Grapefruit oil for health, beauty and good mood. Grapefruit Oil Precautions. Properties and uses of grapefruit oil

pleasant citrus scent has grapefruit essential oil. The oil is obtained from the grapefruit peel by cold pressing. It has a characteristic yellow-green liquid. Such an exotic fruit as grapefruit is great for using its juice for oily skin faces. Grapefruit juice is an excellent tonic.

In facial skin care, grapefruit oil should be an excellent part of your life, as it is an excellent remedy for enlarged pores. The aroma of grapefruit oil has a lemon-orange aroma at the same time. Also, using grapefruit oil can prevent the appearance of acne and blackheads (comedones) on the skin of the face.

In addition, grapefruit oil has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, it also helps our skin to be always in good shape and look young. Our body produces a substance such as collagen, it is responsible for the elasticity of the skin of the face, as a whole and of the whole organism. Its decrease in the body leads to dry skin, and, consequently, to the appearance of the first small wrinkles.

In particular, grapefruit oil is responsible for maintaining moisture in the skin of the face. Everything you need to keep your skin from drying out. But the very main property that grapefruit oil has is the whitening effect.

Grapefruit oils for facial skin

As with any oily skin, various inflammatory processes. The use of grapefruit oils has an excellent effect on problem areas, and also helps against skin aging.

Essential oils are usually used in conjunction with vegetable oils, but if necessary, oil can be added to all kinds of masks or creams.

Grapefruit oil can also be used in the same way as peppermint oil is described. In the presence of various inflammatory processes or acne on the face, it is necessary to apply oil on acne, if possible, do not touch the skin around it.

And in order to lighten the skin of the face, you need to add a few drops of grapefruit to sea buckthorn oil (for 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn). It is necessary to apply on the skin of the face instead of a cream, it is not necessary to remove it.

But if you add a few drops grapefruit oil in homemade masks, but it will turn out to be an excellent tool for lightening freckles.

This is important to know: It is not recommended to apply grapefruit oil before going out on a sunny day, as the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet increases.

An amazing gift is given to us by nature itself. Tropical grapefruit is a real storehouse of vitamins, important trace elements, organic acids. But not everyone loves him. But grapefruit essential oil is simply a sin not to use for beauty, health, rejuvenation, because it is equally useful for both skin and hair.

Essential oil grapefruit - properties useful to humans:

Grapefruit oil contains substances that can refresh and raise the overall tone of the body. It is for this stimulating property that it is also called "Jupiter's oil". It helps to correctly assess their capabilities, set up for success. Therefore, people who have achieved serious career development or can boast of being successful personal life, the main component for choosing it.

Amazing chemical composition able to kill pathogenic bacteria, effectively fight infection. Therefore, it is widely used by physicians, pharmacologists, traditional healers in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract.

The oily liquid helps to remove toxins, excess bile from the body. Possessing diuretic properties, it helps to reduce edema. Colds, rheumatism, gout, metabolic disorders - this is an incomplete list of problems where a wonderful remedy is effectively used.

The soothing, cleansing properties of this oily liquid are used by cosmetologists, trichologists, and even psychotherapists in the treatment of depression. Along with other citrus extracts, it is used to combat cellulite and obesity. Baths, wraps, use in massage compositions help improve blood circulation, improve metabolic processes. If it is used daily for facial skin and hair care, the result will not be long in coming. The skin tone quickly evens out, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes velvety, the hair becomes healthy look and shine.

Grapefruit essential oil - use in cosmetology

Grapefruit essential oil can be found in cosmetics face and body care. It has a powerful anti-aging effect, while it is especially useful for oily and mixed skin. The substances included in its composition help to cleanse and narrow the pores, the skin comes into tone, work is getting better. sebaceous glands, the drainage function is restored, the complexion improves, and the healthy appearance of the skin indicates its rejuvenation.

If you regularly use this wonderful body care product, you can avoid problems with stretch marks and general skin aging. Many who have tried its effect on themselves claim that the skin is moisturized, smoothed, and becomes elastic.

The oily liquid can be used in pure form, if there are no contraindications, applying to a cleansed face in the morning and evening. A few drops can be added to your usual cream or cosmetic mask. Here's how to apply grapefruit essential oil for face:

cosmetic ice

You need to mix 5 drops of grapefruit oil with a teaspoon of honey, dissolve all this in 200 ml of boiled water and pour into an ice mold. Ready to perfectly refresh tired skin.

