Jewelry business plan. Workshop opening includes. What can be done additionally in your workshop, or what tricks exist in this matter

Jewelry workshop as a business is a rather profitable enterprise. That is why, given text was compiled as a result of an interview taken from Manjos A.L. He is one of the leading consultants in matters relating to jewelry and businesses related to them. Earlier we already considered the possibility of opening, today we will try to touch on the main points of organizing the other side of this business and consider the specifics of the work of a jewelry workshop.

What tips can you give to open a small private jewelry store for a small price?

Making all the documentation, as a rule, is not very expensive. In this matter, the main thing is the lease of the building. Most often, jewelry stores are opened by the owners of buildings or shops themselves, but if you decide to do everything separately, then you will need a separate non-residential building. You must be the one and only owner of it. Even if the object is slightly bad location, no need to give up. Thanks to advertising, everything will soon pay off. If you do not like this option, you can take a sublease, although it will be more expensive, but it will pay off much faster. The advantage of setting up a workshop in a remote point is that all the people living nearby will immediately become your customers. In addition, it is possible to take the owner of the building into business and arrange everything with his name. To greatly reduce costs, you can temporarily abandon the alarm and the iron room, although in the future you need to think about this.

If you have given good advertising in your city and the nearest cities, then, perhaps, you will not need a super-expensive sign. It will be enough to make a stand behind the showcase of your store, in which there will be a list of all available goods and services. It is enough to give the stand lighting so that it is noticeable in dark time days, and for greater attractiveness it is normal to issue.

Next important point is acquisition jewelry scales . Here the matter is much stricter and more expensive. According to the requirements of the Probirnadzor, it is required to install scales with the highest accuracy class, and such pleasure costs from 600 to 900 dollars and more . But even here there are tricks. Can be on industrial enterprises buy old scales from Soviet times. Almost all of them are about 40 years old.

This method will cost you somewhere between 100-150 dollars. After that, you need to change some parts and check. The check should be carried out by a specialist, for a start, a year of registration will be enough for you, after which you can buy better scales. Parts plus verification will cost you another $50, for a total of $200. This is much cheaper and better to start than $1,000.

What can you additionally do in your workshop, or what tricks are there in this matter?

Naturally, the installation of a counter is necessary, since without it a store cannot be considered a store. Although after installing it, you will be constantly under supervision public service and local cool kids. Despite this, it still makes a lot of sense to open your own workshop.

I recommend making several removable illuminated horizontal panels next to the window of your showcase. This is done for an exhibition to show several products. In practice, this method is very effective. You can put on such a showcase not only finished goods, but also blanks. You can also make an exchange fund, this will attract even more customers to your shop. Also, among the tricks to attract customers to the jewelry workshop, it is worth noting the use of online advertising. IN Lately not many people manage without the Internet, newspapers are losing their popularity more and more. For this reason, it is better to choose to place your ads on the Internet resources.

You may have already noticed that the jewelry business in Russia is very well developed. There are a lot of jewelry workshops, but there is one thing, but. Half of them close before they open, and all this is because the business plan for the jewelry workshop was not drawn up and unsuitable staff was selected. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to hiring staff and increasing sales in your workshop.

Among the main problems of jewelry sellers, it is worth noting the remoteness from the client. Agree, it's unpleasant to work with a seller who doesn't care about you. Whether it's a sales manager or a regular salesperson, you need to remember that customers love attention. The task of the seller is to give this attention to the buyer.

For example, we can cite the situation with two identical counters. Only one of them had a polite, responsive and sociable seller, and the second one was the one we meet every day. So, in a month, the first earned many times more than the second, about 3 times more. You can draw your own conclusion from this.

From the foregoing, it should be clear that you can not reject and treat the most insignificant and insolvent clients badly. After all, at one time a person can become many times richer, and then because of bad attitude after a small order, for a larger one he will go to a neighboring shop. By the way, if possible, you need to make jewelry yourself, but there is no point in wasting time on advertising and sales.

Ways to attract customers to the only open jewelry workshop

To begin with, you must attract customers with quite reasonable prices, sometimes lowering them, but not too much and not raising them to exorbitant limits. You must have good quality services, namely quality repairs and great style jewelry making. If you have all this, then regular customers will appear, who, by the way, will themselves be engaged in advertising your shop.

