Henna hair coloring: benefits and harms for hair, reviews and results. How to get different shades. Mask against hair loss with cottage cheese

You decide to change the image with Iranian henna but weren't satisfied? Or are you tired of this bright red tone? Do not rush to buy paint in a different shade! First, figure out if it is possible to dye your hair after henna?

Is it possible to apply paint on strands dyed with henna?

Most experts will give an unequivocal answer - you can’t do this!

The fact is that in the action of chemical and natural dyes there is one significant difference. If the former simply envelop the hair, then the latter fill the entire structure of the strands. In addition, henna has a stronger pigment than artificial dye. It is for this reason that the combination of henna with chemical paint can give very unexpected results. What problems can you face?

  • The paint will either not be taken or it will lie in pieces, penetrating into those areas from which the henna was washed off;
  • The color will turn out green, blue or blue - this often happens when applying paint in light brown and light shades;
  • The tone will be rusty swamp - this can happen when painting in a dark color;
  • Henna will enhance its shade and become much brighter. In this case, copper notes will show through even after re-painting.

Important! Some people think that simultaneous use paints and basmas will be able to drown out henna. Actually this is not true. Even if at first glance the red tint is invisible, then in good light the hair will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow And.

How long can you paint?

How long after using henna can I paint strands with paint? Experts say that at least a month should pass between these procedures. By the way, this applies not only to the redhead, but also colorless henna. The latter, although it does not give curls copper shade, but forms a special thin layer protecting hair from negative environmental factors. The same layer will not allow the pigment to penetrate inside, so the procedure will be useless. The quality, the manufacturer or the cost of the paint does not play any role. Cope with henna can not be expensive fashion brand, no budget dye from the supermarket.

On a note! The reaction of strands to henna depends on their structure. So, the pigment is best retained by thin, smooth and blond hair - it is most difficult to wash off henna from them. Red or brown-haired women in this regard will be easier. Well, worst of all, henna rests on dark and curly strands.

What are the options?

Those who wish to dye their hair after henna shop paint, there are several options for the development of events.

Option 1. Wait until the hair grows completely, and then just cut it off. But, of course, few people use this option, because it takes a lot of time.

Option 2. Wait until the henna is washed off or darkens on its own. True, this process takes more than one month, so this option is also ineffective.

Option 3. Wash off the henna by special means. Such procedures take up to a week or a little. Furthermore- it all depends on the regularity of their conduct and the effectiveness of the selected drug. If you succeed, you can safely paint with ordinary paint - there will be no problems.

How and with what is henna washed off?

You do not want to wait a month, watching the fiery hair every day? This period can be reduced. You just need to try to wash the henna well. This is very easy to do with the help of improvised means.

Recipe number 1. With vegetable oil

  1. Heat sunflower oil or any other vegetable oil(almond, castor, olive, burdock). It should become room temperature.
  2. Apply the mixture to the strands, evenly distributing it along the entire length.
  3. Wrap your head with a warming cap (shower cap or plastic bag + terry towel).
  4. Wait not less than an hour, periodically warming up the hair with a hairdryer.
  5. Wash your hair with shampoo. To completely wash off the oil, repeat a couple of times.
  6. Do it in a day.

Recipe number 2. With vinegar

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. vinegar in 1 liter of water.
  2. Stir well.
  3. Pour the liquid into a tall and not too wide container.
  4. Immerse strands in it and hold for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse them well with warm running water - washing your hair with shampoo is not necessary.
  6. Repeat the procedure 4 times a week.

Recipe number 3. With kefir and yeast

  1. Heat 200 ml of kefir over low heat.
  2. Add 40 g dry yeast and mix well.
  3. Apply the mixture to your strands.
  4. Warm up with a cap.
  5. Wait 2 hours.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  7. To bring the moment of dyeing your hair with paint, repeat this procedure daily.

Important! A mask of kefir and yeast not only washes off henna, but also strengthens the roots, restores the structure of the strands, and also accelerates their growth.

Recipe number 4. With laundry soap

Among the most effective and quite available funds, with which you can quickly wash off henna from your hair, includes the usual laundry soap. Being an alkali, it opens the hair scales and contributes to the rapid washing out of the red pigment. To speed up the process, replace your shampoo with a bar of this soap and wash your hair for several days in a row.

Advice! This tool is very dry, so after using it, do not forget to take care of your hair with nourishing and moisturizing preparations - serums, masks, balms, fluids, etc.

