What rag is better to wash the glass. Wash windows without streaks

Learning how to clean glass without streaks is an easy task. To do this, "Mom's Cribs" studied the opinions of experienced housewives on the forums and videos on youtube.com, in which experts share their experience, how to clean glass without streaks. We hope that the listed professional and folk tips will help you in this matter 😉

1. Weather conditions

  • Experts recommend washing windows at positive temperatures in cool and calm weather.
  • It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the product will dry too quickly, and indelible iridescent stains will appear on the glass.
  • Cleaning is best in the early morning or late afternoon.
  • Most often, windows are washed before winter (somewhere in the middle of autumn) and in spring.

2. Professional approach

Glass cleaning specialists http://jadevine.ru/mojka-stekol.html use professional equipment: a holder with a fur coat (for applying the product and cleaning)

and a water squeegee (to remove soap suds)

If you have to wash glass often and over large areas, we advise you to purchase these devices once to make your task easier. Professional washers use them to wash streak-free glass literally in 5 minutes:

  1. A fur coat (special sponge) is put on the holder.
  2. First, the glass is processed with a holder around the perimeter of the window, and then with vertical movements from top to bottom.
  3. At the next stage, instead of a dry cloth, professionals use a special screed (squeegee for water). Soap foam along with dirt is “pulled together” by such a scraper. The principle is similar to the work of wipers on a car. Foam, dirt and moisture are driven away, it remains to wipe with a dry cotton cloth.

All this is inexpensive and is sold in a hardware store.

Special tools will help to achieve a mirror shine: "Mr. Muscle" based on alcohol, "Help", "Wedge", "Amway".

3. Folk remedies

The listed funds are good, but if you wish, you can use old grandmother's recipes, especially since they are no less effective:

  • Ammonia is the most popular folk remedy for washing glasses. It is added to water 1:10.
  • In second place in popularity is vinegar: diluted with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar to 1 liter of water to shine dull windows.
  • Tooth powder was used earlier not only as a means of brushing teeth, but also for washing glasses: 3 tbsp. spoons must be dissolved in 1 glass of water. We apply such a dental solution to the glass, and when it dries, we wipe it with an old newspaper. Printing ink contains lead, which polishes glass to a mirror finish without divorce. It is worth wiping in a vertical, then in a horizontal direction.

Soft cloths, which include microfiber, sponges, rubber scrapers, are ideal for washing glasses. It is not recommended to use abrasive sponges that scratch washcloths.

The composition of special window cleaners often contains alcohol, fragrances and citric acid. As you can see, the components are simple and time-tested. And if you want to save money, then why not use folk remedies instead of household chemicals, because the composition is almost identical.

If you use soap, it is important to ensure that it does not remain on the glass, otherwise terrible stains will appear.

After washing windows with cleaning solution, soak a cloth or sponge in clean water, wring out and wipe again. And only after that wipe the glass dry.

Try to always wipe from the top corner to the bottom. This will help prevent the occurrence streaks on glass.


The mood of the whole house depends on the cleanliness of the windows, because they let in more light, creating a cozy atmosphere. Traditionally, window cleaning should take place every three months, but some prefer to wipe more often, while trying to avoid the appearance of streaks. You can do it right using simple methods.

The main cause of window pollution is various atmospheric phenomena. It is dust and rain that leave a coating on them that spoils their appearance. On the inside, window panes usually get dirty no less, covered with all sorts of stains left during the care of indoor plants, and simply from dirty hands.

The cause of window pollution can be adhering dust

Preparing windows for cleaning

Before you start washing windows, you need to take care of their preliminary preparation, including:

  1. Freeing the window sill from objects (vases, flower pots, household appliances, children's toys).
  2. Comfortable arrangement of tools within reach necessary for work.
  3. Preparation of separate equipment for washing the outer part of the windows, which is characterized by a large amount of dirt.
  4. When carrying out general cleaning, it is also recommended to remove the curtains and tulle and wash them.