Also, in order to gain momentum in sales and customer acquisition, you need good, high-quality advertising. You can place free advertising on the Internet, and if necessary, you can place paid advertising about the opening of a new private jewelry workshop with attractive prices.

It is necessary to print ads in all newspapers of your and neighboring cities. Just a few words about your shop are enough in the newspaper. You can also provide customers with the maximum fast deadlines performance, which naturally will not affect the quality. To do this, you may need the latest jewelry workshop equipment and qualified personnel. Very good at attracting customers Additional services. These include: repair of precious and antique watches, visual assessment, various paid consultations on jewelry, and the like. Also, do not forget that polite attitude to the client encourages to go to your store, and not to the neighboring store.

So, you can offer jewelry cleaners to individual customers of your shop, treat you to coffee. This does not mean that you need to forget about the rest and run to a more expensive client, it means that you must be a polite, conscientious and quality entrepreneur.

Working hours and benefits

Your income will directly depend on how much and how you work. Therefore, it is recommended that the first Time to work 6 days a week, preferably 8-10 hours a day without lunch breaks. If suddenly the jeweler falls ill, then the owner of the shop can replace him, taking orders with more long term execution. Now a few words about preferential services.

Of course, you can do without benefits, but then your shop will not gain such popularity. Giving service and jewelry creation perks to budget organizations is a huge leap up the ladder of successful entrepreneurship. So you can print about 40,000-70,000 thousand discount tickets and notify all organizations of the city about the benefits. You can advertise in the newspaper for benefits. After that, you can issue specially printed coupons for signature.

So the shop becomes incredibly popular among different segments of society. Coupons will sell out very quickly. So you can hire several people to distribute coupons in the subway and retail outlets, as well as in public places. You can also send coupons by mail and offer them to bus and taxi drivers.

In conclusion, it must be said that in the jewelry business it is important not to be stingy, because it pays twice. You always need to treat your customers with attention, be responsive, make a quality product. And of course, the most important thing is to pay enough attention to the person who decides to buy something from you. Like these ones small tips for those who are thinking about how to open a jewelry workshop.

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So, if you decide to run your OFFICIAL jewelry business - from a workshop to your own network, then you will need the following documents as a BASIS.

All of the following is written by me from myself, i.e. if you want to issue documents for yourself, you can issue the same for any person, but I’m used to doing everything myself and being the first everywhere, and I’m writing how to do everything on my own, as I did documents for myself as n individual entrepreneur it is about all the intricacies of IP that I will tell you, I will soon register an LLC - then we will talk about an LLC) - in short, I begin to list.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that in the State Inspectorate for Assay Supervision of any of the federal districts of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as GIPN), you will be given the choice of registering your license at their expense or yourself, at your own expense, as practice shows 95% of all who did everything themselves , including me - I never handed over all the documents to the GIPN correctly the first time, but I will try to lay out everything to make your work as easy as possible and so that you pass everything correctly the first time, because it is not always convenient and close to get to your GIPN according to your FO. I will state everything in 2 stages - stage 1 - what you need to do as a physical. stage 2 for a person - how to directly get into the GIPN:


1. You must be at least 18 years old + you must have a passport and TIN, which is issued to any citizen of the Russian Federation starting labor activity(If not, do it at the tax authority at the place of residence - MANDATORY!)

2. Before you go to the GIPN, you need to create a legal entity of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, I am an individual entrepreneur, so I tell everything as for individual entrepreneurs. So, go to the Tax Inspectorate in your district of your city or the region where you live, and say I want to become an individual entrepreneur, they tell you - well done, eagerly rubbing their hands in anticipation of tax collection in the future) fill out a bunch of papers, and hand them in, register you for FREE within 5 working days. I’ll make a reservation here, the fact is that when registering an IP, you will have to indicate the type of your future activity, and the so-called. OKVEDs - the codes in the Tax Authorities that are necessary and the tax, and most importantly in the GIPN, when I didn’t know them - I was tormented 4 times, I redid it, I made changes, then they advised me - the MAXIMUM number of OKVEDs to enter so as not to suffer, I did so by making EVERYTHING related to the jewelry gemology and related fields.

