How to make love the right way. Fashion Tips - women's online magazine

Here comes the article I promised 18+. And if you are under 18, please close this page. Why? But because this article will talk about sex, about how to do it right. This question is asked by a colossal number of people, and do not think that men are more interested in this topic than women. Women are much more likely to ask how to have sex? There is no such subject at school, and you have to study it on your own. In this article, my partner and I - Alex May Let's break stereotypes. I specifically posted clips of his video to prove that he is a professional in his field. If you really want to learn how to have sex correctly,. With his technique, he helped thousands of people, and saved hundreds of couples from ruin.

So, Alex May, after listening to audiobooks, too, like me, agreed that we all live in the matrix. That is, we lead our lives unconsciously, obeying the rules of society. The rules of society are serotypes. In our case, you know that it is not customary to talk about sex in public transport, school, university, at work. Even with friends it is somehow inconvenient to discuss this topic. Of course, there are people who do not mind discussing this topic, but this is rare. In short, you can’t talk about sex wherever you want. Now it’s still okay, but under the USSR they would have been shot for it! Some instead of a phrase "have sex" replaced with the phrase "to do this". What does it mean to be uncomfortable to pronounce this magnificent word - sex!

In fact sex, as elsewhere - you also need to learn. If you also think so, then you have already broken the first stereotype. Many women believe that sex is unimportant, it will wait until the wedding, after the first date you can’t have sex. All this is nonsense. Sex is important, it should not be postponed until the wedding, and it can be done at least on the first (not after) date. If this is not so, then why are you asking yourself the question - how to do it right? Because you understand that you can't stop thinking about it. The whole world is obsessed with sex. Men think about sex almost every minute, especially when they see a beauty in short skirt. Women are a little less common, but they also think. This is our nature, and we should not suppress these instincts in ourselves.

The Importance of Sex

Statistics, as always, are not in favor of people. Only 17% of women are completely satisfied with sex. This speaks of illiteracy on the part of men. According to statistics, 43% of women would like to do this at least once a day. We men don't even know about it. Imagine how important sex is for women. And who does not know how to satisfy his woman in bed, then may face very serious problems. The probability is low, but a woman can start looking on the side. My friend left her boyfriend because he's not good in bed at all. She told me: “For me, of course, it doesn’t matter, but when it doesn’t matter at all ...”. And such cases to a fig.

Many men think that they are sexual giants, especially before the first sex. But for some reason, when it comes to sex, they only last 15 minutes. This is only later, after several failures, they begin to wonder how to have sex correctly. But before that, we all think that we can, like in porn movies - long and beautiful. By the way, whoever watches porn movies, keep in mind that there are professionals who know how to do it right. Alex May will talk about this below.

How to do it right?

The physiology of men and women is very different. Men are like matches - quickly light up and quickly go out. Women are like a sparkler - it takes a long time to light up and go out for a long time. For a man to get excited, it is enough to see. A woman will not get excited quickly, she needs to be prepared. And this can take at least half an hour. The same goes for orgasm. 10 seconds is enough for a man to cum, and a woman will need much more time for this matter. And such a difference in physiology prevents both parties from enjoying sex. The couple just can't do it.

What does sex look like for most couples? The man was excited, finished in 15 seconds - cooled down. Everything, now we have to wait until the gun is loaded. While the gun is loading, the woman cools down. After 15 minutes, the man finished again (already in a minute) and went to bed. And the woman remains unsatisfied. And questions arise: how to have sex, how to prolong sexual intercourse? Alex May talks about it in the video below. To prolong sexual intercourse, you need to delay premature ejaculation. What is p.s. (premature ejaculation) and its causes is explained by Alex May in his 2:58 hour program.

It was just an excerpt from his program. I'd love to post everything, but this is copyright infringement. Moreover, I already partially violate it for you. This video may soon become unavailable for viewing. So take a look. I advise you to order this program from him. And we continue the topic of how to have sex.

As you understood from the video, in order to please a girl, you need not to finish for a long time. This is a problem for men. You can see the reasons in the video. But if you think that this is enough and now you know how to do it correctly, then again I dare to disappoint you. Not finishing for a long time is not the key to success. You also need to choose the right positions for sex. Many men, after watching porn, begin to copy uncomfortable and completely unnecessary poses. Alex May will tell you about this again in his program "Sexual Positions for Maximum Pleasure" . Let's look at the mistakes.

