Extracurricular event “Zimushka - winter! Extracurricular activity "winter" outline on the topic Competition. Crossword on the board

Zukhra Muratovna Fayzullina

"Hello Zimushka-winter, we are glad to see you"

"Hello Zimushka – winter, we are glad to see you"

Goals: Creating conditions for achieving a positive emotional attitude.

Tasks: Increase the emotional mood of children.

Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes. Develop interest in winter sports through relay races and competitions.

Develop attention in children, the ability to act consistently in a team, courage, a sense of self-confidence.

Cultivate goodwill and ability to interact in a team.


Today we have gathered in this hall for a meeting Winters-winters! Tell me, what winter months do you know?

Children: December, January and February.

Presenter: Right! And every month of winter is different. December is the first month. The month of the first snow and everyone's favorite holiday - New Year. January is a holiday of Christmas, winter games and fun. February is the last and most severe, frosty month of winter. In February there are snowstorms and blizzards.

Presentation « Zimushka – Winter»

Leading: Zimushka-winter along the road in a straight line there was winter with frosts,

Winter was coming home - the snow was spreading pink.

During the winter, two snowstorms blew the snow,

They blew up the snow as they wanted and threw crystals.

(music plays, Winter appears)

Leading: Hello, Russian pullet, beauty - soul,

Snow-white winch, Hello, Zimushka-Winter!

Winter: Hello, here I am, snow-white - Winter!

They say you called me? They say you were waiting for me?

Hello, honest people. I come every year.

I bring a lot of snow, I bring a lot of laughter,

Lots of fairy tales and fun games for children.

Quickly get up in a round dance and play with me!

Round dance game “Like a little white snow fell on a little white meadow”

Leading: We were waiting We've been through the winter for a long time.

Winter has finally come,

And as if in a fairy tale, she brought us miracles!

Winter: I scattered snow everywhere and it became beautiful around!

With my friend Stuzha I froze the puddles,

So that in winter there is somewhere for the kids to ride.

Cold comes running into the hall to the music.


Here I am, the Cold has come to visit you, I’ll swirl, howl, sweep.

Whoever I blow on, I’ll cast a spell on!

Cold runs to the music with tinsel in his hands, running past children, blowing on them, trying to "to freeze".


Wait, wait, Cold! Better play with our guys!


Now, if the children guess my riddles, then I won’t freeze them and I’ll play! Here, listen and guess!

Whoever guessed it, raise your hand.

The cold makes riddles.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, blizzards, when does this happen? (Winter)

Without hands, without eyes, but can draw patterns? (Freezing)

Has the white tablecloth dressed the whole world? (Snow)

White carrots, growing in winter. (icicle)

All lies quietly through the winter, and in the spring he will run away (snow)

The old man at the gate dragged away the warmth. He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell me to stand (freezing)

The water itself floats on the water (ice)

He whistles, chases, they bow after him (wind)


Well, well done guys, you really know how to solve riddles. But before playing with you, I would also like to check if you can dance?


Of course they can! Our cheerful kindergarten invites the children to dance!

Any lively, lively dance can be performed, preferably to a song about winter.


Well, Stuzha, are you convinced that our guys are great? They can do everything!


How glad we are that winter has come, we dressed in white fields.

There are trees with white caps.

Winter is for the strong, dexterous, and brave.


Attention, attention, the first competition is announced.

Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard, not seeing each other at all,

Our cheeks are freezing as we run, we will beat the blizzard!

Let the frost rage - cross-country skiing will take place!

Leading: I put them on and I’m not afraid that I’ll fall into the deep snow

I can ride down the mountain and rush through the snowdrifts

"Skis" ski around the chip and back

Leading: Those who are bolder, who are faster and braver,

We invite you to a game called "hockey"

To play hockey, what do we need to hold in our hands?


Two teams participate, the first players have a stick and a puck. At the signal, players run around the landmark, moving the puck with their stick. Returning to the place, they pass the baton. The team that finishes the run first wins.

Leading: Outside the window there is a blizzard, outside the window there is darkness,

Looking at each other, they sleep in the snow at home.

And the snowflakes are spinning - they don’t care at all! -

In light dresses with lace, with bare shoulders.

The next competition is called "Snowflakes" move all the snowflakes.


The kids got flushed and rolled three balls!

They were stacked on top of each other and the bucket was heaped.

The nose is a carrot, the coal is eyes, the Snowman from a children's fairy tale!

Hands are branches, mouth is candy... Let it stand now until summer!

Leading: And I know why you told us a poem about a snowman, now there will probably be the next competition. "Make a Snowman"?

Winter: Correct and here are the rules.

in front of each team there are easels with white sheets of whatman paper attached to them, felt-tip pens are lying, at a signal, one player from the team runs to his easel and draws one detail of a snowman, the team that has all the details drawn wins

Winter: Make a little snowball and roll it through the snow

he became a big kolobok and is called a snowy one...

preparatory group "Pass the Snowball"

the lump is passed over the head, rolls back between the legs

senior, middle group "Roll a Snowball"

Winter: Outside the window, outside the window, white snow is flying all around.

Oh, snow, oh, snow, like fluff, lies at your feet.

Hey, snowball, hurry up and catch up, we'll have a snowball fight!

The game is being played "Collect snowballs".

Homemade cotton wool snowballs are scattered across the floor. Children play the game several times, 3-4 people at a time. The children's task is to collect as many snowballs as possible into the arranged hoops. Whoever has more wins.

Leading: Girls - attention!

Boys - attention!

There's one more thing for you

Fun task.

"New Year's Lazy Dancing"


The fluffy snow turns silver and spreads like a soft carpet.

And snowflakes, like feathers, curl merrily around.

Our Russian Winter came out into the field in a white dress.

Let her walk boldly, the children will be happy!

Winter: We had a blast, but work awaits me,

I'll do some fun for you: I'll sweep some more snow, I'll clear away the snowdrifts,

So that you can have fun on the slides.

I’ll trample the ski track and give you a ride with the breeze.

Cold: Oh, I also say thank you guys, for being brave, dexterous and skillful, you're meeting winter, I was pleased! And I'll say goodbye and I'll leave in the winter, I’ll help her with her work! And you are happy to stay, not get sick, and play enough.

Leading: All the guys are great!

All the guys are daredevils!

We competed and played together,

Friendship won at our holiday! HOORAY! Thank you for entertainment, see you again. I wish you happiness, health and good luck!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “Hello, Zimushka-winter!” The hall is decorated with balls and snowflakes. Pleasant, quiet music sounds, and the presenters come out into the middle of the hall. Host: Like a good witch From a charming place.

Entertainment scenario for 1st grade “Zimushka - winter” Goals: To systematize children’s knowledge about winter, develop creative abilities, cognitive interests of students, and instill artistic skills.

Scenario of the New Year's party in the senior group "Winter-Winter" Children come out to the music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, hold bells in their hands and ring them, and sit down in their seats. Child 1 Hello.

Entertainment scenario “Winter-Winter” for preparatory and senior groups Scenario of entertainment “Winter-winter” for preparatory and senior groups Compiled by: Malinina N. L. Musical director 2016.

