How to make soap with your own hands at home. Scrub soap from "Children's" - a simple master class. Which way to choose

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed lovers of doing something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. Yes, and the benefits in natural soap are much greater than in the purchased, full of chemical components. Therefore, our magazine suggests learning how to make soap yourself. Step-by-step instructions and an accessible explanation, which you will find below, will certainly help in this exciting business.

The main thing in the article

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the modern directions, which involves the manufacture of useful things by ourselves. What do you need to stock up before you start soap making?

1. Basic basis. There are three basic options.

  • baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try their hand at this business. Having stuffed your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is commercially available in needlework stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap professionals use oil and lye while preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. In their role are essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a fragrance, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example: orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree does an excellent job with excessive fat content skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for dyeing soap:

  • food coloring or special dye for dyeing soap, sold all in the same needlework store;
  • natural, here decoctions of herbs, juices of vegetables and fruits come to the rescue.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting a soap base (milk, water, herbal decoctions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Inventory for work. These are dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and molds where it will solidify.

Fragrances and color additives for homemade soaps

As already found out, essential oils are used as flavors. The effect of essential oils on the body is shown in the table below.

As for natural dyes, the following products can be used for coloring:

  • turmeric and mustard powder will give yellow tint ;
  • calendula, carrot juice, sea ​​buckthorn oil will do color orange;
  • beet or cherry juice will help get the color from pale pink to burgundy ;
  • paprika and red ground pepper give soap bright red color ;
  • nettle decoction, chopped herbs will contribute to the appearance green tone;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, make soap brown;
  • added poppy or Activated carbon will give grey colour.

How to make soap at home

There are three ways to make soap, these are:

  1. Base Meltdown with the addition of various ingredients.
  2. hot way. The whole process that takes place on the stove, after the reaction of alkali with water.
  3. Cold way. It is characterized by the mixing of ingredients, in which heating occurs due to chemical reactions.

When making soap with a cold process, patterns and blurry swirls can be made.

Cooking soap at home: step by step instructions with photos

We offer detailed master class how to cook peeling soap in two colors, which even a novice soap maker can handle.

In order to start the soap making process, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • transparent soap base - 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil - 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin(you can take another, if desired);
  • food coloring, we have blue;
  • black or yellow French clay - 1-2 tsp;
  • flavoring: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will be in maritime theme, then it is better to give preference to fresh ocean aromas;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles, to create decor;
  • mold for soap, we have a square silicone.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

Clear soap recipe at home

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil - 120 g;
  • Coconut oil - 150 g;
  • Pork fat - 30 g;
  • Glycerin - 210 g;
  • Alkali - 45.7 g;
  • Water - 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. In very cold water introduce lye.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add Castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Whisk all ingredients with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Send the mass to a water bath. Cover and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, measure the pH with an indicator strip. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in the glycerin. Continue to simmer until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in about 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mass into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to send transparent soap to the refrigerator for hardening, as under the influence cold temperature the base is cloudy.

How to cook baby soap at home?

Every mother takes care of her child, trying to give him the best. Therefore, we offer to prepare environmentally friendly soap for your children. You will need the following components:

  • Organic soap base - 250 g.
  • Almond oil - 6-8 drops.
  • Carrot or beet juice for coloring - 10 drops.
  • Strong decoction of chamomile - 1 tsp. You can take any decoction, but for children, chamomile, succession, sage are best suited.

Is being done baby soap So:

  1. Grind the organic base, melt in a water bath.
  2. Introduce a decoction of chamomile, almond oil, dye juice. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour into moulds, let cool. Choose fun molds for kids to enjoy using this soap.

In order for the surface of the finished soap to be smooth, without accumulation of bubbles, the mold and prominent parts are sprayed with alcohol, which is first placed in a spray bottle.

Scrub soap: how to cook at home?

Scrub soap easily removes stubborn dirt, and also helps to remove the top dead layer of the epidermis. Cooking ingredients:

  • Soap base - 200 g.
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 60 ml.
  • Honey - 60 g.
  • Finely ground coffee - 2 tbsp.
  • You can also apply the dye of the desired shade.

Preparing soap scrub is quite easy:

  1. Chop up the base.
  2. Boil two cups of water and pour boiling water over the base.
  3. Beat the mass with a blender.
  4. Add honey, almond oil, finely ground coffee. If you want to add dye, then put it in. Mix, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining water and beat with a blender until smooth.
  6. Scrub soap has a creamy consistency, so it is best to store it in a bottle with a dispenser.

Cosmetic soap as a gift: how to cook at home?

The following recipe is suitable for a gift. Need to prepare:

  • Soap base - 80 g.
  • Oil grape seeds- 30 y.
  • Cinnamon oil - 3 drops.
  • Cinnamon powder - 10 g.


  1. Melt the soap base under the influence of temperature (microwave, water bath).
  2. Pour oil into it, mix.
  3. Add cinnamon powder, stir.
  4. Pour into moulds. After 8-10 minutes, stir the mass so that the cinnamon powder does not settle.

Soap with your own hands in a cold way

Characteristic for soap making cold way is the lack of heating of the ingredients. The reagents are water and alkali.

  • The water must be ice cold, the presence of ice is allowed.
  • The ingredients must be measured strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you can harm the skin when washing with such soap.
  • After the reaction has taken place, other components (oils, pigments, flavors) can be added.
  • The temperature of the oils and the base must not differ by more than 10°C. Everything should be thoroughly whipped with a blender and poured into a mold.

