What do you need to organize a private kindergarten. How to open a private kindergarten - detailed business instruction

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 156,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 30,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 315,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a small private kindergarten with calculations.

Service description

Private kindergarten provides parental care services for their young children (3 to 7 years old). The organization is small and is designed to serve 10-12 children at the same time. The list of services provided includes finding children in the kindergarten, meals, walks, classes. Overtime stay of the child in kindergarten is not provided. The organization itself will be located on the first floor of a residential building, the apartment will be transferred to non-commercial real estate in advance. In this business plan, we will consider the option of real estate for rent. But if you have your own apartment on the 1st floor, then your expenses will be significantly reduced, and your profit will increase.

Market analysis

Today, the problem of placing a child in a kindergarten is very acute. There are not enough government institutions like this. Parents wait a very long time for their turn, sometimes it takes several years. In such a situation, many are trying to find an alternative solution to the problem. Private kindergartens are gaining more and more popularity.

As a rule, the urgent need for childcare is felt by parents of children who already know how to talk and walk. Age category - from 3 to 7 years. The older age is not relevant at all, since the children are already going to school. Very young children require careful care and supervision. Mothers usually sit with them, for this they are granted maternity leave and parental leave. The greatest demand is observed in the middle age category. It is these children that the entrepreneur will recruit for kindergarten.

This type of business is especially relevant for women with a pedagogical education. They will be able to be the owner of the business, and the educator, and the cook, and the cleaning lady, if necessary. Therefore, such an enterprise has a certain female “accent”.

The limited number of municipal kindergartens causes big difference between a large (constant!) demand for kindergarten services and offers in this market sector. There will always be customers in this type of business. And they are likely to become regular customers. This will reduce advertising costs.

In general, it is better to open such a private kindergarten in the city area where wealthy families live. They, as a rule, resort to the services of such organizations, having greater confidence in them. Thus, portrait of a potential buyer will look as follows: these are families with a child aged 3-7 years, their income is set at an average level and above average (it is worth focusing on the latter category).

The main competitors will be other private kindergartens located nearby, and municipal institutions of this type. The main weapon of struggle will be the professionalism of the staff, the provision of quality services, as well as unusual offers(for example, teaching martial arts or dance classes by a professional trainer). It does not make sense to make the cost below the average market - in this case, the costs simply will not pay off and the organization will not bring any income.

SWOT analysis

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing threats and opportunities. The former can hinder the successful development of the enterprise, while the latter, on the contrary, accelerate it and cause additional income.

The factors influencing the enterprise are usually divided into external and internal. First self employed cannot change. However, he can minimize the impact of negative factors and use opportunities for his own good. TO external factor include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • The level of competition is not great, since it is quite difficult to open a kindergarten today, this type of business requires considerable initial costs.
  • Providing a wide range services.
  • Opportunity to attract investment in this sector of the economy.
  • Low advertising costs.
  • Changes in legislative acts.
  • Low fines for individual entrepreneurs (about 1-3 thousand rubles).
  1. Threats:
  • High level of bureaucracy in this area.
  • Decrease in the income level of the population due to the crisis.
  • Presence of financial barriers to market entry.
  • The need to process documents for the transition from the category of private kindergartens to NOU.
  • Strict requirements from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate.

The owner can try to eliminate internal factors if they are negative. And those that positively affect the business can not only be used for good, but also strengthen their influence. Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Possibility of further expansion.
  • Choosing a territory where the level of competition is minimal.
  • Convenient location for service users (in this case the kindergarten will be located in an area where wealthy families live).
  • A large number of specialists in this field (many will agree to work in your organization, since municipal kindergartens offer very small salaries).
  • There may be an increase in the cost of services provided.
  • Entrepreneur with experience in this field.
  • Availability of various training courses.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High level of fixed costs.
  • Lack of any customer base, the need to search for customers.
  • High responsibility, serious consequences are possible (in case of injury to a child, for example).
  • Inability to meet the increased demand (the availability of a small number of places for children will not allow).
  • The need for serious renovation.
  • The high cost of necessary equipment and furniture.
  • Decline in the quality of services due to lack of motivation among staff.

It is important to understand that certain factors may be absent in a particular enterprise. Here it is already important to conduct a study of the local market and working conditions.

Opportunity Assessment

The private kindergarten will operate 5 days a week. Working day from 7:30 to 18:00. In order to avoid problems, we arrange a teacher for one and a half rates.

