How to remove candle wax from clothes. Dealing with wax stains: hot and cold methods. Video: How to remove and wash wax from clothes from a candle at home? How to remove wax drops from fabric

Wax stains cannot be removed from fabric by simply washing clothes with laundry detergent. This is due to the fact that, due to the peculiar structure, the wax does not dissolve in warm water and detergents. But going to a dry cleaner to remove such a stain is not necessary at all. There are several ways how and with what you can remove wax from clothes at home. Which one will be optimal depends on the type of fabric from which the item is made.

Cotton and linen

The easiest way to remove a wax stain is from linen or cotton (primarily cotton calico). To do this, you need a thin cotton cloth, an iron heated to 50-70˚ C and paper napkins.

How to remove wax from cotton and linen candles:

  1. Place several layers of paper towels under the stained areas, cover the stains with a cotton cloth on top.
  2. Iron the places where there are dirt several times with a hot iron. The wax will melt and soak into the napkins and cotton fabric. Repeat the procedure several times until the stains completely disappear, replacing the napkins and cloth with clean ones.

Advice! Very small spots of wax can be removed with a spoon heated in boiling water: just scrape off the dirt with it!

Unpretentious care fabrics of natural origin are easy to clean from wax stains in another way: using boiling water.

How to remove dye-free wax from cotton, linen and other undemanding fabrics:

  1. Pour water into a large container and bring to a boil.
  2. Dip the cloth in boiling water for a few seconds.
  3. When spots of melted wax appear on the surface of the water, remove the cloth and inspect it. If the contamination is not completely removed, repeat the procedure.
  4. Wash the item in warm water with soap, then rinse first in warm and then in cold water.

The two described methods cannot be used if the wax contains a dye, since under the influence of high temperature it will penetrate deep into the fibers of the material, and it will be impossible to remove it from there.

Advice! Use a stain remover to remove dyed wax stains.

Wax stains from denim (denim) are removed in the same way as from cotton or linen: by ironing the place of contamination with a hot iron through cotton fabric.

How to get out of jeans with unstable staining:

  1. Place the product in the freezer for approximately two hours.
  2. Frozen wax will crumble easily if you rub it with your hands, as you would when washing.
  3. Iron the remaining dirt with a hot iron through a cotton cloth, placing paper napkins under the stain.
  4. Wash off residue as usual.


Clothing made of synthetic materials deteriorates under the influence of high temperatures, so it is strictly forbidden to lower it into boiling water or iron it with a hot iron. Look at the label, which indicates the permissible temperature for ironing and washing.

How to remove regular wax from synthetic fabric:

  1. Soak the product in hot (not higher than 50˚ C) clean water.
  2. Once the wax is soft, gently blot it with a tissue or cloth.
  3. Wash the clothes as usual, in the washing machine or by hand, with detergent - this will remove the remaining dirt.

To clean items made of organza and other delicate fabrics, the ironing of which is prohibited by the manufacturer, do not use elevated temperatures. To remove wax stains from such products, use an organic solvent:

  1. Apply the product to a cotton pad and rub it on the contaminated area.
  2. Wash the item with detergent and rinse well.

Advice! Before using an organic solvent, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. If the structure of matter or its color has changed, then use a special stain remover.

Wool and silk

To remove wax from silk and wool fabrics, a regular dishwashing detergent is suitable:

  1. Apply a few drops of the product to the dirt, lather and leave for five or six hours.
  2. Wash item and rinse thoroughly.

How to remove colored wax from synthetics, silk, wool, organza

If it gets on delicate fabrics paraffin or wax with a dye in the composition, then the above methods for removing contaminants will not work. The paint, under the action of friction (if you try to rub it off) or temperature, will penetrate even deeper into the fibers.

For this reason, a suitable way to get rid of paraffin or wax is to pre-freeze:

  1. Put the item in the freezer for several hours.
  2. Frozen wax gently scrape off the surface of the fabric.
  3. Treat the stained area with a stain remover.
  4. Wash the product as usual.