Well, if you want to know the continuation of how to do this correctly, in what positions, you! And while we continue. Now I will talk about some important things, which I learned about from Alex May. This applies to men. Many males already at the beginning of sexual intercourse make some mistakes. I have already said above that a woman is like a Bengal fire - it takes a long time to light up and burn for a long time. From here you should understand that a woman, before undressing her, you first need to excite. Arouse with foreplay, which should last at least 40 minutes, ideally 60 minutes or more.

That is, first you need to hug, kiss, massage your shoulders, pat on the back, but in no case do not undress her and do not shove her with yours ... Even if she gets excited and wants to undress you herself, tell her: "Not Yet Time" or "It is too early". Of course, you yourself would have to hold out. Therefore, if unbearable, go to the kitchen or go out to the balcony, but do not linger, otherwise your girlfriend will cool down. And if you manage to do it, then everything will be fine. Sex will end in success (if you don't cum in 15 seconds).

For sex to be successful partners need to think about each other. A woman should try to give great pleasure to a man, a man should think about a woman. If a man thinks only about himself, then nothing good will come of it, since two minutes are enough for him to reach the peak of pleasure, then after fifteen minutes, six minutes will be enough for him. It will take at least twenty minutes for a woman to reach the peak of pleasure or orgasm.

To do this, you need to follow the rule - the woman finishes first, and only then the man. Difficult, isn't it? If you are a man, then do not try to ask your partner during sex if she has finished or not. It's totally stupid!

If it turned out that you finished at the moment when she just started to experience something, then you will have to finish your work with your fingers (index and middle). There is nothing wrong or shameful in this. Just put those two fingers together and do as Alex May shows in the video below.

If you watched this video, then you realized that women have as many as eleven types of orgasm. Men only have one. Now you know that even with two fingers you can bring a girl to orgasm. And if you're done halfway through, then finish your job with two fingers, as Alex May showed.

How to have sex?

There is one more important rule which you should be aware of. During sex, you need to be aware. When you are conscious, you are in control of what happens to you in this moment. If you lose awareness during sex, then you miss out on many things. Alex May also spoke about this in his famous program "Sex Academy".

What does it mean to be in control during sex? You should tell your girlfriend the following in advance: “Honey, I can’t read minds. If I'm doing something wrong, somewhere quickly, somewhere painful - tell me.. That's when your girlfriend will admire you. One woman, according to Alex, said she got a bruise during sex. When her boyfriend worked the pelvis, he did not see that he was pressing her leg. Alex asked her: "Why didn't you stop him?", and she: “And suddenly he would be offended!”.

Many guys, when they hear that their girlfriend is moaning, they think that she is fine. In fact, she may be in pain at this moment. Not all guys can distinguish a moan from an orgasm and a moan from pain, since the sound is identical. Women, instead of saying, begin to endure. If only not to hurt the pride of his man. You don't have to endure. If it hurts, tell me.

And the last thing to say is that when you work as a member, you must make movements at 45 degrees. From the bottom up at 45 degrees with smooth movements. In this way, you will stimulate the ji area. Many guys shove their dick in a straight line resulting in no stimulation at all. Therefore, a woman does not experience an orgasm.

If you read the article to the end and you liked Alex May who knows a lot and can do a lot, then subscribe to his free newsletter. , You will receive the book for free - "Sex is a practical experience" .

0% water and 100% practice - that's what awaits you during the study of materials Alexa May. And it doesn't matter what gender you are, because not only men, but even women come to Alex May. It was they who confirmed the accuracy of Alex May's information. Don't put it off until later.

On this article “What is the right way to do this, or the right way to have sex? 18+" came to an end. I really hope that you have taken a lot of useful information that will make you a sex giant. I look forward to your feedback in the comments.

how to do it right, how to have sex right


Any textbook on the site is developed specifically so that you can study it on your own and control your actions without outside help. The only exception is children. preschool age and first-graders, who will benefit from the help and participation of their parents.

In any case, the main thing is to just start studying and doing the lessons in the suggested sequence.

