Making a girlfriends party unforgettable - fun games for a bachelorette party. Ideas for a bachelorette party. Cool bachelorette party: contests, script

A bright and cheerful bachelorette party is a dream for any bride. Tired of wedding preparations? Do you want to have fun with your friends in a way that you will remember for years to come? In this article, we have collected the best ideas for organizing an unforgettable party: interesting games, exciting contests, forfeits and fortune-telling. Now it’s not a problem to create an excellent entertainment program ...

Clumsy answers

Funny and simple game, which requires only a little imagination to create.

  1. Take a paper sheet, a pen and two containers (jars, baskets).
  2. Divide the paper sheet into many small parts, and divide the resulting pile of small leaves into two equal piles.
  3. Each pile will answer one of two categories: the first will contain questions like “what to do if ...”, the second - the answers to these questions. For example: “What to do if DiCaprio himself suddenly disappeared from the movie about DiCaprio? Replace him with another hero”, “What if you were presented with an old box while you were expecting roses? Steal roses from a nearby store”, “What if the husband wants fried sausages for dinner, and at home there is only a beetroot and mother-in-law? Ask your mother-in-law to make them."
  4. Each pile is folded into a separate container.
  5. After that, the participants choose pieces of paper from different boxes in the form of a question and answer. The result will be interesting and funny combinations that will amuse all the guests of the party. For example: “What if the husband wants fried sausages for dinner, and at home there is only a beetroot and mother-in-law? “Replace him with another hero.”

Biography of the bride

Close friends are usually invited to a bachelorette party, so there is no doubt that they are well acquainted with many interesting events from the life of the bride. Based on this, you can come up with such a competition:

  1. A sheet of paper is taken and each of the participants in turn writes one of the most interesting cases at the top of the page.
  2. The written part of the sheet is folded over and the new participant again writes at the top of the page.

In this way, a collection of stories will turn out and the participants can have a good laugh, unfolding the sheet and reading the biography of the bride aloud.

puppet questions

All participants in the evening are made small paper dolls that are worn on the finger.

How to make a finger puppet out of paper in a few minutes, see this video:

Each bridesmaid chooses a doll for herself, after which a theatrical performance begins: all participants begin to attack the bride's doll, create unforeseen life situations for her and ask tricky questions. The main task for the bride: to withstand this onslaught, not to get confused and find a way out of all the situations created for her. Do not be afraid to improvise - all the coolest jokes and jokes are always impromptu.

A puppet show can be recorded on video - you get a very funny and positive video that can be reviewed later. It can also be used to create a wedding clip.


All participants of the evening get 4 cards: on yellow you need to write the recipe for the most delicious soup, on red - meat dish, on green - salad, on orange - dessert. After that, all the recipes are discussed in detail and collected in a common cookbook for the bride (the sheets can be punched with a hole punch and tied with a beautiful ribbon).

Guess the nickname

The bride comes up with nicknames for all the girls at the party, writes them on pieces of paper and attaches one nickname to the back of each girlfriend. Participants must guess what they were called by asking leading questions. The game can be stretched for the whole evening.

Competition "Tili dough"

It is necessary to give each participant a sheet and a marker. Participants must write the phrase “Tili-tili dough!” Holding the marker with their toes. The girl who does it first wins a prize.

Cheerful competition "Smeshinka"

The participants stand in a circle and start laughing, the bride drops her handkerchief on the floor. When the handkerchief falls, everyone must abruptly stop laughing. Whoever stops last loses and leaves the circle. The girl who remains last wins and receives a prize.

This competition is best placed in the middle of your scenario, when the fun is already in full swing.

Groom's Prank: Girlfriends' Fun

You can make the evening even more exciting by playing the groom. Every bridesmaid should call him from an unknown number and confess his love, the last calls the bride and says that she loves so much, how many times he confessed his love.

Tricky questions for the bride

Well, which of the girlfriends does not want to ask the bride a couple tricky questions before marriage? Well, who is not interested in knowing the details of the personal life of the bride and groom and the features of their relationship? At a bachelorette party, I especially want to boldly ask about a man’s secret hobby or his dream, about how many children the couple wants and what they will call them, and also, for example, about whether he shaves his armpits.

Questions can be both funny and serious.

In order to make a real test, you need to make a list of questions in advance and ask them to the groom before the bachelorette party. Then you can compare the answers and find out how well the bride knows her future husband.

Extinct match

Participants sit in a circle and light a match. It is necessary to quickly pass a burning match in turn until it goes out. The girl in whose hands it went out must answer one question from the bride. If the match went out in the hands of the bride, then she answers the question of any girlfriend from the circle.

small bottle

Spin the bottle modification: the bride and her bridesmaids spin the bottle and the girl pointed to by the neck answers some questions.

The most unusual fantas

Fanta is a wonderful way rally a company of unfamiliar people, because the participants of the bachelorette party will definitely communicate in the process, discuss highlights and have fun.

Standard variant: print various fun tasks on leaflets. They can be given out in a separate draw, by drawing lots, or given a card to all the losers in each new competition.

The most interesting thing is that you can play forfeits not only at home, but also on the street, in a cafe and even in a club.

Here are some bright examples:

  • Take a picture with an unfamiliar company.
  • Sit down with a stranger and start a conversation with him, as if you have known each other for a long time.
  • Guard the guard or take a picture with him.
  • Convince a stranger that you are a famous TV presenter and leave him an autograph.
  • Serenade.
  • Play a scene from a movie.
  • Make incomprehensible and incoherent movements on the dance floor.
  • Perform a robot dance.
  • Drink a drink without helping yourself with your hands.
  • Perform whatever you want to say in the form of a song.
  • Shout something out the window. For example: "In the head of my sawdust: Yes, yes, yes"

Fantas can be very different, the main thing is not to be afraid to bring in fresh ideas.

