Glycerin transparent soap. DIY transparent soap How to make soap transparent at home

Friends, hello!

I can’t help but touch on the topic of the end of the old era (better known now in the news as the “end of the world”) in my blog.

What do I think about this? I believe that the old era (or light) is ending, and what??, right, a new one is beginning.

A wonderful time of new opportunities, a new "light" begins.

And, just on the topic of new opportunities, I want to give you a recipe that really opens a new “era” in the era of soap making from scratch 🙂

I will tell you today how to make a soap base from scratch. Such a base that melts in the microwave, pours easily and takes any shape, and I will even show a video on how it melts :). The base is completely natural, or, as many people like to say now, organic.

Oh yes. She's also transparent.

Do-it-yourself soap base is more than real!


Every soap maker who started with a soap base cannot deny how convenient it is to use - rrraz, cut into cubes, two - melted in the microwave (or in a water bath), three - added oils, fragrances, dye and - poured into forms. Now you can only wait for freezing. The whole process can take from 5 to 15 minutes.

However, we also know that soap base contains a lot of bad stuff.

Another thing is soap from scratch, which involves working with alkali (scary). And if you are already digesting something that is already ready, then it requires some effort and time, it does not want to fit into the form normally, but it is completely natural.

Who among you has not thought about how to make a soap base with your own hands and from scratch? So easy to use? Better yet, make clear soap from scratch... so natural and beautiful...

Here, I tell you, a way out has been found 🙂

I recently found a presentation from a conference of soap makers from the USA, where chemistry professor Dr. Kevin Dunn, author of the book Scientific Soapmaking (cool!), Talked about his experiences on this topic.

And you know, I tried, and I got a wonderful almost perfectly transparent soap. I am delighted: a soap base at home is possible and possible so easily, from completely affordable ingredients! You can throw away all your (and mine) records of making glycerin soap from scratch. I definitely won’t go back to them 🙂 I know (and you will soon learn a better way too).

Yes, we will use alcohol. But not ethyl, which is so hard to get and which is forbidden for sale. And not propylene glycol, which, although allowed, scares many.

We will use glycerin 🙂 Natural soap base recipe is simple, we only need three ingredients: oils, lye, water and glycerin. You won't need anything else!

Soap base recipe from scratch:

* do not be afraid of a large amount of castor oil, the soap solidifies perfectly overnight.

** Glycerin can be added from 25% to 100%, the more, the more transparent the soap will be and the better the soap will melt.

But! Soap can "sweat" just like soap base. The more glycerin, the more intense.

The process of making soap base is similar to making hot soap from scratch. It took me 3.5 hours.

Weigh the oils first

And we heat them in a water bath. Or in the microwave

We weigh the water.

Remember safety precautions!

Weigh the lye sodium hydroxide.

And dissolve it in water. Be sure to take heat-resistant dishes for the preparation of an alkaline solution.

We wait until the oils and lye reach the same temperature

We mix the alkaline solution and oils. Just in case, I strain through a strainer

Stir the mixture with an immersion blender until a trace appears.

We can make a trail and thick 🙂

Now we cook this soap in a hot way in a water bath under a lid. Or, if you prefer, in the oven.

Soap should be fully cooked. Don't pinch your tongue.

Pour the measured glycerin into the already prepared soap. I had about 740 grams of glycerin for 900 grams of soap 🙂

Consistency has changed! Now close the lid and cook until completely transparent.

Bottom melts first

Then gradually all the lumps disappear

At this point, I decided to conduct a transparency test - I took a transparent mass with a spoon and poured it onto a plastic napkin

Cool, yeah?

Oh yeah! Cry, lovers of glycerin soap! Which one of you looked the same?

At this stage, the soap is poured into the mold.

If bubbles come out on the surface - alcohol them.

Soap I got dofiga. I did not calculate 🙂 1700 grams.

Another container.

But the beauty of it is that such soap can be melted as many times as you like. And on the nose - the new year 🙂 and February 23. And March 8th. Do you catch????

In the morning I got such a bar.

Pieces from it are transparent, although not perfect.

But this is not an industrial soap base with all sorts of bugs, this is an absolutely natural soap from scratch. Yes! It also melts in the microwave. Or in a water bath.

I decided to show you this video. True, in the video, the colors are brighter and the base looks yellower than it actually is.


A couple more photos about transparency.

This foundation takes any form. And it's cool.

Abandoned the use of plastic molds, tk. make soap from scratch

Not worth it :)))

This soap comes out of the molds no worse than an industrial soap base.

Are there any downsides to homemade soap base?

  • Soap made from it "sweats" just like industrial soap base due to the high content of glycerin.
  • The soapiness and foaminess is not too high, in contrast to the options with sodium laureth sulfate.

But natural 🙂

Is there a way to somehow fix the "sweating" or not feel uncomfortable?

Certainly! Wrap this soap in cling film immediately after preparation. Without access to air, nothing will happen to him.

When it is used, the top layer of glycerin will be washed off, and the soap will no longer sweat.

You can also reduce the amount of glycerin and use sodium laureth sulfate. Soap will sweat less and lather better.

But for me this is not an option 🙂

Be sure to make this wonderful natural soap base with your own hands!

You can make a lot of New Year's gifts out of it!

Upcoming holidays!