Oil Blend

To whiten, refresh the skin of the face, you can prepare the following mixture: in a tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil add one drop of grapefruit. With this composition, you need to wipe your face before going to bed.

Cosmetic mask

Dissolve three drops of essential oil in a tablespoon, add enough flour to make a mass with the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off. warm water.

grapefruit essential oil for hair

Grapefruit oil helps reduce hair loss and stimulates hair growth. To keep the hair in perfect condition and create the appearance salon care, just do the following:

Add oil to your regular shampoo. Three drops per tablespoon detergent will be quite enough. To achieve lasting effect you need to use this recipe less than a month, after which you can take a break.

The hair strengthening mixture is prepared as follows: three drops of grapefruit and two drops of lavender are taken, and all this is diluted with 20 ml of shampoo. The effect will be achieved if you use the product twice a week.

To make a mask for oily hair, you need to take 5 drops of grapefruit and add to a tablespoon. The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp. Wrap your hair with a warm bandage for two hours, then wash off the mask.

Important! Any hair masks with essential oils should be applied to clean, slightly wet hair and keep no more than three hours.

Contraindications for use

Any cosmetic product, including grapefruit essential oil, has contraindications:

An allergic reaction, which should not be confused with the usual burning sensation from exposure to the agent, if it passes after a few minutes.

Inflammatory processes, acne on the skin. The use of cosmetics can aggravate the situation.

Use with caution if you are taking medication.

You can not take it on an empty stomach, even with other products.

Grapefruit oil is not cheap. Therefore, not everyone can afford to use it in its pure form. Add it to creams, masks, baths, shampoos. According to many reviews, the effect will be visible after a few applications.

Grapefruit oil is one of the most popular products in medicine and cosmetology. The oil is obtained from grapefruit seeds and the peel of the fruit. To produce 1 kg of butter, it is necessary to process more than 100 kg of raw materials.

The product contains a large number of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. As a rule, purchased seed oil has a fresh, cooling and slightly bitter aroma.

Grapefruit ester occurs in a golden or golden pink color. It is often used in aromatherapy and cosmetics.

The characteristic of grapefruit ether is expressed strong impact on the body during aromatherapy:

  • Oil is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, adaptogens.
  • Grapefruit oil is a strong sedative. It is often prescribed to people suffering from depression.
  • The product is able to eliminate inflammatory processes digestive system; relieves symptoms of diseases of the gallbladder, liver.
  • The use of aroma oil will be effective in improving blood circulation and fighting colds.
  • Reviews on the use of grapefruit seed oil indicate that the product is able to soothe nervous system relieve depression, bringing a person into a state of mild euphoria.
  • The oil helps to restore the body of people who have undergone a complex operation or illness.
  • It can be used to improve appetite, strengthen immune system, increasing the protective functions of the body to combat various infectious, viral diseases.
  • Reviews of experts say that if you regularly use grapefruit oil for aromatherapy, then such a procedure will the best prevention atherosclerosis.
  • Grapefruit seed oil can be used to treat diseases of the digestive system - it can normalize metabolic processes, relieve heaviness and bloating of the stomach, improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  • People suffering from overweight may include grapefruit ester in their diet. With its help, fat metabolism is normalized, appetite improves. With a properly formulated diet, grapefruit seed oil will help get rid of extra pounds.

In medicine, the product is often used to treat:

  • arthritis
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • purification of blood, lymph nodes;
  • hepatitis A.

In cosmetology

  1. The product is considered one of the most important components various masks for hair, skin.
  2. Grapefruit essential oil for the face is used to tone the skin. It can improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, get rid of age spots.
  3. A mask based on grapefruit oil will help prevent the appearance of acne, acne, pimples and various skin diseases.

Uses of grapefruit oil

Diseases of the liver, gallbladder

Grapefruit seed oil can be used at home, by ingestion or by making compresses, which alleviates the symptoms of liver and gallbladder diseases.

  • For oral administration, experts recommend mixing 2 drops of ether with 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  • If you need to make a compress, you need to moisten a piece of cloth in a mixture of 5 drops of grapefruit ether and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

The cloth moistened with the composition should be applied for 20 minutes on the body in the liver area, wrapping the compress with cling film on top.