Hot soap making

At hot way, after mixing the alkaline solution with a base of oils, the resulting mass is sent to languish under the influence of temperature, and only after that pigments and flavors are added. Hot-made soap lathers better and can be used immediately after hardening.

Photo ideas for making soap at home

The best homemade soap recipes

How to make soap using different ways, sorted out, now we give the recipes for the most the best options homemade soap according to our magazine.






How to cook soap at home from remnants?

From pieces of old soap that constantly remain in the soap dish and are thrown out over time, you can cook good soap for washing the face. To work you need to have:

  • Remnants - 5 pcs. Instead, you can take 1-2 bars of soap.
  • Lanolin - 2 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 1 tsp.
  • Avocado oil - 0.5 tsp.
  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds (powder) - 1 tbsp.
  • Tea rose petals (dry) - 1 tsp.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Grind remnants, you can do this with a grater. Melt them in a water bath, add lanolin.
  2. When everything melts, remove from heat, add oils, oatmeal, almonds, rose petals.
  3. Stir until a homogeneous mass comes out.
  4. Pour the soap into a mold, preferably a silicone one. cover cling film and forget for three days.
  5. After three days, take out and cut into bars.

How to make liquid soap at home?

We offer to try a lazy cooking recipe liquid soap. Preparing the ingredients:

  • A piece of baby soap - 50 g.
  • Herbal decoction - 800-1000 ml. Perfect celandine, chamomile, calendula.
  • Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
  • Oil - 1 tbsp. You can take any.
  • If desired, pigment and flavoring.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Rub the soap.
  2. Boil the grass. Strain the decoction.
  3. Combine decoction and soap. Hide for a day.
  4. Add glycerin, oil and other ingredients to the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Pour into a bottle with a dispenser and you can wash.

Laundry soap at home: a simple recipe

Common mistakes of soap makers: what not to do?

  1. Do not melt the base on an open fire, this is done using a steam bath.
  2. You do not need to add a lot of oil to the base, as oil drops will appear on the surface of the mass.
  3. Do not replace alcohol, which removes bubbles in soap, with vodka, as the desired effect will not be.
  4. Do not use fresh flowers dry should be preferred.
  5. When applying layer to layer, you need to slightly scratch the bottom with a toothpick and treat with alcohol, then the finished soap will not exfoliate.
  6. Do not add essential oils more than 10 drops.
  7. When making clear soap, minimize the addition of base oil, which can make the final result cloudy.
  8. Add menthol diluted in alcohol, as the menthol itself in the soap base can crystallize.
  9. Be careful when mixing scents, as the result may not be very pleasant.

Videos homemade soap

Demand for foaming products self made getting higher every day. Soap gained popularity not only because it looks beautiful and unusual: this factor was also influenced by the fact that such products do not contain chemical substances which can harm the skin.

Soap making at home for beginners - recipes

To make soap with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to own a soap factory, because you can make a personal hygiene product at home. Soap making for beginners involves several ways to create decorative items, they differ in the type of the main component - the base, to which you can then add natural dyes, scrubs or essential oils.

What are they made of

Animal and vegetable fats or fat substitutes can serve as a raw material for obtaining a soap base: rosin, tall oil, synthetic fatty acids, naphthenic acids. Before making soap, you need to know that the process is based on the saponification reaction. This means that under the action of alkalis, the hydrolysis of fatty acid esters with glycerol occurs, and as a result, salts of alkali metals and fatty acids, trihydric alcohol, are formed.

What do you need for soap making

After looking at all kinds of soap recipes and choosing the most suitable one from them, check if you have prepared all the necessary ingredients and inventory:

  • water (or other liquid required by prescription);
  • kitchen scales;
  • two mixing dishes;
  • means for protecting hands and eyes;
  • oil, fat;
  • caustic water;
  • two thermometers;
  • spoons for mixing and measuring;
  • molds for handmade soap;
  • beaker;
  • blender (if possible);
  • disposable towels.

How to cook at home

There are several ways to cook a personal care product with your own hands:

  1. Use a ready-made soap base (some recipes recommend taking even the remnants of old remnants). The component is melted, ingredients are added to it, according to the recipe, then new pieces are formed.
  2. Rubbed with ordinary baby soap. Milk and water are added to the crushed mass, everything is melted together in a microwave oven (or a water bath is built), combined with the components indicated in the recipe and poured into molds.
  3. Creation from scratch, i.e. without a foundation. The method implies that you yourself can make natural handmade soap from glycerin, oils, alkali and other additives.

Liquid soap at home

The production of hygienic soap is a process whose technology must be followed. So, to cook it with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • a pot that is not used for culinary purposes;
  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dyes (optional);
  • essential oils (1 or 2 types) - 3-4 drops each;
  • soap base - 1 pc.;
  • herbs (mint, chamomile, rose petals).

To make homemade soap, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare decoctions of herbs: pour the collection with 10 tablespoons of filtered water, boil the liquid for 2 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion, add 10 glasses of water.
  2. Grate a bar of baby soap to make 1 cup shavings. It is important to take the product without additives or other fillers.
  3. Pour the broth into the pan, send the soap base there. Do not turn off the fire until the chips are dissolved, while it is important not to digest the mass, otherwise it will not have the desired density. Cool the mixture, remove the foam, pour in the glycerin.
  4. To the solution drip essential oil (two types can be used). If you want the tool to be colored, then natural dye should be added at this stage.
  5. Pour the finished homemade liquid into a container with a dispenser.