In this video, you can peep a few original tasks that can be performed right on the street:

You can write a test list with a marker on a T-shirt that the bride-to-be will wear for herself. With the same marker, you can then mark and cross out those that are completed.

Divination at a bachelorette party

Fortune telling is a mystical ritual that will add a “zest” to the holiday, because this is an action creates an unforgettable atmosphere. However, even this ritual can be made easy and fun.

Fortune telling is best done at the very end of the party, when all the girlfriends are already tired of active entertainment and you want to relax more relaxed.

This is one of the most popular divination methods. bride takes any book, asks aloud a question to which he wants to receive an answer and selects at random a page and a line in a book. The selected line will be the answer to the question!

Comic fortune telling

You can persuade someone you know to send replies via SMS. Of course, the acquaintance must be with good sense of humor. The bride has to send her questions via SMS to his number, and he will play the role of an oracle and send original and funny answers.

Divination on balls

You need to write predictions on pieces of paper, roll them up and put them in balloons, after which the balloons inflate. They can decorate the room or hang from the ceiling. At the end of the bachelorette party, each participant must choose a balloon for herself, burst it and get a prediction.

All girls like to wonder what will happen. So, at a bachelorette party, with the help of fortune cookies (you can come up with other muffins or cakes where you can just put notes with predictions), you can guess what the girls are waiting for at the wedding. Predictions can be of this type: you will dance a slow dance with a handsome prince, you will also have a happy opportunity to prove yourself, and everyone will be delighted with your figure. One of the girls or the organizer of the bachelorette party comes up with predictions, invests in each cookie and the girls will have something to do and how to cheer themselves up.

small bottle

Traditionally, an empty champagne bottle is taken. The girls sit in a circle and take turns spinning the bottle. Don't worry, there won't be any kissing. The contestant who unwound the bottle must frankly answer the question, and the girl will ask him, to whom the neck of the bottle will point. The most incredible stories can be heard.

Seeing off the beloved

This entertainment is suitable for a bachelorette party if the bride is an amorous nature, and she had more than one hobby before her upcoming marriage. Then you need to print photos of all her sympathies, girlfriends make beautiful airplanes out of pictures, everyone goes out onto the balcony and send young people on a distant flight. Romantic and comical at the same time.

Theatrical games

From napkins, bridesmaids and the bride cut out and glue puppet characters that can be put on fingers. Each doll will be voiced by the girl who created it. The bride portrays herself. Now the insidious "guests" begin to approach her with all sorts of questions, "creating" unforeseen life situations, and the girl must find a way out and maintain her composure.


4-5 girls are invited to participate in the competition. Each is dealt 4 different-colored cards. On the blue one they have to write the recipe for the soup, on the yellow one how to make the dessert, on the red one the salad they think is best, and on the white one the dish they cook with meat. After reading and discussion, the sheets are pierced with a hole punch, laced, and the bride is given a cookbook.

Home, work, bed, friendship

The bride is offered to draw a square and divide it into 4 parts, in each of the parts arrange the numbers from 1 to 4 in any order (as she wants), then 4 words: home, family, friendship and bed, then 4 any animals for each square, and then three words to describe each of these animals. The result is this: in the first place you will have ... (they name the word that is written), for example, a family, in the family you will be ... (they name the animal that is written in this square), for example, a tiger, and you will be. .. (they name three words that describe this animal), for example, predatory, bold, growling. It will be fun and interesting.

Fortune-telling pies

Pies are baked from puff pastry. But, before completely pinching the cake, they put notes written on wax paper in it. Moreover, the text should look like this: first, the answer from one word - the name of the noun. Then a question concerning a specific life situation and beginning with the words: "Who in the family ...". Thus, on paper it can be written: “... wife. Who will nail nails in the apartment? Each girl takes a pie, finds a secret, then questions and answers are read in turn. It always turns out funny.

Divination on wax

A wax candle is taken, it finely crumbles into a tablespoon. The wax is then heated over the flame of another candle. Yes, you still need a faceted glass of cold water. So, when the wax is melted, focus and ask any question regarding the bride, and then pour the liquid into a glass. The wax will solidify, forming some kind of figure. This is where each girlfriend will be able to show her imagination and explain what this sign means for her future wife.

Why not have a bachelorette party, as our distant great-great-grandmothers Slavs did? Get together, light candles (and incense sticks, for example) and have a fortune-telling evening. It will be fun and mysterious, and the bachelorette party will be remembered by everyone for a long time.
Do you believe even a little in fortune-telling? Then spend a mystical bachelorette party before the wedding. The bride will tell fortunes for married life, and the bridesmaids for the grooms. Do not forget that when fortune-telling it is customary not to name names, evil spirits do not sleep. Here are examples of several divination methods.

For future children

  • You need to throw your favorite cup over your head so that it breaks. The key word here is “beloved.” kids will love it too. We look at the results of the throw. How many fragments - so many children will be. If the fragments are even, good, without cracks, then the children will be fine. If the bottom does not split - to the birth of a sage.
  • Take a needle with a red thread threaded into it. Wind the thread around your index finger so that the needle can swing like a pendulum, hold it over your left palm a few millimeters. If the needle rotates, a girl will be born; if it oscillates back and forth, a boy will be born.

Fortune telling on nuts
The bride needs to take a full handful (odd number) of walnuts. Girlfriends wear ribbons (an even number). Half of the girls tie a blue ribbon on themselves, half a pink one (the bride should not see this) and stand three or four steps from the bride. The bride and bridesmaids stand with their backs to each other. Then the bride counts to five and throws nuts over her head, trying to reach her bridesmaids. On the count of five, the girls turn around and catch nuts. At the same time, the number of nuts caught by girls with a pink ribbon is equal to the number of girls who will be born in the family, with blue ones - boys, respectively. Nuts can be replaced with chestnuts.