Muscle pain, dermatitis

Aroma bath will help to relax muscles or get rid of skin diseases:

  • First you need to mix 5 drops of ether with 1 glass of milk, and then add the product to the bath. Bathing in such water should not take longer than 20 minutes.

The procedure will help to relax, relieve muscle pain, get rid of cellulite.

To enhance the effect of the bath, you can massage problem areas of the body.

  • For the procedure, you will need to mix 5-7 drops of ether with base oil.

Reviews of experts say that during a massage a person can feel slight tingling burning for several minutes. Massage will help not only relax, but also enhance the metabolic processes of the skin.

Massage can be carried out using vacuum jars or massage cream.

  • juniper;
  • lemon
  • grapefruit.

If the procedure is carried out using jars, then the skin in without fail need to be massaged in a circular motion top down. Thus, it is possible to stimulate the outflow of fluid and the division of fat cells.

Hair strengthening

  • To strengthen your hair or get rid of oily hair, you need to add 2 drops of essential oil to the shampoo.
  • Also, oil can be added to the composition of the mask, so that the hair becomes shiny and silky.
  • To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 egg yolk, 5 drops of grapefruit ether and 1 tsp. honey. Then the mixture is applied evenly to the hair. Keep the mask for no longer than 15 minutes, and then remove with your usual shampoo.

Precautionary measures

  1. It is not recommended to consume grapefruit oil on an empty stomach.
  2. During pregnancy, grapefruit seeds and its oil can alleviate toxicosis; however, it must be used carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the mother and fetus.
  3. Inside, you can not use more than 3 drops during the day.
  4. If the oil is used for internal use, it must be mixed with emulsifiers (honey, milk) to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane.
  5. It is not recommended to use oil for heartburn.
  6. Essential oils of citrus should not be used 1 hour before going outside.
  7. The use of oil in case of individual intolerance is strictly prohibited.

Grapefruit oil is considered important product in medicine with cosmetology. It is widely used for the preparation of skin and hair care products, and the treatment of many diseases.

It should be noted that even indoor grapefruit can be used to make ether. The resulting product will have the same useful properties.

Experienced cosmetologists advise their clients not to neglect home care for delicate facial skin, enrich care products with essential oils, regularly do steam baths and nourishing masks, after which the skin on long time remains well-groomed and elastic, prepare and apply cosmetic ice.

Grapefruit oil is one of the most useful products for the health of facial skin, because it has a powerful biochemical composition and unique therapeutic qualities.

Being a mine useful substances, grapefruit oil has been widely used in face and body skin care. Its use is especially relevant for owners of problematic, oily, combination, rash-prone skin. Ether also helps in the treatment of existing acne on the face.

Natural grapefruit oil for the face perfectly tightens pores, gives skin tone and elasticity, improves color, brightens dark spots, activates blood circulation in skin, whitens, rejuvenates, accelerates lymph, accelerates regeneration processes, renews and moisturizes the epidermis, penetrating into the deep layers.

Regular use of grapefruit oil can significantly slow down the aging process.

Choosing for yourself the most effective ways using grapefruit essential oil for the face, you can effectively help your natural beauty, improve the oval, tighten sagging muscles, cleanse the skin, get rid of acne, comedones, blackheads and give it a healthy, radiant look and smoothness, energizing an exotic citrus fruit.

Enrichment of cosmetic products with grapefruit oil

By adding 5 drops of ether per 20 g ready cream, you will significantly increase the effectiveness of cosmetics. The cream can be both night and day.

It is advisable to introduce grapefruit oil into ready-made tonics and facial cleansers in the same ratio.

If you regularly wipe your face and neck with ice with the addition of grapefruit ester, then there is an improvement in the condition of any skin type. The procedure is especially useful for tired skin, which needs urgent nourishment and toning.

In a teaspoon of natural honey, 5 drops of grapefruit oil are diluted, and then dissolved in 200 ml of mineral or boiled water. The finished liquid is poured into ice molds and frozen in the freezer.

Grapefruit oil for problem skin

According to cosmetologists, the use of grapefruit oil for the face effectively helps to reduce the greasiness of oily skin. Steam baths with ether cleanse the epidermis of dead cells, promote penetration nutrients through enlarged pores, normalize the functioning of fat and sweat glands.

