Jewelry, bijouterie and office dress code. What jewelry can be worn in the office: the image of a business woman

Galina Maslennikova is a celebrity stylist whose clients include a whole galaxy of brands with the biggest names: Jaguar, Kia, Oriflame, Faberlic, Avon, SOKOLOV, Cosmopolitan magazine, OK! Magazine. Among the personalities are Lena Letuchaya, Agniya Ditkovskite, Ekaterina Varnava, Vlad Sokolovsky. We asked Galina about how to dress properly for the office, so that you always look presentable and not violate any taboo of the dress code. And at the same time they picked perfect jewelry and accessories - for both men and women - so that any "clothes meeting" ends in mutually beneficial joint cooperation and, perhaps, a couple of compliments.

What does the concept of a leader's dress code mean today? Does it have strict limits and rules?

Galina Maslennikova: As you know, to a stranger A few seconds are enough to form the first impression of the interlocutor. If this interlocutor is the head of the company, then in addition to the first impression of the person himself, the impression of the whole company is created. Indeed, the appearance of the head of the company can tell a lot about the organization itself. Properly selected clothes of a leader can convey the ideas of stability, composure and success of his enterprise.

Nowadays, clear boundaries office dress code are blurred, many modern managers prefer a more relaxed style of clothing, which may not always play positive role in their positioning. General rules work dress code, which we will discuss below, remain and work for the benefit of the image of both an individual employee and the overall image of the company.

What gives the creation of the desired image to the leader from the point of view of psychology?

Galina Maslennikova: In informal suit it is difficult to enter the role of a collected and respected leader: rather, it encourages relaxed communication “on an equal footing”. While the frames of a business suit create a correct idea of ​​the personality of the leader, emphasize his significance and create the effect of persuasiveness and authority, and this, in turn, ensures the correct perception of the head of the company by employees, business partners and the public. If you follow the dress code, the rule works: learn to dress impeccably and your image will invariably work for you.

If you dig even deeper and figure out why the strict business clothes evokes certain associations, it is necessary to turn to the data of numerous studies of established archetypes. You must have met psychological tests, in which it was proposed to choose one you like geometric figure: circle, triangle or square. Data analysis led scientists to interesting conclusions.

Please tell us more.

Galina Maslennikova: For example, a triangle is associated with masculine, power, leadership, dominance. Circles are associated with the feminine, softness and thoughtfulness. Squares, in turn, are associated with a solid frame, the embodiment of reliability and stability. If we apply these data to business clothes, we get that the jacket with all its strict lines is a combination of triangular and square shapes, an expression of power and stability. This also applies to a tie, this accessory is a vivid symbol of masculinity. On the other hand, when it is necessary to emphasize a creative vein and creativity, rounded silhouettes, soft or thin fabrics, rounded cut lines, draperies.

Irreplaceable things in the wardrobe of a male leader and a female leader are...?

Galina Maslennikova: According to the rules of a business dress code, a male senior manager for official events, business negotiations and meetings on high level it is advisable to give preference to the most conservative suit of dark blue or dark gray with a single-breasted jacket, complemented by a white shirt and a solid dark tie, black or dark brown Oxford or derby shoes, ideally with leather sole. Even the socks of the head are presented special requirements: they must match in color with either the tone of the shoes or the tone of the trousers. shirts dark color, costume fabric checkered or striped is more in line with the business casual style, which is more appropriate for business trips, informal meetings and corporate informal events.

A female leader must first of all have a suit: a jacket with a classic skirt straight cut or trousers, again with a straight cut, or a dress complete with a jacket - the latter can be both double-breasted and single-breasted. Variants of a skirt with a blouse are acceptable, but in this case the skirt must be supplemented with a belt. For managers in highly conservative circles, structures of government and power, it is extremely important to accompany the image with thin matte stockings or tights.

Let's talk about the details. What accessories should you pay attention to, and which ones should you avoid?

