How to iron a long sleeve shirt. How to iron long sleeve shirts in different types of fabric

A neat appearance and clean clothes are a guarantee of success for any person. And a strict suit with a perfectly ironed shirt adds seriousness to a business image, showing everyone around them that they have a strong and purposeful personality in front of them! But how to iron a shirt quickly and easily, becoming a real master in this matter?

How to iron a shirt?

To keep the shirt for a long time beautiful view, each hostess must follow a certain algorithm for ironing things and storing them in a closet:

How to iron shirts correctly - choosing the optimal temperature on the iron

It is very important to choose the appropriate temperature regime

To prevent the shirt from spoiling during ironing, you must choose correct temperature For certain type fabrics. The following are recommendations for various kinds shirts:

  • Cotton shirt - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 150 ° using the wet steam function and with strong pressure of the iron on the item;
  • Cotton shirt with polyester content - recommended to be ironed at 110° with a little steam;
  • shirt from linen fabric- it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 210-230 ° using a large amount of steam and with a strong pressure of the electrical appliance on the item;
  • Shirt made of linen fabric with the addition of cotton - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 180 ° with the function big steam and with strong pressure of the electrical appliance on the thing;
  • Shirt made of "compressed" or "wrinkled" fabric - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 110 ° without using the steam function;
  • Shirt in viscose fabric - it is recommended to iron at 120°, you can use the steam function. The thing must be dried well so that ugly traces of water do not remain.

How to iron men's shirts

Good advice is half the battle

If a caring woman or a neat man wants to know how to iron men's shirts correctly and quickly, then they should use the following recommendations:

  1. A men's shirt should be ironed in the following order: collar, cuffs, sleeves, placket, shelf, back. IN this case the following algorithm should be observed: first, small parts and hard-to-reach areas of the fabric are ironed with an iron, and then large “area”.
  2. When ironing large parts on a shirt, the appliance needs to be moved only in the direction of the equity threads. It is forbidden for a long time leaving the iron on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric and applying too much pressure on it - this way you can irrevocably ruin the thing. Heed this advice so as not to "twist" or burn your clothes.
  3. All Additional information you can look at the temperature at which it is recommended to iron a men's shirt on the product label - this will save you a lot of questions and allow you to save for a long time quality look shirts. Besides, this thing You still need to wash it properly, following the instructions on the label.

Why is ironing shirts so simple and easy?

In fact, ironing a shirt is a simple and easy task, if you approach this matter with a soul. The parts of the shirt and detailed description how exactly they should be treated with an iron and a steamer:

How to iron a shirt collar

From frequent and improper ironing, the collar can quickly fray

A wet collar should be ironed from the wrong side: start from the corners and move gradually towards its middle. This sequence is then repeated with front side shirts. At the same time, you can’t “touch” the place of the fold and iron the rack at the shirt. Thus, the collar must be completely dry. It is considered perfectly ironed if there are no wrinkles left.

How to iron shirt cuffs

Cuffs are ironed from the inside

This information will help if the hostess is interested in how to iron men's shirt with long or short sleeve. The cuffs on the sleeves are ironed first from the inside, and then the sleeves are turned inside out and ironed again. When there is a double cuff on the shirt, it must be unfolded and gently ironed on both sides, then folded in half, given the desired width and ironed so that the buttonholes lie on top of each other.

Shirt sleeves - how to iron quickly and easily

Arrows on shirts - mauvais ton

The sleeve of the shirt is folded in half and the seam is smoothed, then it is turned inside out and ironed from the wrong side. Do the same with the second sleeve. After that, the sleeves of the shirt are joined together and ironed from the seam to the edge of the product so that there are no “creases” left. But if there are sleeves on the ironing board, the process is much faster. And in no case is it recommended to iron the “arrows” - this is bad manners.

How to iron the front of a shirt

It is very important not to damage the buttons - they can melt

The front of the shirt is always ironed from the right shelf. It is necessary to put the shirt with the right side on a special ironing device to iron the yoke and the top of the product. Then the rest of the shelf and the space between the buttons are ironed. Do the same with the left side of the shelf - this process is faster because there are no buttons on this side.

How to iron the back of a shirt

The back is the lightest

The back of the shirt should be placed on an ironing board and carefully ironed, moving the iron along the side: from the left seam to the right. The blouse itself is turned and ironed according to the following scheme:

"Side seam - seam of the right sleeve - turn - ironing the right side of the yoke - ironing the middle of the shirt - turn - ironing the left side of the yoke - seam of the left sleeve - side seam."

Compliance with this simple algorithm will allow you to easily and quickly iron any shirt without damaging its presentation.