4. List of OKVEDs YOU NEED:

52.73 - BASIC - repair of watches and jewelry, This OKVED is the main one at the request of the GIPN (Then all the other additional OKVEDs come - in any order convenient for you) I note. What about some of your services, (okveda) in the future may need to be supplemented. Licenses in GIPN, but having OKVs in your SP, it will be much easier to get them)
- 36.22.4 - Processing of precious, other than diamond, semi-precious stones. And synthetic stones.
- 36.22.5 - Manufacture of jewelry.
- 36.61 - Manufacture of jewelery of base materials
- 37.10.22 - Treatment of waste and scrap of precious metals
- 52.48.22 - Retail sale of jewelry.
- 52.48.3 - special retail trade of non-food Goods not included in the drag group
- 36.22 - production of jewelry and technical items Products from precious metals and stones.
- 51.47.34 - Wholesale of jewelry.
- 52.48.39 - special retail trade in non-food goods not included in other group
- 36.21 - Minting of coins and medals.
- 51.47.37 - wholesale trade in other consumer goods.
- 36.2 - production juv. ed. and tech. Edition of precious materials and stones, coins.
- 14.50.2 - mining of dredges and semi-dredge stones mining of abrasives and other

51.52.23 - wholesale trade in gold and other precious metals (purchase)
- 51.56.3 - wholesale of precious stones
- 74.1. - activities of the field of law. required for gemology
- 36.22.3. - diamond processing
- 74.11, 74.13, 74.14 and 74.84, 72.60 - data of the Okveda for both gemological examination and, in general, for appraisal activities.

5. Further, after receiving a certificate of registration with the tax office (BY THE WAY, IMMEDIATELY APPLY FOR A SIMPLIFIED PROCESS - it still remains for individual entrepreneurs! Until January 20104, if you have time, you will be happy) and then everyone who will register will be on UTII). You will need to go to other organizations, which are usually scattered around your city everywhere).

6. You will need to receive an information letter from the Statregistry of Rosstat, though I still need it, but I still need it, and a certificate from there - it is better to ask the tax office of your city where this body is located.

8. You need a safe deposit box and an agreement with it (you can, of course, make a safe room if you have a lot of dough, but a safe deposit box is simpler and cheaper;) all the more, I have NEVER used it, I just pay 250 rubles annually for maintenance and that’s all and renew the contract) .

9. A lease or sublease agreement for premises for your business or a lease agreement for a trading place - if it is a trade, but I am writing about a workshop) about STORES / TALK IN A SEPARATE TOPIC.

10. A floor plan / copy can be taken from the owner of the room if your own is even easier, the main thing is to draw there that the walls are supposedly fortified, everything is cool, all the norms are met, etc., so that there are fewer questions and there are no checks, beautifully paint and hang noodles on your ears, for your own good.

11. An agreement with a security private security company with anyone, they say that so and so with you, as an individual entrepreneur, they entered into an agreement on protection - THE MAIN IMPORTANT! - ask when drawing up the contract - to include the clause - escorting valuable cargo to a bank cell (in fact, you can not pay and not use it, but purely for the GIPN it is necessary so that you don’t carry the products yourself, but the security carries and delivers - as a rule, they go to a meeting and there are no problems - write purely on a piece of paper that there is such an item)

12. Purchase a safe, it’s better to fill it up so that they don’t take 200 kilograms away) like mine).

13. Your personal name - either ordered from the GIPN or from the workshops of engravers - such a name is 2000 rubles and every year you have to do it anew according to the requirements of the GIPN. (we'll talk about the decoding of names and other crap later).

14. If you want to engage in buying up a pawnshop gemological examination - then for each of these positions you need to have a certificate or a trained person) 6 to 15 thousand rubles.


You will need to fill out a number of papers for the GIPN, you can come to them and take them from them, but it’s better to download from the Internet and fill them out at home, it’s better to have several options if you are not completely sure that you are filling out everything correctly.

You need to fill in:

Card of registration for special registration in the state inspection of assay supervision
- Application for your registration with the GIPN
- Inventory of documents submitted to the GIPN for registration (stupidly list the number of documents).

What should be:

Application in 1 copy 1 sheet
- Card filled by you 3 sheets 1 copy
- And all other documents that I mentioned in Stage 1 - ORIGINALS AND COPIES NOTARIOUSLY CERTIFIED.