Fortune telling on Kinder Surprise
Fortune telling is as follows: all the girls pull out an egg for themselves, open it, and then interpret it according to the content.
For example, if an unmarried girl comes across a figurine of a sailor, wait for the sea captain to be the groom. If the figurine is children, there will be news about replenishment soon. Etc.

Prophecy for the future
Take balloons, inflate them and put a piece of paper in each with a pleasant prophecy for the future. For example, you are next, a pleasant surprise awaits you today, etc. Everyone chooses a balloon for themselves, bursts and reads predictions.

Fortune telling on the character of the husband
Prepare 33 cards with the qualities of a future husband (hard-working, sleepy, loving, just sexy, lazy, etc.). Before dinner, the bride shuffles the deck, runs her hair over it and blows on the cards, and then hides them next to her wedding dress. After dinner, songs and dances, the bride pulls out three random cards and determines the future from them.

Fortune telling on swans
All friends and the bride sculpt swans from wax, pour water into the dish and let them swim. The swan is marked with blush. The girls have fun, and at the end of the evening they watch the swans swim. Heads to each other - a friendly family, side by side - a strong family, in front of a swan - the wife in the house is the mistress (and vice versa).

Cooking contests and games

We know that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, culinary tasks will be very useful at a bachelorette party.

Who knows more about the names of the dishes?
The task is to name (or cook) as many dishes as possible from a certain product.

Who will cook faster?
For this contest you will need as many fruits as possible. If possible, prepare apples, pears, bananas, oranges, kiwis, as well as various berries and nuts in advance.

The task of the participants is to prepare a fruit salad as quickly as possible, as well as to decorate it in an original way. With the help of these competitions, you can not only identify the most virtuoso chef, but also perfectly decorate the festive table.

Who will decorate the dish more beautifully?
Competitive material: various greens (parsley, dill, green onions, etc.), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, etc.), fruits (kiwi, banana, orange, etc.).

Task: decorate the finished dish as beautifully as possible in a certain time. In the culinary arts, don't forget the art of communication.

Guess the spices
The prize in this most interesting competition is the prop itself - a set of spices in beautiful jars, the pride of any housewife and the decoration of any kitchen.
There can be as many jars as you like, from six or more. Naturally, the more spices, the harder it is to guess everything correctly.
So, as a preparation, the presenter numbers the jars, and then removes the labels with the names (it is important not to forget to number the labels as well, so as not to forget where the spice is).
Next, a list of spices is compiled, but not by numbers, but in a chaotic manner. Participants must identify spices by sight, smell or taste.
The prize and victory in the competition go to the one who correctly guessed all the spices (well, or the one who gives the maximum number of correct answers).

Feed me!
In preparation for this competition, you will need to protect yourself a little. Namely, you need to put on aprons, tuck in napkins, and lay something on the floor in order to protect the coating. Do not be afraid ahead of time, we are talking about elementary food that can inadvertently stain clothes or the floor. No, no one suspects the participants of excessive slovenliness. They will simply feed each other by touch.
At a signal from the host, the participants of the competition are blindfolded, and then they are handed plates of food and spoons. You can focus on the voice, on the smell of food, use the prompts of the hall. The cleanest team wins, as well as those who can handle the food faster than others.

"Chinese beans"
If you and your friends are sushi fans, this contest is a chance to practice your Chinese chopstick skills. For this competition, you will need: Chinese chopsticks (two for each participant) and beans or beans (10 for each participant). Beans or beans should be put on a saucer. The task of the participants: with the help of sticks, or rather, holding them in one hand, get one bean from the saucer. The one who gets all the beans or beans from her saucer wins the competition. You can complicate the competition by putting the beans in a tall mug.

"Secret Cakes"
The guests and the bride prepare puff pastry. its recipe can be found in any cookbook. Next, the pies themselves are made from the dough, a frozen piece of butter is placed inside. Bring to half-readiness and carefully pierce the bubble swollen from the evaporation of oil on the pie. They put the message there, carefully filling up the hole after. The Italians, the founders of this rite, sprinkle the delicacy with powdered sugar and eat (taking out the message), dipping it in jam.
Each piece of paper has a word ending the previous sentence and an unfinished next sentence. It is important that the text is not written in its entirety. In theory, each of those invited to the bachelorette party - and these pies are usually prepared together - secretly writes his note from others. It turns out, for example, the following. In the first pie: “... husband. And the head of the house will be: And in the second ... "... children. And most of all earn in the family will be ... ". If you bite the pies in this order, it will be clear that the main value in the house will be children. And if on the contrary, that the message will say that the husband will earn more money.
Each pie contains a message written on special waxed paper. The guests, sitting in a circle, take one pie at a time, take a bite and take out a note. Then, in turn - this is important - they read the existing text. According to Italian beliefs, it is this text that will be the essence of the upcoming marriage.

Cocktail competition
The task is to prepare the most original, exotic cocktail. And also a prerequisite - come up with a name. As an option, associated with men =) And the bride chooses the most delicious drink with no less "delicious" name.


In all the following competitions, it is desirable that the bride participate. It will be very good if some girlfriend or witness prepares the contests.

Kissing Game
This is a comic game that supposedly will allow you to test the ability of each of the girls in the ability to kiss men. For the game you will need a poster with a photo of a handsome man (you can take some celebrity), lipstick, scarf. The poster should be hung on the wall or laid out on the table. The girls are blindfolded in turn, untwisted on the spot, and then they are offered to put lipstick on their lips and kiss the man on the poster on the lips. Whose kiss is closest to the lips of a man - that girl wins.