A teacher in drawing and music will come to the kindergarten separately. Only 2 times a week. They can be issued as part-time employees or carried out as outsourcing. In our case, we chose the second option to exclude the cost of paying insurance premiums.

One teacher will work with children. His duties include looking after children, doing exercises, taking a daily walk (1-2 times a day), conducting developmental activities (counting, alphabet, etc.).

You can hire one of the housewives who lives in the same entrance as a cook and cleaner. She will come 3 times a day.

The kindergarten will be located in a 3-room apartment.

Please note that rooms for sleeping, playing and eating must be equipped. In our case, the kitchen will be a place for ready

ki, 1 room - dining room, 2 room - games room, 3 room for sleeping. The game room will also have a practice area.

It is worth choosing an apartment with a separate entrance on the ground floor.

At the time of admission to the kindergarten, parents must pay an entrance fee. From one child - 7 thousand rubles. This amount may vary by region. On average from 5000 r. up to 15,000 rubles We will count this money separately and direct it to pay off the initial costs. The total amount will be 84,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal aspects

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is no home kindergarten as a legal form of business. Remember that if the name contains the words “school” or “kindergarten”, then it will no longer be possible to register as an individual entrepreneur, the owner will have to register as a legal entity. In this case, you will also have to obtain an appropriate license to organize activities in the Department of Education.

  1. . We pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. If it is needed, . The OKVED code can be: 85.32 “Providing social services without provision of accommodation", 80.10.1 "Services of pre-school and primary general education", 0.10.3 " Additional education children."
  2. You can apply UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. Please note that it is the individual entrepreneur with the corresponding name of the organization that does not need to obtain a license.
  4. You must also register with pension fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  5. Childcare activities are not subject to licensing. It is only important to choose the right name.
  6. According to article 48 " Education Law”, individual pedagogical activity not subject to licensing.
  7. It is important to prepare a contract for the provision of services. It is best to consult a lawyer for help in drafting.
  8. Don't Forget to Follow Sanitary Norms and Rules fire safety!

Marketing plan

Price policy:

The cost will be the same for all clients. It will be set at a level slightly above the market average. This is due to the fact that the main customers will be wealthy people, for which the cost often becomes an indicator of the class of the service provided.

Marketing strategy:

Since the kindergarten will focus on families living in nearby houses, it will be possible to save quite a lot on advertising. Ways to progress in this case include:

  • Signboard. It should be big, bright, interesting and memorable. It is important to choose a catchy name.
  • Posting ads. It is better to do them on high-quality paper, having previously compiled a selling text.
  • Consulting potential clients, holding " parent's day". On such an evening, parents can be introduced to the available programs and conditions.
  • Installation of pointers. This will add seriousness to the organization.

But it is better to exclude rounds of apartments. Wealthy clients may be put off by this. In this case, advertisements in newspapers and on television will be ineffective. The number of customers is small, and the cost of such advertising is very serious. In addition, the above methods will help you find potential customers faster.

Calculation of projected income

The average monthly revenue will be 156,000 rubles.

I would also like to say that 13,000 rubles is not the limit. In some kindergartens, this figure reaches 17,000 rubles and even more (If you do not take Moscow into account, because prices there are 2-3 times higher). Also, we do not take into account additional fees for trips with children to theaters, children's pools, museums and other places of leisure.

Production plan

Most likely, the owner of the business, and not the landlord, will have to repair and equip the premises. It will be a small repair, the main thing is that the room fits all sanitary standards and fire safety measures.

You will have to buy furniture, namely beds (we chose bunk beds to increase space), armchairs, tables, chairs, a kitchen set, cabinets and more. Do not buy very expensive furniture. Better choose average price but reliable things.

From the equipment you will need a refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, music center. You can also purchase a microwave oven. You can't buy a laptop.

It is worth taking care of leisure. Let there be in kindergarten Stuffed Toys, Board games, drawing supplies, copybooks, notebooks. You also need sports corners with mats, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.

At first, you will have to spend a lot of money on finding customers. But then you don't have to do it.

Payments to the teacher and the cook will be fixed. The teacher receives 30,000 rubles, the cook - 25,000 rubles. This includes taxes and insurance premiums.

