What to wear with a blue dress - create a gentle look. Jewelry for a blue dress

This article will help you choose the decoration for the neckline of the dress. Learn the important nuances, and create a unique image!

Accessories are an important attribute of any image, especially women's. If you choose them incorrectly, you can spoil the impression of the dress, hairstyle and makeup. Therefore, the choice of a necklace, necklace or chain should be approached with special responsibility.

  • Many ladies do not know how to choose jewelry for the neckline of the dress, and making mistakes spoil their image.
  • Consider all the subtleties to be always on top
  • Emphasize your beauty and originality of the dress with the right accessories

How to choose the right jewelry for the neck under the neckline of the dress?

When choosing jewelry for the neckline of a dress, consider the combination of colors of clothing and metal in a necklace or chain. Cool-toned fabrics look great with silver or white gold accessories.

Remember: The stone in the decoration must be of the same color scheme. For example, if you are wearing a dark green dress, then decorate the look with a silver chain with a transparent stone.

If you don’t know how to choose the right jewelry for the neckline of the dress, look in the mirror at yourself from the side: are you wearing a dress with a bright pattern, sparkling stones or rhinestones? Give up jewelry altogether, sometimes the simplicity of the image helps to achieve a greater effect than the presence of massive earrings, necklaces or several chains worn at the same time.

Important: If the outfit looks rich, then you should not oversaturate the image with additional decorations.

Tip: If you still want to wear some kind of accessory, then let it be a watch or a bracelet with a ring on your hand.

Cutouts of the dress and decorations on the neck to them: the right combination, scheme

The picture below shows the scheme of combinations of the neckline of the dress and jewelry on the neck.

Cutouts and decorations to them - a successful symbiosis

Remember: The neckline of the dress is the “highlight” of the image. If you overload yourself with the wrong costume or jewelry, you will look like a Christmas tree, which is ugly.

So, cutouts and decorations for them - a combination of:

  • To V-Neck choose Y-shaped jewelry. The deeper the cut, the longer the chain should be. If you chose a necklace, then it should be of medium length in order to emphasize the neckline, and not spoil the impression of it.
  • Round neckline dresses do not allow long necklaces or chains. The product should be worn under the neck, just above the neckline. The shorter the length of the dress with such a neckline, the less massive the decoration should be.
  • Boat neck dress and open back look good with long chains of different thicknesses. If there is no cutout on the back, then limit yourself to a thin and short chain with a small pendant. It happens that the image suggests the presence of a jacket, then you can wear a long jewelry with stones to match one of the things: shoes, skirt
  • Square neckline dress should be emphasized with laconic jewelry with regular geometric shapes. You can wear round, rectangular or square necklaces. Let it occupy the space of the cutout, but do not cross its line

Remember: You need to give up any jewelry if the neckline of the dress is asymmetrical or has some kind of original shape. Put on massive earrings - this will be the right choice!

Decorations on the neck to the round neckline of the dress: combination rules, photo

Look at a visual selection of jewelry for the round neckline of the dress in the photos. This will make it easier for you to choose a piece of jewelry or costume jewelry if you are going to wear clothes with this type of neckline.

If there is a round neckline, then the decoration can be massive and hang below it.

Decoration to match the trim of the clothes, so it "does not argue" with the dress in this look.

Neat and thin chain to a leopard short dress with a round neck.

See how beautiful a small necklace looks under this dress with a lace top compared to long beads, even though they are made in tone.

Decorations for a round neckline of a dress - what suits?

Jewelry and decorations on the neck for a dress with a boat neckline: combination rules, photo

Boat neckline is liked by almost all women and girls. It perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the neck. A dress with such a neckline can be worn both by persons with a thin and long neck, and by women with a small and almost imperceptible line of this part of the body.

Which one can you choose jewelry for a dress with a boat neckline? Here are some options:

A neat decoration in the tone of an elegant black dress looks great.

The clear stones in this choker match perfectly with the color of this light, loose-fitting dress.

Instead of embellishment to the neckline of the dress, a laconic chain is chosen in this image. Other accessories are not needed - the emphasis is on jewelry in gold.

Costume jewelry for a dress with a boat neckline - chain in gold

Such a simple red dress is perfectly complemented by strings of beads in a contrasting color.

