Plank execution. The correct technique for performing the exercise plank for weight loss at home

The plank is a universal exercise loved by athletes and instructors. Often they talk about it as an effective way to form the press. In addition, the bar engages other muscles and increases the overall endurance of the body.

Planks can be done anywhere. All you need is a flat, clean surface the size of your body

The exercise is static. The performer is in one position from 30 seconds to several minutes. The plank is suitable for those who want to make their body stronger. What muscles are strengthened by such training?

  • Press. To work out the abdomen in front, the classic version with support on the forearms is suitable (See also:). This gives the maximum load on the rectus muscle.

Press cubes thanks to the bar is quite real. If static is too boring for you, combine the bar and.

  • Back and neck. The large muscles of the back work: the latissimus dorsi, rectus, square muscle of the lower back, as well as the belt muscle of the neck. Such a symmetrical load on the muscles of the abdomen and back forms the correct posture and a toned stomach.

  • Buttocks and legs. When performed correctly, the gluteal muscles are strongly compressed and experience a large load. Also, the stance in this pose fully engages the front surface of the legs. For a more targeted leg and glute workout, try it.

  • Arms and chest. A burning sensation in the shoulder area is felt from the first seconds. This works the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.

It is also noteworthy that there are about 10 variations of the exercise that act on muscles with different intensities.

Plank benefits for men and women

This is a difficult exercise, even if it doesn't seem like it. It takes little time, but it brings a lot of benefits. To master the technique of execution is within the power of everyone. It can be used by athletes as part of a training program, and by unprepared people who want to tone up or get in shape.

For men plank is useful:

  • in the process of drying the body (static exercises are good for fat burning);
  • to increase overall endurance;
  • for the harmonious formation of the press (the muscles of the back and abdomen are worked out simultaneously);
  • if you need to tighten the stomach;
  • in combination with other exercises to maintain fitness.

After weeks of training, the 30 second plank will be done with a smile.

Women, in addition, they consider the bar an indispensable assistant:

  • in the fight against cellulite;
  • for shaping the waist and sports arms;
  • to restore the muscles of the press after childbirth (not earlier than a month later, if the birth went without complications);
  • for weight loss (if the exercise is used in combination with others and in compliance with the diet. Otherwise, the desired effect from the bar cannot be achieved, as well as from other exercises).

It is noteworthy that in order to achieve the effect, it is enough to systematically make the bar, alternating its options. With proper implementation and full dedication, the result will be noticeable in two weeks.

When should you not plank?

For those who have never practiced the plank, it may seem that this is a harmless exercise. However, an unprepared person can hardly hold out in this position for half a minute. Therefore, before experimenting with health, it is important to familiarize yourself with contraindications to exercise.

  1. Pregnancy. Since the bar puts a load on the abdominal muscles, you do not need to practice the exercise during pregnancy. This will lead to serious complications, up to a miscarriage.

    The only exercise option during pregnancy is the reverse plank. Belly Up

  2. - a serious reason for limiting physical activity, including this exercise. It is also worth refraining from it and people who have or have recently operated on a hernia in the abdomen.
  3. and other types are a contraindication to the implementation of the bar.
  4. where physical activity is prohibited.

In all these cases, it is necessary to refuse to perform the plank, as this is dangerous and can lead to irreversible consequences. Post-traumatic and postoperative recovery. When the body is ready for stress again, it is determined only with the help of medical procedures. If the doctor has allowed physical education, it is imperative to discuss an individual program with an instructor.

In these cases, the exercise is not contraindicated, but it is better to start with lightweight options, gradually complicating the task.

Get results, but not at the cost of health

Thanks to the plank exercise, you can achieve impressive results. Follow our advice on the technique of this exercise, and in two or three weeks your toned body will be reflected in the mirror. And do not forget about contraindications.

Be sure to read about it

The plank exercise is one of the best for the abdominal muscles. It allows not only to acquire a steel press, but also to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulder section, buttocks. Exercise is universal - it is equally effective for both women and men. To achieve the desired effect, you need to consider how to properly perform the "bar", otherwise you can get injured.