Window cleaning tools

For high-quality washing of window surfaces, one cannot do without a certain set of tools that can greatly facilitate the work. Key accessories include:

How to choose an effective detergent

Recipes for folk remedies for washing windows

Attention! When cleaning windows with wooden painted frames, do not use soda. It can cause the paint to fade.

Crushed chalk or tooth powder can also be used to clean windows.

  1. Fill a bucket with cold water and dissolve 200 g of crushed chalk or tooth powder in it.
  2. Process the composition of the window.
  3. Rinse them with clean water, wiping dry, then polish with a newspaper.

To prepare a soap solution, it is advisable to use laundry soap, but if it is not available, you can get by with ordinary soap.

  1. Take a suitable container and grate a soap bar on a coarse grater.
  2. Add warm water to the soap shavings, completely dissolving it.

You can also clean windows with steam cleaners. Many models are equipped with special nozzles designed for this purpose. It is important to place the device during operation at a distance of 30 cm from the glass surface, gradually bringing it closer to the window. The sudden overheating of the glass may crack.

You can also clean windows with washing vacuum cleaners. If there are tint films on the windows, this method cannot be used.

A steam cleaner can effectively remove dirt from windows

Overview of industrial detergents

You can quickly wash windows with industrial products, a wide range of which is presented on the windows of most supermarkets. Particularly popular among them are the compositions presented in the rating based on customer reviews.

  1. Frosch Glass Cleaner is a detergent composition based on biodegradable ampholytic surfactants. Effectively dissolves dirt of any complexity without leaving streaks. Can be used by people prone to allergic reactions.

    Frosch Glass Cleaner washes windows well and does not cause allergies

  2. Organic People Eco-spray is an environmentally friendly detergent composition. Leaves no residue, contains no dyes and has a pleasant aroma of citrus essential oil.

    Organic People Eco-spray - an effective composition suitable for cleaning windows

  3. Mr. Muscle is a universal detergent, which includes ammonia. Works great on normal stains. To enhance the cleaning effect during its application, it is recommended to use a microfiber cloth.

    Mister Muscle is a universal product for the care of glass and other surfaces.

  4. Fratty Cleaner 2 in 1 for cleaning glass and office equipment - an effective composition containing ammonia, completely safe for cleaning plastic windows.

    With this detergent composition, you can easily and simply clean the windows.

  5. Clin is a popular alcohol-based cleaning compound that can easily deal with any dirt that has appeared on glass surfaces. If necessary, liquid detergent can be turned into abundant foam, thanks to the specific structure of the sprayer.

    Clin will give your windows shine and cleanliness

  6. CIF is a glass cleaner containing benzene alcohol and anionic surfactants. After its use, the glass surfaces become dazzling.

    CIF easily removes any dirt from the window surface.

  7. IKeep detergent composition of domestic production, made on the basis of vegetable surfactants and citric acid. This substance does not leave streaks behind and is safe for plastic windows.

    IKeep can be used to clean windows and other surfaces

  8. HOUSE Faberlic for cleaning and washing glass and mirrors. The composition of this product contains isopropyl alcohol and the most common vegetable surfactants. Glasses treated with the product do not fog up.

    Universal detergent DOM Faberlic for cleaning and washing glass and mirrors will allow you to clean them to a shine

Features of the choice of means for washing plastic windows

  1. Solvents and gasoline should not be present in the composition of products intended for washing plastic windows. The best option would be cleaners made on the basis of alcohol.
  2. No less caution should be used with a solution of potassium permanganate. When working with it, try not to let the liquid come into contact with the plastic frames. They can be washed with soapy water.
  3. When cleaning plastic window frames and window sills, do not use abrasive powders. The microparticles included in their composition can scratch fragile surfaces.
  4. Use special kits designed for quality care of PVC windows. They contain not only detergents that do not contain alkaline compounds and acids, but also substances intended for the treatment of rubber seals, grease for fittings and glass wipes.

How to properly and effectively wash windows without streaks

The procedure for washing windows should begin with washing the frames.

  1. On the inside of the window, apply a cleaner to the frames.
  2. Wipe the frame with a cloth to remove any accumulated dirt.
  3. Rinse off the detergent with clean water.
  4. First, wipe the outer side of the frames with a rag, collecting dust and dirt, and then use detergents.

