The first signs of the start of contractions. How long do the harbingers of childbirth last. Psychological attitude before childbirth

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The body of a pregnant woman, starting from the 38th week, is subordinated to one goal - the approaching birth. It is this week that the preparation of the body for childbirth begins. As a conductor controls an orchestra, so the hormonal status of a woman controls labor. Everything is provided here, down to the smallest detail. Well-coordinated, evolution-tested work - no surprises. Any step to the side threatens the health of the child. The process is well studied, therefore predictable.

Signs of an impending birth will tell you when to expect a baby. And although the first births are more difficult, and in primiparas it is possible to predict the onset of labor by these signs.

So, let's learn about the first signs of upcoming labor and how labor begins.

Laughter and tears

The most unreliable sign - a harbinger of an approaching birth, can be considered a change in mood. By the 38th week, a woman is already simply tired of being pregnant, her moral strength is running out as well. I want to finally give birth. No wonder the word pregnancy comes from the burden. Every day, a woman in labor listens to her feelings, maybe today? Of course, mood is greatly influenced by hormonal processes - lethargy and fatigue are suddenly replaced by cheerfulness and optimism. Such a phenomenon as “nesting” may appear - this is an irresistible desire of a woman to prepare, as best as possible, a home for her child. Remember that this is an instinct, you should not overstrain, let relatives and friends do it. In primiparous women, these signs are more difficult to determine, because for them everything is for the first time, and those who have already given birth know what's what.

Against the background of a continuous change of mood, of course, it is difficult to determine whether this is the onset of childbirth or just a small tantrum. Although some women, on the contrary, experience peace just before childbirth. So, you should not focus on this sign, especially since there are more reliable ways to notice the upcoming birth.


Shortly before the onset of labor, appetite may change, usually in the direction of decrease. Most often, during pregnancy, women eat a lot. Especially if in this "wonderful" custom they are supported by relatives and friends. “There are two of you now, you must eat for two,” expectant mothers hear this from all sides. And it’s good if they are stuffed with cottage cheese and vegetables. And they can, after all, “spoil” pies every day. The rejection of dual nutrition causes, at best, bewilderment. Or they can be accused of “wrecking”! Primiparous mothers tend to get lost, but if the birth is not the first, women are more responsible about nutrition, because they know how the second birth begins. However, do not forget that the signs of incipient labor in second-born expectant mothers may be absent altogether or be slightly different.

But just before the birth, the appetite suddenly disappears. And it doesn't matter what dear relatives say. This intelligent organism begins to save energy before the upcoming event, and it is better to listen to it!


Starting from about the 20th week, pregnant women feel slight contractions of the uterus, i.e. contractions. These are fake training contractions. Real contractions, which, in fact, begin labor is much more painful. Contractions begin in the lower back, moving to the front of the abdomen, regularly, with a frequency of 10-15 minutes. Then they become more frequent, the interval is significantly reduced to a minute. Sometimes labor pains are compared to very strong undulating menstrual pains.

Real contractions, unlike training ones, continue while walking, constantly intensifying. If a woman feels such contractions, and the interval between them is reduced, you should immediately seek help. The labor has finally begun! If there are doubts, you still need to worry the doctors, this is just the case when it is better to play it safe.

It is necessary to consult a doctor (call an ambulance) in case of:

  • contractions are repeated every 7-10 minutes;
  • contractions are accompanied by bloody discharge;
  • contractions are very painful and unbearable to endure;
  • the waters have broken.

These are the main symptoms of how labor can begin.

The waters have broken

In a normal pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid is 1.5-2 liters. As a rule, the discharge of water is impossible not to notice. But sometimes the water leaves for several days, it depends on the characteristics of the organism and the pathology of pregnancy. Normal waters have a transparent consistency, odorless. In general, amniotic fluid is similar to ordinary water.

It is necessary to collect things in the maternity hospital in advance, so that with the onset of contractions and the withdrawal of water, calmly, taking into account all the little things, go to give birth to a child. Take care of yourself and everything will work out!

Useful video about the signs of the onset of labor

The moment of childbirth is exciting for every pregnant woman. Primiparas are especially worried. Patients are worried that they will miss the symptoms and will not be able to distinguish labor. To prevent doubt, it is important to know the main features of this process.

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Onset of labor: signs and symptoms

The onset of labor has certain signs and symptoms. In primiparas, the symptoms are no different from multiparous.

It is quite simple to determine the beginning of the birth process. Signs and symptoms of a new stage are almost identical for every female body. The only difference is in the strength of manifestation. It is determined by the number of previous births, the state of health of the woman in labor.

Note! A common feature are the harbingers of labor activity.

These sensations before childbirth in women giving birth for the first time arise as a result of hormonal and neurological changes.

Feelings before childbirth

Before the onset of labor, nulliparous women experience characteristic sensations.

Their appearance indicates the preparation of the body for delivery.

Before giving birth, pregnant women experience different phenomena.

