How to clean wax from candles from clothes. How to remove candle wax from clothes, the best solutions. Methods for cleaning synthetic materials

Sometimes wax residues can be found on clothes and on surrounding objects. I decided to find out how to remove wax stains from clothes at home with my own hands. Now, having tested many methods, I will share with you the most effective.

Variety of methods

Removing wax from fabric without ruining it is quite a difficult task. It is necessary to take into account the type of fabric so that the fibers are not damaged during the cleaning process.

One-stop solution: 2 ways

The method of removing wax from clothes by freezing can be called universal. So, it is almost impossible to spoil a thing.

Instructions on how to clean the fabric from greasy wax stains when frozen:

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Method 1. Frosty weather

If the weather is freezing outside, you can remove the wax as follows:

  1. Hang the laundry on the balcony or outside and leave it for two hours.
  2. After a while, transfer the still slightly “frozen” things to a warm room and scrape off the hardened wax with the blunt side of the knife.
  3. Shake off the rest well.
Method 2. Freezer
  1. Place the wax-stained clothing in a plastic bag.
  2. Put it on the top shelf of the freezer (example in the photo).
  3. Leave the item for 6 hours.
  4. After a while, scrape off the wax stain and shake off the residue.

In this way, you can remove the stain from the skin, leatherette and fur products.

The stain removal process is best done when the wax has set naturally. If you try to wipe it off immediately, there is a risk of simply smearing it and thereby increasing the area of ​​​​contamination.

Types of fabrics and 5 ways to remove wax from them

What methods of excretion can be applied to different types of tissues. Details - in the table:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. For natural fabrics
  1. Lay the garment on a flat surface with the stained side up so that the wax can be easily removed.
  2. Cover the stain with any paper towel (in our case, a bag).
  3. Iron the desired area with a hot iron.
  4. The paraffin should melt and print on the paper.
  5. Change the paper when it gets dirty.
  6. Finally, wash the remaining grease stain with a normal machine wash.

In this way, you can save linen, cotton wool.

Method 2. For fur
  1. Freeze the item (outdoors or in the freezer).
  2. As soon as the paraffin seizes, lightly rub the villi together.
  3. Then lay the product on a flat surface and comb out the residue with a comb with thick teeth.

This method is suitable for both natural and artificial fur.

Method 3. Synthetics
  1. Soak the item in hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Rub it with your hands in the place of contamination.
  3. To enhance the effect, you can rub the affected area with a soft brush.
  4. Rinse the rest of the paraffin from the synthetics with cool water.

The first time it may not be possible to completely remove traces of wax, so you can repeat the procedure several times.

Method 4. Leather and suede
  1. Remove most of the hardened wax from suede or leather with the blunt side of a knife.
  2. Hold the thing for two minutes over the steam.
  3. Remove wax residue with a soft cloth.

Method 5. Jeans
  1. Put the jeans in a bag and put them in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  2. Take out the thing and rub it well in the place of contamination.

Thin fabrics: 4 ways to remove wax

Delicate fabrics must be handled with particular care, the price of excessive exposure is a spoiled thing. How and how to remove wax from clothes in such cases:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Boiling water
  1. Boil the kettle and at the same time place the thing in a deep basin.
  2. Pour boiling water directly onto the stain, the paraffin should dissolve.

Method 2. Alcohol
  1. Place a towel underneath.
  2. Pour some alcohol on the stained area.
  3. Blot off excess with a tissue.

This method perfectly eliminates colored wax stains.

Method 3. Detergent for dishes
  1. Pour a little dishwashing detergent onto the desired area.
  2. Wipe off dirt with a soft sponge.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
Method 4. Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Place a plastic bag on both sides of the stained area.
  2. Pour the peroxide directly onto the stain, cover with a top bag and place in a dark place for an hour.
  3. Check the result and repeat if necessary.

Cleaning shoes

If paraffin needs to be removed from shoes, there are two effective methods:

  1. Mechanical. Use an iron and paper, freezer, steam, and the dull side of a knife. Suitable for leather and suede shoes.
  2. Chemical. It is necessary to treat the necessary area with glycerin (patent leather), turpentine (genuine leather), alcohol and ammonia (suede). Finally, remove the remnants of the product with a soft, damp sponge.


