How to paint black. My experience in dyeing fabrics at home

Are you tired of the shade of your curtains and tulle, a white T-shirt has stopped making you happy because its shade has become boring, but you don’t want to buy a new one? There is a solution - painting things at home. In this article, we will tell you how to dye fabric with brilliant green and other natural dyes, as well as how to properly care for the dyed item.

How to dye white fabric using brilliant green and other dyes?

Tulle and curtains are accessories that people notice when they enter your room. Fabric curtains can both decorate and hopelessly ruin your entire interior.

Painting curtains a different color quickly and without any special effort is one of the acceptable options for transforming the appearance of a room. By changing the color scheme of clothes for windows, as well as choosing cute things to match, you can get a new solution for your home or work environment.

Do-it-yourself painting of tulle and curtains can help you if you don’t have the funds or time to update the interior and make repairs, but your soul is asking for something new. The painting process is very economical in every sense, because:

  • no significant cash outlay is required to purchase dyes;
  • it is not necessary to waste your time waiting, and also listen to the designer’s recommendations;
  • there is no need to walk for a long time from store to store in search of new materials;
  • There is a possibility of re-painting.

Home conditions are suitable to give your window wardrobe a new look on your own. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of how to paint fabric with brilliant green and other equally interesting means at hand. Moreover, this fabric can be the basis of both interior decor and your clothing.

The process of dyeing tulle and white T-shirts

Preparing fabrics for dyeing is a prerequisite when choosing any of the various dyes. By dyeing only clean fabric, you can achieve the desired result. Be sure to wait until the fabric is completely dry after washing; slightly damp tulle or a T-shirt will quickly absorb all the coloring pigments.

Important! The color intensity of a fabric product depends on how concentrated the dye is, as well as on time. Therefore, think about how bright the result you are trying to achieve before dyeing the fabric with green paint.

Aniline dyes

If you choose this method of coloring, do not experiment under any circumstances. You can effectively paint tulle in a different shade only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:

  • Dilute the dye in a small container until the dye is completely dissolved, and then pour it into the main volume of water, and then place the tulle there.
  • Immediately add the dye to the basin or to another container into which you have already poured warm water. Place the item you are painting into the resulting solution.

Important! Quite often, dye manufacturers advise salting water with table salt to obtain a permanent color. The proportions of salt, water, and dye must be indicated in the instructions.

Good old green stuff

Painting the fabric with green should be done by those housewives who want to see window curtains or T-shirts in a greenish tint. The method of application is extremely simple:

  1. Dissolve a small amount of green pharmacy liquid in warm water. Determine the required volume of medical solution yourself, based on the desired brightness of the final shade. On average, about 10 ml of diamond solution (1 bottle) is taken per 5 liters of water.
  2. Stir the entire contents of the container evenly.
  3. After this, place a damp cloth or T-shirt there.
  4. Let stand for 20-30 minutes.

Important! You can paint clothes with green paint evenly at home, without streaks or stains, only if you periodically turn the product over in the container. The same rule applies when you decide to change the shade of tulle, curtains, nylon mesh or any other textile.


You need to dye your clothes with green paint if you want to get a green color. Everything is logical here. And if you want to give the fabric a soft pink tint, then feel free to take a similar medical solution called “Fukortsin”. It is popularly called “pink green”, since it is similar in its properties, but has a distinctive color.

The entire painting procedure takes a very short amount of time, and the result will definitely please you. The principle of coloring is exactly the same as when using brilliant green.

Important! If you have powdered potassium permanganate in your home stash, it is an excellent analogue of “Fukortsin” for dyeing fabric. Feel free to use it.

Fragrant coffee and tea

In order to give your window curtains a beige or cream shade, you can use tea leaves or ground coffee. Dyeing fabric with tea at home is just as easy as with other natural dyes - 2 tsp. tea leaves or coffee is enough to prepare a coloring solution:

  1. Place 2 tsp in 1 liter of boiling water. tea leaves or ground coffee.
  2. Wait until completely dissolved and then strain.
  3. After this, place the fabric item to be dyed into the decoction you have prepared.