How to properly prepare for exercise

The plank exercise is not popular in gyms, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to pump up the press cubes in this way. Its purpose is to strengthen muscles, at the same time as burning fat. The effect will be positive only after the plank exercise is done correctly. There are basic rules that should be followed before class. You need to make sure that you can get into the right position, and then start this exercise for the press.

Important rules are as follows:

  1. The most important thing is the even position of the back. If it bends or rounds, there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. The pelvis should be parallel to the floor, so the load on the lumbar is less.
  3. You should not keep the neck, head and shoulders in tension, they should be located on the same plane.
  4. The lower limbs should be fully extended. Any bending leads to the fact that the load on the lower back increases dramatically.
  5. The shoulders should be over the wrists or over the elbows. Other options are not allowed.

After reviewing the basic rules, you can consider in detail how to do the plank exercise. This stand is different in that the most important thing in it - hold the body properly for as long as possible. It is much better to stand properly for thirty seconds than to stand for three minutes with an arched back or legs. When deciding to perform the plank exercise, you can see how to do it correctly on the video, but due to the lack of active movements, it is better to resort to the help of a trainer at the initial stage. Many come to a suitable performance on their own, gradually increasing the load and following all the rules. So, before starting a workout, you need to understand in what position all parts of the body should be.

To do this, do the following:

  • stand with your back to the wall, legs together;
  • heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should be pressed against the wall;
  • lower your shoulders, a deflection will appear in the lumbar region (the palm should pass into it, if more, the position should be corrected).

In this form, it is necessary to stand several times a day, and constantly before the start of the lesson. On day 3-4, the muscles will get used to it and it will become easier to perform the “bar” in the sense that the body itself will assume the correct position.

What gives the plank exercise

The plank exercise for weight loss is one of the most difficult exercises, since the weight of the human body is involved. Its advantage is that most of the muscles are tense, making it great for warming up before serious workouts. By trembling of the whole body, after 20-30 seconds it is easy to understand which muscles work during the plank exercise:

  • press - it is on him that the main load falls;
  • core muscles;
  • gluteal muscles.
  • the body is more toned, the skin will be elastic;
  • arms are stronger, while muscle growth will not occur;
  • the plank for slimming the abdomen will allow you to notice its decrease, especially in the lower part, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

All muscle groups are in a stressful situation, which is why this type of training is more effective than a simple swing of the press for losing weight on the abdomen and sides. Not every person who begins to lose weight is capable of performing such a complex exercise. Muscle tone is different for everyone, in some cases, you first need to master simpler techniques to strengthen them. What gives the plank exercise becomes visible almost immediately, subject to regular exercise: the stomach becomes flat, the buttocks are elastic, the spine is stronger.

After a short period of time, the following will become noticeable:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • any spinal injury;
  • neuropathy of the radial nerve;
  • pregnancy, especially with complications;
  • spinal hernia;
  • any injuries and sprains of the joints of the elbows, shoulders, hands and feet.

Most often, the program is designed for 30 days, after which the result is simply amazing. If you want to continue to engage, it is recommended to increase the load, as reviews show that after a month it becomes much easier and efficiency decreases.

Types of exercise

You can perform the “bar” in various ways, depending on the physical fitness of the person. Many people want to start an exercise for weight loss from the most difficult stage in order to quickly get rid of excess fat and bring the body into the desired shape. The plank is an exercise that is ideal for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, but only with a gradual increase in load. The degree of muscle tension depends on the type, more about them in the table:

This option is the easiest and ideal for beginners. The hands in this form are located directly under the shoulders, the back and legs are even, the gaze is in front of you.

The most popular option, in this case, the support falls on the socks and elbows, the whole body is elongated in a straight line. Breathing should be even

This option is recommended when, with a regular bar, there is no longer such fatigue and tension. Lying on your side, you need to rarely lean on your legs and elbow, the arm on which the support occurs is perpendicular to the body. The second hand is located on the other side. Stretch the body in one line, straining the press

The most difficult option that requires preparation. To perform the exercise, it is necessary to straighten the body, leaning on the elbow, and then carefully straighten the arm. For complication, you can straighten the second hand

The duration of the performance depends on the preparation of the person and the type of exercise. For beginners, it is enough to be in the correct stance for a quarter of a minute, while 3-4 approaches are required.. After the execution ceases to be painful, you can increase the time to 30 seconds, also in 3-4 sets. If necessary, complicate the "bar", it is recommended to increase the time to 1 minute in 4 sets. When performing all types, you need to start with the most difficult, ending with a simple option “on fastened hands”.


