Memory cards. Interesting exercises for the development of visual super-memory in schoolchildren. Task for the development of attention "People"

Any skills and abilities need to be developed from childhood. And do it better in the form of a learning game. We offer you a selection of games to effectively train your baby's memory.

Game #1: Memory Cards

An interesting board game loved by many children. It trains visual memory, logical thinking and develops perseverance. The rules are simple: paired cards are laid out face down, for each move the player can open two pictures. If they are the same, the participant takes them to the bank and continues to play. When the pair did not agree, the cards are returned to their original places. The one with the most pairs wins.

The complexity of the game depends on the age of the child: for 2-year-olds, a playing field of three paired cards will be enough, for 4-year-olds - from 8-10, and by the age of 6, a child can easily navigate in a field of 20-25 paired pictures.

Game 2: Baby Scrabble

Everyone is familiar with the green field and white chips with letters and points. But scrabble for little scholars is more like a crossword puzzle. Words are already written on the field, so the task of your kid is to find the right letter in his chips and put it on the field. You can play scrabble even if your child can't read or write yet. Such entertainment for kids will just help memorize letters and spelling of words. And when your child grows up, it will be possible to add words from chips that are not on the field.

Game 3: Puzzles

They develop visual memory, attention, fine motor skills and perseverance. It is best to start with wooden puzzles for the little ones. Such details are safe for the baby and can be easily combined with each other. The number of elements can be very different - two, four, six or more. The main thing is that your baby does not lose interest in this activity. Too small and complex drawing will be incomprehensible and boring for a preschool child. Children need to understand what they are doing and see their progress.

Game 4: Looking for differences

Cards for this game can be bought at the store, found on the Internet or drawn by yourself. The point is that two almost identical pictures are taken, between which there are literally several differences. The task of the child is to compare two pictures and find these inconsistencies. A more difficult level is to remove the first picture and ask them to voice the differences from memory.

Game 5: Guess the tune

For this entertainment, you do not need special vocal skills. The main thing here is to know the repertoire of children's songs, melodies from computer games or cartoons. This game develops children's auditory memory, voice and sense of rhythm. First, you hum a popular tune, and the child guesses. Then you switch roles. With very young participants, you can start a “guessing game” with the voices of birds and animals. See how much joy and fun this simple game will bring to your children.

Game 6: What's on the table

Lay out 10-15 objects of different shapes and sizes (a pen, a coin, an apple, a toy, a candy, a comb) on the table and ask the child to look at them for 30 seconds. Then mix things up. The task of the baby is to return everything to its original place. Further, the task can be complicated: move away from the table and ask the baby to restore the picture from memory - tell or draw. And remember, items laid out in a row are easier to remember than randomly arranged ones. Therefore, if you have just started using such game techniques, start with a simple task that will be within the power of the child.

Game 7: Chamomile

This game is suitable for kids who love to draw and color. There may be several options for tasks. For example:

  • Draw a daisy with five or more petals, show it to your child and ask him to draw the same one from memory.
  • Draw 5 daisies with colorful centers. On another sheet, draw unpainted flowers and ask your child to restore the colors.
  • Draw one daisy with 10 colored petals. On another sheet, draw the same daisy, but leaving a few petals unshaded. The child will have to draw his flower from memory.

Chamomile exercises can be complicated and modified - lay a certain sequence: alternate colors, size, shape and length of the petals, and so on.

Game 8: Rhymes

The best way to train memory is to learn poetry. But a simple "cramming" can be turned into an exciting game. Choose simple and understandable verses for the baby and try to draw the plot of the selected story on paper together. A child perceives and remembers information much better when several sense organs are involved. To begin with, one quatrain will suffice. Every day, learn new lines in this way - and at the end you will get an illustrated album that you will be happy to review and reread for a long time to come.

Game 9: Words

This exciting and educational game can be played as soon as your baby begins to speak fluently. It is simply indispensable if, for example, you are at the airport, in a children's clinic, or you are driving to your country house. Props are not needed, the conditions can be changed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and his vocabulary. So, with babies, you can list in turn domestic or wild animals, or, say, colors and types of foods. And for older children, you can complicate the task and introduce a rule so that each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one. The main condition is that words should not be repeated.

Game 10: Train

A very effective, memory-developing activity for the whole family. Only two people are enough to participate. First you need to choose a theme for the game, for example: vegetables, fruits, colors. The first player says his word, the second repeats it and adds his own. The next participant (if two players play, this will again be the first player) must repeat the already voiced two words and add the third, and so on - each subsequent participant repeats all the previous words, supplementing the chain with his own version. The game continues until someone fails. It is quite complex, so it is more suitable for children from 5-6 years old. But if a 3-year-old kid remembers a chain of at least four words, this result can be considered good.