Important! If the tulle is too large, then increase the proportions of tea or coffee and water.

Beetroot - natural dye

This product has excellent coloring properties and is also capable of dyeing curtains and T-shirts in a different color.

To dye tulle at home:

  1. Cut the beets and fill them with alcohol or vodka in the proportion of one bottle per 1 kg of beets.
  2. Cook the beets until completely softened with the lid closed.
  3. Strain the juice, and dip your product into this strained juice.
  4. The time to “bathe the fabric” depends on how saturated you want the shade to be.
  1. The most important and main advice. Before you start directly painting clothes, weigh the pros and cons. Amateur painting is always a risk.
  2. Know the composition of the fabric, because the entire painting result depends on the composition of the fabric:
    • if the fabric is natural, for example: cotton, linen, denim, then, as a rule, dyeing goes well;
    • if the fabric is mixed, the color will come out a little paler, for example, it will not be blue, but light blue.
    • if the fabric is 100% synthetic, there is a very high risk that the fabric will not dye at all, because with synthetic fabrics, the paint flows off like cellophane, and the product will remain exactly the same shade as before dyeing.

Important! Please note that, unfortunately, at the moment there are more and more cases when the composition that is written on the label does not coincide with reality.

  1. Decide on a color. We recommend dyeing in colors that are slightly darker than the original shade of the fabric. For example, blue is best painted blue or dark blue. Also, do not forget to take into account the original shade of the item. The ideal option is if they are similar colors. But if you dye white jeans black, you will end up with gray or dark gray, but not black.
  2. Only judge the final shade on a thoroughly dried dyed item, because wet items are always darker.
  3. If color is very important to you, dye a test piece of fabric that will be the same in composition, dry it and look at the result.
  4. If you don’t like the shade of the paint you prepared, it’s better not to risk it. In industrial conditions, shades of paint are tested a large number of times, achieving the required color. At home, you only have 1 try.
  5. Paint only with gloves on. Wear gloves before opening the paint package if you decide to use an industrial solution rather than the options we offer. When working with medical solutions, also do not ignore gloves, so as not to think later about how to wipe off brilliant green or potassium permanganate from the skin.
  6. Paint items according to the instructions written on the packaging when using industrial dyes.

Tips for dyeing fabric products in an automatic machine

Painting with a washing machine makes the entire painting process much easier, but there are some peculiarities:

  1. Pour diluted paint into the drum, and only into it.
  2. Choose a temperature of 60-80 degrees, according to the type of fabric, as well as the longest cycle without using pre-soaking.
  3. After painting, rinse the item separately in a solution of table vinegar.
  4. After painting, turn the empty washing machine back on to the rinse cycle to completely remove paint from it.
  5. Immediately after painting is completed, do not wash white items in a washing machine.

Proper care of the product after dyeing is completed:

  1. Do not dry clothes in direct sunlight, otherwise the paint will fade.
  2. Wash the first 2-3 washes separately from other items.
  3. During subsequent washes of clothing, after wearing, add a small amount of vinegar when rinsing.
  4. Use powder for colored fabrics, because powders for white linen contain bleaching agents.

In this article, we tried to collect all the necessary information that would help you safely and efficiently paint any item at home. We hope you can wisely use these recommendations and dye the fabric with brilliant green or any other suitable color product to get the desired shade of your decorative textiles or favorite item.

But we don’t say goodbye to you here, come back again!

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Jeans have long become items of the basic wardrobe of all fashionistas and fashionistas; it is difficult to imagine an everyday look without them. Pairing them with sophisticated shoes, a classic jacket and jewelry, you can create an image for a date, an exhibition or any celebration. But in this material we want to talk about how to dye jeans black. Some time ago, fashionistas and women of fashion knew all the subtleties of dyeing such fabric; today, traditional methods have been joined by more modern ones, accompanied by minimal labor costs. These are the ones we will talk about.