Fur, suede, leather

Fur clothing is demanding to care for, but there are ways to remove wax stains from it.

How to remove a stain from fur:

  1. Place the fur product in the freezer for half an hour.
  2. Crumble the frozen wax, shake off and remove with your fingers from the bottom up.

For suede items, you can use a hot iron, but it is forbidden to keep it on the surface of the material for a long time, as gloss and dents will appear. Cover the stain with a paper towel and apply a hot iron to it for a few seconds. If this method is ineffective, use the ammonia solution in one of the following ways.

How to get wax out of suede:

  1. Combine 50 ml of gasoline with 10 ml of ethyl alcohol and 35 ml of ammonia (or dilute 1/2 tsp of ammonia in one liter of water).
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture (or solution) and apply it to the contaminated area for one minute.
  3. Wipe the cloth with a clean, damp cloth.

Advice! The structure of suede will be restored after processing if you hold the material over steam.

It is easiest to clean clothes made of artificial or genuine leather from wax stains. Hold the item in the cold so that the contamination freezes, then fold the stained area in half. The wax will crack and the residue will be easy to remove with your fingers. The remaining oily stain from the skin will be removed with a cotton pad dipped in ammonia, turpentine or acetone.

Unstable fabric staining

For products with unstable staining, methods that work effectively when removing wax with a dye in the composition are suitable.

How to withdraw:

  1. Put the item in the freezer for about 2 hours.
  2. Crumble the stain by rubbing it with your hands.
  3. Sprinkle chalk or talc on the contaminated area (they act as absorbents), cover with a paper towel on top.
  4. Place a heavy object on top of the napkin, such as a cast iron skillet or pot of water. Leave for 2 or 3 hours.
  5. Remove chalk or talc with a brush.
  6. Wash the product to remove any remaining absorbent.

How to remove wax stains

After removing the wax, greasy stains often remain on the clothes. The following tools will help remove them:

  • acetone;
  • kerosene;
  • turpentine;
  • solvent;
  • ammonia;
  • detergents;
  • dishwashing liquid.

After treatment with one of the above means, the matter should dry well, after which it will need to be washed.

Advice! Remove wax stains immediately. After a few days, it will be extremely difficult or even impossible to etch the pollution.

  1. Do not try to scrub or wash off the wax once it has dripped from the candle. Blot with a napkin or light-colored cloth to absorb the liquid component. Let the residues harden and only after that proceed with active actions.
  2. Remove the stain from the edges to the center. This will prevent the spread of contamination to nearby areas.
  3. If the wax is colored, then in no case do not heat it. It is also impossible to use a solvent as a stain remover. Freezing is the best way to remove colored wax.
  4. To prevent damage to the material, first test the effect of the product used on an inconspicuous area.
  5. Candles are made of a material that has a greasy, dense structure, for this reason it will not be possible to remove stains from them through ordinary washing.

Often, paraffin stains clothes during depilation. It will be possible to remove such pollution in a very short time using the following recipe:

  1. Put a few drops of vegetable oil on the stain.
  2. Leave the oil on for 2-3 minutes to soak into the stained area.
  3. Remove the wax with dishwashing detergent.

It is a good idea to soak cotton pads in vegetable oil and wipe the stained areas on the fabric several times.

Proceed carefully and in stages, and wax stains will no longer be a problem.

Decorative candles create a romantic atmosphere, emphasize the solemnity of the situation and the peculiarity of the current moment. The only pity is that the beeswax, from which this element of the festive decoration is made, melts when burned and leaves unaesthetic stains on the tablecloth, and sometimes on clothes. It is quite difficult to get rid of such contaminants, since hot wax instantly impregnates the surface of the material and solidifies between the fibers. The situation becomes more complicated if droplets of the substance fall on, which cannot be ironed and washed at high temperatures. And yet, there are several home remedies that will help to completely cope with stains from a melted candle.