How to store a shirt in the closet

A well-packed shirt takes up very little closet space.

A carefully ironed shirt must be hung on a hanger and after it has cooled from the iron, it is hung on other shirts. Can be done certain actions so that the thing retains its appearance for a long time.

Young boys and grown men, whose wardrobe is dominated by suits, often do not know how to iron a shirt. This, of course, is not a disaster, although many, so that they are not considered clumsy, are justified by the fact that this is not at all a man's business or with phrases like "you won't be able to see under a jacket."

But still, the representative of the stronger sex must not only perform men's work, but also be able to sew on a button or iron things for yourself, if necessary. In addition, the wrinkled shirt is clearly visible under the jacket, especially the collar. So don't be delusional.

But if husbands cope with this matter, then wives simply must know how to iron a shirt properly. And not only to know in theory, but in practice to do it without a single wrinkle. After all, it is important for every woman that the “second half” looks well-groomed and tidy.

Knowing roughly the ironing procedure, it’s hard to learn how to do it perfectly, training is needed here. Gain experience, but first, once again familiarize yourself with all the secrets and subtleties of how to properly iron men's shirts.

Secrets of perfect ironing

  1. Dry men's shirts Should be on a hanger and ironed while still a little damp. In this case, the ironing process will be easy and enjoyable. But if the fabric is still dry, before ironing, it is necessary to moisten it well using a spray bottle. To evenly moisturize the shirt, you can wrap the shirt in a towel and place it in plastic bag.
  2. The situation is different with silk shirts. They are best ironed dry, but through a damp cloth. Traditional gauze does not need to be used, it can leave prints. Rayon does not like splashing at all, otherwise you will not get stains.
  3. Not all women will put ironing on their list of favorite household chores. To make this process comfortable, the equipment must be appropriate: ironing board and an iron with a stainless sole and a temperature regulator. The ability to control the temperature regime will allow you to iron things from different materials.
  4. The iron needs to be cleaned and the water filters changed. And all this should be done regularly, and not from case to case. When steaming in an iron, it is better to fill not with ordinary tap water, but with distilled water. When using it, salt deposits will be minimized, which means that the likelihood of planting a stain during ironing will decrease.
  5. Shirts need to be ironed front side, with the exception of dark-colored and embroidered shirts. If the shirt is dark fabric iron on the front side, it will shine from the stripes left by the iron. There are times when you have to iron a shirt without turning it inside out, then you need to do this carefully, only lightly touching it with an iron. To avoid tarnishing from the inside, it is customary to iron shirts made of shiny fabrics.

Temperature regime is the main nuance

The type of fabric dictates the temperature regime. If you do not take this fact into account, you can burn and ruin your favorite thing.

So, cotton shirts require in personal care:

  • strong iron pressure;
  • wet steam;
  • 150 degree temperature.

If polyester is added to cotton, then such products can withstand a slightly reduced temperature regime - 110 degrees. And a lot of steam when ironing them is not required.

The mode set when ironing linen shirts resembles the care of cotton fabric: strong pressure and a lot of steam, but the temperature is an order of magnitude higher: 210-230 degrees. The same is true with a mixture of linen and cotton - set the temperature from 180 to 200 degrees, and go!

For shirts made of viscose, a temperature regime of only 120 degrees is suitable. And the use of steam is acceptable in the most minimal quantities.

It's all about technology

To iron a shirt well, you need to follow a certain sequence:

  1. collar;
  2. sleeves;
  3. cuffs;
  4. plank;
  5. shelf;
  6. back.

Iron first small parts, and only then move on to larger ones, and then the result will exceed all expectations.

When ironing, fabrics may warp or stretch. To avoid this, move the iron along the shared thread, do not keep it in one place for a long time.

How to iron a shirt collar?

The collar is a part of the shirt that needs a lot of attention to iron and give perfect shape. You need to iron it from the corners to the middle, and be sure to start from the inside out. On the front side, this is also necessary, and in an absolutely identical way.

It is absolutely impossible to bend the collar along the stand, as well as iron this fold. If the shirt is damp, the collar should be ironed until it dries.

You will have to tinker with soft button-down collars, there is no special technique here, you just need to add patience to all of the above. A lot of patience!

Let's move on to the rest of the parts.

Long sleeves start ironing from the cuffs. Just like the collar, they are first ironed from the inside out.

More fine technique double cuff ironing. It will turn out to iron it, following the sequence of actions:

  • expand cuff;
  • iron on both sides without folds;
  • fold;
  • give the desired width;
  • smooth down the fold.

