Crafts from a bundle of rope and twine master. Jute filigree: a description of the technique and a step-by-step master class for making a picture. Jute filigree: a master class with step by step photos

Handmade crafts are always interesting and unusual. What kind of materials do not use needlewomen to sew, weave, knit their wonderful crafts. One of these materials is nondescript, at first glance, twine, which is made from natural jute fiber. DIY twine crafts can be made even by inexperienced craftsmen. This article will talk about several twine weaving workshops.

Crafts made from jute rope and burlap become especially relevant when the country celebrates the New Year holidays - after all, they make a very cool symbol of the year, it doesn’t matter if it’s a pig and a piglet, or a mouse or someone else from the New Year’s Oriental Zoo. It's great that every new year is new.

Perhaps one of the simplest jute fiber crafts is broom-amulet. The master class for making it yourself is very simple and affordable. Necessary materials:

  1. Leg-split.
  2. Book.
  3. Scissors.


  • twine must be wound on a book in 1 layer;
  • carefully remove the wound fiber and tie it on one side, hiding the knot inside the future craft;
  • they take the assembled end of the product and begin to wrap it tightly with a jute rope - this is the handle of the future broom;
  • from the other end, the threads are cut, so that broom twigs are obtained;
  • twigs are collected in small bundles and wrapped with a rope in a checkerboard pattern.

The finished broom-amulet is placed in the corner of the house with the handle down.

Twine rug: master class

Jute is a fairly durable material, so do-it-yourself rugs are often woven from it. Weaving can be done with a hook, a frame, or in another way known to needlewomen. Easiest to weave do-it-yourself rug with a hook:

Such rugs are often located at the front door or in the bathroom.

DIY twine basket: master class

From jute fiber can be made basket craft. She is not only beautiful, but also useful. To make a basket with your own hands you will need:

  • hook;
  • scissors;
  • plastic bottle;
  • glue gun or silicone glue;
  • twine.

A master class on making crafts boils down to the following:

  1. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle.
  2. On the lower part, at the place of the cut, make notches along the entire edge at an equal distance from each other.
  3. Start winding the jute rope vertically, passing it through each notch.
  4. After that, cut the rope and fix the free end with glue.
  5. Start winding the twine horizontally, moving from the bottom up, passing it in a checkerboard pattern with a hook through the vertical turns. Each new turn should fit snugly against the previous one.
  6. When the walls of the basket are ready, you can start making the bottom. To do this, glue is applied to the twine braiding the bottom of the plastic bottle. A layer of twine is laid on top of the glue in the form of a dense spiral and left to dry completely.
  7. To decorate the top of the basket, vertical threads are cut at the place of weaving and twisted in pairs, smeared with glue, and placed in the shape of a rose on the wall of the basket.
  8. After the glue has dried, the plastic bottle can be removed.

The resulting basket is used as a box for storing small things. The size of the basket depends on the size of the plastic bottle.

Master class on making a bow from a jute rope

One of the easiest do-it-yourself twine crafts is a bow. The master class for its manufacture is simple and straightforward. Necessary materials:

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wrap the twine around the jar in tight even turns, the more turns, the wider the craft will be.
  2. Cut the twine and fix the free end with silicone glue, let it dry.
  3. After the glue has dried, the wound rope is removed from the can and compressed in the middle so that the craft takes the shape of a bow.
  4. The place of compression is wrapped with twine, the free end is fixed with glue.

Such bows are used in various master classes to decorate the finished product.

Master class on making a vase from twine

There are jars or bottles in every house. If throwing out the hand does not rise, then they can be turned into excellent handmade vases. For this you will need:

  • jar or bottle with a diameter of not more than 15 cm;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • silicone glue.

A master class on making a vase with your own hands from twine looks like this:

  1. The jar or bottle is covered with silicone glue.
  2. Quickly, but gently, they begin to wind the twine horizontally from the bottom up.
  3. The coils should fit snugly against each other.
  4. The rope is cut and fixed with glue. After that, the craft should dry.
  5. The finished craft with a glue gun can be decorated with various decorative elements: rhinestones, bows, flowers, etc.