  • It has jelly texture;
  • marked with a yellowish tint;
  • may contain blood stains;
  • protects the neck from infections;
  • comes off in whole or in part.

Education training bouts:

  • do not have a clear regularity;
  • characterized by varying intensity and duration;
  • disappear on their own
  • occur during the night and daytime.

Prolapse of the abdomen down:

  • is individual for each organism;
  • not accompanied by perceptible movement;
  • occurs as a result of a change in the state of the uterus under the influence of fetal weight;
  • may appear as 2-4 weeks as well as on the eve of childbirth.

Due to the prolapse of the abdomen, the gait changes.

Changes in the nature of vaginal discharge:

  • their intensity and frequency increase;
  • supposed analysis .

Reducing the weight parameter of a pregnant woman:

  • appears as a difference in 1-2 kilograms;
  • occurs against the background of the removal of excess fluid.

Also happens:

  • decrease in fetal movements;
  • the appearance of convulsions of the upper and lower extremities;
  • increased swelling of certain parts of the body;
  • change in the urination process and cleansing of the intestinal space: it is clearly manifested in pregnant women who suffered from systematic constipation.

The appearance of the desire to "nesting": manifests itself in the form of cleaning the premises, repair work, changing the interior.

Change in the length and structure of the neck: can only be determined by a specialist upon inspection.

Change in the condition of the pelvic bones: accompanied painful sensations in the crotch.

How natural childbirth can begin depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the state of health, the number of previous births and the readiness of the reproductive system for delivery.

Labor activity can begin in the form of a mucous plug or outflow of amniotic fluid. These processes are individual for each organism.

How does childbirth begin?

main points, with what labors begin in those giving birth for the first time, are contractions and outpouring of amniotic fluid.

The peculiarity of contractions lies in the complexity of their definition. It can be difficult for a pregnant woman to distinguish false contractions from real ones. However, true contractions have cumulative effect and do not disappear under the influence of painkillers. Pain may occur. Discomfort manifests itself in the lumbar region, thighs, calves, rectum.

The stage from which natural childbirth begins in primiparas may be accompanied by chills. This reaction is normal for the body.

The rupture of amniotic fluid occurs in the form of the release of amniotic fluid. The condition for starting the process is an open cervix. In the absence of effusion, drug or instrumental stimulation is used.

How to understand that labor begins

The onset of labor activity is associated with the appearance characteristic symptoms. Harbingers of childbirth allow you to prepare in a timely manner for physical exertion that was not previously present in a woman's life.

There is no single algorithm for how to understand that childbirth begins in primiparas. Signs of entry into labor activity are individual.

In one case, the symptoms may be massive. For another patient, the presence of only a few precursors or one may be characteristic.

However, there is a general trend. Women expecting firstborn more emotional. This is due to the lack of experience in childbirth.

Obvious symptoms may be ignored. Pregnant women often mistake them for malaise. The planned date of delivery and the date of occurrence of precursors also differ.

To understand what has begun, knowledge of the full process is required. The moment of the birth of a child into the world is preceded by a period of disclosure, expulsion of the fetus and the appearance of the afterbirth.

The longest is the cervical opening stage. The readiness of the organism is determined by the length and structure of the organ. The coherence of the actions of the woman in labor at the time of contractions depends on how to understand the state of the body.

The onset of labor in multiparous

Childbirth in multiparous women is marked by greater confidence in parturient women. This is due not only to theoretical knowledge, but also skills. Despite the interval between births, women especially respond carefully for any changes in the body. No panic attacks or tantrums.

Often childbirth in multiparous begins an order of magnitude earlier than in primiparas. This feature can provoke premature childbearing. Starting from 34 weeks, women should be prepared that the process of having a baby can begin at any time. The term is determined by the muscular extension of the neck from the previously transferred labor activity.

How to understand that natural childbirth has begun in multiparous, it is possible by the precursors. It is important to remember that the onset of symptoms will much stronger. This arises due to the awareness of the experienced state.

As a result of the preparedness of the body, childbirth in multiparous pass quickly. The period of disclosure and outflow of amniotic fluid is reduced.

At what time does labor begin?

In obstetric practice, an indicator of a normal prenatal period is period of 38 weeks. This is the period when the fetus has reached its final development.

The stage when the first signs of labor can begin includes 38 - 42 weeks. The recommended period for delivery is considered to be 40 weeks.

In the event that the pregnancy exceeds the 42-week period, a detrimental effect on the child's body is expected. Maybe development of pathologies and oppression of his life.

Experts do not give an unequivocal answer on how long usually give birth to primiparas. On average, delivery occurs from 40 to 42 weeks. But there are cases of the birth of first-born children after a 42-week period. This feature is associated with a possible inaccuracy in determining the date of conception. Also, at the birth of the first children, the body of the expectant mother is not so worn out. There are no pathologies of the reproductive system, provoked by previous labor activity.

The topic at what time primiparas usually give birth can be considered by the gender of the fetus. Trend Revealed early birth girls, compared to boys. The pattern is due to their earlier maturation and rapid development. As a result, girls are more likely to survive preterm births than boys.