What you need to know

Every modern housewife can dye jeans black at home; this does not require any special skills. But before you start work, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  • Analysis - the decision to dye denim should be balanced: analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure, prepare for a negative outcome. It should be understood that coloring at home is a risk, a roulette, the result can be both positive and negative.
  • Fabric composition - natural fabrics, such as cotton, are the most susceptible to dyeing. If your jeans are made primarily of synthetic fabrics, the dyeing result may not meet your expectations; you will have to repeat the procedure many times to obtain a rich, bright shade.

  • The original color should definitely be taken into account. If you decide to dye your white jeans black, you will end up with jeans with a grayish tint. That is why, to obtain an expressive color, it is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
  • Protective equipment - when working with dyes, arm yourself with rubber gloves, which can be purchased at any hardware store.
  • Compliance with recommendations - the manufacturer leaves recommendations and useful tips on the packaging with the dye, so to get maximum results you should follow them unquestioningly.

Preparatory activities

Many people wonder whether it is possible to dye jeans black or renew a shade that has lost its richness. Of course, it is possible, but you need to approach the work more responsibly. To obtain the desired dyeing result, the item must be prepared.


How to dye jeans black so that the shade is even and rich? To do this, first of all, it is necessary to remove all dirt from the product - wash it using modern means. And here’s what’s important: under no circumstances use rinse aids and conditioners for washing, which, due to their density, can complicate the further dyeing process.


To dye blue jeans black means to dye the entire product, including the label, which contains basic information about the product and the intricacies of caring for it. That is why it is better to cut off the label before washing: if necessary, it can be re-sewn after the dyeing procedure.


Blue is a classic denim shade, but if you're dealing with other colors like terracotta, blueberry or green, you'll need to use bleach. Give preference to an effective but gentle bleach that will not affect the structure of the denim fibers. Can't choose? Contact the consultants in the store for help - they will help you choose the best option from all the variety presented.


The surface where the painting will be done must be covered with old newspapers, you can use pieces of wallpaper, ordinary plastic film, which can be purchased at any hardware and hardware store.

Remember that correctly carried out preparatory measures are 75% of the success of subsequent staining.


How to dye jeans black if we are dealing with red, green or orange shades? This is a very common question. So, we have already mentioned that it is better to pre-bleach the product. To do this, you need to dissolve the selected bleach in water in a 1:1 ratio. For these purposes, it is better to arm yourself with a deep container: a bucket, a basin. You should not use a bathtub container, as bleach may not have the best effect on the surface.

Then we place the product in the prepared solution (if you use white jeans as a base, the concentration of the solution can be reduced). The whitening procedure lasts 1.5-2 hours, and every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the product for uniform processing. After bleaching, rinse your jeans several times: don’t worry if they turn yellowish rather than snow-white, the dye will color it all out.

What to use for coloring

Of course, it’s much easier to go and buy jeans in the right shade, but no one guarantees that you will find a model that will fit your figure perfectly. This is why dyeing old favorites is so popular these days. By updating the shade, giving it depth and expressiveness, you will get a product that will look like new. So how can you dye your jeans black? We would like to bring to your attention several proven methods.

Special paints

You've probably seen special powder paints for denim in hardware stores more than once. Few people know that they can be used to dye a product in a washing machine. How to paint jeans black at home? You only need to strictly follow the established instructions indicated on the packaging. Most often, the sequence of actions looks like this:

  • turn the jeans inside out, check the optimal washing temperature indicated on the label;
  • put it in the washing machine, adding coloring powder on top;
  • set the required washing mode and start the machine;
  • after completing the dyeing process, you should rinse the product in water with the addition of vinegar - it will help fix the shade and protect it from subsequent washing;
  • repeat machine wash, but using ordinary washing powder.

Are you looking for an answer to the question of how to dye jeans black at home? It is important first of all to follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of the powder. There are dyes that can be placed directly in the packaging into the drum of the washing machine - carefully read the instructions again before using the dye.

