the second cucumber and grate on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  2. Place the tomato slices on the T-zone. Place cucumber rings on the cheeks, neck and décolleté. After half an hour, get rid of the vegetables. Wipe your face with fresh cucumber juice.

Oatmeal and lemon juice

  1. The tool is aimed at deep cleansing since. Skip 40 gr. oatmeal through a blender to make flour. Combine the powder with tomato gruel and 15 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Spread the product over your face and wait a third of an hour. The mask is suitable for all skin types and works great on acne. The composition prevents the appearance of new acne.

Semolina and sea salt

  1. The tool has shown itself well in the rejuvenation and tightening of the skin of the face. To do this, combine tomato pulp, egg, 30 gr. semolina, 5 gr. sea ​​salt, 6 ml. olive oil and 12 gr. honey.
  2. For the mask, you will need semolina porridge cooked in milk. Pass all ingredients through a blender. Spread the composition in a thick layer over the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Milk with tomato

  1. The tool is ideal for people who have wide pores. Tomato is famous for its narrowing properties, cleanses, moisturizes.
  2. To prepare the mixture, you need to take a small tomato and rid it of the peel by scalding and freezing.
  3. Then make a puree from the vegetable, mix with 30 ml. high-fat warm milk or sour cream.
  4. The mixture is distributed over the skin of the face in a dense layer, be sure to treat the area under the eyes to moisturize. Duration of action - half an hour.

Tomato starch

  1. For fading and mature skin, a mask with starch is suitable, as it forms and tightens the oval of the face, eliminates creases, mimic cracks.
  2. To prepare home composition, combine the gruel of one tomato with 10 gr. cornstarch, enter the yolk of a quail egg (cold).
  3. Apply the mixture already whipped with a mixer on the steamed skin of the face, rub for 3 minutes and cover with gauze. Wait a third of an hour, wash your face after a period of time and use ice to wipe.

Protein with gelatin

  1. Means home cooking It is aimed at smoothing and drying the skin, suffering from excessive greasiness.
  2. To prepare, separate one protein in advance and leave in the cold for a third of an hour. Then beat into a fluffy "cap", combine with 10 gr. gelatin, 30 ml. tomato juice.
  3. Stir until the grains are partially or completely dissolved. When the mass becomes more or less thick, apply it on the skin. Rub and leave for half an hour.

Avocado with bran

  1. The mask is designed to exfoliate dead skin particles, eliminate pigmentation, freckles, give even tone skin. It must be used twice a week, not more often.
  2. Purchase oat bran or grind flakes, measure out a tablespoon. Combine with tomato juice or paste until a thick mass is formed.
  3. Enter half of the grated avocado. Spread the composition over the face in a thick layer, start massaging the skin for 3 minutes.
  4. Then redistribute the mixture and lie down to rest. In order for the mixture to work correctly, it must be kept for about 25 minutes.

Sour cream with potatoes

  1. The mixture is best used in summer time years when the skin suffers from dryness and stiffness. In addition, potatoes perfectly mattify the skin.
  2. Grate the tuber big size on a fine-grained grater, then fold over a couple of layers of gauze and squeeze out the liquid. Combine the resulting juice with 20 gr. sour cream, enter the gruel of one medium tomato.
  3. Assess the consistency of the mixture. If it turned out to be too liquid, adjust the composition by adding starch, gelatin or flour.
  4. Hold your face over steam bath to open pores. Apply the mask, excluding the section around the eyes. Relax your muscles as much as possible, wait 25 minutes.

egg white with cherry

  1. The chemical list of tomato species varies, the cherry variety accumulates elements that moisturize all layers of the skin. This tool is designed for girls with sensitive epidermis.
  2. To prepare, pass the cherry through a meat grinder and get rid of the remnants of the skin. Combine with bread crust softened in milk and introduce cold egg white.
  3. After mixing, use an immersion blender to bring all the ingredients together until smooth. Spread it over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wait 25 minutes.

Fiber with tomato

  1. The tool perfectly exfoliates dead scales, penetrates into the lower layers of the dermis, maintains lipid and water balance.
  2. Measure out a tablespoon of dry fiber, which is sold at the pharmacy. Mix it with puree of one fleshy tomato and leave to swell for 20 minutes.
  3. When the specified period of time has elapsed, enter one quail egg(you can skip this step for lack of an ingredient).
  4. Apply the ingredients to the pre-steamed skin of the face and gently rub for 2-3 minutes. Then repeat the application, leave the product for half an hour.

