How to dye your hair copper color. Toning or new coloring. Where does the redhead come from?

Owners of fiery hair color have always stood out from the crowd not only by the brightness of their colors, but also by their special temperament, sexuality, and enthusiasm. Despite these positive factors, some women dream of getting rid of this natural gift, others are trying to get theirs back natural shade, regretting the once conducted experiment with appearance. They are united by one problem - how to paint over red hair. And solving it is very problematic both for natural red color, and for purchased.

The reason is the presence of a persistent red pigment, which is almost impossible to remove. You can, of course, wait until the bright curls grow back and get rid of them by doing stylish hairstyle. If time does not allow, then the master at the hairdresser or salon will tell you how to dye your red hair color. Special washes are offered that are very effective in this situation, but the procedure itself will be an expensive pleasure, since a satisfactory result can only be obtained after several sessions. For this reason, some try to correct the situation on their own, without taking into account the specific features of this color.

Error warning

If red hair is a consequence unsuccessful coloring, you can get rid of it after reapplying the coloring agent. But sometimes in in this case many make mistakes. Discoloration is strictly unacceptable. Compositions intended for lightening hair can only eliminate dark shades, and red and reddish remain unchanged, only the structure hair follicles is destroyed. This prevents further dyeing because the hair does not hold the dye.

Coloring with purchased products

The red tint is not always completely eliminated, but it is at least partially possible to correct the situation by figuring out what color to paint over red hair.

  • Will help restore natural light shade coloring agents ashy tones containing blue pigment, which will neutralize red. After applying, for example, “ash blonde” Orange color will acquire brown tint, i.e. it will become darker. A light blond tone and a beige blond would be suitable.
  • You can get rid of the red problem by using dark dyes, except for black, which will only slightly darken the fieryness.
  • Resolving the issue in the most in an accessible way will help tinted shampoos. Purple tonic will change red to ashy. One drawback is that such cosmetics do not last long and need to be renewed periodically.
  • By resorting to highlighting, the situation can not only be corrected, but also played up in such a way that the red shine will look very advantageous. At the same time, this method will rejuvenate your appearance. The process consists of dyeing individual strands with a color that is in harmony with the main one. The strands can be thin, but it is also permissible to highlight wide ones, which will visually add volume to the hairstyle. Since red shades are also for this method are problematic perfect option– California highlighting.
  • For women of Balzac age, stylists recommend getting rid of the red color using coloring, combining wheat, copper shades and light blond.

Folk remedies to help

Those who wish to correct a failed experiment independently and without chemical intervention, traditional methods They will also tell you how to paint over red hair:

  • Moisten your hair with lemon juice and walk in the sun for several hours, then rinse with water.
  • Another remedy is both a lightening and a mask for curls. Soak rye bread in water and leave overnight. Distribute the resulting mixture over your hair, and after an hour wash your hair.
  • The following set of procedures: soak the strands in beer and leave for the whole day. Then wash plain soap and rinse with water.

If none of the remedies gives results, then it is better to contact a specialist. He will select the required color at a professional level, using a special series of hair dyes that differ from aggressive dyes for home use.

They say that there is nothing better than natural hair color. But nevertheless, many women are trying to change their appearance. Someone just likes to experiment, turning from a sultry brunette to a bright brown-haired woman, and then to tender blonde. Be that as it may, problems may arise after dyeing your hair. One of them is getting an unwanted shade.

For example, you are trying to lighten your hair several tones, dreaming of becoming blonde, but in the end you get orange tint. Of course, this is not the worst color for curls, but it can be very disappointing, especially if the strands are colored unevenly, which often happens. This situation is familiar to many who have tried to lighten their hair on their own. Ultimately, I had to go to the salon and see a technician to fix everything.

In fact, if you try to lighten very dark hair, in eight out of ten cases you will end up with a red tint. But know that you can get rid of this effect yourself. Below we will tell you how to correct the situation and offer five options for solving the problem. But first, let's talk about why hair turns red when lightened.

Why does hair turn red?

To get rid of the problem, it is important to understand where it came from. A hair bleaching product only lightens the hair, but does not rid it of the natural pigment responsible for its natural tone. All brunettes get a red tint, because it is residual during lightening. The darker the curls, the more red the resulting tone.

Another reason for the appearance of a red tint is the accumulation of minerals in the hair. If you have light curls They will likely respond better to yellow and orange tones in products containing sulfates.