You can organize an additional stay of the child in the garden. For example, for a fee. After all, not all parents work until 6 o'clock. The main part of the income can be given to the teacher to stimulate him and provide additional income.

organizational plan

Initial costs will amount to 315,800 rubles.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax will be: 156,000 - 120,000 = 36,000 rubles.
  • Tax: (we consider 15% of the difference between income and expenses) = 5,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 36,000 - 5,4000 \u003d 30,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 30,600/156,000 = 19.61%.
  • Payback: (315,800 - 84,000) / 30,600 \u003d 7.6. Therefore, the project will pay off in 8 months.

If the individual entrepreneur himself works as a teacher or the apartment is not rented, but owned, then the income will be slightly higher (almost 2 times). Therefore, on initial stage it is advisable to consider such a method. Also, do not forget that in 2-3 years there will be new set children and contributions will also replenish the business budget.


When opening a private kindergarten, one must not forget about possible risks. In this area, the main difficulties that an entrepreneur may face are the following:

  1. High bureaucracy in the industry

It is impossible to fight this factor. All requirements are subject to regulations and laws.

The consequences of this risk can be small (fines for non-compliance with certain requirements) and catastrophic (up to the closure of the enterprise).

You can avoid risk. It is only necessary to study in detail the existing laws and comply with the existing requirements.

  1. Frequent audits of the organization

To a greater extent, they will relate to fire safety and the sanitary condition of existing premises. This risk can be considered part of the first.

The possible consequences for IP are not so significant. set low and usually do not exceed several thousand.

And yet, it is important that the room meets all the requirements. It will also increase the level of customer confidence.

  1. Low level of professionalism of employees

This risk is typical for almost any enterprise. Possible losses: decrease in profits, loss of customers. As a result, the company may become unprofitable. The saddest outcome is the ruin of the entrepreneur, the closure of the organization.

There are two ways to avoid this risk:

  • carefully select staff, set high requirements (but remember that this also leads to high wages);
  • recruit workers with low or medium skill levels and provide training.

At the same time, it is important to constantly develop your employees by sending them to training courses, for example. The teacher (educator) should be aware of the latest effective methods used when working in kindergartens.

  1. The need for constant use of free Money

Indeed, it is necessary to spend money on wages, food, various activities. All of these costs are quite large. If the entrepreneur does not have these funds, he will not be able to continue working in this area.

You can protect yourself in several ways:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • expand business, increasing income due to the effect of scale of production;
  • have own funds that can be invested in the business.

IN last resort, you will have to apply to the bank for loans, which will negatively affect income. Part of the funds will need to be spent on repaying the loan and paying interest. Therefore, this method is the least attractive of all mentioned.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

In the early 2000s, the birth rate in the country dropped sharply. People did not live in the most better times, and the economy has just begun to emerge and protracted stagnation. Against this background, thoughts about children appeared extremely rarely, and the number of newborns rapidly decreased. At one point, the understanding came that kindergartens are not staffed in the proper volume. It was decided to close many until better times. And now the best times have come, there are more and more young mothers and fathers every day, and there are no more kindergartens.

If you see that in your area, city, region, there is real problem In order to send the baby to a good kindergarten, you need to think about how to meet the demand for this type of service.

In one of our previous articles, we talked about how to open a children's development center, an analogue of all well-known kindergartens, only with a limited number of children. The article was more advisory and exploratory in nature, and there are very few figures and specific facts. Many readers began to ask for a detailed and working business plan for opening a kindergarten.

At first, the idea seemed good and necessary to us, but there was no practical knowledge in this area. And just a month ago, our team met a man who has been developing his private business for three years already. kindergarten. We asked him to give us an insight into his business, to give us advice and recommendations, to acquaint us with figures, expenses, profits, with everything that would be of interest to our readers.

I would like to say right away that the kindergarten is open in Moscow, but all the tips are valid for any other city. It is clear that you will have to make a certain correlation by numbers, well, this is no longer a problem, the main thing is to know what to count in the first place, and what to refuse.

