Summary of an open lesson on the course “Educational Robotics. Summary of a robotics lesson in the senior group “Constructing a kid”

Airplane rescue

formation of prerequisites for engineering thinking

Development of cognitive, research and constructive activities of children using lego wedo

teach basic techniques for assembling and programming a model;

to form constructive thinking using robotics;

form the correct perception of space;

develop fine motor skills hands, hand-eye coordination;

cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to work in a team.


interactive board,

laptop for each couple,

LEGO Education WeDo 9580 construction set for each pair,



designer hats;

paper airplanes

Hello guys. I'm a flight attendant. My name is Irina. I received an SOS signal.

Do you know what this is?

SOS is a distress signal, a request for help. An ice floe breaks away and people are carried out to the open sea.

How to save them?

Shall we help them?

What kind of people should be like who save those in trouble?

Yes, only brave, courageous, kind people who know how to work in a team can save the victims.

Saving people is hard work, not everyone can handle it.

Let's check if we are ready to help people in distress?

Arina will ask the riddles that she prepared for today’s lesson, and you must guess them.

Well done boys! I see that you are brave, smart and resourceful.

And now we need to choose the transport on which we will go to save people in the open ocean.

Artem, who has prepared a presentation about various types of transport, will help us with this.


So what can you use to hit the road?

Unfortunately, the plane on which I flew to you took off.

Each of you has a construction container containing various parts for building an unusual aircraft. Will you help me build a plane? Do you know what they call the people who build airplanes? (Engineers-constructors)

Expected responses from children.

Now you will all turn into design engineers.

Sit back comfortably at your workstations.

Now we have to design an airplane.

Put on the construction hats that are lying on your tables.

Now you are design engineers.

Ready to design a model airplane?

Let's get started.

The plane is built according to the scheme.

Are the planes ready?

Well done! You created each of your own planes. You are real design engineers!

Now it's time to test.

Place the aircraft on the test platform

We will control the motor via a USB LEGO switch.

I suggest Artyom and Ilya work at the interactive board.

Let's start the test: Connect the model to your computer via a USB LEGO switch.

Drag a button "Block Start" to the center of your desktop.

What is the next block to install?

Block “turn on the engine to...”

Let's check if the motor and propeller will work.

Do you have contact?

To stop the propeller from rotating, press the button "Stop".

Guys, do you think your planes passed the test?

Expected responses from children.

How did you find out?

(The engine started, the propeller spun)

And now we need to program the plane so that it takes off.

Write a program based on the example or create your own.

Let's check that all planes can take off.

The tests were successful.

Well done boys. You helped me design the plane and now we can hit the road.

III. Reflection

Tell me, what did you learn today at the design bureau? Guys, did you like being design engineers? What exactly did you like?

I suggest that you all now go to the board and launch airplanes. If today you were able to cope with the task, design and program the plane, then you need to launch the blue plane. If something doesn't work out - pink.

After the launch, I ask everyone to take their seats.

Thank you, young engineers. I wish everyone to fulfill their dream. And I hope that one of you will definitely become a design engineer. Today you and I have done a great, good deed to save people in distress.

It's not in vain They say: kindness from century to century adorns a person.

This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all.

MBOU secondary school No. 65

Optional activity

in robotics

“Funny mechanisms. Drummer Monkey"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher


Elena Vladimirovna


Task: build a model of a mechanical monkey with arms that rise and fall, drumming on a surface of varying intensity.

Learning objectives: engaging in design, programming, research, and communication during work; be able to work in pairs.

Natural Sciences:

Study of the process of transferring motion and converting energy in a model.

A study of the lever mechanism and the effect of cam configuration on drumming rhythm.

Technology, Design.

Create and program models to demonstrate knowledge and ability to work with digital tools and process flow diagrams.

Technology. Project implementation

Creation and testing of a drumming monkey model. Modification of the model design by changing the cam mechanism in order to change the rhythm of the movements of the levers.


Understanding how the number and position of cams affects the rhythm of the strokes. Understanding and using a numerical method for specifying sounds and duration of motor operation.

Speech development

Communicate orally or in writing using appropriate vocabulary.

Glossary of basic terms

Cam, ring gear, lever, rhythm. Program blocks: “Motor clockwise”, “Input Number”. “Sound”, “Cycle”: “Start”, “Start with key press”.

Equipment: LEGO Education WeDo construction set, laptop, “Drum” (sheet of cardboard, plastic or metal can), “Experimentation” sheet.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Establishing relationships, updating knowledge.

What can Masha and Max tell about the monkey? What does she like to do?

Has anyone played a drum?

How is it structured and on what principle does it operate?

What makes the monkey's arms move?

What is the source of the sound of drumming?