Hair dye

Yes, you can update the shade of your jeans with hair dye. If it is difficult to find a special dye for denim in your city, go to the nearest supermarket or cosmetic store - here you will find a variety of shades. How to dye jeans black with hair dye? Everything is extremely simple:

  • pour warm water into a basin and dilute hair dye in it;
  • immerse the jeans in the solution so that it completely covers them, and leave in this state for 1 hour;
  • After the specified time has passed, first rinse the jeans in running water, and then in a solution with the addition of salt and vinegar.

Fabric dye

Before the painting process, you need to dilute the paint in a container with water, it is better to choose a basin or bucket, then place the jeans in the solution and put them on the fire in this form - boil for 1.5-2 hours. And here you need to be extremely careful: constantly stir the jeans in order to get an even shade. After completing the dyeing process, rinse the jeans well and fix the result with salt or vinegar water.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, it is quite possible to update the shade or completely change or transform your jeans at home: for this you do not have to resort to the expensive help of professionals. We strongly recommend that you carefully choose a bleach to prepare the product for dyeing, as well as the choice of the pigment, dye, on which the result of the work done largely depends.

And, of course, strictly adhere to the instructions indicated on the package; you should not experiment, because otherwise you will not only not get the expected result, but will also completely ruin your favorite jeans.

If your favorite black dress could not withstand sunlight and frequent washing over time, and began to look faded and faded, you should not say goodbye to it. You can restore the depth of black color at home.

You will need:

I. dyes for fabrics;

III. washing powder;

IV. soap salt, soda;

V. wooden spoon with a long handle or tongs.

Black items lose their deep color after frequent wear. Over time, you discover that your favorite blouse or sweater has become faded and looks more dirty gray than black. This situation can be easily corrected at home. Some tips on where to dye your dress black.

Preparing clothes for dyeing

The first thing you need to do before you start dyeing is to find out what fabric the clothes are made of. Manufacturers indicate information about this on the label - if it is not there, you can conduct a little experiment. To do this, you need to pull the thread out of the fabric and set it on fire. By the way it burns, you can determine the composition of the material:

Cotton, viscose and linen burn quickly, emitting the smell of burnt paper;
- natural wool and silk form a small ball when burned;
- polyester thread melts without any odor.

When buying a dye, you need to find out what fiber it is intended for. You can purchase a universal composition suitable for any material.

Dyeing fabrics black at home

Having determined the type of fabric, we prepare the item for dyeing:

1. New clothes must be washed with powder or boiled in a solution with the addition of soap and soda. All stains and dirt are removed from worn items, since after dyeing these places may differ in color.
2. All snaps, buttons, zippers and metal decorative elements are removed from clothing. A light zone may form around them.
3. The last stage of preparation for dyeing will be preparing a dye solution. All manipulations must be performed strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging or insert sheet.
4. Before starting the procedure, it is better to conduct a test staining. To do this, you need to try the prepared solution on a piece of similar material, ideally the same one from which the item is made. If the result is satisfactory, you can start.

When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to coloring:

1. First, the item must be soaked in warm water, wrung out and quickly placed in the dye solution.
2. Heat gradually to boiling temperature: the solution with the item should boil for at least 20 minutes. In this case, the clothes must be constantly “stirred” to distribute the paint evenly.
3. After this time, a saline solution is poured into the boiling dye. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of regular salt per 2 liters of water.
4. Stir for another 20 minutes and remove the item from the water.
5. Rinse thoroughly several times in warm water, changing it, then in cold water.
6. It is better to dry the painted item on hangers, avoiding exposure to sunlight.

If you have doubts about the composition of the fabric or the quality of the dye, it is better to take the item to a specialist. Fabrics are dyed in dry cleaning using professional means that give excellent results.

Frequent washing and sunlight can change the color of the fabric, making it faded and worn out. Dyeing the item can solve the problem. What do you need to know before you dare to take such a step?