In 1 l hot water(temperature about 85) pure esters are added: grapefruit - 2k., Melissa - 1k. and bergamot - 1k.

To eliminate acne, especially red subcutaneous acne, grapefruit oil is applied with cotton swab pointwise, trying not to get the elixir on healthy areas of the skin. This treatment relieves inflammation and helps to quickly cleanse the skin of the face and body from acne.

Depending on the composition of the mask with the addition of grapefruit oil, various cosmetic defects. Natural components of biologically active compositions carefully care for the face and neck, allowing your skin to breathe and renew itself.

We bring to your attention the most effective masks for various types skin. During the procedure, you not only enrich the skin with healing components, but also inhale the volatile grapefruit esters, which has a beneficial effect on the general tone of the body and the state of health in general.

Nourishing mask for all skin types with grapefruit ether

After the procedure, your skin will become velvety to the touch and radiant in appearance, filled with healing components. A tablespoon of sour cream (fat content should be chosen depending on the type of skin - for oily 15%, for normal 20%, for dry - above 25%) mixed with 10 g of liquid honey (the candied product should first be melted in a water bath) and one beaten egg yolk .

Add 3 drops of grapefruit oil to the thoroughly mixed mass. Oatmeal or cornmeal will help to thicken an overly liquid mixture. Apply the composition to a cleansed face for 25 minutes, rinse with lukewarm boiled water.

Whitening mask for oily skin

Within a month after regular procedures, the face will acquire a uniform color, age spots will disappear, pores will narrow, marks, scars and scars from acne will be smoothed out. The mask helps to make the skin matte and reduce the secretion of sebum, which gives it an unhealthy oily sheen.

Used as an emulsifier almond oil, which is enriched with the following esters: grapefruit - 3k., Rose - 3k., Ginger - 2k. The mask is applied to clean skin twice a week.

Regular application of the mask relieves inflammation and irritation, cleanses the skin of the face, evens out the tone and gives it a fresh, toned look. 35 g of green clay is diluted in 50 ml fresh juice agave (aloe), add 5 ml of orange juice, and introduce pure essential oils: lavender - 2k., tea tree - 1k., grapefruit - 1k.

The mixture is applied with a wooden spatula or brush to the entire face, bypassing the eyes and lips area, kept for 15 to 25 minutes, and then washed off with warm water with the addition of apple cider vinegar(tablespoon per glass).

Contraindications and precautions

Since in some cases there may be allergic reaction on grapefruit essential oil, then before starting it regular use skin test should be done: take any fat cream(1 coffee spoon), mix it with 1 cup of ether and apply on the elbow or under the knees.

If during the day the skin does not change its appearance and irritation and / or rash does not appear, then feel free to use recipes that contain grapefruit.


Grapefruit oil is considered to be "young", but in terms of scope and benefits, it is not inferior to other oils. It is widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, treatment of diseases. The essential oil of this citrus is used both in its pure form and as part of various mixtures. Good for skin and hair.

Grapefruit oil. Beneficial features

Grapefruit oil has various properties. It belongs to Jupiter, therefore it helps to establish a connection with the world around, achieve high results, learn to perceive one's own personality normally. Able to improve mood, eliminate irritability, anger.

It's an antidepressant high efficiency who struggles with depression, stress, depressive states. The oil helps to increase brain activity, eliminate drowsiness in the morning.

Grapefruit oil has all the useful, soothing qualities: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, relieving spasms. In aromatic therapy, it is actively used to eliminate and prevent disorders in the gallbladder, in the form of a diuretic and choleretic agent that removes toxins. Reduces cholesterol.

Having received all the useful qualities of the fruit, the oil helps to normalize the balance of fat, the functioning of the glands, whiten the skin, and narrow the pores. This is a wonderful tool for combating overweight, it is able to purify the blood, lymph, increase immunity.

Grapefruit oil. Application

The scope of grapefruit oil is as follows:

disinfection and aromatization of rooms. To do this, 10 drops of oil must be added to an aromatic lamp or air purifier;
For warm bath Mix 10 drops with milk or honey, pour into water;
for a relaxing massage, 4-6 drops are mixed with a spoonful of regular oil;
to improve the properties of cosmetics 3-7 drops per 100 ml of the product, and for shampoo 3-5 drops per 10 ml;
For steam baths drip into the water no more than 10 drops. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Like all citrus esters, grapefruit oil should be used with caution in clear weather. Sun burns on the skin.

grapefruit oil for hair

Concentrated grapefruit oil is a popular hair care ingredient. Provides prevention of hair loss, adds shine and vitality curls. It is not difficult to achieve such results, it is enough to regularly use it to massage the scalp, add it to shampoos, masks, rinses.