Galina Maslennikova: Accessories in a business image are quite standard. Many people find this boring, but classic accessories you can correctly place accents in your image and emphasize a business mood. When choosing a watch, a business woman should take into account the build and proportions of the body - for short ladies of a fragile build, a small watch on a thin strap is best suited when wearing tall women miniature watches will look frivolous. They should pay attention to the average size dial and strap width. But on miniature employees such large watch will look heavy and bulky.

Basic business dress code rules for accessories:


  • it is allowed to wear no more than one ring on one hand;
  • earrings no more than 2.5 cm in diameter (no chandeliers and long swinging models, no matter how beautiful they may be);
  • large precious colored stones are unacceptable in the office in daytime;
  • it is allowed to wear one small pendant or string of pearls;
  • large bracelets that can make extra sounds, several rings on one hand, baubles, piercings and massive rings are prohibited.

For men:

  • be sure to monitor the length of the tie: it is not allowed that its end is significantly lower or higher than the belt buckle;
  • white or sports socks are strictly not allowed;
  • exotic leather shoes (python, crocodile, ostrich), suede shoes considered an element of informal style, so it is best to give preference classic shoes from smooth genuine leather;
  • rings and noticeable pectoral crosses and chains are also better not to be shown within the walls of the company.

Classic "set" of accessories successful man considered a tie clip, cufflinks and a watch. How is it modernized today?

Galina Maslennikova: main feature managers in Russia - an ineradicable commitment to the status and expensive accessories. Appearance in the business community characterizes a person as a person, emphasizes his belonging to a certain circle. Moreover, if earlier the main indicative accessory was a watch, now a serious leader, in addition to a status watch, stylish cufflinks and a tie clip, should also have a gadget of the most modern model.

What watch should a male leader choose?

Galina Maslennikova: Men should choose flat models so that they can be easily removed under the shirt cuff. Classical watches (round, rectangular, square, oval) are worn on a genuine leather strap or on a thin metal bracelet.

What rules in choosing jewelry should a business woman follow? (what to choose for the office, for a business meeting, for a presentation/cocktail?)

Galina Maslennikova: When choosing jewelry for the office and for a business meeting, you need to start from corporate dress code. If the company has very strict requirements for the appearance of employees, then the rule “the less the better” works. This literally means a minimum of jewelry at work: an engagement ring, small earrings, a pendant on a chain and a watch. But this does not mean that if the company is more liberal in terms of the appearance of employees, then you need to put on all the most beautiful and elegant in several rows. The fashion for massive necklaces and bracelets has passed, so choosing elegant minimalist jewelry, you will not only be in trend, but also comply with the requirements of business style.

What details of the image should not be saved under any circumstances?

Galina Maslennikova: First of all, you need to take care of yourself, take care of your appearance, because no earrings will save the absence of a neat hairstyle, but beautiful watch won't make the right impression fresh manicure. Undoubtedly, you do not need to save money in choosing these very watches, they will be with you for more than one season. Also, when choosing a chronometer, pay attention to whether alternative straps are offered for it, with them you can slightly change your accessory, and therefore the whole image as a whole. Also, special attention should be paid to business paraphernalia: bags, briefcases, document folders, business card holders, pens, cases for mobile devices - all these details can say a lot about your attitude to work.

Almost every woman is faced with the main question that confronts her every morning: what to wear? IN modern world women spend most of their personal time devoting it to work and building a career. If you have chosen the path of a business woman, then you should adhere to certain style in clothing and jewelry. Work dress code is an integral part of business culture. A woman in any of her manifestations should be on top. The image of a real business woman is filled with restraint, grace, lightness and conciseness. This does not mean that you need to stop being feminine, dress like a man in formal suits and completely forget about luxurious jewelry. Not at all! On the contrary, an exquisite business lady, skillfully emphasizing her taste in refined details, can arouse respect, interest and admiration.

Soften over time strict rules working tone in clothes. Behind those days when the offices were accepted black and white style without decorations. But at the same time, there are basic rules that a business woman should pay attention to. In the world of accessories, there is a great variety of jewelry, and the right selection of them can harmoniously complement and emphasize any image. We will talk about how to select jewelry in a business image in this article.