It would seem that the need to make soap at home has disappeared thanks to the huge selection of this cosmetic product in stores. But soap making is gaining more and more popularity. Soap makers show off their own masterpieces to one another, invent new recipes, conduct master classes, and even earn good money from their hobby. There are also special departments and shops for soap making, which once again proves the growing need for soap making. Is it easy to make soap with your own hands?

Why is homemade soap better than store bought?

Soap, which is sold in ordinary household chemical stores and supermarkets, does not contain natural ingredients. In fact, it is difficult to call it soap, since soap is saponified vegetable fats, and not processed petroleum products. A store-bought product often dries the skin and can cause allergic reactions.

When making at home, you can use only natural ingredients that are suitable for your skin type. And if now it's just a hobby, then later it can become a profitable business.

Handmade soap can be of different colors, with beautiful streaks and splashes of scrubbing elements

What ingredients are used

You can make soap from scratch, or from a ready-made purchased base. As the latter, you can also use natural, fragrance-free baby soap. And for the thrifty, there are ways to digest remnants and turn "waste" into fragrant soap.

It is much easier to work with a ready-made base. It is transparent and white. Also commercially available are organic bases for making natural soaps. You can buy them at soap shops. Working with the base is not difficult, but some skills will still be required. As for making soap from scratch, in this case you will also need knowledge in the field of chemistry, since you will have to work with alkali. Before you start making soap, be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety precautions when working with alkali.

The amount of ingredients will depend on how the soap is made and the recipe. Consider the list of necessary components for each case.

Soap base ingredients

All the main ingredients can be bought in a specialized store, and additional ones in a regular supermarket. Some are sure to be in your home. You will need:

  • finished base;
  • base vegetable oils;
  • dyes;
  • flavors;
  • essential oils;
  • herbs, petals, honey, ground coffee - optional;
  • medical alcohol.

Bases from different manufacturers differ in price, hardness, hardening speed and other characteristics. There are organic bases that are used to make all-natural soaps.

A transparent soap is made from a transparent base.

Base oils are used to enrich the soap, they give it such beneficial properties as moisturizing, nourishing and softening. Without them, the product dries the skin, and also quickly “dries out”, cracks and exfoliates. For the same purpose, you can add body cream or milk, cream or pasteurized milk.

Important! Do not overdo it with moisturizers and oils. If you decide to add full fat milk, reduce the amount. Soaps that are oversaturated with fats don't lather well.

Dyes come in liquid and dry form. It is most convenient to use liquid ones, since it is very easy to measure the right number of drops. Dry dyes are pre-mixed with oils or liquids and only then introduced into the finished mass. Try not to overdo it with dyes, because because of this, the lather will also be colored when lathering. To get started, it will be enough to purchase three basic colors: red, yellow and blue. By mixing them, you can achieve almost any shade.

In addition to purchased artificial dyes, natural dyes can also be used. These can be spices (turmeric, curry), the same base oils (sea buckthorn, pumpkin), different fillers (colored clays, ground coffee, cocoa, strong decoctions of herbs). Of course, with their help it will not be possible to achieve bright, saturated colors, but the soap will be as environmentally friendly and natural as possible.

For decoration, you can also use mother-of-pearl pigments, sparkles and various decors.

With the help of special dyes, you can give the soap any shade

Fragrances are responsible for the beautiful aroma. You can use confectionery fragrances, or you can look for special flavors for home cosmetics. Instead of artificial fragrances, essential oils, honey, chocolate, coffee, dried zest, herbs, flowers and petals are used. The disadvantage of essential oils is that they fade faster. They are usually added at the very end.

Alcohol is also used in soap making. It eliminates air bubbles from the surface of the soap and connects the layers in a multilayer colored soap. To do this, alcohol is poured into a fine spray and sprayed onto the surface of the product.

You can add a decoction of medicinal herbs, dried chamomile flowers and natural essential oils to homemade soap.

In order for soap to acquire such properties as scrubbing, anti-cellulite effect, smoothing wrinkles, etc., various fillers are added to it. These are ground coffee, nutshell powder, clay, oatmeal, crushed sea salt and much more. All these are additional caring elements that will give the soap the desired beneficial properties.

Do not use fresh fruits, berries, cucumbers, ginger root and similar ingredients. They will rot and quickly render your enriched soap unusable. Instead, use dry herbs and leaves, petals and small dried flowers, ginger powder, dried fruits.

Tools and devices

You will also need:

  • pan enameled or stainless steel;
  • any other saucepan for a water bath;
  • plastic or glass microwave container;
  • spoon;
  • whisk;
  • measuring cup;
  • kitchen electronic scales;
  • spray for alcohol;
  • soap molds.

Forms can be bought in the same specialized stores or you can use confectionery silicone molds. Also suitable are children's plastic molds for playing with sand, containers for yogurt or sour cream, and other small containers made of flexible plastic. Purchased molds are made of plastic or silicone. For beginners, it is best to use the latter, since they are the easiest to get ready-made soap from.

Soap molds are available in plastic and silicone.

As for dishes, you can not use aluminum pans, cast iron dishes. For these purposes, stainless steel containers with enamel coating, as well as heat-resistant glass and plastic containers for use in a microwave oven, are suitable. For the exact amount of ingredients, you will need a measuring cup and scales.

What ingredients are used to make soap from scratch?