How long do contractions last

The degree of preparedness of the cervix affects how long the contractions last in giving birth for the first time.

The disclosure process includes several phases.

Latent phase (or latent/initial):

  • duration - 7-8 hours;
  • the duration of the fight is 30-45 seconds;
  • frequency - every 4-5 minutes;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening up to 3 cm.

Active phase:

  • duration - 3-5 hours;
  • the duration of the fight is 60 seconds;
  • frequency - 2-4 minutes;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening of 3 to 7 cm.

Deceleration phase (or transient/transitional):

  • duration - 30 minutes - 1.5 hours;
  • contraction duration - up to 1.5 seconds;
  • frequency - 30 seconds - 1 minute;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening of 7 to 10 cm.

In general, disclosure can take a long time - until 10 o'clock.

It should be understood that the preparedness of the cervix determines how contractions last in primiparas.

The duration of contractions in primiparas allows you to determine the true contractions from training.

The average duration is 10 hours.

If labor activity was preceded by false contractions, then the duration of contractions in primiparas will exceed the specified value.

note! In order for the training process not to exhaust the body, it is recommended to take an anesthetic.

The tablet form is often used. The action of the drug will allow you to distract from the source of pain. As a result, false contractions will disappear. You can only take pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

A pregnant woman should not be afraid of labor. It's important to listen to your body. Any change in condition will be a signal to go to the hospital.

Useful video: how to determine the onset of labor

Women in anticipation of a child experience a variety of feelings. This is excitement and joy, self-doubt, expectation of changes in the usual way of life. By the end of pregnancy, fear also appears, caused by the fear of missing an important moment in the onset of childbirth.

So that the state before childbirth does not turn into a panic, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her well-being. There are certain signs that indicate the imminent appearance of a long-awaited baby.

What are the harbingers of childbirth

Immediately after conception, the hormonal background of a woman begins to change. In large quantities, the body produces progesterone - a hormone that is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. And in the last stages, the aging of the placenta occurs, which significantly reduces the production of progesterone. Against the background of such changes, the body begins to produce another hormone - estrogen, the main function of which is to prepare the body of the expectant mother for childbirth.

When the level of such hormones reaches a maximum, the brain receives a certain signal that contributes to the onset of labor. The change in hormones causes certain changes in the state of the pregnant woman.

Before childbirth, certain symptoms appear that indicate the imminent appearance of the baby. These are the harbingers of the long-awaited birth. The above changes begin to occur in a woman's body at the 32nd week of pregnancy. A woman can feel the harbingers of childbirth starting from the 36th week.

Change in the cervix

The state of the cervix before childbirth changes, it matures. As a result of morphological changes, the connective tissue softens, which makes the neck soft, pliable and easily extensible. There are three degrees of maturity of this body:

  • immature - the neck is long, dense, the external pharynx is either closed, or passes only the tip of the finger;
  • insufficiently mature - the neck is slightly softened, shortened, the cervical canal passes one finger (in nulliparous to a closed internal pharynx);
  • mature - the neck is smoothed and shortened as much as possible, softened, centered, the cervical canal easily passes one finger.

The whole process of childbirth and their successful completion depend on the state of the cervix.

Fetal activity

Of course, a pregnant woman is concerned about the question: what is the condition before childbirth in the baby inside? By the end of pregnancy, the fetus reaches its maturity: it gains the required weight (about three kilograms), the organs are formed and ready for extrauterine existence.

By this time, the uterus has already stopped growing, so the baby becomes cramped in it. This leads to the fact that the child inside moves less. At the 34-36th week, the expectant mother notices that the baby has begun to roll over less, and from the 36th week she may feel that small movements become less frequent, but they are very noticeable, and there are also pain in the places of poking with arms or legs .

The main harbingers of childbirth

The condition of a woman before childbirth undergoes some psychological and physiological changes, indicating to the mother that she will soon see the long-awaited baby. In order not to miss anything important and not to harm herself and the baby, a woman should know the main signs of an imminent onset of labor.

Their main precursors are as follows:

  • Weight loss. Almost all pregnant women testify that the weight before the onset of childbirth stabilizes or decreases by 0.5-2 kilograms. This is due to a decrease in edema and the excretion of excess fluid from the body by the kidneys. So the body begins to adapt to the fact that the tissues are better stretched, become plastic and flexible. Thanks to the work of hormones designed to remove all unnecessary, the intestines are cleansed. Therefore, a woman may experience abdominal pain and frequent urge to empty.
  • Loss of appetite. Simultaneously with the departure of excess weight in a pregnant woman, her appetite decreases or completely disappears. This is a normal state before childbirth, you do not need to force yourself to eat through force.
  • Dropping of the abdomen. This is one of the main harbingers of childbirth. A child two or three weeks before an important event sneaks closer to the exit. As a result, abdominal tone decreases, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe.
  • Appearance This harbinger of childbirth is directly related to the previous one. The baby sinks down the abdomen, so the pressure on this part of the body increases. It becomes difficult for the expectant mother to sit down, get up, she is tormented by pain and stretching in the lower back.
  • Frequent urination. It is caused by increased work of the kidneys and pressure in the bladder area.
  • Restless sleep. The condition of a woman before childbirth becomes alarming, sleep becomes restless. This is caused not only by emotional experiences, but also by ongoing changes in the body. Due to the fact that the baby begins to actively move at night, pressure on the bladder increases, which provokes the urge to urinate. This is what causes sleep disturbance during pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea. Due to the prolapse of the abdomen, there is pressure on the intestines. The expectant mother notices the urge to defecate. Constipation is replaced by diarrhea. It is she who is the harbinger of the approaching birth. Often, pregnant women confuse this harbinger with poisoning or intestinal upset.
  • Change of pain sensations. Throughout pregnancy, a woman may feel slight back pain. Before childbirth, pain is observed in the pubic part. This is due to the softening of the bones, which is an important factor for normal labor activity.

cork discharge

By the end of pregnancy, the cervix matures: it shortens, softens, the cervical canal opens slightly. Inside the cervical canal there is thick mucus, the main function of which is to prevent the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the uterus, which can cause infection of the fetus. This mucus is called the mucus plug.

As mentioned above, by the end of pregnancy, the body begins to produce estrogens, which affect the general well-being of the expectant mother and her condition before childbirth. A few days before the onset of labor (three to ten), under the influence of hormones, liquefaction and expulsion of mucus from the cervical canal occurs.

The mucous plug looks like a small lump of a transparent or yellowish color, streaks of blood can be observed in it. The mucus plug can come off in parts over several days. Pregnant women usually cannot determine the discharge of the mucous plug on their own.

Sometimes the expectant mother has doubts - the plug comes off or the amniotic fluid leaks. Leakage of water will be constant, such discharge is transparent in color (may be with a yellowish or greenish tinge) and watery. The cork leaves in portions, the discharge is thicker and disappears after a few days.

If a pregnant woman doubts whether a cork is coming off or water is leaking, then you should not hesitate and contact a gynecologist.

false contractions

These are training contractions that can bother a woman a few weeks before the date of the expected birth. They are caused by the body's overproduction of the hormone oxytocin. The role of false contractions is to prepare the myometrium for childbirth. Such contractions do not lead to the development of labor activity, they do not affect the general condition before childbirth. Signs of training fights are as follows:

  • they are neither regular nor intense;
  • they differ from real ones in relative painlessness and an interval of rest between contractions with an interval of thirty minutes;
  • appear 4-6 times a day (mostly in the morning or evening), last no more than two hours.

A pregnant woman feels false contractions as a hardening of the abdomen in response to the movement of the fetus or any physical activity. To relieve tension, you should relax, take a warm bath and massage.

The difference between false contractions and real ones

The main difference between false contractions and true labor contractions is the gradual increase in the latter, followed by a reduction in the interval between them. Labor pains are stronger, brighter, more painful. If training fights do not have regularity, then with real ones it is mandatory.

The main purpose of labor pains is the opening of the cervix, therefore, no matter what a pregnant woman does, they will only intensify. False contractions can be weakened or completely removed discomfort.

Outflow of waters

The most striking and alarming sign that a pregnant woman needs to urgently go to the hospital is the outflow of amniotic fluid. Such an event can occur simultaneously with contractions. Normally, the water should be clear and odorless. The presence of red discharge may indicate placental abruption. All waters can leave at once, but leakage is possible. In the latter case, you should put a gasket on and consult a doctor.

Some women confuse water leakage with involuntary urination, which can occur intermittently in late pregnancy. The difference in these processes is the absence of the smell of urine in the waters and their transparent color. If the water is greenish, yellow or brown, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

The mood of the expectant mother

The emotional state before childbirth in pregnant women also changes. The mood can be joyful and cheerful, but suddenly sadness-sadness suddenly rolls over or starts to irritate everything. This is due primarily to the fatigue of a pregnant woman, with a long wait and natural excitement. The mother-to-be can't wait to give birth.

This condition of a woman before childbirth is influenced by endocrine processes occurring in the body. An interesting fact is that a few weeks before the birth, the expectant mother has a desire to put the apartment in order and establish comfort in the house. Psychologists call this condition "nesting syndrome." A woman with enviable zeal begins to equip her “nest”, create comfortable conditions for living with a baby: clean, wash, clean, hem, etc.

What is the state before the first birth

Primiparous women experience more excitement and anxiety about the upcoming event. They may not be aware of the harbingers and may not pay attention to the main symptoms of the approaching birth. For women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time, the harbingers may appear in three weeks, or may be in a day. The condition of a woman before childbirth depends on the reaction of the body to the changes taking place. There are no specific dates or periods.

Primiparous women should remember that there may be several signs of approaching the onset of labor, it is not at all necessary that they all appear. Due to their inexperience, a pregnant woman may simply not notice them.