Recipe number 5. With sour cream

  1. Apply sour cream evenly along the entire length.
  2. Wrap yourself in a cap.
  3. Wait at least an hour.
  4. Wash your strands with shampoo.

Important! This method will not completely remove henna, but it will be possible to muffle the red color with its help. In addition, with the help of sour cream you can organize complete care for split and damaged hair.

Tips on how to wash off the henna color before the next hair coloring:

Recipe number 6. With medical alcohol and oil

  1. Soak a clean kitchen sponge in rubbing alcohol.
  2. Wipe her hair, wetting very strongly.
  3. Wait 5-7 minutes.
  4. Top with any vegetable oil.
  5. Warm your head with a cap.
  6. How long to keep this remedy? Enough 40 minutes.
  7. Wash your strands with shampoo. Recommended for hair fatty type.
  8. Repeat the procedure almost daily - by the end of the week there will be no trace of henna.

Advice! After using these products, dyeing your hair with chemical dye will not keep you waiting. The main thing is to stick to the recipe and carry out these procedures regularly. For reliability, you can combine several recipes.

How to choose the right paint?

For hair previously dyed with henna, it is best to use it - it is less traumatic and rarely gives an unexpected effect. In order not to get into a mess, apply this remedy on one thin strand and check the result. If new color hair suits you, feel free to proceed to applying paint to the entire head.

Among the most best brands can include the following:

  • Kadus Fervidol Brilliant;
  • Revlon Professionals;
  • Wella Professional Color Touch.

Of course, after henna you can not immediately become a blonde. We recommend staying on dyes dark tones- chestnut, coffee, chocolate, black, etc.

Important! The first coloring after henna allows only toning the hair. Deep beautiful colour will appear only after the second session.

We hope these little tricks will allow you to dye your hair after henna without any problems and regain your former attractiveness.

Since ancient times, women have wanted to look their best. And they used a lot of tricks for this. Henna is a completely natural dye that not only gives the hair new shades, but also takes care of the hair. But for some reason, many stylists do not recommend dyeing hair with henna. Like any other dye, henna has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

What gives hair dyeing with henna - the pros and cons

To begin with, consider how henna is useful for hair:

  • Henna is made from lavsonia leaves and is completely natural;
  • Henna fights dandruff better than any other means due to its antibacterial properties;
  • After dyeing with henna, the hair is restored, becoming thicker and more manageable;
  • No chemical dye can give such a natural red hair color;
  • Essential oils are added to henna to get new shades. This makes it even more useful;
  • At regular use henna hair grows faster and stronger;
  • Henna coats and protects hair from sun rays;
  • Henna is cheaper than chemical dyes;
  • Henna does not cause allergies, so if you are allergic to chemical dye, you can use natural dyes.

But apart from all positive properties Henna also has disadvantages:

  • Henna is very difficult to wash off the hair;
  • If after dyeing with henna you want to switch to chemical dye, the result of staining may not be predictable;
  • At very frequent use henna dries hair, but not everyone has this problem and can be avoided by adding a little oil to the composition;
  • When using henna, you will have to forget about perm or hair lamination. These procedures will not give the desired effect.

Types of henna

On this moment There are several varieties of henna. And depending on the type of henna has different properties.

  • Iranian. At the moment, this type of henna is the most common and popular. Such henna gives only one shade. But you can additionally add a few natural ingredients to it and get the shade you need.
  • Indian. This henna has several different shades, and it also has a very pleasant smell.
  • Turkish. This henna does not give bright colors but it has very good quality.
  • Liquid. This is henna in the form of a liquid cream. Such henna is easy to dye hair and it is easily washed off.
  • Black. Such henna includes chemical components, so it does not have healing qualities.
  • Colorless. This type of henna is used to create hair masks, but is not suitable for dyeing.

How to dye your hair with henna

If we compare henna staining and staining with chemical dyes, then henna takes more time and requires correct execution.

First you need to correctly figure out how much henna is required for your hair:

  • If you have long hair, then you need about 500 grams of henna powder
  • For chin-length hair, it will take about 200 grams.
  • If you have more short hair, then you have enough 100 gr.

How to paint with henna - step by step instructions

Before you dye your hair with henna, it is better to test on one strand to evaluate the color and result. This will help you avoid disappointment after staining.