Watch this movie again and watch the movements of any of the hands of the monkey shown in the movie. What other examples of mechanisms that perform similar movements (up and down) can you give? Hand pump, railwaysemaphore, hand withhammerwhen hammering a nail.

Other ways to establish relationships:

Watch a video of drumming. What helps make it pleasant to listen to?

How do your hands move?

What is the source of sound? The hands move up and down, hit the “drum” and at the same time a knock is heard.

Can any of you play musical instruments? How are sounds produced? If these are wind instruments, then you need to blow. Piano, string or percussion instruments, you must mechanically act on the strings or the surface of the drum to make them vibrate.

Do you know that...

The drummer's hands act as levers. They move up and down, rotating around an axis. The drummer monkey also moves its arms up and down with a certain rhythm. You can use levers to make the monkey's arms move up and down, and cams to vary these movements.

Energy is transferred from the computer to the motor. From the motor, energy is transferred first to a small gear, then, with a rotation of the axis of rotation by 90, to a crown gear mounted on the same axis with the cams. The cams rotate and press levers that raise and lower the model's "arms."

Energy is converted from electrical (computer and motor) to mechanical (rotation of gears, cams, movement of levers).

How does the cam work? The cam is egg-shaped, so the part in contact with them performs an oscillating motion.

Create other characteristic movements of the monkey (that is, other rhythms) by changing the way the cams act on the arm levers.

Do the monkey's arms move at the same time?

Are the beating sounds the same?

In the experiment table, record the changes in the position of the cams, as well as how each position affects the pattern of movement of the levers.

Having completed the study of cams and levers, we will discuss the conclusions for the experimentation table.

Describe what you see and hear when one cam is oriented up and the other cam is oriented downward, as shown in the first row of the table.

When one handmonkeysrises, then the other falls. At the same time, a uniform drumfraction with chaabout two hundredblow ingive me a sec.

What happens after changing the position of the right cam as shown in the second row of the table?

Bothhandsstill rise and fall in different waystime,but the rhythm of the drumfractionschanges: knock-knock - pause.Atthisknocking frequency will bethosesametwo beats per second.

What happens after adding another cam on the right side, as shown in the third row of the table?

The right lever rotates and strikes twice as fast as the left lever. In this case, the knocking frequency increases to three beats per second: quick knock-knock-knock - pause.

What happens after adding another cam on the left side?

The arms again rise and fall not simultaneously, but twice as fast as in the first example, with a frequency of four beats per second:knock-knock-knock-knock.


How should the design of the lever mechanism be changed to shorten the load arm? What about lengthening it? To do this, change the position of the center of rotation by installing the axis in a different hole in the beam.

If you move the center of rotation of the levers (axis) to another hole in the beam, you change the length of the leverage arm of the levers and the height to which they rise. As a result, the force of the blows will change and can be heard.

You and the monkey can organize an orchestra! You can play sounds using the keyboard and play along with the monkey.

In the next lesson we will try to create a drum group from the “Drummer Monkeys”. How to do it? Let each model knock differently. Choose different “drums” for them that make interesting sounds – metal bowls, cardboard boxes, etc.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution:

kindergarten No. 1 “Alyonushka” in the city of Asino, Tomsk region

Notes on robotics in the senior group

« Visiting the Fixies"

Prepared by:

Istigecheva Elena Nikolaevna

Target: Creating conditions for constructing a smart turntable


Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop the ability to consistently create a building according to a diagram;

Develop the ability to accept the task set by adults and strive for results.

Equipment: computer, lego WE DO, spinning top, Teleeris - Yakut board game, speakers, timer, presentation, bolt - 2 pcs.

GCD move:

1. Organizing time

Educator: Hello, children!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Do you like watching cartoons? And what?

Children: Yes! (children's answers)

(The teacher shows two bolts)

Educator: What cartoon are these bolts from?

Children: Fixies!

Educator: Correct! What are their names?

Children: Simka and Nolik!

(The teacher turns on the presentation with voice fixies)

Fixies: Hello!

Children: Hello!

Fixies: We found toys on the way to you. What kind of toys? Help us.

(The teacher takes out the spinning top and telearis from the box)

2. Main part

Educator: what kind of toy?

Children: Yula!

(children take the spinning top and begin to rotate)

Educator: What do we use to rotate the spinning top?

Children: by hand

Educator: Do you know this toy?

Children: No

Educator: This toy is called Telaeris. Yakut national board game. We also rotate this toy using our hands. The essence of the game is whose telaeris spins for a long time, wins.(children begin to rotate the telearis.)

Educator: The Fixies have prepared a difficult task for us. Let's listen.

(The teacher turns on the next slide)

Fixies: Now, children, listen. How to use a computer program and a constructor to rotate a smart turntable.

Educator: What helps Fixies solve such difficult problems?

Children: Helper!