How to get rid of unwanted shade after bleaching your hair?

There are several ways to get rid of unwanted shade. But the main principle is color neutralization. It must be taken into account that various shades blue colors neutralize shades of orange. This is why most tinted shampoos contain blue or purple pigments to remove red and yellow tones. We can make similar products ourselves, but more on that below.

Getting rid of red tint with toner

The toner helps remove yellow and orange undertones, neutralizing them and making your hair color look cooler. It can be used in combination with peroxide immediately after the lightening procedure. You may have to apply the treatment more than once to get the desired result.

How to choose a toner?

If your hair is more yellow than orange, a purple tinted shampoo or toner will do the trick. For example, the product from Vella Color Charm T18. If there is more of an orange tone, you will need to use a blue shampoo for about a couple of weeks to neutralize it.

How to apply toner?

To carry out the procedure you will need: hair toner, applicator brush, plastic bowl and peroxide.

  • Mix toner and peroxide in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Using the applicator brush, begin applying the mixture to your hair.
  • When all the red strands are covered with the product, leave it on your head for 45 minutes, but no more.
  • After time, wash off with a toning shampoo or sulfate-free shampoo.

How to get rid of red tint using hair dye?

If the strands turn out spotty, sometimes light, sometimes red, then the problem, most likely, is that there was not enough dye for your hair. They need to be repainted. This time, ask a friend to help you. Section your hair and make sure the color is applied evenly. Next follow the instructions:

  • Dilute as much dye as necessary to cover all hair.
  • Divide them into thin strands that are easy to cover with product.
  • Ask a friend to help so that the paint goes on evenly.
  • After covering all the hair, wait the time indicated in the instructions for the product.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

How to turn red hair light brown?

Using light hair dye is another one good way remove the orange tone and get a cool light brown. If you dye dark orange strands with light gold dye, it will help neutralize the unwanted tone, lightening the hair slightly and leaving a pleasant shade.

  • Buy paint light brown, lighter than the one that gave the red tint.
  • Following the instructions, apply it to your hair.
  • Wait for some time as indicated on the package and then wash off with shampoo.

How to remove red tint and become blonde?

The best way to go from a redhead to a blonde is to bleach your hair again after a couple of weeks. So you can get not orange, but yellow tones, which are easier to neutralize. If after the repeated procedure you are satisfied with the color of your hair, then you can leave it that way. Or you can use paint with tone " ash blonde"to neutralize yellow tint.

  • Buy a good lightening powder, Volume 30 hair developer and a pack of hair dye. platinum blonde"or "ash blonde".
  • In a plastic bowl, mix developer and bleach in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Apply the product to your hair and leave for about half an hour.
  • Wash your hair and wait at least a couple of days before using store-bought hair dye.
  • Follow the instructions on the product bottle to neutralize the yellow tint in your hair.

How to get rid of red tint with home remedies?

You can also tint your hair using natural ingredients. There are two methods, which we will now describe.

1. Hollyhock Hyacinth Greens and Apple Cider Vinegar.

For this method you will need a couple of tablespoons apple cider vinegar, about thirty grams of Hollyhock hyacinth greens and a glass of water.

  • Boil the water. Add Hollyhock herb and apple cider vinegar to it.
  • Cook the mixture until it thickens. Then set aside and let it cool.
  • Apply the thick mixture to your hair and massage your scalp.
  • Leave the mixture on your hair for about ten minutes and then rinse with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

2. Apple cider vinegar.

To tone your hair, you can rinse with apple cider vinegar. To do this, you will need a few drops of blue or purple liquid food coloring, a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, two to three tablespoons of coconut oil and one glass of water.

  • Apply Coconut oil on your hair before going to bed the night before the procedure.
  • Make a mixture of the remaining ingredients.
  • In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly. Rinse them with the prepared solution of apple cider vinegar and food coloring.
  • Repeat this procedure once every two weeks to see results.

If you are wondering how to remove red hair with home remedies, try this method. Add blue or purple food coloring into your sulfate-free shampoo or conditioner. This way you can make your own toning shampoos that will neutralize orange tones in your hair as much as possible.

If you don't get the shade you dreamed of when lightening your hair, it doesn't matter. Now you know how to fix it. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of an unwanted tone overnight. But even experienced craftsmen It is advised to re-stain no earlier than a couple of weeks after the first. So any method will take time. Be patient and you will succeed.