Entertainment scenario “Winter-winter” in the second junior-middle group Presenter: It’s a cheerful and frosty day. The snow sparkles like stars, Santa Claus pinches the nose, But no children’s tears are visible: We have no time to cry, brothers.

Scenario for the holiday “Hello, Zimushka-Winter” in elementary school.

Goals :

  1. Summarize and repeat students’ knowledge about winter;
  2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, develop auditory perception;
  3. Develop creative abilities;

Progress of the lesson:

Children's songs are played. The children are seated. Dear guys, today we have gathered for the holiday of welcoming winter, which is called “Hello, Zimushka-Winter”.

The holiday will be held in the form of competitions between teams. 5 teams participate in the competition.

Team "Snowflake"

Team "Snowman"

Team "Icicle"

Team "Sugroby"

Parents Team

Let the struggle rage on

Stronger competition.

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

Meet the jury.

So, our competition begins.

The first competition is a competition for the best reader of poems about winter.

Leading: Where is Winter itself?

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter” sounds) Against its background:

Troika, troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White-haired, white-faced

How she waved her sleeve,

Everything was covered in silver.

Winter appears.

Winter: Aw! I'm here! Hello! Winter has come to you. I covered the forests, meadows, fields and paths with a white blanket.

And for you guys, I brought riddles.

Where are my assistant snowflakes?

Give riddles to the kids

(Snowflakes give riddles to the teams)

Riddles competition.

Leading: Winter has come... Outside the windows,

Where are the rows of black fir trees?

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying,

Flying, fluttering, spinning

Fluffy ones fly

And white soft lace

They wrap up the garden.

Winter: Well, my dear snowflakes, dance for us.

(Dance of snowflakes)

Leading: Thank you, Zimushka - winter! Thank you, snowflakes! You are welcome on our holiday. Dear Zimushka, we have prepared a gift for you.

(The song “Hello, guest - winter” is performed.

Winter: Thank you guys for the gift. I am very glad that you were waiting for me.

Leading: Zimushka, you have an honorable place on the jury. Sit down please.

How nice the fluffy snow is,

Flying from above!

He hangs on the branches

Like white flowers.

Icicles ring in silence -

Crystal Shards

The rivers fell asleep under the ice

Fields sleep under the snow

Draws frost in the morning

Patterns on the window.

Friends, have a good winter

Today in the yard!

(Knock. Postman Pechkin enters)

Guys! Telegram from Santa Claus!

Host: What is he writing?

Congratulations on the Winter holiday. I can’t come, I’m preparing for the New Year. I’m sending an assignment.

Competition Draw winter patterns.

(The whole team draws. Each participant makes his own stroke)

Leading: In the meantime, the teams are busy. The fans and I will dance the dance of the little ducklings.

The works are submitted for evaluation by the jury.

Metelitsa appears to cheerful music.

Leading: Who came to us?

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm muttering

I don't want to know anything.

Leading: Yes, it's a blizzard! Guys, let's welcome her. Let's sing her the song "Snow Song"

Blizzard brought assignments for a math competition. (Ingenuity tasks)

While the teams are busy, we'll see how our fans know math.

  1. Two chickens are standing

Two are sitting in a shell.

Six eggs lie under the wing of a hen

Count back,

Answer quickly

How many chickens will my hen have?

  1. Worth a goat

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!

They ran away in all directions

Seven kids.

Alone in the woods

The other one is behind the haystack,

And the third kid

Hid in a barrel.

How many kids are there in the hut?

  1. Grandma put it in the oven

Pies with cabbage in the oven,

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

The pies are ready

Yes, one more pie

The cat dragged him onto the bench.

Yes, there are 4 pieces in the oven

The grandchildren are counting the pies.

If you can, help

  1. The fishermen are sitting

Guard the floats.

Fisherman Korney

I caught three perch.

Fisherman Evsey –

Four crucian carp,

And the fisherman Mikhail

I caught two catfish.

How many fish from the river

Trained by fishermen?

Presenter: Well done!

The nature of our country is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in the water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. There are so many interesting things you can see if you look closely at everything. The next competition is called “Bring the Mask to Life.”

Guess which animal or bird mask is in these bags. And then depict this animal or bird, show its habits, way of life.

1 team:

Clumsy, clubfooted

In summer there are raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw.

Team 2:

Small, white

Jump-jump along the forest,

One snowball at a time.

Team 3:

From branch to branch

Fast as a ball

Jumping through the forest

Red-haired circus performer.

Here he is on the fly

I picked the cone,

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran into the hollow.

Team 4:

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.

Team 5:

Scarlet comb,

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard

Important gait

Gets up before everyone else

Host: And now, guys, let’s sing the song “Why does the bear sleep in winter.”

We are all happy about the pranks of Mother Winter.

Children love to sculpt a snow woman, skate and ski.

In warm fur coats and earflaps

Snowy winter times

Kids on a fast sled

A steep mountain rushes like a whirlwind.

Children's faces in the wind

They flared up like red.

Let the prickly snow gather dust,

Let the angry frost be angry -

The guys don't care at all.

The Snowman enters.

Leading: Guys, who came to us for the holiday?

Dashingly moving it on one side

rust bucket,

Leaned on the fence

Snowman Egorka.

He invites people

Drive down the hill into the garden.

His nose is on fire

Fun and bright.

It's freezing outside,

And Egorka is hot!

Host: Guys, the Snowman wants to hold the last competition with you. There are snowballs in this bag. Now the Snowman will scatter them throughout the hall. Which team will collect more snowballs?

The snowman whistles.

(At the signal they begin to collect snowballs)

The collected snowballs are counted by the Snowman for each team.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you very much, dear children and dear parents, for your participation.

In the meantime, our jury is summing up the results, we will sing the song “Our Ian’s Choir.”

The jury's word. Rewarding. Sweet prizes.

Children and parents leave the hall to the music.

The script is a theatrical performance. The majority of the text is of a poetic nature, one scene follows another, so students independently carry out this event, and the teacher performs only an auxiliary function.
The scenario was developed for elementary school students. Adapts to any age of students (from 7-10 years). Suitable for teacher and educator work. It is advisable to hold this event at the beginning of winter, on the eve of the New Year.

Personally, I organized this holiday several times with students of different ages. Everything was always successful and interesting, each class brought something new and special to the scenario.
This event is not only entertaining, but also educational. In addition to songs and dances, repetition of material about winter is included: winter months, features of the life of animals and plants, folk signs.



Leading: Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year! And what exactly it is, you will find out after listening to the poem.

Winter is coming along the roads,

Sneaks like a fox

Covered everything with snowdrifts,

Snow covered the forests.

It's quiet in the forest thicket,

The winter dressmaker entered.

The birches are very happy

“Thank you for the outfits!”

Fluffy and white

Winter outfits made

And for forests and fields -

Let them be warmer!

To all the trees in the forest,

Winter gave us handkerchiefs,

And dressed them in fur coats -

I'm having fun!