Master class on making jute Christmas decorations

In addition to various crafts that delight the eye every day, twine can be made DIY Christmas balls. This will require:

  • small balloon;
  • leg-split;
  • PVA glue;
  • cloth or paper towel.

Manufacturing master class:

Master class on weaving a decorative turtle from twine

From twine, you can make decorative crafts with your own hands, like a turtle. The master class for its manufacture boils down to the following:

So, from jute you can make a lot of interesting and unusual crafts with your own hands. This article contains only a few master classes. Such crafts are not only beautiful, but also useful. They can act as boxes, and also revive old things or simple bottles, turning them into beautiful vases. Making them is very easy and simple, you just need to show a little patience and perseverance.


Twine (string)- a thin strong thread for packaging, stitching, etc., made by twisting paper, bast fibers, man-made fibers or threads, as well as their combinations.

For the manufacture of twine from bast fibers, the following are used: hemp, short flax, kenaf, jute or mixtures of these fibers. From chemical threads apply: polypropylene, kapron and viscose threads. Paper twine is made by twisting one, two or three strips of kraft paper.

According to the structure, the twine is single-strand and multi-strand. Multifilament twine is made by twisting several threads or yarns in the direction opposite to the direction of twisting of the original thread or yarn. When making twine from polypropylene threads, it is allowed not to twist the original thread.

(The material is taken from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia)

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be the author's (invented and made by you). If someone else's idea was used, then the author must be indicated. (A link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited under clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process must be photographed step by step (see Tips for Photographing Crafts) or filmed (see How to Upload a Video).

Registration procedure: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be done, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of the MC from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for issuing an MK described above. In other words: in a post with the MK type, you can’t just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

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Beautiful patterned crafts, lampshades, panels, boxes can be made using the filigree technique. This type of needlework will require attentiveness, perseverance, some skills and, of course, unlimited imagination from the master. At first glance, the technique will not seem too difficult, but a master class, schemes for beginners and their complete adherence will not be superfluous at all!

Jute filigree: features of this technique

In ancient times, jewelry filigree meant the process of twisting threads of precious metals and thus forming beautiful pieces of fine workmanship. But this process is quite laborious and now only masters of jewelry can do it. Jute filigree is a modern art form, but the technique also consists in twisting flexible threads into curls, forming various patterns from them.


Jute filigree does not require any special expensive fixtures and materials, they are all very accessible to anyone. It is mainly used to create various decorative interior items, embodying a variety of design ideas.

The main material is jute cord. Agree, it is not difficult to purchase a reel. If the idea involves working in color, then it can be painted in a variety of colors with acrylic paints. In addition, you will also need tweezers, a thin knitting needle, transparent titanium glue or similar, an awl, and scissors. If you are a beginner, then you will need pattern stencils. It is not excluded the use of additional materials, depending on the work.

How is the work done?

First of all, they begin to work with the choice of a pattern. Let these be the most uncomplicated drawings, but clearly drawn. To do this, you can make a sketch yourself or use a ready-made one. Next, this pattern is placed in a transparent polyethylene file.

Further, glue is carefully applied along the entire contour of the sketch, and a jute cord is smoothed over it. But many craftsmen apply glue not to the sketch, but directly to the jute, which is carefully twisted with tweezers and placed on the adhesive base. With a thin knitting needle, the thread is straightened according to the pattern. Thus, they work on the entire field.

After filling in the sketch, the work needs to be dried. To do this, it is placed under a press and left to dry for about 6 hours. After that, using a knife, it is carefully separated and varnished. The finished work may consist of several parts, which are then combined. Also, in many microns, jute filigree consists of other decorative elements: beads, rhinestones, various others, which are also attached to the sketch with glue.

Jute filigree: a master class with step by step photos

For those who have just decided to master this technique, we are posting a detailed master class, do-it-yourself jute filigree according to this lesson is performed quite quickly and easily.

Materials for work:

  • a skein of jute thread;
  • glue "Titan" or other non-toxic glue;
  • checkered leaf;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • stationery knife;
  • polyethylene file.

As you can see in the photo, the feather that we will make consists of elements - a loop and a curl.

First of all, draw a sketch, place it under the polyethylene.

The place where we will lay out the cord is carefully smeared with glue.

First, we lay out the largest element of the pen, and we will already attach the rest to it.