Why is everything so simple? Because any tutorial on the site:

  • is at the same time a textbook as such, a dictionary, an audio guide, a diary and a mentor;
  • allows you to engage systematically and regularly;
  • contains a large number of types of tasks, including game ones;
  • helps to remember;
  • teaches in practice and in action;
  • instantly checks everything and does not fix errors;
  • allows you to study online anywhere and at any time from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
  1. Set a clear deadline by which you must complete all the lessons of the selected textbook and do your best not to go beyond it. How to calculate it? Decide on the number of new lessons you are willing to do per day and divide the total number of lessons in the textbook by that number. Then add a few more days based on the number of days you plan to be free from classes, which should ideally be no more than 1-2 times a week.
  2. Do not only new lessons in one session, but also return to repeating completed ones, especially those in which you failed to achieve high results, which the statistics form will help you follow. One lesson should consist of a repetition of the past (at least 2 lessons per day) and 2-3 new lessons.
  3. When learning foreign languages, do all tasks aloud, clearly pronounce words, phrases, dialogues, texts, following the speech patterns presented in the audio accompaniment to each word, phrase, dialogue, text. You can record your speech on the voice recorder, which is now available in any mobile or smartphone, to assess how your pronunciation and intonation approaches those presented on the recordings. Speaking aloud is also a must for children. It doesn't matter if he's studying math or learning to read.
  4. Do the tasks in order, do not skip the lessons, as the presentation of the material is clearly built and thought out. Do not neglect the game lessons: they will not only allow you to repeat the material of the section, but also develop such important skills in study and life as memory, speed reading, attention, the ability to instantly switch from one task to another, increase the speed of reaction and information analysis.
  5. Under no circumstances stop exercising! Do not take breaks in classes for more than 1 day! IN last resort, the break should last no more than 2 days in a row. Better perform fewer lessons in one day than to miss a class altogether. But, if you went to a forced reduction in classes on one of the days, compensate for this during the next lesson.
  6. During the lessons, find the scope of application of knowledge in practice. studying foreign language, find people you can talk to, start visiting a speaking club, try to read articles and news in the language you are learning on foreign sites, find people to chat with via skype, or plan a trip to the country of the language you are learning. Gently suggest to the children constantly different tasks that will help them apply their knowledge in life: sharing cookies among family members, reading a recipe aloud because your hands are in flour, or even a whole story to entertain you while you cook.
  7. When you finish one tutorial, move on to another. We try to create successive series of textbooks that will help you step by step, from one textbook to another, to master the necessary knowledge and skills. Self-education is a constant process and without constant practice, much is forgotten. Don't let this happen! Improve constantly!

After all, it is because of her that not everyone goes in for sports. Excuses about lack of time won't go away, as you can train at home too. Of course, in this case it does not make sense to count on the creation of a figure reminiscent of bodybuilding stars, but this is not required. At the same time, it is important to comply correct technique perform all exercises to avoid injury. Today we will tell you how to do sports at home.

How to start exercising at home?

The first step is often the most difficult. This statement is true for any undertaking. Most often, a person uses excuses, such as lack of time or severe fatigue after working days. However, scientists have proven that moderate physical activity contributes to a faster recovery of the body.

I would like to draw your attention to the word "moderate". Only then will you be able to improve your health. Big sport, unfortunately, quite often diverges from the concept of health. Knowing how to do sports at home correctly, you do not need to constantly set records, you just need to maintain your physical form and gradually improve it.

You have to decide for yourself what sport you need. If you practice through force, then this approach will not bring you positive results. Let's look at the sequence of your actions that will help you get on the right track.

  1. Make the final decision - you should really want this and make a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle on your own.
  2. Decide on the most convenient time for you to study. On the net you can find a large number of recommendations on when and how to exercise at home. However, the time of training in the first place should be convenient for you.
  3. Take into account the daily routine of other members of your family, so as not to interfere with them, go about their business.
  4. Don't force things. If the training is properly organized and regular, then you will certainly achieve positive results.
  5. Be sure to find an incentive for yourself to play sports, and even better if there are several of them.
All of the above actions are universal and can be used by anyone, regardless of age and gender. The main differences between the training of a girl and a man are the intensity of the classes, and many exercises will be similar.

How to do sports at home?

Exercising at home is an excellent choice for several reasons. Let's start with the possibility of saving the budget, because you do not need to constantly purchase a subscription to visit the gym. If you have a full day scheduled, then you can save time by training at home. Of course, you also need to be able to properly organize the training process and be self-disciplined. With the first, we will help you by telling you how to exercise at home.