A satin and lace texture dress with a small boat neckline, looks beautiful with short beads in a contrasting color. To make the image concise and restrained, do not wear other accessories.

Neck decorations for a deep V-shaped, triangular neckline of a dress: combination rules, photos

A woman should be able to wear any clothes: dresses, suits, high heels and accessories. The right combination of a set of clothes with accessories - this is what every lady wants to achieve.

A triangular neckline is found on jackets and jackets. Dress with a deep V-neck can be worn for an evening out. choose embellishments for deep V-neck and V-neck of such a type:

Don't wear chains that wrap around your neck like a choker. They don't fit the neckline of the dress.

Multilayer chains and beads hanging deep into the neckline are excellent for this type of neckline.

A successful decoration in this outfit is massive and a bracelet. A necklace or chain would be superfluous and could spoil the impression of the image.

The emphasis in this look is on the chest with the trim of the dress. Therefore, the decoration will be redundant, but the earrings complement the outfit well.

Jewelry on the neck under the square neckline of the dress: combination rules, photo

Every woman should have dresses of different styles in her wardrobe. A square neckline is done both on business-style dresses and on evening attire. Therefore, it is important to be able to select jewelry for such a neckline.

This beige dress emphasizes the delicate nature of the girl, and the chain with the pendant goes well with this outfit.

Various types of jewelry are worn under different types of square cutouts: earrings, transparent beads and two strings of pearls. Beautiful, stylish and trendy!

Under a dress with a deep square neck, you should not wear jewelry that goes beyond the neckline. If the neckline is small, then the beads or chain can hang almost to the waist.

How to combine a necklace with a neckline of a dress: rules, photos

The style rules say: a modest and simple dress will play with a bright and catchy decoration, and along with a pattern, it is better to choose a bracelet or earrings.

Important: A necklace or necklace under the neckline of a dress should be chosen with care. These decorations should be a continuation of the dress or one with the outfit.

Remember: Too fancy jewelry can spoil even the most beautiful and stylish dress.

The decor necklace must clearly repeat the neckline of the dress, otherwise the image will turn out to be ridiculous.

Blue is almost always in fashion. This is especially true for dresses of various styles. Designers offer many great options for everyday wear and special occasions. To complete the look, you definitely need to know what jewelry is suitable for a blue dress.

How to choose the right earrings for the outfit?

For short ones and which are worn for no particular reason, you should not choose expensive and massive earrings. It will be enough to decorate small sizes of various shapes. For example, it can be a flower, a square, a rhombus, a triangle, a circle, and also a spiral. The decoration may contain either small stones or one large one. The frame is better to choose a silver color, not gold. Since blue is a cold color, jewelry for a blue dress is more suitable for this type of shade.

For short dresses with a sharp or V-neckline, earrings with strict lines are recommended. It can be hanging rectangles, rhombuses, triangles, petals. They perfectly emphasize the neckline of the dress and the neckline. Visually, these earrings lengthen the neck. Therefore, they are suitable for people with an oval and square face type. Also, earrings will be a wonderful decoration for chubby girls.

Under short dresses with a round neck, shapes are perfect. Round pebbles, flowers, maybe even hearts are beautifully combined with them.

Long dresses most often have a solemn look. Therefore, jewelry for a blue dress of this style should be massive and rich. This means the presence of large multi-colored gems.

Earrings with a gold frame or completely gold are perfect for such dresses. This color gives chic, wealth and, of course, elegance. Additionally, you can emphasize the outfit with a beautiful thin golden belt or matching earrings. You can also choose such a plan for a bracelet on your hand, if there are no gloves. Earrings can have large stones in dark blue, pink, purple, cherry.

And what jewelry is suitable for a dark blue dress? For example, it can be light earrings. Such jewelry goes well with dark blue. We can say that almost all colors will look good with it. Earrings can be any size. But still, hanging massive jewelry is best suited for a long dress.

Lace outfits. What jewelry to choose?

Blue lace dresses in themselves look rich and rich. In this case, it is important not to overdo it with decorations. Jewelry for blue or guipure should be quite modest. You should limit yourself to small and modest earrings. The shape of flowers, petals and other similar elements is not recommended. Silver with one medium-sized stone is perfect.

Cutout dresses. What jewelry should you choose?