Glue again smear the place under the element, make a loop and attach it to the main "stem".

We give the desired shape to the twine with tweezers.

Tightly fitting the details, we fasten the next element - a curl.

So, step by step, we make all the details of our pen.

After the work is laid out, we place it under the press. To do this, you can take a board and put something heavy on top. We are waiting for the complete drying of the work (about 6 hours), carefully remove it from the polyethylene and remove the untidy excess glue. Work is ready!

You can also decorate these feathers with rhinestones or beads, use for larger scale work.

And we add other master classes in video format. Happy creativity!

Today, everything unusual, natural and made by hand is in fashion. Not everyone can afford author's things that do not always bring joy. A do-it-yourself craft will help you relax during its manufacture and will please the eye in the future. Twine weaving for beginners will not cause difficulties if you carefully read our article.

Before mastering twine weaving, it makes sense to deal with such a concept as twine. In the household of each of us there is a twine, which is also called twine. Twine is a thin, strong rope that looks aesthetically pleasing and neat.

There are such types of twine: textile, polypropylene, jute, linen-hemp, linen polished. All these types of twine are intended for various kinds of products. For example, textile twine is used for stitching and packaging products. It is made from yarn fibers, thin strips of paper, films.

Products made from this material are unusual, practical, original and last a long time. All crafts will give you a lot of positive emotions. Having tried making things, accessories and many other pleasant little things from twine with your own hands, you will understand how exciting it is! Here's an inspirational photo:

Polypropylene twine is a thread that can withstand very high temperatures: up to 50 degrees Celsius. This material is very reliable, neither acid, nor alkali, nor moisture will spoil it. Such material is commonly referred to as cord.

Getting Started

For work you will need:

  • 20-25 meters of 5 mm twine;
  • scissors;
  • shape to weave.

Basket making step by step tutorial:

  1. First you need to make 12 pieces of rope, 65 cm each.
  1. We make the frame of the basket. To do this, you need to lay out 11 ropes in the form of a cross. We put 5 ropes horizontally, and 6 - vertically. The last rope - the twelfth - must be fixed in the middle. The frame is ready.

  1. We fix the main thread in the middle and begin to weave. Weave in a circle, between the ropes of the frame. To make it easier and more convenient to form a basket, you can use any bowl and weave it.
  1. We continue weaving until the basket reaches the desired height, and then we fix the main thread. We also fix the threads of the frame. To do this, we wrap each thread around the last two rows.

We decorate the interior

When making a variety of products, you will come up with many ideas for the interior that you can implement with this material at hand. Using this technique, empty unnecessary bottles can be turned into rustic vases that will fit well into your interior.

Baskets, planters, rugs, wall panels, decorative plates - all this and much more can be made from twine at no cost. All of these products can be wonderful gifts and wonderful decorations for your home.

If your window sills are lined with houseplants in different pots, twine can be used to give all the pots the same style. And if there is a catastrophic lack of space for your plants on the windowsill, it's time to think about making flower pots from twine.

Let's take a closer look at how to transform a bottle with twine.

Twine decor

An unnecessary bottle can be made original and spectacular. It's easy enough.

For decoration you will need:

  • Glass bottle;
  • acetone or alcohol;
  • PVA glue;
  • twine (2-3 meters).

Operating procedure:

  1. An empty glass bottle is well washed, dried, freed from glue and labels. You also need to degrease its surface with alcohol or acetone.
  2. We moisten the twine in PVA glue and wrap it tightly around the bottle (bottom-up).
  3. Let the glue dry. After that, decoration can be continued. For example, coffee beans, lace, beads, and so on can be glued on top of the twine.
  4. The neck of the bottle can not be decorated. Some craftsmen decorate it with the same twine or burlap. Interior decoration is ready!

There are many interesting materials from which you can make beautiful and unusual things with your own hands. One of them is jute cord or twine. If you are into needlework, but have never worked with this material before, be sure to try it and see how easy and fast original rope crafts are created.

We create masterpieces from nothing

Even such a rough and nondescript material as jute twine can turn into beautiful masterpieces in skillful hands. In various master classes, it is clearly demonstrated how to create all kinds of twine crafts using twine or jute.