The soap base is prepared independently, using only three components:

  • alkali;
  • oils for saponification;
  • liquid - distilled water, herbal decoction, milk.

To make hard soap, you need caustic soda (NaOH). It is sold in the form of flakes or small crystals. Alkali is needed for saponification of fats, namely base oils.

Caustic soda is also called caustic soda.

In the preparation of soap from scratch, the so-called overfat is of great importance. Since fats cease to be useful after reacting with alkali, it is recommended to add more oils at the end of cooking. This will be overkill. As a rule, valuable and expensive oils are used for it.

Vegetable oils use any. Rarely add pork fat. The liquid is needed in order to pre-dissolve the alkali and prepare it for combination with fats. Using decoctions of medicinal herbs, you will give the soap useful properties, as well as a natural aroma and shade.

To improve the soap, its coloring and aromatization, the following components are used:

  • plasticizers - sugar, sorbitol, fructose, honey;
  • acids - lactic, succinic, stearic, citric;
  • lanolin;
  • glycerol;
  • oils for enrichment (overfat);
  • dyes;
  • flavors;
  • various useful supplements.

Dyes, flavors and fillers use the same ones. Plasticizers are needed in order to make soap more plastic, as well as improve foaming. The acids will harden the soap and give it bactericidal properties. Lanolin will have a softening effect on too dry and rough skin.

With the help of different base oils, you can give soap caring, beneficial properties.

Auxiliary tools

You will need:

  • two pans (one can be made of heat-resistant glass);
  • hand blender;
  • measuring cup;
  • a glass stirring rod or a regular spoon;
  • container for working with alkali;
  • forms.

Important! Tools that were used to make soap should never be used for cooking!

When working with alkali, great attention is paid to safety measures.

Ingredients for different types of soap: for face, hands and body

To give the soap of different qualities, you will need the appropriate components. Some of them have emollient properties, others are moisturizing and nourishing, and others are bactericidal and drying. It is worth noting that it is better to use the appropriate soap for each part of the body. Washing your face with body or hand soap is not recommended. Also, not all components are suitable for every skin type.

Table: Recommended Soap Ingredients Based on Use

Components Hands Face: skin types Body
Normal Dry oily problematic
base oils olive
shea (shea)
evening primrose
shea (shea)
wheat germ
wild rose
sweet almond
apricot kernels
peach pits
sea ​​buckthorn
shi (karite)
and etc.
tea tree
tea tree
and etc.
fillers, including
cosmetic clay
ground coffee
crushed herbs
cosmetic clay
powdered milk
decoctions of herbs
chamomile extract,
mint, coltsfoot,
lime blossom
cosmetic clay
Activated carbon
camphor alcohol
infusions and decoctions
calendula and chamomile
propolis tincture
cosmetic clay
Activated carbon
eucalyptus leaves
herbal infusions and decoctions
sea ​​salt
ground coffee
eucalyptus leaves

For aging skin, geranium oil is recommended because it helps to smooth out wrinkles. Mint will save you from dryness, and juniper will saturate the skin with useful substances. For rough, overdried skin, it is recommended to use lanolin. Orange oil, algae, loofah and ground coffee have an anti-cellulite effect and make the skin supple.

Essential oils give a beautiful aroma, and also “enrich” the soap with useful properties.

Making solid soap at home

First, the base is melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven. With the first method, the base melts longer, but a uniformly melted mass is obtained. In addition, you will be able to independently control the entire melting process. When heated in an oven, there is a risk of the base boiling. Therefore, set the power to the very minimum and heat for 1 minute, checking the condition of the base every 5-10 seconds.

Soap base

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients and appliances, do the following:

  1. Cut the base into small cubes and place in a suitable container.

    The cut soap base is put into a glass container.

  2. Melt in the microwave.
  3. Add all fillers to the melted mass.

    This is what the melted base looks like after adding oils

  4. Mix well.
  5. Fill molds with soap.
  6. Eliminate air bubbles by spraying with alcohol.
  7. Leave the soap to dry for 24 hours.

    Soap should be in the molds until completely solidified.

  8. Take the soap out of the molds after one day.
  9. Wrap in foil or use immediately.

    Such a beautiful soap can be obtained from the finished base, oils and pigments

This is the standard algorithm of actions. The amount of ingredients and fillers mainly depend on the recipe.

  • base oils - 1/3 tsp;
  • essential oils - 3-7 drops;
  • flavor - 3-4 drops;
  • liquid dye - 1–7 drops;
  • dry pigment - 1/3 tsp.

Other additives (herbs, clay, scrub components) can be added at will, as well as in accordance with the recipe.

Important! Esters are added at the very end to a warm, but not hot, “soapy” mass. They are quite volatile, evaporate quickly, and their properties are lost.

Video: How to make soap from a finished soap base

Cold and hot manufacturing from scratch

This is the real soap making. You can only prepare the base and use it in the future as a ready-made purchase.

Soap making from scratch is not the safest activity. You have to work with alkali, and, as you know, it is capable of leaving burns on the body. Therefore, much attention is paid to the means of protection and familiarization with the properties of alkali, its reaction with water, as well as the chemical reactions that occur during the saponification of fats and their transformation into the same soap.

Alkali, reacting with water, emits a pungent odor and is very harmful to the mucous membranes. Contact with alkali on the skin causes severe burns, so be extremely careful when working with this substance.