Most girls love to experiment with their own appearance - they get eyelash extensions and dye their hair in different colors. But often such experiments lead to completely unexpected results - a bright red or an unpleasant yellow tint appears on dyed hair. How to remove redness from hair after dyeing?

Why does redness appear in hair?

One of the results of improperly dyed strands is a red color. Most often, you can “achieve” a similar tone after home self-dyeing when girls strive to change the color of their hair radically and in one go.

The internal structure of each hair has its own natural pigment. For example, if the curls are naturally black, but they are trying to dye them light brown shade, then a conflict between the “natural” pigment and the chemical dye is quite likely, resulting not only in red hair, but also in uneven coloring of the strands.

Redhead may appear after repainting the strands in the following ways:

  • The black shade is dyed chestnut or light brown.
  • Dark chestnut - light brown.
  • Dark brown - to light brown.
  • Light chestnut - to white.

Experts assure that the problem with the appearance of red hair can be completely solved; to do this, you need to use shampoo with a toning effect. Of course, similar cosmetic product It’s not economical, but when you use it, you can eliminate the unpleasant yellow or red tint from almost any tone of the strands.

We remove redheads ourselves

If the yellow tint of the strands is obtained after salon dyeing, then the specialists of this salon must eliminate the cosmetic defect. In the event that the unsightly shade of the strands is obtained after home dyeing, then you will have to act independently. How can you get rid of red hair?

  • Return to natural shade. This method is quite simple, but also effective. It is necessary to select a paint with the required shade and dye the strands. Experts recommend that girls choose paint a shade lighter than natural color hair. If this condition is met, the redhead can be eliminated much faster and more efficiently. An excellent coloring result is guaranteed if the coloring base contains cool color shades.

  • Additional lighting. This method is effective if the yellow tint appeared after a previous dyeing process in which bright chestnut or red paint was used color range. To get a decent result, you need to use a bleaching procedure, which will help neutralize bald spots and uneven coloring. And only then the strands are dyed in the required shade. Bleaching helps eliminate the natural pigment of the strands, plus it eliminates yellowness. It is important to remember that double dyeing can negatively affect the structure of the hair, so it is necessary to use only high-quality dyes for natural basis. You can restore damaged strands by using essential oils(burdock, castor, olive).

  • Ash coloring. Paint can effectively remove shade cosmetic defect. Having chosen a similar option to eliminate yellowness, it is important to know that the ashen range of shades is not suitable for every woman.
  • Using a wash. A special cosmetic product, a remover, will help you get rid of reddish spots. Using a remover, a defect is eliminated after dyeing strands in a chestnut shade or after lightening. Rinsing helps eliminate remnants of old dye and does not damage the hair structure.

  • Using a tint toner. To neutralize redness, you need to prepare for a long process; you won’t be able to correct a defect caused by incorrect coloring in a couple of times. It is better to choose a tint tonic from the range of cool tones; the product is added to the hair balm and applied to the strands as usual.

How to choose the right tonic!

  • Using tinted shampoo. Along with tinted tonics can be used with light shades of purple, green or blue.

Getting rid of red hair with coloring

Having thought about what color you can paint over your redhead, you can pay attention to highlighting. Using a simple but popular procedure, you can eliminate the excessive brightness of the strands and soften the existing shade.

Useful alternatives to highlighting can be:

  • - dyeing strands in different colors color tones(from 3 tones);
  • - dyeing strands in natural and natural tones with shiny tints.

Tips to help you remove yellowness after dyeing your hair:

Folk remedies

It is important to immediately determine what to paint over the yellow or red tint of the strands using folk recipes it won't work to achieve positive result use them for a certain period of time.

  • After each wash, you can rinse your hair with a lemon rinse, which has whitening properties and, accordingly, gradually “destroys” the yellow tint. Lemon rinse Easy to prepare: per liter warm water Mix the juice from 1/2 lemon.

  • Rinsing strands with chamomile tea helps lighten them. If you add a couple of tbsp to the decoction of the herbal remedy. tablespoons of 6% vinegar, the positive effect will be achieved much faster.
  • Mix lemon juice and vodka in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the curls for 15 minutes. This product is not recommended for those with dry hair.
  • If the strands have a slight yellowish tint after dyeing, you can get rid of it using a mask based on rye bread. Recipe: soak a couple of pieces of rye bread in a small amount of water. Brewing time is 1 day, after which the dense bread mass is applied to the curls for half an hour and washed off with running warm water.
  • A mask with a whitening effect is prepared from 1 chicken egg, 1 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon olive oil. The bleaching mass is applied to slightly moistened curls for half an hour and then washed off with warm water.