We found out that there are various ways to remove paraffin from clothes. Using the voiced tricks, you can easily remove wax from any surface. The video in this article will clearly confirm the words. If you have any questions - ask, discuss in the comments.

Candles are wax or paraffin, and can also have a different shape, color and aroma. Many of them contain a dye that is highly resistant. Sometimes drops fall on things, which raises the question of how to remove wax from clothes at home. Getting rid of the stain alone is not enough. If dye is used in candles, its unpleasant traces may remain on the fabric.

Traces of wax on the tablecloth

Most often, wax gets on the fabric during festive events or during a romantic dinner. Removing them is basically easy. The main thing is not to rush and do everything calmly. Do not immediately wash the stain from the fabric with your hands, otherwise you can burn yourself. In addition, the stain will spread and penetrate deep into the fibers. If wax appears on the fabric, you must first blot it with a napkin and only then remove it.

How to remove wax from clothes at home

Many housewives are sure that it is unrealistic to remove wax stains, since this specific product is not able to dissolve in either water or detergents. But there are several effective ways.

The easiest way is cotton, linen, coarse calico, that is, natural materials. Under the contaminated area, you need to lay several paper napkins, and on top - a thin cloth, and then iron the stain with a hot iron. After such exposure, the wax will remain on napkins and fabrics. Perform all actions several times, replacing improvised means with clean ones. To eliminate small stains, you can usually use a spoon - just heat it in boiling water.

There is another option, how to wash wax from clothes. Bring the water to a boil and drop the item in. When grease stains accumulate on the surface, remove the product and carefully inspect it. If dirt still remains, repeat the whole procedure, then wash the clothes.

Try removing the wax stain with an iron

The listed methods are not suitable for those cases when dyed wax has got on the clothes. Under the influence of high temperatures, the dye will be absorbed even more, after which it will be impossible to get rid of it. In this case, it is better to buy a stain remover.

Wax stains remaining on denim are removed with an iron. But first thing needs to be frozen. Due to this, the wax is easily crumbled and removed from the material. It remains only to remove the remnants, for which you need napkins and a hot iron.

Freeze the stain before processing.

How to remove a wax stain from clothes made of silk, organza, satin, wool. These fabrics are quite difficult to clean, as they do not withstand exposure to high temperatures. First you need to pay attention to the tag: the iron can only be heated to the permitted temperature.

There is another option to remove wax stains - soak synthetic items in hot water, and when the paraffin softens, blot it with a rag or paper towel. The remaining fat disappears completely after washing. Some things do not tolerate thermal effects. For example, organza dresses - there is always an indication on their label that prohibits ironing. The question arises how to remove wax from such a fabric. An organic solvent will come to the rescue: it must be applied to a cotton pad and carefully rub the contaminated area. Next, wash the item in warm soapy water.

Beforehand, it is advisable to check the solvent on a small area on the wrong side: if the fabric has deteriorated, only a special stain remover will help.

Try the solvent, but first test it on the fabric from the wrong side

Wax on wool and silk fabrics can sometimes be removed with regular dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to drop it on the material, leave the resulting foam for several hours, and then wash it.

If things are damaged by colored paraffin, none of the above methods, which tell how to clean wax from clothes, will help. The dye penetrates deep into the fibers of the fabric, making it almost impossible to remove stains. Do not try to rub them off, otherwise the wax particles will get even deeper. The only acceptable way is to freeze the wax and carefully scrape it off. Apply a stain remover to the stain remaining from the paint, then wash the clothes.

From capricious fabrics, you can try to clean the wax by first freezing the thing

Fur and suede

The first thing to do is send the products to the freezer for half an hour. Frozen wax can be easily removed with your fingers, and small crumbs can simply be shaken off. To clean suede, place a paper towel on the soiled area and a hot iron on it. If it is overexposed, dents or an unpleasant gloss may remain on the suede. If there is no result, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of gasoline and wine alcohol. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and press it against the stains for one minute, then wipe the problem area with a damp cloth. The structure of suede can be quickly restored by holding it over steam for a few minutes.

It is not enough to know how to remove wax from clothes at home. In addition, grease stains will have to be removed. The following tools will help with this:

  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • solvent;
  • kerosene;
  • detergent;
  • petrol;
  • turpentine.