Business plan for a private kindergarten

As we have already said, the kindergarten operates in Moscow, and a room of 500 square meters was rented for it. Rent is not the main item of expenditure, because there are many other obligatory ones. Among them:

  • Repair in the first year - 100 thousand rubles. This is a one-time investment that is necessary in any case. No matter how good the room is, you will have to modify something, taking into account the fact that it will be a kindergarten. In the future, repairs will be local and not so expensive.
  • Fire safety equipment, alarms, panic buttons - installation 30,000 rubles, maintenance per year 100 thousand rubles. You should not save on safety, because you will work with children whose lives their parents have entrusted to you.
  • Contract with a private security service - 1 million rubles a year. It is not cheap, and you can find more loyal services. The price depends on the scope of services offered by the PSC.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses:

  • The rent of the premises is 500 thousand rubles per month. Ideally, if the room is already there, because a significant expense item will disappear. Otherwise, you will have to pay a lot. Also, premises of this size, and even not technical, are not so easy to find. This is the first thing to start with.
  • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles
  • Meals for 40 children and 20 employees - 200 thousand rubles
  • Consumables. It all depends on how intensively you will work and use everything. In this case, it is 60 thousand rubles a month.
  • Advertising - 100 thousand rubles. Here it is already at your request, but at the initial stages of such expenses cannot be avoided.


  • Entrance fee (a kind of membership) - 68 thousand rubles
  • Monthly payment. The kindergarten is open 9 months a year, and is closed for the summer period. For 40 children, the fee is 25 million rubles a year, which is approximately 5,750 rubles a month.
  • Individual classes with a child (drawing, foreign languages, singing, etc.) - 100,000 rubles per year.
  • Short-term groups (up to 8 children) - 500 thousand rubles a year.

The minimum staff of the kindergarten

Employees are an integral part of your business. In this business plan, we will indicate the required minimum of employees, which must be for the normal functioning of the kindergarten. In the process of activity and development, you can attract more and more people who will expand the network of services provided and increase earnings. It could also be teachers. foreign languages, art, music. But at the initial stage you will need:

  • Each group has 2 teachers and a nanny. In our case, there are 2 groups.
  • Musical director
  • Child psychologist who specializes in preschoolers
  • Speech therapist
  • Employees in the kitchen - a cook and two assistants
  • 2 nurses
  • area cleaner
  • Caretaker or building worker

To obtain this kind of license (to conduct educational activities) you need:

  • Copy of the company's charter
  • A copy of the lease agreement for the premises or the contract of sale
  • Conclusion from SES and firefighters
  • Plan of the educational program. What, how, how and why will you do
  • Evidence of the logistical feasibility of such activities
  • Information about teachers, their work experience, education
  • Information on the number of children in kindergarten

As you can see, you need to collect a lot of documents, get more than one permit, go around dozens of instances. And that's all if you decide to choose LOU. To open a regular private kindergarten, you need to register as individual entrepreneur. You do not need to obtain any licenses, and the requirements from regulatory authorities are much lower. For example, if an individual entrepreneur violates some norms of the SES, he will pay a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. For LEU, these same violations will cost 20-40 thousand.

If you decide to open a kindergarten in an apartment, then let's say right away that this is not entirely legal. Firstly, you will have to negotiate with the SES and firefighters, because it is almost impossible to fulfill all their instructions in the apartment. Yes, and earnings here, too, will not be very comforting. Even in a spacious apartment, you can work with a maximum of 10 children.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it, you will be able to educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The best option would be to register you as an individual entrepreneur, and name the kindergarten as the Child Development Center (CRC) or the Child Care Center (CCC).

The algorithm of action for a kindergarten at home is similar to that for the NOU, only without obtaining extra licenses and permits.

Kindergarten business plan: recruitment

Your kindergarten staff is the backbone successful business. You need to understand that it is the people you choose who will communicate with the children, the kids will tell their parents about him, and they will tell their friends. A good teacher, nanny, excellent cooks - this is your goal and guideline.

But no matter how documented professionals people are, you must interview them under a very close attention. You can even set up a camera, write down everything you talk about, then track the reactions to certain questions. Always hire new people with a mandatory trial period.

In any case, you will need:

  • caregiver- this is the person who should inspire trust and respect in parents. He must think in the same social language with young mothers and fathers. A prerequisite is a specialized higher education and work experience. It would not hurt to find out why a person quit his last job, what prompted such a decision, take the phone of the previous leader and personally find out everything that interests you.
  • Methodist- a person who draws up methods for raising and developing children. This is not a theoretician who knows about children from books and lectures of the institute, this is a practitioner who has worked in a state kindergarten, easily finding contact with parents who know modern tendencies education and development of children.
  • Psychologist. Do not take a young specialist. Although there are a lot of smart young psychologists now, it's not worth the risk. Take a person with experience, but that he was not of Soviet hardening. The person must be middle-aged, up to a maximum of 35.
  • Director. If you yourself have nothing to do with pedagogy and have never encountered kindergartens, then you need a person for the position of director who is able to organize the correct activities of the kindergarten.
  • Household worker. Any household worker, even that same cleaner, must clearly understand that your kindergarten is not a state office, where everything is state-owned. He must be economical, hardworking. He must perceive the kindergarten as something of his own, and work with appropriate dedication. Good salary and motivation from you, high-quality work from the farm worker.