Warm up

Even if you exercise at home, you can't do without a warm-up. It should become a rule for you that before each physical activity, you must first prepare the body. At rest, the muscles are relaxed and in sports this is called "cold". They cannot abruptly switch to the perception of strong physical activity.

If you do not warm up, but immediately load the muscles, this can lead to injury of varying severity. Moreover, not only muscles, but also the articular-ligamentous apparatus can get damaged. You do not need to invent anything, but just remember school lessons physical education. All these classes began with a warm-up. The duration of this stage of training, as a rule, is from 7 to 15 minutes.

Control your breath

During physical exertion, all tissues of the body need a large amount of oxygen. It is extremely important to prevent oxygen starvation and for this you have to control the breath. Inhale measuredly in the starting position, and exhale must be done during muscle tension. Eliminate air retention, which is extremely important if we are talking about how to properly exercise at home.

You should only breathe through your nose, but if it is difficult for you to do this at first, then exhale through your mouth. It is not allowed to perform two breaths in a row. After inhaling, you must first exhale the air, and only after that you can fill your lungs again. If you do not pay enough attention to breath control, you will not be able to conduct an effective workout.

Do not use excessive loads

Most people who have just started playing sports are full of enthusiasm. However, if your classes are monotonous, then you will quickly get tired of them. Also, you do not need to sharply increase the load, so as not to deplete the body. You must understand. That professional athletes who have achieved high results have been training for this for many years, and for them sport is life.

They can and do devote all their time to training. IN modern life you definitely won't be able to spend everything free time for sports. Actually, you don't need it. If you have not previously played sports, then at first it will be quite enough to train for about twenty minutes. Gradually increase the duration of the training to an hour. Also remember that the load should gradually increase. Fitness experts recommend increasing working weights no more than weekly. Than 10 percent.

Exercise Regularly

Only through regular practice will you be able to achieve your goals. If you rarely conduct exhausting workouts, then only harm the body. Better practice daily light gymnastics than to give all your strength in a lesson every two or three weeks.

Since we are talking about how to properly exercise at home, it is precisely in the regularity of homework that the main difficulty lies. If you visit the gym, then the instructor will follow you or you just want to work off the money spent on the subscription. At home, you need to take care of yourself on your own and constantly motivate.

Use home furnishings

In the hall you can find a large number of sports equipment and equipment that will allow you to exercise effectively. Not every person will be able to place even bars with a horizontal bar in an apartment, not to mention other equipment. You will definitely need dumbbells for training, and collapsible ones. Instead of a bench press, you can use a pair of stools located nearby. Pay attention to your home environment, you will understand that many things can be used for practice.

Get a minimum of sports equipment

This point is related to the previous one. There are exercises that can be done with weight own body. However, for most movements, you will need sports equipment. Now it is often recommended to use bottles filled with water or, say, a heavy backpack as sports equipment.

However, you do not need to invent anything, each person can buy collapsible dumbbells. Also in sporting goods stores you can buy horizontal bars that are installed in the doorway and do not interfere. This minimum sports equipment that must be possessed.

Distribute the load evenly

Almost every person who wants to know how to properly exercise at home pursues his own goals. For someone it is important to have a beautiful abs or powerful biceps. Girls in most cases want to have slim waist and firm buttocks.

This is quite natural and understandable, but does not comply with the rules of sports. Remember that the body cannot develop only one or two parts of the body. To get decent results, you must load all the muscles. Also, the most effective are the basic exercises, which just contribute to the activation a large number muscles. If you want to know how to exercise at home, then you have to work on all muscle groups.


After completing the main part of the training in without fail it is necessary to qualitatively stretch the muscles that you trained in this lesson. It will take you about five minutes to achieve this goal. Stretching will restore blood flow in muscle tissues and thereby activate recovery processes.

Don't Forget About Water

During exercise, sweating increases and fluids are quickly excreted from the body. You don't want to be dehydrated, so keep a bottle of water by your side. Of course, you can go to the kitchen to quench your thirst, but this will lead to a decrease in the intensity of the training.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not play sports on an empty stomach. This training technique is now very vigorously discussed and has many fans. Food supplies energy sources to the body, and without them, exercise can be ineffective. Eat, and then after an hour and a half or two hours, do a workout.