Development of attention in children of preschool and primary school age is extremely important. After all, for successful learning, a child must listen carefully to teachers and be able to focus on the task. For child attention training Written assignments, which you can find below, are perfect.

Task for the development of attention "Corrector"

In this exercise, the child needs to fill in the empty shapes with icons according to the model, as shown in the sample. and each lesson the tables and icons change.

Task for the development of attention "Girls"

Forms are offered with the image of girls, eight in each row. Task option:
a) / underline / count / girls with black bows (white);
b) / underline / count / girls with black hair and black bows;
c) / underline, / count / with white hair and white bows;
d) / underline, / count / with white hair and black bows;
e) / underline, / count / with black hair and white bows.

Task for the development of attention "Find the letter (number)"

The children are offered forms with printed letters. You can use regular newspaper or magazine pages with large print. On this form or page, students mark any two letters: one is crossed out, the other is circled. It is necessary to explain to the children that it is necessary to cross out and circle letters, looking through each line from left to right. This exercise is recommended to be carried out as often as possible, as it trains the basic properties of attention well, and expands its scope.

Task for the development of attention "Find the numbers from 0 to 90"

Task for the development of attention "Piggy"

Forms are offered with images of piglets, located ten in each row. Task options:
a) / underline, / count / funny / sad piglets;
b) / emphasize happy / sad piglets with two ears, / with one ear /;
c) / emphasize funny / sad piglets with 2 / 1 / ears, without bangs, with bangs.

Tasks become more difficult gradually: a /, b /, c /.

Task for the development of attention "Color or circle all the given objects"

Task for the development of attention "Burenka"

Forms with the image of cows arranged eight in a row are offered. Task options:
a) / underline, / count / a cow with one horn / two /;
b) / underline, / count / a cow with one ear / with two /;
c) / underline, / count / with one horn, one ear. / and vice versa /
and other options.

Enter the number of learning tasks gradually.

Task for the development of attention "Put the numbers under the pictures"

Print out the form and offer to fill in the empty cells by analogy with the first line. Of course, you should not fill in all the lines at once. It is better to do this exercise regularly, 2-3 times a week.

Task for the development of attention "Find an object"

Task for the development of attention "People"

Forms are offered with the image of little men with different positions of arms and legs, arranged nine in a row. Task options:
a) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg;
b) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg and spread their arms to the sides; c) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their legs wider than their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides;
d) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their arms and legs shoulder-width apart;
e) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who lowered their hands and put their feet close / to each other /.

Task for the development of attention "Rings"

Cross out rings with a certain gap (top, bottom, left, right, etc.).

The development of memory, attention and thinking is very important in the 21st century. We have to memorize a lot of important things about home, school, work, and so on. We are surrounded by a huge number of complex technical devices that are constantly becoming more complex and their number is constantly growing.

Memory needs to be developed from childhood and continue to be trained as an adult. In this article, I have collected more than 20 effective exercises, games, courses and tasks for the development of memory and attention.

The importance of memory and attention

Imagine you are walking around the city and you don’t know that this is your city, you don’t remember your first and last name, you don’t know where you live and where you work, you don’t know anything, everyone has forgotten. It gets scary, right? Terribly scary.

Let's not reach this extreme point, let's practice, develop our memory and attention.

Man is a very cunning and lazy creature, and if he is not moved and developed, he will be worse than a monkey. So our brain, if you do not load it, it starts to be lazy and tells you: I don’t remember, I forgot, and so on.

Remember your school years. For nine months your brain has been working without rest, it learns a lot of interesting and useful things, learns poems and songs, studies history and mathematics. The brain is tense, it is always at work.

Then three months of vacation, your brain rests, does nothing, is lazy. And again it's time for the first of September, it's time for you to go to school. Oh no, your brain says, I don't want it to get lazy and it's a difficult period to get it to perform as well as those nine months.

From birth to old age, it is necessary to engage in the development of memory and attention. Sometimes people think they're retired and don't need to work. They stop reading, counting, they are engaged in simple life. The brain starts to be lazy and what does it lead to?

Often pensioners forget everything: they put the kettle on to boil and forgot, they went to the store and forgot what to buy, they came to the pharmacy and don't know what medicine they need.