Retention and development of employees

If you want to be the best, always be one step ahead of your competitors, use relevant methods and approaches of education, then you need to attract super professionals in their field. But such people will have to be motivated so that they stay with you, and do not go to work for a competitor. It is clear that the best motivation is an increase in wages. But it is necessary not only to increase it, but to involve employees in such a way that they receive bonuses for certain achievements.

Also try to create a team atmosphere. Holidays, joint vacations, birthdays - everything should unite your team, everyone should feel that they are part of something big and important.

Many girls are thinking about opening their own kindergarten. I think it's not a secret for anyone that this business is better suited for women. And if a girl becomes a mother, then in two years the desire can develop into a need. Why give the child to someone if you can organize your own kindergarten. If opportunities allow, then you need to try. Here are some tips that will definitely help someone who decides to take on this risky, and very responsible business:

1. If you have never worked in this area, then you do not need to take on all the responsibilities. It is better to hire a director with experience in an administrative position and a pedagogical education. Ideally, if this is a former head of kindergarten. The director can make your life much easier, because he will help you find good and professional staff, choose a room, equip it with the necessary furniture, etc.

2. Justify the choice of premises. It is very good if you have a suitable premises in your property. This will take off most of the costs. But, most likely, you will have to rent the premises, which will entail additional risks and liability. Try to get it right from the first day trusting relationship with the landlord, make him your like-minded person.

3. Make friends with SanEpidemService workers. This should not be an evil official whose arrival you are afraid of, but a real friend who will prompt, help, give advice and recommendations in order to avoid unnecessary problems and fines in the future.

4. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework for doing your business. Understand all the intricacies of taxation. This will allow you to build your business more efficiently and legally.

5. Always keep an eye on the ratio of income and expenses. Many kindergartens introduce entry fees to cover certain risks and earn additional profits.

Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project March 17, 2014 8:25 pm

This is not easy to do, and that's what you need to understand in the first place. Many people think that you can open such an institution at home, gathering the children of your girlfriends around you, and receiving a monthly profit from this. This option is just a job as a nanny. But how to open a private kindergarten, we will tell you further.

List of documents required to open a kindergarten

Educational activities can be carried out both by a legal entity registered in a non-commercial organizational and legal form, and individual- individual entrepreneur.

Registration of this organization is carried out by the FRS of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In a special form, you indicate your activity. The period for consideration of your application lasts 1 month.

After that, you become registered with extra-budgetary funds, the tax service, as well as the state statistics authorities. At the same time, you also need to obtain a license to conduct educational activities. To obtain a license, the following documents are submitted:

  • Premises lease agreement;
  • certificate confirming tax registration;
  • the conclusion of the sanitary service on the compliance of the premises with all sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • the conclusion of the fire service that the room meets all the standards and requirements that apply to preschool organizations;
  • articles of association;
  • documents confirming the existence teaching materials and literature;
  • educational program;
  • data on the number of children and teaching staff.

The issuance of such a license is carried out by the Department of Education and local governments that have such powers.

Although obtaining a license takes a long time, it is impossible to open a preschool without them, as this threatens with criminal liability.

The only loophole that does not provide for obtaining a license document is positioning your institution not as a kindergarten, but as a children's training or development center. Although a license is no longer needed here, you may have problems checking the SES and any other bodies.


The business plan should include a special section with a list of services. You can also increase an already established list at any time, as there are currently no regulations that would prohibit its increase.

Since this is a private institution, try to make it special, different from government structures. This may be an institution for children with:

  • Increased activity;
  • vision problems;
  • speech problems;
  • rare diseases;
  • propensity to learn languages, etc.

For such special conditions, it is necessary to find excellent specialists and obtain all the necessary permits.

Start small and expand your range of services over time. Every year you can add new classes by inviting new specialists.