We turn to the sleeves, they will also have to tinker with. The algorithm is simple, but time-consuming:

  • fold the sleeve in half;
  • smooth the seam in the middle;
  • flip the sleeve
  • iron on the other side;
  • fold the sleeve along the seam;
  • iron from the seam to the edge, leaving no folds.

For the convenience of ironing the sleeves, a special board was invented. If you have one, then just pull the sleeve over it and iron it in a circle.

The front of the shirt is also an area for smoothing. There are many subtleties in working with this part.

  1. decompose desired part shirts. The choice of side depends on the fabric.
  2. Smooth out the top and yoke.
  3. Iron the rest, not forgetting the gaps between the buttons.
  4. The right and left shelves are smoothed out the same way. The left one, as practice shows, is faster: there are no buttons on it.

It is necessary to iron the product, gradually moving from the right seam to the left. We turn the shirt and undertake to iron it in this order:

  1. side seam;
  2. along the seam of the sleeve;
  3. right side of the coquette;
  4. the middle of the product;
  5. left side of the coquette;
  6. along the seam of the left sleeve;
  7. down to the side seam.

A pile of crumpled shirts is not at all terrible if there is enough knowledge on the question of whether. Training will help bring this process to automatism. And the time for ironing one shirt will be significantly reduced. Be patient to master this essential skill.

A woman wants her man to look perfect, to be always clean and tidy. However, not only young housewives often have problems with how to properly iron men's shirts. However, with proper skill, this action will take no more than 5 minutes.

There are a few tips that will make the process much easier.

  1. Drying shirts is best on a coat hanger in a straightened form. Then folds, “wrinkles” do not form, the fabric does not wrinkle.
  2. Shirts are ironed damp. To do this, they can be moistened with a spray bottle or not allowed to dry completely. When using the first method, the shirt can be put in a plastic bag, this will achieve uniform moisture.
  3. How to iron a shirt if the fabric of the product is dyed dark color? It is necessary to iron the shirt from the inside out. Otherwise, the fabric will quickly fade or begin to shine. This rule applies to products made of shiny materials.
  4. For each type of fabric, you need to set its own ironing mode. If you overheat the iron, you can set fire or burn through the shirt. If the temperature is insufficient, then it will not be possible to get rid of “wrinkles”. And not all materials respond equally well to steam and moisture.
  5. Shirts are ironed according to the principle “from smallest to largest”, that is, first the smallest details (cuffs and collar), then sleeves, shelves, and finally the back. If you follow this order, then the already ironed parts will not wrinkle, and you will not need to redo the work many times to achieve the perfect result.

How to iron a shirt? First you need to prepare everything you need so as not to be distracted. What will be needed?

  1. An iron, preferably with a non-stick coating, a spray gun and a steam function.
  2. A large ironing board and a special small one for sleeves. You can, of course, without the latter. But its presence will greatly simplify the alignment of the sleeves, and also avoid the appearance of "arrows".
  3. Spray water. Running around the apartment with a hot iron is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous.
  4. Towel. It should be light or white (so as not to accidentally stain things), from natural materials, it is desirable to prepare cotton. It can be used as a backing board. You can also iron through it to avoid the appearance of water stains on clothes, loss of color. If there is no special small board, it is recommended to put a towel in the sleeve instead.

Each type of fabric has its own temperature and humidity level, which must be taken into account in order to get the best result. If the composition of the fabric is unknown, then you need to start with the minimum temperatures.

If it contains polyester, then the iron must be heated to 110 degrees. In addition, it is undesirable to iron artificial material with lots of steam. This setting should be set to the minimum.

Wrinkled shirts are also ironed at 110, but without steam at all, so that they do not level out.

Viscose withstands heat up to 120. Tolerant of steam treatment. But it is better not to wet it from the spray gun, as ugly water stains may remain.

How to iron a shirt made of natural fabrics? For cotton, a temperature of 150 and a large number of pair.

A shirt made of cotton with linen will be ironed at 170-180 with steam.

Linen is the toughest material. Its processing requires maximum temperatures (up to 210-230), a lot of steam. You will also have to make some efforts to straighten all the folds.

We should talk separately about how to properly iron men's silk shirts. First, they must be dry. It is undesirable to moisten them with water, because in this case stains will remain. Secondly, minimum temperatures are used for such shirts. Usually silk shirts iron well, so it is better to do without steam, otherwise the product may become shiny. By the way, for the same reason, ironing should be carried out from the wrong side.

So, everything is ready. You can get down to business. Below is a guide on how to properly iron a shirt. Photos will illustrate this process.