The effectiveness of the development of memory and attention

Many people are born with a good memory and the ability to focus on small things.

If you are not lazy and train your memory and attention, you can achieve great success in life.

Some people need to work well on themselves, on their memory and concentration of attention, in order to achieve at least something in life.

To increase the productivity of memory and attention you need to:

  1. Concentrate on one thing. If you are listening to a lecture or sitting at a meeting, do not correspond with someone on the phone, listen carefully to the person who is speaking in front of you. It is necessary to listen to him as carefully as possible and not be distracted by trifles. In the evening, be sure to remember today's lecture and try to restore it in your memory to the smallest detail.
  2. Proper nutrition for the brain is very important. Do not eat fast foods and snacks on the run - it is harmful to both the brain and your body. The following foods should be present in proper nutrition: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey, cereals, greens.
  3. Don't overload your brain. If you feel tired, let your body rest, a tired brain does not perceive new information well.
  4. Never overload your brain with unnecessary, unnecessary information. Only upload useful and really important information.
  5. Be sure to have walks in the fresh air - this is also very important for the proper functioning of your brain. The brain needs to get oxygen. It is good if your walks in the fresh air are active. You can do different sports or just have an active rest.

8 exercises for everyday training of memory and attention

Do not be afraid of the word training is not a gym, although it also does not hurt to look there. Memory training should be done by everyone, without exception, even the laziest people. A lazy person immediately begins to come up with various excuses to do nothing. But you can do it without putting off any important and unimportant things.

Simple daily exercises:

  1. Let's start with the simplest, you need to go to the grocery store. Do not take with you a cheat sheet on which a list of goods is written, write it down and try to remember what you wrote, then go to the store. If the situation is completely hopeless, then take your grocery list with you, but try not to get it out of your bag. Buy as a keepsake, and at the very end, take it out and check if you bought everything or not.
  2. When you talk with employees, with a neighbor on the landing, with a girlfriend or friend, try to remember as much as possible: eye color, clothes, some small things done on clothes or on a person. Listen carefully to what they say to you, delve into every detail .After the conversation, try to remember everything to the smallest detail and scroll through it again in your head. So you can train auditory and visual memory.
  3. Train yourself to read, it can be any time during your lunch break or before bed. You can read one to five pages at first, and gradually try to reach at least ten or twenty pages. Read carefully. After you read it, try to retell it in as much detail as possible. If there is no time to retell what you have read, then you can do this while you are eating at home or going to the store.

Simple ways to train memory and attention:

  1. On the way to work or to the store, you can remember the numbers of houses or the numbers of cars that pass by. This is good for memory training.
  2. Try to remember the price tags in the store for the items you buy. Having memorized the prices, you can compare them with the prices of another store.
  3. If you are preparing a new dish, try to remember it according to the new recipe. You can try to write it from memory, on paper and then check it with the original recipe.
  4. Learn a poem by heart, please your loved one or loved one with it. Learn the words to a new song. On the way to work or to the store, you can hum a new song to yourself.
  5. If you are on foot, try changing your route and taking a different road. Watch carefully what new and interesting things you saw while walking, perhaps beautiful houses and unusual signs on shops, maybe beautiful flowers or fluffy blue Christmas trees. When you get home, remember your new route and go over it again in your head. What do you remember about him? What are your impressions of this route? What new did you see?

20 effective exercises to train memory and attention

Exercise 1

Let's start with a simple exercise. Look at the following picture for one minute. Then close this picture and try to draw these shapes in the same arrangement on the paper.

If you find it difficult to remember all the details, do not be discouraged, take only the top part of the picture and try to remember it. Then look at the bottom of the picture and try to draw the details of the bottom picture on the paper After you draw the details on the paper try to compare with the picture. What did you get? On the bottom part, try to draw the top part of the picture from memory. If there are mistakes, try to repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the picture, ten numbers are drawn here, a word is written under each number. Look carefully at the picture for one minute, then close this picture and try to write all the numbers on paper and write a word under each number.

What did you get? If there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember only the top line from zero to four, then from five to nine.

Compare what you wrote with the picture, if there are mistakes, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3

Look at the next picture, it shows a clock. Look carefully which numbers are drawn on it more, less, what dashes on the numbers. Look at the picture for one minute, then close the picture and try to draw a clock on paper.

What did you get? If you failed to remember and draw everything completely, divide the clock in half and remember half. Then try to remember the other half and draw it on paper. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, the colors are written on it, but they are highlighted in a different color. Look at the picture carefully for one minute and try to remember the words.