  • First of all, take a container of a suitable size and pour henna into it. It is necessary to dilute henna with water at a temperature of 90 ° C, pouring it in gradually so that there are no lumps. Ready mix should be like thick sour cream in consistency.
  • After that, wrap the henna with a towel and let it brew for 15 minutes in a warm place. If you have dry hair, be sure to add some oil that you like to the mixture so that the henna does not damage it. You can take burdock oil, but it can affect the color of the stain. The most common type of oil is olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Before applying henna to the hair, it is advisable to wash them and dry them with a towel. But wash your hair only with shampoo. It is better not to use a balm, as it will close the scales of the hair. Also, apply a thick layer of cream or glycerin to the skin along the hair, so as not to accidentally leave stains.
  • Be sure to wear gloves and think in advance what clothes you will dye. Henna cannot be removed from clothing and can leave stains on the skin that are difficult to get rid of.
  • After that, start coloring. Apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length, evenly distributing through the hair. At the same time, very important condition is the temperature of the mixture. Make a water bath so that the paint does not have time to cool.
  • After that, wrap your hair in plastic and wrap it in a towel. To prevent henna from driving up, tuck paper towels or napkins under the turban.

For owners blonde hair 20 minutes is enough to dye your hair.
On dark hair, the mixture must be kept for about 1 - 1.5 hours to obtain the result.
To wash henna out of hair, use warm water, but it is better not to use shampoo at the same time. The easiest way to do this is in the shower under running water. Rinse very thoroughly so that no lumps of henna remain in the hair.
After you have washed off all the henna, rinse your hair with water, to which add a little vinegar or lemon juice. This is necessary to fix the shade.
If you are unable to wash off all the henna from your hair, you can use a small amount of balm. Then the residue will wash off much better.

How to get different shades when staining with henna

  • In order to get a bright and natural red color as a result of dyeing, add 20 grams of ground ginger to henna.
  • In order to receive copper color add 5 grams of ground cinnamon, 5 grams of turmeric and fill the powder with hot black tea.
  • To get golden honey color add 30 grams of liquid honey and 5 grams of ground cloves to the mixture
  • To get a dark red color you will need: 50 gr. Egyptian henna, 300 ml. beetroot juice, 50 ml. red wine, 20 gr. cocoa powder, 20 gr. Madder dye powder, 20 drops essential oil carnations. Mix henna with cocoa and madder powder, pour beetroot juice and mix. Add wine and clove oil, rub the mass and apply to the hair.
  • To obtain the color of black cherry, dilute henna with a strong infusion of hibiscus.

How to dye your hair with basma

In addition to henna, basma is also used for hair coloring. But basma cannot be used without henna, otherwise your hair will turn green. Basma is used only with henna to obtain shades from chocolate to black.

But do not use white or colorless henna for a mixture with basma. Because in the end the hair color will be green or blue.

A mixture for coloring from basma is prepared in the same way as from henna. Mix indigo leaf powder (basma) with lavsonia leaves and fill with water at 90 ° C. Let's insist.

If henna is applied to wet hair, then basma is best applied to dry or slightly damp hair. And it is not necessary to wrap your hair with a hat and a towel.

  • To obtain a chestnut shade, henna and basma are mixed in equal proportions.
  • To get a black shade of basma, they take 2 times more than henna
  • To obtain a shade of old bronze, 1 part of basma is added to 2 parts of henna.
  • If you want to get a thick black color with a sheen, then you must first apply a mixture of henna to your hair and dye it for an hour, then dilute the basma and apply it to your hair for 3 hours.

  • If as a result of dyeing the color turned out to be too saturated, apply to the hair grape oil, walk around with it for about an hour, and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  • If, after staining with basma and henna, the color turned out darker than you wanted, comb your hair with a comb, dipping it in lemon juice.
  • If glycerin is added during the preparation of the mixture, the color of the stain will be more even.
  • For even more hair benefits coloring composition can add egg yolk. It not only nourishes the hair, but also makes it easier to wash the powder from the hair.
  • You can enhance the effect of basma by adding a few drops of ammonia to the mixture.
  • Before buying henna, be sure to pay attention to how fresh it is. Expired henna loses its properties, and you are unlikely to like the result of staining.
  • Unfortunately, henna cannot cover gray hair, so if you have most of your hair gray, it is better to refuse henna staining.
  • The true shade of staining appears only on the 3rd day after using henna. Therefore, it is better not to wash your hair with shampoo for 3-4 days, so as not to wash off the paint from your hair.
  • Also, in addition to hair, henna can be used to dye eyebrows. Many experts use henna to color their eyebrows, and the result lasts longer than chemical dye.