It is important to carefully monitor your condition before childbirth, pay attention to the slightest changes in time and report them to your gynecologist.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

The mental state before childbirth in women who survived childbirth is much more stable. Their body clearly reacts to the ongoing changes, and the precursors appear brighter. This is because the uterus has changed and enlarged after a previous birth. The exception is women who had their first birth by caesarean section. This is due to the fact that the cervix does not stretch, as the baby does not pass through it.

Women who are already mothers pay attention to the severity of prenatal symptoms during a new pregnancy. They clearly monitor the physiological state before childbirth. Signs (in multiparous women) of approaching childbirth and their severity differ in the course of some processes:

  • The cork is larger.
  • False contractions start earlier.
  • The abdomen drops at a later date.
  • There may be profuse vaginal discharge.

When to go to the hospital

So, what condition before childbirth requires immediate hospitalization? First of all, it should be said that all pregnant women in the last weeks of pregnancy should be ready for an emergency trip to the hospital. Therefore, you need to collect in advance the “alarming suitcase”, documents and carry out the necessary hygiene procedures (shave your hair and remove varnish from your nails).

Emergencies that require the immediate call of an ambulance are as follows:

  • outflow of water (especially against the background of the absence of other signs of the onset of labor);
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • pressure jump;
  • the appearance of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • severe headache, flies flashing, blurred vision;
  • absence of fetal movements for six hours;
  • the beginning of regular labor activity (two or three contractions in ten minutes).

What week is the due date

There is a concept that the baby should be born at the fortieth week of pregnancy. But only three percent of children are born on a precisely specified date. Usually a woman gives birth before or a little later than the due date.

It is considered normal if the pregnancy lasts 280-282 days. Premature is considered each additional week increases the chance of a baby being born healthy.

Full-term babies successfully adapt to new living conditions. Therefore, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, it is urgent to contact the clinic and go to hospital.

There are cases when a woman "walks" pregnancy, that is, gives birth after the due date. In this case, the pregnancy is called post-term or prolonged. In the first case, the baby after birth shows signs of postmaturity. With prolonged pregnancy, such signs are absent in the newborn, the baby is born healthy.

It is not at all necessary that every pregnant woman will have all of the above symptoms before the onset of childbirth. Moreover, you should not wait for their simultaneous appearance. The intensity of precursors and the state before childbirth depend on the body's response to ongoing hormonal changes and on the number of previous births.

All pregnant women often think about the date of delivery. The excitement is entirely justified. Those who give birth for the first time are afraid not to recognize the signs of such an important event and confuse the main harbingers with ordinary malaise. More experienced women, those who are pregnant for the second time, perfectly remember all the harbingers. But even they are often lost, faced with their rapid flow. In order to avoid unnecessary worries and be prepared for all the changes taking place in the body, it is necessary to study what are the signs of an early birth in multiparous women.

How long to wait for the harbingers?

It is quite difficult to correctly predict the period when the body will begin to prepare for childbirth. Even experienced obstetricians and gynecologists cannot name the exact date. However, physicians highlight the average values, when most often there are signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women.

In the second pregnancy, childbirth occurs, as a rule, earlier by 1-2 weeks from the due date. Thus, the birth of a child at the 38-39th week is a frequent occurrence. This is especially true for those women whose interval between the first and second pregnancy is less than 3 years.

Sometimes repeated births can begin even at the 37th week. In this case, the baby will be born completely healthy. The causes and signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women depend mainly on the structural features of the maternal body. If at the 37th week the pregnancy is already fully full-term, then it is quite natural for the baby to be born at this time.

Speaking about the causes and timing, doctors analyze the readiness of the uterus and the maturity of the fetus. As soon as these indicators reach the norm (and this can be observed even at the 37th week), a woman should prepare for the birth of an heir.

The readiness of the uterus is determined by the following indicators:

  • it acquires sufficient dimensions and gains the necessary mass;
  • full maturation of the placenta is observed;
  • the neuromuscular system of the organ is completely ready for contractile activity.

So, having dealt with the timing, let's look at what are the signs of an early birth in multiparous.

The nesting instinct

A few weeks before an important date, a woman's hormonal levels stabilize. In this regard, the following signs of imminent forerunners of labor in multiparous women appear:

  • surge of vitality;
  • increased energy;
  • a sharp improvement in well-being;
  • feeling of happiness.

A woman always strives to use such a state with benefit. General cleaning is underway in the house, a children's room is being urgently equipped. Washing or ironing may begin.

As a rule, such a "nesting" syndrome is observed at the 36-37th week in multiparous women.

Training bouts

These signs of imminent labor in multiparous women occur approximately at the 32-37th week. In this case, they can appear quite weakly. Most women don't even notice them.

Sometimes they appear in multiparous women a few weeks before delivery. Such signs can easily be mistaken for real uterine contractions.

