How to highlight black hair. Highlighting on black hair. Photo: white, red, color. How to make short, long, medium length, dyed. Varieties of highlighting for brunettes

Hair highlighting is far from new, but still a popular procedure in which individual strands are colored. With it, you can give your hair a light shade, refresh the main color or create a new look. Highlighting on fair hair is a simple and uncomplicated procedure, but highlighting on black hair has a number of features, which we will discuss in this article. We hope they will be of great use to you.

We stock up on balms

Before the direct coloring of the strands in the desired color, during the highlighting procedure on black hair, the strands are bleached. Owners of black dyed hair, whose structure is already quite damaged, often resort to this type of painting. Unfortunately, highlighting on dyed dark hair will not add health to the beauty. Therefore, it is worth considering such a step in advance and stocking up on hair care products (restoring masks, balms, etc.) Shaded strands can be obtained using two coloring options: highlighting with foil sheets and a special cap.

Highlighting methods

In the first method, each colored strand is wrapped in foil, thereby preventing adjacent strands from being painted, which allows for maximum accuracy when painting. Highlighting on black hair by the second method involves the use of a special cap with many holes for the strands. In addition to coloring the strands, this procedure allows you to add extra volume to your hair. Black-haired girls often do light highlighting. In an expensive salon for such a procedure, they will be offered the so-called “healthy highlighting”. The essence of this is the use of gentle oxidizing agents that cause less damage to the structure of the hair and fill them with vitamins, thereby giving flexibility and obedience. The cost of such highlighting is quite high, usually it is:

American highlighting;


Bio lamination.


We will not go into the intricacies of these methods, since the topic is inexhaustible. Highlighting on black hair effectively helps to get rid of gray hair and freshen up your hairstyle. Lightening by 2-3 tones gives the hair the effect of sun-bleached hair and allows you to look natural and natural. Highlighting has a number of advantages due to the fact that it allows:

In a short time to give freshness to the image;

Change the color of individual strands or hair zones;

Use several light shades when painting;

Use a bright color to create contrast with the image.

DIY masterpieces

Often girls ask the question: “Highlighting - how to do it at home?”. To do this, you will need: a comb, a brush, foil, a bowl (non-metallic), gloves, hairpins, a towel and a clarifying powder and an oxidizing agent (depending on the desired result 9% - 12%). Mix powder and oxidizer. We divide the hair with the help of hairpins into zones: side, crown, occipital. Coloring should start from the back of the head, separate the strands with a comb, put them on foil and apply a brightening composition along the entire length. After that, we wrap the foil and do the same with other strands (from the back of the head to the center, then the side hair and at the end the back). After 15-45 minutes, we separate the foil and get streaked hair!

On black hair - a well-known procedure for dyeing individual strands, with which you can radically change your hairstyle. Such a popular method is constantly being improved, which allows every woman to become even more beautiful.

But unlike the coloring of light hair (photo), it has several nuances that should be understood in more detail. Initially, with this coloring, the strands are supposed to be lightened, then the desired shade should be given. But before highlighting, dark-haired girls should remember that this can damage the hair structure and they will subsequently need careful care.

Staining options

Two main technologies are used most often:

With the help of a hat;

Using foil.

The first technology involves the use of a cap with many holes through which strands of hair of the required thickness are threaded. Depending on the experience of the master, using this method, you can give the hair an additional visual volume that any girl will like.

In the second method, highlighting on black dyed hair is carried out by wrapping each in foil, due to which the maximum accuracy of paint application is achieved. Dark girls, as a rule, prefer to do light highlighting.

When you visit the salon, you will probably be offered a procedure using gentle oxidizing agents. The composition of such products includes special components that not only do not violate the structure of the hair, but also make them healthy and obedient.

Naturally, such staining will cost a lot.

These procedures typically include:


Highlighting hair on black hair makes it easy to hide gray hair. Due to this procedure, it not only becomes less noticeable, the hairstyle also looks more interesting and beautiful. In addition, highlighting hair on black hair gives the impression that the strands just burned out in the sun, and this looks natural and attractive.