Safety rules for working with alkali

  • Be sure to use protective equipment: goggles, a respirator, rubber gloves.
  • Clothing and shoes should be as closed as possible.
  • Utensils and tools that are used for making soap are not used for cooking.
  • It is best to work with lye outdoors. If this is not possible, open the windows and turn on the hood.
  • Food should not be prepared in the kitchen. Children and animals should also not be present.
  • Reacting with water, the alkali heats up very much, as a violent reaction occurs. Make sure that the water is as chilled as possible, and preferably with ice cubes.
  • The container should be glass, ideally a special container for working with alkali.

This is the minimum list of requirements to keep you safe while making your soap base. Next, follow the general rules for making soap from scratch.

Another important point. An alkaline solution is poured into liquid oils and not vice versa! You also need to strain the solution to avoid getting whole soda crystals.

To make sure that the oils and lye have fully worked and that the soap is absolutely safe for the skin, we recommend using special indicator strips (litmus papers). Just dip the tip of the strip into the soap and wait for the reaction. Next, compare the color of the paper with the color chart on the package. The darker the shade, the higher the pH level. Soap with a pH level above 10 is considered immature and not ready for use.

To prepare the base, they use ready-made recipes or develop their own using a special soap calculator. The latter can be found on the Internet at many soap making sites. The trick is that you have to calculate the amount of oils and alkalis for the correct ratio. It is difficult for beginners to do this, so we recommend using ready-made recipes from the Internet.

This is how an online calculator for calculating the amount of ingredients for soap looks like

Soap base is prepared in two ways:

  • Cold way. More simple, but it takes a long time for the "ripening" of soap.
  • Hot way. More difficult at first, but the soap is ready for use within a day.

Let's consider each of them.

cold way

  1. Measure the correct amount of alkali.
  2. Pour ice water into a special container.
  3. Slowly pour the lye into the water and stir immediately.

    Alkali is added to the liquid gradually, gently stirring

  4. While the mixture is cooling, proceed to the oils.
  5. Melt solid oils in a water bath or in a microwave.

    Solid oils are heated in a water bath until they are completely melted.

  6. Blend all oils until smooth.
  7. Measure the temperature of the alkali and oils - one should be approximately the same and be 37-38 ° C (use an electronic thermometer).
  8. Add the alkaline solution to the oils while straining it through a strainer.
  9. Stir gently.
  10. Turn on the blender and start whipping the mixture of oils and lye. Alternate beating and stirring in the off mode.

    The oils are whipped with an alkali solution using a hand blender.

  11. When the mixture becomes viscous, you can start adding various benefits, colors and flavors.
  12. At this stage, fat, essential oils, and other natural ingredients are added.

    When the soap base becomes viscous, you can start adding various fillers and utilities.

  13. Pour the finished mixture into molds and leave to harden.
  14. Remove soap after 24 hours and remove from mold.
  15. Wrap in cling film and leave to ripen for at least 4 weeks.

A long maturation stage is needed in order for the soap to pass from the “trace” stage to the “gel” stage. In simple words, during this time it will become what it should be.

Video: Soap "from scratch" in a cold way

At the “trace” stage, when the mass begins to thicken, you can stop and leave everything as it is. The frozen mass will be the soap base, which can then be melted and made into fragrant homemade soap.

hot way

Up to the “trace” stage, soap is prepared in the same way as with the cold method. The most interesting begins later.

So, the viscous base is ready. Let's move on to the next step:

  1. We put the container with the soap mass in a water bath. The water level in the pot should reach the level of the mass in the container.
  2. Cook over low heat for 3-4 hours covered.

    The soap base is cooked under a closed lid over low heat.

  3. We monitor the water level in the pan and stir every 30 minutes.
  4. The mass should become gel-like and not stick to the fingers.
  5. When the base is ready, you can safely proceed to its "filling".

    A litmus test (pH indicator) will help determine the alkalinity of the finished soap base.

  6. We add the overfat in the same way, at the very end.
  7. Soap is poured into molds and allowed to thicken completely during the day.
  8. Your homemade, natural soap is ready to use.

Video: Hot soap from scratch

As you can see, the hot method is much more complicated, but it has the advantage that soap can be used almost immediately after it is made.

Soap Recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for the preparation of different types of soap, differing in their purpose, properties, fillers and appearance. Let's consider several recipes using the base, but if desired, they can also be used in the manufacture of soap from scratch.


  • organic base - 250 g;
  • carrot juice - 1/2 tsp;
  • a decoction of string and chamomile - 1 tsp;
  • almond oil - 8 drops;
  • tangerine oil - 1-2 drops;
  • funny baby molds made of silicone in the form of animals.

It's very simple: melt the base, mix with the rest of the ingredients, pour into molds and leave for 24 hours to harden the soap.

These cute teddy bears can be made from a soap base and other ingredients.


  • transparent base - 100 g;
  • calendula oil extract - 1/3 tsp;
  • birch tar - 1.5 tsp (sold in a pharmacy);
  • mint essential oil - 6-8 drops.

In a melted and slightly cooled base, add the ingredients in the following sequence: oil extract, tar and finally essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into molds.

Birch tar has antiseptic and antifungal properties, so this soap will be useful for problem skin.