Painting at home always comes with a certain risk - you can end up with a color that is not quite the right one, or you can even ruin your clothes. Therefore, before you begin, conduct the experiment on a small piece of fabric, of course, if one is available. Having seen and assessed the preliminary result, it’s time to make a decision. The composition of the fabric often determines the success or failure of dyeing. Natural fabrics usually dye well, but with mixed types, the color will be several tones lighter than on the paint package. But it is advisable not to experiment with synthetics. At best, the fabric will remain its original color, at worst, it will be colored unevenly, with ugly spots.

It is advisable to choose a color several shades darker than the original one. If the colors are close in tone, then the result will be better. But when dyeing, for example, white jeans black, the result is gray, dark gray, but not black. The result of dyeing will be visible only after the item has dried. Wet fabric always looks several shades darker.

Before painting, the item must be washed. If this is not done, then all contaminated areas will be colored unevenly, forming peculiar stains. Before preparing the solution, weigh the product and calculate the required amount of paint. Most often, a standard package of powder is designed for 400 g of fabric.

Carefully study the instructions and punctually fulfill all its requirements. The contents of the package are diluted in a small amount of water, filtered through cheesecloth, and only then the rest is added, bringing it to the desired volume. If the paint is in the form of a liquid, then there is no need for straining. Place washed fabric in a 40-degree solution and leave for 20-30 minutes. From time to time you need to turn the material over to achieve uniform coloring. After a certain time, the material is rinsed in warm water several times until clear water is obtained. During the last rinse, it is recommended to add half a glass of vinegar to better fix the paint. All procedures are carried out only with gloves.

A washing machine can greatly facilitate the dyeing process. The diluted paint is immediately poured into the drum, the dyeing temperature here is higher - from 60 to 80 degrees, the longest washing cycle with additional rinsing is selected. You will have to rinse with water and vinegar separately. After finishing painting, you need to turn on the rinse again to clean the car. But even after this, it is not recommended to wash white items immediately, as some of the dye may remain and slightly change the color of the items.

After painting, items require special care. After one or two washes, they should be washed separately from other items, as there may be a slight release of paint into the water. When rinsing, it is advisable to add vinegar and not dry in direct sunlight to avoid fading. For dyed items, use powder designed for washing colored fabrics.

You can also dye things in specialized places where they guarantee quality and are responsible for the result. If you decide to paint at home, then to achieve optimal results, fulfill all the listed conditions.

Knowing how to dye clothes at home is useful for every housewife, since this is the only way to update an old favorite item, making its color richer, or completely change the shade.

Frequent washing and exposure to sunlight can change the color of the fabric of the item, making it worn out and dull in appearance. This problem can be solved at home by painting with special or natural dyes. But it is worth considering that painting with your own hands always comes with some risk - you can achieve an unwanted color or completely ruin the thing. Therefore, before deciding to take this step, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of painting. Today we will get acquainted with the types of dyes with which you can give an updated look to old clothes, with the rules and with the dyeing procedure itself.

Where should you start?

First of all, it is important to correctly determine the fabric from which the clothes are made.

After all, if the item is made of natural fabric, it will be easy for the dye to change the shade. Natural fabrics include cotton, linen, denim, etc. Artificial fabrics can also be dyed, but the color will be somewhat paler than expected. For example, if you want to achieve blue, you will get blue. And if you paint synthetic fabric, the paint may not take at all. This behavior of the fabric is due to the fact that the dye will not penetrate into the structure of the fibers, but will simply drain along with the water.

If you cannot determine the naturalness of the fabric of a particular item by eye or touch, it is better to read the label on the back of the clothing. Although it is recommended to rely more on your own feelings, since manufacturers do not always honestly prescribe the real composition.

It is also worth considering that it is not always possible to use any dye or color for painting. In fact, the tone sets the original shade of the thing. You can choose colors that will be brighter or darker than the original. At the same time, you don’t need to expect that the first time white clothes will turn into a solid and rich black color. After the first time it will turn gray.