To begin with, you can remember only three lines. Try to memorize the first three lines, close the words and write from memory. You should also write with colored pens or colored pencils. Now try to lament and remember the second three lines. Close the words and write what you remember. What did you get? If you wrote everything correctly, try to write all the words together.

Exercise 5

Look at the next exercise, the numbers are written here in two different colors. Look closely at these numbers for one minute and try to remember them.

Close these numbers and try to write everything that you remember on paper. Check yourself, if there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember the first two lines and then write them.

Then try to remember and write the second two lines. If everything is correct, you can practice and write all four lines.

Try to remember the last two lines and write them, and then remember the two lines in the middle and write them too. Do not forget that some numbers are written in red.

Exercise 6

In this exercise, samples of patterns are given; they must be remembered and continued in the same way as in the example.

First, try to complete the task under the number one.

Remember the pattern under the number one, close the sample and continue to remember to connect the circles according to the sample.

Now look at the sample drawing under the number two. Close the sample and connect the triangles as a keepsake.

After completing the task under the number two, proceed to the task under the number three. Here you need to remember in what order the squares are connected. After you remember, close the picture and try to connect the squares in the same way.

Exercise 7

Consider carefully the following picture, it shows animals, mammals, fish, and so on. Try to memorize all the pictures within one minute. Then close the picture.

Now write on paper all the animals, in order, how they are located and in which direction they are looking. If you do not remember all the animals or in the wrong order, repeat the exercise.

Then try to memorize in a different order, such as writing all the animals in alphabetical order. Write down everything you remember. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 8

Look at the next pyramid of numbers, one digit is added in each subsequent line. Try to remember all the numbers in order. Memorize first the first line, then the second line, and so on.

8 9 0
1 5 7 8
3 9 0 6 4
8 4 5 1 3 6
7 9 2 2 4 6 0
5 1 4 0 3 2 7 9

You can memorize the first three lines and write them from memory. If it works, then try to remember the first four lines and then write them. Test yourself.

Now try to memorize five lines and write. Then memorize the entire pyramid of numbers and write them down.

Exercise 9

Look at the next two pictures for 20 seconds, close them and say how many identical figures are drawn in these pictures. Draw them from memory.

Now look at these two pictures again for 20 seconds and close the pictures.

How many different pictures are shown in these two pictures.

Test yourself. Repeat if necessary.

Exercise 10

This exercise can be done in a relaxed environment at home or at work, if you have time.

Look at the objects that surround you. Choose one of the subjects and study it carefully. You have twenty seconds to study. Then turn away from that subject and try to describe it.

For example, you have chosen a painting.

Which picture is big, small? What is the frame of the picture? What is shown in the picture? Try to make a full description of what you remember. If you didn’t remember much in twenty seconds, repeat the exercise.

In the same way, you can look at other objects and try to describe them. Each time, try to choose more difficult items.

Exercise 11

Look at the next exercise here you need to memorize four lines. First, try to remember the first line, one minute is given for memorization, close it and try to write everything that you remember.

Then look carefully at the second line, memorize it, now close it and try to write from memory. Then memorize the third and fourth line. Try to write, if it works, try to write all four lines. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 12

For this exercise, look at the top of the picture. Points are drawn here, remember in what order these points are drawn. One minute is given for memorization.

Close the top of the picture and try to draw the dots in the same order in the free cells at the bottom of the picture. Check what you got. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 13

Look at the next exercise, the names of animals are written here. See how and in what order they are written. Memorize them, then close these words and try to write them.

If it worked out, then try to write them down in alphabetical order from memory. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 14

Look at these two pictures for one minute and find as many differences as you can. Close these pictures and try to write all the differences on paper from memory.

Now open the pictures and compare the differences in the pictures and what you wrote on the paper. You can repeat the exercise to consolidate.

Exercise 15

Look at the following exercise, it shows: squares, triangles, circles and rhombuses. In each square, you need to put a tick, in each triangle you need to put a minus sign, in each circle you need to put a plus sign, and in each rhombus you need to put a dot. All figures are mixed. They must be filled in carefully and very quickly not to confuse anything.

Look at your mistakes and try to repeat the exercise.

Exercise 16

In this exercise, you need to memorize the words, one minute is given for memorization. Close the words, and try to write them on paper from memory in what order.

See what you got. If you forgot something, look again carefully and repeat the exercise. Now look again at the words and close them. Try to write all the words in alphabetical order. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 17

Look carefully at the following picture, it shows various objects, things and animals. Try to remember what is drawn here. Close the picture and try to write from memory all the items that you remember.