For information on how to pump up at home, see here:

Thanks to the abundance of information about a healthy lifestyle in the modern Internet space, everyone can, if not develop their own, then find a ready-made fitness program for weight loss. The fact that playing sports at home and losing weight at the same time is quite real, we have long been proven by many Hollywood stars and millions of ordinary housewives who have turned from nondescript fat women into beautiful princesses. But even they once did not believe that without the help of professional nutritionists and trainers you can get perfect figure from scratch. In order to receive desired result at home, 3 components are necessary:

  • will;
  • faith;
  • workout.

It is this foundation that is the key to your dream, because without the right psychological attunement, it is almost impossible to lose weight.

How to start?

To get started on the right path perfect body, organize at home a small space for training. To do this, you will need a standard fitness attribute:

  • soft rug;
  • comfortable tracksuit;
  • dumbbells;
  • expander.

Any elements can be easily replaced with ordinary ones household items, for example, instead of a rug, lay a towel, instead of dumbbells, take bottles of water. But professional sports equipment will help you create the atmosphere of a real fitness room at home and make your workouts more productive because they are much more convenient to use.

Find the right size workout space to start your fitness routine. It is advisable to observe the process in the mirror, and there should not be fragile, breakable objects around that can be accidentally hooked.

Before training, ventilate the room, change into suitable clothes and start!

Golden Rules for Home Workouts

Although fitness classes will be held at home, their rules are quite professional. Remember: you are not just engaged, but aimed at losing weight, so the training should be done with full dedication and high activity. In the end, you may experience a slight burning sensation in the muscles, which means that you are doing everything right. If you experience acute, sharp pain, immediately stop exercising.

Do not feel sorry for yourself, do not try to give yourself indulgences. Set yourself a goal: repeat the exercise a certain number of times, and do it. You do not even suspect that your powers are truly limitless! Lose weight is your main goal, follow it!

Be sure to drink water before, after and during your fitness activities. No need to try to drink a whole glass in a sitting, a few sips are enough.

Follow the training schedule, exercise at approximately the same time every day. During the process, you can watch your favorite series, this is quite an organizing factor. So the training will go quickly and unobtrusively.

Intensive training in the gym for weight loss is recommended 3-4 times a week. Since fitness classes at home, as a rule, do not give such a load, they can be carried out daily. Of course, these recommendations are very general character, because if you train with dumbbells at home for an hour or confidently do several approaches with many repetitions, then such a load can be equated to a professional one.

It is necessary to develop the whole body, regardless of which part you consider the most problematic. Remember, everything in our body is interconnected, only A complex approach will promote harmonious development.

What to drink and eat for weight loss?

The topic of proper nutrition is already fairly fed up with everyone. This information is covered extensively in millions of publications and thousands of books. However, it is worth noting that no matter how active your workouts are, you can quickly achieve weight loss results only with a combination of diet and sports. Remember the three components of your success:

  • water;
  • healthy eating;
  • sport.

During active training the body accumulates decay products and lactic acid. These toxins cause a feeling of fatigue, provoke pain in the body after exercise. Drinking water (at least 1 liter per day) daily will help to properly and delicately cleanse the body.

Vegetables, fruits, herbs are important in culinary preferences. Completely refuse semi-finished products, mayonnaise, sweet foods. So you will achieve weight loss without experiencing the discomfort associated with hunger at all.

Home fitness exercises

There are tons of weight loss exercises that you can successfully perform at home and achieve great results from scratch. Fulfilling sports complex, you may think that training is beyond your strength and such loads are unrealistic for your preparation. Do not panic. Reduce the number of suggested repetitions, but correctly complete all exercises with the same approaches.

Any workout should start with a full warm-up. So you will not only protect yourself from possible injuries and sprains, but also strengthen overall effect weight loss from training, as well as get rid of discomfort in the muscles.

belly workout

Strengthening the rectus muscle. Lie on the floor, lock your hands in the lock on the back of your head, and then gently tear off your shoulder blades and shoulders from the floor surface. Make sure that the lower back remains firmly pressed to the floor. After 20 slow reps, take a 30 second break, then do 2 more sets with the same interval and the same number of repetitions.