So, what time of year are we going to talk about today? Who should we invite to our party?(winter)

Guys, tell me, by what sign do we recognize winter? (first snow)

Absolutely right!

(Music plays, the child recites a poem, the children perform a dance)

The first snowflakes.

The first snowflakes are spinning in the air,

They will fall to the ground, but will not lie still.

The first snowflakes on your hand will melt...

They chill, excite and remind,

That winter days are about to come,

It's time to prepare the sleds and skates.

The first snowflakes - hello from winter,

It’s like they’re checking whether you’re waiting or not.

Well, now it’s time for winter to come to us for a holiday!

(An excerpt from the song “Snow Song” plays, winter comes out)

Winter: Well, I came to visit you, but not alone, but with my brothers.

Listen to the song and say who they are.

(excerpt from the song “Three White Horses” sounds)

Of course it's the winter months! So let's meet them!

(winter months come out)

Guys, tell me what month starts me and what year ends me?(December)

And here he is. People say about it that December is the tail of the year.

Leading: guys, listen to what December tells us about itself, and tell us what interesting things it brings us, what makes us happy?

(child recites a poem)


In December, in December

All the trees are silver

Our river like in a fairy tale,

The frost paved the way overnight,

Updated skates, sleds,

He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

Winter: What does he do to make us happy?

December has siblings. Tell me, what month is the beginning of the year, and what is the middle for me?(January)

January has many popular names: January-nose of the year, January-first-born of the year, January-section, i.e. cuts winter exactly in half.

Leading: Listen to what January tells us about itself, and tell me what this month brings us?

(child recites a poem)


The sun is shining, but it’s not warming at all,

The beam sparkles, shines silver.

The whole nature seems to freeze

Before the harsh snowy January.

You are not angry about the stormy January -

At the very the main month of cold weather:

So that everything would be wonderful in winter

I put in a lot of my work.

Winter: But the third brother, although he has a capricious character, is kinder and gentler than his brothers. What month is this?(February)

People say affectionately about February that it is the tail of winter. They also say that February closes the winter - it shows the way to spring.

Leading: And now the youngest brother, February, will tell about himself. Listen carefully and think about what makes this month special?

(child recites a poem)

February :

The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Cool February evening

The snowstorm is sweeping, sweeping,

And it seems like forever

Stacks of snow lie.

Winter: All three brothers work together for me.

The sun is full of bright caress,

Everything sparkles, like in a wonderful fairy tale,

The mirror pond is immovable

Under cover of ice!

Leading: Guys, winter tells us that it is so beautiful, but look, everything outside is covered in snow, the sun doesn’t warm up at all, and the frost crackles at night. Maybe winter is not such a good time of year as we think?(girl comes out)

Scene No. 1.

Masha (stomps his foot capriciously):

Snow fell on the ground again.

It would be better if he disappeared forever!

I really don't like winter

And I can't stand the cold.

Kolya (happily):

In winter with a group of friends

We can play hockey!

Have you ever hit a puck with a stick?

Try playing hockey with your girlfriend.

And then you will understand yourself,

How good our winter is.

Masha: Kol, are you crazy?

I found a hockey player for me too!

I love collecting flowers

And dance, not like you

Ride around the skating rink

Swinging a club while running.

Lena approaches.

Lena (admiringly):

Snow fell early, in November.

It became beautiful in the yard.

Between houses from now on

There is a sparkling carpet.


You, Lena, surprise me.

Do you also approve of winter?

Lena (nodding head in agreement):

I really like to draw

I want to become an artist.

I love winter landscapes

I sculpt a statue out of snow.

Masha (wrapping himself in a scarf):

But what about the evil cold?


Well, the cold is not a problem at all.

There is a coat and scarf for this.


So it turns out that I'm right

Excellent living in winter!


Look at her!

Look at him!

(grabs his head.)

In winter there is snow, blizzard, frost.

Sometimes he bites you to tears.

Icy ground...

No, I hate winter!

Masha leaves.

Kolya (with relief in his voice):

I'm glad Masha left.

How can you not love winter?

Nice in snowy weather

Skiing through the forest

Or go down the hill on a sled...

Lena (picks up):

And how much joy and laughter

Brings New Year to people!

Yes, you can really dislike

Blizzards and snowdrifts,

But you have to spend your time interestingly,

So as not to suffer in winter, but to rejoice.

Guys, now tell me, whose opinion do you agree with? With the opinion of Kolya and Lena or with the opinion of Masha.

And why?

Okay, now…….. will tell you why he loves winter!

(child recites a poem)


Sliding down an icy slide

On the open ice of the river,

Write threes and eights

Our sharp skates.

We'll cut it into patterns

Let's trace the surface of the river

Good pine, fresh

Breathe snowy air!

Winter: ( Story “On the Hill” - conversation)

Well done!

Leading: The Russian people have long loved winter! You can go sledding and play in the snow. And on long winter evenings, under the howling of a blizzard, you can listen to fairy tales and sing songs.

(buffoons come out)

Guys, let's invite our guest to the winter forest!

There are many wonders in the winter forest, but each season has its own special ones.

Now listen to the poem and think, what can we observe only in the winter forest?

(children recite a poem)

So many miracles

Cleverly hides the winter forest!

How many different traces there are in it!

Are you ready for a walk?

Fox trail like a mongrel

Here she walked heavily -

Covered the trail with her tail,

So that they don't find it later.

The fox trail led us to an oak tree.

And under the oak tree in the windfall,

On dry grass, straw,

The bear is sleeping! Don't wake me up.

Better leave right away!

Let's follow other tracks

We'll find something near the mountain

Clear the snow and you will find lingonberries

The berry is purple in appearance.

Like a winter picture -

There is a rowan tree on the mountain

Both the bullfinch and the waxwing

To her fly into a blizzard.

The wolf howls gloomily in winter

Zaitsev is looking under the mountain.

So, what can we find in the winter forest?

Can we observe this at other times of the year?

Guys, do you think it’s easy for forest dwellers in the winter? (No)

And why? (it is difficult for them to find food, there are severe frosts in winter)

It’s absolutely true that animals have a very difficult time in winter; they live cold and hungry.

Now they themselves will talk about their life in winter. Do you listen carefully and think about how animals adapt to life in winter?

Scene No. 2.

The Squirrel and the Hare come out.

Squirrel (looks at the Hare, touches him):

I see you changed your clothes,

After all, in the summer you walked in a gray fur coat.

Hare (looks at himself):

No, I just shed a lot.

(looks at the squirrel)

You, Belka, have shed your hair yourself.

And your usual red color

You changed it to gray. Is not it so?

Squirrel ( waves her hand to show how upset she is):

Eh, I'm not happy with this color.

Let it be summer again soon!

Hare (calms Belka):

You shouldn’t scold the gray color -

He will protect you.


Before winter we all

The fur has become thicker and longer.

Wintering is difficult for animals.

We will be warmer in the forest with him.

Hare (shows scared):

Look, the Fox and the Wolf are coming.

Hurry up and hide under a bush!