  • The rhubarb plant also has bleaching properties. To eliminate unpleasant yellowness from strands, you need to prepare a paste of fresh rhubarb and apply it to the roots. It is important to note that the product has high efficiency and within just a couple of uses you can safely get rid of such a defect.
  • A mask prepared on the basis of liquid honey or low-fat kefir not only has whitening properties, but also helps restore the damaged structure of strands and relieve curls from various problems. A healing mask is applied to the curls, insulated with a plastic bag and a terry scarf. Exposure time is at least half an hour.

How to prevent redness?

  1. It is better to carry out the coloring procedure in beauty salons with a professional master.
  2. It is important to be able to determine the natural shade of strands and select a color base to match it.
  3. At home, it is not recommended to lighten curls of chestnut and dark tones.
  4. The procedure for lightening dark hair should not be carried out at once, but in a multi-stage manner (3-5 stages).
  5. For dyeing strands, it is recommended to select only professional paint, as well as an oxidizing agent. When using such products, you get the most similar shade of strands to the one shown on the packaging.

The use of low-quality paint or its improper use often leads to adverse cosmetic consequences. It is possible to remove red spots from hair after unsuccessful dyeing, but this requires a certain amount of time. The first time dyeing strands is best done in specialized salons beauty, where professional masters, using sample tests, will determine perfect tone paints and thus help prevent the possibility of an unpleasant cosmetic defect.

/ 30.12.2017

Red toning. How to dye red hair? Tips for changing your image

Experiments with hair lightening sometimes end unsuccessfully. Yellowish-red strands appear on bleached curls, which give the hair an unkempt and unattractive appearance.

Why does this happen? The most common reasons:

  • Home coloring in " complex colors": light chestnut or light brown. These shades contain a lot of red pigment; only a professional hairdresser can follow all the rules for preparing such paint.
  • The original hair color is much darker than desired. Yellowness often appears if you want to give black hair a light brown or chestnut tint or lighten your hair by several tones at once (for example, dye dark chestnut to light brown). Red hair is almost always dark and dyed a rich blonde.
  • Dyeing too often can also be the reason why your natural pigment will come into conflict with the artificial pigment from the dye, and you will have to remove the red color from bleached hair.

If you find unattractive yellowish strands, do not rush to despair. Try to fight them. There are four effective methods on how to remove redness from hair after dyeing or bleaching.

You can try some methods yourself, some only in the salon. In any case, we recommend that you consult with a professional so that the result meets your expectations.

Method 1. Improve the resulting color

To get rid of red, you can try to slightly change the resulting shade. We are not talking about a radical repainting. Using paint you will only slightly tint the resulting color.

A special palette will help you decide which paint to use to remove reddish hair. Every professional hairdresser has it and is a circle divided into several sectors by shade. How to use it:

  • If the original hair color was blond, copper or reddish, use an ash dye with a high content of blue pigment.
  • If the hair was dark blond or brown, add even more blue pigment. However, keep in mind that the resulting shade will be slightly darker than you planned.
  • For black hair, use blue, green or blue-black dyes.
  • If your hair is healthy and strong enough, lighten it three shades at once until red. After some time, paint them any light color - it will lie evenly, and no reddish spots will appear.

Method 2. Tinted balms

If your hair is severely damaged after dyeing and you feel that it won’t survive another dye test, it doesn’t matter. So, we remove red hair from hair with tonic! We hasten to warn you: this product does not eliminate, but only masks the unsightly shade. At the same time, tonic is much safer than paint and almost does not change the structure of the hair. Here are some recommendations for its use:

  • To remove red hair from hair with tonic, you need a product with a purple pigment. It is especially effective for radical blonde dyeing.
  • If the yellowness is not very noticeable, use a tinted shampoo with silver pigment. Products for gray hair are also suitable.
  • Use the product regularly, this is the only way to achieve a lasting effect.
  • When using for the first time, keep the product on your hair for no more than 3-4 minutes. After this, rinse your hair, dry it and see what happens. If there is no change, next time keep the product twice as long.