If you want to lose weight and strengthen muscles, many use the plank exercise, the benefits and harms of which are rarely studied. Of course, everyone knows that training can give positive results in a short time. Those who are especially concerned about their health will even learn from the trainer that, as a rule, there can be no harm from a simple-looking exercise. It should be borne in mind that the “bar” exercise also has contraindications, albeit quite a bit.

In other cases, you can perform the exercise as much as you like, the main thing is to listen to your body and sensations. In the absence of contraindications, a person has every chance to improve the condition of his figure in a short time.


The results after training using this exercise are simply amazing. Photos of famous people who have achieved perfect abs with the plank can be seen in many magazines, and their opinion on this exercise makes you try its amazing effectiveness for yourself. Before starting classes with the “plank” exercise, a photo should be taken in advance so that after a month of training you can compare the results.

Plank exercise is a great way to strengthen not only the press, but the entire muscle corset, increase strength and make the silhouette fit and improve well-being. The bar has dozens of variations that vary in degree of difficulty, however, they are all performed on the basis of basic techniques. The exercise is used in fitness, yoga, Pilates and various health practices. Let's take a look at which muscles work in this exercise, how to perform it correctly and what results it gives.

Muscle work

The main muscle groups that support the body in a straightened position during the plank are the abs and back. In addition, the muscles of the chest, shoulders, front surface of the thighs and buttocks are included in the work. In other words, the distribution of the load on the muscles when performing the classic version of the exercise (standing in emphasis on the elbows) is as follows:

  • Press, especially the rectus abdominis. The main load is on the press - the abdominal muscles do not allow the body to sag down under the influence of gravity.
  • The muscles of the back, especially the lower part of it. They keep the body in a straight position, tighten the ribs, pull the arms to the body, allowing you to stabilize the angle between the body and shoulders.
  • Large pectoral and deltoid muscles. These muscles allow you to hold on to your shoulders without sagging your chest down.
  • Gluteus maximus, quadriceps, calf muscles. These muscles keep the legs and pelvis straight.

Looking at the list above, we can safely say that the plank trains almost all the muscles of the body. Variations of this exercise allow you to increase the load or shift its focus to certain muscle groups.

The classic plank exercise (sometimes also called the “board”) is an isometric exercise. This means that if you do it correctly, there is no movement in the joints, that is, the posture remains static. However, there are also dynamic options, including rotation of the body, raising and lowering arms or legs.

Plank Benefits

The plank does not apply to exercises designed to pump up cubes on the stomach. Its benefit lies precisely in the complex strengthening of the entire muscular corset. The volume of the muscles does not grow during its execution, but the muscles become toned, their strength and endurance increase.

The benefits of the plank exercise are as follows:

  • There is a strengthening, development of strength and endurance of a large number of muscle groups (press, back, legs, chest, shoulders).
  • The stomach is tightened, the waist becomes narrower, the friability of the silhouette goes away, which is very useful in the process of losing weight.
  • The position of the lower part of the spine is stabilized. At this point, it should be said that if you have diseases or injuries of the spine, you should consult a doctor before doing the exercise. Sometimes an increase in the tone of the muscles surrounding the damaged area may be contraindicated.
  • The ability to keep the body straight is developed. This will greatly help you both in everyday life and when you do other fitness exercises, such as squats.

In addition to the above, it can be noted that you do not need any additional equipment for training. You can practice at home, in the gym or anywhere.

Will Plank Help You Lose Weight?

The effectiveness of the bar for weight loss, like any other exercise, is measured by how much energy you spend on it. In other words, it is not worth considering it as a magic tool that will help you lose weight. Dynamic variations of this exercise consume more calories than static ones.
Regularly doing planks, along with diet, helps to get more pronounced results in the process of losing weight.