The Squirrel and the Hare are hiding behind a snowdrift.

The Fox and the Wolf come out.

Wolf (looking around):

I know hares live here.

I saw the tracks here yesterday.

Fox (looks up):

And the squirrels' tail among the branches

Flashed... Look, look quickly!


What is there?


It seemed

It was as if the branch was swaying.

Wolf (seeing a snowdrift, he approaches it):

And that's right, there is no one here.

A snowdrift - nothing more.

Fox (waving his hand):

The wind shook the branch,

The snow fell to the ground.


Can't find them here now.

Let's go look in the neighboring forest.

The Fox and the Wolf leave.

The Squirrel and the Hare get out.

Belka (joyfully):

Hooray! They didn't find us!


And you cursed at your color.

There is no better color in winter.

Squirrel (spinning):

It's good that we shed!

We are saving our lives with this.


But life is difficult for us anyway!

It's not easy for us to find food!

I gnaw the bark from the trees,

And at night I dream about grass.


With a scythe, I stocked up for the winter:

I dried the berries in a hollow.

Nuts are folded in a bag.


Do you squirrels have a place to store food?

And we have to wander.

The footprints are all visible in the snow.


You, Bunny, don’t push too hard,

And you confuse your tracks!


Sometimes I run into the haystacks in the village.

Eat dry grass.

But there is a big army of dogs there.

And if I look into the kindergarten -

I gnaw the bark of an apple tree.

The gardener wraps the trunks,

So that we don't eat the bark.


Yes, Bunny, it’s hard for everyone in winter


But we will help each other

To pass the time better.

They leave.

I think that now you are all convinced that winter is a very difficult time for forest dwellers. But they do not lose heart.

Unfortunately, it’s time for us to leave the winter forest.

The Squirrel, the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox come out.

(Hold hands.)

We were glad to see you now. And we will be glad again. Come to our wonderful forest next winter!

Winter: Thank you for a wonderful walk through the winter forest.

Well, in gratitude, I brought you in my fairy-tale casket some riddles that we will now try to guess. Listen carefully!


1. The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm.


2. At first he was a black cloud,

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring it completely disappeared.


3. Draws without hands,

Bites without teeth.


4. Say “thank you” to the frost

Over a bridge that looks like glass.

Fish will live under it in winter,

It's warm under this bridge.


5. Not snow, not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees.


6. She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


7. Plump, soft and big

Stand with one foot in it:

He will swallow it quickly.

He is in a radiant radiance -

The sun is shining, it hurts the look.

We need to take a running jump.

In a pile of snow, heavy - bang.

Hello, dear...


8. Together we rolled a snowball,

And then they took the second lump.

Let's bet on whom together

We need to roll our heads!

Let's also find carrots

It requires skill.

Who is on whom, and on top - who!

To be you...


Well done!

Leading: - You and I have already talked a lot about winter. We found out that this is a wonderful, fabulous time of year.

That is why many poets wrote poems about winter.

For example, the well-known poem by A.S. Pushkin"Winter morning":

...In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,

And you sat sad -

And now...look out the window:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice...

What other poets wrote poems about winter? (Fet, Yesenin, Surikov, Marshak, Tyutchev)

Fine. So let's give winter a few poems!

So the first poem


You are no longer old, autumn,

Shine with cobwebs.

The snow falls and falls like swan fluff.

And the fields and trees became white.

And the village salutes with smoke from the chimneys.


...Neater than fashionable parquet

The river shines, covered in ice.

Boys are a joyful people

Skates cut the ice noisily;

A heavy goose on red legs,

Having decided to sail across the bosom of the waters,

Steps carefully onto the ice,

Slips and falls; funny

The first snow is flickering and curling,

Stars, falling on the shore.

Well done! And now for the next poem.

"White fluffy snow"(Surikov)

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable.

The days have become shorter

The sun shines little.

Here come the frosts,

And winter has come.

Well done! And now for the next poem.

"Birch" (Yesenin)

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands

In sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

Well done! Next poem.(Yesenin)

Winter sings and echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And there's a snowstorm in the yard

It spreads like a silk carpet.

With this beautiful poem we conclude our event. Well, all the poems that were sung at our holiday, as well as stories, you can find in the books that are presented at our exhibition. And we say goodbye to you. See you again!

Equipment: poster with the image of Mother Winter; poster with a picture of a winter forest; clothes for animals; handkerchief; snowdrift props; snowflakes; hats with the names of the months; classroom decoration material.


Extracurricular activity

Goals: introduce Withnames of wintermonths according to the folk calendar, proverbs, sayings, signs, associated with them;

develop speech, a sense of beauty through poetry, fine arts, and musical works; Expand words knowledge;

instill a love for nature, for your small homeland.

Equipment: painting reproductionsIN AND. Surikov “The Capture of the Snow Town”,I.E. Grabar “February Azure”, “Winterny landscape”, N.D. Kuznetsova “Rime”,A.A. Plastov “First Snow”, D.Ya. Alexandrova “Winter's Tale”, I.I. Shishkina"Frost"; drawings by students on the topic “Zi winter fly" (see third side cover ki)",

posters with proverbs, sayings about winter, winter months;

costumes for performances, scarves for performing ditties;

snowflakes to decorate the hall, artificial Christmas trees decorated with snowballs made of cotton wool;

presentation disc, multimedia projector, computer, tape recorder, disc with songs “Snow-Snowball”, “Winter’s Tale”, “Three White Horses”, “New Year”, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. December", song of the war years;

cards for the game “Winter Typesetter”;

gifts and souvenirs for children.

Progress of the holiday.

Teacher.Dear friends! OursWe will dedicate this year's meeting to one of the most beautiful times of the year. What time of year this is, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen? (Winter)

"Mother"- that’s what Russian people called winter in the old days. Not the red spring, notsummer is warm, not autumn is well-fed, but wintermu with its cold, snow, blizzards and boowounds. Maybe because winter, like its own mother, covers the entire earth with a snow “blanket”, protecting it from severe frosts. And what wonderful stiwishes written by poets about winter! Listen.

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. December” students recite prepared poems by heart.

Meeting winter

Hello, winter guest!

We ask for mercy

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes.

We have freedom

Walk anywhere:

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

We will never get used to it, -

Let your frost crack:

Our Russian blood

It burns in the cold!

I. Nikitin

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

God's days are short

The sun shines little

Here come the frosts, -

And winter has come.

I. Surikov

Enchantress in Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snow fringe,

motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,

- Not dead and not alive

- Enchanted by a magical dream,

All entangled, all shackled

Light chain down...

F. Tyutchev

Wonderful picture

How dear you are to me:

White plain,

Full moon,

The light of the high heavens,

And shining snow

And distant sleighs

Lonely running.

A. Fet

How winter worked!

What a smooth border

Without breaking the outlines,

She lay down on the roofs of slender buildings.

Around the whitening ponds

Bushes in fluffy sheepskin coats.

And wire wires

Hidden in snow-white tubes.

Snowflakes fell from the sky

In such a random mess

And went to bed on a smooth bed

And they strictly bordered the forest.