Backless dresses have a very attractive and sexy look. Any girl looks great in them. This dress is well complemented by dangling earrings of a strict form. Previously, one long massive earring was worn under such outfits. It was made of expensive stones or even feathers. Recently, it has ceased to be fashionable.

The more modest and elegant a girl looks, the more chances she has to attract the attention of male representatives. Jewelry for a blue dress of this style is chosen long, but the earrings are not too heavy and massive. The main thing is that they complement a beautiful image.

There are no special rules here. The main thing is that the bracelet is combined with the rest of the jewelry, to be in tune with it. Even if the earrings are small or thin, then the bracelet should be the same. Note that the size and massiveness must also be combined not only with earrings, but also with a belt, if present.

All jewelry under a blue dress should look harmonious and beautiful. Sometimes the bracelet and belt are chosen to match with a handbag or shoes. But it is important not to overdo it with this combination. If only two shades are combined in an image, it becomes boring.

Jewelry on the neck under a blue dress

Such a plan of decoration will play an important role in creating an incredible image. When choosing them, one must take into account the length, style, neckline and fabric of the outfit. When choosing a massive necklace with stones, earrings will need to be worn more modestly. Thus, you can give an ordinary and simple dress a solemn look. Multi-colored stones in gold, silver, platinum frames are perfectly combined with such an outfit. Especially suitable emerald jewelry for a blue dress.

A simple silver or gold chain with a small pendant is more suitable for more massive earrings and a boat-shaped neck. This decoration is also suitable for dresses with a sharp neckline. The chain perfectly helps to visually emphasize the neckline.

Gives a blue dress a luxurious and chic look. Even the most simple and inconspicuous outfit becomes chic with such decoration. Naturally, the earrings and bracelet should also be made of pearls. Then the image will be complete and, of course, concise.


Now you know what jewelry is suitable for a blue dress, a photo of some interesting sets is presented in the article. We hope that our recommendations helped you create the perfect look. Be always stylish!

Blue color traditionally symbolizes depth, tranquility, eternity. Initially, it belongs to the cold scale, but it can be made a little warmer by adding notes of green or yellow. A blue dress can take its rightful place in the wardrobe of almost any woman. To create a stylish and harmonious look, it is important to choose the most appropriate shade and style, as well as carefully consider accessories. It is they who will make the whole ensemble complete and give it a special mood.

Rules for selecting accessories for a blue dress

When choosing accessories for a blue dress, you need to take into account a variety of nuances. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age and features of the physique. It is important to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. Also remember about harmonious combinations of colors, textures and materials. In addition, your image must necessarily match the mood and environment.

Color solution

There are certain rules for combining different colors. In particular, black, brown, white, silver and gold accessories will suit the blue dress. Such compositions are classic, and can be adopted. These options will help you make a decision if you are in doubt about the choice.

with black bag and shoes and gold accessories

There are also bolder solutions. So, jewelry, shoes, handbags of mustard, orange, burgundy, pale pink, green colors are suitable for a blue dress. In this case, it is important to feel the color balance, nuances in shades, and also take into account the nature of the image being created. For example, coral shoes and modest matching jewelry go well with a light blue light dress. If you're looking for a more serious look, pair a deep, dark blue with mustard accessories.

with yellow (mustard) accessories and red handbag

In any case, it is important to strike a balance. When purchasing a blue dress, keep in mind that it will become the main element of this or that ensemble. Additional color accents should only emphasize its beauty.

When forming an image, in addition to the blue color of the dress, one or two other shades in accessories can be used, nothing more. Otherwise, the image will lose balance and unity.

discreet version with black accessories and blue earrings


Accessories for a blue dress can be completely different. Jewelry made of precious metals with noble stones, and simple jewelry are also appropriate here. They are suitable if you need to create an evening look, give the look additional tenderness or, conversely, rigor. The mood depends on the features of the decoration - they can be bright or modest, massive or miniature.

with black accessories and simple decoration

Blue color harmonizes well with smooth and patent leather, suede, wood. The dress can be supplemented with a fabric belt - wide or narrow. For everyday looks, you can use cloth bags in natural tones.

with delicate accessories


You can add a dress with a belt, jewelry, shoes, a handbag. All elements of the wardrobe should belong to the same style. Only in this way can you achieve unity and harmony. So, a strict business image implies conciseness of colors and shapes; classic combinations are most appropriate here. But for a festive event, bright, shiny accessories are perfect. In everyday life, you are completely free to experiment, giving preference to things that reflect your mood.