In general, you can make up a whole workout solely from the planks. However, this monotony will quickly tire you. Therefore, it will be correct to combine the bar with other physical exercises. The effect of losing weight will appear if you spend more energy than you get from food.

Visually, the bar helps to make the figure more slender by toning the muscles of the abdomen and sides. In principle, this gives a good help to start losing weight.

How to do the exercise

There are, in fact, two classic options for the exercise:

  • in emphasis on straight arms;
  • in emphasis on the elbows.

Doing the exercise on straight arms is easier than on the elbows. This is because in this case, most of the weight of your body is on your legs, which is quite normal, the load on the upper body is less and it is easier to maintain the position of the body. As you lower yourself onto your elbows, the distribution of weight between the points of support changes. You have to make much greater efforts to keep the body in a level position.

Straight arm plank technique:

  1. Get into a palm rest position. Put the brushes exactly under the shoulders. Your entire body should be in a perfectly straight line. That is, you keep your back straight, without bending in the lower back (the pelvis is slightly twisted), the legs make up one line with the back - the buttocks do not rise up, the stomach does not sag down (the press is tense). Pay special attention to the position of the shoulders and neck. The chest should not sag between the shoulders. The neck is a continuation of the back, the gaze is directed to the floor, there is no need to raise your head. Legs are straightened at the knees, you rest on your toes.
  2. Stay in a static position for as long as you can. Continue to stand until the technique begins to break due to muscle fatigue. The fact that the muscles in the last seconds begin to tremble is normal. As soon as you feel that you are no longer able to maintain the pose correctly, get down on the floor, rest a little and repeat the exercise 1-2 more times.

Technique of execution on straight arms.

As for the width of the stop, it does not matter. The wider the legs are apart, the easier it is to do the exercise. Feet together - a complicated option.

Technique for performing the exercise with an emphasis on the elbows:

  1. The starting position is the same as in the previous version, only you put your hands not on your palms, but on your forearms. The elbows are located strictly under the shoulders, the body, neck and legs form one line. Make sure that there is no deflection in the lower back, the buttocks do not rise up, and the stomach does not sag.
  2. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Repeat approach 1-2 times.

Technique of execution with an emphasis on the elbows.

Many practitioners have a question: how long do you need to keep the bar and how often should you perform this exercise?

If holding the plank “as long as possible” seems too vague to you, start with 30 seconds. After you master holding the pose for 30 seconds in three sets, increase the time by 10 seconds and hold on for 40. So, gradually strive to achieve three minutes in one approach. If you have reached a good level of fitness, proceed to the development of complicated variations of the exercise.

Plank can be done as often as your time and desire allows. It's perfect for completing abs workout or full body workouts. You can do this exercise separately at any time you have the opportunity.

10 plank variations

What is called, complicate your life, in two ways:

  1. By reducing the number of points of support (by raising an arm or leg).
  2. By adding dynamics (push-ups with your hands or stepping over your feet or doing twisting).

You can diversify the received load by changing the position of the body, that is, by performing:

  • side planks;
  • back planks.

Let's look at how to properly perform all these options in order to get the maximum effect from the workout.

Let's raise our hands

This version of the exercise will increase the load on the muscles of the core and upper body, in particular, on the shoulders. In addition, small stabilizer muscles responsible for maintaining balance are included in the work here.
Reliance on three points - the arm is extended forward.

  1. Take a classic plank position on outstretched arms (easier) or on your elbows (more difficult). Transfer body weight to one hand, and tear off the other from the floor and stretch forward. Lock in this position and try to hold it for as long as you can.
  2. Lower your hand, then repeat the movement with the other hand.

We raise our legs

Here, the additional load falls on the gluteal muscle and the back of the thigh. The stabilizer muscles of the body also work.
Raising the leg gives a load on the gluteal muscles.