Cold and heat against paraffin stains

Particles of the substance that have penetrated deep into the material can be removed using an iron.

It is easiest to remove wax or paraffin stains from natural fabrics that can withstand ironing and washing at high temperatures. It can be considered very lucky if a cotton blouse or wool skirt is dripped with a candle.

Seeing a spreading paraffin stain, you should not fall into despair and panic. In this situation, you need to act quickly and decisively. Since the molten paraffin becomes soft and plastic, you should not try to wipe off the drop with your hand - this way you can only increase the area of ​​​​contamination by smearing the stain over the surface of the material. It is better to blot a drop of hot paraffin with a paper towel, carefully applying it to the fabric, and remove the main part of the substance, preventing it from soaking into the fibers.

thermal effect

Particles of the substance that have penetrated deep into the material can be removed using an iron. To do this, you need to lay out the soiled clothes on the ironing board inside out, and place a clean paper napkin or white under the place of contamination.

Heating the iron to the highest possible temperature, the dirty place is gently ironed through an additional layer of matter. The wax will begin to melt and soak into the napkins, which will need to be replaced with new ones from time to time. This procedure should be carried out until greasy traces no longer appear on paper napkins.

After all the wax has been removed, all that remains is to remove the greasy stains left over from contamination. This can be done with a stain remover or regular laundry detergent.

There are things that cannot be ironed at all. For example, a cap or a cotton hat is stained with paraffin. In such cases, wardrobe items should be soaked in hot water for several minutes, and then cleaned with a clothes brush and laundry soap.


You can get rid of paraffin stains not only by heating, but also by freezing. Each hostess chooses the method that she prefers. The essence of cleaning by exposure to low temperatures is as follows. The clothes are packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for 2 hours. When the wax is well frozen, it can be scraped off with the tip of a knife or other sharp object.

How to remove dirt from synthetic material

Many do not withstand washing with water heated to a temperature of more than 30 ° C, and even more so ironing with a hot iron. To remove wax stains from such clothes, you will have to call on aggressive chemicals to help: ammonia and ethyl alcohol or turpentine.


A cotton pad or a piece of gauze bandage is moistened in a solution of ethyl alcohol and the surface of the fabric is wiped at the site of contamination. So that the stain does not increase in size, during processing they move from the edge of the stain to the center, and not vice versa. After the main part of the wax has dissolved, the product can be washed in the machine at the highest possible temperature.


To get rid of paraffin stains left by melted candles, you can use ammonia. To do this, make a weak solution by combining 1 tbsp. l. alcohol and 1 liter of cold water, and pour the stain with plenty of water. This method is great for any fabrics that require delicate handling.


This tool will be able to remove wax from clothes in just a matter of minutes. To get rid of a fresh stain, it will be enough to moisten a cotton pad in turpentine and lightly rub the place of contamination. If traces of the candle are not found immediately, you need to apply a swab with turpentine to the soiled area and hold for about half an hour - this is the only way to achieve a positive result.


Regular detergent will help remove wax stains.

If there was no alcohol or turpentine at hand, then you can use any dishwashing detergent to remove wax stains. A little Fairy is applied to the place of contamination and the product is set aside for 10-12 hours, after which it is washed in the usual way.

All of the above methods allow you to completely get rid of paraffin stains. The main thing is to carefully and accurately perform the cleaning work. If the clothes are not completely cleaned the first time, the procedure must be repeated.

Removing candle stains depending on the type of fabric

Starting to remove the wax stain, you need to focus on the type of fabric from which the affected clothing is made. If standard products and general rules are suitable for cleaning natural and synthetic materials, then fabrics such as suede, velvet, satin or natural fur require special treatment, and one cannot do without knowing the various nuances.


To remove melted wax stains from a natural jacket, you can use an iron.