ATTENTION! - All documents such as the Lease Agreement, the agreement with the private security company, the special registration card, etc. - everything must be STITCHED WITH WHITE THREAD AND NUMBERED!

ADVICE: When going to GIPN and doing all the manipulations with documents for the first time, I advise you not to be too lazy, to make scans and copies of all documents and throw them in an electronically visible flash drive and, if possible, take a laptop or netbook with you to fix everything right away! Documents are prepared within a week, 7 working days - and then you have to come and pick it up, or if you live too far from GIPN, then you can arrange to have your documents sent to you by mail.

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Jewelry business, as a small business, can be very profitable.

It is best to start with your own workshop, where only you and a maximum of 1-2 more students will work. In order not to burn out, you will have to immediately think about building a clientele and good advertising for your activities. If things go well, then you can create a whole work shop.

A business plan for a jewelry workshop with employees and mass production will be different from a business plan for a small business.

Main areas of work

If you work on your own, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment and materials for modeling and casting. The premises can also be rented small. The range of work will include:

  • Jewelry repair and fitting;
  • Production of exclusive jewelry;
  • Making jewelry according to the sketch of the customer or from the catalog;
  • Alteration of old products (customer's raw materials) to new ones.
Jewelry Benefits

The work is, of course, responsible, but interesting. The main advantages include the following:

  • you set the schedule
  • there is an opportunity to show creativity,
  • you can work in silence without hassle and fuss,
  • with the existing clientele, such activities provide a good income.
How to start a jewelry workshop business

The business plan of the jewelry workshop must include the solution of such issues as the registration of the enterprise and registration with the assay office. If you deal with these issues through a law office, then registration will cost about 15,000 rubles.

It is also worth taking care of protecting your workshop. To do this, it is necessary to install an alarm system, an alarm button, a safe and an elementary fence between the working area and the customer communication area in the room.

In terms of location: even if you have to huddle in an area of ​​9 m², the main thing is that the room is located in the city center or a prestigious area.

Expenses for opening a jewelry workshop

The first year, while there is still no large customer base, the company will not be able to recoup the initial investment. It is necessary to tune in to a return on investment within a period of not earlier than one year.

To start the project you will need:

  1. Premises rental - 12,000 - 15,000 rubles / month (180,000 per year);
  2. Documents, legal issues - 15,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of tools, equipment, furniture - 300,000 rubles;
  4. Security alarm maintenance - 16,000 rubles;
  5. Purchase of raw materials - 10,000 rubles;
  6. Advertising - 5000-10 000 rubles.

In total, to start a business, you need to have about 500 thousand rubles.

Gold, silver and other precious metals do not have to be purchased in in large numbers, because sometimes customers bring old jewelry for melting down. Better to take as needed.

You can buy gold as bullion from banks or as scrap from private companies and individuals. Gems purchase directly from direct suppliers.

Before implementing the project of opening a jewelry workshop, it is better to calculate its payback. In order to calculate the payback of your business idea, you can follow this link.

The jewelry business in Russia, despite the crisis, does not lose its relevance. Every year gold production, sales precious items only increases. That's why this species earnings, you can safely call it, but this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, which is in demand today.

In the previous publication we discussed, in this article I want to talk about how to start a jewelry business.

Before you start your business in this attractive and profitable area in all respects, you need to decide on the direction.

Choosing a direction in jewelry

  1. A pawnshop is a place where you can pledge any valuable thing, in our case, it is gold jewelry. This business is relevant in times of crisis, you can rise well, quickly recoup all costs and soon receive a net profit from this business;
  2. Development of design of gold products. This type of employment is quite promising, albeit troublesome. Such work requires a certain skill, knowledge in the jewelry field, so it is best to start with people who know this skill. Prices in jewelry stores exclusive jewelry always much higher, so good earnings you are provided;
  3. Supply precious metals. The supply of precious metals is a promising and very profitable business. But in Russia this process controlled at the state level, therefore, a beginner in this business has nothing to do. Here you need a solid start-up capital and not a small initial investment;
  4. Workshop for the repair of gold items. Very often, such workshops open next to jewelry stores. As a rule, people turn to the nearest jeweler for a repair service, so it is very important to open a workshop near or in the same room as a jewelry store;
  5. Jewelry store is enough profitable business, but requires a large initial investment, so it is not very suitable for beginners.