Skillful craftswomen advise combining it with burlap or other natural fabrics. Crafts with the addition of coffee beans are also very stylish.

If you didn’t know, then twine is a cord that is made from natural fibers. It is distinguished by its strength, tensile strength and wear resistance, it can be single-filar or multi-filar. There is also paper twine. If desired, jute can even be dyed or bleached (about 150-200 ml of whiteness per liter of water for twine wound into a ball, 3-4 m long).

Choosing an idea for work

A variety of master classes indicates that do-it-yourself twine crafts can be anything. Since this material is very cheap, it is suitable for creating any useful household items: interior toys and figurines, baskets, vases, Christmas tree decorations, magnets, souvenirs, either for yourself or as gifts for friends and relatives.

For example, you can start by making decor for the holidays. If the New Year is coming soon, pay attention to workshops on creating elegant decorative Christmas trees and other winter themed decorations.

  1. The Christmas tree can be airy (without a base inside) or ordinary. For an ordinary tree, prepare the base.
  2. To do this, draw a semicircle on the cardboard, divide it in half and cut out the details. Glue them into a cone.
  3. Then cut a circle in the same way and make a hole in the center of it.
  4. Insert a thick wire or stick into this hole, fasten it and wrap it tightly with twine. Glue the paper base with twine too.
  5. Then fix the cone and continue the design.
  6. You can place the tree not just on the base, but in a pot of plaster, like a topiary.
  7. Decorate your Christmas tree with coffee beans, beads and ribbons.

To make the Christmas tree airy and filigree, it is necessary to lay out the pattern from the cord in shape on the glue (you can use a conical object or a plastic cup, just wrap it with cling film). When it's dry, cut the mold and pull it out, and you're left with a voluminous airy figurine that's easy to decorate however you like.

Using plastic bottles as a mold, you can make beautiful Christmas bells in the same way.

If the Easter holidays are approaching, then master classes on making Easter baskets, angels, decorative nests or egg stands, as well as decorating the holiday eggs themselves, will come in handy.
  1. For the basket you need a base. The frame can also be paper. You can form the basket itself either with a cord or with a wire.
  2. Attach the twine to hot glue, and start winding from the middle. It is most convenient to work with a thermal gun.
  3. Even if you did not use wire to form a basket, then in order to make a handle, you will definitely need it.
  4. Wrap the handle with jute. You can decorate it with weaves, rope braids or other patterns. Decorate your basket too.
  5. Separately, you can make flowers from twine of a different color, add pieces of burlap, large wooden buttons, coffee grains or beads to the decor.

And a decorative nest for decorating the interior for Easter or even just for any spring holiday, like March 8 or the first day of spring, is easy to make according to the principle of creating balls from threads. To do this, simply wrap the balloon with twine dipped in glue (or coat with glue later), dry the product, then pierce and remove the balloon.

Then cut a hole and decorate it with a twine weave. Hang your nest on a ribbon and decorate it with artificial flowers, feathers, and then place birds or butterflies in this airy house.

Many craft workshops show you how to make useful twine crafts for the kitchen and at home. These can be vases or flower pots, various talismans for happiness or wealth, like a mill, a housekeeper, a money tree or a topiary horseshoe, and even ties for curtains.

Vase alteration

  1. To make a vase, the easiest way is to use your old and no longer fashionable vase and just decorate it. Paste the entire container with twine, and then twist various curls and flowers from the rope and attach to the vase. You can add coffee beans to the composition.

  1. Curtain ties are easily made from old and unwanted CDs. Carefully cut a circle in a spiral in the center of the disk so that you have a thick hoop. Fasten it with cardboard blanks and wrap it with twine. Decorate the tiebacks with swirls or patterns. Make the holder from wooden flat skewers. First wrap their tails, and then attach large burlap and twine flowers to the ends.
  2. To make a brownie, use burlap or natural linen. You can also make it like a stocking doll. Brownie's hair is woven from twine, bast shoes are made, mustaches and beards are usually made from flax strands. Be sure to sew beautiful clothes and a hat for your mascot.
  3. Twine also makes excellent pots. They can be made in any form, for example, a bicycle with flowers or a sledge will look very original and beautiful.

Give free rein to your imagination and creative inspiration, and you will get incredible masterpieces out of nothing!