S. Marshak

Teacher. Did you know that among the many billions of snowflakes that fall in winter, no two are exactly alike? At the same time, no matter what shape the snow star is, each of them is six-rayed or hexagonal. The famous astronomer I. Kepler in 1611 published the essay “New Year's Gift, or About Hexagonal Snowflakes.” He asked the question: “Why are all snowflakes hexagonal?” And he answered it like this: “This thing has not yet been revealed to me...” Four centuries have passed since then, but scientists still cannot guess this mystery of nature.

The song “Winter's Tale” is performed (art by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky).

Teacher.How many riddles have been inventedabout winter! Guess some of them. Student.

Name it, guys, the month in this riddle: Its days are shorter than all days, longer than nights, snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We will celebrate the New Year.


Teacher.Now we will playgame "Christmas tree decorations".

The game “Christmas tree decorations” is being played.

I'll play with the guys

An interesting game.

What we decorate the Christmas tree with,

I'll call the kids.

If I tell you right -

Say yes in response

Well, what if it’s suddenly wrong -

Answer boldly “no”!

Multi-colored firecrackers? (Yes.)

Blankets and pillows? (No.)

Cots and cribs? (No.)

Marmalades, chocolates? (Yes.)

Glass balls? (Yes.)

Are the chairs wooden? (No.)

Teddy bears? (Yes.)

Primers and books? (No.)

Snow made from white cotton wool? (Yes.)

Satchels and briefcases? (No.)

Shoes and boots? (No.)

Cups, forks, spoons? (No.)

Are the candies shiny? (Yes.)

Are tigers real? (No.)

Are the cones golden? (Yes.)

Are the stars radiant? (Yes.)

Students perform a pre-learned song “New Year” (elements and music by A. Pautov).

Teacher.In Rus', December in the old days called cold, jelly, winter. This is the first month of winter. He is characterized byfrosts and thaws. He will “both pave andnails and gets the sleigh going.” People aboutDecember they say: “December the year ends, zimu begins." How do you understand this proverb?tsu? (Students' answers.)

And the artists did not stay away from the winter theme. Look at reproductions of paintings.

Demonstration of reproductions from paintings by V.I. Surikova, I.E. Grabar, N.D. Kuznetsova, A.A. Plastova, D.Ya. Alexandrova, I.I. Shishkina.


And the fairy tale begins again,

After all, winter has come to us again.

Everything is dressed in white snow,

And houses with snow caps.

December is in a hurry for us, trying,

He builds ice slides

Winter is just beginning

And daring games await us.

Teacher.Zimushka prepared forwe have a lot of winter games, adventures and funbav. Let's play with yougame "Zim"ny typesetter."

I show you cards with a certain set of letters, and you must form a word from these letters.

AMZY (winter)

DOKHOL (cold)

KAYOL (Christmas tree)

KENJOS (snowball)

KINSA (sled)

VNOKGESI (snowman)

ROMZO (frost)


Teacher. Well done guys, you did a good jobwith the task. Here's another riddle task.Student.

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall,

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me?


Teacher. January in Rus' also had their names: prosinets of winter, turning point of winter, winter over. In January there are the mostsevere Epiphany frosts: “In January andthe pot in the oven freezes.” But sometimes I'mThere is also warming. The weather is clearing up andit turns blue (henceblue?). The days are becoming lighter and longer: “The day is growing,It’s cold here.” People say about January:“The beginning of the year, the middle of winter.” How do you understand this proverb?


Winter month, snowy month

Opens first year

And with snow and frost

January is coming to visit us.

He's on rivers and lakes

Built bridges everywhere

And dressed with fluffy snow

All trees and bushes.

Teacher. How many fairy tales and songs have you written?sano about the Russian winter. Listen in use girls' opinions funny ditties about winter.


What happened outside the window?

The snow drifts like drifting snow.

It's winter-winter

Laughs merrily.

We flew from above

White fluff.

They began to cover the ground

White snowflakes.

Our Russian pullet,

Beautiful soul

Snow-white winch,

Hello, winter-winter!

Came in a white sundress

From silver brocade,

And diamonds burn on it,

Like bright rays.

You are fluffy and white,

Sweet to all the kids,

Do It hurry up the hill for us

Fill up the skating rink on the river!

I study lessons at the skating rink

Winter sunny day.

That's right, I write all the numbers,

But not with a pen, but with a skate!

    School has been canceled today
    Oh, frost! Get some sleep, son!

    What are you doing, mom! This is the case
    I'll run to the skating rink!

I'm on a ski trip

Dressed myself

But while I was getting ready,

Winter is already over.

In our yard there is

Snowman with a broom,

Watches over the dark night

He is our home from the wolf.

From pure, white snowflakes

I'm making a Snow Maiden.

And I won’t leave her in the spring -

I'll put it in the freezer!

Teacher. To guess the namenext month, listen to the riddle.Student.

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

Well, what month is this?


Teacher.February is the shortestA month of the year has 28 days, and a leap month has 29.This is the last month of winter. In the old days people called itblizzard, fierce, sideways gray Vyugovey -named for snowfalls, mehtels, blizzards occurring at this time. "UFebruary, two friends: a snowstorm and a blizzard.” “Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February.”Fiercecalled for frosts, sometimes they reachthirty degrees.Bokogray- in the sun on the other side it is warm, noticeable “drizzle”, saltThe little one is warming up.


The song “Snow-Snowball” is performed (tree and music by E. Makshantsev).

Teacher.How nice it is during the long wintersin the evenings under the howling of a blizzardjust listen to a fairy tale, but also watchher. Let's look into the forest and see whatwhat's going on there, what the forest animals are talking aboutrushes. Listen and watch.

Dramatizations of stories by N. Sladkov(goto are curled up in advance, students are dressed in appropriate suits).

Hare and Vole

    Frost and blizzard, snow and cold. If you want to smell the green grass, nibble on the juicy leaves, wait until spring. Where else is that spring - beyond the mountains and beyond the seas...

    Not beyond the seas, Hare, spring is just around the corner, but under your feet! Dig the snow down to the ground - there are green lingonberries, mantleberries, strawberries, and dandelions. And you smell it, and you get full. Like me!

Hare and Dipper

-Oh-oh, Olyapka, are you thinking of swimming in the hole?

    And swim and dive!

    Will you freeze?

    My pen is warm!

    Will you get wet?

    My pen is water-repellent!

    Will you drown?

    And I can swim!

    A... ah... will you be hungry after swimming?

    And that’s why I dive to eat a water bug!

Hare and Bear

    The squirrel stores mushrooms for the winter, the chipmunk stores nuts. And you, Bear, are still staggering around with nothing to do. When the snow starts to cover the ground, why are you going to start shoveling?

    You, Kosoy, don’t worry about me. I'm on my own in winter eat. Come on, feel how much lard I have stored under the skin - it will be enough for the whole winter. It’s not in vain that I’m wandering around the forest, I’m saving up lard. I advise you to do the same, Kosoy.