False contractions are characterized by the following features:

  • they are short-lived and irregular;
  • subside over time, but do not increase;
  • accompanied by slight pain, reminiscent of discomfort during menstruation;
  • after a short rest, the contractions disappear.

Prolapse of the abdomen

This harbinger is one of the important first signs indicating the readiness of the body for childbirth. A woman has a prolapse of the abdomen, as the baby in the womb descends to the entrance to the small pelvis. He is preparing to pass through the birth canal.

Women who become mothers for the first time face such a harbinger 2-4 weeks before the onset of childbirth. Multiparous observe prolapse of the abdomen much later. Their baby begins to prepare for childbirth about a couple of days before birth. But such a harbinger should not be considered completely objective, assessing the readiness of the female body. Some are already in the process of giving birth.

After lowering the uterus, the woman's condition changes somewhat. There is a little relief, but with it come other inconveniences.

Pay attention to the first signs of imminent labor in multiparous women, provoked by prolapse of the abdomen:

  • heartburn goes away;
  • the process of breathing is facilitated;
  • urination becomes more frequent (the uterus can now put pressure on the bladder);
  • movement is difficult;
  • there is pain in the area

Baby behavior

The fact that childbirth is approaching, you can guess by the behavior of the baby. A few days before the significant event, the baby calms down. He becomes inactive. His movements are rather lazy.

Such a temporary lull is suddenly replaced by violent activity. These are signs of imminent labor in multiparous women. After all, in this way the baby “works out” the technique of behavior during childbirth. So, he does not plan to stay in the womb for a long time.

cork discharge

Analyzing what are the signs of imminent labor in multiparous, you should pay attention to the condition of the mucous plug. Her departure indicates that it is time for mom to go to the hospital.

Cork is a clot of brown or beige mucus that covered the fetus from infection throughout pregnancy.

The withdrawal process can be different:

  1. The cork may come off completely. In this case, the woman will see a lump of mucus. After discharge, a woman often has pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  2. There may be a discharge of the cork in parts. Mucous discharge will be observed periodically. They have a dense structure and do not have an unpleasant odor. Sometimes the mucus may contain blood streaks.

In most cases, the cork departs from multiparous a few hours before the onset of labor. However, in some women, this phenomenon can be observed a couple of days before the baby is born.

eating disorders

The appearance of loose stools in a woman can also be attributed to the harbingers of an early birth. This sign indicates the cleansing of the body. If a multiparous woman is faced with an unreasonable disorder, then it is most likely that the baby will be born in the next day.

Many pregnant women perceive diarrhea as poisoning. After all, this symptom is often accompanied by the appearance of nausea. And sometimes women even experience vomiting.

Such harbingers may be accompanied by other signs indicating the imminent approach of childbirth:

  1. There is slight weight loss. As a rule, it is 2-2.5 kg. Weight loss occurs 2-3 days before delivery.
  2. Puffiness subsides.
  3. Indigestion may be accompanied by a change in appetite.
  4. A woman notes frequent urge to empty. But they turn out to be false.
  5. Appeared pain in the lumbar region and pubis is pulling in nature. It is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the perineal area.

Faced with such harbingers, you must understand that childbirth is already on the nose.

The most important signs

Do you observe Do you have all the above signs of ambulances? The onset of labor in multiparous women can come quickly. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The onset of labor is signaled by two characteristic signs:

  • rupture of the bladder and discharge of water;
  • the occurrence of regular contractions.

Amniotic membranes should be torn during childbirth. According to the norm, the water leaves when the cervix opens by 7-9 cm. However, in most cases, everything happens differently. The waters break much earlier than the woman's contractions begin. And most often multiparous people face this.

The fetal bladder may begin to slowly leak. Sometimes it breaks suddenly, and the waters "pour in a stream." A woman does not feel pain when the amniotic membranes rupture. But you should go to the hospital immediately, even if rhythmic contractions of the uterus are not yet observed.

Contractions are the main sign of the onset of labor. They indicate You should know that in multiparous contractions can proceed much faster and more intensely. Therefore, a visit to the hospital should not be delayed.

You can determine the start of contractions by the following features:

  • painful sensations occur at regular intervals;
  • gradually they begin to become more frequent;
  • contractions increase in duration;
  • discomfort does not subside with a change in body position;
  • pain increases.

Women's opinion

Persons preparing to become mothers for the second time testify that they observed in themselves all the same harbingers as the first time. But still there are some differences. During the first pregnancy, all signs of childbirth occur gradually and rather slowly.

The second pregnancy is characterized by a rapid course. It is not always even possible to notice signs of imminent childbirth in multiparous women. Reviews of women show that often the whole process of the birth of a baby begins with the discharge of water. And, as a rule, ahead of schedule. Childbirth most often passes very quickly and quite easily.

Pregnant women in the last stages of pregnancy, as a rule, look forward to the approaching date of delivery. For many, the question of what is still considered signs of the onset of childbirth has not yet been finally resolved.