After processing, leave the material to dry completely, only then it can be washed. It is important to remember that if you do not remove the wax immediately, it will be almost impossible to get rid of it in a couple of days.

If you can't figure out how to get wax off your clothes, it's best to go to a dry cleaner. Specialists know exactly how to solve the problem that has arisen, and in case of damage to the item, they will compensate for the damage.

Not a single romantic dinner is complete without candles, and in other places you can meet these ancient lighting devices. But what exactly to do to remove the stain from the candle? Removing wax from clothes is quite problematic, even with all the desire, but if you use the right methods, you can make the procedure easier - the main thing is to know how to remove a stain from a candle and how to do it correctly. There are many ways and time-tested folk recipes that talk about how to remove candle wax stains. It's time for you to familiarize yourself with them and start putting them into practice to effectively combat stains on clothes.

The first step is to clean the clothes.

Obviously, before removing stains on clothes from a candle, it is necessary to first clean the wax that has fallen on the fabric from the clothes. Despite the apparent simplicity of this operation, it should be treated with the utmost responsibility so as not to damage delicate tissues. Not sure how to remove candle stains from clothes? Apply a mechanical method - scrape off the remaining wax with a thin blade or knife. Also, the wax trace can be rubbed with a needle until it cracks and falls off the fabric itself. Please note that this method is not suitable for extremely delicate and soft fabrics, such as silk or chiffon.

How to remove candle stains on delicate fabrics? It is enough to rub the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing so that the wax trace loses its strength and crumbles. After that, you should carefully remove the remnants of the wax stain from the clothes and proceed directly to the wash.

Hot removal methods

How to remove a candle stain from clothes if it has eaten deep enough? To do this, you can use hot methods of removal. It is important to make sure that the garment being treated can withstand this temperature before removing candle stains from clothing using hot methods. This is usually indicated on the tag - make sure that it has a permitted temperature of at least 45 degrees. If all is well, you can proceed.

  • Hot steam. Great advice on how to get candle stains out of fabrics like linen, cotton, also good for cotton clothes and fabrics that can withstand high temperatures. To implement the method, you need to prepare a steam generator and several napkins, which must be placed under the stain and changed during the steam treatment of clothes. Adjust the temperature and start gently blowing steam on the stain while changing the towels under the stain. Before you remove a candle stain from clothes in this way, prepare as many tissues as possible under the stain, as they may require a very impressive amount.
  • Ironing. How to remove a candle stain with a hot method if a good steam generator is not at hand? Very simple - for these purposes, you can use a regular iron. As in the previous case, it is necessary to put napkins under the stain, and iron the wax stain on top several times. During the procedure, wipes should be changed regularly as hot wax is absorbed into them. Prepare them as much as possible.

That concludes the "hot" tips on how to remove wax stains from clothes. They can save in many cases, but what if the fabric from which the item is made cannot withstand high temperatures? In this case, resort to cold removal.

Cold stain removal methods

Now it's time to go into detail on how to remove wax stains from clothing using methods that do not involve hot stain treatment. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Alcohol. If your clothes do not tolerate hot handling, and you do not know other ways to remove wax stains from clothes, ordinary alcohol can be used. It is necessary to take a little alcohol (preferably denatured) and treat the wax stains with it, and then let it soak firmly into the fibers of the fabric. After the alcohol is completely absorbed, you can wash the clothes in the washing machine with the powder.
  • Turpentine. Before removing candle stains with turpentine, make sure that your clothes are not made of delicate materials - they may not survive encounters with sufficiently aggressive turpentine. If the fabric holds, apply a little turpentine to the wax stains, hold the item in this state for 15-30 minutes, then send it to the wash.
  • Petrol. How to remove a stain from a candle on clothes, if neither alcohol nor turpentine was at hand at the right time? You can use petrol! Before removing candle stains from the fabric, make sure that the gasoline was taken not at a gas station, but in a special store. Only in the latter case can you get pure gasoline. Using fuel for refueling will negatively affect clothes - a yellow stain will remain, which is almost impossible to remove. If everything is fine, treat the stain with gasoline, let it soak for 30 minutes, then wash the item with powder.
  • Solvent. Be sure to check the strength of the fabric before removing the candle stain with solvent. It should be applied in small quantities directly to the stains, or even better, moisten cotton pads in the solvent, which subsequently moisten the wax-stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe item. After processing, the item must be washed.