Oblique muscle training. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The legs are bent at the knees, you can fix them, after which, raising upper part body, try to pull the elbow as close as possible to the opposite knee. The scheme is as follows: the right hand - the left leg, and vice versa. Do 3 sets on each side for 15-20 repetitions. If your physical training allows, then it is not necessary to take breaks between sets.

After a press workout. In a standing position, stretch your arms high above your head, make several tilts to the sides, forward, back.

Leg and butt workout

Having taken a lying position with bent knees, begin to raise your buttocks, resting your heels on the floor. Shoulders during training remain in their original position, arms extended along the body. Every 10 reps, stay at the peak of tension for a few seconds, squeezing your buttocks hard.

By doing the following workout correctly, you will give a good load to the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Lie on your side and rest on your elbow, the second arm extended in front of you, it will help you maintain balance. Perform swings with straight legs. Make slow, smooth movements, try to feel the work of each muscle. Perform at least 3 sets on each leg, vary the number of repetitions depending on how you feel.

Chest and shoulder workout

Unfortunately, many girls forget about exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the upper half of the body. Completely in vain, because well-groomed hands and breasts are just as important as strong abs and buttocks. To tidy up the back side of the arms, which is most often problematic, you need to perform triceps exercises.

In an emphasis lying, rest your bent arms on the floor, lift your torso. Elbows should be firmly pressed to the body, then perform slow push-ups. For achievement desired effect it is enough to do 8 repetitions for 3 sets. If you feel unbearable tension, then only 4 repetitions can be included in one approach.

To keep the chest elastic and high, every girl needs to do push-ups regularly. The easiest option: put your hands shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider), begin to slowly lower your torso to the floor. Keep your back straight, correctly, so that the chest almost touches the floor at the lowest point. If this exercise is too difficult for you, you can focus not on the toes, but on the knees.

Of course, they will require considerable discipline and willpower from you. However, after a few months of regular exercise, combined with proper nutrition, you will be able to appreciate your new body in all its glory. This goal is achievable, you just have to start going towards it!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step...
Chinese proverb

You have just taken the first step towards healthy lifestyle life. To protect yourself from those troubles that may happen along the way, carefully read this article to the end, and try to follow the advice.

Here we will try to provide the most universal information on how to do fitness correctly, which everyone can use, but, of course, you need to understand that there are no exercises, complexes, techniques, workouts and concepts that are ideal for everyone, in everyone. specific case these questions must be decided individually under the supervision of a sports physician.

Here are the basic rules that must be followed regardless of fitness level involved and the nature of the exercises performed. To the effect of classes physical education was persistent, you need to make them your way of life.


In order to feel the effect of fitness, sometimes a few sessions are enough, but for this effect to be persistent, you need to make such activities your way of life. physical exercise differs from drugs in that the more we use it, the more effective it is, it does not develop addiction and there are no side effects.

You don't have to practice every day enough 3-4 times per week, but this must be done regularly: practice shows that the first 3 weeks of classes are the most difficult in this regard, after that you will get used to such a rhythm, and already the absence of physical activity will seem unusual.


The exercises you do should be strictly regulated, with a clear focus on solving your specific tasks and achieving specific goals. IN ideal The training system should be developed by a sports doctor, taking into account the characteristics of your body, to choose the nature of the exercises, as well as the volume and intensity of the load that are right for you.

Being engaged in haphazardly, you run the risk of not only not achieving the desired effect, but even, on the contrary, harming your health.


Before you begin to perform any exercise, you must realistically assess your strength. In order to know the objective state of your body, you need to consult a qualified sports physician and undergo certain diagnostic tests. But, in any case, if the proposed exercise seems too complicated, and you are not sure of the correctness of its implementation, it is better to refuse it or try a simplified version.

If the load from the exercise, despite all the correct execution, seems excessive to you or causes pain , then you should also refuse it and choose something easier. In addition, you should refuse to perform any exercises if your temperature rose above 37 ° C the day before.

self control

As noted earlier, it is best when your workouts are under the supervision of a qualified sports doctor, but, one way or another, you must be able to determine what form you are in currently, as well as control your state in dynamics.

The simplest and in an efficient way for such self-control is to conduct orthostatic test. Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, measure your pulse for 1 minute, then get up, quite sharply, immediately measure your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply the value obtained by 6. Then compare the results.