The smallest detail is ironed first, but which is always in sight. First from the wrong side. The iron moves from the edges to the center, which will avoid ironing out the creases in the corners. Then the shirt is turned over and everything repeats. Do not iron the collar along the fold, because it will get irregular shape and it will look terrible. This oversight is almost impossible to correct or disguise.

Next, you need to consider how to properly iron the sleeves of the shirt. You need to start with cuffs. They are ironed in the same way as a collar, having previously unbuttoned and straightened on the board so that “arrows” do not form. The double cuffs are first unrolled and ironed flat. Then they are folded and ironed along the fold.

Moving on to the most problematic part. Many are tormented by the question of how to properly iron a shirt with long sleeve. Definitely - without the "arrows". They are considered a sign bad taste. An exception can be made only when there is a clause about "arrows" on the shirt in the requirements for the uniform. In other cases, the sleeve must be perfectly even.

To prevent smoothed folds from appearing, the fabric must be straightened on the board. To do this, the sleeve folds in half. Focus on the seam. You need to iron it in the direction from the shoulder to the cuff. Close to the edge should not be approached, so that the "arrows" do not appear. When the sleeve is ironed on one side, it should be lifted and unfolded so that the seam is at the bottom in the middle. Now iron the rest. All operations are repeated with the second sleeve.

It is most convenient to use a special small board, but if it is not available, then you can also use a rolled up towel. By the way, this will help to avoid the appearance of "arrows", and the process will be significantly accelerated.

These are the front of the shirt. You need to start on the side where the buttons are. First you need to iron the areas around them. In no case should you iron over the buttons, because ugly marks remain. Then the iron moves from top to bottom, from the shoulder. The same procedure is repeated on the other side. The pocket is ironed in the opposite direction: from the bottom up. This will avoid wrinkles.

For those who do not know how to properly iron a shirt with cufflinks, we can say that all the tips are universal. The most important thing is not to iron over them, so as not to leave ugly marks.

At the end - the most voluminous, but at the same time the simplest part of the shirt. The shirt must be put on the board and leveled so that there are no “wrinkles”. Preferably so that one sleeve is next to the long edge of the board. The iron will move from top to bottom. First near the shoulders, then to the edge. When one half is ironed, you need to put the shirt so that now the other sleeve is near the edge of the board. If there is an unironed part in the middle, then it is ironed at the end. Usually this is a very small area.

The shirt is ready. However, before you hang it or put it on, you need to make sure once again that there are no unironed places left. If none were found, the work was done perfectly. If there are a couple of folds, then you need to iron them again. That's all, now there will be no problems with how to properly iron a long-sleeved shirt.

A shirt with a long sleeve is an integral part of a well-composed male and women's wardrobe. Together with classic suit a well-ironed shirt enhances the impression and enhances perception business image. In the international dress code for business, short sleeves are not allowed, especially for men. Therefore, it is so important to be aware of some generally accepted rules business style. Competent selection and a neatly pressed shirt or blouse are also part of this rule.

Before you start ironing a long sleeve shirt, you need to properly approach the washing and drying of the product. In addition to the fact that cotton fabrics from which shirts are made require softening when washed, it is important not to overdry the item. If the product was in the open and dry air, especially under the rays of the sun, the creases and places where the fabric is fastened with clothespins can be firmly fixed on it. Therefore, it is so important to start the ironing process as soon as the thing has lost moisture, but has not dried out.

The process of ironing clothes in the professional language of tailors is called wet-heat treatment. It consists of several stages. Knowing how to iron a shirt properly allows you to prepare perfect wardrobe business man and keep him in perfect condition. To obtain good result in the form of ironed things, it is necessary to consider each stage of the process, starting with preparation.

Secrets of perfect ironing

There are tricks to facilitate the care and ironing of dress shirts.

To dry, hang the product on a coat hanger or fasten it to clothespins by the yoke, directly under the collar.

  • Iron the edge of the side with overcast loops and the patch pocket from the wrong side of the product. Thus, one can use maximum temperature iron, without fear of burning the fabric or putting on shiny hair.
  • Iron the collar without the plastic corners fixing its edges, but insert them into place as soon as finished heat treatment collar. Thus, its shape is better preserved.

In the same way as above, you can both iron a shirt with a short sleeve, and women's blouse or a children's shirt made of textiles.

The procedure for arranging a men's shirt is not difficult for experienced housewives. But for those who are faced with the need to properly iron a long sleeve shirt for the first time, you just need to learn a few rules. There are several different ways this procedure, but ground rules are the same.

To iron a long sleeve shirt, you need to know a few simple rules.