Tomato and sweet potato

  1. The tool is suitable for owners of any type of skin, but it is preferable to use it for deep hydration and nutrition.
  2. Sweet potato tuber, or Chinese yam, must be grated on a fine-grained grater, then mixed with 30 ml. tomato juice.
  3. If the composition is thick, enter 20 ml. water. Spread the mask in a thick layer, expect action within a third of an hour.

Vitamin A with flour

  1. This product is preferably used on aging skin, girls under 25 are not recommended. For preparation, retinol capsules are required.
  2. Measure out 0.5 ml. vitamin A, combine with flour to a state of porridge, enter half a crushed tomato. Increase the amount of ingredients if necessary.
  3. The mask treats only areas of the skin with strong creases and wrinkles. The exposure time is at least a third of an hour.

honey and tocopherol

  1. Tocopherol is a well-known vitamin E - a natural antioxidant that prolongs youth and cleanses the skin from excess fat and dust.
  2. You can easily buy tocopherol at a pharmacy; for a mask, you need 1 ampoule with a volume of 1 ml. Mix vitamin E with gruel of ripe tomato, a spoonful of honey, apply on face and rub.
  3. After a short massage, lie down to rest, completely relaxing your facial muscles. Let the composition work for half an hour.

Grapes with honey

  1. Anti-aging agent, it is necessary to use ladies aged 45-50+. You will need half a bunch of seedless grapes, crush the berries and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Combine with a dessert spoon of thick honey. Now scald a medium-sized tomato with boiling water, then dip in cold water and remove the skin.
  3. Crush the pulp with a fork, add to the previous composition. Steam your face by holding it over a steam bath. After application, the mask must be kept for about 25 minutes.

Undoubtedly, tomatoes can bring invaluable benefits to the skin of the face. It is important that you do not have contraindications and allergies. stick practical advice and observe the mask exposure limit. Don't forget to take breaks between treatments. Remedies will prevent most skin problems.

Video: 10 years younger thanks to a mask with tomatoes

“Nature told a woman: become wise if you can, be prudent if you want, but you must certainly be beautiful”

Pierre Beaumarchais

Most the best gifts the universe gives us. We are surrounded by magic everywhere, you just need to be able to see it and use it. It is not necessary to mindlessly spend money on expensive facial preparations - best alternative this vegetables and fruits. And one of the most saturated in terms of the content of useful substances is a tomato familiar from childhood.

Secrets of the tomato

Gives all its beneficial properties to this vegetable Fresh air And warm sun. Almost everything that is necessary for the beauty of our skin, this plant carefully stores in itself. In some varieties of tomato, there are up to 30 trace elements. Here are just a few of them:

These vegetables do not contain any cholesterol. They are also rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, pectins, lycopene and phytoncides.

Lycopene. An organic compound from the group of carotenoids. The richer and redder color tomatoes - the more lycopene it contains. It is a powerful natural antioxidant (especially in combination with vitamins C and E). An insurmountable barrier to damaging free radicals. Lycopene significantly reduces the risk cancer, rejuvenates and . These vegetables do not contain any cholesterol. They are also rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, pectins, lycopene and phytoncides. These vegetables do not contain any cholesterol. They are also rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, pectins, lycopene and phytoncides.

Phytoncides. The pulp of the fruit contains a significant amount of phytoncides (biologically active substances). Their unique regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties assist in the healing of wounds and cuts, help in the treatment of skin inflammations (acne, acne).

IN folk cosmetology tomato is also valued for its speed. The effect of using tomato masks is visible immediately after the first procedure.

Making a mask at home

If you want to forget about treacherous fine wrinkles, ugly spots, acne, you need to make friends with a tomato. He will give in return a taut and clean face shining with the freshness of perfection.

Which tomatoes are better to choose

There are about 10 thousand species of this vegetable. Red, yellow, green, pink, purple, even black. Most Efficient tomato mask for the face is obtained from bright red or orange fruits (they contain more nutrients). Choose tomatoes that are ripe and fleshy, with a smooth surface, without defects.

This is interesting. Storing tomatoes at a low temperature will kill many of their health benefits. And at the same time, if tomatoes are under the sun for a long time, they lose their vitamin C reserves and can form the toxic substance solanine (which is also found in unripe fruits).

A little about the procedure itself

Don't get carried away with masks. They must be done once every 7-8 days, not more often. For the skin, it will be useful to try the properties of other fruits or vegetables. If you do not like the feeling of pulp on your face, you can use natural tomato juice (it has the same functions).

Attention! A tomato mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to red vegetables, as well as for those with particularly sensitive skin.