(The teacher turns on the next slide with music and a picture"Helper")

Educator: And so before the task we need to warm up. We repeat

(physical minute. Children begin to repeat after the teacher)

3. Doing creative work

Educator: Now we are divided into teams. Simka's team, Nolik's team. And now you have a computer and a LEGO WE DO construction set. Open the program. We begin to assemble a smart turntable according to the scheme.

Educator: Our turntables are ready. Let's start the competition. One of you holds the turntable, the other turns on the program. And I'm keeping track of time. Ready?

Natalia Panchenko


1) development of fine motor skills of the hands, development of attention;

2) development of thinking, imagination, creative abilities.

3) development design skills.


1) Show a sample of the assembled model baby goat, consider it. 2) Teach how to collect.

3) Arouse positive emotions from playing with crafts.

Materials and equipment:

Scheme baby goat made from construction kit parts;

Set of toys "Pets";

Illustrations featuring baby goat;

Sets designer HUNA MRT by number of children.

Preliminary work:

Looking at toys "Pets".


Educator: Today our guest is a pet that you all know. And who is it you must guess with the help puzzles:

Curious, mischievous,

And shakes his head

Jumping, butting,

What is it called?

Answer: kid.

Educator: Guys, you are so great! And now we will collect baby goat made from construction kit parts. (Shows the assembled model baby goat and distributes the necessary parts to the children).

Please name what geometric shapes the parts laid out in front of you look like? How many parts square shape? How many pieces are yellow, green and purple? Are there any round shaped parts?

(children's answers)

Exercise: shape, color and size must exactly match the sample diagram.

Completing of the work.

Educator. Guys, let's stretch our hands a little and then continue working.

Finger game "Two" baby goat"

(On both hands we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs).

Once upon a time to visit someone

Walked baby goat across the bridge,

(Hold your hands horizontally, bring your arms closer together).

And another one was walking towards me,

He was returning home.

(On the first syllable of each line we connect our hands with a swing).

Two horned stupid brothers

They began to butt heads on the bridge,

Not wanting to give in

And skip the other one.

For a long time the goats fought,

They ran and jostled.

With a running head-on - bang!

(For the word “boom” - clap your hands).

And from the bridge into the water - splash!

(We drop our hands on our knees).

(Continuing work)

We got it kids? Well done! Now check if they are stable? Let's give our names kids and let's play with them a little.

Summing up.

Publications on the topic:

A comprehensive lesson on the topic “Visiting the Teddy Bear” for the 2nd junior group. 1. Speech development: Goals: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

"Airplane Design" Summary of GCD for working with building materials in the second junior group Topic: “Airplane Design” Goal: To learn technical techniques for working with building materials. Objectives: to cultivate interest in construction.

Summary of direct educational activities in robotics in the preparatory group “Dog” Objectives: Educational. - formation of design skills and abilities, acquisition of first experience in solving design problems in mechanics.

Abstract of GCD for design in the senior group “City of Friendship” Educational objective: 1. To create a sense of confidence in one’s abilities, because the child sees a clear result. 2. Develop.

Summary of the lesson on building from cubes “Building a turret” Lesson summary Actions with building materials Topic: “Building a turret” (cubes) Area: cognitive development. Construction section.

Summary of a design lesson in the middle group “Two-story house” Summary of a lesson on artistic creativity (construction) in the middle group “Two-story house” Completed by: Shlyakhtina T. E.

Lesson notes for the senior group. Construction. Construction of a children's playground Lesson notes for the senior group. Construction. Construction of a children's playground. Objectives: - to strengthen children’s skills in working with large objects.

Podlesnykh Elena Viktorovna, MBOU DO House of Children's Creativity, teacher of additional education, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy
Subject (focus): robotics (scientific and technical creativity).
Children's age: 12 - 15 years
Venue: class.
Objectives of the lesson: to develop the ability to build models using diagrams, to consolidate work with a touch sensor and a sound sensor, to design a technical, software solution to an idea, and its implementation in the form of a functioning model.
development of the ability to navigate in space;
development of fine motor skills;
fostering independence, accuracy and attentiveness to work.
Lesson form: group (practical work)
teacher computer,
Lego sets Mindstroms NXT 2.0;
PC with PervoRobotNXT 1.1 programming environment installed.
This lesson was preceded by the stage of initial design and modeling, which included: familiarization with the kinematics of an android robot, basic programming concepts, and software-controlled models.
Progress of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment
The teacher welcomes the students, checks the preparedness of the workplace for the lesson and organizes the attention of the students.
The teacher communicates the topic of the lesson, goals and objectives.
Teacher: Today we will get acquainted in more detail with the principles of hardware and software debugging of a finished robot model. Apply the knowledge acquired earlier in practice and test the completed project “Walking robot that reacts to a collision with an obstacle.” To do this, you need to remember how to work with touch and sound sensors, their purpose and functions.
II. Learning new material
Today in class we must:
Assemble, modify (debug) the model according to the technological map;
Write and debug a program for it, upload the program to NXT;
Test the model and debug.
- Look carefully at the next slide and answer the question: On what basis are these robots eaten? (they all have legs)
- What do we call this group of robots? (walking robots).
- Why are walking robots needed in life?