Male excuses
Girls in a circle begin to remember the most ridiculous, most frequent and funny excuses of men for any reason. The one that brings the greatest number of male excuses and excuses will receive a diploma of a well-deserved expert on the male language or a prize.

Ideal husband
For the competition, cut out the images of men from magazines or posters along the contours. Next, cut each cut out silhouette into several middle parts, mix different parts from different images.
Next, invite a few girls to participate. Lay out the "parts of the body" in front of them. Each of them must collect one "man". The participant who completes the task first wins.
There is another version of the competition: from such details to “blind” your ideal man. The one who first "creates" a full-fledged man wins.

“What to do if a young husband…”
Conduct a game called "What to do if a young husband ...".

In turn, you must come up with a tricky question to your neighbor:
What to do if the husband does not want to clean his shoes?
She can answer:
-Clean only one shoe for him early in the morning.
The respondent, in turn, asks the girl sitting next to him:
What to do if the husband snores at night ...
The most quick-witted and witty can be given, for example, "Diploma of a well-deserved bitch who has completed a full course in training men."

Competitions for the bride

Durability test
The bride is placed in an impromptu circle and they try to persuade her to refuse to marry. Very tempting offers can come across, something like this:
Do you want me to give you my favorite dress and shoes that I brought from Paris in exchange for an engagement ring?
And what, will you wash dirty shirts and take out socks hidden under the sofa - do you need it?
Are you ready to listen to the instructions of the mother-in-law, submissively nodding your head?

The questions of the girlfriend are prepared in advance, so it will be more interesting. The task of the bride is to be imperturbable and find "iron" arguments for disagreeing with them. In a humorous way, of course.

Competition for the knowledge of the groom

Bridesmaids send questions to the groom in advance, which he must answer. And the bride at the bachelorette party must guess how the groom answered this or that question.

Sample questions:

    How many children does the groom want?

    What does a groom value most in a bride?

    What is the groom's favorite sport?

Other questions you can find

Alternatively, you can shoot a video interview with the groom. It will be a big surprise for the bride. And at a bachelorette party, you can shoot the bride's answers, then edit them together, and get a funny video clip that can be shown at the wedding as a surprise from friends.

"Blinded from what was»
Photos of the future husband and photos of other men, printed on paper of the same quality (you can “pull” from VK, Odnoklassniki, etc.). Cut the photos into pieces in advance (not very small, otherwise you will get bored).
This is one of the most popular and fun competitions: the bride must "assemble" her future husband from a pile of pieces. There may be several photographs of the groom, so that it is more difficult to find pieces that fit together. The photo can be glued and framed with a playful inscription “Blinded from what was”, “You will never fall apart with me”, etc.

Seeing off the beloved
This entertainment is suitable for a bachelorette party if the bride is an amorous nature, and she had more than one hobby before her upcoming marriage. Then you need to print photos of all her sympathies, girlfriends make beautiful airplanes out of pictures, everyone goes out onto the balcony and send young people on a distant flight. Romantic and comical at the same time.

Cake for the bride

Cake- a great gift for the bride for a bachelorette party. What are the options, and you can also order a cake.

Price cake from 4770 rubles.

Farewell to the surname
Parting with a maiden name always brings some discomfort to life. In order to prepare the bride for future changes, bridesmaids can make jokes of parting of the bride with her last name.

Option 1
The bridesmaids bring a helium balloon to the bride. The bride writes her maiden name on the balloon and releases it into the sky.

Option 2
Instead of a balloon, the bridesmaids wear a badge with a new surname for the bride.

Option 3
The bridesmaids bring cake and cream to the bride. The bride must write her maiden name in cream on the cake and eat it.

Option 4
Girlfriends bring a decorative jar and various designer fillers (pebbles, shells, fabric, etc.). On a small wooden board, the bride writes her maiden name with paints and beautifully puts it in a decorative jar, adding various designer decorations there so as not to cover the inscription on the plate. It turns out a beautiful preservation.
You can also experiment with colors and textures. Glass jars as an element of decor are very popular!

Get to know me better

All girls share secrets with each other. But do you know everything about your girlfriends? .. Arrange a test for them right at the bachelorette party. Give the girls pre-prepared questionnaires to fill out. Write the same questions for everyone there: “I value most in the bride ...”, “My first love was called ...”, “My most expensive dress is ...”, and so on. After all the girls have completed the questionnaires, read the answers aloud. To ensure fun during this bachelorette party game, come up with the most unexpected questions for her.

Everyone sits on the floor in a circle as close to each other as possible. In a circle, they begin to pass a burning match. Whom the match goes out on must answer absolutely any question of the guest sitting after him. Questions can be asked on absolutely any topic. If someone deliberately put out the match in the hands of another member of the game, then 2 questions are asked to the one who suffered and the one who is to blame.

Bride's story
Each girl on a piece of paper should write a funny story in one sentence about the bride. Then all the leaves are given to the bride, and she, after reading the story, must guess who wrote it. For example: “As a child, Yulia was afraid of clowns”, “Once Katya received a prize for the best dance of popuas”. Then, from these stories, you can make a comic autobiography of the bride, decorate it beautifully and sell it to guests or the groom at the wedding.

Question answer!
This game is familiar to many from early childhood. It is simple and does not require any prior preparation. But incessant laughter is always guaranteed! Take a large sheet of paper. Write a question (preferably funny) at the top in one line and fold this end of the sheet so that no one can see what is written. Pass this sheet to another player, saying only the first word of your question to him (for example, from the question “How many times did you kiss Sasha?” you should say only the word “how many”). The player must write the answer on the sheet, write down his question and pass it on to another player. This bachelorette party game can go on until the paper runs out. The culmination of the game is the reading of all the "revelations".