Coloring with henna and basma does not harm the hair and you will surely be satisfied with the result of the coloring. Even if at first it seems hard for you, then when you get used to it, you probably won’t want to exchange natural dye for any of the chemical paints.

To look luxurious, some women dye their hair with henna. It, unlike products made on an ammonia basis, is completely natural. However, henna must be used strictly following the recommendations for dyeing, otherwise you can ruin your hair. It is not only about their shades, but also about the condition of the strands.

Can you dye your hair with henna?

As part of given substance there are many different components. They allow you to give the strands one or another tone. In addition, these components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. This "paint" contains the following substances:

  • resins that give the hair silkiness and breathtaking shine;
  • chlorophyll is one of the most powerful antioxidants (rejuvenates the scalp and has a healing effect);
  • polysaccharides that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • aromatic oils and vitamins - elements that saturate the scalp and hair with nutrients;
  • pectins - components that have an absorbent effect (they also give density to the strands);
  • hennotaninic acid is the main coloring element, which also has an antibacterial effect.

Such natural ingredient has its own positive and negative features. All these points should be taken into account when a woman is considering whether to dye her hair with henna. Among the advantages of this tool are the following:

  1. It is natural, therefore it can be used for coloring strands even by those people who are allergic to synthetic components.
  2. Thanks to the antiseptic effect, they help get rid of.
  3. Penetrating into the structure of the rods, it helps to straighten curls and heals.
  4. Hair coloring with henna improves the structure of the strands.
  5. Can be used at any age.
  6. Henna staining is safe, so this procedure can be performed by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  7. The tool stands out advantageously for its cheapness.

Henna also has negative features:

  1. Minimizes the production of sebum in the scalp, which makes the strands become brittle and look lifeless.
  2. With frequent use of henna is destroyed protective layer hair. As a result, colored strands become dull and naughty.
  3. This remedy straightens curls. For girls who want to have luxurious curls, dyeing their hair with henna is not advisable.
  4. Burns out when exposed to sunlight.

Can pregnant women dye their hair with henna?

This natural substance is completely safe. It can be safely used during the period of bearing a baby. However, when considering the dilemma, one must take into account the fact that they have used this tool before. If women have not used henna before, there is a chance that allergic reaction. The final decision is for the pregnant woman.

Can henna be used on dyed hair?

It's not worth doing. Such hair coloring with Indian henna can provide an absolutely unpredictable effect. The same result will be if an artificial dye is applied over a natural remedy. After such experiments, a greenish tint of hair is provided. Such a defect cannot be corrected at home on its own. You can't do without the help of an experienced hairdresser.

How often can you dye your hair with henna?

Although this natural substance does not destroy the pigment, it can be harmful. Excessive use provokes tarnishing of the strands. Application intensity this tool depends on the type of hair. Here is how often to dye your hair with henna:

  • normal curls or strands of a fatty type - no more than 3 times a month;
  • for the maximum number - once every 30 days;
  • at sensitive skin- no more than once every 2 months.

What henna to dye your hair?

This remedy is made from the leaves of lavsonia. There are such varieties of henna:

  1. Iranian- Produced in only one shade. To give the hair an unusual tone, such henna is mixed with coffee, lemon juice, cocoa and other additives.
  2. Sudanese- available in different shades (from bright red to copper).
  3. Indian- represented by a wide range of tones (from pale golden to blue-black).

Colorless henna is also on sale. This remedy is obtained from the stems of lavsonia. Some girls are interested in whether colorless henna dyes their hair. This tool does not affect the shade of the strands. It is used for their health. colorless henna helps:

  • increase the volume of hair;
  • activate ;
  • strengthen strands;
  • give volume to curls;
  • eliminate dandruff.

Henna for hair - shades

Such a coloring matter comes in different tones. They produce the following shades of henna:

  • brown - designed for brown-haired women;
  • mahogany - optimal solution for women with brown hair;
  • golden - a great option for blondes and owners of light blond curls;
  • burgundy - gives strands luxurious shade aged wine;
  • black - gives rich curls dark tone.