You can buy or rent a room. Also, if you have enough funds, you can build a house. In any case, the room must comply with all standards, otherwise the SES or the fire department will simply prohibit it from being used.

Facilities and equipment

What is needed for a private kindergarten? Let's divide everything you need into zones:

  • Bedrooms: beds, mattresses, pillows, sets bed linen;
  • play and recreation area: chairs, children's tables, teaching aids, musical instruments, toys, stationery;
  • dressing room: individual lockers for storing clothes, sofas;
  • dining room: furniture, crockery, cutlery, napkins, household appliances;
  • household block: washing machine, dryer, household inventory;
  • medical office: devices, special equipment and furniture, overalls, medicines, refrigerator;
  • administrative office: furniture, computer, office equipment, stationery, telephone;
  • hygiene and sanitary procedures: pots, plumbing, towels, detergents.

Kindergarten staff

The number of teachers depends on the number of children. There is one teacher for every 15 children. If you position yourself as a good preschool institution, then the number of staff should be large. The staff includes not only educators, but also methodologists, teachers of physical education, music and foreign languages, psychologists and speech therapists, cooks and nannies, doctors, paramedics, nurses and security guards.

It is important to invite experienced professionals here. Although it is not cheap, their work in the institution will fully pay off in a couple of years. And you can save on service employees if you take them on a part-time basis, for hourly pay or for part of the rate.

The kindergarten is fully responsible for the life and health of children, so it is necessary to hire such a number of staff that children will not be left unattended even for a second.

Within a few recent years The tendency to install surveillance cameras that broadcast images online has become quite popular. This opportunity allows both educators and parents to observe their children, as well as to control the work of employees of the institution they have chosen.

Your costs

The cost of renting a room depends on its area. If this room is about 400 m2, then renting it will cost you 50,000 rubles. Utilities - in the region of 20,000 rubles.

Repair, purchase of all necessary fixtures and equipment, furniture and toys, the first salary of employees, as well as the organization baby food will also cost you a fortune. According to the latest estimates, all this will cost around 1,000,000 rubles.

Possible risks

  • Rent. You will need to renew your lease agreement every year. With each new year, the cost may increase, which means that you should be prepared for such a turn of events. The owner may change his mind, and you will need to look for a new building and equip it. To minimize this risk, write down all the conditions in the contract in advance and work only with decent landlords who have been recommended to you.
  • Neighbours . This is a risk that almost every aspiring entrepreneur faces. In 90% of cases, neighbors are dissatisfied with the opening of even a mini-kindergarten next to their homes. Before concluding a contract, make sure that the residents of the nearest houses have nothing against it. This way you will avoid negative publicity in the media and unwanted prosecutorial checks.
  • Conflicts with parents . Very often the occurrence conflict situations- not the fault of the institution's employees, but the initiative of conflicting parents. You can see them right away, so try to stay as far away from them as possible, standing your ground: the rules are the same for everyone, the opening to the garden group is phased, the same approach is applied to everyone. Then no one will be able to find fault with you about the fact that you are not coping well with the duties assigned to you.
  • Perspective for the future. Private kindergarten as a business - a prospect for the future. Don't expect instant returns. Profits will come with time. Once you develop a good reputation, happy parents will tell you what great teachers their children have had.

Your income

The numbers below are averages. The amount can be much higher or lower:

  • Membership / entry fee - 60,000 rubles;
  • monthly fee - from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles;
  • individual sessions(foreign languages, singing, drawing) 10,000 rubles per month;
  • short-term groups for 8 children - 6,000 - 7,000 per month per child.

So, you have 40 children in the kindergarten. The initial payment is 60,000 rubles, the total amount is 2,400,000 rubles. Monthly contributions bring up to 2,500,000 rubles a year, individual lessons bring another 100,000 rubles, short-term groups - 500,000 rubles. varies, depending on the number of new children you will be accepting for each new school year).

Of course, you will subtract the salary of employees, the cost of food, security, office supplies, toys, utility bills and rent from the amount, but, anyway, in the first year you have every chance not only to fully recoup all expenses, but also to become a plus .

Since most modern parents want to give their children better education from an early age, you have every chance to discover promising business.

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RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

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RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

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More about current account

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RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

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RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

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RKO in Expert Bank.