In this article, I want to discuss more specifically the question of how to open a jewelry store.

Opening a jewelry store

To begin with, it is worth compiling detailed business plan of a jewelry store, this is necessary in order to competently study all the nuances of this field of activity. Namely, the amount of initial investment, the payback period of the business, competition. All this is necessary in order for your future activity to be successful.

Where can I get money to open a jewelry store?

There are several ways, but you must clearly understand possible risks. In business, there are no 100% guarantees of success.

Opening a jewelry store from scratch will not work, this business area requires considerable financial investments, therefore, for a start, you need a solid start-up capital.

Start-up capital

You can borrow money to start your own business from the bank. Apply for a loan and get start-up capital. If you try, you can find the most favorable loan terms.

Help from the state. Each person is entitled to one-time assistance from the state for development own business don't miss this opportunity.

Companionship. The jewelry business requires considerable investments, so you can look for partners, people who will be ready to work with you for the benefit of the common cause. It is desirable that investments in the business be approximately equivalent.

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Registration of a jewelry store

To get started, it is worth registering with the tax service as a legal entity. You also need to obtain a license to trade in jewelry.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspection.

All goods must be certified, all products must have appropriate samples confirming their authenticity.

Jewelry store space

Let's start by choosing a store location. It should be crowded, passable, the best option– large shopping centers. Do not worry if there are competitors nearby, as a rule, customers are creative in choosing jewelry, they go, choose, visit several points before making a purchase. Therefore, the location of the store next to competitors is more of a plus than a minus.

Premises for rent

Prices vary quite a bit due to the location of the outlet. But here it is important not to miscalculate, because Jewelry are not essential goods, so it makes no sense to open a store in a residential area of ​​​​the city. You will have to shell out a considerable amount for a monthly rent in a good, crowded place, but this makes sense, because there are more chances to get targeted customers.


First of all, you will need to purchase display cases. They must be attractive appearance. There must be an alarm.

Also, every jewelry store should have a security guard, make sure that he has a presentable appearance.

Scales. Mandatory presence of scales for weighing jewelry. Sometimes clients need this service, but they will be needed in work.

Equipment options for jewelry stores:

  • Classic counters are glazed showcases, horizontal or tilted towards the client, with a height of one meter.
  • Glass cabinets - look very presentable and allow the client to see the decorations in more detail. As a rule, such showcases are used in exclusive jewelry stores.
  • Vertical stands - easy to use, allow you to place a large assortment goods.

Purchase of goods

Most of your capital will go just to buy gold items with a view to reselling them. It is very important to find good suppliers with whom it will be profitable to work.

It is best to choose a certain direction: exclusive goods self made, vintage jewelry or standard inexpensive items.

Don't buy too many items initial stage. It is more profitable to sell goods under a commission or commission agreement. In this case, you pay for the goods after its direct sale.

Many jewelry stores also work on order, that is, you choose the jewelry you like in the catalog and after a while you receive your goods. It is much more profitable to work this way and almost all exclusive salons have switched to this type of activity.


It is very important to choose the right employees for your jewelry store. There are some requirements for sales consultants that should be considered. The consultant must be competent, good-looking, sociable, understand the intricacies jewelry business be able to attract clients and advise them competently.

Remember that the profit and success of the whole business directly depends on the professionalism of your employees.

Security guard. In addition to salespeople, you must hire a person for the position of security guard. Treat this candidate responsibly, carefully check all the information about this person before hiring.


Advertising plays an important role in promoting a business. This is especially true for new jewelry stores that have just opened.

To attract customers, people need to know about a new jewelry store that has opened in their city. To do this, you can distribute leaflets with the address of the store in crowded places in the city.

Promotions and discounts. Competent price policy will help you attract customers and outperform your competitors, so this issue worth paying close attention. The presence of discounts and promotions has a positive effect on people and on a subconscious level makes them participate in advantageous offer. Consider this fact, and you will always be one step ahead of the competition.

What is the name of the jewelry store?

Oddly enough, a lot also depends on the name, so approach this issue creatively. The sign in the store should be bright, eye-catching, the name should be concise, memorable.