When washing glasses, the detergent can be applied in two ways - using a spray bottle (purchased products) or a sponge. For more economical consumption, it is recommended to apply to a foam rubber sponge and store cleaner using a push-pull system, which provides for the flow of liquid from the container without spraying it.

Window cleaning with detergent

The first stage of work is cleaning the windows with the selected tool.

  1. Apply it to the window surface.
  2. Swipe the glass cleaner or sponge from top to bottom, driving the detergent composition.
  3. Reapply the product to the surface and proceed to remove the remaining difficult contaminants.

Windshield wiper removes dirt

Removing detergent from the glass surface

Then the detergent should be removed from the glass.

  1. Take a dry rag and wipe the surface from top to bottom, making horizontal movements in one direction.
  2. When using the windshield wiper, wipe the tool with a dry cloth after each movement. Change your rags as often as possible without letting them get too wet.
  3. After removing the detergent from the window surfaces, wipe the window again with a dry cloth, paying special attention to the corners and the entire perimeter of the frames.
  4. If soap solutions were used when washing the glass, wash them off with clean water using the same method. If the detergent remains, then under the influence of sunlight, the glass becomes cloudy and attracts dirt even more.

Using this method, you can also wash plastic windows by choosing the right detergent composition.

After cleaning the window, wipe the glass with a dry and clean material.

Glass polishing

After completing the window washing procedure, it is necessary to polish the glass to give it a shine and shine of cleanliness. To do this, the surfaces are wiped with newspapers. Polishing should be done with circular intensive movements. After the procedure is completed, the windows will sparkle with impeccable cleanliness, without any streaks.

The glass polishing procedure will give the windows a shine

How to clean windows - video

The nuances of washing plastic windows

When cleaning plastic windows, fittings with drainage holes and rubber-based seals deserve special attention.

  1. To ensure the functionality of mechanical components, they must be lubricated with machine oil or a special agent.

    Special lubricant to take care of the functionality of window fittings

  2. In order to prevent drying of rubber seals, it is recommended to treat them with silicone grease.
  3. To clean the drainage systems, you can use special kits presented on store windows.

    With the help of a PVC window cleaning kit, you can carry out a comprehensive care of plastic windows.

    Points to consider when cleaning tinted windows

    Windows that have been tinted should not be washed immediately. This can be done no earlier than a week later, when a reliable adhesion is formed between the glass surface and the tinting material. Otherwise, stains and distortions may appear on the windows, greatly spoiling their appearance.

    Tinted windows need special care

    To care for such windows, you can use ordinary detergent compositions.

    1. Apply the product to the window surface.
    2. After 10 minutes, remove dirt with a soft sponge or cloth, in the same way as for ordinary windows. In this case, it is advisable not to use sponges with large pores. If clogged with dirt, they can also damage the tinted glass surface.
    3. After removing dirt with detergent, gently wipe the window with a clean cloth.

    When washing windows, follow the rules of safe work.

    1. Before you begin the process of cleaning windows, make sure that your tools are in good condition.
    2. For convenience, put on sports shoes, as slippers can fall off at the most inopportune moment.
    3. Do not fill the containers with too much water, otherwise it will spill when they are rearranged and you may accidentally slip.
    4. When working with cleaning agents, wear protective gloves and, if necessary, spray them with a mask.
    5. Follow the instructions when using industrial detergents.
    6. When using a stepladder, make sure it is stable on the surface.
    7. When washing windows, do not stand on the windowsill and radiators.
    8. To remove dirt in hard-to-reach places, use special tools.
    9. Never touch household appliances and wires with wet hands.

    The procedure for washing windows is not recommended on sunny days. This is due to the fact that the detergent compositions that appear on the surface of the glass dry quickly under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, after which the window becomes cloudy. It is best to choose a cloudy, but not rainy day for washing windows. In such conditions, you will have time to remove the detergent composition before it dries.