  1. First, the frozen drop is scraped off with a sharp object: a knife, a thick needle, a toothpick.
  2. You should act very carefully, trying not to damage the structure of the material.
  3. Then slightly warm up the iron, put it upright and cover with a clean towel.
  4. In order to melt the wax, the product is applied to the sole of the iron protected by a towel. If you act in the usual way, that is, iron the suede, shiny stripes will appear on the surface of the fabric, which will spoil the appearance of the clothes.

Those items of clothing that cannot be ironed, such as hats or boots, can be cleaned with a special tool. To prepare it, you need to mix:

  • 45 ml of refined gasoline;
  • 10 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 35 ml of ammonia.

A cotton pad soaked in the resulting solution is applied to the contaminated area for several minutes, after which the wax residues are removed with a clean cloth.


Steam can be used to remove traces of paraffin from a leather jacket. In a small saucepan, heat water to boiling point and hold the thing over the steam until the wax melts. The remaining greasy trace is washed off with hot water.


Both natural and artificial fur are not recommended to be washed in hot water. If a few drops of paraffin get on the fur product, you can get rid of the contamination by freezing.

  • Small items of clothing, such as a collar, hat or detachable cuffs, are frozen in the freezer.
  • For bulky items, such as a fur coat or coat, you can use pieces of ice.

Frozen wax becomes brittle and crumbles into small particles under any mechanical action, which can be easily shaken off the fur with a hand or a clothes brush.

Silk, organza, chiffon, satin

Dishwashing detergent can help remove melted candle stains from delicate fabrics. After the main part of the paraffin is removed, a detergent (preferably colorless) is applied to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material and the item is left for several hours. Finish the process of removing the stain by washing in the usual way.


When cleaning or can not do without organic solvents - turpentine or alcohol. A swab dipped in one of these substances is applied to the site of contamination for 15 minutes, after which the wax residues are removed with a damp cloth.

How to remove depilatory wax from clothes

Wax for depilation also leaves stains.

Many women use wax for depilation. This cosmetic product, in addition to paraffin, contains synthetic and wood resins, as well as various oils. It is difficult to remove stains that have appeared on clothes with careless handling of wax for depilation. But there is a proven way to completely clean clothes and remove this difficult contamination.

A few drops are applied to the stain and the product is left for 10-15 minutes, allowing the wax to soak in. After that, they wash the dirty place with the help of Fairy and place the item in the drum of the machine for further processing.

How to wash colored paraffin

The task becomes much more difficult if the clothes are stained with wax from a colored candle, especially when it comes to light things.

Important! Colored wax that has fallen on clothing should not be heated. From exposure to high temperatures, colorful stains will only be fixed on the fabric.

Thus, methods involving heating with an iron or washing in hot water disappear, and you will have to act as follows:

  • freeze the wax by covering the stain with pieces of ice;
  • destroy the structure of paraffin and shake off its remnants;
  • treat the contaminated area with a stain remover.

The result depends on the stability of the coloring agent added to the paraffin during the manufacture of the candle. It can be considered that the thing is saved if, after processing, the paint has completely disappeared and only a greasy stain remains, which any grease-dissolving agent can easily cope with.

It is much worse if the dye is so absorbed into the fibers that even a stain remover cannot cope with it. In this case, there is only one way out - to mask the contamination with embroidery or appliqué.

Removing wax stains from clothes so that there is no trace of them is not an easy task, but it is quite doable if you follow the instructions above.

Wax candles can stain clothing or tablecloths when used at home. Now candles are popular, they are used often. It can be a romantic dinner or a ceremony to attract money. You can simply light candles to create a certain atmosphere in the house. Living fire from the flame cleanses the space around it, creates harmony.

If troubles begin, you need to burn candles to attract good luck. But use with extreme caution, as the fire from a candle can cause a fire in the house. Wax or paraffin melts from the fire and falls on the tablecloth. To prevent this from happening, you need to use special candlesticks.