One experienced friend says one thing, the other - another, and in the special literature - the third information. You get confused here ... And it becomes scary: “What if I don’t understand that this is childbirth, that it’s time to go to the hospital? No matter what happens."

Such thoughts appear because, due to scattered reviews of experienced girlfriends or after reading special literature, the difference between the preparatory stages (harbingers) of childbirth and the true signs of their onset has not yet been put into my head.

In this article about the signs of the onset of labor, an answer will be given to the maximum of questions that a pregnant woman has about the onset of the birth process. In order for all issues to be resolved, fears dissipated without a trace, and only the expectation of the happiness of motherhood remains.

Causes and mechanisms of the onset of labor

From about 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, the female body begins to prepare for childbirth.

The main triggers for the onset of labor are:

  • Hormonal changes in the body of a woman in labor. The production of progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy, decreases. There is a stimulation of the production of a complex of estrogens - female sex hormones that stimulate labor activity;
  • Contractile readiness of the uterus. The muscle fibers of the uterus (myometrium) fully mature. Increases the sensitivity of the muscles of the uterus to oxytocin - a hormone that is the main stimulator of uterine contraction and all labor activity. In the last stages of pregnancy, the uterus loses its ability to stretch freely. As a result of mechanical irritation of the uterus by the lowered head of the baby and an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood that stimulate labor activity, an increased contractile readiness of the uterus is formed and it begins to contract;
  • Maturity of the placenta. The placenta is the so-called baby place in the uterus. Through the placenta, the organisms of the mother and child are connected, the nutrition of the fetus is carried out. The body already “knows” that the placenta has fulfilled its function and will soon become unnecessary. There are natural processes of aging and destruction (degeneration) in a fully mature placenta;
  • Fruit maturity. The limiting accumulation of metabolic products in the fetal body, a decrease in the volume and a decrease in the rate of formation of amniotic fluid does not allow maintaining metabolic processes at the same level.

All of the above reasons and factors are closely interrelated. It is their implementation in the complex that triggers the mechanism for the onset of labor.

Possible signs of childbirth (harbingers)

Harbingers of childbirth are a number of signs that are observed in a pregnant woman in advance, a few weeks or days before the cherished event. They indicate the readiness of the female body for the process of childbearing. Depending on the characteristics of the woman's body, the combination of these signs will be strictly individual in each case.

So, first things first. One of the first signs of approaching labor is decreased fetal activity. Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman may notice that the number has decreased and they have become less intense. Since the baby has grown enough, and there is little free space left in the uterus, his motor activity is difficult.

You know, there is such a life situation when it is crowded in a room or, for example, in a trolley bus. We then say: "It's so crowded here that you can't turn around." Or don't move. This is the situation with the baby. He, too, does not turn around, does not move.

The abdomen drops, the pelvic bones diverge.

This happens when the baby goes down, preparing to pass through the birth canal. At this time, his head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. The bottom of the uterus (its highest part) is shifted downwards. In primiparas, this probable symptom may appear 2 weeks before the onset of labor. For mothers who have already experienced the joy of motherhood - a few days before the cherished event, but more often immediately before childbirth.

The pregnant uterus, having fallen down, no longer presses so hard on the diaphragm. At the same time, women say that it becomes easier for them to breathe, heartburn practically does not bother. Although outwardly lowered belly, not everyone notices on their own.

Since the baby's head descends and puts pressure on the pelvic bones, a pregnant woman gait changes. In gynecology, this is called "proud gait." The woman takes her shoulders and shoulder blades backwards, the center of gravity shifts, and the pregnant woman begins to walk, swaying slightly.

Due to excessive pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic organs (intestines, bladder) the frequency of urination and the urge to defecate changes. A woman feels more often the urge to urinate, less often, but there is even urinary incontinence. Due to mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls, constipation occurs a few days before childbirth. And sometimes it may not be constipation, but diarrhea.

Before childbirth volume increases vaginal discharge due to hormonal changes. They become less sticky. Sometimes women may confuse this discharge with amniotic fluid leakage. To differentiate discharges in the hospital, special tests are carried out.

What do you need to know about this? If the gestational age is more than 37 weeks or there are prerequisites for premature or rapid delivery, then if abundant vaginal discharge is detected, you should urgently go to the hospital.

Test with a sterile gauze cut

If the discharge is not very much, but more than usual, a simple test can be performed at home using a sterile gauze cut folded in several layers. Amniotic fluid is usually clear and quickly absorbed without leaving any residue. Allocations are absorbed poorly, often staining gauze.

This test is simple, but involves a subjective assessment of the results. And here, not every woman can figure it out on her own. Therefore, it is better to contact the hospital for timely diagnosis.

If the doctor confirms that it is just a discharge, you will be safely sent home. But if it turns out that amniotic fluid is leaking, then you did the right thing by contacting the hospital as soon as possible. A long waterless period is very dangerous for the health of the baby.