    How to wash balcony windows from the outside

    Certain difficulties also arise when washing balcony windows from the outside, due to the presence of hard-to-reach places. This is especially true for residents of high-rise buildings, for whom such work can be fraught with high danger. To achieve the desired result, in such cases it is recommended to use special mops with double-sided twin nozzles. One side of the device is equipped with a microfiber cloth, while the other side is a rubber or silicone scraper. Such products differ in configuration and for washing the outside of the balcony it is advisable to choose the option equipped with a telescopic handle. Its length can reach 1.3 m, which will allow you to easily reach any area of ​​​​the balcony window.

    A glass cleaner with a long handle is useful for washing balcony windows.

    How to clean windows with bars

    To clean windows equipped with grilles with high quality, you can use a convenient and practical magnetic brush. With its help, you will avoid unnecessary risks and easily cope with the removal of contaminants in the most inaccessible places. This product can also be used when washing balcony windows from the outside.

    Attention! When choosing a magnetic brush, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the double-glazed windows. Any model is suitable for working with single ones, but for double and triple magnet power should be as high as possible. Otherwise, one of the components of the brush will not be able to fix on the outer part of the glass.

    When washing windows equipped with bars, you can also use glass cleaners with telescopic handles.

    What is a magnetic brush - video

    How to wash the window sill, including plastic

    Window sills are washed with the same products that are used to clean glass and frames.

    1. Apply detergent to the surface of the window sill.
    2. After a few minutes, remove the product with a rag or sponge.
    3. Wipe down the window sill using clean water.
    4. Wipe with dry material.

    To wash the window sill, you can use products designed for washing windows and frames.

    However, when washing plastic window sills, it is not recommended to use abrasive cleaners that can scratch the fragile plastic surface. For this purpose, you can use chalk or tooth powder, as when washing plastic window frames, as well as baking soda with vinegar.

    1. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the surface of the windowsill.
    2. Soak a sponge in 9% vinegar and gently wipe the plastic surface with it. In this case, it is desirable to act quickly, since with a long contact of soda and plastic, white spots may form on it. When performing this work, protective gloves must be worn.

    For equally effective cleaning of plastic window sills, you can also use a melamine sponge, which does an excellent job. In addition, you can safely use industrial formulations designed to care for PVC windows.

    Industrial production products for the care of PVC window sills and frames - photo gallery

    Thanks to the Hans Festnerr set, your plastic windows will sparkle The Teplovin set will give plastic windows shine and preserve their functionality The Veka set is useful for cleaning plastic windows

    Sparkling clean glass is the visiting card of an experienced and skilled hostess, whose house is clean and comfortable. Using the tips in the article, you can always wash windows without leaving streaks. The use of special tools will greatly simplify the implementation of such work. Properly selected detergent composition will ensure thorough and safe care of windows made of various materials.

Cleaning windows without streaks is easier than you think. Ideal, transparent glass can be obtained even without the help of special alcohol-containing products. How to do this, we will tell in the article.

First you need to qualitatively wash off all the dirt from the glass. We heat water, pour it into a bowl and add powder or dishwashing detergent. And you can even use laundry soap, the main thing is the result. Armed with a sponge or rag and not forgetting to put on household gloves, we set off with soapy solutions to the window. We begin to thoroughly wash the glass from the side of the street until the dirty streaks disappear. The outer side is clean, proceed to the inside, not forgetting to change the water. You may have to run around and change the soap solution several times, depending on how dirty the windows are. In addition to glass, you need to thoroughly wash the frame and handles from the inside. The window is clean, now let's proceed to the destruction of stains. From time immemorial, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers rubbed all the glasses, including crystal, with a newspaper. Crumple up the old number and carefully rub the freshly washed window. It is desirable that the glass be slightly damp. When the newspaper gets wet, take a new one. A brilliant result is guaranteed.

Now the life of housewives is simplified by a waffle towel or microfiber. To avoid streaks at all, spray glass cleaner, such as Mister Muscle or Mister Proper, on a waffle towel. Wipe the windows thoroughly and look at the glass from different angles for streaks. Microfiber does not require the use of additional funds. Just start wiping the slightly damp glass with quick, light strokes. The result is a crystal clear window. Another plus of microfiber towels is that it can be washed repeatedly, while the quality does not deteriorate. And this towel perfectly rubs the windows of cars and mirrors.