How to remove a candle stain on clothes in principle? You can use any caustic substance that is somehow used to clean clothes and does not destroy fabrics. Do not forget that gasoline and other similar substances have a negative effect on synthetics - they corrode it, so before you remove the stain from the candle, you should immediately abandon such substances.

The methods mentioned earlier on how to get rid of wax stains on clothes are not all that can be used to clean things. Only the most effective and already tested by many people in practice have been named - using the above recipes for their intended purpose, you do not risk!

We clean furniture and carpets from wax

You already know how to get rid of wax stains on clothes, but after all, a candle can ruin not only things, but also furniture, as well as carpets. How can they be cleaned? So, if you are interested in the question of how to clean a candle stain from such surfaces, you will have to go through several successive steps leading to the complete removal of stains:

  1. mechanical removal. As mentioned earlier, before cleaning, it is necessary to remove wax residues by scraping. For these purposes, you can use a knife, blade, scissors and even a plastic card. Before removing candle stains on tablecloths and other surfaces, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the contaminated areas.
  2. Spot removal. At this stage, you can use all the tips on how to remove wax stains from clothes. Both hot and cold candle stain removal works well. If the furniture or carpet is not made from delicate fabrics, you can use alcohol or turpentine, as well as diluted refined gasoline. At the end of the treatment, you can take a little washing powder diluted in water and rub the stain thoroughly.

Use only effective and proven tips on how to remove wax stains on clothes and other surfaces in order to deal with stains as quickly as possible.

Updated: 10/18/2018

Candles decorate the celebration, they are used in the church, they are used as a source of light. And because wax on clothes is a common situation. If wax has got on your favorite thing, then getting rid of such pollution is not so easy. You can try to resolve the situation in a variety of ways. The most important thing is not to put off cleaning and follow the proven tips on how to remove wax from clothes.

Before you figure out how to remove wax from clothes, it is worth knowing about the existence of some useful tips. This will help not only get rid of stains, but also preserve the appearance of the product.

  1. It doesn't matter if you are interested in how to remove paraffin or wax, the principle will be the same. The main thing in this case is to take into account the characteristics of the fabric.
  2. The most effective method is thermal exposure. This is due to the fact that the substance that left the spots melts at a temperature of 42 degrees.
  3. Paraffin not only leaves a stain on the material from above, it also penetrates between the fibers, accumulating inside the fabric. Therefore, the use of heated steam is also effective for removing contaminants.
  4. But if the pollution is left with colored wax, then thermal exposure is contraindicated. This is worth remembering. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove the greasy stain itself, but the dye cannot be eliminated, since it will be absorbed into the material. In this case, it is better to use household chemicals.
  5. Delicate fabrics and synthetics are also best not exposed to heat. This spoils their structure and appearance.
  6. Any chemical used to remove candle wax from your favorite item should be tested on a small area of ​​fabric beforehand. Otherwise, unpredictable consequences may await you.
  7. In addition to heating, cooling will help remove wax from the fabric. This is due to the fact that the pollutant solidifies when the temperature drops. You just have to peel off the top layer of paraffin, and then get rid of the greasy stain. Usually cooling is carried out using a freezer - this is the best option at home.
  8. It is recommended to heat the canvas to wipe the wax from the clothes only if it is made of dense fabric.

And now, when all the nuances are taken into account, it’s worth figuring out what effective cleaning methods exist and how to remove candle wax from clothes. Everything depends on the material. Let's figure it out.

natural fabrics

If there is such a nuisance as the formation of a stain on cotton, linen or woolen things, get ready to work hard. Paraffin penetrates between the fibers of the fabric, so do not try to clean it off mechanically. There is a way out, you only need to prepare a napkin and an iron. Before proceeding, study the label on the thing, which indicates the maximum allowable exposure temperature. So, in this case, you can get rid of wax as follows:

  • Lay the item on a flat surface so that the stain is on top.
  • Cover the stained area with a paper towel.
  • Iron the paper over with an iron and see if the wax stain has been removed.

If the result does not satisfy you, repeat the procedure, but only with a clean napkin.