Careless handling can stain clothing or household items. How to remove candle wax stains, what products should be used to clean clothes.

It would seem that removing a wax stain is mere trifles. The main thing is to wait until the wax hardens and scrape it off. In fact, everything is not so simple. In place of the wax, a greasy, ugly stain remains, which is difficult to remove with a simple wash. Do not wear clothes with stains. What if it's an expensive coat or jacket? You can stain a woolen jumper or trousers. How to proceed in this case? A hand will not rise to throw away, but it is not good to wear with such a stain. As you know, they are greeted by clothes.

  • To remove a candle wax stain from clothes, you must remember that you can not immediately remove the liquid, melted wax. You need to wait until it hardens and then clean it off.
  • If you try to remove it earlier, the wax will spread and stain a large area. It is difficult to withdraw at home. There will be a white coating that is difficult to clean.
  • Wait for the wax to harden and clean with a coin. You can’t touch it with your hands, as the rest of the candle will again begin to melt and stain things.
  • First remove the wax, then wrinkle the fabric and get rid of the remaining pieces. You need to do this intensively enough to get everything out. After that, the clothes need to be shaken from the remaining small crumbs.
  • To remove a wax stain, you need white cotton fabric, paper and an iron.
  • Place clothes on the ironing board. Put a clean cotton cloth on the dirt. On it is a blank sheet of white paper. Heat up the iron and iron the paper. The remaining wax melts and is absorbed into the fabric.
  • Clothes should be washed in hot water.

Suede items

  • To remove a wax stain from suede, you need to use steam, because you can’t iron it with an iron, remove it with a cloth or paper towel. As the wax melts, change the napkins.

Silk fabric

  • You can clean wax from silk fabric by placing it in the freezer. When solidified, the wax completely crumbles from the fibers, leaving no traces.

Woolen clothes

  • If you accidentally dripped on a woolen item that cannot be washed in hot water, the grease stain from the candle should be removed with dishwashing detergent.


  • From a fabric that contains synthetics, the remnants of the candle must be removed with steam or hot air from a hair dryer. Thin matter does not tolerate a hot iron; you can simply melt the fibers. The fabric is heated with hot air and the wax is gently removed with a paper towel.

Leather Products

  • There are no traces of candle paraffin or wax on natural leather. It just freezes and falls off. There may be a mark on the artificial skin, which is removed with an alcohol wipe. You can soak a cotton swab in alcohol and treat the skin.

Natural fur

  • Fleecy fabrics or fur are quite difficult to clean from hardened wax or paraffin. You have to clean it literally by the villus. Sometimes it is recommended to cut off part of the pile from above in order to remove the stain.


  • If wax gets on velvet things, then it is very difficult to clean. Even after hardening, an unpleasant stain remains. Ironing velvet products is also impossible, as a shiny trace from the iron appears. You have to clean it with turpentine. Wet cotton wool and apply to the stain, hold for 30 minutes. Periodically wipe with a clean paraffin cloth. The procedure is lengthy, but you can still clean it.

When using various products, you need to check whether the dyeing of the fabric is affected. To verify this, you need to apply the tool in an inconspicuous place. If after all the manipulations the fabric has retained its properties, it can be used in a conspicuous place. If the agent causes a change in the color or structure of the fabric, then it should not be used.

In order not to suffer with cleaning things from wax, candles must be handled with extreme care and accuracy. But even if a stain from a candle appears, do not despair, but try to use our recommendations and things will serve you for a long time without losing their appearance.

Wax is able to penetrate very deeply into the fibers of the fabric. There is an opinion that wax stains cannot be removed at home. But it's not. To effectively remove paraffin from the fabric, you need to consider what material the clothes are made of. For each fabric, a specific agent is used. Paraffin is removed by heat treatment - heating or freezing.

Wax stains cannot be washed off, as wax does not dissolve in water and detergents.