About the modern jewelry dress code business woman Irina Morgulis, director of business development at Newbreed, says:
"It all depends on which company and what exactly the company does. If it is a banking institution with a strict dress code, then jewelry is part of the dress code. This means that you cannot wear all the chains and bracelets. In many large companies , especially international ones, all the details of the dress code are clearly spelled out, both for women and for men.As a rule, employees are allowed to wear discreet watches on a non-flashy strap. good tone it is considered if it will be a classic non-massive watch."

Irina, as an expert in the field of business dress code, advises women with taste to have the following things in their jewelry box: pearls, earrings with small stones that can shine at the right time and emphasize the superiority of the hostess, rings that blend harmoniously with each other. Say no big stones and rhinestones. Jewelry should not stand out from the background of the owner, but only modestly emphasize his taste. Such things often tell others about the position in society and the status of their mistress, emphasize the level of culture in a person, talk about his taste.

Below are some tips to help you choose jewelry for a business lady:

  • Moderation. This important quality should be applied when drawing up the style of a business woman (in relation to jewelry). There is a “golden” rule: you should not wear more than three or four pieces of jewelry to a business meeting or work, and an engagement ring is one of them. Before leaving the house, take a look in the mirror, and if you find something superfluous in your accessories, don't hesitate, take it off. You can collect accessories in the following kits:

    * earrings, ring and chain;
    * earrings, brooch and ring;
    * earrings, ring and beads;
    * earrings, ring and bracelet.

  • Courage. Many fashion professionals advise to avoid jewelry that is extravagant and flamboyant. However, this does not mean that you should completely abandon them. For example, with the help of a large pendant, a woman can elegantly complement and transform her image, consisting of simple dress. In addition, such jewelry is now in vogue.

By harmoniously placing such a product in your wardrobe, you will not only look stylish, but also emphasize knowledge fashion trends. But be careful and do not forget that in such cases, other decorations should be abandoned. Otherwise, you will look rude and vulgar.

Choose calm, elegant and stylish jewelry. Let them be few, but with a twist. Discreet chic is always noticed in a business environment. Better wear one expensive ring than a few cheap, questionable ones. If you are a business woman, then your jewelry partners and clients will be able to determine the niche you occupy, “read” about your success in work and draw a conclusion whether it is worth doing business with you and signing big contracts.

In every serious and big company a provision is developed in which the style policy of the company is prescribed. This document discusses appearance employees, from shoes to manicure. This partly forms the overall image of the company. Only small businesses pay such close attention to the jewelry dress code. Externally, accessories can globally change the appearance of a person. Let's look at jewelry that can emphasize the business style of a woman.

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Earrings. This type of accessories can perfectly complement the business image. Earrings will emphasize the sparkle of the eyes, give a refreshing look and even visually correct the shape of the face. It is worth approaching the choice of earrings with care and caution and adhere to several rules. In a business style, it is appropriate to wear small earrings. Jewelery is oversized or too long, e.g. oriental style are completely unacceptable in the image of a business lady. If you prefer hanging earrings, then they should be no more than 2.5 centimeters and not go below the jaw. Too big accessories spoil the image of a business woman and can create a feeling of discomfort. Another reason to avoid wide and long earrings is that they can be too noisy when walking. This will distract from work and attract unnecessary glances from employees.

There are a lot of earrings on the market today. different forms and colours. There is also a place for decorations with a touch of infantilism: in the form of bunnies, bears, flowers, etc. Save these accessories for meeting friends or going to the movies. In a business style, infantilism is unacceptable.

Ring. Business style does not prohibit the wearing of rings, but limits their number. In addition to the wedding ring, it is permissible to wear another small ring. Rings and seals large sizes completely incompatible with the business image. Hands on which each finger is hung with rings look just as vulgar. Stylists do not recommend wearing rings with images of animals, skulls, etc. to the office. Give preference to rings with small stones. They gracefully and harmoniously decorate your hands.