Using this method, you will quickly get rid of pollution without damaging the fabric structure. But if you find on the product label that temperature exposure is contraindicated, you will have to use a solvent. The main thing is to first test it on a small area so that you don’t have to throw things away later because of faded paint.

There is another option that involves the use of an iron. You will need a wet cotton towel. It must be laid on the thing in the place where the stain formed. Place a sheet of white paper or a blotting paper on top of the towel. And iron this whole structure. As a result, paraffin particles are absorbed into the wet tissue. Nothing complicated.

Synthetic clothing

How to remove wax from clothes in this case? Much easier than the above situation. This is due to the fact that paraffin is not absorbed into the matter, but is located on the surface. It remains only to soften it.

The whole problem is that synthetics do not tolerate heat. Therefore, you will need to act differently.

Prepare the following: a container of hot water, a brush, or a piece of soft cloth. It is necessary to hold the contaminated item in water for a while so that the paraffin softens. Then gently scrub it off with a brush or cloth.

Another option on how to remove a candle stain from synthetic clothes is to use turpentine. Simply apply a small amount to a cotton pad and wipe away wax stains. When you have completely cleaned off the paraffin, you need to wash the item in the usual way. Use a conditioner to eliminate the unpleasant smell of turpentine.

Fur things

How to wash wax from such clothes? It may seem that this is impossible. And a paraffin stain threatens to turn into a disaster - an irretrievably damaged fur coat, for example. But do not despair. You can remove candle wax from fur clothes, but you need to take into account the nuances. It is not recommended to heat such things. Therefore, it is worth resorting to low temperatures.

There are two options - either hang things on the balcony (if the weather is frosty outside), or put them in the freezer. Try rubbing the stained area with an ice cube. You must ensure that the paraffin is frozen. Now you can gently, lint by lint, remove the wax. Be careful not to rip out the fur.

Leather and suede products

How to remove a wax stain from clothes made of such expensive materials? Caution is important here - there is a risk of damaging the “capricious” material. Try scraping off the wax first with a knife (use the dull side of the blade). After that, hold the thing over hot steam, and wipe off the remnants of the softened wax with a soft cloth or napkin.

If all these manipulations did not give the desired result, try to find in the house ammonia. For one liter of water it will need a little - half a spoon. Now moisten a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated area. Soon the stain will completely disappear.

For suede, there is another great option on how to clean the fabric from wax. Mix 50 ml of gasoline, 10 ml of wine alcohol and 35 ml of ordinary ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution, rub the suede, and then hold the thing over the steam to restore the distorted structure of the fabric.


Everyone has clothes from it. Jeans are the go-to item for any occasion. And it’s very disappointing when drops of wax fall on your favorite couple. Do not worry - denim material can be washed without observing the temperature regime. As soon as you put a stain on your jeans, act immediately. Soak them in a bowl of warm water, then add hot water and try to wash them by hand.

There is another option - put the clothes in the cold. Freezer is the best option. Wait 10-15 minutes. If the wax has hardened, clean it off, leaving only a greasy stain on the fabric. It is easy to wash in the machine in the usual way.

Delicate fabrics

How to remove wax if it gets on silk, organza, chiffon, and so on? These fabrics are capricious and delicate, you need to be careful with them. In this case, it is forbidden to use the method with an iron. And any substances that contain alcohol can permanently damage the fabric.

Try removing the stain with dishwashing detergent. Apply it on the wax stain and wait for it to dry. After that, feel free to wash delicate clothes in warm soapy water. If the trace of wax could not be eliminated the first time, repeat the described steps again.

Fabrics with unstable dyes

It is also possible to remove wax from clothes in this case. If the paint on the material is not too resistant, overdoing it, there is a risk of spoiling the thing. There is a great option - freeze it - half an hour in the freezer will be enough. After that, you need to crumble the frozen wax, sprinkle the problem area with talcum powder and cover with a napkin. Place the item under the press and wait 3 hours. After that, take a brush and clean the clothes, and then wash them in warm soapy water.

Additional Methods

How to get wax out of clothes? You could try different options, but if all else fails, there are still a few methods left. For example, use hot water. This is one of the varieties of thermal exposure.

Heat water in a kettle, then ask for help from someone close to you. Together it will be easier to stretch the soiled fabric over the bath. If no one is around, try pulling your clothes over the pot. Now pour heated water over the paraffin from the kettle until it completely disappears. At the end, rub the problem area with a napkin and wash the item.

