Individual correctional-developing lesson "development of cognitive processes". Educational portal


Natalya Vasilievna, teacher-psychologist

Subject: Correction of cognitive activity.

Topic: "Development of stability of attention"


    development and correction of students' speech, activation mental activity, development logical thinking;

    concentration of attention, ingenuity, ability to perform comparison, generalization, activation of independent cognitive activity;

    development of spatial imagination and small muscles of the hand;

    rallying the class team, the formation of positive emotional reactions of students;

    increase the amount of attention;

    develop volume, accuracy, mobilization readiness and confidence in the correctness of memorizing and reproducing information;

    Develop the willpower.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Psychological attitude A: The bell rang now. Everyone quietly stood up quickly, lined up and gathered. Let's say hello to each other. And let's look at the tables. Did you bring everything you need? Now sit down quietly. Everyone was looking at me.

Here are ideas, and tasks,
Games, jokes, everything for you!
We wish everyone good luck-
For work in good hour!

2.Activization of attention.

Guys, what kind of lesson are we starting? What are we doing in this lesson? (We develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.) What do we need in order to do this lesson well? (Listen to the teacher, do not make noise, be attentive, think before you speak.) Today we will continue to work on the development of attention, memory, thinking, the ability to make comparisons.

Task 1. Development of comparison and generalization.

« magic train»

Do you want to go on a trip?

The journey can be made both on foot and by any transport. And on what transport we will go on a trip, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

The brothers were equipped to visit,

Friend - clung to the other,

And rushed off on a long journey,

They only left smoke. (Locomotive)

Right. Locomotive.

We will travel to magical land- "Knowledge"

(Generalization of items by accessories: dishes, toys, clothes, tools, Appliances, vegetables fruits).

Warm-up "Who's Who?"

This is Nusya, Fluff and Murzik.

Nyusya and Murzik are not striped.

Fluff sits to the right of Nucy.

Three puppies were named Bobik, Sharik and Tuzik.

Bobik long ears. At Sharik a long tail.

And Tuzik sits in the middle.

These are Masha, Marfusha and Matryosha.

Masha with a bow.

Matryosha has a polka-dot dress.

And to the left of Marfushi is Masha.

(picture work)

Guys, each task is a train stop, if you do it correctly, you can move on.

Warm up. A game to develop concentration, attention span, visual memory"Funny people".

The teacher invites the participants to carefully look at the picture and memorize 6 poses of "merry little men". Memorization time - 20 seconds. Then the psychologist removes the drawing, and the children show the poses. The sequence of the image pos is important.

Task 2. Development of graphic skills.

What are the signs of a triangle (3 angles, 3 sides, 3 vertices).

Find the triangles in the picture. Do the hatching yourself (in a notebook).

Task 3. Breathing exercise.

Children sitting make a row deep breaths nose and loud exhalations through the mouth under clapping: inhale (3 claps), hold your breath (3 claps), exhale (3 claps), hold (3 claps). We perform the exercise 5-8 times.

Task 4. Exercise for the development of interhemispheric interaction.

Task 5. Development of attention.

Exercise "The most attentive." Find the differences.

Find the same figures as on the sample, connect them with arrows (in a notebook).

Task 6. Development of memory.

Look at the pictures for 10 seconds, and then try to restore a series of pictures in the same sequence.

Fitness minute.

(musical accompaniment + presentation)

Task 7. Development visual-figurative thinking: "Find the letters of the alphabet."

Look carefully at the image, answer the question, what letters are hidden here.

Task 8. Exercise "Find a Pair" (in a notebook)

- It is very cold outside, and when you go out, you definitely need to wear warm clothes, shoes, as well as gloves or mittens.

Task 9. Educational game "Read by first letters"

Task 9. Graphic dictation. Solve the riddle.

Who is the biggest in the forest? Who is the rich one who wears fur? Who is dreaming in the lair until spring, day and night? (Bear.) Where does the bear live? What does he like? How does he spend the winter? What is the name of his dwelling? (Den.) What do they eat in winter and summer? What is the bear's body covered with? What color is the animal's fur?

Compilation of a short story about a bear. (A bear is a forest dweller. In summer he wanders through the forest, and in winter he sleeps soundly in a den. He loves berries, honey, fish, sweet roots. In winter he sucks his paw in his sleep. The body is covered with thick brown hair.)

In what cartoons have you seen a bear? (Winnie the Pooh, Masha and the Bear, etc.)