Normally, the pulse value in the supine position should differ from the pulse value immediately after you got up by no more than 12-24 beats per minute. By observing this indicator every day, you can assess how effective workout. If the difference gradually decreases and then stabilizes at lower values ​​than before the start of training, then you are in good shape.

If on any of the days you notice an increase in the indicator, then need to give yourself a little break, and, if this does not help, then reconsider the training system.

Here are examples of exercises that develop such important physical qualities, How strength, endurance and flexibility, as well as recommendations for their correct execution. We emphasize once again that the exercises given by us are universal, as far as possible, and affect the main muscle groups, however, they may not be suitable for someone. Stretching exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, the greatest stretching can be done during exhalation.

Strength Exercises

Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort. Exercises for strength development can be using your own body weight, as well as with weights. Very important don't stop breathing during a strength exercise.


This exercise strengthens major muscles of the arms, upper back and chest. From the starting position “lying emphasis”, flexion-extension of the arms is performed. If this exercise seems too heavy, then you can simplify it by relying not on the feet, but on the knees (especially for women).

Try to keep your torso and legs in line and avoid back arches by focusing on your abdominal muscles.

Torso flexion with twists

This exercise strengthens major abdominal and lower back muscles. From the starting position lying on your back, legs in weight, bent at a right angle, feet crossed, arms behind your head, it is necessary to perform flexion-extension of the body, alternately bringing the left elbow to the right knee and the right elbow to the left knee.

If this exercise seems too heavy, then you can make movements in the same direction, but with smaller amplitude. Try to avoid excessive flexion in the thoracic spine.


This exercise strengthens major leg muscles. From the starting position, standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, flexion-extension of the legs is performed. If this exercise seems too hard, then you can put your legs a little wider or do squats with a smaller amplitude (half squats). Try to keep your torso straight and keep your heels off the floor.

Endurance Exercises

Endurance - the ability to continue any work without reducing its effectiveness. For health purposes, it is recommended to develop endurance using workouts lasting at least 30-40 minutes, keeping the heart rate in a certain interval (calculated individually, but the average values ​​​​are from 120 to 150 beats per minute).

Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility is the property of the musculoskeletal system to perform movements with a large amplitude. For development flexibility exercises are used to stretch muscles, tendons, ligaments. For greater efficiency, it is better to perform fewer approaches, but several times a day.

All stretching exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, the greatest stretching can be done during exhalation.

Neck muscle strain

This exercise improves mobility in the cervical spine. From the starting position, standing with the right hand bent at the elbow, we remove it behind the back, with the left hand we tilt our head in left side until you feel a slight tension in the right side of the neck, then change hands and perform the exercise in the other direction. Try to keep your back straight and avoid turning and tilting your head back and forth.

Stretching the muscles of the shoulder girdle

This exercise improves shoulder blade mobility, increases the range of motion in the hands. From the starting position, standing, we try to connect our hands behind our back, between the shoulder blades, left hand from below, right hand from above, then change hands. If it is not possible to achieve direct hand contact, improvised means (towel) can be used.

Try to keep your back straight, avoid tilting and bending your torso.

Stretching the muscles of the back and back of the legs

This exercise increases mobility in the lumbar and thoracic spine. From the starting position, sitting on the floor, we bend the torso forward, trying to reach the feet with our fingers. If this is not possible, then we focus on stretching the lower back.

Stretching the muscles of the front of the legs

This exercise increases range of motion in the legs. Hold on from the starting position right hand for support at shoulder level, bend the left leg in such a way as to grab the foot with the left hand, lower the knee of the left leg down until a stretch is felt along the front surface of the thigh.

Try not to arch your back.

Crick inner surface legs

This exercise increases mobility in hip joint . From the starting position, standing, we take the right leg to the side and put it on a chair, then we lean forward until there is a slight feeling of tension on the inner surface of the thigh.

Try not to bend your supporting leg.

So ... In conclusion, I would like to add that it is of no small importance in building a workout positive emotional mood for class. If you plan your training process in such a way that you enjoy it, then the results will always be excellent. Enjoy.

If you are tired of writing down the sequence of exercises on notebook sheets, go to our website and draw up your training plan. You can print it out and take it to the gym with you.

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