-Eh, Bear, what kind of fat is there... We, hares, have no time for fat in the forest, if only we were alive!

Teacher.But winter is not only games,fun, merry new year and school kaNikuli. Winter is next year's harvest,water reserves in reservoirs; winter is a time of worries for thousands of people who are responsible for keeping their homes warm andgah - clean. Remember the proverbs and pogorants about winter, name them.

Students.Winter without three holidays does not live.

The winter wind is a helper for frost: it makes it even colder.

A winter day with a sparrow's hop.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Winter is the keeper of the fields.

In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.

In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but does not warm.

Teacher.And there were times whenRussian winter became our protectortsey. It’s not for nothing that people say: “The frost tears the iron, and hits the bird in flight.”

The melody of a wartime song sounds.

Severe frosts 1941-1942 They formed the defenders of the capital, helped our army to hold back the advance of German troops in the Volokolamsk direction, not allowing German equipment to deploy at full strength. Two factors contributed to this. The first is support for native nature. The Germans were going to fight us for a very short period of time, only two or three months, so they were very lightly dressed, and the climate of Western Europe is different from ours, Russia. The Germans were stuck near Moscow for a long time. The winter of 1941 turned out to be very harsh. Whatever the frost, it will not be fatal for us.

The snow depth in 1941 reached one meter. The tanks got stuck, and the Germans were forced to stick to the roads. The fiercest battles took place in the area of ​​the settlements of Dubosekovo, Mykanino, Zubovo, and Strokovo. On the night of December 20, 1941, the city of Volokolamsk was liberated from the Germans. The frost in those days reached forty degrees.

The second factor is human heroism. Every day of fighting for Moscow brought but

High examples of the heroism of Soviet soldiers. The feat of 28 Panfilov heroes, led by political instructor V. G. Klochkov, will forever be remembered in the memory of the people. At the Dubosekovo railway crossing, they took on the attack of fifty enemy tanks and fought an unprecedented legendary battle for four hours. Then the words of political instructor Klochkov, which became widely known among the people, were heard: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us.”

More than sixty-five years have passed since then. We live in peacetime. But even now we have severe frosts in winter, although not so severe. Winter is winter, it presents us with its surprises and gifts.

Please accept small gifts as a keepsake of today's meeting.

Gifts are presented to the song “Three White Horses”(lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by E. Krylatov).

Work completed:

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school with Novo-Zakharkino

Dukhovnitsky district

Saratov region"

Bednyakova O.A.

Lesson topic: On a visit to winter.

Purpose of the lesson: contribute to consolidating and expanding students’ knowledge about the forest and forest animals; introduce students to changes in inanimate and living nature in winter; summarize students’ ideas about winter nature;

Tasks: learn to help animals and birds survive the winter; cultivate moral and aesthetic qualities; instill a healthy lifestyle , introduce the popular names of the winter months; broaden students' horizons; cultivate a love of nature, instill a love for Russian poetry, cultivate a sense of beauty, and develop cognitive activity. Show the beauty of the winter season; show the beauty of native nature in the winter season. To cultivate love for one’s father’s land, for the Motherland; develop observation and memory; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: : drawings on the theme “Winter”, cards with proverbs, cards with words: December, January, February, jelly, wind call, lyutovey, prosinets, cut, low water, snowfall, wind blower, bokogray, crossword puzzle, exhibition of books about winter, costume of Winter, December , January, February.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

I'm glad to meet you again
I'm interested in you, friends!
Your answers are interesting
I listen with pleasure.
Today we will watch
Draw conclusions and reason.
And so that the lesson benefits everyone,
Get actively involved in the work, my friend!II. Report the topic of the lesson.

Snowflakes fall from the sky like white fluff, covering everything around with a soft velvet carpet. The sun is full of bright caress, everything sparkles, like in a wondrous fairy tale, the mirror pond is motionless under the cover of ice.It's getting colder every day,

The sun is getting weaker and weaker,

Snow is everywhere, like a fringe, -

This means that... (winter) has come to us

What time of year are they talking about? Today we will summarize our observations of the signs of winter and its manifestations. III. Contents of the lesson. 1.Signs of winter. Let's remember the main signs of winter. Guess the riddles.

1.What kind of stars are winter?

Did you hide it in a cloud yourself?

Like tiny pieces of ice

These stars are... (snowflakes)

2. The snow turned blue from the cold,There is white frost on the trees. Even Bobik hides his nose, Because outside... (frost) 3. On a winter day, very slippery glass lay on the pond. The strong, smooth blue one invites us to play hockey... (ice) 4. The village is in white velvet - And fences and trees. And when the wind attacks, this velvet will fall off. (Rime) 5. Who, as soon as it gets hot,
He will pull the fur coat over his shoulders,
And the evil cold will come -
Will he throw it off his shoulders? I feel sorry for the cold poor thing -
To all the winds and breezes
He's the last shirt
I gave them away in pieces. (Forest)

What happened in nature with the onset of winter? It's getting colder. Snow. The rivers froze. What is snow? (Snow is frozen water vapor.) What are the different states of water? (Snow, ice, frost) Snowflakes are frozen water vapor. Steam is everywhere in the ocean of air that surrounds us. In spring, summer, autumn, steam turns into raindrops, and in winter into snowflakes. The calmer the frosty weather, the more beautiful the snowflakes falling on the ground. When there is a strong wind, their rays and edges break off, and white flowers and stars turn into snow dust. Falling to the ground, snowflakes stick to each other and, if there is no severe frost, form flakes. Layer after layer of snow falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first because there is a lot of air between the snowflakes. Light fluffy white snowflake,

How pure, how brave!

The wild road easily rushes by,

Not to the azure heights - it asks for the sky.

Under the blowing wind it trembles, flutters,

On it, cherishing, it sways lightly.

She is comforted by his swing,

With its snowstorms it spins wildly.

Skilfully glides in the shining rays

Among the melting flakes, it is still white.

But now the long road ends,

A crystal star touches the earth.

A brave fluffy snowflake lies.

How pure, how white!

And how nice the fluffy snow is,

Flying from above!

He hangs on the branches

Like white flowers.

Icicles ring in silence -

Shards of crystal,

The rivers fell asleep under the ice,

The fields sleep under the snow.

Draws frost in the morning

Patterns on the window.

Friends, have a good winter

In our native country.

2.Plants in winter The forest, fields, trees and bushes have dressed in a new outfit. There is a forest bewitched by the enchantress of winter. Russian poets and artists were very fond of singing such pictures of nature.