If you spend most of your time at the office at the computer, then to cheer you up, buy yourself beautiful ring. But it is worth knowing that the massiveness in jewelry does not emphasize the business style, but adversely affects its content. Remember also that the rings are worn on the middle or ring fingers.

Chains and pendants. The neckline is nicely complemented by chains with pendants and necklaces. They are able to transform a strict business style and emphasize the dignity of a woman. But most importantly, don't overdo it. You should not put on a lot of different chains intertwined with each other. Give preference to one, but the original thing. Pendants should not be provocative. Discard massive chains with pendants. Pendants decorated with small stones will be appropriate in your image. If you romantic nature and love jewelry that identifies this high feeling, then you should be very careful in choosing jewelry. Heart pendants should not be worn at work. Also be selective about pendants that are of a religious nature, be it a cross or a crescent. Such jewelry is not worn for show, but hidden under clothing.

It is customary to choose a necklace or necklace in a business style that is very restrained, capable only of decorating the neckline with its outline. Say "no" to large and wide necklaces, they are out of place in a business style.

Bracelets. IN business dress code bracelets with elegant and delicate shapes are relevant. Several bracelets on the hand will look rather frivolous in the form of a business woman, and also interfere with their noise at work. A chain-shaped bracelet will gently fall off your wrist, and if it is decorated with stones, then it is better to choose it according to the shape of your hand - tight-fitting. In any case, try to avoid massiveness in business bracelets. Give preference to minimalism when considering a business image. Simplicity is the main rule of business style.

To your image, try to choose jewelry that will look harmonious and attractive and complement your image of a business woman.

A few tips to help you not get confused and make right choice:

  1. With clothes in the main colors of business style: black, red, white and burgundy, combine pure gold or gilded jewelry. And if the accessory is also complemented by precious or semi precious stones, then choose a color spectrum of warm shades: reds, burgundy, orange and yellow.
  2. If you prefer clothes of cool shades, then try to focus on silver when choosing jewelry. Among the incredible palette of stones, you should also choose the colors of cold shades: white, purple, blue, gray, green.
  3. If you are a dark-haired lady, then bright and rich tones will suit you. For example, earrings with emeralds, rubies or sapphires will look very beautiful.
  4. Ladies with blonde hair stones with a transparent and opaque texture are perfect light shades. Match the color of your eyes with jewelry, and it will elegantly complement your image. It can be topaz, zircon, turquoise, crystal, emeralds and other minerals.
  5. Women who prefer clothes of light texture should focus on jewelry with delicate openwork carvings. And if your wardrobe is dominated by dense textures of fabrics, choose discreet accessories, mainly with natural stones.
  6. It is better for ladies of Balzac age, as well as married ladies, to choose jewelry with precious stones: emeralds, diamonds, sapphires and rubies, but with the condition of their slight radiance in the jewelry. And for young girls, minerals are more suitable - amethyst, turquoise, pearls, rhinestone and other stones.

If your work involves cooperation with colleagues from other countries, then pearls should be treated with close attention, because in different countries it is interpreted in different ways. For example, in England it is a symbol of respectability and prestige, but in Spain it is an element of mourning (especially black pearls).

Knowing the basics of business style is very valuable. Jewelry in it plays an important role and is able to emphasize the professionalism of a business woman. Any woman should look decent in any situation, regardless of her desires and preferences. Properly and harmoniously selected jewelry in the image of a business lady contributes to the advancement of her career, since professional charm is an important part of success. In addition, business decorations enhance mood, inspire bold and creative ideas which is very important at work.

The image of a business woman implies impeccable taste and the ability to look both restrained and sophisticated at the same time. Of course, this does not mean that you should forget about femininity, put on a baggy suit and forbid yourself any jewelry. After all, a woman in any situation remains a woman, even being a business woman, she wants to be beautiful. And jewelry is designed to emphasize femininity and beauty. Another thing is that not every decoration should be worn in the office, you need to be able to choose those that will match the office dress code.