The ideal option is to transform the original tone into a deeper shade. For example, worn and washed blue jeans can be turned into blue jeans. Or make a yellow blouse orange.

It is also worth noting that after the procedure, the painted item, while still wet, may seem somewhat darker than the desired tone. It is recommended not to wash the clothes, trying to wash off a little of the dye, but to wait until they are completely dry, because this is the only way to evaluate the result. It’s even better to test on a similar piece of fabric before dyeing all your clothes, and repeat these steps several times to achieve the desired color.

Choosing a dye

As already noted, you can dye clothes at home using two types of dyes:

  • special aniline;
  • natural.

When using the first option, you should first read the instructions on the label. There will also be an indication of the type of fabric for which this product can be used. To determine the amount of dye required to dye a particular garment, the latter must be weighed. If you need to paint several things in the same tone, it is recommended to work with each one separately so that the painting container is not full. Moreover, the clothes must be pre-washed and any existing dirt and decorative elements removed. It is better to dilute the dye with soft water with the addition of baking soda - 1 tsp is enough. for 10 liters of water.

If you prefer natural dyes, they should first be crushed, boiled in water, and then steamed over low heat until the desired color is obtained and then filtered. Let's consider what natural dyes can be used to obtain the following colors:

  1. 1 Beige and cream shades allow you to get instant, strong brewed coffee or tea. The item is placed in diluted dye, kept until the desired shade is achieved, then filtered and dried.
  2. 2 Green dye can be obtained from juniper berries, horsetail stems and elderberry leaves.
  3. 3 Sunny shades are provided by the roots and bark of barberry, and a more juicy tone is provided by birch leaves and turmeric.
  4. 4 Dry buckthorn bark will give the brown color.
  5. 5 Blue dye can be obtained from Ivan da Marya flowers, blackberries and meadow sage.
  6. 6 Red dye is made from ripe elderberries or oregano herb, and orange dye is made from sea buckthorn.

In general, all plants and fruits that are difficult to wash are suitable as natural dyes.

Instructions for painting things

Before the dyeing procedure, clothes should be thoroughly washed, since if there are stains and dirt, the dye will leave streaks. All actions must be carried out strictly with rubber gloves.

The contents of the special dye, the volume of which is often no more than 400 g, must first be diluted in a small amount of water and filtered through gauze. Afterwards, dilute with the remaining amount of the required volume of water. It is convenient to use dyes of liquid consistency, since there is no need to dilute them, accordingly, time will be saved, and the risk of incorrect dilution will be minimized.

After diluting the dye, the solution should be heated to 40 °C. It is better to use an old pan for the coloring procedure, because after that it is forbidden to cook food in it. Clothes are immersed in the heated solution and left for 30 minutes. To ensure that the paint is evenly distributed, it is recommended to turn the item over periodically. When time has passed, the new clothes must be rinsed in warm water several times, until the flowing water is clear. In this case, it is advisable to add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the container during the last rinse to consolidate the achieved result.

Are you tired of the shade of your curtains and tulle, a white T-shirt has stopped making you happy because its shade has become boring, but you don’t want to buy a new one? There is a way out - painting things at home. In this article, we will tell you how to dye fabric with brilliant green and other natural dyes, as well as how to properly care for the dyed item.

How to dye white fabric using brilliant green and other dyes?

Tulle and curtains are accessories that people notice when they enter your room. Fabric curtains can both decorate and hopelessly ruin your entire interior.

Painting curtains a different color quickly and without any special effort is one of the acceptable options for transforming the appearance of a room. By changing the color scheme of clothes for windows, as well as choosing cute things to match, you can get a new solution for your home or work environment.

Do-it-yourself painting of tulle and curtains can help you if you don’t have the funds or time to update the interior and make repairs, but your soul is asking for something new. The painting process is very economical in every sense, because:

  • no significant cash outlay is required to purchase dyes;
  • it is not necessary to waste your time waiting, and also listen to the designer’s recommendations;
  • there is no need to walk for a long time from store to store in search of new materials;
  • There is a possibility of re-painting.