From remnants

Step by step master class shows that the process of turning old remnants into a new original product (as in the photo) is not too laborious. Knowing how to weld it from remnants, you can create natural product unusual airy texture. For cooking you will need:

  • titanium dioxide diluted with glycerin (white dye);
  • essential vanilla and rapeseed oil - 6 drops each;
  • sandal - 3 drops;
  • alcohol;
  • transparent base - 120 g;
  • remnants - 120 g.

The manufacture of such a product, as in the photo, involves the use of remnants of chocolate and different colors. Check out how to make such an original product:

  1. Separate the remnants. Part chocolate color rub on a grater. Mix the chips with half the base, cut into small cubes.
  2. Melt the workpiece by placing it in a water bath and covering the container with cling film.
  3. Grease a silicone mold with rapeseed oil.
  4. Pour the melted base into a glass, add vanilla oil and 0.5 tsp there. rapeseed. Beat the contents into foam using a mixer, then pour into a mold.
  5. Similarly, melt the colored remnants with the remaining base. Pour the mass too, mix with white dye, 3 drops of sandalwood, 0.5 tsp. rapeseed oil. Whisk into foam.
  6. Sprinkle the already frozen first layer with alcohol, pour the whipped foam over it. You can decorate with small chips.
  7. After solidification of all layers, remove the bar from the tray, cut it.

Liquid household

Numerous positive reviews confirm that homemade gel based on a solid bar of laundry soap - great option for washing even in the machine. For manufacturing you will need:

  • soda ash- 50 g;
  • essential oil - 4 drops;
  • grated soap mass - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 l.

The process of preparing a homemade gel for washing things from any material is not at all complicated:

  1. Send the soap shavings into the boiling water, without stopping stirring, wait until the product dissolves.
  2. Pour soda, mix the components until a jelly is formed, casting a mother-of-pearl.
  3. Cool the mass, drip a little essential oil.

Here is a description of the process for those who are interested in the topic of how laundry soap is made by the direct method:

  1. Based on vegetable and animal fats.
  2. The components are boiled in special digesters, then soda is added to them. The result is a viscous liquid - soap glue, consisting of glycerin and soap mass.
  3. After solidification, it is cut and labeled. The numbers 40-70% say how many fatty acids are contained in one bar.

There is also an indirect method, which consists in treating the obtained adhesive soap with electrolytes. This is done with a solution of caustic alkali and sodium chloride. The consequence of exposure to these components is that the liquid is stratified. The top layer - the soap core - contains about 60% fatty acids, and the bottom layer is an electrolyte solution with glycerol.

Soap making from scratch at home

For beginners who are interested in how to make soap without a soap base, it is recommended to start the practice with a cold method. The recipe data must be entered into the calculator - so you can find out the exact ratio of alkali and water. So, to do this at home, you need:

  • linseed oil - 10%;
  • coconut and palm oils - 20% each;
  • overfat - 7%;
  • olive oil - 50%.

It is worth noting that overfat is added to protect human skin, and the oils in the composition, reacting with alkali, form soap. How to make a homemade product? Follow everything step by step:

  1. Measure out all the ingredients (without water and alkali), combining them in a saucepan. Melt at 50 degrees.
  2. Required amount place alkalis in ice.
  3. Make sure that the temperature of the alkali solution becomes the same as the temperature of the oils.
  4. Using a sieve, pour the lye into the oily liquid, then beat the mass with a blender so that it becomes like cream.
  5. Pour the liquid into the mold. You can do beautiful inscription or draw a pattern. Once the product has hardened, it is ready for use.

Soap base

Organic soap is worth making at least once, if only because it will moisturize the skin much better than what you buy in the store. Knowing the intricacies of the process, you can not only provide your family with natural hygiene products, but also make a gift set by bandaging original products ribbon. To make soap at home you will need:

  • essential oils;
  • flavors;
  • soap base;
  • alcohol;
  • form;
  • dyes.

Process of creation original soap, as in the photo, not very complicated:

  1. Prepare the base: grate or finely chop.
  2. Melt the product by sending it to the microwave (experienced soap makers recommend putting the workpiece in a water bath). Remember that she should not be allowed to boil.
  3. To the completely dissolved mass, add oils, selected flavors. Mix everything together.
  4. Sprinkle the form with alcohol, then pour the finished soap mass into it.

How to make tar soap at home

This product is often used to treat lichen, various skin diseases, dandruff or psoriasis. You can buy this useful hygiene product in the store, but doing it yourself is very simple:

  1. Mix 100 g of grated baby soap with half a teaspoon of honey, 5 drops of any essential oil, 10 ml of tar.
  2. Leave the components in a water bath, wait for them to melt.
  3. Pour the soap blank into molds, leave for 3 days.

Ideas for soap making

Most recipes for self-manufacturing soap can be used even by a beginner in this field. Modern Ideas for soap making help everyone to create odorous and harmless skin care products. Products can then be used for personal hygiene purposes or, beautifully designed, presented to loved ones just like that or on the occasion of a holiday.

With photo

Create great product can be from an old snapshot, dried flowers and a few more components:

  • transparent base - 100 g;
  • apple flavor - 4 drops;
  • hop sprigs with cones;
  • titanium dioxide - 0.33 tsp;
  • macadamia oil - 0.33 tsp

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Print on water soluble paper black and white photo, cut it according to the size of the shape.
  2. Melt the base by adding flavoring and oils to it. Put the form on the picture, pour a little soapy mass inside.
  3. Focusing on the image, put a branch of hops on the bottom of the form. Cones "drown" so that they do not stick out.
  4. As soon as everything starts to harden, sprinkle with alcohol.
  5. Pour thin layer basics.
  6. Place the image on the form by rotating it front side down. The photo should be completely covered.
  7. Remove the scales from the cones, fill them in, mix.
  8. Add titanium dioxide to the mass to color the base, pour in oil mixture and fragrance.
  9. Sprinkle the cooled soap in the form with alcohol, fill in the last matte layer. After hardening, carefully remove the product.