Advantages of the method

The advantages of this type of staining include:

Change the image in minutes;

Using highlights with several light tones;

Coloring individual strands;

The use of rich and contrasting colors to create an extravagant look;

Changing the tone of individual strands and updating hairstyles.


Highlighting has several varieties, the main ones are the following. “Veil” is an absolutely safe method in which the strands are lightened with wax applied to the ends of the hair. “Vanilla” is highlighting for dark hair, it has a mother-of-pearl effect, in which the shine of the curls looks like the radiance of pearls. "Mazhimesh" - the use of colored waxes, coloring without perhydrol and ammonia. “Majicontrast” is optimal for dark hair, as it allows you to significantly lighten the curls and achieve a lasting light shade.

Black hair that has been dyed for a long time is very difficult to lighten or repaint in a different color. Highlighting this type of hair is quite difficult, because the result can be unpredictable. In addition, the exposure time of the bleaching agent has to be greatly increased. This adversely affects the structure of the hair, destroying it from the inside.

To achieve the most light color of the strands, several sessions are needed. After the first black discoloration, the curls often take on a reddish or reddish tint. In addition, just lightening individual strands is not enough.

At the final stage, it is desirable to tint the hair in the desired color in order to achieve maximum naturalness and fill the resulting voids in the bleached hair.

If you have not had experience with such a procedure, you should not take risks and highlight black dyed hair yourself. The result, most likely, will not please you.

It is better to trust an experienced master. In beauty salons, as a rule, they use high-quality professional products that are as gentle as possible to the hair. It is very difficult to get such materials at home.

What technique to choose?

There are a huge variety of highlighting techniques, each girl can easily find the right one for her. Most often, dark-haired representatives of the weaker sex choose the following types of highlighting:

Deciding on a shade

In order not to be disappointed in the new image, you should decide in advance on the color of the strands. The shade must be selected based not only on your own preferences, but also on the type of appearance.

The resulting color of the curls should be combined with the main hair, eye and skin color, in harmony with the whole appearance as a whole. Of course, it is better to trust a professional in this matter. The master will first help you choose the right color and bring your plan to life.

Light strands

Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex most often prefer all sorts of light shades of highlighting. This is not surprising. Light shades of strands on black dyed hair look advantageous.

They give a contrast to the appearance and bring some zest. In addition, highlighted hair visually looks thicker and more voluminous. However, before making such changes, you need to figure out some subtleties:

  1. you should not bleach the curls white, too light strands in contrast with the main canvas of black hair sometimes look vulgar;
  2. strands of cold brown, light brown and hazel shades look especially impressive with dark hair;
  3. lightening the strands by several tones will help change the image without much harm to the hair. Such highlighting looks as natural as possible and will suit any type of appearance.

Dark curls

Lightening hair 2 tones from the base looks quite interesting, yet natural. Natural hair is rarely the same color along the entire length, in some places the strands fade slightly in the sun. Dark shades of highlighting easily achieve this effect.

creative colors

If you are young and bold enough, try bright colors:

  • ginger;
  • gold;
  • blue;
  • red.

Some girls even dare to combine several shades. It is extremely risky to carry out this type of highlighting at home.

It is better to pay a little more for the procedure in the salon and be sure of the result.

Photos of successful options

How to do at home?

If you are the owner of short hair, it would be better to use a special hat. For long curls, this method is not suitable, since when pulling the strands, the hair will get confused.

  1. Comb dry hair thoroughly and divide into 7-10 sections. Secure them with rubber bands or crabs.
  2. Decide on the thickness of the strands that need to be lightened. Starting at the back of your head, separate one strand of hair and apply a brightening composition to them.
  3. Wrap each strand in foil, placing it under your hair. Repeat the procedure with the remaining hair.
  4. Soak the composition on the head for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the desired effect. The longer the agent is aged, the lighter the strands are obtained.
  5. After the allotted time, remove the foil, rinse the composition with water and apply a moisturizing mask to the hair.

The longer the hair, the more difficult it will be for you to manage on your own.. It will be better if you find an assistant.

When performing highlighting on short hair it is best to use a special hat with holes. This technique produces feathers that look the best on a short haircut. Also, the process of applying a clarifying solution will be simplified if you use a special comb or striper.