It will look like tar soap from an opaque natural base

Two-layer colored soap with honey

According to this recipe, you can make a beautiful decorative soap from layers of different colors.

First layer:

  • transparent base - 50 g;
  • yellow food coloring - 3 drops;
  • flavor "Honey" - 10 drops;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • grape seed oil - 1/3 tsp

Second layer:

  • white base - 100 g;
  • avocado oil - 1/2 tsp;
  • pasteurized milk - 2 tsp;
  • pearlescent pigment - 1/2 tsp;
  • honeycomb shape.

First, prepare the first layer of a transparent base, pour it into a mold and sprinkle with alcohol. When the layer has cooled, sprinkle it again with alcohol and cover the prepared white base.

This yellow-white soap has a unique aroma of honey.

The use of remnants

Agree, sometimes it is a pity to throw away the remnants of soap or the so-called remnants. We offer a simple way to "resuscitate" remnants and make soap from them, which in the end can even surpass its "original source". From the "soap" residues, you can make both solid and liquid soap.

In addition to remnants, you will need the following ingredients and tools:

  • remnants - 200 g;
  • water - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • essential oils and fragrances for fragrance - optional;
  • grater for rubbing remnants;
  • containers for a water bath;
  • spoon;
  • forms.

Remnants can be used in a variety of ways, except, of course, the remains of laundry soap for washing and various stain removers. Fillers and fragrances can take any. With their help, you "enrich" the soap, give it new useful properties and flavors.

Glycerin is needed to obtain a more viscous consistency, it helps the components dissolve faster and retains the desired moisture. Instead of alcohol tincture of calendula, you can use medical alcohol.

The remnants will need to be melted in a water bath. Thus, the contents will be evenly heated and melted to the desired consistency.

So, having prepared all the necessary ingredients and tools, get to work:

  1. Set a pot of water to heat for a water bath. Reduce heat when water boils.
  2. Rub the remnants on a grater.

    To make soap, you must first grate the remnants on a coarse grater.

  3. Transfer the chips to a suitable container.
  4. Pour in water, glycerin and calendula tincture.
  5. Mix everything and let it heat up.
  6. Stir the soap and make sure it doesn't boil.
  7. Remove the pot from the heat when most of the leftovers are completely melted.
  8. Let the mass cool down a bit.
  9. Add your desired fillers.
  10. Fill in the forms with the finished mass.
  11. Leave the soap to harden in a cool place for a day.
  12. Take the soap out of the mold and let it dry for another two days.
  13. The finished product is stored wrapped in cling film or used immediately.

    So-called "marble" soap can be prepared from unevenly melted colored pieces.

In the same way, soap can be made from the remains of a soap base and baby soap.

Video: How to make solid soap from remnants

How to make liquid soap

To prepare liquid soap from scratch, another type of alkali is used, namely KOH (potassium hydroxide). This type of soap is also called potassium soap. Liquid soap can be made from the same remnants, from baby soap, from the remnants of a soap base, or from any solid soap. Consider the cooking process.

From remnants

To prepare 1 liter of liquid soap you will need:

  • remnants - 50 g;
  • distilled water - 1 l;
  • tincture of calendula or medical alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • essential oil - 3 drops;
  • liquid food dye - 3 drops;
  • glycerin - 4 tbsp. l.

Put a pot of water on the fire and do the following:

Video: how to make liquid soap from remnants

Liquid laundry soap

It is used for washing clothes and washing dishes. You will need one bar of laundry soap (200 g), 1 liter of water, essential oils and fragrances - optional. How to cook:

  1. Rub the soap on a grater - the finer the chips, the faster it will dissolve.
  2. Pour the shavings into a stainless steel saucepan and add water.
  3. Mix the ingredients and cook over low heat until the chips are completely dissolved.
  4. At the end, strain the mass through a sieve and cool slightly.
  5. Add about 20 drops of essential oil or fragrance.
  6. Pour the finished liquid soap into a plastic bottle.
  7. Concentrated washing gel is ready.

The finished product is stored in a closed container.

Photo gallery: beautiful handmade soap

Loofah soap has a scrubbing and anti-cellulite effect on the skin Soap brewed with a decoction of herbs is always a pleasure to use. Coniferous soap has extraordinary healing properties and a beautiful aroma. Soap in the form of a jelly dessert looks very appetizing This soap is almost indistinguishable from a natural mineral This soap not only looks beautiful, but also smells delicious. The main thing is not to confuse such soap with a real cake! Natural soap without artificial dyes and additives, the most beneficial for the skin Soap in the form of a snowflake will be a great gift for the New Year Homemade colored soap with various additives will decorate the bathroom Handmade soap can have a wide variety of shapes and colors.

My name is Olya, I am 29 years old. I like to write articles, make artistic product descriptions for websites. The following topics are in priority: jewelry, clothing, interior items, cooking, as well as useful tips (household). It is very important for me that readers, customers and, of course, myself like my texts!

The main difference in cooking from hot cooking is the introduction of additional components that give transparency to the soap, namely:

Alcohol - 33% of the total weight of oils
glycerin - 15% of the total weight of oils
sugar or sorbitol - 20% of the total weight of oils
water for syrup (calculated from the total percentage of water input) - 15% of the total weight of oils.

When cooking glycerin clear soap selected oils play a large role in its transparency. So transparency of glycerin soap will give almond oil, apricot kernel oil, castor oil, avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, shea, lard. The same oils can be added to overfat.