Budget options for window cleaning include a solution of vinegar and water in a 1: 2 ratio. Rinse windows with vinegar water and then with clean water. Wipe with a dry cloth and forget about streaks. A tricky wash with raw potatoes is also suitable here. Cut the root vegetable in half and wipe the glass, then rinse the starch with clean water. The method is effective, but long. Special rubber scrapers, which are sold in household goods, greatly simplify the washing of glasses. After their application, divorce does not remain. The product can be replaced with an old car wiper.

Now let's talk about cleaning products. The range among such substances is huge, choose a less “promoted” company so as not to overpay extra money. Do not worry about the cleanliness of windows, because all glass cleaners contain ethyl alcohol or vinegar, and in addition a considerable amount of harmful chemicals. In addition, if the window is very dirty, you will have to wash it with soap, and then use chemistry to rub it. However, this tool will be indispensable for cleaning burnt, greasy raids and bird excrement.

And finally: wash the windows when there is no direct sun, so it is easier to see the stains. Choose the method of your choice and start cleaning. Good luck!

If you are saddened by windows that are splashed with rain and covered with dust and dirt - it's time for a general cleaning! How to wash windows so that the result is dazzling? Read our tips.

Classic window cleaning

First of all, we will tell you about the most popular way to properly wash windows at home. We advise you to wash plastic and wooden windows in cloudy weather, because. in sunny weather, the detergent dries quickly and there will be stains.

What resources and tools do we need?

  • Two containers (detergent solution and water)
  • If there is severe pollution, then the foam rubber and hard sponge
  • Microfiber or other soft, lint-free cloth.

My frame

The first step is to wash the frame. So we vacuum it from dust from dirt, then wipe it with a dry cloth. Next, wash the frame with a cloth with soapy water and wipe it again with a damp cloth.

My glass

First, wash the glass with a foam rubber tube, pre-moisten it in soapy water. In places where pollution is stronger, use a hard sponge. Next, rinse off the detergent with clean water.

We wipe the glass dry with a microfiber cloth - it perfectly absorbs moisture and will not leave streaks. If you want your window to shine, buff it with newspaper or toilet paper. This "old" method works 100%.

A more modern way to clean windows

Most housewives who have tried this method no longer know such a problem as "cleaning windows properly without streaks." After all, this process can be greatly simplified by a screed, shear or other scraper.

What do we do first?

Prepare a scraper, some 2 containers for water and soapy water, as well as foam rubber sponges and dry rags.

How to properly clean dirt?

  • Soak the sponge in the solution. Squeeze in such a way that water does not drain from it without effort.
  • Wipe glass. Try to wash the joints of the frame and glass well, dirt usually accumulates there.
  • We take a scraper and drive dirty water down the glass. Swipe horizontally across the glass without wiping it. If there are divorces, no problem.
  • If dirt still remains, wipe with soapy water again.

Wiping the glass clean

  • Wash the window with clean water. It is better to start the wiping process from the top on the wet glass. We make horizontal movements at an angle of about 20-30 degrees. Try to cover the washed area with each new pass so that there are no streaks left.
  • After each pass, it is also necessary to wipe / wash the scraper from dirt (preferably with a clean, dry cloth).
  • Now you can remove small drops of water and strips from the glass, if any. We do this with a dry cotton cloth.
  • It remains only to walk with a dry cloth around the perimeter of the frame, where water has collected. Ready!

Cleaning windows in hard to reach places

We will give you some tips on how to wash windows on the balcony. A window mop with a rubber nozzle and a soft nozzle is better suited here. A soft nozzle is needed to wash the windows with a solution, and we will remove the remaining water with a rubber nozzle (it must be rinsed in water without detergents after each “tightening”). Work with a mop from top to bottom, not reaching 5 cm from the base of the frame. The bottom of the window can be wiped with a dry cloth or scraper.