Tomato masks can be used regardless of age and skin type. The entire course of masks is usually 10-15 procedures. Such manipulations are especially useful for:

  • Enlarged pores
  • Unhealthy complexion
  • , acne
  • Inflammation and redness on the skin
  • Violation of metabolic processes
  • aging skin
  • pigmentation

Recipes for effective masks

  • For skin prone to redness

Grate the tomato, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour. Mix well, keep the mask for 20 minutes.

  • Tomato face mask for oily skin

Cut the tomato into thin slices, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese (take fatter) and milk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Add some salt to the mixture. Mask time 15 minutes.

  • For aging skin

Mix the pulp of 1 tomato with 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh grape juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. The duration of the process is 10 minutes.

  • For dry skin

Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal egg yolk with the juice of one tomato. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

  • Brightening mask

Place tomato slices on spots or freckles for 30 minutes. After the procedure, wipe these places with milk.

  • Moisturizing Tomato Starch Mask

pulp ripe fruit mix with the yolk of 1 egg, add starch until the density of condensed milk. Rest with the mask for 12 minutes.

  • To cleanse the face of acne

Mix tomato pulp with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, yogurt, brewer's yeast and oatmeal. The procedure is designed for 10 minutes.

  • To shrink pores

Mix the tomato pulp with starch (until the density of sour cream), add 5 drops vegetable oil. Duration 20 minutes.

My grandmother, a connoisseur of herbs and healing plants, told me that in the past, when they used a tomato for face care, they slandered a special whisper: “ Red tomato, juicy tomato, make me fresh, young and cheerful, chubby and white and good for every day!».

Try and you use this old advice, because " Nature is always right, errors and mistakes come from us humans", as Johann Goethe said.

Beauty to you and good mood!

In our age artificial nails, hair, breasts, food - more and more I want naturalness. Natural masks found good use V modern cosmetology and in everyday life. Making it yourself is not difficult. One of natural ingredients is a tomato.

Benefits of tomatoes for skin

It is no secret that these vegetables contain a huge amount of nutrients. The vitamins and minerals included in their composition are useful for any skin. What exactly are the benefits of tomatoes for the skin? A tomato face mask makes the skin softer, gives elasticity and freshness, maintains a pleasant complexion. Beneficial features tomatoes depend on the degree of their ripening. The riper the vegetable, the richer in vitamins. The substances that make up tomatoes stabilize digestion, reduce intestinal putrefactive processes, thereby improving skin condition. It has long been a known fact that rashes and acne on the skin can be the result of a disruption in the digestive tract.

Tomato face mask will give the skin beautiful colour. The shine of oily skin will disappear, and dry skin will be moisturized. Phytoncides of tomatoes are involved in the treatment inflammatory processes caused by allergic reactions and skin rashes. The tomato has unique property- an obstacle to skin aging, due to the presence of zinc in its composition. This chemical element increases the ability of the epidermis to regenerate. In modern cosmetology, creams and lotions from tomato extracts are used. However, they are unlikely to replace natural mask from juicy, ripe tomatoes.

Tomato face mask recipes

Based various types skin, there are many recipes for tomato face masks. For normal skin:

  • Add one yolk, flour to the gruel from the pulp of the tomato.
  • Stir until a thick mass is obtained, apply to the skin of the face (10 - 12 minutes).
  • Wash off with warm water. And then cold.

Moisturizing tomato face mask:

  • Cut the tomato into slices, add one tablespoon of cottage cheese, with a fat content of at least ten percent.
  • Pour half a tablespoon of vegetable oil, two dessert spoons of milk. Rub well.
  • Apply to face for fifteen minutes, wash with warm water.

For oily skin with wide pores, you can use "tomato rings". They must be applied to the face, no more than 20 minutes. Wash off the rest of the mask cold water. There is another recipe for a tomato face mask for this type of skin:

  • Grate a medium-sized tomato, add a tablespoon of flour and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.
  • Apply for ten minutes, then rinse your face with cool water.

Nourishing mask recipe:

  • Add a tablespoon of honey, warm boiled water and two tablespoons of grape juice to the grated tomato mass.
  • The consistency of the mask should be similar to sour cream.
  • Soak on the face for ten minutes, remove with a dry towel or cotton pads. Additionally, wipe your face with tonic or infusion of chamomile.

Tomato scrub mask:

  • Add a tablespoon to the crushed "tomato porridge" sour milk, ground oatmeal and a few 3-4 drops of olive oil.
  • Put a mask on your face. For several minutes, gently massage the skin with your fingertips. Wait a couple more minutes in peace.
  • Rinse carefully with warm water.