Method 3. Return to natural shade

This is the simplest and most effective solution, but there is one caveat. To get beautiful even shade, choose a tone that is slightly lighter than your natural hair. Make sure that the paint contains pigments of cool shades: blue, green, purple. In this case, the red color will disappear much faster and will become less noticeable after the first time.

Method 4. Folk remedies

You can also try to remove redheads at home using simple folk remedies. For the effect to be noticeable, carry out the procedures regularly. This way you will achieve a good color, and your hair will receive an extra portion of nutrition and hydration.

What to do to prevent redheads from appearing

Preventing yellow discoloration in the future is quite simple:

  • Have your coloring done only by a professional, especially if you decide to do it for the first time. At least until you become experienced enough and can choose the appropriate shade yourself.
  • If you paint at home, read the instructions carefully and do not improvise under any circumstances.
  • Radical lightening should not be done on your own, even if you have already painted in other shades before. Especially if your hair color is black or dark brown.
  • After coloring, try not to wash your hair with tap water. It contains a lot of chlorine, which can cause yellowing.
  • Take care of your hair - use a mask. It contains natural plant extracts, eliminates damage, holds scales together, stimulates hair growth and makes combing easier.

What woman doesn't like to experiment with her appearance? But sometimes such experiments do not bring results desired result. This also applies to the consequences of hair coloring. What to do when the paint gives an unexpected red tint? How can you correct this hair color?

So, you wanted to become a blonde, but instead you became... a faded redhead. What to do? You can remove red streaks from your hair in the following ways:

How to remove red hair color

How to remove red tint

Laundry soap.

Conditioner for colored hair.

For a beautiful, uniform color, we can recommend such recipes:

Coffee-cognac mask.

A few spoons of very strong freshly brewed ground coffee mix with 3-4 tablespoons of cognac, a tablespoon of honey or egg yolk.

Apply the resulting mixture to the roots of the hair (usually redness is especially noticeable there), leave for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Rinse hair with strong tea infusion has a similar tint property, making yellowness less noticeable.

Redhead on brown hair

How to remove redness from light brown hair and then give it a beautiful color and healthy looking? One of the most the right ways is a return to one's natural color through coloring. You can resort to a more gentle method - highlighting in an ashy shade, which will help divert attention from the redhead. Tinting in a blue-violet color will help neutralize the unpleasant shade.

If you have dark hair

Let us immediately note that unpleasant and unwanted redness on dark hair can be a consequence of:

  • violations of coloring rules;
  • incorrectly chosen shade.

Therefore, in such a situation, as professionals note, returning to your natural color will be optimal and rational.

But if you need to remove a deliberately acquired red or reddish tint, then in this case you will first have to completely bleach your hair. Naturally, this will have an extremely negative impact on general condition hair and its health, but then you can give your hair any desired shade.

A competent approach to coloring will protect you from unpleasant consequences

  • cardinal - a woman will have to cut her hair short;
  • loyal - tinting with temporary dyes with low durability, which will be washed off after the 3-8th wash of hair.

When the red color on lightened (bleached) hair is very pronounced, special tinted shampoos with silver pigment are suitable. The most popular among such products are the following brands:

  • Estel Optium Pearl;
  • Bonacure Color Save Silver Sampoo (Schwarzcopf) ;

It is not recommended to leave such products on the hair for more than three minutes, since the procedure can result in a completely undesirable shade. Get rid of unwanted red tint bleached hair at home you can use this effective mixture:

  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • one egg;
  • a small spoon of olive oil.

These ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the mask is applied to pre-moistened hair. The duration of the procedure is thirty minutes. The product is washed off with shampoo.

Hair may acquire an unpleasant red tint due to incorrect dyeing or unsuccessful bleaching

It is quite difficult to deal with such a problem, but in general the task is doable.

You can turn to professional hairdressers for help, who will tell you how to correct the color of your hair, but there is an option to get out of the situation on your own (tinted shampoos and masks come to the rescue). In any case, before taking any action, it is better to consult a specialist - this will reduce the risk that your hair will be completely damaged.

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How to remove redness from hair after unsuccessful dyeing?

  • to light blond from dark blond;
  • to white (intense blond) from light chestnut.

Light chestnut, blond and light brown shades contain the largest amount of reddish-yellow pigment, so experiments with them often end unsuccessfully. If you are going to change your hair color as in these examples, it is better to carry out the dyeing procedure in a salon to avoid problems.