1 square right, 3 squares up, 1 square right, 1 square up, 1 square right, 1 square down, 2 squares right, 1 square up, 1 square right, 1 square down, 1 square right, 3 squares down, 1 square right , 2 spaces down, 3 spaces left, 1 space down, 2 spaces left, 1 space up, 3 spaces left, 2 spaces up.

Task 9. Development of logical thinking: "Find an extra picture."

How well do you know fairy tales?

Irina Kozhedub

Subject classes: « Develop memory and attention»


1. Memory development, attention, fine motor skills;

2. Development spatial representations (learning the concepts "follow", are in front of", "left", "on right");

3. Creating a friendly atmosphere when interacting children.

Lesson progress:

Psychologist welcomes children“I am very glad to meet you. Guys signal to start classes will be such words: listen:

One, two, three listen and see!

Three, two, one - we'll start now!

Guys in order for our lesson started Let's say these words together. Stand up, please look at me and repeat the movements that I will show.

The psychologist pronounces words that serve as a signal to start classes, accompanying them with the following movements: one two Three (clap hands three times)- Listen (points to ears) and look (points to eyes). Three, two, one (claps hands three times)- we'll start now! (holds out hands to the group, palms up). I would like to wish good morning to everyone, everyone, each of you.

A game « Good morning»

Psychologist: "I will say words: "Good morning…". And I'll call someone from the group. Those whom I name will wave to me, which means you have heard and are responding to my greeting. Begin!"

Good morning to all girls!

Good morning all boys!

Good morning candy lovers!

Good morning to everyone who wants to know what we will play today...

Psychologist: Today we will learn to memorize different words in order. To do this, you need to imagine that the words are the characters of a story. Let's see how this can be done. Let's take words: CITY, ELEPHANT, FLOWER, BIRD, CAT. Here is a story that turn out: an elephant was walking around the city, he saw a flower on the lawn, when the elephant came closer, a bird flew out from behind the flower, frightenedly flapping its wings. Out of surprise, the elephant backed away and stepped on the cat (Fig. 1). To remember the words, close your eyes and try to imagine the story as clearly as if you were watching a movie. (Words come to mind on their own). Guys, let's remember what words I called in order. Rice. 1

Exercise "Count and Do"

Children, together with a psychologist, perform movements in accordance with the text.

One is to get up, get up

Two - bend, unbend

Three in hands three claps,

Three head nods

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands

Six - sit quietly in place.

Exercise "Listen attentively»

Psychologist dictates words: cat, ruler, elephant, garlic, water, goose, subway, cloud, elephant, watermelon, hedgehog, umbrella, screen, sleep, school, elephant, desk, dance, bed. Children say which word occurs more often than others.

Exercise "Lock"

There is a lock on the door,

Who could open it (clasp hands together, interlacing fingers)

knocked (tap with the base of the palm without disengaging the fingers)

Twisted (twirl with brushes without splitting fingers)

pulled (putting hands in different sides without disengaging fingers)

And they opened it.

Exercise "Riding the Tracks"

Psychologist: “Who will tell me on what we will travel along the paths? Name the modes of transport that are drawn on the paths.

Psychologist: “Imagine that you are sitting behind the wheel of a car, your back should touch the back of the car seat. Feet are firmly planted on the floor. We will move along the path from left to right. You need to drive in the middle of the path without moving to the side of the road. The pencil must not be taken off the paper.

Psychologist draws attention on correct position pencil in hand.

Psychologist: “Except for us, the whole car will go family: mom, dad, son, grandma and grandpa.

Psychologist shows and names everything fingers: "Grandfather and grandmother old, they will go to back seat. Grandpa and grandma will hold the steering wheel. Dad is the head of the family, he is her support. Dad will hold the steering wheel - a pencil. Put the pencil on middle finger. Mom and son help dad and hold the steering wheel from above.

At the command of the Psychologist, the children perform the exercise "Riding the Tracks".

Exercise "Icicle"

Squeeze your hands (as much as possible while inhaling, as if you are squeezing an icicle strongly, unclench your fists as you exhale.

Exercise "Remember Shapes"

The psychologist shows a card with figures for 10 seconds (Fig. 2, then removes it. Children reproduce the same figures and place them on a sheet of paper in the same way.

Exercise "Butterfly"

Flatten the shoulder blades while inhaling (as if a butterfly folded its wings). On exhalation, the shoulder blades breed(butterfly spread its wings).

Exercise "Paper Orientation"

Psychologist: On the sheet in the place where the dots are placed, you need to draw what I say. And where to draw you will learn if listen to me carefully.