Home conditions are suitable to give your window wardrobe a new look on your own. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of how to paint fabric with brilliant green and other equally interesting means at hand. Moreover, this fabric can be the basis of both interior decor and your clothing.

The process of dyeing tulle and white T-shirts

Preparing fabrics for dyeing is a prerequisite when choosing any of the various dyes. By dyeing only clean fabric, you can achieve the desired result. Be sure to wait until the fabric is completely dry after washing; slightly damp tulle or a T-shirt will quickly absorb all the coloring pigments.

Important! The color intensity of a fabric product depends on how concentrated the dye is, as well as on time. Therefore, think about how bright the result you are trying to achieve before dyeing the fabric with green paint.

Aniline dyes

If you choose this method of coloring, do not experiment under any circumstances. You can effectively paint tulle in a different shade only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:

  • Dilute the dye in a small container until the dye is completely dissolved, and then pour it into the main volume of water, and then place the tulle there.
  • Immediately add the dye to the basin or to another container into which you have already poured warm water. Place the item you are painting into the resulting solution.

Important! Quite often, dye manufacturers advise salting water with table salt to obtain a permanent color. The proportions of salt, water, and dye must be indicated in the instructions.

Good old green stuff

Painting the fabric with green should be done by those housewives who want to see window curtains or T-shirts in a greenish tint. The method of application is extremely simple:

  1. Dissolve a small amount of green pharmacy liquid in warm water. Determine the required volume of medical solution yourself, based on the desired brightness of the final shade. On average, about 10 ml of diamond solution (1 bottle) is taken per 5 liters of water.
  2. Stir the entire contents of the container evenly.
  3. After this, place a damp cloth or T-shirt there.
  4. Let stand for 20-30 minutes.

Important! You can paint clothes with green paint evenly at home, without streaks or stains, only if you periodically turn the product over in the container. The same rule applies when you decide to change the shade of tulle, curtains, nylon mesh or any other textile.


You need to dye your clothes with green paint if you want to get a green color. Everything is logical here. And if you want to give the fabric a soft pink tint, then feel free to take a similar medical solution called “Fukortsin”. It is popularly called “pink green”, since it is similar in its properties, but has a distinctive color.

The entire painting procedure takes a very short amount of time, and the result will definitely please you. The principle of coloring is exactly the same as when using brilliant green.

Important! If you have powdered potassium permanganate in your home stash, it is an excellent analogue of “Fukortsin” for dyeing fabric. Feel free to use it.

Fragrant coffee and tea

In order to give your window curtains a beige or cream shade, you can use tea leaves or ground coffee. Dyeing fabric with tea at home is just as easy as with other natural dyes - 2 tsp. tea leaves or coffee is enough to prepare a coloring solution:

  1. Place 2 tsp in 1 liter of boiling water. tea leaves or ground coffee.
  2. Wait until completely dissolved and then strain.
  3. After this, place the fabric item to be dyed into the decoction you have prepared.

Important! If the tulle is too large, then increase the proportions of tea or coffee and water.

Beetroot - natural dye

This product has excellent coloring properties and is also capable of dyeing curtains and T-shirts in a different color.

To dye tulle at home:

  1. Cut the beets and fill them with alcohol or vodka in the proportion of one bottle per 1 kg of beets.
  2. Cook the beets until completely softened with the lid closed.
  3. Strain the juice, and dip your product into this strained juice.
  4. The time to “bathe the fabric” depends on how saturated you want the shade to be.
  1. The most important and main advice. Before you start directly painting clothes, weigh the pros and cons. Amateur painting is always a risk.
  2. Know the composition of the fabric, because the entire painting result depends on the composition of the fabric:
    • if the fabric is natural, for example: cotton, linen, denim, then, as a rule, dyeing goes well;
    • if the fabric is mixed, the color will come out a little paler, for example, it will not be blue, but light blue.
    • if the fabric is 100% synthetic, there is a very high risk that the fabric will not dye at all, because with synthetic fabrics, the paint flows off like cellophane, and the product will remain exactly the same shade as before dyeing.