It will help you on your way to the ideal hair tone color circle: for coloring or tinting, select the shade opposite the one you want to get rid of

How to eliminate redhead if it has already appeared

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely eliminate an unwanted red tint. But in almost any case, if the hair structure is not severely damaged, the situation can be corrected at least partially.

That is, to refine the color by slightly changing the shade and thereby weakening the reddishness. This can be done by painting in a contrasting tone.

If you look at the color wheel, which represents gradient transitions of primary colors into each other, then opposite the red-yellow tones, blue and blue-green are rejected. It is these colors that are used to neutralize red.

To restore normal shade blonde hair blue pigment is used in the dye ash tone, or rather, “ash blond.” If the original hair color was closer to orange, after dyeing it in an ash tone, you will get a pleasant natural brownish tint. At the same time, the hair becomes darker.

To get ash-colored curls instead of brown, even more blue pigment is added to the dye. But the more of it, the darker the final color.

To obtain a cleaner and light shade in the case of the preserved structure of the hair shafts, you can lighten the hair by 2 - 3 tones, until yellow, and then dye it an “ash blonde” shade or, if desired, a different color, for example, honey.

To remove reddish hair from dark hair, the same approach is used, the only difference is that there is no need to do preliminary lightening. The final hair tone is also even darker. Instead of “ash blonde” dye, bluish-green, blue and blue-black shades of color can be used.

If you feel that your

How to remove redness from hair that has already been dyed and has begun to lose pigment? Purple shampoo will not help here, since it neutralizes yellowness. If you look at the color wheel, you will notice that blue is opposite orange. Accordingly, blue nuances are needed.

Rinse aid recipe based on "Tonic" looks like this: take 2-3 tbsp for 1 liter of water. preparation, stir it well and dip the hair into the resulting liquid, leaving it for 1-2 minutes. You should not keep it longer, since the pigmentation of “Tonic” is very high, and on light (especially level 9-10) curls a distinct blue color may appear.

In addition, the tinting itself with a semi-permanent dye will have to be done through every 14 days, especially if you are used to washing your hair daily or every other day, thereby facilitating the rapid washing out of color. In addition, if we're talking about directly about the inability of the hair to hold pigment, this signals its porosity, and therefore requires treatment or at least cosmetic “sealing”.

A good solution could be lamination or glazing, which is available even at home.

Redhead on dark hair: is it possible to get rid of it?

If this shade appeared after using dyes of level 5 and higher, and, moreover, not initially aimed at warm color, most likely an error was made somewhere in the procedure. This mainly happens when the master does not take into account the original base. The result that a certain tube should give always depends on the surface on which the product is applied: both the condition of the hair (have you been dyed before?) and its shade are taken into account. To exclude the majority unpleasant surprises, you need to learn the basics of color.

On dark hair a red tint appears either as a result of attempts to bleach the colored base, or during the transition to light brown (i.e., less obvious lightening).

Also similar situation occurs if you put the same warm dye on a warm base, or try to cool it with an insufficient amount of neutralizer.

If you monthly lower the level (make the color darker) to 5 or lower, having initially light brown hair, the cold pigment will be washed out constantly, and mainly on the roots. The length will become clogged quite quickly, and the growing part will get rid of the dye in exactly this way: becoming warmer and acquiring copper nuances. To prevent this from happening, professionals advise oxide level reduction at 2.7-3% - it opens the scales to a lesser extent and therefore with it the cold pigment does not disappear as quickly as with 6% or 9% oxide. Moreover, the latter are designed to increase the base by more than 2 levels.

  • Use only professional dye and add mixtons or correctors to the main shade. These are special highly pigmented compounds that represent pure color: green, red, purple, etc. You need blue, as mentioned earlier.
  • Mixton is added according to the rule of 12: the number of the base (in which the coloring occurs) is subtracted from 12, and the figure obtained after these calculations is equal to the amount of mixton for every 60 ml of dye. For example, you are brown-haired, level 4. Then 8 g or 8 cm of corrector is needed, and no additional oxygen is added.
  • Focus on the nuances of the original canvas: a red tint can have a golden tint or a reddish tint. In this case, both purple and green correctors. To enhance, you can use pearl or ash, but it is better if this nuance is present in the main dye.
  • For those who are looking for a beautiful cool color from dyeing, professionals advise buying a dye with the number “0” after the dot, which means a natural (with green undertone) base, or with the number “1” - this is ash. And apply a blue or purple corrector to it.