And here is another way to remove wax from jeans or things made from other materials. will help you ordinary chalk. Clean off the paraffin, then sprinkle the stain with chalk and cover with a napkin. Hold under load for several hours and wash.

Removing stains from colored candles

Colored wax is very difficult to remove. You don't have to act right away. This wax contains dyes, and if they are heated, they will penetrate even deeper into the fabric. Therefore, it is worth remembering - the use of an iron in this case is prohibited.. You don't have to try to clean the stain either. Because of this, paraffin particles will penetrate even deeper into the tissue structure. Here is a detailed instruction that will answer how to wipe off the wax if the candle was colored:

  • As soon as a stain appears, you need to cool the thing. You can use an ice pack or any product from the freezer for this.
  • Wait until the stain is completely dry.
  • Try kneading the thing by hand, and shake off the wax that has fallen. Scrape off the rest with the blunt side of the knife blade.
  • After that, most likely, you will see a greasy stain on your clothes. Use a regular store-bought stain remover. Rinse the problem area with water and soak in the selected product.
  • Now is the time to wash your clothes in the washing machine.

If you managed to eliminate the wax, the fat too, but there is a colored stain left on the fabric, most likely, nothing can be done. You can show your imagination and try to decorate a problematic place.

How to clean up leftovers

How to clean wax from clothes became clear. But how to get rid of greasy stains that invariably remain after contact with paraffin? The following tools will help: turpentine, kerosene, thinner, ammonia, dishwashing detergent, acetone, detergents of synthetic origin. You just need to treat the problem area with one of the listed remedies and let it dry. After that, feel free to wash the thing.

If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid of damaging the fabric, you cannot decide on the most successful method, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. They will tell you how to wash the wax. Professionals will accurately determine the type and degree of soiling and will be able to return your clothes to their original appearance. Most of these institutions give a guarantee for their work, and in case of failure they will compensate for the damaged item.

Usually the question of how to wash off the wax arises during various events. That is, in situations where it is not possible to immediately correctly process the material. The main thing - do not fuss, do not be nervous, do not try to wipe the paraffin from the fabric with your hands. Firstly, it is fraught with the fact that there is a risk of getting burned, and secondly, the stain will become even larger. If you notice that the wax has got on your clothes, just blot it with a tissue and finish the rest when you get home.

Putting a wax stain is not at all difficult, especially since it usually happens at the most unexpected moment during a romantic date or a large-scale holiday using lit candles. Initially, it seems that a small speck on the clothes is completely invisible. After some time, a greasy trail forms, as a result of which you have to put off your favorite dress “to go out” in the far corner of the closet. Although, it would be better if such stains were disposed of instantly, especially since this is also possible at home.

Can it be washed off?

Getting rid of pollution is not so difficult if you know how to do it. There are several simple methods that will help to remove an unpleasant noticeable mark on clothes:

  • Hot removal. It is made with an iron and several paper napkins.
  • Cold removal. Great for delicate items which you just need to place in a plastic bag and put in the freezer so that the wax can be easily removed from the surface.
  • Removal with solvent or acetone. A cotton swab dipped in one of these liquids will come in handy, which must be applied to the stain for 10 minutes, then the thing should be washed at a temperature of 60 degrees in a washing machine.
  • Removal with dishwashing liquid. There is nothing complicated in this method, and it is suitable for natural fabrics. It is necessary to soak the problem area in the dish detergent and leave it to stand for 12 hours, after this action you can start washing.
  • Relief with steam. The soiled thing can be held over hot air, and after that, wipe the place where the stain was with a special brush.
  • Removal with ammonia. It is necessary to dilute half a teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water and drop this consistency onto the stain. It should be wiped with a sponge.
  • Removal of fresh hardened wax with a knife, which is to scrape it off clothes.

In any case, after removing the traces, it is necessary to resort to the help of a machine that will fix the work done. But what if the resulting stain is too ingrained? You should use household chemicals, washing powder or stain remover.


Walking around in clothes that clearly show pollution is completely uncomfortable, and not decent. Anyone who has managed to get dirty will try to get rid of the unpleasant stain as quickly as possible. What to use in this case will be prompted in the store of household chemicals. Dry cleaners understand this issue even better, but still I don’t want to spend money on, it would seem, such a trifle.