DIY scrub soap

An anti-cellulite or skin care product that will additionally moisturize the skin is easy to make yourself. The scrub is obtained by mixing the main (sour cream, honey, cream) and abrasive ( coffee grounds, finely ground apricot pits) parts. For example, coffee scrub with your own hands can be made from:

  • basics - 180 g;
  • sea ​​salt- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground coffee or grounds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking steps should be performed step by step:

  1. Melt the soap shavings, pour oil into the mass first, then water in small portions. Stir the mixture all the time.
  2. After a couple of minutes, the mass will become plastic and homogeneous.
  3. Pour salt with coffee into it, mix.
  4. Send future soap in greased molds for 3 days. When you get it, the bar should be dry, of a dense, uniform consistency.


This product has bactericidal, relaxing and antiviral properties. Try to cook it from lavender oil, because it is not only healthy, but also has a wonderful, mesmerizing aroma. For cooking, you must have:

  • base - 100 g;
  • a mixture of oils (2-3 types) - 5 g;
  • lavender flowers - 1 tsp;
  • ethereal lavender oil- 15 drops.

The bar can be made in any shape you like, but before that, the liquid must be properly prepared:

  1. Melt the grated base by building a water bath.
  2. Add selected oils, dried flowers of the plant to the mass.
  3. Treat the silicone mold with alcohol and pour the resulting mixture into it.
  4. Leave the liquid until it hardens, then take out the finished products and put them in dry place. After 6 hours, you can use it for its intended purpose.

With glycerin

Products can be poured into molds with any images, but first you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a mixture of oils (soybean, coconut, castor, safflower) - 800 ml;
  • lye - 115 g;
  • distilled water - 140 g.

Check out how to do it step by step glycerin soap do it yourself:

  1. Add lye to water, stir. Let the solution cool down to 65 degrees.
  2. Heat the oil mixture to 57 degrees.
  3. Combine the liquids, bring the mixture to the consistency of a pudding, using a blender.
  4. Keep the resulting mass warm for 3 hours. When the solution reaches the gel phase, it will look translucent, like petroleum jelly. Stir.
  5. Next, take some product and try to dissolve it in hot water. If it dissolves, then you can continue. If it forms a lump or there are pieces floating on top, then you need to stand longer.
  6. Add 370 g of 70% alcohol and 85 g of liquid glycerin.
  7. Combine 225 g of sugar and 140 g of water, boil until the sugar crystals are completely melted. Pour into soap base. Stir, cover, cool slightly.
  8. Pour soapy liquid into molds, cover with foil, leave for a week in a dry place.
  9. Cut the bars into pieces.


Until recently, making soap with your own hands at home was not possible. It's not even about the ingredients, but about the lack of basic skills and information on how to do it right. Today, soap making has become a pleasant hobby. It allows you to create a unique natural cosmetics based natural ingredients and aroma oils.

For some people cooking natural soap with healing supplements has become a source of additional income. Such a product is in great demand both for their own needs and as a gift. Below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of the process of making soap with your own hands, the main nuances and the necessary components.

Do-it-yourself soap at home can be made from the following materials:

  • bars of baby soap;
  • purchased soap base;
  • make it from scratch.

This product may also have different shape and density:

  • hard. With this form, the hot liquid base is poured into prepared containers and hardens there;
  • liquid form - creamy, transparent, with or without solid particles, etc.

Handmade soap is also convenient because you can add any components that you like to it: herbs, flowers, honey, crushed seeds, perfumes, dyes, abrasive particles, etc. It all depends on the flight of your own imagination and taste preferences. So, let's look at a few homemade soap making techniques in more detail.

Handmade soap at home based on baby soap

For this recipe, you will need baby soap, which you can get at any hardware store. We use honey, milk and cosmetic oils as additives. However, you can diversify it with those ingredients that you and your skin like: perfume compositions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, abrasive particles, etc.

Materials and equipment:

  • 100 gr. milk;
  • 100 gr. baby soap;
  • 1 tbsp honey or brown sugar;
  • 1 st. l. cosmetic oil of your choice (olive, apricot, grapeseed, rose, etc.);
  • aroma oil (enough 2-3 drops);
  • a bowl for melting;
  • steam bath or microwave;
  • grater;
  • spoon or stick for stirring;
  • molds. These can be various silicone cake containers, plastic boxes, small glass containers, etc. The more beautiful you choose the shapes, the prettier the finished bar of soap will look.

Prepare the Ingredients

Grate baby soap and pour hot milk over it. Put in a cool place for 4-5 hours or overnight.

Bring to a homogeneous state

Heat the water bath to 50-60°C. Place a container with mass on it. Whisking gently, add brown sugar or honey. When the substance becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove.

Make additives

Pour in essential and cosmetic oils.

At this stage, you can also add other ingredients as desired: lemon zest, dyes, hard particles (to create a scrub), etc.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Pour into molds

Pour hot liquid into prepared containers. Leave to harden for several hours.

Remove hard bars from containers. A completely cured product should slide out easily. If it doesn't, place the container in the freezer for a few minutes.

Wrap the storage bars in parchment paper. You did it!

Photo: Handmade soap at home

Soap base soap

Fragrant and juicy handmade soap at home in the form of watermelon slices is a great option for decorating a bathroom! Plus, they are so fun to wash!