Opening a private kindergarten at home today is the dream of many women who decide to do own business. This idea is really very relevant. There are many reasons for the demand. First, it is the lack of state institutions. Secondly, the low quality of service in them. Not to mention the fact that some parents want to go to work earlier and send their child to kindergarten, but they cannot do this because of young age children.

Many parents, even having the opportunity to send their child to ordinary garden opt for a private institution. They have some pretty strong arguments for this. After all, a private kindergarten has, in comparison with government agencies the following benefits:

  • the group contains a small number of children, which allows the baby to quickly adapt;
  • used for each child individual approach;
  • more careful supervision of the child;
  • home atmosphere.

There are also a number of disadvantages. For example, parents have to pay quite a lot for keeping a child in kindergarten. There are not so many places in an apartment equipped for a kindergarten. If the kindergarten does not have a license, then it is impossible to conduct the educational process in it. And some educators and nannies may not have a pedagogical education at all.

Based on these shortcomings, we can conclude: in order to increase interest in your kindergarten, you need to hire people with a pedagogical education, pay great attention to developing children's leisure. Perfect option- get a license. Then it will be possible to conduct some training sessions in the kindergarten.

Many entrepreneurs are wondering where to start opening a private kindergarten at home. The first step is to decide on the format of the future institution. Here you can choose one of the following paths:

  1. Family Kindergarten. The essence of the idea is to open completely small garden. But only a housewife mother with 3 or more children can become a teacher and owner of such an institution. The essence of the idea is that the children become her group, where you can take another 1 or 2 other people's children. For her work, the owner receives an official salary of 18,000 rubles and compensation for food expenses in the amount of 100 rubles a day. A woman is also credited with seniority and an additional bonus for raising other people's children.
  2. Non-state educational institution (NOE). This option involves the work of a non-profit organization. That is, the money received will have to be used for the development of the institution. Therefore, this option is not suitable for a businessman.
  3. Development Center. This option is the most suitable and cost-effective for the entrepreneur. It will not need to obtain licenses to operate. It will be impossible for such a kindergarten to provide educational services on its own. But when drawing up an agreement with a teacher who has an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to teach children in the garden without licensing their activities. Simply, in addition, agreements on the provision of educational services are concluded with parents.

Legal Features

If an entrepreneur plans to open a kindergarten in an apartment, he must understand that he will have to go through the official registration of his institution. The task is quite troublesome. If a businessman wants to avoid licensing, then the words “school” and “kindergarten” should not be in the name of his organization. Otherwise, you will have to notify the Department of Education and open a full-fledged legal entity.

It is important to choose the right OKVED codes for your private kindergarten. It will be necessary to indicate the code 85.32 - "Providing social services without providing accommodation." If the entrepreneur nevertheless decides to engage in the provision of educational services, then in addition it will be necessary to obtain a license and indicate the code 80.10.1 - “Preschool education”.

When choosing a taxation regime, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​using the OSNO, since it will be extremely unprofitable. But the entrepreneur will be able to choose UTII or USN. Moreover, if the expenses are quite impressive compared to income, then it makes sense to choose the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”, but then you will have to document not only the receipt, but also the expenditure of funds.

When deciding for himself the question of what it takes to open a private kindergarten, an entrepreneur must first understand whether he should spend his energy, money and time on obtaining a license. In addition, fines for such organizations are much more impressive than for ordinary private kindergartens.

State subsidies

Work in the field of preschool institutions implies the possibility of obtaining support from the state at the federal, regional and municipal levels. So, an entrepreneur can try to get the following subsidy options:

  • Cancellation of VAT. But this benefit is valid only for private educational institutions. If the kindergarten does not provide such services, then the benefit will not apply to it.
  • Receipt of funds for opening an institution, renting premises.
  • Access to participation in the municipal order.

At the municipal level, other benefits may be provided, which should be found out directly in your city.

Finding suitable premises and purchasing equipment

When opening a private kindergarten in an apartment, you need to carefully select the premises. It is better if it is located in the area of ​​apartment buildings, where young families mainly live. For example, you can buy a room in a newly built house.

It is necessary to look not only at the advantage of the location, but also at the compliance of the premises with the applicable standards. SES puts forward serious requirements for the future kindergarten. When looking for an apartment and its repair, you must be guided by the rules prescribed in SanPiN So, this document states that the kindergarten should have:

  • from 2 m 2 of premises for each pupil;
  • places to sleep;
  • playroom;
  • fire alarm;
  • medical corner for first aid.