1. Autumn has come, the flowers have withered. draw with a simple pencil flower in the upper left corner.

2. In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color and fall off. Draw a leaf in the lower left corner.

3. We are waiting for spring to come, because at this time the sun begins to shine brightly. Draw a sun in the upper right corner.

4. When the sun comes out, we have fun. Draw a smile in the lower right corner.

The psychologist opens the board, the children compare their drawings with samples.

Exercise "Sun"

Psychologist: In the morning the sun rises, higher-higher-higher! (children raise their hands up and stretch on their toes). By night it will go lower-lower-lower. (squat and put hands down). The sun extended its right ray to us (children stretch forward right hand) . Stretched out the left beam (children stretch forward left hand) . smiled (everyone smiles). Stroked our hair, cheeks, arms, tummy, legs (children perform the necessary movements).

Reflection classes.

Psychologist: “You were great today, you completed all the tasks

What did you do today?

What was interesting about classes?

What mood do you end up with class

Psychologist: "Is our lesson has come to an end. On the next classes you have to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things; do exercises that be careful, witty and intelligent. And now we will finish our class thank you friend friend: make eye contact with the person you want to thank and silently nod your head. Thank you guys for all your hard work, see you next time classes

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Image Library:

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Development of auditory and visual perception.

Development of attention and observation

Development of auditory and visual memory

Learn to solve logical problems

Equipment: interactive board , ball, leaves with a logical puzzle, paper nesting dolls.

1. Emotional mood "I can do everything in the world"

I can do anything in the world

And build cities

And sail the ocean

Get up in the sails

I know how to love

And help a friend

And protect the younger ones

And support the elders.

2. Playing in a circle with the ball "Analogies"

Guys, I will give you a pair of words, in the first pair it will sound completely, and by the second you will need to pick up the second word.


  1. bird - fly; fish -
  2. the ball is a toy; rose -
  3. bread - eat; books -
  4. sheep - lamb; bear -
  5. food - eat; water -
  6. elephant - big; mouse -
  7. stone - solid; cotton wool -
  8. dog - cat; puppy -
  9. barking - dog; quacking -
  10. tomato - red; banana -
  11. sugar - sweet; lemon -
  12. morning - early; evening -
  13. september - month; Wednesday -
  14. the child is small; adult -
  15. slow - go; fast -

3. Task for visual memory "Memory"

Guys, you need to carefully look at the picture for 30 seconds, and then answer my questions.

What holiday did the children come to? (birthday)

How many boys were at the party (two)

How many chairs were near the table (one)

How many cubes were on the floor? (four)

What food did mom cook? (cake)

Children sit at tables

4. The game "Transformers" (the Fairy "Logic" appears on the interactive whiteboard)

Guys in front of you is the fairy "Logic", she again prepared her interesting logic puzzles. Let's remember what "transformers" we know and list: a color, size, quantity, addition, decrease, extension, extension, flip, scissors.

Each of you must determine which turner played with the figure to draw and, following the model, solve the problem.

5. Introspection. Answer questions will appear on the interactive whiteboard.

Guys, let's check if we made the right decision. Well done!

The children stand at their table.

6. Phys. minute"Raccoon" (together with parents)

The hedgehog gave the raccoon a pair of leather boots.

The hedgehog gave the raccoon a pair of leather (cotton)

Gave a raccoon a hedgehog a couple (2 claps)

Gave the raccoon a hedgehog (3 cottons)

Gave a raccoon (4 cottons)

Gave (5 claps)

(6 claps)

7. Task for auditory-speech memory "Matryoshka"

The text is dictated to children three times, then they must arrange the nesting dolls in the desired sequence and decorate them.

We will arrange nesting dolls:

One two three four five.

Most of all the first matryoshka:

Green sundress kokoshnik.

And behind her is the second sister

Performing in a yellow dress

third lesser second

Blue sundress.

At the fourth matryoshka

A little less growth

Blue sarafan,

Bright and beautiful.

Fifth matryoshka -

In red clothes.

Try to remember everyone

Get to work!

8. Introspection "Check" Children check the correctness of the task.

9. Finger gymnastics

I love my kindergarten

It's full of guys

One two three four five

Maybe a hundred, maybe two hundred.

We are good together!