Jewelry or bijouterie

There is a rule: the higher the position of a business woman, the more expensive her jewelry should be. The only exception can be expensive exclusive jewelry. It is the decorations from precious metals indicate the status of their owner. Gold, being the most expensive and elegant metal, is in high demand. But silver is not inferior to him. And many business women opt for silver, because silver products are both modern and elegant, and appropriate in any situation. Jewelry, chosen by you in the online store 925 will decorate not only office suit, but also Evening Dress. And if gold stylists recommend that women wear more middle age, then silver is suitable for all ages, even very young girls.

What and how much

Regarding the number of decorations, there is also a rule: there should be no more than three. It can be a pendant and a pair of earrings, or an engagement ring and earrings. Moreover, if you select jewelry for business suit, their size should be small. And it is absolutely unacceptable to wear gold and silver jewelry simultaneously.

How to choose

It is believed that white and black suits are worn with gold jewelry. Also, gold goes well with clothes of warm colors. The same rule applies to the choice of stones. But clothes of cold shades are in harmony with silver and cold-colored stones. In addition, when choosing, you should take into account your color type: to warm shade gold is ideal for skin, and silver is ideal for cold. When choosing stones, emphasize the color of the eyes: dark, saturated shades of stones will emphasize the beauty of a dark-eyed face, light-eyed blondes, on the contrary, will suit transparent and translucent light stones.

The volume of the product that you wear should also be chosen depending on the fabric of the suit: for thin, flying fabrics, select small, delicate jewelry, thin and graceful. To more dense tissues it is permissible to wear more massive and voluminous jewelry.

Photo:, specially for women's magazine ladyboss

About "Golden Fortune" - the largest jewelry network Saratov - legends circulate around the city. Either white gloves are put into the uniform of sellers, or they are handed out in stores Balloons and oranges, otherwise they arrange Christmas trees for children. Even more amazement is caused by the owners of the store, who, contrary to popular belief about non-existent female friendship, have been friends for 12 years and have been running a joint successful business without any inclinations to break up and find out “who is in charge here”. How Veronika Evgenievna Yeruslanova and Natalia Igorevna Stepanova manage to create their own luck will be discussed in this article.

Whatever you call a boat, that's how it will float.

The creators of the "Golden Fortune" - Natalia Stepanova and Veronika Yeruslanova - are sure that their happy fate brought them together not by chance. The two have a lot in common creative women who decided to organize a business in Saratov. The same age, both in the past doctors and owners of the same maiden name Natalia and Veronika became, with characteristic of both positive attitude to create beauty around you. We immediately divided the responsibilities and agreed to work on the principles of complete trust and mutual assistance. They consider the human factor to be the most important in business. Despite the mass of stereotypes regarding the insolvency female friendship and examples of broken unions due to the fact that one of the partners at a certain moment “stands in the pose” of the owner, Natalia and Veronika have been successfully working as a couple for more than ten years.

The path to their "Golden Fortune" for the hostesses was not smooth. By trial and error, having gone through all the steps in the organization of jewelry sales from the seller to the head, Veronika and Natalia came to the conclusion that it was time to create given name. This is how the wheel of fate appeared in the logo, and small sections in department stores scattered around Saratov turned into several Golden Fortune stores. “We had good developments and ideas that we wanted to show,” says Natalia Stepanova. “And we decided not to scatter into many small departments throughout the city, which are difficult to control, but to grow larger and create really solid, beautiful and convenient stores.”

Armed with knowledge of Feng Shui and their own vision of the “ideal” store, Veronika and Natalia set about creating the store. "Golden Fortune" was rebuilt along the cardinal points, which determined the further zoning of the premises. “We relied on energy,” says Veronika Yeruslanova, “and it worked. We know where it is better to place icons, and where silver plate". In addition, the breakdown of the hall into zones allows you to make frequent "transfer" of goods from one department to another. In general, the store owners pay special attention to everything related to creating a pleasant atmosphere. Orange tones in the interior emotionally warm even frozen customers, who intuitively begin to untie scarves and unbutton jackets at the sight of an orange tree in the store.