options for handbags and shoes for different life situations evening with white and blue accessories blue color kit with beige accessories

Stylish images with a blue dress

Strict blue dress

For a business meeting or work in the office, a blue tailored dress is suitable. You can complement it with a black or brown wide belt and a jacket of the same color. Shoes and a handbag can be a tone lighter or darker, but also in neutral shades and classic shapes. As for jewelry, in this case, silver is well suited - thin chains, modest stud earrings.

with brown leather accessories with brown accessories and knitted cardigan

Evening version with a blue floor-length dress

For a special occasion, a blue floor-length dress is perfect. In this case, the shade can be any. It can be worn with a thin belt, gold jewelry with blue, green, pink or red stones. Choose shoes and a clutch of your choice. If you see that the image is already bright, then it is better to take neutral black models. And when it seems to you that the ensemble clearly lacks solemn brilliance, then the handbag and shoes can be silver or golden. The main thing is to keep a balance.

maxi lengths with bright accessories

Light summer look

A gentle and slightly frivolous look will turn out if you take a light blue summer dress made of thin fabric, add a thin cream belt, a small matching bag and white sandals to it. Beige or white straps, pendants, bracelets can be used as jewelry.

with cream accessories with white accessories

Bright and defiant images with a blue dress

If you are in a good mood and want to attract attention, you can choose bright contrasting accessories for a blue dress. Orange or mustard shoes will help to make the image remarkable and extraordinary. All other details should be neutral (black or brown). Another option is to add a dark blue dress with a burgundy handbag and the same scarf. In this case, there should be some common note in the shades of all wardrobe items. It is she who will give unity to a bright and contrasting image.

with a white jacket, burgundy clutch and shoes with red and silver accessories

Accessories for a blue dress can be very different. It all depends on your character, lifestyle and the situation in which you find yourself. When in doubt, choose classic combinations of colors and materials. If you are confident in yourself, then create bold, vibrant images, experiment and find original solutions.

A luxurious blue cocktail dress is a winning option. In this case, the jewelry should be designed in lilac, gold, black or brown tones. For example, you can pick up gold earrings, a necklace or a bracelet. A clutch bag would also look appropriate, only it should be a couple of tones darker or lighter than your dress. Earrings for a blue dress should be combined with other accessories, for example, to match the shoes.

Based on the style of the outfit, you can choose small earrings that will create a romantic look, or choose massive round or bright earrings - they will make the look more colorful. The necklace must be made of the same material as the earrings. The shape of the necklace can be the most diverse, the most spectacular with a blue dress looks like a massive necklace made of gold.

Fit black or brown tights. You can also use yellow, red, pink, dark green, if you want to add color to your clothes. Only when combining such colors, pay attention to the shades.

dark blue beauty

The dark blue shade is very popular - in itself it looks rich, hides the flaws of the figure, emphasizing its dignity. For a dark blue dress, choose jewelry that is in harmony with the model of clothing and its shade. It will be interesting to look at the contrast of dark blue and light colors, for example, yellow, white, pale pink. You can't go wrong if you complement the dress with rich black accessories. Just do not forget that clothes and jewelry should match each other in style, blending harmoniously together.

You bought a blue dress, but don't know what to wear it with? Congratulations on a successful purchase and share the secrets of what accessories to choose for a blue dress, and what to combine this elegant color with.

Blue is a symbol of dreams, peace and kindness. Psychologists are sure: if your wardrobe is filled with blue outfits - short, long, evening, summer - you are an independent girl with enviable endurance who needs affection and attention. Perhaps this is true. But the girls know another secret:

Blue is slimming!

That is why dresses in indigo, cornflower blue, sapphire, heavenly shades are welcome guests in the women's wardrobe.

Does the blue dress help find the prince?

arrow_left Does the blue dress help find the prince?

Before we talk about matching jewelry for an azure or indigo dress, let's recall some recommendations on how to choose accessories.

    Accessories should match the chosen style: a lace cape will not work with a dress in a sporty style.

    The selection of neck jewelry depends on the type of neckline. You can't go wrong if you wear a decoration that repeats the shape of the neck. Don't pass by.

    Clothes made of light, thin fabrics require elegant jewelry, while massive ones look good with clothes made of dense material.