This product is created from a combination of white and transparent soap base. Due to the use of silicone triangular containers, it is very easy to prepare. This is a great soap for yourself, and as a gift to family and friends!

Photo: Handmade soap at home

Consumables and necessary equipment:

  • microwave oven and safe glass containers;
  • sharp knife for cutting;
  • spray bottle with alcohol;
  • latex gloves;
  • silicone triangular shape in the form of watermelon slices;
  • disposable pipettes;
  • thermometer;
  • transparent soap base - 500 grams;
  • emerald green and bright red dyes;
  • black mica;
  • aroma oil to your taste. Fresh summer scents are best;
  • disposable plastic spoons - 15 pieces.

Photo: Materials for making handmade soap

Make black soap

If you don't have this soap, make your own. It is made using black mica. There is no need to add aroma oil to it, since very little is required.

Mixing mica with the base can be difficult - it does not dissolve well in the soap base and can stick together in lumps. To prevent this from happening, initially dilute it in glycerin or alcohol.

Note: One tablespoon of black mica requires 100 ml of base. If you need black soap in larger quantities, increase proportions accordingly.

With glycerin

  • Place in glassware 1 spoon of mica. Add a few milliliters of glycerin here and mix well.
  • Pour 100 g of melted transparent base and stir.
  • Microwave the mixture for 20 seconds. Repeat if necessary.
  • Stir slowly and thoroughly until the mass acquires a dark homogeneous structure. After that, it will be ready to pour it into molds.

With alcohol

The technique is the same, but instead of glycerin, you will use alcohol.

  • Mix 5-6 drops of alcohol with one tablespoon of mica. Please note: with alcohol, the resulting substance will be thinner than the version with glycerin.
  • Add 100 ml of melted base, stir and microwave for 20 seconds. Repeat if necessary.

Black soap without additives

If you don't have alcohol or glycerin on hand, follow these steps:

  • Melt 100 ml of clear base.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of black mica to it: it will float on top. This method is more time consuming - you will have to stir and shake the container many times to completely remove lumps.

Pour the prepared black mass into any molds and wait for about one hour. When the mass is completely hardened, pull it out and cut into small pieces in the form of watermelon pits. Set the bones aside for now.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Melt the base

This soap recipe uses the ingredients for 3 bars. If you plan to make more, adjust the number of components. Each piece weighs about 150-200 grams.

Cut 250 grams of transparent base into sticks and place them in a glass container. Place the container in the microwave for several time periods of 30 seconds. After every 30 seconds, take out the container and mix. Do not overdo it and do not allow it to boil, otherwise the substance will become rubbery. If there are undissolved lumps in the container, stir slowly. The heat of the molten mass will dissolve them.

Add color and flavor

Pour 5-6 drops of Watermelon Red Liquid Coloring into the melted base and stir slowly.

Using a pipette, add 5 drops of aroma oil to the substance.

Stir slowly until the liquid is homogeneous. Always mix the base slowly to avoid bubbles!

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Fill red layer

Place the silicone mold on a flat surface.

Photo: Handmade soap mold

Pour a small amount of red liquid into each cavity and leave for a while.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Remember - the bottom of the mold will top finished product.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

After 5 minutes, spray this layer and the previously cut black "bones" with alcohol.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Place 2-3 pieces randomly in each cavity.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

When the bones are laid, add more red base to the mold. She must cover them completely.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Repeat Step 4 with more seeds until you've used up all of the red base. Place about 5-7 bones in each block. After that, leave the containers to stand for about 15 minutes.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Add white color

While the first layer hardens, prepare the second. This will require approximately 100 grams of white base. Pour 1-2 drops of aroma oil into the melted mass. You don't need to paint this layer!

Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the white mass - it should be around 130-140°.

Make sure that the red watermelon layer has already hardened enough. Spray it liberally with alcohol, don't forget about the edges. This will help the layers stick to each other better. After all, there is nothing worse than exfoliating soap that makes all your work in vain!

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

When the temperature of the white mass reaches the desired mark, pour it approximately 30-40 grams into each cavity. Spray again with alcohol to remove bubbles.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Leave the containers for 10 - 15 minutes.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Fill with green

While the white layer hardens, prepare the green one. To do this, add 5-6 drops of emerald green dye and 2-3 ml of aroma oil to the melted base (150-200g).

Spray the hardened white layer liberally with alcohol.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Control the temperature of the mass and, when it reaches 140 degrees, pour the green liquid in equal portions into the molds.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Spray again with alcohol to remove any bubbles.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Let the mass harden completely, leaving it for about 2-3 hours or overnight if possible.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

A chic summer soap made with your own hands in the form of watermelon slices is ready!

Photo: Handmade soaps at home

Below are a few ways to make these products with your own hands.

Homemade soap making is another "handmade" hobby that has become so popular in last years. This is not surprising, because now everything natural is in fashion, including organic cosmetics which does not contain substances harmful to the skin. But making handmade soap can be more than just useful hobby but also a way to create a unique souvenir product for yourself and your loved ones.

How to make soap at home

Making homemade soap from scratch is not so easy, because in this case you will have to deal with lye and you will need to strictly follow the instructions, while observing safety measures. But if you still decide on it, then make it absolutely free of thickeners, preservatives and foaming agents, which are part of everyone's favorite soap base.

There are two ways to make soap from scratch - cold and hot. The cold method is good for soap with swirls (blurry swirls and patterns) and does not involve heating the components, but in both cases the alkali reacts with fatty acids and water.