Hairdressers say that medium-length hair is the easiest to highlight. To simplify this procedure at home, a stripper or comb is used during the application of the composition. Medium hair can be highlighted without the use of special tools, but only with the help of hands.

Long hair is quite difficult to highlight on your own It is better to ask for help from loved ones. You can choose any tools for the procedure. Only a hat will not work, it is good only for short hair.

What problems can arise and how can they be avoided?

One of the most common problems when highlighting on black dyed hair is the resulting color of the strand does not match the expected. Highlighting on dark hair is one of the most difficult, because often the color is unpredictable. In order to avoid such a problem, it is recommended to pre-test on one of the strands.

Another common problem is damaged hair after lightening. In some cases, when using low-quality products or too long exposure of the composition, the strands break off not only at the ends, but also from the middle of the web, and sometimes from the roots of the hair.

To avoid deterioration in the quality of hair, or at least to minimize harm, it is better use professional bleach; in no case do not leave the composition on the hair for more than an hour! After highlighting, hair needs careful care, so masks and restorative ampoules are your best helpers!

Fixing bugs

If the result obtained from the procedure at home did not suit you, and the desire to acquire contrasting highlights on the hair still remains, it is better not to risk it and go to a beauty salon. However, it should be remembered that there should be at least 2 weeks between treatments but a month is better.

It is possible to dye your hair back to black, but the paint is washed off from the bleached strands very quickly, so you will have to repeat the dyeing often, and this is additional harm to the hair.

Result and care

Highlighting helps to refresh the face, gives the image a zest. In contrast with black hair, blond strands look very advantageous, help to hide the first gray hair.

The frequency of subsequent painting depends only on your preference. Highlighting, unlike conventional staining, does not require monthly tinting of the roots. Slightly regrown hair is not striking. Optimal the frequency of repetitions of highlighting is once every 3-4 months.

Hair care after the procedure should be aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the hair. Great helpers in this matter will be masks, ampoules, leave-in hair products in the form of oils. With proper care, damage can be minimized.

Highlighting has been in fashion for many years. It helps women to be the center of attention and stand out from the crowd.

For many years, highlighting has been one of the most popular procedures. This also applies to black hair. Previously, after the procedure, the strands had an unaesthetic appearance. Coloring with light shades on black, when mixed, gave an inharmonious effect. Today, the choice of methods is much wider. You can not be limited to classic lightening, but use natural colors. With the right approach, the combination of shades will look stylish and natural.

Features and Methods

Owners of light brown hair can easily go to the salon and lighten individual curls a little. It creates the effect of sun-bleached hair. The strands will naturally shimmer, playing with colors. With black hair, the situation is different. Just coloring the curls will not be enough. It is necessary to first carry out clarification, then the procedure of toning - staining in the desired shade. This can damage your hair.

There are several methods for highlighting black hair:

  • classic- coloring curls at the same distance from each other with alternating black and light shades. This type of highlighting requires frequent renewal of the color of regrown hair in the root zone.
  • Blonding- maximum lightening of the strands.
  • Coloring- coloring in several shades at once. There is a transverse coloring (ombre), in which only the tips are highlighted in contrast with the main color. During the procedure, the hair deteriorates greatly, so this technique is not suitable for thin and weakened curls.
  • Balayage (two tone coloring)- lightening curls from the tips to the roots. There is a smooth transition from natural color in the root zone to a lighter shade at the ends.
  • California highlights- highlighting the strands in different shades, the roots remain a natural color.

In order to minimize damage to the hair during strong lightening, the master can do the dyeing in several stages.

Advantages and disadvantages

This procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages of technology can be identified:

  • painting gray hair;
  • with the right choice of shade, appearance defects can be corrected;
  • due to partial dyeing, no more than half of the hair is exposed to paint;
  • there is no need to often adjust the hairstyle, it is enough to update the color once every 3 months;
  • visual increase in hair volume;
  • smooth transition from shade to shade, which looks natural.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • you can not immediately do highlighting on dyed hair;
  • it takes a lot of time to stain - about 4 hours;
  • to get the expected result, you need to resort to the help of a good master.