You can not use ordinary furniture for small children. So, the height of tables should not exceed 58 centimeters, and chairs - 34 centimeters. The presence of wardrobes for children's clothes is also a must.

Be sure to ensure that natural light enters the apartment. Additionally, the room is equipped with lighting fixtures. It is important to maintain a certain temperature regime- from 18 to 22 0 C. Therefore, air conditioners or fans will need to be purchased for the summer, and heaters for the winter, if the heat from the batteries is not enough.

A private kindergarten in the apartment is designed so that children play, sleep, study in one place. Therefore, it is imperative to provide an area for lessons and leisure activities for kids. To store various accessories, you need to purchase lockers, drawers, shelves. It will be possible to arrange soft toys in them, stationery and much more.

Sanitary standards put forward for kindergartens and a list of furniture that should be in without fail bought. This list includes:

  • educational and ordinary toys;
  • lockers for personal storage of clothes and other things of the child;
  • tables, chairs and dishes intended for eating;
  • everything you need to maintain hygiene (including pots);
  • sleeping quarters and linens.

Personnel search

For the effective operation of a private kindergarten, it is necessary to hire really good specialists relating to other people's children with affection and care. If you treat the search for staff negligently, you can lose all your customers. It is important that the teacher who performs the duties of an educator inspires confidence in the parents of the kids.

It is important to decide in advance how many people to hire. Much will depend on the age of the children. If these are very young children (2-3 years old), then one teacher is hired for 4 children. For older children, you can hire one teacher for a group of 10 people. You can also hire a nanny to help.

When looking for a teacher, you need to pay attention to education and work experience. It is not necessary to take a specialist who works with children of 20 years old. You can take on this position and a young, active and proactive teacher.

When opening circles and educational courses it is important to contact the methodologist for the preparation of a work plan. This should be an experienced person, well versed in current techniques. He will be able to choose the most suitable program for the kids.

In a serious institution, it will not be possible to do without child psychologist. It is important that the applicant is able to communicate with children, conduct testing. It makes sense not to save on the wages of such a specialist. He will be able to advise parents, recognize the abilities and inclinations of the child.


Any entrepreneur knows how important it is to choose the right marketing strategy. The success and profitability of the enterprise will depend on this. You need to start by determining the cost of services. Don't underestimate the price. The services of private gardens are usually used by wealthy people, and too low a cost can scare them away.

The location of the kindergarten in an apartment building suggests the need and expediency of attracting people living nearby. This strategy will allow you not to spend a lot of money on advertising. To promote your private kindergarten, you can use the following forms of advertising:

  • Signboard. It needs to be made overall, catchy, unusual and memorable. It is better to place it on the facade of the house from the side where the traffic of citizens is maximum. It is important to choose a non-trivial name for the garden.
  • Ads. They can be pasted on the entrances. It is important to approach the development of leaflets responsibly. The selling text should be catchy and concise. Everything should be tastefully designed, on good paper, preferably on a color printer.
  • Conducting consultations. This item is necessary to work with objections. Hold a meeting for everyone, tell about training programs and methods, conditions for keeping children in kindergarten.
  • Pointers. They will help future customers to find out where there is a private kindergarten nearby. Moreover, it will add seriousness and status to the organization, which will attract wealthy clients who appreciate the quality of the services provided.

Some entrepreneurs are starting to go around apartments, campaigning for potential customers. It can turn people off. It is better to abandon this idea, as well as the idea of ​​placing ads in newspapers. The latter will be effective only for large kindergartens.

Financial results

Opening a kindergarten will require certain investments. So, in the number of start-up costs, you need to include the following expenses:

  • repair - 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, furniture, toys, dishes, teaching materials - 200,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles.

In total, at least 270,000 rubles will be required to open a garden.

Monthly expenses will include:

  • rent and utility bills - 30,000 rubles;
  • wage- 40,000 rubles;
  • products - 35,000 rubles.

In total, the monthly costs will amount to 105,000 rubles per month.

By forming a group of 10 people and setting the cost of one day in the amount of 800 rubles, you can count on an income of 168,000 rubles (subject to 21 working days in a month). It turns out that the profit will be 61,000 rubles. After paying taxes, about 52,000 rubles will remain.

Therefore, it will be possible to recoup their investments in six months. And the level of profitability will be slightly more than 30%.