  1. Get into a plank position on your elbows or on straight arms. Keeping your lower back stable, lift your straight leg off the floor and lift it up. Lock in this position. Raising the leg is performed without a jerk, in a controlled movement.
  2. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Two point support

This exercise is a synergy of the previous two. You keep support on just two points - this is the level of a pro.
Two-point support requires good coordination of movements.

  1. Get into the classic plank position. Stretch your straight arm forward and lift the opposite leg up. It is quite difficult to maintain balance in this position, so it will require you not only physical preparation, but also mental concentration.
  2. Lower yourself to the floor, switch legs and arms, and repeat the movement.

Plank with push-ups

Doing the plank this way adds dynamic work to the exercise. The load on the pectoral muscles and triceps increases.
Complicating the exercise by adding push-ups.

  1. Take a plank position on straight arms, fix.
  2. Without changing the straight position of the body, lower yourself on the elbow with one hand. Then do the same with the second hand. So, you are already standing in the plank with an emphasis on the elbows.
  3. Now you need to rise back to straight arms. That is, sequentially with each hand to do push-ups. Straighten the arm that was bent first, then place it on the palm and straighten the other arm.
  4. Repeat the exercise for as long as you can.

Feet together - feet apart

This type of plank for the press gives an additional load on the gluteal muscles.
Alternately put the legs apart and return to the midline.

  1. Get into a plank position on your elbows or straight arms, depending on your fitness level. Connect your legs together.
  2. Step one foot to the side. Take a step to the side with your other foot. Return the first leg to its place. Bring your other leg to it. While walking, control the position of the lower back.
  3. Repeat the exercise.

with twist

Another dynamic variation that puts the obliques to work.
Add to the exercise twisting the body.

  1. Take the position of emphasis on straight arms.
  2. Lift one arm off the floor and lift it up, twisting your torso. Both legs remain on the floor, but the shoulders change their position from horizontal to vertical. The arm is extended vertically, the gaze is directed to the side.
  3. Lower your hand and return your shoulders to a horizontal position, but instead of placing your palm on the floor, slide your hand under the body and stretch in the opposite direction.
  4. Raise your hand again and lower it, stretching in the opposite direction.

knees to shoulders

This version of the exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Take emphasis on your elbows or palms.
  2. Through the side, pull the knee to the shoulder of the same name.
  3. Put your foot back in place. Repeat the movement with the other knee.

The knee is led to the shoulder through the side.

The side bar allows you to create a static load on the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. Get into a classic plank. Turn the body sideways, raising one arm vertically up. The legs can be placed crosswise one after the other, or the leg located below can be placed on the outer part of the foot, and the second one can be placed on top of it (this option is more difficult, since there are fewer points of support). Your legs, pelvis, back, neck and head should form one straight line.
  2. Fix the position and try to keep it as long as possible. Then, change sides.

The side plank trains the oblique abdominal muscles.

This exercise can be made more difficult. To do this, the leg that was on top should be raised up. The side plank requires perfect balance control and trains balance well.

This is the last type of slats in our selection. All the basic principles of the exercise, such as a completely straight body, remain valid. Only the position of the body changes.

  1. You need to get into a plank with your stomach up. To do this, sit on your buttocks and lean on your hands behind. Stretch your straight legs in front of you.
  2. Shifting body weight to your hands, lift your buttocks and stretch the string. The gaze is directed upward. The neck and spine are straight. This is the back bar.
  3. Lock in this position. Get down on the floor.

Performing a back plank.

As a complication, you can alternately raise your legs up.

So, we figured out how to do the classic plank correctly, and also listed 10 of its variations that allow you to increase the effectiveness of your workout, diversify the load and work out almost all major muscle groups.

Beginners are advised to start with the basic version of the exercise, gradually mastering more complex options. Thus, you will strengthen your muscles, tone your body, become stronger and more resilient, and also be able to improve your results in other exercises.

As for losing weight, the bar can be a good help in this process, but its implementation alone will not be enough. In order to get a powerful fat burning effect, you need to exercise intensively and.

Plank exercise refers to exercises that do not require high dynamic loads, the main requirement is to hold your body correctly. During this exercise, all the muscle groups necessary for your body to be lean and toned are involved. The muscles of the back, the press are especially active. buttocks, legs and arms. Several variants of the plank exercise have been developed, all of which differ in varying degrees of load on the body.