Popular combinations of colors and shades

Today, highlighting is increasingly being done, the shades of which are close to natural. It always looks impressive and natural. The natural color of the hair can be inexpressive and dull. Therefore, highlighting is used, which gives the hairstyle freshness and grooming. The result will be dynamically iridescent curls.

Popular shades for highlighting black hair:

  • copper;
  • dark chocolate;
  • black currant;
  • bronze;
  • light brown;
  • cognac.

To choose the right palette, you should consider the type of face. Cold tones are not for everyone. To make it easier to make a choice of paint, you can tie your head with a scarf of a cold color (blue, blue, purple), look in the mirror. Then put on a scarf of a warm shade (yellow, red, orange). In what way the face will look better, you need to choose such a palette of colors.

Attention! If you plan to radically lighten the shade, resorting to highlighting, it is better to use the help of a professional hairdresser. Self-lightening can be unsuccessful, and significantly ruin the hair.

Technique in the cabin

It is very important to choose the right master who will carry out the procedure on black hair. With a lack of experience, a specialist can burn hair, which will take a very long time to restore.

High-quality highlighting is carried out in several stages. First of all, the necessary strands are bleached. Then tinting is done to achieve the desired shade. The master must evaluate the hair - take into account their length, thickness, condition. Sometimes it is not possible to discolor the first time. Then you need to do it again.

Methods for highlighting black strands:

  • With a rubber cap- special holes are made in it, through which strands are pulled out, which are subjected to highlighting. It is better to use this method for short hair.
  • With foil- individual strands are dyed and wrapped in foil. Suitable for long curls.
  • Using a toothed comb- the composition is distributed over the strands with a comb with rare teeth.
  • Highlighting with hands- the master applies the paint manually on the dried strands with the head tilted forward. The procedure is good for wavy hair.

Highlighting on black hair is a rather expensive procedure, but you should not save on it. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable. On average, the price of the procedure starts from 2500 rubles. It all depends on the method of highlighting, hair length, as well as the location of the salon and its class.

How to make at home

Black hair is difficult to highlight, so it's best to turn to a professional. But if for some reason this is not possible, the procedure can be carried out at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for staining.

The procedure will require:

  • comb;
  • brush for applying paint;
  • container for the composition (not made of metal);
  • plastic cap and foil;
  • latex gloves;
  • clarifying composition and oxidizing agent (9-12%);
  • towel.

The simplest coloring is using a hat with holes. You can take a cap for the pool and make holes with it in a checkerboard pattern. Crochet hair through them, treat them with a clarifying agent (you must first mix the powder with an oxidizing agent). Top with foil. Keep the composition for 20-30 minutes (it all depends on the expected result). Without removing the cap, wash off the paint with warm water. Then you can take off your hat.

You can do California highlighting at home. Separate strands of 1.5 cm wide in a checkerboard pattern. Apply the coloring composition with a brush located parallel to the strand. She can't get inside. With this technique, the use of foil or a cap is not required. Keep the composition for 20-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

The procedure can be done using foil. Select the strands you need to process. Place foil under each of them. Apply paint and carefully wrap with foil. After the time allotted for dyeing, wash off the composition and treat the hair with conditioner.

For those who have long or wavy curls, highlighting them on their own is very difficult. When using a cap, the hair can become tangled. Therefore, it is better to color the strands on the foil.

Rules for the care of dyed hair

No matter how gentle highlighting is, it is reflected in the structure of the hair. Black hair is especially susceptible to destruction. Therefore, after the procedure, they require careful care.

Hair needs:

  • recovery;
  • treatment;
  • color retention.

First you need to purchase a special shampoo for highlighted hair. It has a more acidic environment, unlike the usual shampoo. It neutralizes the alkaline effect of the paint, gently cleanses the hair. And the protein components in the shampoo restore the broken structure of curls. Use this tool should be within 2-3 weeks after the procedure. Then you can switch to regular shampoo.

You can fix the result of the shampoo with special fluid gels for highlighted hair. They are applied after shampooing and do not wash off. They emphasize the contrast of shades, give a natural shine.

Regular use of nourishing masks 2-3 times a week is necessary. Keep them on your head for at least 40 minutes so that all the active ingredients can penetrate the hair.