Coloring gray hair with henna

This tool will help rejuvenate the "aged" strands. Before you paint White hair henna, you need to find out a few points:

  1. It will not work to paint the strands evenly. This procedure will give the effect of coloring (gray hair will turn out lighter than those that are natural in color).
  2. For getting copper tone along with henna, you need to use basma at the same time. If you want to achieve a chestnut shade, hair coloring with these two natural remedies should be carried out sequentially. First, they cover the hair with henna, wash it off, and then do the same with basma.
  3. The procedure is completed by applying a moisturizer to the strands.

Henna coloring of dark hair

Brunettes can safely use natural remedy any shade. You can use separately brown and black or burgundy and mahogany. Some girls experiment and mix henna of different shades with each other. The effect in all these cases is almost the same. You can, before dyeing your hair with henna, stock up on several shades of this remedy. However, do not try to clarify dark strands with golden tone. It's useless.

Henna coloring of blond hair

Like brunettes, brown-haired women can also use any shades of the product. The result of such staining depends on how long the henna is on. Brown hair applied:

  • from 5 to 20 minutes - you get a light chestnut tone;
  • about half an hour - a brownish tint;
  • up to an hour - they will acquire notes of dark chestnut color.

Henna coloring of blonde hair

Blondes with this tool need to be more careful. If you dye light hair with henna, you can get the most unpredictable shade. It is better to mix it with basma. This will allow you to get a tone that is closer to natural. In addition, henna for blondes should be aged for about 30 minutes (to get light color) or hours (will color in dark shade). It's not worth overdoing.

How to dye your hair with henna?

For the effect to be amazing, you need to use only high-quality cosmetic product. To do this, you should buy it on official websites or in trusted outlets. It is important to calculate correctly right amount henna. Here it is necessary to take into account various factors, for example, the length of the strands, their density and other decisive factors.

At short haircut dyeing hair with henna will require about 70 g of the substance. For curls middle length you will need about a quarter of a kg of this product. Before you dye your hair with henna at home ( we are talking about strands of 60 cm or more), you need to prepare about 500 g of the substance. Some girls mix a natural ingredient with synthetic dyes to enhance the effect. This is a huge risk! The result can be the most unpredictable.

How to dilute henna for hair coloring?

Such a solution should be prepared in a non-metallic container, for example, in glassware. You need to pour henna powder hot water. However, its temperature should not exceed 70°C. Boiling water will kill all the valuable substances of the coloring agent, so it will be completely useless for the hair. Water for the preparation of the mixture must be taken so much that the consistency of the mass resembles not very thick sour cream.

Here's how to breed henna for hair if you need to get a special shade:

  1. Golden color gives a combination of turmeric, the main natural dye and dry white wine. Each component is taken in equal proportions.
  2. The “old gold” tone will give a mixture consisting of a bag of henna and 2 g of saffron (it should be poured with a small amount of water in advance and boiled).
  3. To get a noble honey tone, you need to dilute henna with chamomile decoction.
  4. If the dye is diluted not with water, but with Cahors heated to 70 ° C, this will give the strands a luxurious reddish tint.
  5. To obtain chestnut shade, hair coloring with henna and basma must be done. These components should be taken in a ratio of 3: 1.
  6. The shell helps to achieve a chocolate tone from walnut. It should be crushed (you will need 2 tablespoons) and add to the diluted henna.
  7. To give the curls a luxurious shine, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture.

How long to keep henna on hair?

The staining time directly depends on the expected effect, the length of the strands and their density. Deviation from the recommendation may give unpredictable results. For example, curls will become lifeless and turn greenish or bluish. Here is how much to keep henna experts recommend:

  • blondes with normal coloring - up to 15 minutes, brown-haired women - about half an hour, brunettes - up to 2 hours;
  • if hair coloring is done with henna and natural color enhancers, the exposure time of the mixture increases to 2 hours;
  • when using a natural substance of a black shade, you can keep the mixture for up to half an hour.

Henna hair coloring recipes

There is a huge variety of recipes for mixtures for curls. Some of them use color enhancers. In other cases, henna recipes provide with additional aromatic additives. They give the hair not only a beautiful shine, but also a smell. In the third formulations, oil (olive or castor) is introduced as an auxiliary substance, so that the mixture does not dry out the strands.

Henna with kefir


  • henna - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • 2.5% fat kefir - 1 liter.

Preparation, application:

  1. Henna mixed with fermented milk product and set aside for half an hour.
  2. The composition is heated in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes.
  3. The components are thoroughly mixed and again sent to the microwave. This is done 3-4 times.
  4. The finished "paint" is applied to clean, damp hair and kept for about an hour.