The washed shirt should be dried on a coat hanger, so it retains its shape better. But don't overdry it. Using a spray bottle, make the fabric slightly damp before ironing. In order to find out the correct heating temperature of the iron, you should look at the information on the tag on the wrong side of the shirt. In its absence, you can set the regulator to a deuce. If the iron starts to slide poorly, then you need to lower the temperature. But it is better to set the correct temperature by determining the type of fabric:

  • Natural cotton -150 o C. Strong steam is used, it is necessary to make an effort when ironing.
  • Cotton with linen - need a higher temperature of 180-200 ° C, as well as more steam. Strong pressure of the iron on the fabric is required.
  • Cotton with polyester - 110 o C, light steam.
  • The wrinkled effect of the fabric requires a temperature of 110°C without the use of steam.
  • Viscose irons well at 120 degrees. Steam can be used, but do not wet the fabric to avoid water marks.
  • Pure linen should be ironed at very high temperature iron soles, 210-230 ° C. You also need to apply force by pressing on the iron.

Great if washing machine has a function such as "easy ironing". If this is not the case, then you need to wring out the shirt quite a bit, after which you should immediately hang it on your hanger. This technique facilitates the subsequent ironing process. It is necessary to pay attention to whether clean steam comes out of the iron. This is especially true for light fabrics. If necessary, pre-clean the iron. Then he will always be ready to iron even snow-white shirts.

To prevent the steam from leaving dirty stains on your shirt, the iron should be cleaned regularly.


To properly iron the collar, you need to turn the shirt inside out. The procedure begins with ironing the collar. Ironing is done from the wrong side, moving from the center to the corners. These steps must be repeated on the front side. Iron the corners as carefully as possible, removing all wrinkles. After all, it is this part of the shirt that is always in plain sight and attracts the eye.


Next, you can start ironing the sleeves. This is the most time-consuming part of the whole process for those who want to learn how to iron things correctly. But with experience comes skill. To facilitate the ironing process, you will need an ironing board with a special device for sleeves in the form of a narrow nozzle. However, you can do without it.

The sleeve should be placed along the board and the buttons on the cuff should be unbuttoned. It is always better to start ironing with such a detail as a cuff. It needs to be ironed on both sides. The cuff is double. In this case, the expanded cuff is ironed as usual. Then, folding so that the loops match, iron along the fold.

You need to try to ensure that arrows do not form. It doesn't look good on long sleeves. Only the presence of small arrows near the cuffs is permissible. The sleeve should be carefully correctly aligned and positioned on the edge of the board. Then start ironing from the seam line, from the center to the periphery, on both sides of the sleeve. But you do not need to bring the iron to the fold line. Now you need to unfold it so that the fold line is in the center. It remains to carefully walk the iron along the central part of the sleeve and get an excellent result. The same procedure is performed with the second sleeve.

However, arrows are acceptable if a jacket is constantly worn on top. In addition, in Europe and the United States, people wear men's shirts with arrows. To get an arrow on the sleeve, you need to lay it so that the arrow goes from shoulder seam to cuff. On the cuff, the arrow must be smoothed out.

There is one more original way iron the sleeves correctly and without special efforts. Terry towel you need to wrap a rolling pin or a bottle, you get a roller. This method will allow you to quickly and accurately iron long sleeves.

To get neat arrow sleeves must be folded from the shoulder to the cuff


Having worked on the most difficult part of the work, you can proceed to the easiest in comparison with the rest. The back is ironed quite easily, from the right side seam to the left. It is correct to start by ironing the seam, moving the iron from the bottom up. The main condition for good work when ironing a shirt is the absence of wrinkles on the seams between the shelves and the back. After that, on the unfolded shirt, it's time to stroke the yoke, followed by the central part of the back. Again, you need to unfold the shirt and iron the other part of the yoke, the middle of the back and successively another seam. It is not recommended to iron the labels. Most often they contain synthetics, which can slightly melt, harden and create discomfort for the skin of the neck.


Getting to the shelves, you should start with the one with buttons. The coquette is ironed and top part. Then you can continue ironing the rest of the front, paying attention also to the fabric between the buttons. You should be careful with the buttons themselves, as they can melt from contact with the iron. It is necessary to carefully iron the fabric around the pockets and the pockets themselves.

After perfect work, hang the shirt on a coat hanger so that the fabric can cool.

So, step by step, you can learn how to properly and effectively iron a long-sleeved shirt. This sequence is not a pattern. You need to iron in a way that is more convenient and faster. This process seems laborious only for the first time. One men's shirt can be ironed in just 5 minutes. With experience comes skill.