You can also use a stepladder if it is high enough, as you will need to reach the top of the loggia window. It can also be useful to you in an apartment if the window sills are too narrow and you can’t stand on them. Do not forget about safety rules: do not lean on the glass doors!

If you want to clean the windows from the outside at a high altitude, then the cleaning services will do it best.

How NOT to clean windows:

  • For glasses that are not heavily soiled, a simple chalk solution can be used. Dilute 2 tablespoons of crushed chalk in 1 liter of warm water.
  • Also, a couple of tablespoons of alcohol (medical or ammonia) can help corrode the old dirt. Add it to the window cleaning solution. Another option is to dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch in a liter of cold water.
  • Dishwashing detergent cleans up dirt well too.
  • If you bought special window cleaners with a spray, then spray them on the windows and wipe with a sponge to form a foam. Then wipe dry.
  • If the dirt is very difficult to remove, then try to scrape it off with a blade, but very carefully.
  • Has the glass become frosted? Wipe its surface with vinegar concentrate.
  • If you want to achieve a shiny glass, wash it with a solution of water and salt. Or wipe a clean window with a cloth dampened with linseed oil.
  • To prevent the glass from sweating, you can wipe it with a solution of glycerin and alcohol (ratio of 20 to 1).

Help against divorce:

  • alcohol-based products
  • special microfiber or microfiber cloths, scrapers, newspapers and toilet paper.

Video how to clean windows:

Wash windows more often - and then your mood will always be excellent, because it's so nice to look through a crystal clear window!

How do you clean your windows?

Clean window panes in the apartment are the pride of a zealous hostess. Knowing how to properly wash windows and what to use for this, you can turn this element of general cleaning into an easy task. Cleaning windows after repair will also become much easier if you know what to use for this. Such information is also useful in order to make it easier and better to clean mirrors, cabinet doors and interior doors with glass inserts.

Stock up on everything you need

To quickly and well wash the windows in the apartment, in the rooms and on the balcony, you need to prepare just a few things:

  • container with water;
  • several sponges;
  • microfiber cloths or a scraper with a rubberized nozzle;
  • washing solution.

For glasses, there are special products that do not leave streaks: Cif, Mister Muscle, Clin and others. Non-aggressive household chemicals without acids and strong alkali are suitable for the profile. The plastic window sill and profile must be washed with products that have “for plastic” written on the label - Pemolux, Sanelit, Cif.

A handy windshield wiper is a key factor in making windows easier to clean. A model with a long handle will allow you to wash windows of any height without a stepladder. This is especially true in an apartment with high ceilings and on the balcony, where the windows can be up to the ceiling. If you purchase a double-sided model - with a foam rubber sponge and a rubber squeegee (a plastic scraper with a rubberized lining), this will further simplify the washing process.

washing windows

The method of washing windows depends on the degree of their contamination. With a little dirt, this can be done quickly: just spray a detergent that does not leave streaks, and then wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth. The frame and window sill - plastic or wooden - just wipe with a clean, damp cloth. In other cases, you will have to spend a little more time.

How to wash windows without streaks in an apartment - step by step instructions.

  • Clear the window sill: remove flowerpots and other items.
  • Wash the frame with a cleaning solution, and then wipe it with a damp, clean sponge.
  • Spread the detergent on the glass with a sponge and wait a few minutes until the active ingredients break down the permanent bonds.
  • After that, wipe the surface with a damp, wet sponge or a foam wiper nozzle. Both the sponge and the nozzle should be washed periodically in clean water.
  • If a non-specialized glass cleaner was used as a detergent, then it is necessary to spray a solution with ammonia: 10 ml of ammonia per 200 ml of water.
  • Wipe dry with a cloth or rubber scraper.
  • Wipe the frame again - clean.
  • Wash the window sill in the same way as the frame.

To avoid streaks, you need to start washing from the bottom up. Another caveat - you can not allow the solution with detergent to dry on the window. Dried soap particles, rubbed with a dry cloth, form most of the stains. It is better to bleach a yellowed plastic window sill with a mixture of bleaching gel and hydrogen peroxide, but you should not rub it with abrasive sponges.