Most often, wax gets on clothes when using candles. They are made from three different materials:

  1. Paraffin is a product of oil refining. Paraffin candles are the cheapest. When burned, they release chemical compounds.
  2. Beeswax is a natural product. Candles made from this material burn brighter and last longer than paraffin candles.
  3. Stearin is obtained from animal and vegetable fats.

These products are similar in their properties. Therefore, you can use the same cleaning methods for different types of wax, including traces on clothes left after depilation.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight only colored candles, which include dyes. To remove stains from colored wax from clothes, you will have to wash off not only paraffin, but also traces of paint.

Heat treatment

The easiest way to remove wax is heat treatment of the stain. Wax can either be heated or frozen.

Heating is suitable for things made of natural fabrics: cotton, linen, coarse calico. Freezing is used for products that do not tolerate high temperatures. For example, wool, silk, leather.


Before starting the procedure, you need to wait until the wax stain hardens, otherwise you can increase the area of ​​​​contamination. Then you need to scrape off as much of the wax as possible with a dull knife, ruler or wooden spatula. Now you can proceed directly to heating the stain. This will require:

  • heat the iron to the maximum temperature allowed for a particular fabric;
  • on the reverse side of the thing, place a paper napkin under the wax stain;
  • from above, also cover the contamination with a napkin and additionally lay a cotton cloth;
  • iron stain:
  • as wax sticks to paper napkins, they need to be changed to clean ones;
  • a trace of paraffin should be washed with Antipyatin or other stain remover.

Synthetic products should not be hot-worked. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to look at the tag and set the allowable temperature on the iron. Or you can heat the stain with a hair dryer.

It is unacceptable to use an iron to remove stains from colored wax. The dye under the influence of high temperature is more strongly eaten into the fabric.


Freezing will help to effectively remove wax drops from dense fabrics such as leather, jeans, fur. You will need to put the soiled thing in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for several hours so that the wax does not touch the plastic. If the product does not fit in the freezer, then ice cubes can be used. They need to be applied to pollution for several minutes.

The wax can then be carefully scraped off with a dull knife or other flat object.

natural fabrics

The easiest way to remove wax from clothes made from natural fabrics. To do this, you can use the method discussed above and heat the wax. If a drop of wax that has fallen on a thing is very small, then you can do without an iron, using a spoon heated in boiling water.

For unpretentious fabrics, another method can be used:

  1. In a container capable of containing the soiled product, boil water.
  2. Put the item in hot water for a few seconds.
  3. Take out the product carefully. If the wax stain is not removed, you can repeat the procedure.
  4. Briefly soak the item in soapy water and rinse first in warm and then in cold water.

This method also cannot be used to remove colored wax.

You can clean the carpet from wax stains using methods suitable for cleaning clothes made from natural fabrics.


Suede is a material that requires special handling. Do not use high temperatures to remove wax stains from this fabric. Therefore, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Hold the contaminated area over the steam. Then remove the wax with a special brush for cleaning suede or blot the stain with a sponge, without rubbing the paraffin into the fabric.
  2. Dilute half a teaspoon of ammonia or ammonia in 1 liter of water. Moisten a cloth or sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the wax stain until it disappears.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad with turpentine and apply it to the dirt for a few minutes. Then wash the product in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Mix 50 g of refined gasoline (available at a hardware store), 10 g of ethyl alcohol and 35 g of ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared solution and wipe the wax stain for several minutes.

A mixture of gasoline, alcohol and ammonia can also be used to cleanse velvet fabric from paraffin.

If you have medical alcohol on hand, you can soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the wax that has fallen on the velvet. Wait 20 minutes and rinse the product.


Synthetic fabrics should not be processed at high temperatures. The approach to cleaning woolen and silk products should be especially delicate.

The best solution is to use dishwashing liquid. You will need to apply a few drops of the product on the wax stain and leave the item to dry completely. After that, wash the product in the usual way.