What you need to make soap from scratch in a cold way:

  • kitchen scales;
  • dishes made of wood, glass or enamel;
  • measuring cup for determining the amount of oils;
  • a large container, such as a saucepan;
  • stirring stick;
  • thermometer;
  • mixer;
  • means for measuring alkaline solution;
  • soap molds - you can choose a regular food container or homemade wooden molds;
  • sodium hydroxide (alkali) for hard soap and potassium hydroxide for liquid substance;
  • vegetable or animal fats - it is better to purchase vegetable oils;
  • solid oils-batters;
  • liquid - water, decoction of herbs, etc.;
  • essential oils;
  • aromatic fragrances.

Using a soap calculator (available on the Internet), create a soap recipe that will determine the weight of all components.

Melt solid butters and waxes in a water bath, after cutting into pieces. Weigh vegetable and solid oils and place in different containers.

Wear protective gear. Weigh the sodium hydroxide and dissolve it little by little in any liquid while stirring with a glass rod. Attention! Alkali should be put into water, and not vice versa, otherwise the container may burst or explode from overheating.

After that, measure the temperature of each of the compositions, it should be approximately the same and pour the lye into the oils.

Blend the mixture with an immersion blender or mixer until thick.

Pour the soap into molds, after adding dyes, flavors or essential oils, wrap the container in a thick towel and put it in a dark place for several hours.

Then cut the resulting soap into pieces and leave it to "ripen" in a well-ventilated place.

For multi-colored soap, one or more dyes are added to the base, due to which unusual swirls are obtained - swirls.

Sodium hydroxide is a dangerous and caustic chemical that, on contact, can cause, so be sure to take precautions when working with alkali.

  1. Keep the lye out of the reach of children and animals, close the lid tightly.
  2. When making soap, wear protective glasses and a work coat. Contact with the eyes of crystals of a substance or its caustic vapors in high concentrations leads to sad consequences, up to blindness.
  3. Use rubber gloves until all work is completed.
  4. If alkali comes into contact with skin, wash immediately with water.
  5. All traces of sodium hydroxide must be carefully removed. It is desirable that the process takes place away from food products.

What is homemade soap made from?

Making soap from scratch for beginners often seems like something out of the ordinary. And not all experienced soap makers are ready to experiment with alkali. Yet the most popular base is considered:

  • Baby soap without a pronounced aroma is ideal for the first experience. It is cheap, already contains everything necessary components- lanolin, glycerin, .
  • The soap base is very easy to use, even children can handle it. It has different composition and manufacturers. Available in two types - white and transparent. The most famous are domestic (from 200 rubles per 1 kg) and English bases (from 400 rubles per 1 kg). It is cut into pieces, melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

Main Ingredients:

  1. Base oils are natural vegetable fats that give the finished product beneficial features. For example, castor oil is suitable for softening and nourishing. Grape seed oil has a good effect on, and olive oil restores the upper layer of the epidermis and heals wounds.
  2. Essential oils serve natural flavors. Before using this component, it is necessary to study its therapeutic effect, as well as to test for allergic reactions.
  3. Food flavorings and cosmetic fragrances give the product a pleasant smell.
  4. Coloring pigments or food colorings (they tend to migrate, that is, stain adjacent layers).

Additional Ingredients:

  • sequins and mother-of-pearl;
  • natural fillers - ground coffee beans, honey, milk, clay, etc.;
  • herbs and dried flowers for decoration;
  • water-soluble paper with various pictures.

And also you will need forms - special, for making soap there are plastic and silicone. In the absence of them, it is quite possible to use forms for baking, ice, or even ordinary jars and containers.

Homemade soap recipes

Regardless of the characteristics of the recipe, prepare your workplace and tools in advance:

  • a capacious pan for melting in a water bath or microwave;
  • a grater if you are cooking with baby soap;
  • kitchen scales to accurately measure the amount of base;
  • measuring cups;
  • spoons, wooden sticks;
  • pipettes for pouring small parts;
  • knife and napkins to remove sagging;
  • molds for soap, baking or ice.

Scrub soap from "Children's" - a simple master class

We take 4 pieces of soap without a strong aroma and rub it with a fine grater.

As forms, you can use everything that is in the house - containers, plastic cups, molds for baking and games with sand. It is better to pre-lubricate them with oil.

Pour one tablespoon of base oil (sunflower, olive, peach, etc.) into a saucepan, put on fire and gradually add soap shavings. The process may take 10 to 30 minutes.

After dissolving the soap base, we introduce all kinds of components - dyes, aroma oils, cosmetic fragrances and dried flowers. IN this case we got a coffee-cinnamon soap with grains. The base can be laid out in several layers, after sprinkling with alcohol. After hardening, the soap is removed from the mold, while you need to lightly press on the edges and it will “pop out”.

Glitter base soap - master class

To make soap with a light scrub effect, we need:

  • transparent soap base;
  • food coloring - blue and pink;
  • base oil, for example, calendula;
  • geranium oil as a flavor;
  • ground grains for an exfoliating effect;
  • multi-colored sequins;
  • glass sticks for stirring;
  • Silicone forms.

We cut the base into small pieces for faster melting. We put the measuring cup in the microwave and make sure that the base does not boil.

Stir the base and pour half into another glass.

Add 1/4 base oil, 4 drops of essential oil, a couple of drops of dye, scrub particles and glitter.

Pour the base into the molds, sprinkle with alcohol to remove bubbles. As soon as our soap hardens a little, put it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

Soap making kits

In order to purchase all the necessary components for handmade soap, it is not necessary to sit for hours in online stores or run around the city looking for the right ingredients. For beginner soap makers, ready-made kits, which include all the components, are quite suitable. It will allow you to create and help avoid mistakes in the future.