Basically, all the exercises that are done in training are dynamic. They are aimed at working out one muscle group. The static load during the plank exercise acts on a muscle group and impresses with its results. Within just a few weeks, you can notice a change in the figure for the better. By doing this exercise, it is possible to lose weight, as daily training increases metabolism. The plank can be part of your regular dynamic workout and is a great addition to it.


For people suffering from unstable pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system, this exercise is not recommended for performance, since the pressure may rise during the exercise. For girls, a contraindication to this exercise is the period of PMS and pregnancy.

What to do before doing the exercise

Before any workout, be sure to warm up. This will save you later from injuries, sprains and the appearance of unpleasant pain. A good warm-up for you will be a few tilts, squats and turns of the head and torso. Let's move on to the consideration of the types and features of the exercise:

Plank on arms or elbows, classic plank

There are several types of the classic plank, all of which differ in the degree of load on a particular muscle group.

Plank performed on straightened arms

The classic plank is performed on straightened arms. You need to take a position as if you are going to do push-ups, while the body is extended in one line, the neck is extended, the gaze is directed down in front of you. Hands are shoulder-width apart and form an angle of 90 degrees with the body, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible.

Classic plank at the elbows

The classic bar on the elbows repeats the bar on straightened arms, with the only difference being that the elbows, not the palms, serve as a support.

Progressive plank exercise

If your body can handle the loads of the classic plank, you can do more difficult exercises.

Plank and push-ups

Plank with the transition from a position on the hands to a position on the elbows and back (plank - push-ups). This exercise must be performed with increasing load.

Plank with a jump

The jump plank is another form of progressive exercise. To perform it, you need to push off with your socks and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, pushing off a second time, return your legs to their original position. When performing such an exercise, more significant loads act on the muscles.

Plank with arm extension

More simple than the previous exercise, but no less useful - the plank with the arm extended forward. The removal of the hand is carried out alternately. When performing this exercise, the center of gravity changes, which makes the muscles work differently.

side plank

When performing a side plank, the body is on its side, resting on the foot and palm, or resting on the foot and elbow. The body is elongated along the line, the hips and lower back are held in tension by the body without bends, the stomach is pulled in.

Progressive side bar or transition bar

When performing this exercise, the transition from the side bar to the classic bar on the elbows is carried out, followed by the transition to the other side and back.

Progressive side plank with twist

Such an exercise is an analogue of the twisting exercise, and affects the work of the oblique muscles of the press.

Plank with frog lunge

This exercise has a very good effect on stretching, strengthens the gluteal muscles.

Plank on fitball and bench

Despite the similarity of this exercise with the classical variation, the number of muscles involved is greater here, since leaning on the fitball you also need to maintain longitudinal balance.

Reverse plank

This exercise tightens the buttocks well, evenly distributing the load on the muscles of the shoulders and their stretching. You can enter the rack from a sitting position, leaning on your palms - straighten your body. The body during the exercise, as well as in the classic plank, should be in one line.

Mistakes when doing the plank exercise

back flexion

The most common mistake when doing this exercise is arching your back. This error occurs due to undeveloped back muscles or due to ignorance of how to properly perform this exercise.

knee bending

If your knees are bent during the exercise, this affects the overall position of the hips, which in turn can cause discomfort during the exercise.

Tucking the head under or lifting it too high

If the head is not positioned correctly, pain in the cervical region may occur. The neck should be located almost in line with the spine.

Incorrect position of the palms

When performing a classic bar on the hands, the palms should be at shoulder level. When performing the bar on the elbows, the same rule applies. Incorrect hand placement is very common among those who have recently begun to perform it.

Plank exercise how to do how many approaches

If you are doing this exercise for the first time, 2-3 sets of 30-15 seconds will be quite sufficient. Later, you can increase to 3-4 sets of 30 seconds. Well, when your body will easily accept such loads, you can perform 4-5 sets of 60 seconds each. To increase the effect, you can do the bar twice a day. The most important rule is to do it right and not overdo it.