Check what you wrote, if you have a lot of mistakes, repeat the exercise. Look at the picture again, close it and try to write all the items in alphabetical order.

Exercise 18

Look at the next picture, you are given the numbers. Look at them carefully, and try to remember one minute is given for memorization. Now close the numbers and write them from memory with colored pens or pencils.

Check what you have written. Did you write the numbers correctly, in the same order? Is the color of the numbers correct? If there are mistakes, try to repeat the exercise.

Exercise 19

Look closely at the next exercise.

Here are six columns of different letters.

Look carefully at the first column, the letters are underlined here, this is a written word, you need to read it from the bottom line. It turns out: d about klada va t. Now try to find and write the words in the following columns yourself.

Exercise 20

This exercise can be done at work during a break and at home. Look at the following picture for twenty seconds, close it. Now try to carefully tell as much as possible about it or write it on paper.

Try to describe not only the flowers, but also the vase. Look at what you wrote and compare with the picture. Repeat the exercise.

Courses for the development of memory

Useful courses to improve memory, concentration and brain function:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. Each lesson contains useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

The development of memory without looking up from everyday affairs and worries. Most of the exercises in this course are aimed at training memory in natural conditions, because you need to memorize quickly and accurately, regardless of the situation around us. No need to set aside time for memory training. Train it at home, at work, on the road. Learn to memorize the necessary information from the first lesson.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

Games and exciting exercises for the development of the brain, memory, concentration, creativity, which will be sent to the mail within 30 days after subscription. As a bonus, lessons from their other courses will come.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Develop memory and attention in mental counting. In 30 days, we will teach you to count in your mind complex examples in your mind for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, and so on.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Games for memory and attention

Educational games and exercises are a great option not only to pass the time or have fun, but also improve memory. Consider some of the most powerful exercises.

Educational game "memory matrix"

Remember the location of the filled fields for 1-2 seconds, then reproduce the filled fields from memory. The game trains visual memory and memorization speed.

The Schulte table is one of the most effective exercises for developing the brain, attention, concentration, and speeding up visual search. Also, this exercise is the most popular exercise for the development of speed reading. Schulte tables usually consist of randomly placed numbers or letters. The number of cells in the tables is also different and most often they are 5x5 elements in size.

Educational game "Memorize and click"

This educational game is aimed primarily at developing the amount of attention. The more we can remember different elements at a time, the better.

For a few seconds, a table with numbers will be shown, you need to have time to remember all the numbers and play them in ascending order.


Fifteen is a great way to stretch your brain for the whole day! This game for the development of thinking. The tag game is a square board divided into 16 identical square sections. You have 15 square tiles numbered accordingly. The tiles themselves are randomly shuffled inside the box.

The essence of this game is to put the bones in order, namely, to arrange the numbers one after the other from top to bottom, from left to right, therefore, the empty square should be from the bottom right. The game will help you develop logical thinking and memory, because various tricks and combinations are useful to remember. You will also be able to develop the ability to calculate moves forward without errors. Let's play?


Develop your memory and attention constantly. If you have time, study and practice on the exercises, if you don't have time, study on the way to work, on the way to the store, and so on. We wish you good luck.

In front of you are several places cute, places - no, but living beings. You have a minute to remember them. After a minute has passed, remove this drawing and ...

… write down the names of all the animals in alphabetical order.

Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid

Meet Maria, Bibiana, Mercedes and Juana. Yes, we agree, names a bit unusual for our area, but nonetheless. Memorize the clothes, objects, and names of these four girls for 90 seconds. After that, follow the old pattern: scroll up the picture and answer the questions below.

  1. Who has blue bows on their heads: Maria or Bibiana?
  2. What is the name of the girl in blue boots?
  3. Which of the girls has bangs and a polka dot suit?
  4. Which of the girls has a kitten: Juana or Bibiana?

Memorable minute

Below are written the names of people and dates associated with some events in their lives. You must read this list three times. And then remove it and write down from memory what you remember.

  1. Vitya and Flora got married on July 17, 1976.
  2. Larisa was born on May 12, 1987.
  3. Yulia defended her Ph.D. thesis on June 21, 2013.
  4. The mayor scheduled a grand event on February 25, 2015.

White Bim Black Ear

Now you have 30 seconds to remember these animals and their names. After this time, close the picture and try to demonstrate the magic of your memory.