Game "I know who it is"
All girls, except the bride, are given sheets and pens. Assignment: Describe some funny or funny incident related to a love relationship or a wedding, wedding night or honeymoon (if the participant is married). The girls briefly describe the situation. If the bride knows who has what handwriting, you need to intentionally change it.
Then the leaves are mixed and given to the bride. She reads one entry at a time and tries to guess which of her friends this curious and funny incident happened to. The game can cause a storm of laughter.
Example entry: “For my honeymoon, I bought a bunch of very sexy lingerie. On our second night, I emerged from the shower in a thong and an open leopard print bra. My husband laughed. All the following days of our honeymoon, I came out of the shower in his T-shirt.

Who knows the bride better?

The bride should make a list of questions that the bridesmaids will answer at the bachelorette party. The next step is to print and distribute them. The girl with the most correct answers will win and the bride will give her a gift.

Sample questions:

  • How many boyfriends did the bride have?
  • Favorite TV Program
  • How old is the bride?

Other questions you can see

Competitions for the street

Starting family budget of the bride
The bride arranges a basket in advance, puts a “men’s set” there: a bottle of beer, socks, cigarettes, a lantern, a pen, cards, a sponge for shoes, and everything like that ...
Girlfriends are given a task: to sell the contents of this basket to men. The funds will go to the starting family budget
young wife.

"Do it!"
Each girl takes a card from the bag and completes the task. If she refuses, she is out of the game. The last friend left wins. This is a very fun bachelorette party contest, but since girls can be quite pushy, there should be a lot of cards.

There are also other variations of this competition. On the task sheet, each task corresponds to the number of points. And the girlfriends take turns choosing their own tasks. And the one with the most points wins.

Ask for a phone number from three men;

Kiss any stranger on the cheek;

Scratch the knee of a stranger;

Sell ​​a tampon to a stranger (at least for a penny);

Take a picture with five men;

Immodest contests

The tradition of organizing immodest competitions for a bachelorette party originated in the West. Such bachelorette parties are not for the quiet, they are for impudent, liberated brides. Of course, the highlight of the program is the sudden appearance of a stripper, and the main delicacy is a cake in a phallic shape. The immodest bachelorette party is riddled with jokes with erotic overtones, and the participants wear appropriate clothes. If you decide to say goodbye to girlhood immodestly, pay attention to the following contests:

The bridesmaids bring any phallic-shaped items as a gift to the bride, ranging from cucumbers and bananas to thermoses, sausages, and bread. All gifts are placed in a box. The bride is blindfolded, after which she randomly pulls out objects and tells or shows how she will use them in her future family life.

For this competition for a bachelorette party, you need to prepare penis-shaped lollipops in advance. You can make such lollipops using a special mold and thick sugar syrup. For more festiveness, the syrup can be painted with food coloring in different colors. If you don’t have a form, or don’t have time, you can get by with the usual Chupa Chups or any other caramels on a stick. The winner of the competition will be the one who can destroy the caramel first. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to gnaw, bite off, pour hot water. Handling should be extremely careful, as befits in such situations in family life :)

immodest cake

Great gift for the bride! If she understands humor

You can order a cake for a bachelorette party . The bride will be delighted and will remember it for a long time!)

"Burn, burn my candle!"
Stock up on candles of erotic design. You can buy these in a sex shop, or make your own using special forms. The participants light the candles, and then their task is to ensure that the burning of the candle lasts as long as possible! As in the Lollipop contest, destructive actions are prohibited :)

"Funny collage"
The collage is made up of full-length photographs of naked men. Next, a photograph of the penis is taken, and the girls take turns blindfolded attaching the penis to the right place. The one that attaches the organ most accurately will win.

Erotic cakes
For this competition you will need dough. It is advisable to tint it with pink food coloring or berries. The dough should be thick enough. Each girl molds her ideal male organ from the dough, after which the cakes are baked. When the cakes are ready, the girls take turns eating them without the help of their hands. The one who gets it done first wins.

For this competition you will need cucumbers without pimples or bananas and condoms. The contest is to put condoms on fruit without using your hands. The competition is very useful, acquired skills are brought in family life.

Game "Truth and Only Truth"
Cards are prepared in advance: two for each participant in the party. Half of the cards are Truth Cards. The other half are Truth Substitutes (there may be fewer of these cards).
Truth cards contain questions of an intimate nature. The cards are shuffled and placed back side up. The girls take turns randomly taking a truth card, reading out a question and deciding whether they are ready to answer it. If the girl does not want to answer, she draws the “Truth Substitute” card and again faces a choice: which is better - still answer the question or complete the task from the “Truth Substitute” card. Either the answer or the task. Questions and tasks are compiled for a specific company.
Truth cards (example):
1. Have you ever made love in a car?
2. Have you ever imagined being in bed with your boyfriend's best friend?
3. Have you ever gone to work without wearing underpants?
4. Have you ever had an affair with a boss?
5. Have you ever made love on a train?
6. Have you ever made love on an airplane?
7. Have you ever danced on a table?
8. Have you had an affair with a foreigner? If yes, what country is he from?
9. Do you like to look at photos of handsome men from the catalog of men's underwear?
10. Have you ever had your boyfriend covered in cream or something and then licked it off?

Cards - substitutes for truth (example):
1. Take off your bra without taking off your top.
2. Drink a whole glass of champagne without stopping.
3. Dance like an Egyptian.
4. Show off your underwear.
5. Paint your eyelids with blue shadows.
6. Sing the song "A Million Scarlet Roses" in front of the camera.
7. Do ten squats.
8. Dance like a virgin.
Cards with questions should not be repeated - that is, after the card is drawn, it is put aside. Substitute cards are shuffled each time, so that the same task can go to several girls.
We offer you several options on how to prepare and hold a bachelorette party. Choose a concept that suits you, add your ideas and fantasies to it, prepare surprises - and be sure that neither the bride nor her guests will forget this holiday.