Removing paraffin wax from denim trousers is not so difficult, since denim is not capricious. There are two ways to clean:

  1. Freeze. Put jeans in a plastic bag in the freezer for several hours. Then wipe off the hardened wax and wash the thing with the powder.
  2. Soak. Before washing, soak the soiled product in hot water with the addition of washing powder. Wait 30 minutes and wash the item by hand or in the machine.

To make the trace of paraffin disappear completely, you can pre-treat the contamination with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent.

Leather things

Getting rid of a wax stain on a leather product is easier than on any other fabric. This is due to the fact that the wax is not absorbed into the skin.

To remove paraffin, you should use the freezing method described above. If this is a large leather jacket, then ice cubes will help to freeze the wax, which must be applied to the wax stain.

After that, the hardened wax is cleaned off with a blunt flat object. The trace left from the paraffin can be wiped off with a cotton pad soaked in acetone, turpentine or ammonia. You should first check the effect of these solvents on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leather product.

How to remove colored wax

The most persistent wax stains are stains from colored paraffin. Hot wax, when it comes into contact with clothing, drives the dyes deep into the fibers of the fabric. Even if you can remove the paraffin, paint stains will not be easy to remove. You can use the freezing method and gently peel off the colored wax. Then wash the paint stain with stain remover in soapy water.

You can also use improvised tools at home:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the stain remaining from the paint. This product should not be used on colored fabrics as it has bleaching properties.
  2. Rinse the contamination with plenty of boiling water. This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics. In addition, there is a risk of getting burned.
  3. Ammonia can be used to treat a trace of colored wax. Then wash the item with powder to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  4. Mix baking soda and lemon juice to a paste. Apply to the stain and wait a few minutes. After rinsing and washing the product. These products are also not suitable for cleaning colored items.

A drop of wax is not a sentence for a thing. Using folk recipes, you can save your favorite wardrobe item. It is important to take precautions to protect your hands with rubber gloves when working with hot water and solvents.

No one is immune from falling wax drops from a candle. It may seem to many that this is the final corruption of the day. You should not be so irritated, removing wax from a candle with a competent approach is quite simple. The main thing is not to hesitate and choose exactly the method that can help in your case.

One of the most popular ways to remove wax from a candle is to heat it up. But before doing this, make sure that your fabric can be handled like this. If your clothes are made of natural fabrics, such as linen, cotton, calico, then there will be no problems and you can safely heat it up. If it is synthetics or delicate fabric, then this method will only ruin your clothes. Also, this method is not applicable to colored candle stains. The reason lies in the dyes, which, when heated, will be more absorbed into the fabric and it will be impossible to wash them off.

For hot removal, we need an iron. If the spot is small, it can be replaced with a heated spoon.

  1. Prepare the iron by setting it to the lowest available temperature.
  2. Place a paper towel under and over the fabric.
  3. Start ironing the stain, if the napkin absorbs a lot, replace it.
  4. Processing the stain will take you 10-15 minutes.
  5. Finally, wash the clothes in the washing machine.

It is important to note that the napkin can be replaced with any absorbent, then the procedure time will be significantly reduced.

If there is no spoon or iron at hand, then you can use only hot water. To do this, stretch your clothes over some container (bath, sink) and start pouring hot water from a tap or kettle. After this procedure, wipe with a clean cloth and send to the washing machine.

Cold removal

If you have only soiled your clothes, then there is an opportunity to remove the wax from the candle using a freezer. Place the soiled clothes in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. Do not hit the walls of the chamber. After a few hours, when the wax has completely hardened, take out your clothes and start wrinkling them at the site of contamination. Do not delay with this, otherwise then the wax will not crumble so much. After cleaning, scrape off the residue with your fingernail or spoon.


If the denim is thick enough, then there will be no particular problems with it. Such fabric is not afraid of temperatures and is resistant to damage. There are several ways that can help you with this trouble.