Writing history

You have 90 seconds to memorize the names and dates of birth of famous historical figures. And now…

... we put all the names and dates in a huge time shaker and mixed them. Find the correct year of birth for each historical person. Don't peek!

Look at the picture below, which is somewhat reminiscent of a Soviet carpet. Stare at the squares for as long as you need. When you think you've memorized everything, put the drawing out of sight and answer the questions below.

  1. How many flowers with three petals are shown in the picture?
  2. How many black flowers are shown in the picture?
  3. How many flowers are in the picture that have only five petals, but lack any kind of additional elements?

Only crypto, only hardcore

If the previous exercises seemed like child's play, then this will make you really tense. You have two minutes to memorize this secret cipher. Then courageously (for women - feminine) close the picture and try to decipher the three words below.

Ready? Go! (By the way, this is a really doable exercise. It is enough to train for about a month every day, and Turing himself will envy you, so famously you will begin to cope with any cryptographic things.)

Congratulations, you've just supercharged your memory. And finally, a couple more banal, but effective tips in order to become a memory giant.

Be observant. Go in for sports. Keep an external order: always store frequently used items in the same places. Sing songs, explain recipes, quote poetry, and memorize fairy tales to tell your children or grandchildren later. Lay visual routes and tie ideas (abstract and not only) to images.

Solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, guess riddles, play dominoes and chess. Talk to people. Be optimistic. And, of course, read books!

Paired Memory cards are a well-known children's game for the development of memory and attention. At the trainings, we use different cards: with color pictures, with black and white pictures, with abstract pictures, colorful pictures, pictures with numbers and tactile pictures with different textures.

Do you have such a game? If not, be sure to purchase, or do it yourself by printing 10 - 20 pairs of various and beautiful pictures on thick paper on a printer. Training memory and attention through the game is interesting and effective. Few people know that there are many games with cards designed for any age. You can also play Memory on your own and in a large company.

In this article, I will share a few games that we use in memory development and speed reading trainings. Not a single lesson can do without these games, they are loved by both adults and children.

Play and develop your memory and attention!

Game "Interesting story".

How to play:

1. Take 10 pairs of cards. Divide them into 2 equal piles.

2. Lay out the 1st stack of cards (10 pcs) in front of you in a horizontal sequence, pictures up. Remember the location of the cards.

3. Without swapping the cards, turn them face down.

4. Take the 2nd stack of cards and mix them well. Remember where the pair of each card is and put it side by side, face up.

5. Turn over 1 sequence of cards face up. If you did everything right, the pairs will match.


When memorizing, do not memorize the sequence of pictures, but mentally connect all the pictures together into an interesting, dynamic story.

Start over game.

This game can be played alone or in a company of 2-5 people.

How to play:

  1. Prepare 7-15 pieces of unpaired cards. Take the first card, say it out loud and turn it face down.
  2. The second player takes the second card. He repeats the first card aloud, names his own and, turning the picture down, puts it on the first one.
  3. The third player takes the third card. Repeats aloud the first, second and, having named the card just taken, puts it face down on the pile.
  4. All players take turns taking one card at a time, pronounce from memory all the cards taken before them and the newly taken one, and put it face down on the pile.
  5. Whoever forgets the order of the cards first is out of the game.
  6. The first player takes a card, calls it out loud and places it face down next to it.


Starting with the first card taken, we mentally link all the pictures into a story.

Despite the apparent simplicity, the game perfectly trains memory and attention. If you don't connect the pictures into a story, after a few repetitions, you first get stuck and you can't remember the pictures. There is nothing “magical” in this, on the contrary, everything is explained very simply: the amount of our RAM is limited, and if we do not use methods for memorization, we remember from 5 to 9 objects at best. At the trainings, we consider these issues in detail and learn to increase the capabilities of our memory.

The game "Mess on the table."

This game can be played in a company of 2-5 people.

How to play:

  1. Prepare any number of cards.
  2. Arrange the cards in a mess - there should be no rows or columns.
  3. Players for a limited time (for example, 1 minute) remember the location of the cards.
  4. Without changing the location, the cards are turned face down.
  5. Players take turns naming a card, revealing a suggested picture, and checking themselves.
  6. Players take the correctly guessed cards for themselves, and the incorrectly named ones remain open in their places.
  7. The player with the most cards wins.

Advice: Cards are easier to remember by linking to the interior of the room or the objects in this room that they are opposite. You can, in parallel with the method of the room (or Cicero), link the cards into a logical chain.

Train your memory and attention with pleasure!