Clothing suitable for skinny girls. How to choose clothes for thin men

Modern fashion has a wide range of options for creating a stylish image for owners of a fragile physique. However, in pursuit of fashion trends, thin girls should remember about a few golden rules that will help you avoid mistakes when choosing an outfit.

It is necessary to pay attention to details, not forgetting that with their help you can both spoil your image and put your figure in the best light, diverting attention from the obvious imperfections of thinness and emphasizing its dignity.

Skinny girls should stay away from two extremes - loose baggy clothes And tight things. These are the worst enemies of a thin figure, hopelessly spoiling the appearance, visually aggravating the already skinny complexion and emphasizing the absence of magnificent forms.

Preference should be given to outfits that create visual volume. For this purpose, clothes decorated with ruffles will serve perfectly. An excellent solution can also be layered options: several things worn on top of each other will help visually increase the volume. But you need to remember that they should be well combined with each other, and there should not be too many of them. Jackets worn over blouses, light blouses and even dresses, as well as various combinations of jumpers and pullovers with shirts, will look great on petite girls.

For a thin build, you need to choose clothes that fit your figure, but not too tight. This applies to any item of clothing, whether it be blouses or. Such outfits can make thinness highly aesthetic, if you focus on a graceful waist - the main advantage of a fragile physique. Works great for this task. belt, and it can be a real salvation for thin fashionistas.

You can also emphasize the advantages of such a figure using black color in clothes. This color is an established classic, it is always relevant. An elegant black dress no longer than the knee will look lovely on a petite girl. However, excessively long black things should be avoided, they spoil the image, visually enhancing thinness. This also applies to pronounced vertical stripes in clothing.

knitted dresses

All curvy girls envy slender girls, but thin girls sometimes fail to choose the right outfit for themselves in order to emphasize the advantages of their bodies. When choosing a dress for thin people, you need to pay attention to styles that will emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the fragile structure of the body.

Most choose baggy hoodie dresses - this is a huge mistake. Such an outfit will not only hide thinness, but also turn a beautiful girl into a shapeless hanger. Also, do not buy tight knitted dresses, they will emphasize the fragile figure even more. There are several styles in which any thin woman will look spectacular, sexy and irresistible.

The classic sheath dress is the pinnacle of the summer 2013 season. This versatile dress suits any figure, so it just looks great on thin girls. Such an outfit will give the body the correct and beautiful proportions. The main thing is to choose a dress that fits well. To make the dress look spectacular, choose an outfit with horizontal drapery, ruffles or decorative seams. Thin women are categorically not suitable for vertical stripes and patterns on clothes.

Babydoll is a sweet, high-waisted, puffy hem doll dress perfect for slim girls. In such a dress, the chest seems to be more voluminous, and the lush folds visually expand the hips. But for owners of thin legs, it is better to choose styles with a long hem.

A tulip dress will remarkably emphasize a thin waist, and give additional volume to the hips. And if you choose a boat neckline, you can hide the collarbones and pay attention to the neckline.

Ideal for thin people - dresses with a lush hem. They come in different lengths, so they can hide pointy knees and skinny calves. Such an outfit visually enlarges the hips and focuses on a thin, beautiful waist.

For thin girls of small stature, the best option is a long dress with a high waist. Such a robe will remarkably hide thin legs, add volume to the hips and draw attention to the décolleté area.

It is better to choose dresses with ruffles, flounces and bright cheerful tones. Pay attention to dresses with colorful large prints. Avoid boring monochromatic dark tones. Do not be afraid to wear bright colors, rich and energetic shades with large colorful patterns are in fashion now. A well-chosen style combined with a colorful trendy pattern will draw the attention of thousands of eyes to your person.

The dream of any girl, of course, is to be slim, because on thin people everything looks impressive and elegant. However, many cannot even imagine how difficult it is to choose a wardrobe that hides the existing flaws. Dresses for thin girls are, first of all, a well-chosen style that emphasizes dignity in combination with suitable shoes and necessary jewelry.

What is best to avoid?

Of course, thin girls can experiment with images to their heart's content, but still there are some points, guided by which it will be easier to demonstrate the dignity of their figure from the most advantageous side.

Dresses, what style should be avoided when choosing?

  1. If a girl has not only a slender figure, but also a fairly high growth, then she is not recommended to choose too short dresses with an open top, as this option may look defiant. It should be noted that such an image is acceptable as an evening or solemn, so to speak, for a grand weekend, but not for everyday life.
  2. Lovers of tight fabrics and models need to understand that in cases of excessive thinness, they are not entirely appropriate. As an example, it can be explained that too sharp shoulder blades will look less appetizing in such an image, and especially in dark colors that visually reduce volumes than in a different style of dress.
  3. Shapeless dresses can aggravate the situation, as it is better to stick to the middle between the “hoodie dress” and overly tight.
  4. There is a concept of heavy fabrics that do not give a crease, which on a thin figure will not look appropriate.
  5. Owners of a thin figure need to be careful when choosing dresses with a deep neckline and open sleeves, as there are times when a girl prefers to leave hotel areas closed.
  6. In addition, it is not recommended to choose a dress with a too large floral print.

Which options should be preferred?

To present your figure in the best light will help the observance of some nuances, such as:

  1. A lot of dresses look great on thin people, especially those with a high waist. This style will help visually add height and make the waistline the most pronounced.
  2. If you want to choose a style, on the contrary, with a low waist, you can choose a dress with a slouchy top
  3. It is allowed to choose dresses with additional elements such as frills, pockets, bows.
  4. Any even the simplest dress can be diluted and complemented with accessories, such as beads, belts, a bag and suitable shoes. The main thing here is the ability to harmoniously combine these things without overloading the image with excesses.
  5. It is more expedient for owners of very thin gauges to choose the appropriate length of the dress, but this rule applies to those who consider this a disadvantage, not a virtue.