  1. Soak the clothes in very warm water for 30 minutes. After that, you can choose either hand wash or machine wash. The advantage of hand washing is that it will be easier for you to understand whether you did it or not. Add some more hot water and start washing. If greasy stains appear on the surface of the water, then the fabric has been washed off. If the stain is not sufficiently cleaned, place in a soapy solution and wash. Rinse with cold water afterwards. In the case of automatic washing, set the temperature at 50-60 degrees.
  2. Hot and cold removal methods work just as well.
  3. If the fabric is thick enough, you can try to simply rub the wax off with a dull knife. After removing the stain, wash or use dishwashing detergent.
  4. Plain jeans need more careful handling, denatured alcohol. Apply a couple of drops to the problem area and wait a few seconds. After, wipe lightly with a damp cloth.

Often, a piece of cloth is applied along with clothing. It is on it that you can check whether the fabric you have chosen does not discolor. Also, when using the hot method or hot wash, look at the instructions and do not exceed the temperature indicated by the manufacturer.

After any of the selected methods, be sure to wash the item. If it doesn't clear, try again.

Colored candle stain

Cleaning wax stains is one of the most difficult tasks. The problem is the dyes that come with most scented candles. These are not the dyes that are used in the food industry, but oil derivatives. Therefore, conventional freezing or heating cannot be washed off. It is forbidden to use high temperature due to even greater absorption of the dye.

If this still happens, then try one of the following methods:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. However, this method is only suitable for white items, as peroxide has a bleaching effect.
  2. Dishwashing liquid. The method is unlikely to have an effect, but it will remove a greasy stain on clothes.
  3. Boiling water. Try to wash the contaminated area thoroughly. Only boiling water is suitable, hot water does not belong here.
  4. Ammonia. The best option, because does not affect the fabric as much. Only the smell will remain, which will take a long time to wash out.
  5. Soda and citric acid have a similar effect to peroxide. The dye may not be taken, but wax and paraffin are not a problem.

Unfortunately, we cannot give you a 100% option, stain removers and other strong agents can damage the color of the fabric itself, and some dyes cannot be washed out at all. Try all of the options listed and if that doesn't work, take it to the dry cleaners. they have specialized tools.

Saving delicate fabrics

Such delicate fabrics as silk, velvet, satin and guipure should be placed in some container, straightened and filled with liquid soap. After holding for some time, wash in the machine at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. You can also use turpentine for laundering. To do this, apply it for 20 minutes and wipe the stain with liquid soap.

Removing stains from finicky materials such as fur and suede is easier. The fur can be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes and then easily removed with your fingers from the villi from the bottom up.

To remove from capricious materials, like suede, it is enough to hold a hot iron through a paper towel for several seconds. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise there will be dents.

Another way for suede is to prepare a mixture of 35 ml of ammonia, 50 ml of gasoline and 10 ml of wine alcohol. A lighter solution consists of 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia in 1 liter of water. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply to the stain for a minute. When finished, wipe with a damp cloth. If the structure was damaged, then it can be restored by supporting it over the steam.

A few tips to help you remove the stain most discreetly and without problems.

If you are going to use any of the above methods, then try it first on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. If the product is too aggressive to your clothes, then you risk getting rid of not only the stain, but also the garment itself.

If your candle contains paraffin, do not use an iron. The smell of burnt paraffin is extremely difficult to remove from the fabric of clothing.

If a little time has passed since the moment of contact, then use dishwashing detergent or alcohol-containing cologne / perfume. Wipe the affected area quickly and launder.

The methods listed above should not be used on human skin. In most cases, you will give yourself a chemical burn.

Grease spots

If there are greasy stains on your clothes, they can be removed with:

  1. kerosene;
  2. refined gasoline;
  3. Stoddard's solvent (White spirit);
  4. solvent dissolved in water;
  5. furniture cleaners.

Grease stains are cleaned at temperatures above 60 degrees. If it is leather, use a dry cloth and alcohol. It is easier with a white thing, use the usual boiling and talcum powder.