1. Glycerin soap hardens for a long time, therefore, for quick solidification, it is recommended to introduce stearic acid and lard into the composition.
2. You can’t put glycerin soap in the refrigerator, so instead of transparent you will get cloudy soap !!!
3. With alcohol on the stove - be careful - it can flare up.
4. The higher the degree of alcohol, the better the soap.
5. Glycerin soap should not be whipped intensively, otherwise all the soap will be in bubbles!

So, let's start making glycerin soap.

How to make glycerin clear soap

To make glycerin soap we need:
1) accurate scales (preferably electronic)
2) enamel pan or stainless steel
3) spoon
4) thermometer
5) a container for weighing components, for example, I weigh alkali in a plastic cup and then throw it away
6) personal protective equipment: respirator, gloves, goggles.

1. We measure the oils according to the recipe, heat them in the bath (in a saucepan, which is in a deeper saucepan with water on the stove).

2. We measure out ice-cold purified water and lye according to the recipe. Based on experience, I recommend 33% water of the total amount of oils to dissolve the alkali. Alkali is poured into a container with water(a jar or heat-resistant plastic, moreover, placed in an ice bath so that the jar does not accidentally burst). Stir with a wooden or plastic spatula.

3. When the alkali dissolves and the oil melts and reaches the same temperature of about 35-40 degrees, pour the alkaline solution into the oils, preferably through a strainer, suddenly not all the alkali has dissolved well. The mass will immediately become cloudy and thicken.

4. We mix for a minute with a spoon, then with a blender (or mixer), until a middle trace appears, as in the picture.

5. We put on a bath on a small fire (50-60 degrees). We cover with a lid (it is better to wrap it with a towel so that condensate does not drip into the mass) and keep it in the bath for 30-40 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.

6. The mass first becomes thick and seems to be hard, and then a translucent gel appears

Add overfat and mix.

What is overfat? Overfat is that part of the oils that will not react with alkali and will soften, nourish and moisturize your hair and skin. After all, if you make the overfat 0%, then the soap will be very dry, and the oil that you have determined for the overfat (it does not have to be the same as in the bulk) must be added to the trace, otherwise it will react and the soap will dry! In toilet soap, overfat is 5-10% of the total mass of oils.

10. Pour the heated alcohol into the mass, mix thoroughly, do not stir quickly, otherwise strong foam may appear.

11. After all the pieces have been mixed as much as possible, cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

12. In the meantime, prepare the sugar syrup. We boil 15% of the water from the total amount of oils in the recipe, add sugar, mix well.

13. Pour the syrup into the soap mass, stir, the mass will become transparent in appearance.

14. Again we simmer in the bath for about 5 minutes and pour in glycerin, mix and leave in the bath for forty minutes.

15. The soap mass is in the bath from the beginning of the process for only 2 hours, as in ordinary hot soap.

16. While the soap is in the bath, prepare a mixture of essential oils or aromatics. For 500 gr. oils - about 20 ml. And also dilute food coloring in a small amount of water or measure chlorophyllipt.

17. After 2 hours, remove the foam. Only a transparent mass remains, which is covered with a thin film, which can be sprinkled with alcohol and it will disperse.

18. Pour a mixture of essential oils into the mass, drop dye for color.

19. Pour the finished soap into the molds.

20. After a day, we take out the beautiful transparent soap and we can use it right away or wait a week to be sure.

Clear soap from scratch

With the help of the game with dyes and molds, you can get such a beautiful and fun clear soap from scratch:

If you fill the loofah with glycerin soap, you will get such a beautiful clear soap from scratch, it foams beautifully and can be washed without a washcloth.
Loofah is an annual southern plant of the gourd family. Loofah is popularly called a wash gourd, or “mad cucumber”, since the green cylindrical fruits resemble this vegetable. In length, it can reach 5 meters.

Or you can combine clear soap from scratch with regular soap and get these beautiful designs:

You can make these rolls clear soap from scratch and fill them with soap of a different color. They are made simply: the finished soap is cut into thin petals, best of all with a paring knife and twisted.

View recipes

This is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to make soap. Even children can easily cope with the base, not to mention adult beginner soap makers. For starters, you can try transparent and white soap bases, without all sorts of additives and specializations.

You can find out more about soap bases (types, features, composition, manufacturers) at. As already mentioned, the most popular at the moment are the bases of English production, a fairly large selection of bases from the Russian manufacturer.

The main thing is to remember about and follow the rules for adding all components, dosage.

Advantages of the method:

  • soap base is easy to work with;
  • it is enough just to realize any idea - multi-colored multilayer soap or small colored details, everything is possible;
  • Can you make clear soap?
  • melts quickly, easy to cut;
  • a large selection of different types;
  • can be used immediately after preparation.
  • sold only in specialized stores or online stores;
  • on average, a kilogram of base will cost 200-240 rubles, you will also need dyes, flavors, oils or other useful additives (you can get by with natural dyes and flavors, more on that in the following articles);
  • the capacity of oils and additives is quite limited (oils are about 3%), all excess will come out as dew on the finished soap.

The additives are the same as in the soap prepared. I will duplicate the list of fillers. Remember that the base will only accept a certain amount of ingredients, anything over will reduce the lather and suds.