You can often come across the question on the Internet: “ how to dye red hair" It all depends on whether it is natural or how it appeared undesirable effect from discoloration. One way or another, the problem is that the red shade is practically impossible to paint over.

How to dye red hair? You will have to spend a lot of patience, effort and money to get rid of this color. And, of course, you have to try many means to achieve the desired result.

If red - natural

When red is a natural, natural shade, then try it yourself staining not worth it. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist. Beauty salons offer a service such as multiple coloring. Moreover, after this, hair restoration will definitely be required. After all, they will experience enormous stress.

Dark colors for hair is not a way out of this situation. You won’t be able to dye your red locks with them yourself. After the first wash, you will see that the red color will appear.

It won’t be possible to transform in one step into a beautiful blonde. If your goal is just this shade, then you should be prepared to have hair color like a little chicken for some time.

Even if you manage to defeat the redhead, you need to be prepared for the fact that your hair roots will have to be constantly tinted more than once. Many girls will even be forced to sport tri-colored or two-colored curls. This becomes unpleasant for many people and quickly gets boring. Therefore, they again strive to return to their natural color hair.

If red - acquired

Many representatives of the fair sex try to radically change their image and hair color accordingly. If you suddenly decide to become a red-haired fury, and after some time change your mind, you will have to resort to one of two ways:
  • chemical remover;
  • waiting for the hair to grow back.
In order to paint over the resulting red color, you will have to turn to highly qualified hairdressing masters. They will help wash off this shade, which can be done only after two procedures. And only then will it be possible to choose some other shade.

Which color should I choose?

If you have red hair, then changing it should be taken very seriously. First you have to choose the perfect tone that can hide your shade:
  • You can choose the paint ashy options(see article " Who suits pale hair color?"). It will perfectly cover the red hair.
  • Dark paint will only make the red tint darker.
  • At all light paint will make your hair an acrid yellow tint.
  • Decide in advance on the amount of paint you will purchase. For short hair, one or two packs will be enough. But for long hair you will have to spend 3 or even 4 packs of paint.

Dyeing process

Before doing a full dyeing, the dye should be tested on a small piece of hair. This test will help show what the final shade will be. If you liked everything, then you can proceed to action:
  • In 2-3 days You should not wash your hair before coloring. This will help protect your hair.
  • Next, the composition is applied on the roots.
  • Only after 20 minutes can all the dye be distributed through the hair.
  • Exactly in 5-10 minutes The curls can be washed thoroughly with shampoo.
There is a possibility that after one procedure the redhead there will still be some left. If this happened exactly like this, then the painting will have to be repeated in just a couple of weeks. Are you still thinking about how to cover up your red hair color? It's probably worth turning to specialists for help. But keep in mind that such a transformation will not be cheap in a beauty salon. And if you want to save money, you will have to experiment at home. However, the results of this transformation will not always please you.

Coloring red hair is not that easy. For those who bright color inherited from nature, or is it important for beauties with dyed strands to know certain rules this procedure. How to get a decent result from painting? How realistic is it to do this on your own?

Paint over the red strands.

Is it possible to paint over the red shade of curls?

For those with red hair from birth, stylists recommend experimenting with color, following the following rules:

    try a new hair color using tinting shampoos. Change should begin gradually. Red, copper, and golden colors are perfect;

    beware light colors, capable white skin make faded;

    pay attention to brown and ashy shades, starting with the lightest of them. Cinnamon is the ideal paint to paint over red hair;

    choose only professional dye that is gentle on naturally thin red hair;

    use colored mascara, varnishes, foams that completely color red strands;

Naturally red-haired people should still think twice before dyeing. After some time, when you want to return your hair color, it will be difficult to do so.

How to dye red hair

Bright red shades make your appearance attractive, but the desire to always be different forces you to face the problem of changing colors.

Getting rid of red hair on your own is not easy, and if your hair has been dyed with henna, it is almost impossible. Using darker paint doesn't take away the red tone, it just makes it dark red.

Professionals in the salon, before dyeing a different color, use a wash - a preparation that lightens curls by three tones. You will need several such procedures, but coloring red hair after bleaching will be much easier.

It should be remembered that the dye remover weakens the hair structure over time. Even drugs that suggest careful attitude to the strands, with repeated use they can harm them. Here you cannot neglect hair treatment with the help of specially developed restorative complexes.