Before childbirth expectant mother may notice weight loss(from 1 to 2 kg). Due to the influence of a changed hormonal background, the body gets rid of excess fluid. This happens a few days before delivery.

false contractions

False (training, preparatory) contractions can begin from 36-37 weeks of pregnancy and periodically occur until childbirth. The closer to the date of birth, the more often the uterus comes into increased tone. Expectant mothers describe this as a “hardening” uterus. At the same time, pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen, less often in the lower back, sometimes girdle pain bothers (from the sacrum to the pubis). The intensity of the pain can be compared with the sensations during menstruation.

False contractions, unlike true contractions, are short (40-60 seconds) and do not have a clear regularity. Another distinctive feature of false contractions is their disappearance after a change in the position of the pregnant woman or a short rest.

Training contractions do not lead to the opening of the cervix of the uterus, but accelerate its maturation and prepare the muscles of the uterus for the forthcoming active contractile activity during childbirth. Be sure to inform your doctor about the occurrence of such a harbinger as training contractions.

Due to all the above factors, change in the cervix. Mainly under the influence of estrogens, the cervical canal shortens by the time labor begins. The cervix itself softens and opens about one centimeter (“misses one finger,” as OB/GYNs say). Despite the fact that only a doctor can fix this sign during examination, a woman needs to know this important harbinger.

Because the cervix opens up a little, mucus plug comes out, which throughout the pregnancy performed a protective function. That is, this cork prevented the penetration of infections into the uterus. Mucus plug is a thick light mucous secret, sometimes with the inclusion of blood streaks. Sometimes the cork is light brown. The cork may come off entirely. In some cases, it departs in portions.

When exactly does the mucus plug come off?

The timing of the onset of this symptom can vary from 2 weeks or several hours before the onset of labor. If you notice that the mucous plug has come off, you should inform the gynecologist observing you about this.

Very often I come across the fact that women in the later stages get tired of pregnancy, it’s hard for them, they are looking forward to the delivery date. But at the same time, many expectant mothers have emotional lift on the eve of childbirth. Women actively prepare their home for the arrival of a new family member (laundry, cleaning, furniture rearrangement and even minor repairs).

By analogy with the animal world, this strangeness is explained by the instinct of "nesting". And if you suddenly feel any of the manifestations of this “nesting instinct”, for example, you urgently want to rearrange something in the apartment, then consider this also a harbinger of the imminent start of the cherished event.

Reliable signs of childbirth

These include the appearance of regular contractions (true) and the outflow of amniotic fluid. It is impossible to establish a causal relationship between them. What is primary and what is secondary cannot be clearly stated. In each case, the onset of labor activity proceeds individually.


The occurrence of regular contractions underlies the onset of labor. True contractions determine the first stage of labor, when the cervix opens. The strength of the contraction the woman in labor cannot control. Thanks to contractions, the cervix softens, smoothes, and the cervix opens up to 10 cm (full dilation). The uterus and vagina are connected, forming a single birth canal, through which the baby passes, being born (II stage of labor).

It is sometimes difficult for primiparas to distinguish between false and true contractions. There has already been a description of false contractions above. Now let's talk in more detail about true contractions.

There are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In primiparas, these pains often begin in the lower back. Their duration and intensity increases. And most importantly, there is a clear regularity of their occurrence.

Many people ask the question: “How often do contractions need to go to the hospital?” Only the doctor who observes you can clearly give an answer. In multiparous women, childbirth is faster. They should not stay at home with contractions. As you felt the contractions - rather in the hospital.

In primiparas, the first stage of labor is longer (12 hours on average). In principle, they can wait at home for a while with contractions, but first you need to consult with your gynecologist on this issue. But it's better to go to the hospital as soon as you make sure that these are real and not false contractions.

I will provide a table (more clearly) of the average duration and frequency of contractions.

Temporal characteristics of labor activity

Outflow of amniotic fluid

First, the anterior amniotic fluid drains. The anterior amniotic fluid is that part of the water that, when entering the dense ring of the pelvic bones, remains in the fetal bladder along with the head of the fetus. The volume of anterior amniotic fluid may be different. And they can pour out at once or in small portions.

In a normal pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is colorless, odorless, may have white inclusions (particles of cheese-like lubrication of the fetus). Greenish, fetid, with an admixture of meconium (fetal feces), amniotic fluid occurs during pathological pregnancy.

As a rule, the membrane of the fetal bladder ruptures with the outflow of anterior amniotic fluid in the first stage of labor when the cervix is ​​dilated by 3-7 cm.

It happens that the amniotic fluid leaves before the appearance of regular contractions and the necessary opening of the cervix. In any case, with the outflow of amniotic fluid, a woman should immediately go to the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists. A long waterless period (more than 6 hours) is a threat of infection of the child.

Advice for moms-to-be in late pregnancy

Better in advance. Wherever you go or don’t go, always have your pregnancy documents (exchange card) with you. It's more reliable. It is impossible to accurately predict the moment of the onset of labor. But, having an exchange card with you, wherever you find signs of the onset of childbirth, you will always be ready to urgently contact the maternity hospital and avoid unnecessary worries.