Plank exercise for 30 days or steel press for 30 days

This marathon program can truly do wonders for your body in just 30 days. The most important thing in this program is regularity. Set yourself a reminder on your smartphone or an alarm clock, and go ahead. In time, all this action takes no more than 5-10 minutes a day. This time is not difficult to find even for the busiest person.


In conclusion, we can say that the plank exercise will help you tighten your body, strengthen your abdominal muscles, increase metabolism and reduce excess weight. If your goal is to lose weight, the bar will certainly not solve all problems, but it will be a very good helper in this matter. All over the world, this exercise is becoming very popular due to its effectiveness and simplicity.

From the floor? There are many variations of this exercise, from classic to advanced.

With regular exercise, you can increase muscle tone and lose extra pounds. How to do the plank exercise correctly will be discussed further.

What is needed?

The plank is considered an isometric exercise, during which the muscles do not contract, but simply tighten, the body remains motionless. This exercise forms a muscular corset, as it affects the deep muscles of the abdominal press. With this exercise, you can remove sagging.

All you need is to hover above the surface on your hands and toes. If it’s hard for you to do it, then you are doing everything right. The duration of the hang for beginners is no more than one or two minutes, with time the load increases. If performed regularly, the first results are noticeable after 14 days. The body becomes toned and graceful.

Who is contraindicated?

This exercise is suitable for everyone who does not have such health problems:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • C-section;
  • spinal column injury;
  • damage to the wrist joints of the hands.

When doing the plank, follow the sensations, you should not feel pain, only tension.

Types of exercise

Classic Plank Rules

For the effectiveness of training, you need to properly control your own body. Step by step action:

  • Lie on your stomach;
  • Bend your arms at right angles (90°);
  • Rest on the floor with your elbows and socks;
  • Elbows do not go beyond shoulder level (shoulder - elbow parallel);
  • The body should be straight as a stick and be in tension until the timer signal.


  1. The feet move, so the load on the abdominal press will be greater.
  2. The legs are straightened and tense, due to which the abdominal (straight) muscle keeps the lower back from bending.
  3. The gluteal muscles should be tense until the end of the exercise.
  4. The position of the lumbar is the most important point! A flat lower back without arching is the correct position.
  5. As for the stomach, it needs to be pulled in and pulled to. This position is maintained until the end of the exercise, while breathing is even.
  6. Elbows at shoulder level, this will protect them from overload. But if you are ready to increase the load, then push them forward.

Perform the plank on the exhale and hold until the set time. Beginners can withstand 15 seconds, but then the duration should be increased to 3 minutes or more (in accordance with physical fitness).

For beginners, a great start is 15 seconds, then 25 seconds, and so on up to a minute.

Active muscles during the plank are the deep muscles, spine, pelvis and hips. The main thing is to stand correctly and breathe evenly.

Plank with straight arms

  1. Starting position: stand at shoulder width.
  2. Pull your stomach up to your ribs.
  3. Squeeze your buttocks.
  4. Exhale and gradually lower your torso down.
  5. Rest your palms on the floor and move the bulk to.
  6. Breathe evenly and feel how the abdominal muscles hold the body.

The head is straight (does not fall on the chest), and the shoulders are straightened. The hand (at a right angle) is at the level of the elbow joint, and the elbows are parallel to the shoulders. The abdominal muscles are tense, and the back is even, you can imagine that you yourself are a plank.

On two pillars

In the side plank, the abdominal muscles work more intensively, this is due to the fact that the body is held on two supports, and in order to maintain balance, you need to strain harder.

Step by step:

  • You need to lie on your right side and lean on your elbow, which is at a level with your shoulder, legs are even.
  • The left hand can be raised or placed on the waist.
  • Exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your buttocks up, leaning on your feet and elbows.
  • The body is straight as a stick.

The duration of the exercise is from 35 to 50 seconds.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen, delta, pectoral, gluteal and femoral muscles are reduced.

You can strengthen the muscles of the whole body if you perform this exercise daily for 2 to 3 minutes. You can lighten the load by standing on your knees.