You can hold the suede over the warm steam for a few minutes to wait for the wax to melt and begin to come off. After that, you need to take cotton napkins and moisten the soiled fabric with them. The main thing is not to try to rub the stain, which can be absorbed even deeper. After this procedure, you need to wash clothes.


As you know, wax melts at a certain temperature, so you can heat the iron at home to a temperature of 60 degrees, put a paper napkin on the damaged place, and cover the fabric with a light nose on top. With a heated iron, you need to run over the greasy stain several times until it completely transfers to a paper napkin. It will need to be replaced periodically.

Be sure to wash clothes in heated warm water, using indispensable laundry soap, or you can be a little lazy and use the machine.

cold method

Without a doubt, the wax is easiest to remove when it has completely set, but has not yet had time to soak the item through. Contaminated clothes should be placed in a plastic bag, closed tightly so that there is minimal air access, and put in the freezer. Dimensional things that do not fit in a stationary freezer, you can simply try to overlay bags with ice, in particular the place where the drop from the candle remained.

Frozen paraffin crumbles well at low temperatures. Even difficult stains after that will be easy to remove after the next wash. The cold method is ideal for this. It can be applied to both delicate fabrics and such material as drape.

Any contamination on our clothes is considered undesirable, apparently due to the fact that not so often in our wardrobe there are things that can be easily thrown away. If all means have already been tried to remove the paraffin trace, and it remains as a result of the use of solvents or more sophisticated chemistry, then it is necessary to immediately begin to remove it. There is very little left, so housewives should not give up prematurely.

It is better to wash any fabric by hand with laundry soap, and you should read the instructions for additional stain removers, because they are not suitable for every material and, as a result of improper use, they can even eat a hole in your favorite dress. Residual stains can also be removed in the washing machine, especially when there is a delicate wash mode.

How to clean denim clothes?

At present, perhaps, there is no person who would not have a pair of jeans in reserve. Denim has become so popular that it is used for sewing all kinds of things for adults and children, in addition, it can be not only clothes, but also haberdashery, shoes, and interior items. As a rule, traces of wax appear only on clothes, so the question of their removal is the most relevant.

Denim garments that do not contain stretch will usually withstand any wash. Therefore, as soon as the stain has become noticeable, you need to soak the item in heated water for half an hour, and then wash it by hand. Of course, you can set the mode in the washing machine, in which the temperature of the water in the tank will be kept within 50-60 degrees. .

With hand washing, it is much easier to determine if the stains are gone. The water in which the thing will be covered will be covered with greasy stains, which should indicate that the pollution has been done away with. Jeans can be removed from the water and inspected, if necessary, they can be re-immersed in foamy warm water. After this procedure, clothes should be rinsed in cold water.

Important! Colored spots are not hot removed because the dye can completely color the fabric by using a hot iron.

If you can’t get rid of the problem, then you can visit a household chemicals store and consult with sellers. Only completely desperate, you should go to the dry cleaners.

How to clean delicate fabrics?

It is generally accepted that a standard set of tools will help remove unwanted contamination from the fabric after cold or hot cleaning:

  • petrol;
  • White Spirit;
  • kerosene;
  • solvent;
  • acetone;
  • kerosene.

Everything seems to be true, but is it really possible to use these substances for all types of tissues? Delicate fabrics will not withstand this method. It is better to listen to the following tips:

  1. it is better to get rid of dirt on a suede thing when steaming, which will melt it, and the wax will begin to come off by itself;
  2. it is better to soak silk and wool in water, having previously dripped dishwashing detergent there, and leave it to stand for 10-12 hours in this soapy foam;
  3. for capricious fabrics, temperature cleaning is most suitable, since instant washing will not help here;
  4. soiled clothes can be placed in a tight bag and put in the freezer, then the wax only needs to be shaken off, as during washing;
  5. the cold method will help to remove paraffin from the skin, in which the material only needs to be carefully folded in the place where the drop was placed;
  6. lace things can be removed from paraffin with a solution that is made from a liter of water and ammonia, in the amount of half a teaspoon. This mixture is applied to the stain, after which the clothes must be rinsed in warm, and then in running cold water.