  • Scrubbing substances (poppy, coffee, sesame, sugar and cane sugar, loofah, oatmeal, coconut flakes, ground apricot seeds, grapes, strawberry and kiwi seeds,).
  • Emollients, caring (honey, milk, cream, herbal decoctions, cocoa, chocolate (brown), glycerin (softens the skin, 1 tsp), vitamins, turmeric (gives an orange color), parsley juice, chlorophyllipt (gives green color), sandalwood powder (gives a red color), cosmetic clay, bath pearls).
  • For beauty (dried flowers, zest, petals, beads, toys, wax, sea salt (cannot be added to a hot base, as unnecessary chemical reactions occur)).

Instructions for making soap with your own hands from a soap base:

This is the basic thing to know about the process of making soap from a solid soap base. Everything else depends on your imagination, what you decide to put in soap, what colors to paint it, what shape to choose.

Here are some examples of DIY soap from a soap base.
Soap-scrub "Coconut Paradise"

Nourishes the skin, tones, softens. The soap will be clear rectangular with coconut flakes. Let's take the simplest and cheapest option. Rectangular mold (a plastic box of processed cheese is suitable, for example.)

Recipe: transparent soap base (100 gr.), Coconut oil (1.5 ml. Half a teaspoon), mint essential oil (4 drops), if you have a coconut flavor, add 5 drops instead of essential oil, coconut flakes ( 2 teaspoons). If desired, you can add dye, if any.


  1. Melt the soap base.
  2. Add base oils, mix well, stir the soap until it becomes thicker.
  3. Pour in the coconut flakes, mix.
  4. Add fragrance (or essential oil).

Whipped soap "Chocolate"

It has a delicious chocolate scent. Nourishes the skin, gently cares. We take the same rectangular shape, if desired, you can choose any other. We do not need a dye, thanks to cocoa the soap will be a rich brown color. Flavoring is also optional. You will only need a mixer to beat the soap, you can do it with a blender, the main thing is to wash it thoroughly afterwards.

Recipe: Soap base (100 gr.), Cocoa powder (2 tsp.), Coconut oil (1.5 ml. half a teaspoon), milk chocolate cube, milk (1 tsp.), cinnamon essential oil 1 a drop.


  1. Melt the soap base.
  2. Add base oils, milk, cocoa, crushed chocolate, mix well so that there are no lumps. Beat with a mixer until foamy.
  3. Add cinnamon essential oil.
  4. Sprinkle the form with alcohol, pour soap into it and sprinkle with alcohol again.
  5. Let the soap dry for 20 minutes. Take out and wrap in cling film.

Now you know how to make soap from a soap base with your own hands. Happy soap making!

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed lovers of doing something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. Yes, and the benefits in natural soap are much greater than in the purchased, full of chemical components. Therefore, our magazine suggests learning how to make soap yourself. Step-by-step instructions and an accessible explanation, which you will find below, will certainly help in this exciting business.

The main thing in the article

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the modern directions, which involves the manufacture of useful things by ourselves. What do you need to stock up before you start soap making?

1. Basic basis. There are three basic options.

  • baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try their hand at this business. Having stuffed your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is commercially available in needlework stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap professionals use oil and lye while preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. In their role are essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a fragrance, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example: orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree does an excellent job with excessive oily skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for dyeing soap:

  • food coloring or special dye for dyeing soap, sold all in the same needlework store;
  • natural, here decoctions of herbs, juices of vegetables and fruits come to the rescue.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting a soap base (milk, water, herbal decoctions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Inventory for work. These are dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and molds where it will solidify.

Fragrances and color additives for homemade soaps

As already found out, essential oils are used as flavors. The effect of essential oils on the body is shown in the table below.

As for natural dyes, the following products can be used for coloring:

  • turmeric and mustard powder will give yellow tint ;
  • calendula, carrot juice, sea buckthorn oil will make color orange;
  • beet or cherry juice will help get the color from pale pink to burgundy ;
  • paprika and red ground pepper will give soap bright red color ;
  • nettle decoction, chopped herbs will contribute to the appearance green tone;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, make soap brown;
  • added poppy or activated charcoal will give grey colour.

How to make soap at home

There are three ways to make soap, these are:

  1. Base Meltdown with the addition of various ingredients.
  2. Hot way. The whole process that takes place on the stove, after the reaction of alkali with water.
  3. Cold way. It is characterized by the mixing of ingredients, in which heating occurs due to chemical reactions.

When making soap with a cold process, patterns and blurry swirls can be made.

Cooking soap at home: step by step instructions with photos

We offer a detailed master class on how to cook peeling soap in two colors, which even a novice soap maker can handle.

In order to start the soap making process, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • transparent soap base - 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil - 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin (you can take another, if desired);
  • food coloring, we have blue;
  • black or yellow French clay - 1-2 tsp;
  • fragrance: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will be in a marine theme, it is better to give preference to fresh ocean scents;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles, to create decor;
  • mold for soap, we have a square silicone.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

Clear soap recipe at home

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil - 120 g;
  • Coconut oil - 150 g;
  • Pork fat - 30 g;
  • Glycerin - 210 g;
  • Alkali - 45.7 g;
  • Water - 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Introduce alkali into very cold water.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Whisk all ingredients with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Send the mass to a water bath. Cover and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, measure the pH with an indicator strip. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in the glycerin. Continue to simmer until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in about 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mass into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to send transparent soap to the refrigerator for hardening, as the base will become cloudy under the influence of cold temperature.