It is included in the kit?

  • at least one kind of base, sometimes 2 or 3 various types, differing in color and degree of transparency;
  • food coloring or pigments - 2 pieces;
  • flavors or fragrances - 2 pieces;
  • one silicone or plastic mold;
  • detailed instructions.

This kit is basic, some kits add more shapes, flavors and dyes, as well as sparkles, glitters and water-soluble pictures, bubble remover.

Secrets of soap making

Like any other hobby, soap making has its own secrets and nuances. From compliance certain rules the result of your work directly depends, so do not neglect them.

  1. When melting baby soap, do not stir vigorously, this will lead to air saturation, the appearance of many bubbles and loss of softness.
  2. When heating in the microwave, make sure that the soap base does not boil, this will significantly impair the quality of the finished product. The rest of the base should melt already when stirring.
  3. For 100 grams of base, you can add: half a teaspoon, 1 spoon of glycerin, 1-6 drops food coloring, one third of a teaspoon of dry pigment or mother of pearl, 1 spoon of herbal decoction, 3-5 drops of flavor or fragrance.
  4. Essential oils should not be mixed with food flavorings.
  5. Air bubbles are easily removed by spraying them with alcohol from a spray bottle. It is also used for gluing individual layers.
  6. To cool the soap faster, you can put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  7. You can put in soap ground coffee or grains, sugar or other abrasive particles that perform the function Do not add salt, it will not add any scrubbing effect.
  8. The clay usually settles in the soap in a single layer. More suitable option- use the base for swirls, it hardens longer.
  9. Fresh fruits or vegetables, insufficiently dried flowers and herbs will quickly deteriorate and the soap will have an unpleasant smell.
  10. Soap tends to dry out, so it should be stored for no more than 6 months in a dark place.

How to make soap: video

Helpful Hints

Until about 1916, making soap at home was a common occurrence.

Using the remains of animal fats, as well as various additives families prepared their own detergents for cleaning clothes and for personal hygiene.

During World War II, when animal fats were available in limited quantity, German scientists have developed synthetic detergents, and as a result of this Soap as we know it today was born.

Homemade soap became less popular, and gradually its use came to naught.

In recent years, the process of home soap making has seen a resurgence.

Making soap at home

Homemade soap is convenient for your wallet: you can make a lot of soap, and it will cost you less than buying the same amount in the store, you can also use old remnants to create new soap.

Homemade soap is good for your body: it does not contain potentially harmful chemicals found in commercial soaps.

Unusual skin care products

Homemade soap is good for environment: it doesn't have synthetic materials, which accumulate for years in sewage and eventually threaten natural resources.

Before starting production own soap, it should be emphasized that this process can be dangerous. Although you quickly adapt to the process, it is worth starting to create only when the security procedure is fully understood.

A little general information about homemade soap

Soap is a combination of water and lye with the addition of various oils. Water and lye are quite difficult to combine correctly, because they must be brought to similar temperatures.

How to make soap at home

When lye and water are mixed, the resulting substance becomes very hot, so it must be allowed to cool before adding oils there.

Oils must be heated very carefully. Each oil has its own saponification index, which tells you how much alkali is needed to turn this oil into soap. So if you use Coconut oil, do not replace it with olive.

Lye is very caustic, therefore avoid contact with skin. It gives off dangerous fumes, among other things, so wear a respirator and goggles when using it.

You will also need a soap mold. Take whichever you like. You can take one large one, then a large piece of the resulting soap will need to be cut, use a metal string for this, since It's not safe to do this with a knife.

The hardest part about making soap is knowing when it's ready. This is judged by the condition called "next". This is the state when a drop of soap remains on the surface without spreading quickly.

Soap with triclosan harms the heart!

Try to set the speed of distribution of a drop of honey on the countertop. WITH ready-made soap the situation is similar.

Soap at home: recipes

Here are the ingredients to make a standard soap:

- 700 ml purified water

- 270 grams of lye(dilute it in a large measuring bowl and stir with a wooden stick used for Chinese food)

- oils(mixed in a large container):

1) 1 liter of olive oil (use cheap olive oil, virgin is not suitable)

2) coconut oil (390 g or 500 ml)

3) grape seed oil (515 g or 500 ml)

Soap making at home

Heat the lye mixture and oils separately until 40 degrees Celsius. Then, after heating, very slowly pour the lye into the oil mixture. Next, lower the blender into the same container and for three minutes mix the contents in short approaches.

Instead of a blender, you can use a whisk, then the work will move forward slower and you will need to constantly scrape off the mass from the walls of the pan with a spatula. If you are seriously interested in making homemade soap, then it makes sense to use a separate, simplest blender for these purposes.

It also makes sense to purchase such a thing as a thermometer, a necessary device in the household, not only for making soap. But some lovers of homemade soap say that even without a thermometer they determine the desired degree of heat. To the touch.

At the end, add 10 ml of cinnamon oil. The less you add, the better. Theoretically, at this stage, the soap hardens very quickly.

Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared mold. Wrap the form with a warm blanket and leave for 24 hours. This will keep you warm and help the chemical reaction happen.

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The next day, cut it into manageable pieces, lay out on wrapping paper, and store in a cool place. After two weeks, turn the soap on the other side. You can start using after a month.

Making soap at home

However, if you are afraid to work with lye, or if you find it difficult to get it, then do not worry, There is another way to make your own soap. By making your own soap in this way, you will find a use for your old remnants that have been lying idle in the bathroom for a long time.