Subtle sexuality
For the competition, you need to take an ordinary linen gum and make several rings from it with a diameter of 20 - 30 centimeters.

Participants take turns going to the center and putting elastic bands on their waists. Then languid slow music begins, the light is dimmed, the participant begins to beautifully remove the elastic in the dance. The one who did it in the most graceful and sexy way is declared the winner.

Small prizes for winning competitions for a hen party can be erotic cakes and muffins, which you can make yourself or order in a pastry shop

Fun contests and games

Fanta game
Fanta came from the past centuries. This game is perfect for a bachelorette party before the wedding. For her, you will need to take one or more things from each participant, put them in a bag. A participant is selected, he is also the host, who will take out an object (lipstick, thread or hair band), making a wish to the hostess whose phantom is taken out.
Examples of wishes for a bachelorette party:
come up with a rhyme, a ditty, a fairy tale about the bride and groom;
eat fruit without the help of hands;
tell the neighbor on the left about your first impression of him;
dance belly dance
Sing a song;
eat cake.
For more interest, voice your desire before pulling out the phantom.

Alcohol contest: "Drink if..."
If you're going to drink at a bachelorette party, do it outside the box and have fun! An alcohol game for a bachelorette party will make the process much more interesting.
The rules of this game are simple.
Everyone takes turns reading aloud a phrase.

For example:

  • If you are currently wearing pink;
  • If you woke up after 10 am today
  • If you are married

And those who are suitable for these statements should drink, and those who are not suitable - no.

You will need leaflets, an alarm clock, envelopes, a pen. Take sheets of paper, write various tasks on them, put them in envelopes. Write different times on them, set an alarm for it. During the bachelorette party, the alarm clock rings unexpectedly, those present will take turns taking an envelope with the specified time on the alarm clock and doing the task. It will diversify your gatherings.

"Blind Game"
For this game, you will need to prepare: an opaque bag, items that are easy to use. Sit in a circle, pass the package to the music. After the music stops, the participant who was left with the package, along with the one who last passed the package, exits. They are blindfolded, one of them takes one item out of the bag and uses it on another participant.
For example, if it is lipstick, then you need to make up your lips, tights - put them on the participant. Such a game is very funny, since the participants who are standing do not know what kind of object they got.

The name of this competition for a bachelorette party for girlfriends speaks for itself. Each participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. Someone alone comes up with the words: home, sea, flight. Answers should be given in the form of a sentence or a phrase, for example, home - vacation and family. All the girls present are given the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about themselves and others.

"Portrait of the future bride"
This game for your bachelorette party will show the artistic abilities of the girlfriends. For the competition, you should take a sheet of paper, give it to the first participant, she draws one part of the face on it, then passes it on to the next. The next draws the second part, and so on in a circle. This competition for a bachelorette party before the wedding can be repeated, for example, the participants next time draw those parts that they have not yet drawn. It will be very interesting to watch the result at the end, to compare the drawings.

"Guess who?"
In this game for a fun bachelorette party, participants sit in a circle, attach small sticky sheets with a hidden character to each other. That is, the participant sees the sheets of all the players, but does not see his own. The task is to guess which character is written on your sheet. The fictional character can be anyone.
The game process begins with questions, the answers to which can only be “yes” or “no”, without detailed explanations. Players ask one question at a time. The participant who determines his character first becomes the winner.

In this game you will not need anything but imagination. One of the players comes up with a word, the other must show without words what he thought of. To maintain the wedding theme, words are used, for example, dress, cake, veil. The rest will guess. For fun, divide into two teams. The first team tells the player from the second word, and he must show his team what was hidden and vice versa.
Also on sale there are specialized sets for playing Crocodile.

Requisites: colored felt-tip pens, landscape sheet.
The presenter invites her friends to predict the future of a young family. Of course, the predictions must be positive (they will buy a house, become parents, live 100 years together, etc.). The girls are given felt-tip pens and let the sheet go around. The girlfriend writes a prediction, wraps the scribbled part of the sheet back (so that the writing is not visible) and passes the sheet to the next girl. The resulting “chronicle of the future” can be left as a keepsake or given to the groom during the ransom (we came up with it, and you do it).

Balloon figurines.
Bridesmaids and the bride make various figures from long balloons. Whoever gets the most original is the winner.

Competition "Chicken"
Funny competition for a bachelorette party. Give out to the girlfriends on a large sheet and a felt-tip pen and ask them to write the word CHICKEN with their foot, who is the first, that prize.

Inventory: album sheets, glue stick, cut out pictures from magazines on various topics, photos of the bride and groom (preferably in full growth).
Friends are divided into teams of 2-3 people (you can make this competition individual). For a limited amount of time (for example, 10 minutes), they must make a collage of the proposed pictures. You can suggest multiple themes to choose from. For example:
1. We are visiting;
2. We are on vacation;
3.We are in the restaurant;
4.We are on a desert island;
5. We are in space.
Choose a winner, and the resulting collages can decorate the walls in a cafe at a wedding.

Name songs
It is necessary to remember and sing a song in which the name of the bride or the word bride itself occurs. You can then continue and remember the songs where the names of other girls are found. This contest is also suitable for a bachelorette party in a karaoke bar)

Change the lyrics
The girls form two teams. The words of a song are taken. The task of the bridesmaids is to comically remake the words of the song about the future family life of the bride and perform it in a new version.