  1. Gogoleva V.G. "Logic alphabet for children 4-6 years old"
  2. Tikhomirova L.F. "Cognitive abilities of children 5-7 years old"

State educational institution

« high school No. 13 Mogilev

Outline plan

remedial lesson

in an integrated group of students

3 "A" class

Movement coordination

fingers and hands of both hands


defectologist teacher

Danilova I. G.


Topic: Coordination of movements of fingers and hands of both hands.

Tasks: 1) Develop coordination of movements of the fingers: the skills of simultaneously performing movements with the fingers and hands of both hands (coordination of the actions of both hands)

2) Create conditions for the manifestation of a benevolent attitude towards each other, the desire for mutual assistance.

Equipment: plasticine, cubes for the development of motor skills, cards for tracing the figure of a kolobok, a set of geometric shapes with Velcro and boards made of carpet fabric, individual sets of geometric shapes (“Tangram”), devices for mobile physical education (a cut-off plastic bottle with a lid tied on a rope), a green circle of paper for gymnastics for the eyes, tables with vocabulary words, pictures on the topic “Vegetables - Fruits”, a computer with audio recordings of melodies.

Lesson progress:

I. Introduction

    Organizing time.

tasksAnd: organize children for upcoming activities in class.

The sun rises early

And quickly goes around.

- How do you guys live?

How is your health, how is your stomach?

Has drowsiness overcome you?

Reluctant to do?

I advise everyone to start!

After all, we have a job!

In today's lesson, we will develop our fingers, hands.

2) Mental attitude

( James Last's "The Lonely Shepherd"

I invite you to our source of energy. Let's sit in a circle. Imagine that a small fire is burning in the center of the circle. Turn your palms towards the center outside, then the inside - let's warm them up. Let's warm the hand. warm hands apply to the eyes, give them warmth and energy. I count to five, then at my command you open your eyes. Get up, raise your hands to the sun, take its energy too! The sun sends you its warmth. They held hands, conveyed warmth, mentally wished all the best, smiled at each other.

WITH good mood We start our work, sit down.

ІІ. Main th part

1) Ready And telny stage

Problematic situation.

Guys, look carefully at your workplaces, at my desk. What did you notice? (Figurines of a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox appeared on the students' desks, and a bun appeared on the teacher's desk)

What fairy tale do you think these characters are from? (Kolobok)

Today we are going to an amusing trip along the path with Kolobok.

Do you like the ending of the fairy tale? Let's try to help Kolobok get away from the fox. By completing various tasks, what qualities of a student will we take on a journey? (Attention, patience, diligence, mutual assistance

Kinesiology exercises

Tasks: to activate the work of both hemispheres of the brain, to develop the ability to carry out coordinated movements of the fingers and hands of both hands.

Let's do exercises that help successful work in the lesson "For good luck."

On the board you see a white sheet of paper with intersecting lines. Repeat the exercises after me and look at the center of the intersecting lines.

Clap your hands 3 times.

Rub the earlobes vigorously 3 times.

3 times we will perform the exercise "Ear - nose"

Stretch the little fingers of both hands 3 times.

Restoring the content of a fairy tale in memory and checking the assimilation of tasks previous lesson.

Remember the fairy tale and stand the one who has the character of the fairy tale on his desk, who was the first to meet Kolobok on the way. (Hare)

Hiding under the tree

Like a leaf, it trembles.

Look - through the forestbunny

Gray runs.

Speech warm-up:

Let's repeat the song Kolobok.

I'm a bun, a bun!

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream
Planted in the oven!

It's cold on the window!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

And the hare is not cunning to get away from you.

2) Formative stage

Let's help Kolobok get away from the Hare.

Task 1. "Modeling a spherical object from plasticine"

Tasks: develop coordinated movements of the fingers and hands of both hands; promote the desire for mutual assistance

Let's prepare the plasticine for work and sculpt the figure of Kolobok (Performed to the music of Grigory Gladkov's song "Plasticine Crow")

Let's remember how we learned to trace along the contour in the previous lesson and circle the Kolobok figure along the contour, starting from the top of the drawing, and in different directions with both hands. We need to practice doing things like this.

We left the Hare and find the missing element on the game-constructor “Kolobok.

He looks like a dog.

Teeth sharp as a knife.

Howled at the moon and fell silent

Went hunting ... (wolf)

Show a picture of a wolf

Guys! Let's help the kolobok? ..

Task 2. “Meet the Wolf » The wolf is on the way of the boastful Kolobok.

Tasks: improving fine motor skills of the hands by performing differentiated exercises simultaneously with both hands.