Important! Please note that, unfortunately, at the moment there are more and more cases when the composition that is written on the label does not coincide with reality.

  1. Decide on a color. We recommend dyeing in colors that are slightly darker than the original shade of the fabric. For example, blue is best painted blue or dark blue. Also, do not forget to take into account the original shade of the item. The ideal option is if they are similar colors. But if you dye white jeans black, you will end up with gray or dark gray, but not black.
  2. Only judge the final shade on a thoroughly dried dyed item, because wet items are always darker.
  3. If color is very important to you, dye a test piece of fabric that will be the same in composition, dry it and look at the result.
  4. If you don’t like the shade of the paint you prepared, it’s better not to risk it. In industrial conditions, shades of paint are tested a large number of times, achieving the required color. At home, you only have 1 try.
  5. Paint only with gloves on. Wear gloves before opening the paint package if you decide to use an industrial solution rather than the options we offer. When working with medical solutions, also do not ignore gloves, so as not to think later about how to wipe off brilliant green or potassium permanganate from the skin.
  6. Paint items according to the instructions written on the packaging when using industrial dyes.

Tips for dyeing fabric products in an automatic machine

Painting with a washing machine makes the entire painting process much easier, but there are some peculiarities:

  1. Pour diluted paint into the drum, and only into it.
  2. Choose a temperature of 60-80 degrees, according to the type of fabric, as well as the longest cycle without using pre-soaking.
  3. After painting, rinse the item separately in a solution of table vinegar.
  4. After painting, turn the empty washing machine back on to the rinse cycle to completely remove paint from it.
  5. Immediately after painting is completed, do not wash white items in a washing machine.

Proper care of the product after dyeing is completed:

  1. Do not dry clothes in direct sunlight, otherwise the paint will fade.
  2. Wash the first 2-3 washes separately from other items.
  3. During subsequent washes of clothing, after wearing, add a small amount of vinegar when rinsing.
  4. In this article, we tried to collect all the necessary information that would help you safely and efficiently paint any item at home. We hope you can wisely use these recommendations and dye the fabric with brilliant green or any other suitable color product to get the desired shade of your decorative textiles or favorite item.

The box contains dye, gloves, cleaning powder. For automatic and hand washing. Designed for 1 kg. dyed fabric. I bought five colors (which were in stock). According to the instructions, the fabric is soaked in a hot solution, and then heated with salt for 10-30 minutes, “depending on the shade of color you want to get” - that’s what the instructions said.

So let's continue. I started my experiments with purple.

I measured out a kilogram of fabric;
- weighed dry;
- washed;
- soaked in paint;
- heated for 10 minutes.

Result- stains and unpainted areas on thick cotton.
Errors- I should have boiled it longer.

In the same vat, I dyed guipure along with cotton - I really liked the result!

The rest of the colors - red, yellow, green, khaki - turned out well. I heated it in the solution for 30 minutes, and took LESS than a kilogram of tissue.

I experimented with pieces of different lace, the original color was white, the dyes were yellow and red:

Lace and cotton sewing:

The pieces of thick braid are too deep red.

What else did you paint?

I had blouse white, "Snowflake" threads, crocheted. I have an idea - to sew a decorative pillowcase from it. But white is not a very practical color, so the blouse turned red.

Shirt My husband had one - white, white and completely new, with a stain on the front that could not be washed off with anything. I tried a bunch of bleaches, it didn’t help, and the shirt was gathering dust in the closet. Now we have it in khaki color:

And this is a “rarity” - my mother’s vest , she knitted it back in Soviet times from Nitron threads, maybe someone remembers those, 100% synthetic, creaky! But they are so durable that they hold their shape and pattern for a long time. I also painted it red. I'm planning to make a pillowcase for a sofa cushion.

I started sewing from dyed fabrics patchwork quilt - I’ve already collected the top (top).