"Farewell Wishes"
The end of the bachelorette party is "farewell wishes". They are spoken by ... the bride. She should say a few kind words to each of her friends, wishing happiness especially in her personal life. It is believed that the bride before the wedding is a real "live" talisman, whose wishes come true.
This is a great time to discuss all the technical details of the upcoming wedding, clarify the itinerary for those who plan to join the wedding a little later. Those friends who will not be able to attend the wedding can give wedding gifts at this moment.
After that, the bachelorette party is considered completed. Usually, if a bachelorette party is held on the eve of the wedding, the “friend” (witness) stays overnight with the bride.

Temporary tattoos

In the common people "translation". This service appeared relatively recently. And immediately won the hearts of people who do not dare to make themselves a real tattoo. But we don’t need a bachelorette party to literally leave a mark!
In a number of countries, this is a very popular phenomenon for a bachelorette party. The inscription on the tattoo can be whatever you want. Most often, the text reads: "I'm at a bachelorette party" .. name .. ". If I'm lost, pour me a drink!"

Instead of an inscription, you can use different images related to the wedding - rings, lipstick marks, shoes, etc. You can even put a "seal" on the forehead of the bride!)

It is funny and unusual, and most importantly, it is easily removed with warm water.


To order a temporary tattoo, write to the mail [email protected]

Price -850 rub. (1 piece bride and 5 pieces team bride)

Hello again, dear readers of my blog. Once again referring to the topic of pre-wedding events in general and the organization of a bachelorette party in particular, I cannot fail to note the importance of such an aspect of preparing for the holiday as its script. Often, the majority of the average townsfolk very boldly and self-confidently rely on impromptu. However, such confidence is not always in hand, because an unprepared competition or entertainment can go completely wrong and not just not please, but even upset guests. Of course, the ideal solution would be to appeal, but many prefer to organize everything on their own. That is why in this article I decided to talk about how to prepare competitions for a bachelorette party for the bride, cool and funny, those games that will decorate any celebration.

Be sure to read this article to the very end and try not to miss anything. It doesn't matter if you are celebrating a bachelorette party in a bathhouse, club, park, on a ship or at home, whether you are organizing a celebration in the old Russian, Christian or Hawaiian style, you will be bored anyway without games and competitions. In order to prevent melancholy at the last truly women's holiday, I suggest you take a look at the brightest and most original cool contests for a bachelorette party before the wedding.

"Fanta" - for the most fearless girls

One of the brightest and most memorable contests, which does not require particularly complex props. You only need a set of task cards, which can be purchased at any store, St. Petersburg or another large city, ordered in advance on the Internet or made on your own, with your own hands.

Tasks must certainly be provocative, requiring a certain amount of courage and stubbornness to achieve them. The game is especially fun in a crowded place: tasks like “kiss a stranger on the cheek” or “ask for an autograph from three handsome strangers” will cost more than one pair of blushing girlish cheeks, and the bride will definitely have to blush the most.

A few more tips for those who want to diversify the competition.

  • For a large company, you will need a large number of provocative tasks. You can break them down by difficulty level by assembling a "starting" deck of simple phantoms of the first level, but as the game progresses, replacing each extended phantom with a more complex one. This will fuel interest in the game.
  • To sharpen the competitive moment, you can introduce a score counter into the game, awarding them for each completed task. The more difficult the task, the more points. If the girl refuses to complete the task, she either leaves the game or subtracts from the points already scored for the "unlucky" forfeit.
  • You can diversify the game with the help of various kinds of jokes and "counterfants" - lucky cards, tasks from which everyone performs, except for the one who pulled out this very card.

Samples and job templates are so numerous that they can be easily found on the Internet.

Cooking competitions - checking for prof. suitability

Cooking is an essential attribute of family life, which most often falls on the shoulders of the wife. Therefore, friends are often simply obliged to check whether the young lady to be married can cope with such a difficult task.

The most popular option is to draw or print and cut out the ingredients of a dish and ask the bride to “cook” it. If you want to complicate the task, you can add a timer - for example, a minute, because no one wants to spend too much time, and winning a competition that is too easy is hardly fun.

"Complex", difficult to portray products often confuse the organizers. You have to be resourceful. For example, you can depict a cow instead of milk or reeds instead of sugar. This will make the bride properly break her head.

Quests for the bride

Did you manage to relax properly in a warm friendly atmosphere? It's time to announce the bride's strength test! There is a huge variety of cool quests: from riddles and hidden objects to original and individual "How well do you know your girlfriends / fiance / your option ..." and all sorts of thematic contests.

Personally, I really liked the idea of ​​resourceful and creative friends who made a real quest for important events and dates in the life of the newlyweds out of saying goodbye to the old surname. It was arranged as follows: a balloon with an old surname written on it was wrapped in a dozen layers of paper, fastened with an impromptu “seal” with a riddle, reminiscent of some important event. The bride had to solve all the riddles in order to get to the balloon and… burst it!

"Drink if ..." - the most alcoholic game

"Drink if you skied." "Drink if you've tried blue cheese." “Drink if you have a friend named…”. A set of pre-made cards with similar provocative tasks and a rich selection of drinks will quickly turn even the most boring bachelorette party into a sea of ​​fun and vivid memories.

"Question-Answer" - a funny contest for funny people

Strictly speaking, “question-answer” is more entertainment than a cool contest. Its essence is to make two hats / boxes / any other containers: one with questions and the other with answers. And pull them out one by one. The winner is the one whose answer matches the meaning of the question.

However, unlike previous competitions, the main pleasure of this one is not winning at all. You will not laugh at the logically correct answer, the probability of which is probably one in a thousand, but at a huge number of strange, ridiculous, vulgar and utterly funny combinations.

That's all, dear readers! Hope you found this article helpful. Be sure to write in the comments if you liked any of the proposed contests, and if you are going to “test” it on your own girlfriends. Share this material with your friends on social networks and do not forget to subscribe to site updates so as not to miss new interesting articles on exciting topics. See you later!