The task of the wolf will be performed in pairs. We collect the faces of the miracle cube (laces, buttons, Velcro, zippers, pigtails), we work with both hands. We help each other if necessary.

We left the Wolf and find one more missing element on the Kolobok construction game.

The gingerbread man rolled along the path, and he met two funny frogs

Physical education minute (perform 1 time)

There are two frogs in the swamp

two funny girlfriends

washed early in the morning

rubbed with a towel

stomped their feet, clapped their paws

tilted left and right

and returned back.

Here is the secret of health!

Hello to all fitness friends!

Exercise "Frog"

Task: develop coordinated movements with both hands, eye.

Do you know what frogs are good for? (With a sticky tongue, they capture various insect pests, slugs)

Let's do an exercise that imitates the swallowing movement of a frog. (To the cut off plastic bottle attached "kinder-surprise" (lid). Throwing up, you need to catch it with a bottle.) And now let's try to perform this exercise simultaneously with both hands.

They left the Wolf - on the way

Big, brown, shaggy,
clumsy, clumsy,
Likes to roar loudly
And his name is ... (bear).

Bear. -To get away from the bear, you need to assemble a house according to the pattern shown on the carpet board

Task 3. The game "Tangram" ("Collect a house")

Tasks: development of coordinated movements of the fingers of both hands on a plane, the development of visual memory, the cultivation of the desire for mutual assistance.

Equipment: on the board - a carpet board, geometric figures Velcro, scheme of the house. Children name geometric shapes.

The scheme of the house is demonstrated for 1 minute, then it is removed. The students build a house from memory. individual figures. And at will, one student builds on the board.

Physical education for the eyes

Follow the teacher with a pointer in his hand, moving in different directions in a green circle on the board

But it's not so easy to get away from the Bear. He asks you to do one more task.

Task 4. “Spread the pictures into different baskets”

Pictures with images of vegetables and fruits are shown on the board. Children take turns going to the board, calling a fruit or vegetable, taking a picture with a magnet and putting it in two baskets.

Let's workon one's own and then check each other out.

On the desks you have cards with a contour image of vegetables and fruits. Identify a fruit or vegetable and arrange the cards in different baskets on your desks. If you work with both hands at the same time, then complete the task faster.

Let's hit the road again with Kolobok.

3) Stage independent activity students

They left the Bear - the Fox is on the way

That's so red cheat,
Covers his trail cleverly!
Hens to carry a great craftswoman,
And her name is ... (fox)

Guys, what to do, how to help the kolobok? (Complete her task.)

And the Fox prepared a difficult task, but I'm sure that you can handle it and help Kolobok get away from the Fox.

Task 1. "Fix the mistake."

Tasks: to develop coordination of movements of both hands when writing letters.

Equipment: letter elementsO from paper, cards with words, tasks on the computer.

Remember the name of our fairy tale (The word is written on the board"TO A l A side")

If you notice mistakes, correct them. Is it possible to check the letters o? (No). Pay attention - spellingolo spelled with o.

Assemble the letterO from various elements of letters.

Task 2. "Olo"

Task: to identify the state of formation of the ability to carry out simultaneous coordinated movements of the fingers and hands of both hands when writing letter combinationsolo

Letter in individual cards:

Write letter combinationsolo from the middle of the line to the end 3 times.

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

- Now write the name of the main character of the fairy tale Kolobok.


With letter combinationolo there are many words. Let's read them on the board. (Milk, hammer, about, stripe, youth, chisel, cleaning, oatmeal)

The fox was sly and asked to read the word on the table. Naming the letters in the direction of the arrow, we will read the word that Kolobok told us, successfully leaving the Fox with our help. (well done)

We left the fox and find the missing element on the Kolobok construction game.

ІІІ. Final part


Task: develop reflective skills of students

In memory of today's lesson, Kolobok gives you his portraits. Choose a Kolobok that suits your mood.

If everything worked out for you, you felt comfortable - choose a cheerful Kolobok.

If you feel comfortable, but not everything worked out - choose a serious Kolobok.

Summary of the lesson

So, traveling down the track with Kolobok, what were we working on?

(Developed fingers, attention, learned to write words beautifully and correctly with letter combinationsolo , practiced orientation on a plane)

What helped Kolobok get away from the fox? (Ingenuity, attention, the ability to help each other, patience in completing tasks, as well as knowledge gained in other lessons)

What do you think was the most difficult task? Which one is the easiest?

Still need to work on motor skills correct letter words.

you tried hard today

Work well

For guests to want

Come here again for you!