"Paint" from henna and coffee

Henna is beautiful and flowing hair with different shades on the one hand, and the fear that there will be greenery and the inability to choose any other paint.

To understand all aspects and get clear instructions on the issues:
How to dye your hair with henna at home? What are the options for henna staining?

How to paint in a certain tone: black, chocolate, red? How to dye your hair at home for yourself? What additional ingredients will help make the color even deeper and more stunning?

Those who want to stain with henna for the first time need to understand that it can bring surprises, and which ones and in what situations we will discuss now.

When deciding to choose henna as a hair dye, it is worth remembering the following nuances:

It is believed that staining with one basma can give green tint, and descending henna + basma go to purple or red.

Such situations are individual, there is experience of staining for several years and nothing like this has happened, although staining was only henna.

Surprises can happen when correct application natural paint, namely:

  • dyeing on bleached hair;
  • after henna or basma, chemical paints were used;
  • use of one basma without henna.

Henna is often used for coloring to make hair thicker and give volume. Anyone who is familiar with this problem, but wants to know, we recommend that you click on the picture or link.

For those who have begun to dye their hair with henna to get rid of dandruff, we recommend that you learn more about it at Simple and healthy recipes, tips will help defeat her forever.

Henna is also perfect for answering the question: how to straighten curly hair without ironing and hair dryer at home, read about it

What do you get by choosing a natural dye?

Your curls will acquire a natural shine and silkiness, and the absence of burnt ends and tow-like tangles will make your hair the envy of your hair.

Natural paint is able to combine coloring and care, like a mask, if you add vitamins, oils and other nutrients to it.

It is not advisable to add oils and vitamins to a hot henna solution, because. they lose their beneficial features, so let it cool a little or apply before staining.

How to choose henna?

Before you start preparing for painting, check which grade is easy to purchase in your stores or order online.
Read reviews of the types that are most accessible to you.


  • the desired shade after staining;
  • original hair tone;
  • proportions;
  • exposure time;
  • additional funds needed to obtain this color.

Detailed analysis of the contents of the bags

  1. When choosing henna, most likely you will not find the composition on the packaging, if you are lucky, it will be written Lawsonia inermis.
  2. If there are other components different from this one, it is worth paying attention to and studying them. Maybe it's something with chemicals.
  3. After opening the package and pouring out the contents, you will see a dark green powder smelling like grass. No fragrances similar to chemical paints or wax.
  4. Whatever you add to henna, its composition will resemble gruel with roughness (it will not become smooth, like jelly or sour cream).
  5. It stains: skin, hair, but not a bath or a plate.

The most affordable companies for residents of Russia, Ukraine

henna Artcolor

In 2 out of 3 stores there are firms - Phytocosmetics and Art Color. Both have a wide range of tint balms to cream henna, but not every kind will give desired color and the desired result.

Henna Phytocosmetics

Http://www.fitocosmetic.ru/catalog/sredstva-dlya-okraski-volos/, http://artcolor.ru/hna-i-basma.html

Listen to the feedback and try on a separate strand if in doubt about the color.

Keep in mind that: the structure, thickness and acceptance of color from natural dyes is individual for each person, therefore the same manufacturers and varieties of henna can have both negative and positive reviews.

It is difficult to say how your curls will react, and what we will get as a result of painting with a 90% guarantee.


Prices have a fairly wide range, so Henna-Lash - from $ 7 per 100 grams, and packaged henna from $ 1 per 25 grams. How more natural product, the higher the price for it is asked, although fraud is not excluded.

The price of henna is affected by the added components and shipping, although pure henna is quite cheap.

Henna Lash (Lush) (photo)

A distinctive characteristic of this type is the packaging in large braces, which must be grated before use. Contains oils and other useful components, but this affects the cost, it is many times higher than usual in bags.

Hair coloring with henna-lash detailed instructions in this video

How much henna is needed to completely cover any tone?

Depends on:

  • for the first time you paint or you have tinting of the roots;
  • length;
  • density;
  • hair thickness;
  • natural tone (blonds will change color faster).

What does experience show?

For tinting the roots, 1 pack \u003d 25g will be enough. For gray hair from 3 packs and above, to paint over in several layers.

For a brunette with long strands not very thick to the waist, we recommend 3-4 packs = 100g.
Although some use 16 packs, this can only be determined by experience!

How to do the whole process at home?