For a long time, brides do not cry before the wedding, girlfriends do not cry, do not sing sad songs. Now the girls get married of their own free will, and rejoice at the wedding. And the tradition of seeing off the bride with tears has long passed. Before the wedding, it is now customary to arrange fun bachelorette parties, and not seeing off with tears.

Bachelorette parties are held so that brides say goodbye to free life and take a break from the hustle and bustle before the wedding. This is a holiday for both bridesmaids and bridesmaids, and you can share the preparation for such a holiday among the bridesmaids. And it will even be more interesting if the invited girls come up with cool contests for a bachelorette party. Thus, they will surprise the bride, each other and free the witness from some worries.

But in order for the holiday to remain in the memory of the bride and bridesmaids for a long time, you need to come up with some kind of scenario and fun competitions for a bachelorette party. The celebration should be organized a few days before the wedding. Before the wedding itself, a bachelorette party is not worth it. After all, a day before the wedding, a lot needs to be done: hair, makeup, bouquets. Yes, the look of the bride and bridesmaids, after a fun and noisy bachelorette party, will not always correspond to such an important event as a wedding.

How to organize a bright bachelorette party

A bachelorette party is a fun and a little crazy event, but in order not to regret the past later, come up with a scenario in advance. To avoid monotony, interesting contests for a bachelorette party should be alternated with dances and snacks. You can invent.

For example, to kidnap a bride from work or home and bring her to a bachelorette party, where everyone will be in comic costumes of robbers. You can make a bachelorette party according to the scenario of fairy tales of the East and invite the guest to try themselves in oriental dances. The main thing, when coming up with a script, is to take into account the tastes of all those invited to the bachelorette party and the bride. Scenario for a bachelorette party is a complex and interesting activity - entertaining people, taking into account their interests, is more difficult than preparing a snack.

Features of creating a script for a bachelorette party

When coming up with a scenario, you need to take into account where the holiday will take place, and how many people will be on it. If you are going to have a noisy holiday at home, you need to think about how neighbors and households will react to this. Perhaps people have come home from work and they just want to relax at home, and you will arrange a noisy party with music and karaoke. And, perhaps, just sit at home, remembering the past and not disturbing anyone.

If it is impossible to arrange a holiday at home, there are other options. For example, the most common place for such events is a cafe or a sauna, but finances do not always allow, and then you can organize an evening in nature. The stripper is also optional, perhaps someone will be against such a step, so it is advisable to discuss everything in advance.

Now consider some interesting contests for a bachelorette party.

Bride Knowledge Contest

Ask to bring photos of the bride taken at different times to the bachelorette party. It is better if there are several children's photos. It will not be difficult, given that the best friends who have known the bride for a long time will gather. For each photo, you need to remember the story, whose story is more similar to the photo and will be more interesting, and he won. And photos can be presented to the bride by putting them in an album and writing down the stories of her friends.

Seductress at a bachelorette party

Take a few ordinary elastic bands tied into a ring. The purpose of the competition is to climb through the elastic band connected to the ring to the music, depicting an erotic dance with undressing, only you will not remove clothes, but an elastic band.

Create a cavalier from balloons

This contest can be done in a variety of ways. Offer to fold yourself a gentleman from balloons of various shapes. To do this, you need balls - from which to sculpt and markers to draw a gentleman's face. Then take a picture with the gentlemen or dance with them. You can even choose the king of the party.

You can offer to depict the face of the groom or your boyfriend using the products on your table. Sign the resulting cartoons and make an interesting photo collage. You can put together your boys from cut photos from different magazines. The main thing is to pick up different pictures and cut and mix them. You can pick up a few pieces of such a mosaic and put others to make it more fun to limit the time. The prize could be a collage of you and your cobbled-together partner.

Feed your girlfriend

You need to feed a friend sitting next to you blindfolded. The prize for the cleanest couple - those who distinguished themselves in this competition can be a spoon with the inscription "bachelorette party" and an apron with the same inscription.

Congratulate the bride with humor

Write a small wish to the bride, holding the pen between her toes. It will look pretty funny. For the best wishes in one word and good handwriting, you can give a beautiful pen, and the losing participant of the chicken figures as a consolation.

Dressing a husband blindfolded

We need a large photograph or a mannequin of a man in swimming trunks and a few items from a man's wardrobe and a button. The bride must blindfold dress her intended husband.

Good housewife in the kitchen

Collect various spices as well as flour, sugar, salt and invite the bride to guess where, what lies blindfolded. Guessed - give a cookbook, if not - business cards for home delivery and restaurants.

Pass a balloon with a fork to another

It is necessary to transfer the inflated balloons with the help of ordinary forks and spoons and not to burst them. The girl whose balloon burst is out. The winner will receive, for example, a chamomile from balloons.

At a bachelorette party, you can also tell fortunes. Fortune telling will cheer you up and add a mystical note to the holiday. Who said that you need to guess only before carols. You can tell fortunes at a bachelorette party. Here are some examples of such divination.

Divination for children

We take a pile of a cup and strongly throw it back over our heads. How many fragments a cup breaks, so many children will be. It is better, of course, to carry out such fortune-telling on the street, so as not to break something other than a cup. Then, of course, we remove the fragments of the cup.
Another well-known fortune-telling for children. We hang a ring on a red thread and lower it over a glass of water. If the ring rotates - there will be a girl, swings like a pendulum - a boy.

Include in your script such a chip, it is called: farewell to the past. Each of the girls writes what she would like to forget on a napkin or on a piece of paper. We burn a piece of paper or a napkin with an inscription, and spread the ashes over running water, so that the past that you want to forget does not interfere with the future.