Jewelry dress code

No matter how excellent the quality characteristics of the jewelry, if the seller is unfriendly, the products will not leave jewelry showcase. The staff at Golden Fortuna is strictly monitored, because the image of a sales company is, first of all, corporate culture and service culture. And the image of the seller is largely formed by the very name of the company, which the creators of the store care about so much.

The official black-and-white version in the clothes of the sellers was immediately abandoned. Focusing on the colors in the Golden Fortune logo, Tatyana Page, a fashion designer from Saratov, developed a uniform for the store staff. So the girls were dressed in beige and burgundy, and they avoided exactly the same “incubator” options with the help of different shades the same color. Beige blouses and turtlenecks leaving in scale closer to peach or pink shades give the opportunity to choose for the girl the color that most favorably emphasizes the face. Such a purely feminine understanding of the influence of clothes on mood helped the creators of the store to make a uniform that they wear with pleasure.

There are two variants of the form: winter and summer. In the summer version of the clothes, an open neck is required so that you can attach a necklace, and short sleeves to display bracelets. IN winter version forms of light blouses were replaced by turtlenecks, thus retaining all the necessary requirements for demonstrating jewelry. The highlight of the uniform was white gloves, the rumor about which was spread by word of mouth throughout Saratov. The innovation was not accepted by everyone and not immediately, but now it is impossible to imagine an employee of the "Golden Fortune" without this accessory.

Share your smile

But they only meet by clothes, only the attention, courtesy and personal charm of the seller will help further. “My deep life conviction is that a person must give as much as possible, share everything that is in his head and heart,” says Veronika. “I tell our girls about this all the time. In no case should any neglect of customers, laziness and inattention be allowed. It is necessary to show, give to hold and try on what is. Even if the client is not able to afford this or that product. After all, this is a huge impulse for the client and a joy for the seller to let a person feel on a level higher than he feels or is.

To liberate a person in whom the stereotype “do not touch” from the Soviet past sits, to tell as much as possible, to create a mood - this is the main task of the “Golden Fortune” seller. Metal and stones shine more only if the shine is backed up by people's smiles. That is why the store pays great attention gifts and related products - notebooks, pens, branded boxes, scented handkerchiefs - a mandatory addition to the purchase itself. And the promotions, when oranges and balloons are presented as a gift, cause a special delight among the Saratov residents. Newlyweds are a special group of buyers, so when buying wedding rings they always receive a gift "for good luck" - a golden heart or a horseshoe. First, this practice was introduced in one store located in a “sleeping” area not far from the registry office, and then in two others.

"Golden Fortune" provides its employees with a social package, wage increases are practiced for working out years. An employee who receives the title of “salesperson of the year” gets the opportunity to relax with his family at the expense of the company. And on New Year's Eve, all employees receive valuable gifts, including those for their children.

Looking for a person

Over the years of work in the field of jewelry sales, the management of the "Golden Fortune" has formed certain requirements to staff and methods when at work people to work. Part of the "Golden Fortune" can be:

The person is not one of his own. Hire your own bad practice count in "Fortune" the best employees are obtained from those whom you take from outside, train, educate and help in work.

· Family young people from 23 to 45 years. Married or married employees take work more seriously, they have someone to work for, and there is a desire to grow. The age limit is not hard, but they try not to take very young girls to work - there is a high risk of an early formation of a "party" in the workplace.

A person with higher education, especially pedagogical. As practice shows, it is teachers who are best able to communicate with people, quickly find an approach to any client.

A non-smoking person. The constant exits of employees from the hall for a smoke break become a problem with which the company's management is struggling with the methods of carrot and stick.