Historical reference
Since the invention of the steam engine by James Watt, the task has been to build a hinged mechanism that converts circular motion into linear motion. The great Russian mathematician Pafnutiy Lvovich Chebyshev was unable to accurately solve the original problem, however, while studying it, he developed the theory of approximation of functions and the theory of synthesis of mechanisms.
Two fixed red hinges, three links have the same length. Due to its appearance, similar to the Greek letter “lambda”, this mechanism got its name “lambda mechanism”. The loose gray hinge of the small driving link rotates in a circle, while the driven blue hinge describes a trajectory similar to the profile of a porcini mushroom cap.
Let us place marks at equal intervals on the circle along which the driving joint rotates uniformly and the corresponding marks on the trajectory of the free joint. The lower edge of the “cap” corresponds to exactly half the time the driving link moves around the circle.
In this case, the lower part of the blue trajectory differs very little from movement strictly in a straight line (the deviation from a straight line in this section is a fraction of a percent of the length of the short driving link). What else, besides a mushroom cap, does the blue trajectory look like?
Pafnuty Lvovich saw the similarity with the trajectory of a horse’s hoof! Let's attach a leg with a “foot” to the lambda mechanism. Let's attach another one of the same kind to the same fixed axes in the opposite phase. For stability, we will add a mirror copy of the already constructed bipedal part of the mechanism. Additional links coordinate their rotation phases, and a common platform connects the axes of the mechanism. We have received, as they say in mechanics, the kinematic diagram of the world's first walking mechanism.
Pafnutiy Lvovich Chebyshev, being a professor at St. Petersburg University, spent most of his salary on the manufacture of invented mechanisms. He embodied the described mechanism “in wood and iron” and called it the “Poligrade Machine.” This world's first walking mechanism, invented by a Russian mathematician, received universal approval at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1878. Thanks to the Polytechnic Museum of Moscow, which preserved the Chebyshev original and provided the opportunity for “Mathematical Etudes” to measure it, we have the opportunity to see in motion an accurate 3D model of Pafnutiy Lvovich Chebyshev’s plantigrade machine (video of “Chebyshev’s Plantigrade Machine”).

III. Practical work
Students are divided into groups of two. LegoMindstorms NXT 2.0 construction kits and three levels of complexity of the project are offered (each group chooses a difficulty level and receives the necessary package of materials from the teacher).
Assemble the model using complete instructions;
Assemble the model using the video;
Assemble a model using presentation materials, which outlines only the principle of Chebyshev’s plantigrade mechanism.
All robots are built according to the following principles:
the robot must stand on the surface (ground), resting only on its “legs”;
The robot’s “legs” are driven by a single motor;
the movement of the “legs” should be reciprocating;
The robot's center of gravity must be shifted forward in the direction of movement.
Student technological map for practical work
Task Student actionBuilding and debugging a model
Project complexity levels:
(1) assemble the model using complete instructions,
(2) assemble the model using the video,
(3) assemble a model using presentation materials, which outlines only the principle of Chebyshev’s plantigrade mechanism. Select one of the levels, receive a package of materials for the selected level of assignment from the teacher.
The principle of constructing robots:
- the robot must stand on the surface (ground), resting only on its “legs”;
- the “legs” of the robot are driven by one motor;
- the movement of the “legs” should be reciprocating;
- the center of gravity of the robot must be shifted forward in the direction of movement. Read the principles of construction and begin assembling the robot (debugging the finished model)
Model programming
Principle of program construction:
- use the “Loop” block, configure it as an endless loop;
- use the “Movement” block inside an endless loop;
- configure the block by selecting engine A, direction of movement forward, power level 50%, duration of movement - infinity. Read the principles of writing a program, compose a program, load it into the robot.
Test the functionality of the program
Debug the program
Students test and demonstrate finished robot models.
Evaluation of the work done.
At the end of the practical work, students present their work. They discuss the project (what could be added to the program). Choosing the best model.
IV. Summing up the lesson
Students summarize the lesson, what they learned, what new things they learned. They are discussing where android and walking robots can be used. They come to the conclusion that studying this topic greatly facilitates the programming of the model and makes the program more universal.
- What robots did we work with today?
- What did you find difficult today?
- What did you manage without much difficulty?
- What else would you like to know about walking robots?
- Does debugging help in project development?