Bewitched by the Enchantress of Winter, the forest stands - And under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute, it glitters with a wonderful life. And he stands, bewitched, - Neither dead nor alive, - Enchanted by a magical dream, All entangled, all bound with a light downy chain... F. Tyutchev

White fluffy snow swirls in the air and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful hat and fell asleep under it, soundly and soundly. I. Surikov

Bewitched by the invisible The forest sleeps under the fairy tale of sleep, Like a white scarf, a pine tree is tied up. She bent down like an old woman, leaned on a stick, and just above the top of her head a woodpecker was hammering on a branch. S. Yesenin

Under blue skies, Magnificent carpets, Glistening in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost, And the river glitters under the ice. A. Pushkin

Snow flies and sparkles in the golden glow of the day. As if it were covering all the valleys and fields with down... Everything in nature freezes - Both the fields and the dark forest. Snow flies and sparkles, Quietly falling from the sky.S. Derzhavin 3.Birds and animals in winter. It's a beautiful winter, trees in silver. Fluffy snow, like stars, sparkles in the moonlight. There is not a sound in the forest, it is quiet, As if someone took a magic wand and removed all sounds at once. Why is it quiet in the forest? Does snow help animals in the forest? Life goes on under the snow cover. Deep in the ground, in its corridors, a mole, who does not fall asleep for the winter, wanders in search of larvae and worms. Forest mice are hiding under a blanket of snow. Occasionally a hare will run by.

The forest has many eyes.

Everyone is secretly looking at us.

The wolf flashed an unkind eye.

If only he could devour them all at once.

The hare in the spruce forest became silent:

“Maybe they have guns?”

The fox looks sideways from behind the stump:

“Why can’t you stay at home?”

Where should we sit at home?

How can you not look at the light?

The squirrel hid in a hollow.

It is both dry and warm.

Stock of mushrooms and berries

So much that you couldn’t eat it in a year!

Under a snag, in a windfall,

The bear sleeps as if in a house.

He put his paw in his mouth

And, like a little one, he sucks.

You can walk through the forest for a long time in winter and not hear a single voice, and then at the edge of the forest you can meet a whole flock of tits. Quiet, indistinct squeaks will be heard, and suddenly a loud, nasal “heee” bursts out - this is a titmouse, an indispensable participant in mixed tit flocks. If there is a nuthatch nearby, then from time to time it will make a sonorous “tut...tet...tat.” Many wintering birds do not survive until spring due to hunger. If we feed them in winter, we will save their lives.

What wintering birds do you know? Who are “our little brothers” and how can we help them in winter? (These are birds. In winter, birds need to be fed and bird “canteens” must be set up.) On a paw, on a branch, sits a bullfinch -

Wonderful cheerful forest light.

Yes, he is not alone! Look up -

The second one and the third one are sitting on a branch.

And the forest beauty perked up,

A live garland lit up on it!

Oh, winter, big, white winter.

You think you are kinder and smarter.

What a shame! What did you do with the bird?

Are you trying the force on her?

What do I need: I have a fur coat, a hat, felt boots,

And the bird has only feathers

How can she cope with the cold, little one?

She’s freezing, she’s all disheveled, look.

The wind is whistling, the snow is spinning under the roof.

The blizzard has not subsided for three days.

Don't be afraid, little birdie, that I'm taking you.

Bask yourself here in my palms.

We have such a custom -

A little snow will fall,

Plank bird house

Hang it on a branch.

No grains, no blades of grass,

Frost crackles in the forests.

Needles of thin ice floes

They turn white on the bushes.

But here in the forest

Among the gray branches

A fun lunch is ready

For birds and animals.

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

It will fly to you like home,

Flock on the porch.

And now we go out into the snowy clearing.

Here you can relax and play in the snow.

Look! Here the inhabitants of the forest rested and left their traces. Who visited this clearing?

Find out whose traces of birds and animals

Guess the riddles about those who rested in this clearing:

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (Hare) In summer he walks without a road
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear)

All the trees with interest
The forest doctor studies.
If a tree is eaten by a beetle,
The doctor immediately: KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! (Woodpecker)

4. Signs of winter.

Our ancient ancestors were observant and knew that by the behavior of animals and the state of nature they could determine the upcoming weather and what the summer would be like. This is how signs were created.

Let's read them. Smoke from a chimney in a column means frost; smoke from a chimney spreads along the ground without wind - a sign of snow or rain. A cat hides its face for frost, scratches the wall for bad weather, lies with its belly up for warmth. The chicken stands on one leg - it’s cold.Winter is snowy - summer is rainy; If it’s warm in winter, it’s cold in summer. Winter is frosty - summer is hot.If January is dry and frosty, then summer is dry and hot. February is cold and dry - August is hot.If the stars shine brightly, it means frost. Few stars in the sky means bad weather (blizzards).A cat on the stove means frost, a cat on the floor means warmth. A crow walks along the road - towards warmth. If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.

Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.

The crow screams - to the blizzard.

Clouds move against the wind - towards the snow.

Spruce is not pine, it makes noise for a reason.

Crows fly and circle - to frost.

Game “Say the Word” Who painted the children’s cheeks
red in winter, not in summer?
And who pinches their nose?
Did you guess it? (Father Frost)
They will put on snow caps at home,
As soon as he returns to earth... (winter).
I'm tired of slush to tears,
Houses gray from the rain,
I want it to be white in snowstorms,
It quickly sank... (winter).
Sashka wipes away his tears:
It stings painfully... (frost).
The wind is noisy, the snow... (flies).
Everyone is very, very happy:
Everyone fell asleep... (snowfall).
My sled goes fast:
I'm flying like on a torpedo.
The flight ended here:
I landed in... (snowdrift).
The game goes on yard to yard,
The guys stand on... (ice)...
5.Meeting Winter

Troika, troika has arrived,The horses in that trio are white,And the queen sits in the sleighWhite-haired, white-faced,How she waved her sleeve -Everything was covered with silver.(Winter andWinter months -) Winter is coming.Hello guys! I am glad to see you. I didn't come alone. My brothers came with me, handsome fellows! Who is this? Guess the riddle and you will find out.Name it guysA month in this riddle:His days are the shortest of all days,Of all nights longer than night.To the fields and meadowsIt snowed until spring.Only our month will pass,We are celebrating the New Year. (December)By what signs did you guess that it was December? I am the very first month of winter and the last month of the year. Snow lies on the ground, on the roofs of houses, barns, on fences and even on tree branches. Fine! The air is clean and fresh. And the frost is already pinching your ears and nose. December 22 is the shortest day of the year. Winter solstice, the shortest day, the longest night. And now the days are increasing and the nights are decreasing. December 23 is day equal to night - Equinox Day. And on my very last day the old year ends, and with the onset of midnight the New Year comes into its own.People call me “student” for the fierce, frosty season, for the long cold. There is another ancient Russian name for this month - Lute. December received its current name in Ancient Rome from the Latin word “decem”, which means ten, because. it was the tenth month of the year. In Russia, December took its twelfth place in 1799, more than two hundred years ago. This month is popularly called jelly: the earth freezes throughout the winter.In Russian dialects, December is called poetically: wind chime, wind winter, frost - the first month of winter with frosts, cold winds and snowfalls. December bends with the wind, amuses the eye with snow, and tears at the ear with frost - it is fierce, that’s why the lute is. In December the rivers freeze, so it is also freezing. This month the year ends and winter begins. December is the midnight of the year, the warmest month, the cap of winter.