All these requirements are more desirable than mandatory - everything depends primarily on the person - they do not tire of repeating in the company's management. Therefore, when hiring, applicants undergo psychological testing for suitability for the profession and compatibility with the staff. “A psychologist helps a lot not only when deciding whether to hire or not to hire,” says Natalia, “psychological testing helps to understand exactly where it is better to take a particular person. I strongly advise all my colleagues to use the services of a psychologist - it works flawlessly.” The fact is that the "Golden Fortune" has small shops located in major shopping malls. In such stores there is only one seller and security. This is where psychological research comes in handy, because someone will do a better job, feeling like a hostess, and someone needs the support of the team and a “sense of elbow”.

golden childhood

"Zolotaya Fortuna" is the first and only company in Saratov and one of the first companies in Russia to organize a children's jewelry salon. Children in jewelry business- a special category, rare and complex. Not all factories are ready to produce jewelry for children, because because of their lightness, they are very expensive for manufacturers. Plus, the peculiarities of our mentality, when little girls wear grandmother's earrings with heavy stones and inconvenient for baby ear models. “I have a daughter,” says Veronica, “and I didn’t want heavy earrings to pull her ears off. I've always wondered why we have children's fashion but no children's jewelry. Therefore, we have created a store where everything is done to make our children feel comfortable.”

Yes, in Children's world Saratov has a special department of "Golden Fortune" designed specifically for children. Furniture and showcases of the store are lower than usual, gift sets consist of colored pencils, felt-tip pens, albums and other favorite children's entertainment, and the main buyer of the store is a child. The psychology of children's sales involves communicating with a child at his level, so all salespeople undergo special training.

The main hero of the children's salon is the little visitor, even if he came with his mother. The seller gets acquainted with the child, asks about what he likes, what cartoons he watches, what books he reads, what characters he draws. Thus, the child becomes an active participant in the buying process, he chooses what he likes. The first reaction of mothers to such an appeal is shock, then delight at how independent and talented her child turns out to be. And then the mother understands that her child will make her own choice, leaves the child in the care of the sellers and goes to consider jewelry for herself.

The assortment of the children's store is divided into age groups. Here you can find a silver spoon or a rattle for a newborn, which will be inherited. You can look at decorations with the heroes of your favorite Soviet or Disney cartoons for preschool and younger children school age. And you can find a gift for a young lady who has just stopped marrying a doll and began to stare at the neighbor's boys. So everything is “in an adult way”, only better, even discount cards in this salon are for children. They are issued in the name of the child, and his birthday and information about brothers and sisters are entered into the database. Holders of these cards receive invitations to Christmas trees and Special offers for a birthday. lovely business relationship and mutual understanding developed at the "Golden Fortune" with trading house"Sadko" - perhaps the only one of all Russian jewelry manufacturers paying the most serious attention to the children's assortment.


The creators of the Golden Fortune are not going to stop there. Now each member of the jewelry duo is developing additional business lines that will be tied to one brand. Veronika develops the interior direction, and Natalia is engaged in a beauty salon. TO discount card"Golden Fortune" also has a network of stores selling luxury clothing Versace, Trussardi and other world brands. In the near future, there are plans to open a luxury jewelry salon.

Veronika Yeruslanova: Capture the nature of the client, find individual approachthe main task jewelry seller. “If a person likes you, he will definitely return,” Veronika is convinced, “so it all depends on the quality of your own work and not from competitors. These cheerful women, passionate about their work, call on all readers of the magazine to share their experience, give beauty and look into the future with a smile.

I wish the readers of the magazine, my colleagues, the prosperity of their business, the strengthening of the jewelry industry. We should strive to create chains of stores that are convenient for customers, select the highest quality goods, meet and share experiences. Let's live interesting!

Natalia Stepanova: I would like to wish everyone in the new year not only to keep up with the times, but also to get ahead of it. I wish you new ideas, innovations in the jewelry trade, new business partners and, of course, good luck and success in all your endeavors. And may your dreams come true!!!

Our coordinates:

410600 Saratov, Kirov Avenue, 43, "Children's World"