When using a window mop, the corners of the glass remain poorly rubbed. You need to wipe them manually, especially at the bottom, where all the water drains, with napkins or an ordinary cotton rag.

How to wash windows from the outside?

If the window sashes open inwards, then washing them is just as easy as the inside, but there is a situation when one of the sashes is deaf, that is, it does not open at all, or the sashes open outward. Especially often this situation occurs in an apartment on the balcony. Most often, windows open outward precisely on the balcony (to save space) and a blank profile is installed there - already in order to save money. In a private house, a stepladder can be a solution, but how to wash windows of this type from the outside in a high-rise apartment? Here, sponges and napkins are not suitable for washing, the only way out can be a telescopic wiper. It has a long handle that bends at the right angle and allows you to wash hard-to-reach places in blind windows.

Another feature of washing windows outside occurs in an apartment on the ground floor, where sand and other contaminants get into. If the sand has dried, then you need to wash it carefully: you need to remember that this is an abrasive that can scratch the surface of the glass. As a result, it becomes cloudy and transmits less light. Such dried particles must never be removed with hard brushes or abrasive sponges. In this case, it is better to wash with a washing vacuum cleaner. However, if it is not there, you just need to arm yourself with patience, moisten the dirt with a cleaning solution and wait 10–15 minutes until they “wet” (while re-moistening the glass from time to time). Then the window is washed in the usual way.

How to clean glass after repair?

Features of cleaning windows after repair are to pick up a substance that can dissolve paint, whitewash or wallpaper paste. There are also questions about how to wash windows in rooms and on the balcony, if they have masking tape, dried plaster or putty mortar on them.

Here is a list of what will help keep the windows spotlessly clean after the repair in the apartment.

  • Drying oil, vegetable oil, turpentine, R-5 or R-4 solvent will help to clean masking tape or adhesive traces from it. Solvent must not be used to clean the window sill and profile.
  • Ordinary adhesive tape is removed with isopropyl alcohol (can be used on a plastic frame) or with a special Sticker Remover.
  • Lime and chalk whitewash that has fallen on the window is washed off with Cif gel for shiny surfaces. The same tool can be used to clean the window sill.
  • Dried water-based acrylic paint (modern version of whitewashing) will be removed with white spirit or gasoline.
  • Acetone and "Solvent 646" will help wash the stains of enamel and nitro enamel.
  • Dried cement-based mortar left after repairs in the apartment can be removed with phosphoric acid or Atlas Szop. These substances must not be allowed to fall on the profile.
  • Wash "Macroflex" and "Solvent 646" will cope with the softening of the mounting foam that has fallen on the window. First you need to cut off the maximum possible layer, and then soften the residue with solvents and remove using a plastic spatula or scraper.

Grandma's ways

Previously, there were completely different ideas about how to properly wash windows. At that time, window mops, rubberized scrapers, and magical streak-removing agents did not exist. Everything had to be done with considerable effort and patience, it was impossible to quickly clean the windows. If you imagine how much effort our grandmothers spent to wash the glass in the entire apartment and on the balcony, then the modern arsenal is especially pleasing.

But there are situations when household chemicals and the necessary devices are not at hand, then the time comes to remember folk methods.

  • A mixture of any detergent, vinegar, and water will get the stains off the glass and frame. Ratio: 70 ml of vinegar and 0.5 tsp of washing powder per 500 ml of water.
  • Another mixture: 1 teaspoon of borax, ¼ teaspoon of soda, ¼ teaspoon of powder or grated laundry soap in 250 ml of hot water.
  • A weak saline solution was used to wash the windows, after which they wiped the glass with newspapers.
  • Ammonia (ammonia) from the arsenal of grandmothers moved into household chemicals. This is the most effective streak-free glass cleaner. It is diluted in a ratio of 10 ml to 200 ml of water.
  • A solution of water and glycerin was used to keep the glasses clean longer. It was especially important to apply it in hard-to-reach places - outside on the balcony and on the glass of blind windows.

What means to choose so that the windows in the apartment shine with cleanliness - household chemicals or folk methods - every housewife decides. The main thing is that the selected products correspond to the type of pollution and the window profile.