To give strength and increase density, there is this recipe: in 1 tbsp. vegetable oils pour in 5 drops of grapefruit ether. Rub into the skin with massaging movements, warm the head for 10 minutes. This will give health to curls and activate growth. If you are not a fan of massage, then just drop a little oil into your shampoo. For owners sensitive skin should be careful.

There is a recipe effective mask to strengthen and regenerate hair: 1 yolk, 1 tsp. and honey. Pour in 5 drops of grapefruit ether. Spread over the entire length of the hair and keep for half an hour.

grapefruit oil for skin

In cosmetology, grapefruit oil, peel, pulp and juice of the fruit are also useful for the skin. Masks based on this are suitable for oily skin and normal types, moisturizing the décolleté zone.

Most effective recipe For specified types skin is the addition of oil to blue clay or almond oil, about 5 drops. Remember that you can not cover the skin around the eyes with a mask.

For those who do not like to waste time, the oil of this fruit can be added to the daily cream, no more than 5 drops for the whole jar, mix thoroughly. You can use it every day, it will not cause dryness. But then it is important to stop using masks with this oil, or repeat them no more than once every 7 days. Besides time, this way to save money. The cream requires less oil than masks, and real oil is not cheap.

In addition to combating the production of excess sebum, grapefruit can lighten the skin. Mix 2 drops of citrus oil and sea buckthorn oil. Apply by massage lines. This will improve blood flow to the skin. Wash off with cool water.

Other uses for grapefruit oil

As already mentioned, grapefruit oil can be used to improve the effectiveness of the cream. For this, various concentrated oils are suitable. For areas of skin with excess oil content, a composition of 2 drops of bergamot oil, 1 drop of oil lemon mint and 3 drops of mentioned citrus oil. Pour the mixture into 10 ml of any cream.

If you are worried that pores are very visible on your face, then drop a drop of grapefruit, chamomile and lemon oils into cream. To give tone, you can add citrus oil, ylang-ylang and patchouli.

Many people with the advent of spring suffer from the appearance of irregular pigmentation, freckles. A base massage blend with 3 drops of citrus, rosewood and 4 drops of ginger oil to help brighten skin.

Experts advise periodically pampering the skin with baths. They are made as follows: 0.5 l of water is poured drop by drop of bergamot oils, lemon mint, 2 drops of grapefruit oil. The recipe will help owners of oily skin.

If you like masks, then you should not refuse such pleasure. For problematic skin: honey, water and alcohol are mixed with each other in proportions 4:1:1. 2 drops of grapefruit ether are added here and tea tree. Before applying the mask, prepare the skin with a hot compress, leave it for 3 minutes. The mask itself lasts no more than 20 minutes. The skin gains elasticity, the tone of the face improves.

For those who are prone to depression and depression, it is useful to lie in warm bath with the addition of 4 drops of grapefruit and bergamot ether. To get a boost of energy, a mixture of rosemary and grapefruit oils is effective.

Those who wage war against cellulite are supported by anise, mint, vetiver and grapefruit esters. The first oils need 1 drop, and citrus - 4. All ingredients are poured into 100 g sea ​​salt and rubbed into areas of the skin that require correction.

If you have too much greasy hair that become stale within a few hours, then aromatherapy products will come to the rescue here too. Just 3 drops of oil per 10 ml of shampoo will get rid of the problem.

Grapefruit oil is also popular in the household. It can be useful not only in cosmetology. If you urgently need to wash the stove from burnt milk or coffee, which “ran away” at the wrong time, then add a couple of drops of this oil to the heated water. Nothing will remain of the terrible traces.

As you can see, this miracle cure can help in the fight against many problems. The main thing is the correct dosage and compliance with the frequency of use. Remember that for those with sensitive skin or allergies to citrus fruits, grapefruit oil is contraindicated. Also, always perform a sensitivity test before use.

January 11, 2014, 11:40 am