We prepare all the necessary supplies

Rules for competent henna staining at home: step by step with photos and videos

Several methods:

  • on dirty or clean curls;
  • wet or dry;
  • with basma in a separate coloring or simultaneous;
  • washing off henna after use with or without shampoo;
  • rinsing: with balm, vinegar or other means, decoctions.

Dyeing on dirty dry hair

We give a description of only the option for dirty curls, since the rest will be similar.

Detailed step by step video henna dyeing at home

Video hair coloring with henna on a model

Let's talk about the nuances:

It is believed that it is better to apply to clean strands, since the contact of the shampoo with natural dye washes out the color.
Wet curls absorb color more easily. The disadvantages of wet application are that you do not see which strands are dyed and which are not. May leak as they are already wet.

How to get the desired tone?

A set of tips for coloring on dark hair with the help of: beets, onion husks, hibiscus tea, coffee.

Another collection of coloring recipes natural paints in video format for owners of blond hair


Obtained by mixing 1 part of henna with 2 - 3 parts of basma. Holding time from 3-6 hours.
We get a darker tone by staining in 2 stages: first henna + basma, then one basma.

Secret: For blondes and those who have residues of chemical dyes or curls on their hair, it is not recommended to use only basma in order to avoid getting green. Depends on the variety of basma, pay attention to the instructions for the dye.

Video recipe for henna staining


To get different tones of red you will need:

  • Only henna. It is important to choose the right varieties. Keep from 40 minutes to 6 hours.
  • Copper: henna, meringue, lemon juice, turmeric.
  • Deep red chestnut: henna with coffee, sometimes with the addition of basma.

Therefore, be sure to conduct an experiment once so that there is no shocking surprise. Subsequent stains do not need to be tested.

Olga's review:
In the photo, the hair is after dyeing with a mixture of coffee with henna and a little cinnamon for flavor, I used very hot water.
Sometimes I add to the finished henna: sea buckthorn oil, vitamins A and E.

Keep such a solution with an insulated cap for 4 or more hours. This is due to the fact that the hair is quite thick and long.

They look great, especially in the sun. Their condition is excellent, I have been painting with this composition for many years, I am satisfied with everything.
I recommend trying this coloring option, it really does not spoil the hair and gives a deep mahogany color with a light redhead.

red tide

Steam on: Cahors, beet juice or cherry juice (natural).

On brewed coffee

We get different tones: chocolate, chestnut-red. The coffee can either be brewed when added to the color mixture, or brewed separately and then added to the poured ingredients.

Video on hair coloring with henna with basma and coffee

How to color your hair Brown color and paint over gray hair
A detailed master class to get a rich brown color with henna

How to dye dark hair with henna without a redhead?

If you decide to resort to using henna because you don’t know, then this article will tell you other factors that affect them.

Henna masks are often used in an attempt to save split ends, but in these cases we recommend that you learn how to cut the ends of your hair at home for yourself.

It is harmful to use chemical dyes on children's hair, we recommend using henna, but here's how to make a hairstyle for school yourself in 5 minutes with photos and videos you will find at this link

How to get a brighter color?

You can steam the paint on different liquids:

  • kefir, curdled milk;
  • cognac;
  • lengthen the fermentation by leaving the steamed mixture for several hours or days;
  • add lemon juice;
  • tea leaves;
  • keep the brewed mixture in a thermos;
  • on brewed coffee and add to the gruel itself.

The less you hold, the brighter the color turns out for 30-40 minutes. See the instructions that came with the paint.

How do you know exactly how much you need?

Experimentally determine how much henna you need for desired tone and 1st time to measure and record everything. This way you will get accurate guidelines for the next painting and improve the result.

What should be counted?

  • amount of water;
  • henna weight (how many packs or spoons);
  • added additional ingredients (basma, coffee, Cahors, turmeric);
  • contact time of hair and natural dye.

Now it remains only to apply the acquired knowledge and get desired color. Let the process bring you a minimum of discomfort, and achieve the desired tone from the 1st time!

To the entry "How to dye your hair with henna at home (photo, video)?" 7 comments

    Before applying the composition to the head, it is necessary to lubricate the ears, forehead and neck fat cream. This will prevent the skin from unwanted coloration. If the strands are dry, then it is advisable to add a few drops to the mixture. burdock oil. This will moisturize your hair and give it shine. How often can you dye your hair with henna? To obtain good effect from using it without negative consequences for hair, it should be applied 1-2 times a month.

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