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,Frost creeps into felt boots.If you splash water, it will fallNot water anymore, but ice.Not even a bird can flyThe bird is freezing from the frost.The sun turned towards summer.What month is this, tell me?( - January -)

I am the second winter month. January is the very middle of winter, the time of severe cold. “January, Father, begins the year and marks winter,” people say. In January there are frosts and cold, but sometimes it gets warmer. The weather is clearing and the sky is turning blue. This is where the name of the month came from, which was given to it by the people - Prosinets. January began to open the year in Rus' relatively recently. The ancient Slavs, for example, celebrated the New Year on March 1, and then began to celebrate it on September 1. But more than three hundred years ago, by decree of Peter the Great, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. And they made a proverb about January: “January, father, is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.” January is the coldest month of the year, the roof of winter. January has an ancient Russian name “prosinets”. Because the sky clears up in January and shows its blue. Look at the patterns the frost has painted on the glass windows. Cold. Ponds and rivers are covered with ice. Fields and forests are covered with snow. Look into the yard on a winter morning. Sparrows are jumping in the snow. From the cold they became ruffled, fluffed up, and became like balls. They jump and pick up crumbs. Crows are walking around here, and jackdaws are scurrying among them. So everyone is looking to see what they can profit from. In the village in winter you can see not only these birds. Tits, buntings and wary magpies fly here. They are hungry in the forest, and they fly closer to human habitation. There's a titmouse fluttering from branch to branch. Look how she looks into every crack in the tree, how diligently she searches to see if any bug is hiding there. Only rarely does she manage to find such prey. Many winged friends have difficulty getting food during this harsh time.

January is the richest month for folk holidays. It marks the New Year, Christmas, and Epiphany. What is the name of the period of time between Christmas and Epiphany? (Christmas time.) The festive evening on the eve of Christmas or Epiphany has its own name. What is the name of this evening? (Christmas Eve.)

I gra "The birds have flown" Now let's check how well you know the names of birds. Listen carefully! If I'm wrong, you have to stand up. Attention! Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, Storks, crows, Jackdaws, pasta. Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, flies and swifts. Birds have arrived: Pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, jackdaws and swifts, Mosquitoes, cuckoos, Even scops owls, Swans and ducks. And thanks for the joke!

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has lengthened noticeably.
Well, what month is this?
(- February -)

February is the last month of winter. People say: “February knocks down the horn of winter. It’s no longer winter, but it’s not spring yet.” For this, the people gave it their name - Bokogrey. In Ancient Rus', February was considered the last month of the year, which is why it was called “section”, cutting off the year. February was also called “low water” - boundary, i.e. the border between winter and spring, February - “snowfall” and “lute” - from heavy snowfalls and severe frosts. Due to frequent snowstorms and blizzards, it was called a “wind blower.” This harsh month also had an affectionate nickname - “bokogray”, because in the second half of the month the sun began to warm up.

At the end of winter comes the most free, cheerful, riotous folk festival dedicated to seeing off winter and welcoming spring. What is it called? (Maslenitsa.) I am February, the youngest winter month. I am the snowiest, most blizzard month. The snow keeps falling and falling, and the wind swirls it, lifts it and drives it in a white spinning whirlwind. A lot of snow fell this month. It seems that winter has decided to hide the entire earth in impassable white snowdrifts, level the mounds and ravines in the fields, cover the bushes and even young trees. They sleep under the snow, where they are warmer than in the cold wind, especially when bad weather clears up. At such a time, all animals - animals and birds - are looking for somewhere to hide from the icy wind. For many of them, deep snow provides good shelter. Under the snow, the frost and wind don't bother you as much. Black grouse and other forest birds - hazel grouse and wood grouse - hide in the snow from the cold. Snow also serves as a reliable shelter for various animals and small animals. In our forests there are also animals that sleep all winter without leaving their shelter. Buried in fallen leaves, a prickly hedgehog sleeps under the snow in a sound sleep. A badger sleeps in a deep hole. And in the thicket of the forest, a bear is dozing in his den.

Physical education minute

What did you do in winter?

Give me the answer, my friend.

Listen carefully,

Answer “yes” or “no”!

Did you play snowballs with your friends?

(The children answer in unison.)

Did you pick mushrooms in the forest yourself?

Did you sled down the hill?

Did you swim in the river in the village?

Have you wandered through the forest on skis?

Did you find many flowers?

Did you dig beds in your garden?

And did you dance with Santa Claus?

Friends, are you tired of answering yet?

Are you expecting winter again in a year?

Show us how you played snowballs. Skied. On skates. The Russian people love winter and winter. You can go sledding and play in the snow. And on long winter evenings, under the howling of a blizzard, you can listen to fairy tales and read books. And how many proverbs have been invented for winter! Winter has a lot of them.

Students name proverbs and sayings about winter.

    The snow is deep - the year is good.

    When the snow blows, the bread will arrive.

    The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

    December ends the year, winter begins.

    Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

    A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

    The lark means warmth, and the finch means cold.

    December paves, December nails, December nails.

    January is a turn towards spring.

    January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

    January – sun for summer, winter for frost.

    February will come and will cover all paths.

February – crooked roads. Collect proverbs: In February, two friends - frost and blizzard. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled. The frost is not severe, but it does not require standing.

6. Winter fun

Do the crossword puzzle.













1. The puddles are frozen in the yard,

The drifting snow swirls all day long,

The houses became white.

This has come to us... (winter)

2. You can make a snow ball

It's not difficult at all!

We don't make pies:

To play you need... (snowballs)

3. They curl along the ground like a snake,

They howl pitifully in the pipe,

Spruce trees are covered with snow.

These are winter... (blizzards)

4. Two shiny steel brothers

They race around the skating rink in circles.

Only the lights flicker.

What kind of brothers? (skates)

5. We sculpted him cleverly.

There are eyes and a carrot nose.

A little warm - he'll cry instantly

And it will melt... (snowman) 6. Everyone is rooting for their friends
Everyone shouts: “Well, hit, hit!”
Puck! Puck! Rush quickly!
Quick game - ... (hockey)!
7. She surprises everyone:
Her outfit is fluffy,
And sparkles with sparkles
Rain... (golden).
8. We are with friends on a frosty day

They watered the snow with a hose.

How the ice appears

So, everything is ready... (skating rink)

9. The branches rustle faintly,
The beads are bright... (shine) 10. On a winter day on a snow crust

He pushes me down the hill.

I'm glad to rush with the breeze

My cheerful... (snow scooter) 11. Like the feathers of white hens. Winter-winter friend, Northern guest... (blizzard)

12. In the snowdrifts near the river

Long planks are moving

They are looking for higher hills.

Name the planks! (Skis)

IV . Lesson summary How do you feel about winter? Why do you love her?


1.Seasons." Poems, stories, fairy tales. M., 1980

2. Budur N, Pankeev I. “The Big Book of Christmas” M., 2000 3. Sobolev A.I. “Folk proverbs and sayings” M., 1961

4. “Holidays at school and at home” Scenarios, games, quizzes. M., 2000

5. Romanovskaya. Z.I. Literary reading. Living word. 2nd grade. Textbook for four-year primary school. Part one.