Formal dress

Taking advantage of a solemn occasion, it will be great to decorate yourself with a dress made of flowing and light fabric. This style can be decorated with various draperies and lace. Of course, as mentioned above, it would be no worse to add not too massive accessories to the image. A dress in bright or bed color will look very impressive. IN this case The use of dark shades is not forbidden, but it is better to choose light colors.

Dress styles for skinny girls

The options presented below will help to give the figure even more spectacular and are suitable not only for a special occasion, but also for everyday life.

Tulip dress

Modern stylists consider this style a real find. This is explained by the fact that such an outfit focuses on the waist, visually enlarges the breasts and hips.

Greek style dress

If there is a desire to hide too thin legs and focus on the chest, this option will be more than ever useful. The silhouette in such a dress will look feminine and gentle, and the girl will feel like a real goddess.

Sheath dress

This option creates the correct proportions and hides flaws in any figure, including thin ones. Similar dresses can be decorated with embroidery, decorative seams and ruffles.

Babydoll dress

A dress with an A-line skirt and a high waist visually eludes the chest and corrects the hips. This model helps the girl look fragile and tender.

Dress in retro style

The fashion of the 50s is still relevant today. Such dresses are considered the standard of femininity, which, of course, are suitable for slender beauties.


Without being cunning, we can safely say that almost everything suits slender girls, and they can wear whatever dresses they want. A slender girl in a beautiful dress attracts many looks, because it is pleasant to watch her. But most often, any beauty finds some flaws in herself, and these recommendations will help to hide them.

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While many girls, before the onset of the bathing season, are looking for the most effective diet for themselves in order to quickly lose weight and put on a beautiful swimsuit, you are faced with completely different problems ... Due to the fact that you are thin and petite and at 25 you look no more than 20 years old, you have to constantly listen to offensive remarks addressed to you: “You definitely need to eat more”, “You need to get a little fat” ... and that you, so thin, should buy clothes in the “Children's World” ...

At the same time, a thin figure and short stature are not at all a disadvantage that you need to suffer from, but your natural constitution, which you need to make friends with and learn how to handle correctly. So, today we will give you 5 useful tips for choosing clothes that will help you correctly emphasize your dignity and visually make a thin figure more feminine!

Remember a simple geometric trick: vertical stripes on clothes visually direct the eye from top to bottom, which means they make you visually taller and thinner, while horizontal stripes, on the contrary, expand the figure.

Do you love little cocktail dresses? Choose dresses with ruffles and voluminous decor. Ruffles on clothes are the best way to add volume and femininity to a thin figure. By the way, this also applies to swimwear: if you have small breasts, then you can visually enlarge it by wearing a swimsuit with frills in several rows. A simple but effective move!

— pretty simple. But we think little, and pay even less attention to very thin girls and women, as well as the problem of choosing clothes for them. After all, thinness does not always mean debilitating diets, often it's just a constitution or heredity. And to think that thin people do not have the same problem with choosing clothes as full ones is completely wrong. Let's see what's coming and how to dress skinny.

From the article you will learn:

What is the best thing for skinny girls to wear?

1. Stripes are always a salvation.

If overweight women often think about which direction the strip should go in order not to give even more volume where it is not needed, then for those who have a fragile constitution, striped clothes are the best choice and it doesn’t matter in which direction these strips go. go. Both horizontal and diagonal stripes will do, but it is better to avoid along the entire length of the dress.

2. Bulky clothing.

Another technique that thin people can use is, which is so fashionable this year. But do not confuse bulky clothing with one that is a size or two larger than you need. In this case, you run the risk of looking not only ugly, but even comical. Therefore, with the choice of this clothing should be cautious. For example, if the style is voluminous, then the fabrics themselves should not be very coarse or the knitting of the sweater should not be too thick, since thin handles that will peek out from under such a sweater will give you a not very aesthetic look.

3. Layering.

We can say that with the help of layering it is much easier to make volume than with the help of voluminous clothing, which was mentioned above. But it is not so. It takes practice and a sense of proportion to create layered kits correctly. At the same time, and also know how to create layered outfits correctly, this is what will help you look great despite thinness.

4. What are the best pants for thin women?

Pay attention to which trousers have not gone out of fashion for many years now: banana trousers. They can be called the ideal solution for those who want to add a little volume through clothing. Also this year there is another style of trousers that can help you - these are skirts or culottes. Both models of trousers are good to choose those that do not tightly fit the figure from above. In general, it is better to choose clothes that leave space between herself and the body.

5. Shuttlecocks.

We all continue to create volume. And this can easily help what obese women should avoid - these are ruffles and flounces. Firstly, they go to thin girls, emphasizing their fragility, and secondly, with their help, you can easily adjust the figure in the right places, you just have to choose the right location for ruffles and flounces.

What colors are best to choose in clothes?

Of course, there can be no general recommendations here. The only general recommendation is not to wear all-black clothing. But even if you really want to dress in all black, then play with textures and, of course, with volumes. This is not forbidden, but not every fashionista can create such ensembles in clothes.

Otherwise, of course, the recommendations will be as follows: if you wear a monochrome outfit, make sure that it is not tight-fitting. It is best to choose pastel or bright colors in clothes, so they do not draw much attention to what we are trying to hide in this article with clothes with flounces, ruffles and multi-layer sets - we are talking about thinness.

It is also worth remembering to all lovers of black: gray is the new black, the main thing is to find your shade correctly. Don't forget that blue and its shades can be incredibly elegant. Just like with gray, the main thing is to find your blue color.

Never forget that fashion changes, style is most often always with you in life. Look for it and do not forget, no matter how fashionable your clothes are, if they are not comfortable, they do not suit you.