For advanced athletes who can easily perform a plank on two supports and can withstand more than 3 minutes, there are complicated rack options.

With leg up

The main secret is that the reference points become smaller, as a result, the abdominal muscles, back, buttocks and hips contract more intensively.

Stages of the exercise:

  1. The starting position is a stand on the elbows, as in the classic version of the bar.
  2. The abdomen is drawn in, the lower back is straight.
  3. Maintaining your position, slowly raise your straight leg above your head.
  4. Pull the toe towards you.
  5. Freeze in this position for as long as you can and change your leg.

The plank with a leg raise can be performed after the classic.

Watch your lower back, it should be flat.

If something doesn't work, take a break and try again.

With a show of hands

This is a difficult option, as it is difficult to balance on one hand.

Starting position - on the elbows. Lock the lower back and pull the stomach to the ribs. The body position must remain unchanged. Gradually pull your hand in front of you, maintaining the position for 30 seconds, stand on the other hand.

On the side with complication

This is the most difficult version of the bar of all presented. The lateral muscles of the abdomen, lower back, buttocks and hips are reduced.

You need to lie on your side, legs straight and connected. Lean on the elbow, which is placed parallel to the shoulder. Without disturbing the position, slowly raise your arm and leg. Freeze in this position for as long as you can, then roll over and repeat.

With a fitball

To perform this exercise, lean your limbs on the ball. This version of the strap is more functional, since with the help of the ball you train your balance, balancing on it. If you constantly fall, then lean the ball against furniture, a wall, or practice doing a classic plank.

Step by step action:

  1. Get on your knees, rest your elbows on the ball.
  2. Roll the ball forward until your back is straight.
  3. Then you need to straighten your legs.
  4. Straighten your shoulders.
  5. Freeze in this position for 5 seconds.
  6. Bend your knees, rest and repeat the exercise.

The daily norm is 4 sets of 10-20 times.

In this version of the exercise, the legs rest on the fitball:

  1. Lean on the ball with your shins.
  2. Palms parallel to shoulders.
  3. Align, without deflection in the lumbar region.
  4. Freeze in this position for 1 minute.
  5. At the same time, you can do push-ups from the floor.

Inverted plank

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Hands near the hips.
  3. Tighten your lower back, legs and buttocks.
  4. Slowly raise your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line.

Training program

The plank can be made more difficult with additional exercises:

  • Classic stance - raise your arms or legs in turn.
  • Side stand - raise your legs.
  • Plank on straight arms - bend the leg and pull it to the chest, do it in turn for the left and right limbs.

A set of exercises for 5 minutes:

  1. 1 minute - classic plank.
  2. 20 seconds - stand with a raise of the left hand.
  3. 20 seconds - exercise with raising the right hand.
  4. 20 seconds - standing with raising the left leg.
  5. 20 seconds - exercise with raising the right leg.
  6. 20 seconds - bar on the right side.
  7. 20 seconds - plank on the left side.
  8. 1 minute - plank with straight arms with pulling the knees to the chest.
  9. 1 minute static stretch.

Video: plank marathon


    Tight buttocks

The systematic implementation of even a regular bar guarantees strong and toned buttocks after 14 days of training. A regular stance with a leg raise will save you an orange peel.

    Strong back

All plank options are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower back, neck and deltas. With the help of these exercises, osteochondrosis is prevented, and pain in the upper back disappears after a heavy bag or sitting in one position at the table. The shoulders are strengthened and become more attractive.

    Beautiful legs

The legs are the anchor points in the exercise, during which almost all muscles are tensed.

    Graceful waist

During training, the lower, lateral muscles of the press work and fat is burned. To enhance the effect, tighten your stomach. You need to breathe evenly.

    Embossed hands

Hands are also reference points to which part of the total body weight is shifted. They are constantly tense, which means they work. The biceps and triceps are especially prominent. As a result, you get strong, but graceful hands.

The most common mistakes

  • bends the lumbar;
  • buttocks rise;
  • hands not at shoulder level, but in front of the body;
  • feet at a distance;
  • head down.