Such soap is called ground soap, because it consists of recycled residues of ordinary soap.

DIY homemade soap

What you need to make this soap:

- 3 bars of unscented regular white soap

- container from of stainless steel or glass

Water or coconut milk

small saucepan

Wooden spoon

Supplements (essential oils, herbs, colloidal oatmeal, lavender, etc.)

plastic molds

Making soap for beginners at home

1. Grate the soap in a stainless steel container. The result should be about 2 cups of grated soap.

2. Melt the soap. To do this, add half a glass of water or milk to the soap flakes (it will make the soap soft). The liquid should only slightly wet the soap, because if you overdo it, it will take longer to make.

Place the pot inside the larger pot of water to create a water bath. On low heat, gently stir the resulting mixture with a wooden spoon so that the soap does not stick to the bottom of the container. Be careful not to foam while stirring.

Do this until the soap is melted. If you feel like it's starting to dry out, just add some milk or water. The resulting mixture should be translucent and slightly rough.

Does antibacterial soap poison the water?

3. Add other ingredients. Take the soap off the heat and add whatever ingredients you want in your soap, remembering to stir the mixture thoroughly. Soap recipes are huge, choose the one you like or create your own. You can add a few drops of your favorite perfume.

4. Pour soap into molds. You can use any plastic rectangular container or individual molds. In this case, you are only limited by your imagination.

5. Refrigerate the soap. After the soap has been in the molds for a few minutes, it should be placed in the freezer for 1 hour so that the soap can be easily removed from the mold.

6. After that, the soap should lie down approximately three weeks in a well-ventilated area. Once completely solidified, your soap is ready to use!

DIY soap for beginners

Soap making: important tips for soap making

1. Be sure to make sure that everything you need is at your fingertips before starting the procedure.

There is nothing worse than trying something new and then realizing in the middle of the process that something is missing.

In addition to the basic components that make up the recipe, you will need the following tools to "set up the soap station":

a) rubber gloves and goggles;

b) two large bowls made of a material that does not react with alkali (durable plastic, stainless steel, glass). Do not use utensils made of fragile plastic, aluminium, pewter or wood;

c) various measuring spoons for mixing. You need at least one heat-resistant plastic or stainless steel spoon to stir the lye, as well as a wooden spoon, whisk or rubber spatula to connect the elements;

Measuring spoons will come in handy if you plan to add essential oils to your soap;

d) measuring cup for liquids;

e) two thermometers to measure the temperature of your liquids;

e) molds for soap. It is best to use molds made of glass, plastic or stainless steel. wooden and cardboard molds also work if you cover them with wax paper.

g) paper towels to immediately wipe up anything that could suddenly spill. Especially if you are working with lye, a paper towel should always be on hand.

The list will vary depending on the type you make and the ingredients you add.

Shampoos and soaps ... lead to obesity

2. Measure the exact amount of all ingredients

Whether you are making your soap entirely from scratch or making it from remnants, follow the guidelines strictly. prescription .

In some cases, inaccuracies in measurements can result in a stinky, unattractive soap batch.

Three guarantees against failure:

Accurate scales capable of measuring the smallest weights;

Alkaline calculator, available online, for example, this ;

Two accurate thermometers (to measure the temperature of lye/water and oils, which must be the same).

Various oils require different amount of alkali for saponification, so before you start, make sure you know soap index selected oils.

3. Learn more about the dangers of lye, or don't use it at all

One of the main ingredients of soap, as we already know, is a very caustic substance - sodium hydroxide or lye.

People have been making soap at home for centuries without incident, but it is a dangerous substance nonetheless. handling it requires a lot of attention and concentration.

Alkali in any form can wash off paint, eat through textiles, or worse, burn your skin or eyes.

To protect yourself from all dangers, when making soap, be sure to wear clothes with long sleeve, rubber gloves and goggles. The remains of raw materials are also dangerous, so even when getting rid of them, you must be as careful as possible.

If alkali gets on the skin, immediately use vinegar, to neutralize its effect, and if the alkali is spilled on any surface, then immediately wash it off with water and a cleaning agent.

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Even alkali vapors can burn, so work in a well-ventilated area. For those looking for simple and more safe ways making soap at home, there are options mentioned above.

4. Try various methods soap making

The most interesting thing about making soap at home is that you can control the entire process.

You also have several options at your disposal when it comes to exactly how you will make your soap. You are not limited to the standard soap making process of adding lye/water to oils. This method is known as cold process.

Another method, not less popular, is hot process, in which alkali/water and oils are heated to a certain temperature and only then mixed.

The hot process of making soap will take you less time than the cold process.

Scared at the thought of having to use lye, or just want to make the process a play with the kids? Just melt the remnants or unscented soap and add the desired ingredients to it. This was also discussed above.

If you want to go the extra mile and turn your soap making process into a real one, try making liquid or felt soap.

5. Experiment with different recipes or create your own

When it comes to making soap from scratch, you can use animal oils like beef tallow, or vegetable/canola oil, or instead of water, use milk, tea or even beer.

In addition to the main ingredients, add all possible additives, these can be essential oils, spices, and various herbs, and even decorative items such as rose petals and more.

Your best bet is to find a basic recipe you like and experiment with it.

Be sure to test the additives before using them, because some of them may not behave in the soap as you would like. For example, essential oils must be mixed with olive oil, which neutralizes the action of their irritating components.

As soon as you get comfortable in this business, you will definitely come across the fact that one day you will get something completely different from what you wanted. Don't throw it away, recycle it by grating it and create something else, or cut it into small pieces and add bright spots to your new masterpieces.