How to cook baby soap at home?

Every mother takes care of her child, trying to give him the best. Therefore, we offer to prepare environmentally friendly soap for your children. You will need the following components:

  • Organic soap base - 250 g.
  • Almond oil - 6-8 drops.
  • Carrot or beet juice for coloring - 10 drops.
  • Strong decoction of chamomile - 1 tsp. You can take any decoction, but for children, chamomile, succession, sage are best suited.

Baby soap is made like this:

  1. Grind the organic base, melt in a water bath.
  2. Introduce a decoction of chamomile, almond oil, dye juice. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour into moulds, let cool. Choose fun molds for kids to enjoy using this soap.

In order for the surface of the finished soap to be smooth, without accumulation of bubbles, the mold and prominent parts are sprayed with alcohol, which is first placed in a spray bottle.

Scrub soap: how to cook at home?

Scrub soap easily removes stubborn dirt, and also helps to remove the top dead layer of the epidermis. Cooking ingredients:

  • Soap base - 200 g.
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 60 ml.
  • Honey - 60 g.
  • Finely ground coffee - 2 tbsp.
  • You can also apply the dye of the desired shade.

Preparing soap scrub is quite easy:

  1. Chop up the base.
  2. Boil two cups of water and pour boiling water over the base.
  3. Beat the mass with a blender.
  4. Add honey, almond oil, finely ground coffee. If you want to add dye, then put it in. Mix, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining water and beat with a blender until smooth.
  6. Scrub soap has a creamy consistency, so it is best to store it in a bottle with a dispenser.

Cosmetic soap as a gift: how to cook at home?

The following recipe is suitable for a gift. Need to prepare:

  • Soap base - 80 g.
  • Grape seed oil - 30 g.
  • Cinnamon oil - 3 drops.
  • Cinnamon powder - 10 g.


  1. Melt the soap base under the influence of temperature (microwave, water bath).
  2. Pour oil into it, mix.
  3. Add cinnamon powder, stir.
  4. Pour into moulds. After 8-10 minutes, stir the mass so that the cinnamon powder does not settle.

Soap with your own hands in a cold way

Characteristic for soap making cold way is the lack of heating of the ingredients. The reagents are water and alkali.

  • The water must be ice cold, the presence of ice is allowed.
  • The ingredients must be measured strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you can harm the skin when washing with such soap.
  • After the reaction has taken place, other components (oils, pigments, flavors) can be added.
  • The temperature of the oils and the base must not differ by more than 10°C. Everything should be thoroughly whipped with a blender and poured into a mold.

Hot soap making

At hot way, after mixing the alkaline solution with a base of oils, the resulting mass is sent to languish under the influence of temperature, and only after that pigments and flavors are added. Hot-made soap lathers better and can be used immediately after hardening.

Photo ideas for making soap at home

The best homemade soap recipes

How to make soap using different methods, we have sorted it out, now we will give recipes for the best homemade soap options according to our magazine.






How to cook soap at home from remnants?

From the pieces of old soap that constantly remain in the soap dish and are thrown out over time, you can cook a good soap for washing your face. To work you need to have:

  • Remnants - 5 pcs. Instead, you can take 1-2 bars of soap.
  • Lanolin - 2 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 1 tsp.
  • Avocado oil - 0.5 tsp.
  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds (powder) - 1 tbsp.
  • Tea rose petals (dry) - 1 tsp.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Grind remnants, you can do this with a grater. Melt them in a water bath, add lanolin.
  2. When everything melts, remove from heat, add oils, oatmeal, almonds, rose petals.
  3. Stir until a homogeneous mass comes out.
  4. Pour the soap into a mold, preferably a silicone one. Cover with cling film and forget for three days.
  5. After three days, take out and cut into bars.

How to make liquid soap at home?

We suggest trying out a lazy recipe for making liquid soap. Preparing the ingredients:

  • A piece of baby soap - 50 g.
  • Herbal decoction - 800-1000 ml. Perfect celandine, chamomile, calendula.
  • Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
  • Oil - 1 tbsp. You can take any.
  • If desired, pigment and flavoring.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Rub the soap.
  2. Boil the grass. Strain the decoction.
  3. Combine decoction and soap. Hide for a day.
  4. Add glycerin, oil and other ingredients to the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Pour into a bottle with a dispenser and you can wash.

Laundry soap at home: a simple recipe

Common mistakes of soap makers: what not to do?

  1. Do not melt the base on an open fire, this is done using a steam bath.
  2. You do not need to add a lot of oil to the base, as oil drops will appear on the surface of the mass.
  3. Do not replace alcohol, which removes bubbles in soap, with vodka, as the desired effect will not be.
  4. Do not use fresh flowers; dry ones should be preferred.
  5. When applying layer to layer, you need to slightly scratch the bottom with a toothpick and treat with alcohol, then the finished soap will not exfoliate.
  6. Do not add essential oils more than 10 drops.
  7. When making clear soap, minimize the addition of base oil, which can make the end result cloudy.
  8. Add menthol diluted in alcohol, as the menthol itself in the soap base can crystallize.
  9. Be careful when mixing scents, as the result may not be very pleasant.

Videos homemade soap