Every day for 10 minutes you need to do a head massage, stimulating blood circulation and enhancing hair growth. Comb only dry strands using a comb with smooth teeth. It is advisable to stop using curling irons, irons and hair dryers. If you dry your hair with a hairdryer, then only with cold or warm air, but not hot. The air flow should be directed along the hair growth. Thus, the scales of the hair will close, and the surface will be smooth and glossy.

Highlighting on black hair will help transform the image, give the hairstyle freshness and grooming. Since the procedure is quite laborious and requires certain skills and abilities, it is better to entrust the matter to a professional. It will help not only choose the right shade, but also select a more gentle way of coloring.

The procedure for highlighting black hair in the salon:

344 03/22/2019 5 min.

Traditional highlighting has been in great demand for many years. This is a unique opportunity to create an interesting and stylish image. The essence of the technique is that not the entire hair is dyed, but only individual strands. The thickness and width of the colored curls can be different, as it all depends on what result you want to get at the end.

What it looks like and who suits

Highlighting on black hair can be performed using different methods. Thanks to this, you can get a fairly expressive haircut. Asymmetric coloring looks very impressive, thanks to which it is possible to focus attention where it is needed. This method of painting allows the master to highlight not only the features of the style, but also the dignity of the appearance.

If a lady has long and medium hair, then highlighting is a great way to get a stunning look. If you use classic coloring, then the hairstyle will receive a certain freshness, originality and additional volume. Simple highlighting on black strands can visually rejuvenate a woman for several years, giving her face freshness and openness. Also, highlighting can simply make certain adjustments to the hair color. You can dye individual strands in a natural shade. This will give you a very interesting result.

Highlighting is a method of painting, with the help of which it is possible to create spectacular highlights that shimmer under the rays of the sun. Highlighting is able to transform every lady and bring originality to her appearance. The result will depend on what the goal is. The skill of the hairdresser also plays an important role.

On the video - highlighting on black hair:


Despite the fact that highlighting is not a new procedure, it is still in great demand. Throughout the existence of this type of staining, it was transformed and its various types arose. Consider the most popular.


The most common highlighting option for black hair is feather highlighting. It is possible to do such a procedure even at home. To do this, you have to put on a special hat on your head, which has small holes.

You need to thread strands through them. They will be staggered at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. After that, it remains just to paint over the hair with a dye or brightener.

The traditional way

To carry out this type of highlighting, it is necessary to use foil. Cut it into strips of the required thickness, lay the strands and paint over them.

Wrap the foil and walk like this for a certain time.

California coloring

The result of California highlighting is a smooth transition from black to light shade along the length. This allows you to give the hair a natural look, as if they were burned out under the rays of the sun.

Performing California highlighting at home is not so simple. Here you need to master a special technique for applying paint. In order not to be disappointed with the result, it is worth entrusting this procedure to an experienced specialist. Which are the most popular are detailed in the article.


The essence of this procedure is that the painting process is carried out not in one color, but in several. It is impossible to create a beautiful and spectacular image on your own at home, since only an experienced master will be able to evenly and effectively distribute differently colored strands and guess with the thickness, as well as the combination of colors.

Highlighting bangs

Highlighting, which only applies to bangs, will look very creative. You can also select a few strands near the face, but the entire remaining mass of hair will be untouched. This highlighting option will allow you to refresh the image and add something new to it. But what the caramel hair color with highlights looks like in the photo can be seen here

Description of the procedure for natural strands

Highlighting on natural black color looks very beautiful and well-groomed. This procedure can be done independently at home.

But only the following materials and tools have to be prepared:

  • foil;
  • paint brush;
  • comb with a wide arrangement of teeth;
  • hand gloves;
  • dye.

How to even out hair color after highlighting and by what means, in detail with a photo is described in this article:

It will also be interesting to learn about what California highlights are for blond hair. To do this, follow the link in the content of this

Highlighting is a very popular procedure with which you can change the image dramatically or bring novelty to it. You can perform this procedure on hair of various colors, so black is no exception. In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that this procedure is not so safe, so after painting you will have to direct all your efforts to restore the hair.