    Jewelry should be combined with makeup.

    If the dress has patterns, decorative elements or a complex cut, bet on minimalist jewelry.

By changing the style of accessories, you can create a large number of images with one dress for different occasions.

Depending on the model of the dress and the event you are going to attend, you can choose:

  • bijouterie - earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, brooches;
  • handkerchiefs and scarves - on the neck and shoulders;
  • false collars - lace, with rhinestones, beads;
  • hair accessories - hairpins, headbands, decorative hairpins and invisibles;
  • straps.

Do not forget that accessories should be combined with each other.


Gold is the most traditional material for jewelry. It will perfectly complement the blue dress, especially if you are going to an evening event. Whether you choose a brooch, small earrings, hair ornaments or a bracelet, gold will add a noble touch to your look.

For an official meeting, wear minimalist accessories, and you can let your imagination run free at a wedding party. Gold will be a suitable frame for a dress, especially navy blue and indigo.

A lace dress is an ornament in itself, so it is difficult to choose the right accessories for it. But thin gold bracelets and a chain are the perfect solution.


Silver jewelry reflects tradition and modernity. For young girls, this metal is preferable to gold, which looks a bit "heavy". Silver is refreshing, it is ideal for an evening dress: a collar necklace, long earrings, elegant bracelets. You can also choose a strap with silver inserts for the dress.

Pay attention to jewelry with stones.
It is recommended to choose the tone of the stone lighter than the dress. For example, silver jewelry with aquamarine or topaz will be a great addition to indigo - a sophisticated look is ready.


A pearl necklace is a symbol of elegance, it blends perfectly with dark shades: sapphire, indigo, ultramarine. Jewelry with pearls, regardless of time and place, is always in trend.

Gold and silver earrings and neck jewelry with pearls are suitable for both a formal event and a romantic date or party.

A blue dress will favorably treat decorations of various colors and shades.

Bridesmaids did not pass by playful yellow sandals.

arrow_left Bridesmaids did not pass by playful yellow sandals.


Sunny color will be a bright accent for the image in blue shades.

Indigo goes well with pale yellow and straw, and blue and azure with bright and pale yellow.

The accessory can be completely yellow or only with inserts of this color: jewelry, shoes, handbag, hair clips, handkerchief.

The yellow-blue ensemble can be supplemented with white. This combination is a great solution for summer. Bright accessories will attract attention, so their quality must be impeccable.

Pea summer.

arrow_left Pea summer.


Fashionistas love to wear blue dresses with coral accessories. This is an amazingly feminine and gentle combination. Coral looks especially good with indigo and cobalt.


Red accessories will add drama to the blue outfit. Such a neighborhood will not go unnoticed. There are many shades of these two colors.

To make them harmonize with each other, follow the following rule: Saturated shades, such as indigo, combine with bright red, scarlet; cold - with raspberry, burgundy, wine; gray-blue - with muted red.

Wearing blue and red together is not at all easy, but it will teach you how to correctly combine these colors in clothes.

Blotches of red hint that sensuality and passion are hidden behind coldness and restraint.

There is a peppercorn in this stranger.

arrow_left There is a peppercorn in this stranger.


Turquoise accessories make a good match for a blue dress. This look is suitable for daytime events: lunch with friends or a party on the beach. Wear silver jewelry with turquoise for a sophisticated look.

Earrings, necklaces, bracelets with turquoise, hairpins and headbands decorated with this stone - there are many options, and they all convey tenderness, femininity, romance.


Mint color is freshness and chic at the same time. It suits almost all shades of blue: azure, sea, sapphire, indigo. As with turquoise, the combination of blue and mint is perfect for daytime events.

Girls who want to create an elegant look with a touch of mystery choose hairpins, necklaces, bracelets with mint-colored inserts.

Gold and ivory will nobly shade the combination of blue and mint.

Brown and black

A dress of any shade of blue is combined with universal colors: black and brown. This neighborhood looks good in the office and at a business meeting. Light brown accessories look great with shades of indigo, sapphire, ultramarine, and dark brown with royal blue, azure, sky. This image conveys concentration and calmness.

Color combinations

If the dress is solid and a simple cut is enough, try wearing jewelry in different colors. A sense of proportion will tell you whether your image is harmonious or not.